4 OUT OUR WAY 1 JUST MISSTEP TH' KEY WHEW I GOT RIGHT MER6--I DOWT KNOW WHERE I PROPPED IT- SAY, WHAT'RE MX) P0IW6 WITH YOUR SHOES OFF YOU'LL CATCH TH' STEVE CANYON fillll REX MORGAN. M.D. CAPTAIN EASY C7I WHISPERS' THE KAUWAK PROP WKIT pwaNeDTO WTO FOLLOW" FoTEET CANYON JTV WASHIN-5ION...lJ-'j,lB THE AMENITIES... II SON, WHY THE iSwifl SETTLES 6SATE- III Ifl--Tr-rffltC3 SPIT " k wf ' ' 1 II E-O.T.C. UNIFORM? tW FULLY INTO THE LIK, 4 'SV9fM Wf eESeoVP?Y THIS ' U VSJU DoNT HAVE I HOLIDAY SPIRIT AT '.lWflrl F ilP 91 V THfe PUJJ It TO CO BACK TO ftfl HAPPY EASTER'S fYhU JE II HAVE A 13 II V BOULDER FOR A A dick"tracy " 1 ' ' "O d o 0'0- PCA THAT lMV BOV COT A .22 RIFLE Id Y WHAT DO VOU ? , ' , r,..,N SCARECROW. yQ-pS FOR CHRISTMAS AND HE WAS MEAN -OCCUPIED? J f WHAT5 THE BDEAL ) X? i. PRACTICINO SHOOTING AT rVT '.V-gyO"T HERE? 7 g?V4S ..L- Sg SCARCECRCW, WHEN- 0 6 VWCT LI'LABNER ALUS -aj THE LITTLE OLD 3LASS- AND,JUDGING FROrA III (WORK) BUT-VJE'RE X CPT,5s BLOWER FROM VENICE, THE SHAPE HE'S IM- J I KW. I MOST I SUPPOSED rKJV: SENIUNI,cJUSTARRIVED.7 1 IT'LL BE HIS LAST BE C-v TDPLTTTHE I J-jX: HE'S RE ALTV TO BLOW HIS y ONE , . r-SSH" STOPPED.'.,XBDOFOK,THE j o GREATEST T gEC QASTERECE ' Lj-lgf-ITU ' T flPPHRENTLY HE TB BUT JEflNIES ONE OF L5.' THREE YEARS W f INCIDENTALLY, ssl 5flW HER O0ING; 1" J" lTHINK5IT'SJEANIE4' .AGO SHE WAS OUST A KID WHO SOUNDED M JEANIE'S LATE r INTO NERffSOFFICE T I DONT FIGURE NERrA'f WHO'S BEEN PACKING LIKE AMATEUR NIGHT...UNTIL YOU ZM -AGAIN FOR 4 S. ABOUT THIRTY 'A AL' WHY'S HE MOVINO K THEM IN-.NOT US TAUGHT HER TO BELT r , -y -UT REHEARSAL C MINUTES AGO.') INO --, fSf r THAT WAS I f 1 WHL, lf TIME We alT OOIN' WIP Ol PAT PERFORMANCE OKS DUH-H-.I PONT fr?my PUH-H.,.5na W HAIRT we was Pi BAa FULIA MtKEE TOP SECRETS, PAL- TO PECOV Any SPV IM J &E6 N060PV VoE; 4. OR HIPE OF PAT TOLP HE'S fV BEFORS SOME Sf TRIES TO DAS ITJ - PA JOINTi 0N! Jf FOLLERW, VET iffiS Nfcp p0Pi ynK2 'IW! I Sm 1 I II '111 TSS " i r-rl fUT PEV'S 5TILL 1 raWwl HE'S WINN" t',.'illL.Tl I I ME &rj4 eyein'uout Tlra till we i WrJ I I 4- I U H .ftmy t WINPER4 ! yjy0ff SHARP! MARY WORTH PCTST ! r- it3 I WHIKE tl5t 6HOLHD A DUTIFUL WIFE I fV. T Aifrr i-l UU HAVETOi USEB '" RS?i,lri r" II 771 EiDARUNS? DINNER Will BE READY lSLjZ TO THAT, VlNCEi-BECALBf. IM I y?NTHEEVENINS tlU-ARE 1 L'' AS SOON A5 VOU AKtl-BUT TAKE FrVmivl NEVER COMINfi BACti! J a OF UlLlS AN6RV L, VVOU-HERt!' !,'fjS TIME FOR A NICE 5H0WER1 VCU MUfT I TEi?Ji IN FACT, I'M NEVER fiOIHS J I i B WALK-OUT, VINCE JifcTU BE READY TO COLLAPSE- AFTER A &C NEAR, "THE UUJPUT SHOP'V I TI'arVnT j(J' j HARD JH MARKET ';?'iS ALLEY OOP I ftV'.?4lVl'.6X,'SSS ( tSN-TTtWA .'SYEH.AN'THEYVE I I MAYBE NOT, BUT TO XJ"" V TYRANNOSAURt J TERRIBLE THJS -THEYREL BETTER vTAH. AW A f &ZX ff ' V V BUT U BE ALL PRACTKALLYN OUT ON HARC f I THINK OL sV5. 'tf'SSr8? 1( V. RHT OUT HERE, NEVER SO I GROUND WITH V PINNY ? Xt:W h fit THINK- S INTODEfcP J PLENTY OP VOULB,TC0!'J Z'lf'A 32334 PNEUMOWIA FROM A E"1 I T "V. J ?iZZ?rd SHiH?TEC' cONPrnoM. 3( ' OPERA TO W.6 1 3UST AM OF STUFFYtJ AWS& J3 MUSIC? 6AV.TJO YOO LAV MVS reffSSi, i AWAKE NISHT4 tHINK-V 2tY&S&S. THINGS-LOOK fH I INS OP SASS LltfE fHl'5, 17 , teSRggglr wm -ru'r, 76" J7 PERFORMANCE, S THE OPERA 16 -J MXmmfe?mM 1 RENTED Rt WLlK HEV ONl AX SOT tHEV EN30Y OP COURSS I SUSS I BUT BACK EAST THE AIR, I F ffijJT SENT VOTE Lit EIKI WRCE R.O.T.C. MEMBERS I flL' PeEIPVTTD I BARELY TO OBSfZVfi I ' OUR BOARDING HOUSE 6HUT SEE HAS AND TLLCOM& i i THERE ARB PHONE CALLS AND TELEGRAM TO THE DENVER AREA... AND SOME PAHENTOL-BEACTI0N4 with MAJOR HOOPLE UP.' GOANdHh.EY'R6 COINS 1fc IP THE- TAK.I f( HEAR AN OPERA COME M6Tf--Wrtrt A LOT OP LISTEHTOME: ( FISWTIN3 AMO IF YOU START CRAC-XMgLLIMS IN IT, . IMS YOUR CUEWIN& f 60 "THEY'LL SOWDURINa-THEA FEEL AT HOME1. Performance,, S -the opeea is -j DOVJM IN ITALIAN! HEAMVoNTKAX S t 80TW6VEN30Y CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, PApJ GOTTA RENDEZVOUS w TH I Air. force r.t.c.jokers FROM COLORADO STATS COLLEGE AND COLORADO J ' Mfl l MA Ik TH b Cl M M The Bulletin, Thursday, DENNIS, THE MENACE 'sure ito uans stue. You iwulont want the vah. tuawyijay(w3ULDyA2 Television in review Dreadful 'Glynis' replaced with Tell It to the Camera' By Rick Du Brow UPI Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD (UPI) The idea of CBS-TV's new series, "Tell It to the Camera," which had a Christmas debut Wednes day night, is that people get a chance to pop off on various subjects coast-to-coast. The idea actually could be in triguing and stimulating if those interviewed were allowed Chou winds up Algerian visit ALGIERS (UPI) Communist Chinese Premier Chou En-lai wound up his six-day visit to Algeria today with a final round of political talks aimed at bringing closer ties between Pe king and the government of President Ahmed Ben Bella. Chou, apparently ignoring Arab quarrels which have split Morocco from Algeria and the U.A.R., planned to fly to Rabat Friday on the next stop of his African tour. The probable results of his visit here will be an increase in Sino-Aleerian trade. Chou has visited Algerian industrial and agricultural complexes, includ ing the Kernel trucK tactory and a petroleum and chemical plant near Oran. Unconfirmed reports said a deal for Chinese purchase of Algerian wines and Algerian made trucks was being consid ered. Police break up near riot PORTLAND (UPI) - Police broke up a near riot involving 200 Gypsies at Norse Hall here Wednesday afternoon. One youth was hospitalized and another was arrested. Jim Marks, about 20. was taken to Emanuel Hospital with severe gashes in his left arm. He was knocked down between two cars parked outside the hall. Dicki Marks, 21, was taken in to custody on a charge of dis orderly conduct. . . December 26, 1963 13 I l MUM I to pop off on matters that real ly count, and in some depth but ot course they are not. This new half-hour entry re places the dreadful mystery comedy series of Miss Glynis Johns, entitled "Glynis," which was axed. And the producer of "Tell It to the Camera" is Al len Funt, who has the high- rated program "Candid Cam era." In "Candid Camera," people do not know they are being photographed, and part of its popularity seems to stem from the pleasure of many per sons at seeing others embar rassed. In "Tell It to the Camera," people know they are being photographed, and one there fore wonders whether the mass audience will find satisfactions to match the thrills of watching other human beings made fun of. People are sometimes funny, and therefore "Tell It to the Camera" was sometimes funny though it ;s beyond me why anyone would want to watch someone answer a question about his worst Christmas gift. Another man, asked to think of a joke, was hilarious in his inability to come up with one, and the sequence thankfully was not cruel. Still another man, asked what he would choose if he could have only one type of food for the rest of his life, said: "gin. . .because at least I would be relatively happy." Needless to say, of course, people are sometimes not fun ny, and I spare you Wednesday night's details in that vein. The main point is that a show that concentrates on such trivia leaves one feeling even after an amusing remark that there must be many more entertain ing ways to spend a half hour. The Channel Swim: "CBS Sports Spectacular" Jan. 12 of fers the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team in Rome, tour ing the Holy City and visiting Italy's Boys' Town. . .NBC-TV's children's show, "Exploring," tells the story of Andrew Jack son in a study of mi'itary life Jan. 18. . .remarks by the late President Kennedy will be pre sented on the premiere of ABC TV's new series for youngsters, "Science All-Stars," Jan. 12. most people do better at PACIFIC INVESTMENT HOME LOANS ... as low as S ... as long as 30 years . up to 75 of appraised 1036 Wall 382 - Two youngsters bring happiness to Mrs. Kennedy PALM BEACH, Fla. (UPD The infectious joy of Caroline and John Kennedy at Christmas time brought happiness to the mourning wife of the late Presi dent. For one of the few times since the death of her husband, Mrs. John F. Kennedy acknow ledged the greetings of a crowd of about 150 well-wishers who gathered outside the ocean-front mansion of her father-in-law, former Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy. She smiled and waved a white-gioved hand Wednesday as she entered a car to travel the two miles to the estate where she is staying with her two child ren. The first Christmas for the Kennedy family without the as sassinated President was a quiet one presents were opened, then church and then a family dinner. Caroline, 6 and three-year-old "John John" were up early and dived into a huge pile of gifts with the well-known Kennedy exuberance. Mrs. Kennedy looked on and occasionally gave John Jr. a helping hand with a tightly wrapped package he couldn't open fast enough. John, who apparently inherit ed his father's fondness for the Navy, got a toy boat. A family spokesman said the youngster also got a helicopter and some airplanes. His sister received several dolls and "girl's toys." The children, caught up in the excitements of their pres ents, were allowed to remain at home while Mrs. Kennedy drove to the nearby residence of her father-in-law for a private mid day Mass. DOORBELL TOUCHES BLAST NANCY, France (UPI) A friend who dropped by to wish Jean Crippas and his family a Merry Christmas pushed the doorball Wednesday and the house was rocked by a violent explosion. A spark from the electric doorbell ignited a pocket of leaking gas. Fire destroyed part of the house but there were no injuries. COUNTY COURT BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the Countv- Court held this 4th day of December, 1963, aU members being present, the foUowing business was transacted: IN THE MATTER OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY : The following bills were presented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND: D. L. Pen hollow, Co. Judge AOC Conv. $67.35. F. C. Sfioles, Sheriff Conv., $75. George F. Baker, Co. Ct. Conv., $49.80. F. C. Shepard, Co. Ct. Conv., $50. 45. Hiltje Hubbard, Health Dept. Mileage. $42.47. Mar ione Snider, Health Dept. Mileage. $57.42. Geraldine Lind strom. Health Dept. Mileage, $41 12. Lenor Thornton. Health Dent. MUeaee. Sdv.44. Helen Marcy. Mental Health MUe- age, S41.40. A. W. Westfall. Health Dept. Mileage, .$36.69. Leonard r. Peterson, neann Dept. Mileage. $13.64. C. J. Rademacher, M.D., Med. In vest.. $60. Samuel F. Toevs. M. D.. Med. Invest.. S60. Pac. Pow er & Light Co., Mental Health. $1.25. Nursing Outlook, Health Dept. bunp., sx. Manoney of fice Eauia. M. H. Sudd.. $8.- 01. Am. Orthopsvchiatric Assoc., M. H. Exp.. $2150. Lois M. Dearth, Health Dept. Supp.. $8.51. Redmond Spokesman, Le gal s.va: Assessor $333.- 74. P.P. & L. Co.. Ct. Hse. Lis.. $20.86. Wagners. Pns. Bd.. $255.33. Owl Pharmacy. Sher. 2.20; Jail 1.98. $4.18. Ca's cade Natural Gas Corp., Ct Hse. Heat, S343.56. Boys & Girls Aid Soc. Juve.. $5. Cent-Wise Drug Stores. Assessor Sudd.. $168.12. Farley Elliott. Postmas- value 1421 o O ter, Assessor Pol in g, " Bend Trov Laundrv, Jail $16. 14; Ct. Hse. S6.39, $!2 53. Hill's Auto Shop, Sher. Auto, $48. 95. Chamness Glass k Paint Supp., Jail Exp., $6.97. Dept. Motor Vehicles. Sl.er. Tele type, $36.50. Sexton Supp. & Saw Serv Ct. Hse. Exp., $ 85. Al Sears. Assessor Auto, $44. 01. Gordon Randall Agency, As sessor Bond, $25. Mize Plb. & Heating, Ct. Hse. Exp., $7. Ore. Ass'n. Co. Treas., Treas. Dues, $17. Helen M. Dacey, AOC Conv., $22.30. Signal Oil Co , Co. Ct. Travel, $6.65. Louis L. Selken. D A. Travel. $28.. 90. Vvco Prod. Co.. Ct. Hse. exp., $61.35. John H. Newman, Ct. Rep., $50.60. Texaco, Inc., Sher. Auto, $12.52. Ore. Hdw. Dist , Ct. Hse. Exp., S1.39. Paul R. Henderson, Ct. H:e. Exp., $50. Burroughs Corp . Sher. $250.; Assessor $671.20. $921.20. Postmaster. VSO Postage, $10. H. A. Starr. VSO Travel, $43.44. Frank Ostli. Director, VSO Supp., $9. Shell Oil Co., Assessor Car, S7 36. Bend RexaU Drug. Jail Exp.. $1.39. Cent. Ore. Dist. Hosp., D A. Crime Inv., $5. Business Equip. Center, Assessor Off. Sunp., $84.17. Nat'l. Sheriffs' Ass'n., Sher Direct. $12.50: Ins. $J2. 50, $55. Bender-Moss Co., Cire. Ct. Bks., $16. Addressograph Mult. Corp., Assessor Supp., $258.82. Wm. C. James. C.D. Travel, $38.82. Al Jorgensen, C. D. Travel, $9.25. Poratello Sup. ply Depot. Rodent Cont., $124. 10. Bend - Portland Truck Serv., Rodent Cont., $4. Eriksen's Sta. tionery. Assessor $10.04: Dist. Judge $3.86, $13.90. Mahoney Ofc. Equip., Assessor $19.76; Sheriff S11.66; Co. Ct. $20.53; Clerk 36.27: Dist. Ct. $4.50. $92. 72. Mahoney Off. Equip., CD Off. Supp., $3.33. Pac. North west Bell., Tele. Various Of fices. $397.23. Bend Water Dept., Ct. Hse. Water, $18.80. The Bui letin. Legal, $34.79. AOC Ha waiian Trade Mission. Adv., $20. SIAC, Acc. Ins., $89.33. F. C. Sholes, Tax Dept. Post age, $25. DOG LICENSE FUND: Rich field Oil Corp.. Gas, $9.26. SIAC, Acc. Ins., $3.20. DESCHUTES COUNTY SUN SET HOME FUND: Capital City Transfer Co., Fuel Oil, $539.16. GENERAL ROAD FUND: Charles Plummer. Conv. Exp , $54.10 Pac. Northwest Bell, Tel., $43 35. Sherwln- Williams Co . Hdw , $12.65. Cascade Na tural Gas Corp . Fuel, $33.43. Feenaughty Mach. Co., Parts, $7.40. Eddie's Sales & Service, Parts, S3.08. Cent. Ore. Welders Supp., Pts., $33.10. Bend Spec. Service. Pts., $7.24. Bend Wa ter Dept., Water, $3.40. Bend Hardware Co., Hdw., $24.45. Hudson House. Inc., Gen. Exp., $5.50. Robberson Ford Sales, Pts., $72. Howard Cooper, Pts., $844.56. Masterson - St Clair Hdwe., Hdw., $9.66. A & M Tire Serv.. Tires, $58.92. Ma honey Off. Equip., Off. Supp , $23.62. Union Oil Co.. Lube, $6. 95. R. L. Coats, Bridge Re pairs. $3,563.06. Williamsen's Upholstery, Pts. & Repairs, $30.50. Ore. Hdwe. Dist., Hdw. $59.43. Stearns. Mention & Mor ris, New Bldgs., $8-10. Wolf-Da-vis Radio Serv.. Radio, $239.20. IN THE MATTER OF DEDI CATION DEED: At this time the Court executed a deed of dedication, dedicating Lot 13, Block 44. Wiestoria to Uie Pub lic for Street and AUey purpos es. IN THE MATTER OF BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSES: The Court approved the following renewal applications for beer and liquor licenses: J & S Gro cery RMBB: Bend Golf Club DB; Thunderbird Club -db? Ranch Room DB. IN THE MATTER OF COUN TY TRADE COMMISSION: The Court at this time appointed a County Trade Commission to serve the County in preparation for the Hawaiian Trade Mission, Feb. 9-12. 1964. Members in clude: Robert Sterling, Des chutes Co. Agent: Charles M. Kreider, Brooks - Scanlon, Inc.; Oliver Jones, stockman, Red mond: R. B. Zimmerman, North Pacific Products, Bend and Wil liam Jossy. Bend - Portland Truck. Redmond. IN THE MATTER OF COUN. TY DUMPS: At this time the Court unanimously adopted a resolution regarding County Dumps in accordance with O.R.S. 433.725. The Court also ordered signs olaced at each pit stating requirements for house hold and commercial use and penalties IN THE MATTER OF AGREEMENT FOR INSTALL ING RADIO TRANSMITTOR ON AVVBREY BUTTE: The Court agreed to let Scott Logging Company install a radio trans mitter upon the Dickenson pole on top of Awbrey Butte in con sideration of $50. per year as a proportional part of the maint enance on the access road. IN THE MATTER OF RE FUND OF TAXES: The Court ordered the Tax Collector to re. fund the sum of S37.74 to Pacif ic Federal Savings and Loan Association for overpayment of taxes. IN THE MATTER OF LIN COLN ROAD: The Court de clared its intention to establish a county road, by resolution, de scribed along the center line thereof as follows: A strip of land for a Co. Road being 60 in width, being 30' on each side of a center line beginning at a point on Uie center luie of Forked Horn Butte Road, which point is on the Section line be tween Sections 19 & 20. and is N 0 degrees 27' W 348.96 tr.. from the corner of Sections 19, 20, 29, 30 of Twp. 15 S.R. 13 FWM. and running thence N. 0 degrees 27' W 287.56 ft. along the center line of 27th St.; "thence E. 1365 38 ft. to the center line of 23rd St.: thence S. 0 degrees 33' E 374.85 ft. along the center line of 23rd St. to a point in the center line of Forked Horn Butte Road. The Court ordered notices posted and set Dec. 23, 1963. as the time for hearing objections to said prrmosed road. IN THE MATTER OF YOUNG ROAD: The Court de clared its intention , to establish a County road, bv resolution, described along the center Lne thereof as Jo'.lowr: A of land 50' in width, being 2y on each side of a center line de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the Northwest Market Road, which point is S. 1 degree 25 25" N 394.60 ft. from the corner of Sections 4. 5, 8. 9 of Twp. 15 S R. 13 EWM. and run ning thence N. 1 degree 25" 25" E 394 60 ft. to the Section corner; thence N 0 degrees 29' 25" E 2003.2 ft.; thence N 0 degrees 51' 25" E 636.45 ft, to the end of the road. The Court ordered noUces posted and set Dec. 23, 1963. as the time for hearing objections to the proposed road. There being no further busi ness. Court adjourned D. L. Penhollow, County Judge F. C. Shepard. Commissioner C 7, Biker, Cbmmissincier