The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, December 20, 1963, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Bulletin, Friday, December 20, 1963
' He 6EBME0 KINW UPSET. 1 SURE hope he don't THINK I
to set Aiy weei sum stuck in his ee4ro
Television in review
Points still linger strongly
month after JFK assassination
By Rick Du Brow
UPI Staff Writer
weekend marks a month since
the assassination of President
Kennedy and the uninterrupted
four-day television-radio cover
age. And to a viewer and lis
tener ot those broadcasting
days, some points linger strong
ly: Nothing couid have been
more bitter and sad for radio
listeners than to note that it
took a horrible national tragedy
to illustrate the potentially ma
ture tone of the medium and
its daily programs. With the
elimination of the unending
rock 'n' roll-style trash, the
mile-a-minute-talking disk jock
eys and the presentation of
news by non-reporters using
dramatic sound effects, radio's
sound, ironically, was a distinct
As for television, this view
er is not i likely to ever forget
NBC-TV's all-night silent cover
age of the . thousands who
passed by the President's bier
in the Rotunda. It is perhaps
a cliche to say that one truly
saw the face of America as the
many persons, all types, all
ages, walked by but that is
what it was. From the military
guard that stood at attention, to
the servicemen who saluted as
they passed by, the hours pro
vided a source of inspiration
that has never been surpassed
on television.
Again concerning television:
To the constant viewer, who
watches alleged American life
as it is mirrored in numerous
"entertainment" shows, there
was a kind of wild, insane logic
to the fact that a man of un
deniable style would be slain in
such fashion. From the watcher
of video drama, to the New
York cab drivers who warn you
to avoid side-streets at night
even in midtown Manhattan,
the war of the punk on style
is a daily depressant, and de
mands a counter-attack. Televi
sion has an obligation to lead.
To many of those who saw
Lee Oswald, the accused assas
sin of President Kennedy, get
shot and killed on television,
there may be wonderment over
Teachers give
Christmas party
for youngsters
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Redmond Un
ion High School teachers are
giving a Christmas party for
all students in the "Redmond
gym tonight from 8:30 to 11:30.
Theme of the party Is Crystal
This is the 16th consecutive
year the Redmond faculty has
hosted the traditional all-school
party. Earl Roarig's three-piece
orchestra will furnish music.
"Operation Santa Claus" Is
the faculty stunt to be present
ed at intermission time. Al
Uyematsu, math teacher, is in
charge of this production, tradi
tional comic highlight of the
party. Teachers are stressing
that students come to the dress
up, but not formal, party with
or without dates.
Students have been asked to
bring a Christmas - wrapped,
new toy for a needy child.
These gifts will be distributed
by the Redmond volunteer fire
men. Christmas vacation begins
Friday afternoon for Redmond
students with school scheduled
to reconvene Monday, January
6. Yuletide music has been
played over the public address
system before and after school
this week.
Mrs. Donna Standley, presi
dent of the Redmond high
teachers, Is in charge of the an- j
nual party.
a legal principle: If millions
see an act committed on nation
wide video, what happens to
the matter of a "change of
venue" that is, the moving
of a trial to a place that may
offer a more impartial outlook?
In this case, the defendant.
Jack Ruby, apparently may
plead insanity at the time of
the shooting, and the principle
seemingly will not be involved.
But what if it were? How can
any place be impartial if vir
tually every place sees an act?
Does it come down to degrees
of impartiality? Would there be
a seeking out of places that
have the least video? Legal ex
perts, please answer.
The effect of commercials
that advertise toy guns for chil
dren for Christmas presents
seems to this viewer offensive
beyond words in the wake of
the assassination. No one wants
youngsters to grow up as sis
sies or unaware of the realities
of the world, but the pleasures
of warlike toys, as implied by
the ads, have always demand
ed a strong stomach. If they
are to be sold, the approach to
youngsters might at least be
more responsibly realistic.
Value I ff livcqi'iniuaim
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No Payments Until Feb., 1964
8 Minnesota Ave.
Kelvinator Appliances Also Available At
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Protective arm
or u.i fleet
extends to India
By Phil Newscim
UPI Staff Wrlier
The United States 7th Fleet,
which has proved an effective
barrier against Red Chinese at
tack on Formosa, is extending
its protective arm to India.
Official statements have been
guarded but from the first mo
ment that it was learned lim
ited units of the powerful 7th
would visit Indian Ocean waters
it was apparent that the threat
of U.S. naval action was being
added to the air arm in the
event of massive attack upon
Indian Prime Minister Jawa
harlal Nehru who has just con
cluded talks on Indian defenses
with Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, denied that U.S. fleet
movements in the Indian Ocean
"power vacuum" had any prom
inent part in their talks.
Reports of such fleet move
ments have aroused controversy
in India and the curiosity of
Pakistan, which as a U.S. ally
in SEATO, demands the right
to know of changes in U.S.
Nehru said that so far as he
knew only "one or two ships"
would visit the Indian Ocean,
"just to know the waters."
A look at the map suggests
that the waters of chief interest
to the U.S. forces would be the
Bay of Bengal and the defense
of India's Assam state which
is regarded as an area of great
est threat in the northeast.
Significantly, other reports
have suggested that the "one
or two ships" mentioned by
Nehru would include an aircraft
carrier nesting 100 military air
craft. Despite the fact that winter
now has just about ruled out
any new imminent attack
across India's border, Taylor's
visit was both as indication of
continuing U.S. interest in the
buildup of Indian defenses and
Nehru's own involuntary de
parture from his stand of non-
"How can you object to any
one going wherever they like on
nigh seas? was ms somewnat
lame rejoinder to a question
whether India objected to the
fleet visits.
It was not the Nehru of old.
Taylor s visit which also is
being extended to Pakistan, is
a natural follow - up to last
month's air exercises over In
dia in which 18 U.S. F100 fight
er bombers participated along
with aircraft of the Indian and
British air forces.
Now a remarkable and ex
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'ttrtviiwtor vifl reptv or repttco
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part tor five yean, tmt any other
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epud by ttMdutar 'or
the toil yeac.
Ph. 382-3324
Walker says
to erase Red
Former Maj. Gen. Edwin A.
Walker said Thursday Lee
Harvey Oswald, accused of as
sassinating President Kennedy,
was slain "to erase a Marxist
Communist conspiracy."
walker told newsmen "many
things" led him to his opinion
about why Oswald died.
But Walker, to support his
claim would point out only that
Oswald was about three blocks
from the home of nightclub op
erator Jack Ruby minutes after
the assassination. Ruby shot Os
wald to death two days after
Kennedy was killed.
Walker, who was relieved of
his division command in Ger
many because of alleged politi
cal indoctrination of troops, said
he thought it was Oswald who
Card-type tax
form casualty
of Oct. 15 vote
SALEM (UPI) -One of the
casualties of the Oct. 15 tax re
ferendum was the simplified
card-type personal income tax
return, the State Tax Commis
sion explained today.
The data processing machine
return card has been replaced
by a four-page income tax form,
similar in appearance to the
federal income report form.
Tax commissioner Fred Hoef-
ke said the card system was a
direct casualty of the tax refer
endum. He said it was not until
after Oct. 15 that the commis
sion knew what tax rates would
be used for 1963. He said the
card forms would have had to
be prepared by mid year, so
they could be stuffed inside tax
filing instruction sheets. Because
there wasn't time for this after
the Oct. 15 vote, the commis
sion had to go back to the long
er form.
Oregon Building Congress Thurs
day named Rowland S. Hose,
local structural engineer, as its
man of the year.
Total Weight
14 Carat
13 Carat
12 Carat
34 Carat
1 Carat
Other Sets From
Diamond Pendants
Crystal Punch Bowl Sets from 15.95
ii- t.P!.r. 0
J. Holly Design Tumbler Sets from 4.50
J Place Mat Sets trom 4.50
Decorator Christmas Candles 45c - 15
Taylor & Airgulde
Men's & Ladles' Buxton
Seth Thomas, GE, West-
clox & Hertched Clocks,
all stylet
Bulova 6 Trantistor Radios
Bulova Electric Table
Men's A Ladies'
Birthtton Rings
Wonderful Items Including Christma
Wrap, Ribbons, Candles and a
Host of Other Surprises!
Oswald killed
fired a shot at him through the
window ot ms Dallas home ear
lier this year.
An FBI report given to Dallas
police concluded it was ballisti
cally impossible to tell if the
same rifle was used to fire at
Walker and the President.
"What it says is that the bul
let could or could not have been
fired from the same rifle," Dal
las Detective Chief M. W. Stev
enson said Thursday night. "In
other words, it's inconclusive."
The bullet fired uito Walker s
home was badly distorted, hav
ing smashed through a window
frame and into a wall.
It was reported that Oswald's
widow, Marina, told federal of
ficers that her husband boasted
to her that he was the sniper
who fired on Walker.
"The (Walker) case is still
open," Dallas Detective Captain
O. A. Jones said.
'Based on all the Information
that has come out about this,"
Walker said, "I would say it is
conclusive" that Oswald fired
the shot.
Walker said no federal inves
tigators had contacted him
about the shot fired at him,
about Kennedy's assassination
or about Oswald or Ruby.
Walker was here to partici
pate in taking a deposition from
a newsman involved in a libel
suit the former general has
brought against the Associated
Press and several newspapers.
The libel action grew out of re
porting of his activities during
the integration riots at the Uni
versity of Mississippi.
Father of four
plane victim
father of four children died in
the fiery crash of a rented
plane five miles southeast of
here Thursday while he was en-
route from Salem to Seattle.
The plane, carrying only pilot
Roger Wayne Thomas, 30, of
Des Moines, Wash., went down
in a heavy fog. It crashed into
a thickly wooded hillside and
burst into flame.
Master Guild
Specially Priced!
39.00 to 650.00
From 19.50 to 125.00
Travel Bar Ice Bucket
Serving Trayt Ice Crusher
Coaster Sets Ash Tray Sett
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Bar Accessories
Men's Lodge Rlngt
Fosterie Glassware
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Spice Island Spicet
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Brass & Copper Gifts
Christmas Napkins, Table
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Tie-Tie Gift Wrap Ribbon ft'
Novelty Table . . . from 1
am 1.00 Jt
i I VI
i ilii l ui m
vii i ! ii ii ii m i it
SAIGON (UPI) Secretary
of Defense Robert's. McNamara
nas a message irom rresweni
Johnson to Vietnamese junta
leaders designed to reassure
them on U.S. troop withdrawal
plans, informed U. S. souces
said today.
The message was believed in
effect to erase the previous 1965
target date for withdrawal of
most of the 15,500 U.S. service
men who will be left here at
the end of the year.
The sources said the oral
message actually avoids any di
rect mention ot ise5 or a new
target date. But in effect it
wipes out the 1965 date by
pledging U.S. military backing
for the war against the Com
munists as long as it is needed,
they said.
McNamara met this morning
Woman dies
in accident
Diana Marshall, 65, Vernonia,
died when the car she was
driving struck a tree near here
Thursday, police said.
A passenger, Mrs. Sallie
Brown, 67, also of Vernonia,
was in satisfactory condition at
a Portland hospital.
Officers said Mrs. Marshall
may have suffered a heart at
tack before the accident.
Large Selection
Men's & Ladies'
separate! Ignition
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947 Wall St.
Plumbing & Heating
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Men's & Ladies' '& I 1 $
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gy j
f f ,jf ($3
V X AS LOW AS 7 O I 1 ;ft
An Unique - If
Christmas 218 131
Gift! V m
:i?:wii ' ''v Go ahead and let people lhink "sarins eMw&pmlla Ad
l. M BL ei llyHllNI lUnBCNI UH(N IQKr.lNI I O F P M I '
sTAMPd vrAM( UtAMPd TAMPf .9TAMt , IvfwU'
i . i ii ii ii
r m ir"
with U.S. officers and was ex-
Inected to deliver tfm
to tne junta leaders in his talks
this afternoon.
McNamara, sent here on a
fact-finding mission by Presi
dent Johnson, was scheduled to
leave later in the day.
He flew into Saigon Thursday
accompanied by Arthur Sylves
ter, assistant secretary of de
fense for public affairs, and Wil
liam Bundy, assistant secretary
of defense for International se
curity affairs.
Together with U.S. Ambassa
dor Henry Cabot Lodge, McNa
mara plunged quickly into a
round of briefings by American
military and civilian officials in
Saigon. It is generally conceded
that the fight against the Com
munist Viet Cong is going bad
ly at this time.
sources said the briefings
covered the general military,
economic and political situation
1955 N. 1st
We wish to take this opportunity
to thank our many friends for
letting us serve them in 1963.
rm. tmammmmmmm-m its
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Go ahead and let people think you're wearing roat goldnd-plB
Only you-and Trlfarl-need know
finish, golden- or platinum-toned
and "diamonds" ara make-bellsv.
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. ii iii t trm
w m mmma ilipi .
in South Viet Nam. But it was
reported attention was focused
on several key provinces in the)
vital Mekong delta where the
government's position has been
deteriorating in the face of
steppod-up Communist on
slaughts. The sources said that Ameri
can officials also conveyed to
McNamara their feeling that
the new military junta, which
overthrew President Ngo Dinh
Diem last month, has not ex
ercised strong central leader
ship. Both Diem and his broth
er were killed in the junta'!
Call Bob Wood
Day or Night
that your pin Is realty flormthfr E
Trlfanlum, And that the "pea
Ph. 382-1851