0) ;rNV ?W ST 4RNk est va w. .-J-. vt v. xS :': !:;;, Vl 'lea. semJ e 77 I'll , " 5. i f -a TRIAL RUN Members of the Bend Junior High School Conducting the group is Earl Roarig, music teacher at the advanced choir give their musical wares a trial run in front of school, the administrative office before the real thing this afternoon. Economy drive catches cherished limousines WASHINGTON (UPI)- The Budget Bureau said It was a 1 LplHE SIGNS NEON-PLASTIC & Sign Service The cynic Is one who knows the price of everything and value of nothing. Boneabart 201 S. 3rd Ph. 382-5769 cutback but to Washington's status-conscious bureaucrats it was more of an amputation their cherished limousines had to go. The bureau, as part of Presi dent Johnson's economy drive, issued an order Thursday that would eventually eliminate 75 per cent of the limousines and other "prestige" cars now be ing operated by civilian and military agencies around the world. "The whole effect of this is to got these status symbols off the street," one official said. The number of limousines and what the government calls "heavy se dans" in the capital is scheduled to shrink from the present total of 131 to 20. OPEN SATURDAYS 'Til Noon In Order To Better Serve Central Oregon's Wage Earners, Farmers and Merchants PORTLAND LOAN CO. 85 Oregon Ave. Bend Phone 382-1651 EVERY WOMAN DESERVES A SINGER CHRISTMAS Xm A great gift for a gal who sews This brilliant zigzag portable does perfect straight stitching and hundreds of decorative patterns. Mend ing, button-sewing, blind-stitching, overcasting, mono grams, appliquesl Does twin needlo sewing for two color designs. Has 3 needle positions. Exclusive drop in front bobbin. Makes all kinds of sewing simple. STYLE-OMATIC zigzag machine '1 6 9 40 WITH CAM Other sewing machines from 5950 nvm-4nea Work-saving Vacuums and Polishers from 29" We gift wrap and deliver to your order. -e4..3 Buy now lttk or no down psymnt tlrtt monthfy jupmnf to Unutry - F M Svrf IB t-"t j ah tKtt Witk f WHtfktlt 99 I tl art tkt O; fat J!IVVl. C1M rMM.K ywt I IJ ik ki fl W4 ilium ' ! J UTTl 126 Minn. Ave. Ph. 382-3882 The total now In use around the world is 491. Under the new ruling this will be reduced to about 136. The order has no ef fect on limousines provided by Congress, which Is quite gener ous witli them, nor those in use by the White House. But otherwise the cutbacks appeared to cut across t h e board. Under the new system, the brass-studded Defense De partment will be allowed ten limousines, the State Depart ment will have two, and the other cabinet departments will be limited to one apiece. A Budget Bureau spokesman said the Pentagon cars are for the secretary of defense and his deputy, the secretaries of t h e three armed services, and the chairman and four member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The directive dooms the "heavy sedan" in Washington. This refers to the cars below the limousine level Lincoln continentals, Chrysler Imperials and Cadillacs without the glass partition that distinguishes a limousine. Federal agencies will be re quired to replace them with me dium or light sedans in 12 months or less. If the replace ment price does not exceed the resale price of the car now in use. The same rule will apply to limousines beyond the new max imum of 20. The directive also forbids re newal of leases on limousines and heavy sedans if they are not justified under the new stan dards. More than 15 per cent of these cars are rented. Overseas, the Budget Bureau said, ambassadors or chiefs of major missions will be al lowed a limousine if their re sponsibilities require a car of that class. Otherwise, a heavy sedan will be permitted. Consu lar posls and Agency for Inter national Development (AID) missions will be entitled to a heavy sedan and other diplo matic or military posts abroad will be limited to a medium se dan unless they can specifically justify the need for a prestige car. BITE SOLVES PROBLEM BAGNOLS SUH CE7.E, France (UPI) Georges Fau- g e r a s was eating mussels Thursday and pondering what to buy his wife for Christmas when he bit on the solution. One mussel contained a pearl. Young Sinatra resumes Tahoe engagement STATELINE, Calif. (UPD Frank Sinatra Jr. resumed his singing engagement at a Lake Tahoe gambling casino Thurs day night under almost the identical circumstances which existed when he was forced to "postpone" it 10 days ago. But when the 19-year-old sing er stepped out onto the stage at Harrah's Club, he was no long er a comparative unknown fol lowing in the footsteps of his famous father. He was a young man whose sensational kidnap ing had put his name before people throughout the world. A few gamblers left their tables for a quick look at the youth, whose famous father had paid $240,000 for his re lease, but they returned to their gambling almost immediately. The young singer returned to Statcline from Southern Califor nia by chartered plane Thurs day. In Los Angeles, the three men suspected of the Dec. 8 kidnaping remained behind bars at the County Jail. They are i John William Irwin, 42, Jo seph Clyde Amsler, 23, and Barry Worthington Keenan, 23. The three suspects were ar rested by the FBI in Southern California last Friday, two days after the ransom was paid and young Sinatra was released. All but a small amount of the ransom money was recovered. Auto parts theft ring cracked TOLEDO, Ohio (UPl)-Police planned to arrest six more sus pects today in connection with a. $1 million auto parts theft ring at the Kaiser Jeep Co. plant here. Five plant employes were ar rested Thursday charged with grand larceny and bound to the Lucas County grand jury on $10,000 bond each. Detective Lt. Denvel Lydick said the six employes he planned to arrest would be charged with either grand or petit larceny. He said he felt more arrests would probably be made after further questioning j of ttie employes by police. TO THE TOWH TOPIC FROM CLAUSEN'S FIRESTONE STORE 226 E. 3rd Ph. 382-2372 COME ATTEND OUH nnniin rat TODAY and SATURDAY NISI HOURS 8 A.M. 'Till 0 P.M. m y 'b! COFFEE BALLOONS J&C TREATS FOR THE KIDS 1 ROOT BEER With Eaeh 0rder J v; H. SPECIAL g W Coffee, Potato Chips & 1 Piece of FZ1 I t t fLCMIN. DEACON JONES j) KC S l&ZjX CHICKEN lL&) fw 1 nN Deacon Jones Deacon Jonet yy, I II CHICKEN A LA CARTE CHICKEN SNACK (iJ S 3 Piecet of Chicken, Potatoes, 2 Pieces of Chicken, Potatoes, Zr-y) C TJ 1 " Roll, Honey and Butter Roll, Honey and Butter 'J (if From Our Take-Out Dept.... CHICKEN 3 pieces .85 5 pieces 1.40 10 pieces 2.60 15 pieces 3.90 Rolls, butter and honey with above orders. FISH and SEA FOODS Single Orders Halibut and Fries ;. .85 4 Shrimp and Fries .95 TUB O' CHICKEN 22 pieces chicken only 4.75 Cole Slaw to go Bucket three servings .60 six servings 1.00 We will fix anything on the menu to go except breakfast orders. WE FEATURE A COMPLETE MENU BOX, BUCKET OR TUB cooked in television oil, low in calories, high in protein. Hot or cold, it's the greatest! Take some home, too. the kind they talk about on TV. i M; Mi w bi am m ay mm m .mt mm u " Deacon Jones ChicM " ii fi -ii-iiffv mmm iii7-------A-----a--'---------'-"-"--- - nn mm J -mm tm-mmit 131 238 E. 3rd St. Phone 382-6320 CONGRATULATIONS FROM OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 165 E. Greenwood Phone 382-1432 HELPHREY DAIRY BEND EGG & POULTRY CO. 740 E. 1st Ph. 3821042 JIM'S ELECTRIC 118 Greenwood Ph. 382-3131 1550 S. 3rd Ph. 382-1272 GRIMES PUMICE BLOCK INC. DICK'S LINOLEUM & TILE 101 E. 4th Ph. 382-4442 826 Wall Ph. 382-5130 MED0-LAND MEADOW GOLD 131 Greenwood Ph. 382-2561 WEST SIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston Ph. 382-4241 BEND TROY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 60 Kansas Ph. 382-4511 BAR & FOUNTAIN SUPPLY Jack Ohrling 46 Greenwood Ph. 382-3722