The Bulletin, Tuesday, December 24, 1963 Christine looks forward to Christmas but she won't see her gifts this year WICHITA, Kan. (UPI) Six-year-old Christine Larsen, a chubby blonde with a ready smile, Is looking forward to Christmas and the bicycle and doll she expects Santa Clans to deliver. . The fact that she won't be able to see her gifts has not lessened her enthusiasm. It will be Christine's first blind Christmas. She lost both eyes . last ' April. Malignant tu mors were detected in her eyes, and physicians had to re move both of them to save her life.-- Christine Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Larsen of Wichita. Her father is a serv ice station employe. Mrs. Larsen terms Christine's acceptance of the world of darkness "a miracle." 1 "She does so well and she is happy," said the mother. "You know, she goes alone to her braille class every day." Christine attends kindergarten regularly and walks alone from the kindergarten classroom through school corridors to the barille class. The little blonde has two sis ters, Linda, 5, and Julie, 2, nei ther of whom has sight prob lems. This week, Linda and Christine went hand in hand through the neighborhood de livering Christmas cards. Mrs. Larsen finds it difficult not to cater to her blind daugh ter, but she deliberately pur sues a program designed to make Christine self-sufficient. Christine's father is attending braille classes and has obtained a braille typewriter. He wants to be able to teach his daugh ter and understand her prob lems. Christine has been fitted with The scene is set for gladness and cheer ... so we send our brightest wishes with a happy "Thank you" for allowing us to serve you AL VIVIAN BARNEY - JERRY AL'S DRIVE-IN MARKET 519 E. 3rd St. artificial eyes which appear real, t'hysicians have explained to the family that Christine could not receive transplants, Corneal transplants are possi ble, but not complete eyes, the doctors said. Unless science comes up with something new, Christine will spend a lifetime in darkness. But Christmas morning In the Larsen s modest, six-room home will find Christine "see ing" her gifts with 10 chubby, little fingers. One of the pres ents will be a bicycle sent to her by an anonymous stranger from Buffalo, N.Y., who heard of the child's blindness and her desire for a bicycle. UAL strike threat off for holidays BURLINGAME, Calif. (UPI) There will be no travel snarling strike over the Christ mas holidays by United Air lines (UAL) employes. The threat of a walkout end ed Saturday when the Interna tional Association of Machin ists ratified a new contract by a vote of 5,767 for, and 3,068 opposed. The new contract is retroac tive to June 1962, date of ex piration of the previous agree ment. The 43-month pact ex pires Dec. 31, 1965. A union spokesman said that union members got pay hikes ranging from 31 cents an hour for maintenance men and din ing service employes to 39 cents ror mechanics, storekeepers and ramp servicemen. Peak of the increase will be reached Jan. 1, 1965, when the hourly pay scale for ground mechanics goes to $3.52. Two other major issues in cluded injury leave and sever ance pay. The union spokesman said "we have negotiated one of the best severance pay plans in tne industry, we also nave got a provision covering the employe injured on the job with special time olf which will not be counted as sick leave." UAL has 12,959 employes who are members of the union with 5,025 at the San Francisco Air port and maintenance base, 1, 87 in Chicago and 974 in Wash ington. The balance of the membership is scattered throughout the UAL system. For Best Results Advertise in The Bulletin Classifieds $w& 4 - r ft m otIA li&4l v 7 OMAf We welcome the glad ChrUtmai seuon and all the heartfelt joys it brings. We welcome, too, th8 opportunity to pause in the midst of our daily occupations to recall anew how fortunate we are to have the favors nd friendship of our valued customers. To all of you, we offer our real appreciation and our best wishes for your holiday enjoyment Brandis THRIFT-WISE DRUGS Ph. 382-5451 ECONOMY DRUGS 916 Wall Ph. 382-6163 Probe of B52 crash is underlay COLUMBUS, Miss. (UPI)-An investigation was being made today in the crash of a B52 jet bomber which exploded shortly after takeoff from Columbus Air Force Base Monday killing all nine crewmen aboard. Lt. Gen. David Wade of Barksdale Air Force Base, La., commander of the Second Air Force, was one of the investi gators. Witnesses on the ground re ported seeing the huge Stra tegic Air Command Stratofort- ress explode in flight. Wreckage was scattered over a three-mile area of snow-covered woodland 15 miles northeast of here. The plane took off in 20-de-gree weather, at a time when snow and sleet had halted most civilian air traffic in Missis sippi. The Air Force declined comment on the possibility of the weather having anything to do with the crash. None of the men aboard the plane was a resident of the Far West. Party is given for daughter SISTERS Mrs. Gary Wil liams was hostess for a party honoring her daughter Julie's third birthday anniversary at her home on Thursday, Decem ber 19. Guests for the occasion were Sandl Swartzendruber, Terr I Miller, Connie Baker, Marti Watkins, Becky Watkins, Chris Hiatt, Patter Stenkamp, Kevin, Anthony, Michelle, and Angela Kelly, Janloyn, Jayna, and Jill Keller, Carmine, Gregg and Eric Clow. The youngsters were awarded prizes for singing "Jingle Bells". Refreshments served by the hostess were a Santa Claus cake, ice cream and candy canes. WE'LL BE OPEN CHRISTMAS . . . Serving dellciout ROAST TURKEY and BAKED HAM. Dinner served with your favorite beverage . . . noon to 10 p.m. THE PILOT BUTTE INN o thank you, as we'd like to do, Is far beyond our powers; For if we had no friends like you There'd be no firm like ours. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE 722 Franklin Ave. 6C' ci As Christmas bells ring out the age-old message of peace on earth, good will to men... we chime in with our very best wishes for a hoh'day season rich in all the things your family holds dear. May the joy and happiness of Christmas echo in your hearts nnw and throughout all the days to come. MILLER MBER CO. BBSD REDMOND PRINEVILLE MADRAS BURNS 1020 Wall narsro