Need Extra Cash? Sell "Don't Nee'ds" with a Classified Ad! Call 3824811 The Bulletin, Thursday, Outmoded fort system scrapped SAIGON, South Viet Nam, (UPI) Government troops are abandoning an outmoded sys tem of forts in the Mekong Delta in the face of mounting Communist pressure, it was learned today. The Delta, Viet Nam's rice bowl and main source of in come, is also one of the heavi est areas of Communist pene tration. It lies south of Saigon, between the capital and the South China seacoast. The last remaining symbols of central government authority for thousands of Vietnamese peasants are now being erased as the small detachments of of government troops in the old mud-walled forts are marched away. The withdrawing troops pull down the yellow and red striped government flags from the watchtowers where soldiers have guarded roads and canals and villages in the five south ernmost provinces making up the defense area of the Vietna mese 21st division. The price in blood has be come too great to hold the forts. At one time, the spike-studded moats and mud walls could hold back the badly armed guerrillas. But now, even barbed wire and minefields surrounding the fort do not offer enough protec tion against the mortars and other weapons of the Viet Cong. Since the military junta seized power last month, its of ficers have been reevaluating the government's tactics in the war against the Communists. The decision to pull out of the old forts was a result of that study. Moo receives birthday nofe from Nikifa MOSCOW (UPI) - Premier Nikita Khrushchev told Mao Tse Tung that the Soviet Communist Party is "tirelessly striving" for Communist unity in a birth day message to -the Chinese leader published in Pravda to day. Publication of the three-paragraph message on the Soviet Party organ's front page was the latest example of Khrushchev's "turning the other cheek" to Peking's personal insults, ac cording to western observers. But these analysts said the wording of the 70th anniversary message was noticeably cool, and the reference to Soviet strivings for unity implicity sug gested that the Chinese party under Mao was the cause of the widening gap. Also absent from the congrat ulations was a personal wish from Khrushchev. The message, signed by the Soviet leader and dated Dec. 25, was sent in the name of the Soviet Party Central Com mittee. THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month $1-50 Six Months , - $9 00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month Three Months . $1.50 . $4.00 Six Months ; $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The BuIletin-382-1811 . In Redmond-548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius Mrs. Pearl Viegas 543-4121 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1918. Published Every Afternoon except Sun . days and certain holidays by the . Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall C Danil AraAnn . - CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE - aU received oerre 4:S0 p.m. Mil appear in tn fcJuwins days paper. - The Bulletin will wt r rwp--nstblt tor mure than one incurred insertion, - -Low. KTrV rati (or muiuniy ui, 2 lines foe 1 2 lines tor 4 2 lines for 8 time only $1.50 times only $2.00 times only $3.25 - 4 tines for 1 4 lines for 4 time, only $2.00 times only $3.00 times only $5.00 time only $2.50 times only $4.00 times only $6.75 4 lines for 8 . 6 lines for 1 : 8 tines for 4 6 lines for 8 LOST? Oatsified LNDliX To Buy. .Sell. , .Trade Apartnwflts rt Rim - Aptltncw.lrHf. ' Aortlno S.IM AtmrtmnU r.fflb!wd Auliw tfn Tr6m cum ff IW. -- " December 26, 1963 15 ttahy "Utter KoaU Motors ButlnKta Uuixirt unities ... Building Ctmtraruirt .... Ifcrd nl TUanka . Contract ..... Iuca. t'nta. etc, ......... IfcmitttUc Srvlea ...... rami. Arr?A(fs farmers Ltalutito .. r'arm Machinery ........ Kwdi a Srts fuel. Vtml. Wood. OU ... fuel IVanb-d Funeral Plrrctors Funeral Services rum-mi Notices Help ttantfl Help nnt44l, Female ... Help Hantcti. Male lluu I'm Hers Housekeeping ItooraB .. ... ... n .... M iiuutes For Kent M instruct Ion-School u tn Memorlarn t Lenal Notices I Livestock 3$ Last & Found , u Ixits Building SHes , TV Livestock ft anted 3D Loans it) Machinery For Sale . m Machinery Hunted Mnstinlo rtotlces Miscellaneous For Kent t Miscellaneous For Sale ...... 3u Money to liao m Money Wanted t Motorcycles For Sale , , i Musical ln.itruraenu 32 Nurslnt Care 1 Personals , u Poultry. Kabblts " Heal Estate For Sale 80 Ituum. lloard an Sales People. Annti is service Directory w Situations l anted 13 Situations Unntefl. Female I. Situations Named- Male u SporUnians Column 43 wap Column " I'raller Spar ".." km I rucks-t railers y. Warned to Korron .... ' " L Wanted to Uuy " Wanted to Kent " "" 51 Wnniert. Kmiiii-Kflnrd " 55 1 -Legal Notice FOUND NOTICE TTnrlof t1r-A i XT inn iL. following rinir will Kq ffj sale at the city pound at 5:30 One white and brown bullOoe Emil K. Moen Chief of Police 17-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 2577 Tn ihn Tlicrr'ir.f rVu.-t t 41 State of Oregon for Deschutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tho linrlarcinn PDAir COYNER, has been appointed n? "uuuiusuaLor or we estate of VALERYANE ANDRAIEFF, Court. All persons having tiaiins estate are here by notified and required to pre sent the same, duly verified, as hv lau i-omiirArl n .1 dersigned at 83o' Wall Street j-iciiu, wiugon, wimin six months from the first publica tion of this notice in Tho Ftnllo- tin. Dated and first published De cember 26, 1963 CRAIG C. COYNER, Administrator of said es tate 17-22-28-34 -C NOTICE TO CREDITORS wo. 2571 In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE- TS HEREBY r.TVETJ that the undersigned, CRAIG wuijh,k, nas .Deen appoint, ed as Administrator of the es tate of CHARLES HAMILTON, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons hiving claims against estate are here by notified and required to pre sent the same, duly verified, as by law required, io the under signed at 830 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this no tice in The Bulletin. Dated and first published De cember 26. 1963. CRAIG C. COYNER. Administrator of said es tate 17-22-28-34-C NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Estate of Reinhold Kihlgrcn No. 2480 In the District Court of t h e State of Oregon for Deschutes Countv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Adminis tratrix, Betty Gene Erickson, of the estate of Reinhold Kihl gren, deceased, has filed her fi nal account in the above entitl ed court, and that January 10. 1964, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the Court Room of the above en titled court has been appointed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions thereto, if any, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published De cember 12, 1963. Date of last publication Janu ary 2, 1964. Betty Gene Erickson, Administratrix of said es tate THOMPSON & PERRINE, Attorney for said estate. 6-12-17-22-C NOTICE OF FILING APPLI CATION FOR A CHANGE IN PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION OF WATER Notice is given hereby that Ross B. Hammond had filed an application lor the approval of a change l;i place of use and goint of diversion of water from nuaw Creek. In the Squaw Creek adjudica tion proceedings, a water right was established in the name of R. J. Griffith for the use of the waters of Squaw Creek thru the Claypool Ditch for the irri gation oi, among other lands, 8 acres in the NELi NEVi and 22 acres in the SEVi NE'i, Sec. 8. T. 15 S., R. 1.1 E., W.M., with a date of priority of 1886, and for the use of the waters of Squaw Creek thru the Grif fith Ditch for the irrigation of 4 acres in the NE!i WE'-i. 28 acres in the SW'4 NEH and 18 acres In the SEV4 NKVi, said Sec. 8, with a date oi priority of 1900. The Claypool and Grif fith ditches are one and the same and the point of diversion is located 910 ft. S. and 160 ft. E from the WVi comer of Sec. 9 ' and being within the NWi SW!4. said Sec. 9, T. 15 S., R. 10 E W.M. The applicant herein, owner of the lands above described. ra to transfer the water right with a date of priority of ISS6 to 15 acres in the NW'4 FW'-i and 15 acres in the SWty SW"4, Sec. 11. and the water right with a date of priority of 1900 to 22 acres in the NEty NE'i and 38 acres in the NW'i NE'i, Sec. 15. all being in Township 15 South, Range 10 East, W.M., and to irrigate these lands bv means of the Uncle John Ditch, the point of diversion of said ditch being located 200 ft. N. and 1150 ft. E. from the SW corner of Sec. 21, and being within the SW"i SWW, said Sec. 21, T. 15 S., R. I 10 E., W.M. All persons interested are not- 1 -Legal Notices ified hereby that a hearing will be held at Bend, Oregon, on February 10, 1964, at 9:30 a.m. All objections to the proposed change, if any there are, will be heard at said time and place. Any objections shall be prepared in writing, one copy to be served on Ross B. Ham mond, P.O. Box 2111, Portland 14, Oregon, and one copy filed with the State Engineer, Salem, Oregon, together with a $2 fil ing fee, at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing. If no objections are filed, the ap plication may be approved by the State Engineer without a hearing. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this lSlh day of November, 19G3. CHRIS L. WHEELER, State Engineer 12-17-22-C 6-Masonic Notices BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF&AM Thurs., Dec. 26, 8 p.m. David Y. Wilson, W.M. 8-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780. or Redmond 548-3606. I WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Rudolph H. Ackerman 10-Lost & Found LOST: Checkbook in First Na tional Bank. Finder please call 382-2160. . . . 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Rend 382-2151 18-Help Wanted Male OPENING FOR a working shop foreman. Must be capable of writing shop repair orders. Apply in person. Sig Tomczak Ford, Redmond. PART TIME Olson Rug dealer. See advertisement under Busi ness Opportunities. - 19-Help Wanted Female WANTED: Advertising Copy writer. Prefer someone with experience, hut will train per son who can type, use words and is alert and . willing to learn. Write Box 1226A, care The Bulletin. WANTED PART-TIME house- keeper 382-3152 20-Service Directory STANLEY HOME PRUDUCTS Marilyn BuU 382-0268 HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or Small All work guaranteed. 636 W. Deschutes 548-3320 . . Redmond BEV'S REWEAVING Clothing-upholstery-Rugs Next to Tom Tom Motel Free Estimates 382-1948 GEORGE NETTA COMPANY Drywall interiors, hanging and fininshing gvpsum wallboard. Phone 382-5279 - if no answer after 3:00 P.M. APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL SMALL APPLIANCES Irons, mixers, toasters, coffee makers, waffle irons. Any make or model. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. : 382-2821 SEWING AND alterations, men and women. Expert work, 10 years with Maste'rcraft Clean ers. Pat Taylor, 418 Division, 382-2338. WILL DO ironing in my home, 382-3416. JANITOR SERVICE. Floors, walls, windows, and general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud's Cleaning Service, 382-2780 or 382-1920. PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates. Anderson 382-2043. t U KM ITU RE REF1N1SH1NG Work guaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REF1NISH1NG LADIES Alterations and dress making. Experienced. Mrs. Shepardson. 3B2-U44. JIM'S TV SERVICE $3.50 Service Call 382-3027 TV & RADIO REPAIR APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS, DRYERS. FREEZ ERS. REFERS. WATER HEATERS, FURNACES. All makes. MIKES ELECTRIC 382-5312 22-Building Sup.-Cont. Redecorate any room in the house for Christmas . . . With Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-Finished PANELING Here Is nature's own beauty marks that makes any room a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finished paneling available anywhere. 5 shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH . PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A -GRADE Pre-finished MAHOGANY PANELING 4x8 sheet 6.88 Gifts from Miller's TOOLS Miller's has everything for the do-it-yourselfer! Black and Decker Power Tools, hand saws, hammers, screwdriver sets, etc. . PING PONG TABLE TOPS . 5'x9 unfinished Also a wide variety of table legs for your coffee table, end tables, etc. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard S&H Green Stamps on all cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 26-Loans NOW... for all of Central Oregon, comes one of the Pacific Northwest's largest mortgage brokers . . . Commonwealth, inc. Portland, Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all types of real estate financing, FHA, VA. Con ventional. Existing home refinancing. New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere In Cen tral Oregon Lowest possible financing rates See Us FIRSTS Commonwealth, Inc. Bend. 382-123? 30-Miscellaneous for Sale FOR RAWLEIGH Products call 382-1694. SALE CONTINUES Y.D. Sugar I5 ...... $2.10 Country Boy Peanut Butter (Our own make & brand) 2 2 oi. ............. 92c Gal. jar 9 $3.35 Whole Wheat Flour (Our own grind) 5 .. 60c I0 .. $1.03 Hundreds of Bargains Phone & Mail Orders Welcome. We pay all postage or freight. Organic Health Foods Old Bend-Redmond Hiway 548-3402 Redmond, Oregon - LEASING - : Autos-Trucks ; "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, businessmen or profes sional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 East -Franklin 382-2222 TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, excava tions. 382-5161. WESTSIDJS 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn & Misc DON'T MERELY brighten your carpets. . .uiue L,usire mem . . .eliminate rapid resoihng Rent electric Fhamoooer. $1. Western Auto Assoc. Store, 903 Wall, Bend, Oregon SKIS, USED once, with bind ings, S40. Boy's 24 Inch bicycle 514. iXi-bivi. Remember the HEALTHWAY SPECIALTY SHOP for all your holiday CANDIES NUTS FRUITS , See the many varities of Health Foods at your local Health Store. HEALTHWAY SPECIALTY SHOP 624 Franklin 382-0564 Vi blk. from P.O. on Franklm 31-Appliances, Furniture DAVENPORT AND chair, good condition. Jii-b4a3. RECONDITIONED and euaran teed ranges and refrigerators. Ranges from $39.50. Refrigera tors from S49.50. Oregon Equipment Company, 165 East Greenwood. TWENTY-ONE inch TV console, walnut, 0552 after 6 p.m. Motorola $65. 382- BARGAIN TREE Everything New & Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Tradel J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. 382-2202 -L-'t' 'D1'1" No. Pioneer Park LATE MODEL deluxe Frigi- daire refrigerator. No down payment OAC. $7.00 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Third & Greenwood. HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE The following items of furniture and appliances have been re possessed end will be told in an entire group: Kelv. 30" elec. range, Kelv. 12 ft. Refg, Kelv. auto, washer, Kelv. dry er, 10 piece dinette set, 3 piece bedroom set, complete with box springs and mattress, daveno with matching chair, 2 end tables and coffee table. This entire group may be pur chased, nothing down and $50.00 per month. This mer chandise is less than one year old and everything is In perfect condition. HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE "Home of Kelvinator Appliances" "Central Oregon's Only Self-Service Furniture Store" Minnesota Ave. next to fire hall EASY TERMS Phone 382-3324 32-MusicaI Instruments ONLY TO fine Gulhransen Organs left from Cnnstmas We want these out before in ventory time January 1. Come In for a special deal. Hem mlngson Piano & Organ Serv 32-MusicaI Instruments FINE 120 bass Soprani accor dion, used only short time, cost $350 new. Will sell or trade for good upright piano. 382-0210. AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 929 WaU St. 382-1393 Home of the famous HAMMOND ORGAN "Music's Most Glorious Voice" Give the finest . . . Give a HAMMOND! CLARINET AND saxophone Ted Thorson, 548-2384, Red. mond. 10-Farmer's Column tfUY, SELL or trade all types horses. Wanted, chicken feed, horses. Madras 475-3439 or 475 2148 LOCKER MEAT now, Vi young beef J9c lb. Vi young pork iac m. (jut to oraer tree. Midstate Meat 382-3651 GRAIN FED Whiteface steer around 700 lbs., just ready to Diucner. tic pouna uve weigin. 382-3818. 42-Poultry. Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry kill ing. No poultry received after December 16, 1963. 74U Ji. First. 382-1042. 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. PUPPIES FOR Christmas: Poo- dles, Terriers, Chihuahuas and Pekes. Boarding, electric heat. rtanch Pet Kennels, 382-3634. JUST IN time for Christmas, blonde female Pekingese, 2 rionths old, $25. 382-3970, 45-Sportmen's Column REMINGTON-760 3006 "with case $75. 382-3860. 47-Wanted to Buy GUNS WA$TEp, nil types and moacis. up prices paia. Bena Surplus Sales. 920 Bond Street. WANTED: UTILITY trailer. Must be reasonable. 382-5117. 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood. Oil GOOD BODY wood, quick de livery, 382-1426. 56-Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM duplex, some utilities paid, 382-5197. 58-Houses for Rent ONE BEDROOM house $T5T 597JW1. 382-6802. TWO-THREE bedroom house. and separate unit. $75 or $90. Redmond. Ideal for large fam ily or roomers. Ed Kelsay, Rj;altor: A REAL cozy 3 bedroom home, central heat, double garage. Large lot next to grade school. Ready for rental January 1st. $75 per month. 1219 Lexington Avenue. Two BEDROOM, fui-nished or unfurnished. 382-5109. 59-Houses Furnished ONE BEDROOMJ$50i382-6451. SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 adults. Water, cable furnished. 382 1358 after 6 p.m. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall 382-3752 70-Business Opportunities FLYING "A" station for lease. Equipment furnished. Outstand ing rental terms. Days, phone 382-1921. evenin gs. 382-5643. OLSON RUG CO. Part time opportunity as exclu sive dealer in Bend for nation ally famous Olson Reversible Rugs. No investment, deliver ies, or collections. We give some leads and sales help. Also openings The Dalles, Pendle ton, LaGrnnde. For local inter view write R. Nelson, 10410 S.E. 16, Bellevue, Washington. Do it now! 73-Real Estate Wanted WANT RANCH near Redmond area that will handle 75 head of cattle. Have mobile home ns part payment. Write care The Bulletin Box 1224A. 80-Real Estate for Sale BUILDERS' SPECIAL. Finished basement, wired, plumbed and livable. Ready for new home. Sots on 3' city lots. Two blocks from river, close to tov.-n;382-3996L EAST bIDE 2 beHroom home. $6000. Terms arranged. 382- NEW 3 bedroom home, built-in oven and range. $13,500 full price. Just $740 for owner's equity and assume FHA mort gage, payable $100 month. Owner transferred. Call 382 4549. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third 382-2743 80-Real Estate For Sale RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin You can fish from your own front yard In this beautiful setting on the Deschutes River. We have just listed this outstanding 4 bedroom home located on 10 acres with 1400 ft. frontage on the river, Paved drive from main road leads to property. Only 10 minutes from Bend. Home has 2 fireplaces, 2 living rooms, dining room, 2 baths, a den for father, and an en closed 4 car garage. All electric. Wall to wall carpeting throughout. Drapes included. This truly is one of the finest homes in this area. Priced at $57,500. IF YOU are interested In trading a home in town for a good 40 acre ranch with 26 acres C.O.I, water and 60 acres adjoining BLM lease with 3 bedroom home, large stock pond and new cistern, contact this office. WE HAVE some unimproved land left clow to Bend, ranging in price from $40.00 per acre to $75 per acrt. Klcth Jr. 382-1658 10-Real Estate for Sale I KICED FOR quick sale, three bedroom home, Highway 97 South. Close in 382-3592 after 5 pm. SELECT THREE bedroom, 2 baths, family room, fireplace, choice location. Sell or option 382-6434. The Land Mart SET YOUR $ WORTH. You'll like this 15 x 20 living room with adjoining dining room. Light, cheer ful kitchen with nook. 2 nice sized bedrooms and bath. Oil furnace heat. At tractive enclosed patio with fireplace. Large garage with extra room which can be used for guest room or hobby shop. ' Good location. Paved street. Shade trees. $10, 600, terms. CLOSING ESTATE 2 bedroom modern home, 2 lots. $5,000.00 with $1,. 000 down. The Land Mart Arleigh Black, Realtor 811 Wall St. Bond 382-5121 Branch Offices Redmond. The Dalles Evenings Joe Tilden 382-2766 Jim Lance 382-5766 Bob Lilienthal 382-6363 VERN LARSON Real Estate and Appraiser FHA-GI-Other Federal Agencies 1496 Quincy Ave. 382-5297 Bend AN IMMACULATE 3 BR on E. side, wwall carpet, fireplace, dishwasher, large bedrooms, ' close to pool and school. Only $15,200 with low FHA down payment. . A CUTE 2 BR with basement, large garage, neat as a pin. $10,500 with low FHA down payment. Will GI too. VIEW PROPERTY, 3 BR, wwall carpet, fireplace. One 01 Bend's better homes, $19,500. ALL 3 available for Christmas. Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 Harold Phillips, Realtor . EXCELLENT Eastside 3 bed room home, fireplace, 2 baths. Electric heat, attached garage. Only $19,800. NICE 2 bedroom home, large living room and kitchen, 4 basement, gas furnace, close to Kenwood school. Price $10,250. SMALL HOUSE close in. A value. Possession January 1st. $3250 - $500 down. Evenings Frnnck 382-1273 Farley 382-6130 Phillips 382-0571 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor MAIN OFFICE 822 Wall St. 382-1761 5 ACRE RETREAT in the LaPino woods. For the hunter, fisherman or vacation ist, who wants to get away from it all, and still be close to all types of recreation. Rustic cabin has living room and kitchen combination, large bedroom that will sleep six. Used brick fireplace. Cot tage is serviced with 220 volt power for air conditioner, range, etc. Most of the fur nishings are included in the price of $5995 . $1,000 down, balance at $50 per month in cluding interest. Evenings Harvey 382-4686 Hap 382-1318 Swede 382-2962 IN ORDER That we may give our people a well-deserved holiday, we at Russell's will be closed until Jjnuary first. May you enjoy the holiday season to Its fullest. RUSSELL'S REALTY 233 Oregon Avenue 382-3031 382-6772 Kleth Sr. 382-3105 SO-Real Estate for Sale Beautiful Acreage Outstanding 3 bedroom home on 1.8 acres, only a mile from town. Carpeted living room, drapes, fireplace with glass doors. Separate dining room. Kitchen with built-in oven and range. 2 full baths. Utility room. Thermopane windows, weatherstripping. 1.8 acres C.O.I, water with M2 h.p. pump for sprinkler system in cluded. All of acreage planted in pasture and lawn. NEW Now available. Office space for doctor or dentist finished to suit. Call Rick Arra'e . Swarens Town & Country . Realty 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Rick 382-4500 Jim ArnU 382-5243 Arnie 382-4475 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor BRANCH OFFICE 1233 E. 3rd. 382-1799 "Where Parking Is A Pleasure 5 BEDROOMS - Full basement. 2 full baths. 30' x 16' combi. nation dining and living room Stone fireplace. Family kitchen with breakfast nook. Separate utility room. Oversized garage Paved street. Reduced . for quick sale. Only $10,600. mediate possession. 415 ft. highway frontage on U.S. 97 North and Highway 20, across from new Standard Station. $15,000.00. Evenings LARRY KEOWN-Asso. Broker Res. Ph. 382-2395 Jav Scott-Salesman 382-0834 Tony Vogel-Salesman 382-2977 91 -Form Machinery MAKE" OFFER AC, model B, tractor with two 16-lnch bottom plows. AC culti vator, John Deere No. 5 mow er, Henderson loader. 382-5752. MAKE OFFER Nine-foot side delivery Case rnko, Case barnyard spreader on rubber, 500-gallon gas tank with stand, hose and gauge. Spring tooth and spike tooth. 382-5752. 94-Mobile Homes f95FUNWERALtniiler, lTYtT x 45 ft., 44 ft. canvas awning, a!r conditioned, fully carpeted. SacTifice.$3,25b. 382-6757 100-Autos for Sale 1962 FORD 4 door Galaxie 500 Automatic transmission, power steering ana DraKes. ivaaio anu heater. Real nice. OUR PRICE 2195 MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181East Franklin 382-2222 NO CASH? We have some cars and trucks that you can assume payments on O.A.C. Phone 382-2448 for Information, Hal Wilson Auto Sales, 160 E Greenwood, Bend. BEN JACQUES CHEVY" CITY Cen. Oregon's Exclusive Chevro let Dealer-548-2141 REDMOND 1903 DODGE Dart economy car, model 270. Take over pay- jnents. Phone 382-2491. 1956 STUDEBAKER 1 Urn truck. hoist and stock racks, good tires, 382-37111. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN panel de livery, $1,050. Excellent me. chanical condition, low mile age, good tires. 382-1151, 382- 1878 or 3822374. RED'S AUTO SALES USED CARS-We specialize In 55 56-57 and 58s. No down pymt. O.A.C. Ask about our lifetime warranty. 148 N. 6th REDMOND 548-2323 100-Autos THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD BY THE END OF THIS YEAR Best Offer Over These Prices Take These Cars 1961-FALCON 2 door, 8 cyl.,' stic $ 85a 1961-STUDEBAKEK pickup, V8. aut. transm $1065 1959-CHEVHOl.ET station wagon, 6 cyl., stick $ 965, 1956- FOHD 2 door, V8, stick $ 250 1957- VOLKSWAGEN 2 door J 625 1958- FORD station wagon, loaded with extras $ 745 1958-MEIICURY 2 door, V8, auto, transm t 575 1956- CIIEVHOLET 4 door, 6 cyl., stick $425 IM2-JKEP $ 328 1957- PONTTAC 4 door hardtop, loaded with extras $528 1963.GALAXIE 500, 4 door. Retail Price $3780. NOW $2650 1963-FORD Vt ton 4 wheel drive. Retail Price $3960. NOW $285ft SIG TOMCZAK FORD ? Redmond, Oregon 100-Autos for Sale liiuo rUKD bJAIlON wagop 4 door Radio, heater, power steering, new engine. S1095. Redmond S4H-2S47 ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS E. Second Sc Franklin ECONOMICAL . WAGON '63 RAMBLER 4 door station wagon. Radio, heater, standard transmission, low mileage. Real clean. WE HAVE several cheap second cars for the family that wants economical transportation. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood "OK" USED CARS ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Because they are QUALITY A RECONDITIONED . in our AUTHORIZED " CHEVROLET ; Service Dept. Over 40. ; "OK" USED CARS and TRUCKS ON DISPLAY and every one carries a , PRICE LABEL Shop and Compare BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac "OK" USED CAR LOT 235 E. Greenwood SS2-6131 Across from Wagner's VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating car fa the world. Complete service & parts avaiU able. We invite your inspec tion of our facilities. Ask our salesmen about tha 100 guarantee on both used and new Volkswagens. SEE MEL & BOS BEFORE YOU BliYl- MID-ORESON MOTORS, Inc. Phone 382-1711 - ' Evenings Phone ' . Mel Rogerson 382-3864 Bob Mostetler 382-6791 VOLKSWAGEN; So. City Limits Bend, Oregon 1961 FORD . Galaxie 2 door hardtop V8 engine, automatic transmis sion, radio and heater. Clean. OUR PRICE ' 1895 T MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181East Franklin 382-2221 COMPLETE ; SELECTION i OF Used Cars and Trucks NOW DON'S USED CARS 1 blk. so. of Greenwood on Srd for Sale 1 Greenwood 382-4301 ice, South 7, call 382-5177. Roger Griffin 382-523S