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About The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1963)
The Bulletin, Wednesday, December 18, 1963 7 T I 1 " " S Be Sure To Visit Our Table of H Hi & i ma nr.-- 1 1 UJ . -ill JUKEBOX HOOCH This new Japanese automatic vending machine is causing quite a stir in the Shinjultu section of Tokyo. People with a "yen" to have a drink simply drop their yen into the slot and choose between the 18 brands of sake a rice beer and two types of whisky. West Berliners wait long hours to obtain passes to East Berlin BERLIN (UPI)-Thousands of West Berliners waited for hours in bitter cold today to obtain passes for Christmas vis its to Communist East Berlin for the first time in three years. Arrangements to permit an estimated 800,000 West Berlin ers with relatives in the Communist-controlled Eastern sector to cross the Red-built anti-refugee wall for Christmas were completed Tuesday. The East Germans opened 12 offices in West Berlin today to process applications for the passes, being issued for the Another chance given on refund WASHINGTON (UPI) -A sympathetic House agreed Tues day that an employe-owned bus line in Salem, Ore., should get another chance to ask for a gasoline tax refund it had neg lected to claim in time. The House passed and sent to the Senate a bill to permit the Capital Transit Lines, Inc., to file a claim for $3,509 in federal gasoline taxes paid before Feb ruary 1959. A report from the House Judi ciary Committee said the employe-owners had run the busline for four years before they found out they could get a refund. The measure, introduced by Rep. Walter Norblad, R-Ore., would permit the company to claim the refund even though it normally must be requested within three months of the end of a fiscal year. The report said drivers, mech anics and other employes, who work for less than $4,800 a year, took over the system in 1958 to provide a "much-needed public service" after the previous man agement could no longer operate it profitably. The committee said the bus line did not have an attorney and that it was not even a member of the American transit association. "Under these circumstances." the report said, "it is not dif ficult to understand why the owner-operators were not aware of their right to a rctuna. Agent position is terminated FOSSIL, Ore. (UPI) -Wheeler County will be without a home economics extension agent effective about Feb. 1, county extension agent Les Marks has announced. The position, presently occu pied by Mrs. Bunny Dyer, is be ing terminated to comply with budget cuts resulting from the Oct. 15 tax referendum. It is one of 19 county agent positions being terminated in the state, according to Gene M. Lear, associate director of the Oregon State University exten sion service. The action would leave the sparsely populated Eastern Ore gon county without 4-H adult education programs. first time since the wall was built in August, 1961. Each pass will be good for a one-day visit on any day from 7 a.m. to midnight, starting inursday and ending Jan. 5. The visiting deadline is extend ed to 5 a.m. on New Year's Eve. One man. Dieter Gehrke. 31. a locksmith, said he and his wife wanted to see his wife's mother, "bringing all the food we can carry. The pass applications about the size of a postcard were is sued by East German postal workers, who were wearing new uniforms for the occasion. There was one pass office in each of West Berlin's 12 bor oughs. Christa Schliewe, 22, one of the applicants, said she wanted a pass for Dec. 22 to visit her husband s mother and lather. In line since 4:45 a.m., Chris ta said she hadn't eaten since Tuesday night. "I've been too excited," she added, her eyes glowing. The pass agreement was ne gotiated between West and East Berlin officials for what both sides said were "humane rea sons." West Berlin, West German and Western Allied authorities said the arrangement had changed nothing in their view that the East German and East Berlin regimes are legally non existent. But the Communists lost no time in making propaganda out of the agreement, while the West Berlin and West German press warned that the city must be on its guard to see that the arrangement cannot be used to undermine the city's position. The visits will be the first permitted West Berliners since 12 days after the Communists built the wall on Aug. 13, 1961, splitting the city and many of its families. East Berliners, sealed behind the wall and guarded against escape attempts, will get no chance to come to West Berlin under the visiting agreement, if they did, there would be no way for the Communists to make them come back. Although the prospect of fam ily reunions brought happiness to both sides of the wall, many West Berliners doubted the wis dom of dealing with the Com munists, and West German newspapers warned that mo tives other than humanitarian were behind the Communist con cessions. It was the first time that the West Berlin city government conducted official talks with the East Germans. It had main tained in the past that the proper negotiating partner for East Germany was West Ger many. Any other arrangement, city officials fell, would rein- I force the Communist contention that West Berlins ties with West Germany are illegal. Both the West Germans and the Western Allies here main tained that the agreement commandments said in a state ment that "these arrangements in no way affect the status of Berlin, which is defined in exist ing international agreements." 5 TV ' I he most treasured Hemorrhoids Cured Painlessly By Non-Surgical Method The non-surgical, electronic method for treatment of Hem orrhoid! (Piles) developed by doctors of the Beal-Oliver Bandy Blvd. Clinic has been so successful and permanent in nature that the following pol icy is offered their patients: "After all symptoms of Hem orrhoids . . have subsided and the patient has been dis charged, if he should ever have a recurrence, all further treat ments will be given without additional lee. Patienta experience little, 11 any pain. Their treatment re quires no hospitalization and does not employ drugs or in jections. Write today for a free, de scriptive booklet, yours without obligation: The Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic, Chiroprac tic Physicians, 2026 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Ore. S TV J v fill' l L. n vs : ! Vm .Wiring 1 gift of all... R -L. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S CHOICE" The gift of gifts: America's most fa- name of the owner. A true heirloom mous bedspread, widely imitated but to be treasured through the years, never duplicated . . . made only by Bates. Antique White only, preshrunk, revers- It carries a certificate of authenticity ible, perfectly washable. Single or double . and is permanently registered in the size, handsomely gift' boxed, 2 95 Queen Elizabeth Bedspreads In Antique White, White and Spice Brown $35.00 Complete Stock of Bedspreads Priced from 5.98 Novelty Gift Items! Woderful to give Wonderful to receive! All boxed, ready to wrap. Look at these examples: m Nic Nac Set Has wooden shadow box. 2 kitchen towels, 2 ceramic figurines, 2.98 Luncheonette Set 4 handwoven bamboo place mats, 4 napkins, ceramis salt & pepperer. 2.98 Salad Royal 2 kitchen Terry Towls, salad fork & spoon, oil and vinegar cruets. 3.98 Cracker Cosy Imported cracker basket and cracker cozy. l.OO Bread Basket Americana bread basket and 2 kitchen terry towels. 1.98 Many Other Novelty Items Priced from l.OO to 5.98 Wood Serving Tray With ceramic cutting tile, stainless steel knife, 2 kitchen terry towels. 4.98 Quaker Lace Table Cloths . . . when only the finest will do! Large selection of patterns Woodbine, Newport, Jubilee, Embassy, Baroness, Pennsylvania Dutch and White House. Priced From 800 to 2500 Decorator PILLOWS i Corduroy and rayon shuntung re j, movable washable covers! Round i: and square shapes. Kapok filled. 10 lovely colors. 1" Others from 2.98 to 5.98 Garland Blanket By Golden Seal. 100 virgin Acrilan Acrylic fiber, 100 nylon binding. 72x90". Beauti ful solid colors. 12 98 Chatham Blanket Comforters High Resiliency Non-Shifting Maximum Warmth Light Weight Kodel Polyester Fiberfill With French crepe covering or 100 Acrilan Acrylic Fiber With Attractive Floral Cotton Covering 098 Choice m Moss Rose pattern. LovelyS hand screen printed blanket,? Other Comforters Up To 15.98 947o rayon, o',b nylon. 7xuu h uww.itJmJBumiwMw'M"fMWt.iJi 95 2 and 3 piece styles. no e Automatic, 2 year guarantee, f contoured corners, use flat or fitted, assorted solid colors, machine washable. Chenille Bath Mat Sets 2985! Royal Electric Blankets I mmti 7 1 wusiutaureuaue;tureuiuMutturciifrtwttaittuw EnWPKfl "Mil A1 A DTE Y it .fesrE&zb Towels f lit 1 fc. . S ffl lit it fW-M., t S?5-- Jf -3bn fAJT Long-Lasting m f . cQual,ity- -"J Rich Texture Wash Cloth 69 TWIN SIZE Single Control I Regular 12.50 DOUBLE SIZE Single Control Regular 13.50 DOUBLE SIZE S Dual Control Regular 15.50 I Wonderful selection of colors. 1 -f 1098 1 II98 1 :::: 1398 "The Touch of Quality" CRITERION Beautiful Solid Colors Bath Towel 1.99 Hand Towel 1.29 Wash Cloth 59 MARGUERITE Daisy Design Jacquard Bath Towel 1.99 Hand Towel 1.39 Wash Cloth 59 FLEURETTE Prints Bath Towel 1.92 Hand Towel 1.39 Wash Cloth 59 TRELLIS ROSE Prints Bath Towel 2.99 Hand Towel 1.79 '"Ss PPAjj TRIM THE TREE (J ' ' WITH UTTlE 6IFTS ' ' !jffLyf ' 'rom Uie festive Butmsl Ds- M KjA cember collection. Fine cotton batiste 'ft .fi- v k& hankies are merry with Christmas ft ZrL$' iV ' designs. Gift-packed in gay gilt boxes, : ,ne'" perfect for small gilts or to v'i " Cr"i5llnas '""!' F :5j fTfw53r eason'j best, look for the Burmel TRIM THE TREE WITH LITTLE GIFTS . . . from Die festive Burmel De cember collection. Fine cotton batiste '-fft nannies are merry with Christmas designs. Gift-packed in gay gilt boxes, they're perfect for small gifts or to send as Christmas 'cards'. For Vis season's best, look for the Burmel label Mc.U.t.M.Hf. 59c ea. Other lovely Hankies from 25c to 2.00 BOXED PILLOW CASES Makes an ideal gift! Attractively boxed sets, many styles dainty embroidered designs, some with scallop edges. Also some lovely hand embroidered sets from Madeira. o98 50 pr. BEAUTIFULLY BOXED SHEET SETS 11 r95 95 to t?3 m