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About The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1963)
o O o o o OUT OUR WA? . MO, rra MOT IM OUR IT'S A 80PV - v V- e-' ""l. 1HB THAT SSf CHICKEW COOP- ITS f . 4,- . OUICK--CAU. Mfctf VMS 8RWrY VE, ArT VJH -1 rvvrl PATTLIN6 V WHY 1 J rSK5gf-n? jR2SSryK; 7 Sou mh f eto man-he was fK6 WJXL,, FEWCE.auiCK ' - - yOm. -KT X WAS HELD OP. J LACQUERED RJR A 1 , -J"WNECK crr-"-'k .tfgSirtX HE6, AND HEDIDMT fl WSeK".' YOU SHOULD T0TH ANOl IM Trf iP SSrlFljfiSF KNOW WHAT IT WA V HAMM6R MY ACLAW FORA NOOSEl HaTTCv3,r J&MfefcHP AtL ABOUT VJMEMj BROTHER WHSN yoO'VBlV.. 17 iIHTUTr 't'Kif'L t&'sUSSsfl If CAME TIMS TO 1 GOT ONE WHOSE- i lVEA,i2k-iLLMIl PE Jj jjfegp'liOgol FIFTY YEARS TOO SOOM . ' I V V ,., 6WLEY BATTLES STEVE CANYON LI'LABNER ,.c tot" REX MORGAN. M.D. CAPTAIN EASY EjW VVK WSLL, I SHOULD SEE you THEM, AS POTEET AL(5 LEAVES LATE OH A BUS FOE THE Trii'Vsce a e .-A ,NB.7A, V AVfi SU5SEI' V( NE,Cr y6A',) JETTEKMINAL CITV NEARBy.-.SHE SEES A LONE FIGURE TS-SfiT ?E'o;Bu'rE' Yf:,NE VOU JUST ABENY V WYiOcU ...THE 'QUEEN OF THE AMUMEE CAMPUS... WALKING t8JIP I THOUUHT yoUK. A EIDE I COINa TO HAR6 V 1(4 THRCUeH HER. EMPTy DOAMU.. t rs i.u.,ii,,i 12 BUS LEFT EARLIER IcoMINfl.'i 7CUIK HOLIPAX f391 J - - .1 .Y1 TKW M T DICK TRACY : fJSSS I t77s M'SM X'f "DOCTOR" I "I IT VOUR OLO FRIEND I ...As 1- MA 33B3KB5S"r fiflEM-GCTTl r I MN.T .... -T VDU DONTNEEDTtT! t NOW...WATCH ME CLOSELY- JfSTI 'V ' - III r. lnnK- , rm p u7iWlJK FtE1L gW NVTHING KNOW ANYTHING I'm THIS IS THE FIRSTSTEP rf fn i ' I HE LOOKS H LITTLE SHY K ABOUT THE -A GOING TO TEACH VOU 1A 9 3 II LADIES AND GENTLEWEN...VT,n WuS-FLING.. J tZZ. hTTI Tftlll II NTIQ 8 J . '" r BECAUSE ITlt All cnnn unsru rtt 1 P'UPIiy ' . i - , mwwt TkeeN ew wwo h awLV Xum K J rbkuS??S5,? ."JT6 acmi mBT r NOTi we canotmb j Dishonest? learm about PIMP " 5UPPLV iw6'J-thws5.weu b bound for brazil ttfORel homei i hadn't mewt v-Wu- hma" TrEyy ! MARYWORTH" . , I I THERE ARC TV DINNERS kl?CiPi I f- 111 I VINCENT.' JL ,(11..,,,J IN THE KtPOX! HEAT CNE WV 1 1 --6J V -is. I COULbNT 5V,.U0V UP IF YOU'RE HUNGRY!- tV('Ij 1 1 ' -fSI SNi ALLEY OOP WHMS TH'IPHA, AW.OOCH.A, Y 6INCB WWEN N OH, MY anSH I I WELL, I'M NOT I I OH CONT AW. FDR CATSAKE I 'IS UWAiJJUsf AENTKKXThXt HASN'T OH, KtfASKlir w BOWER! I VvAS JUSTTWNT AfHAMPALL .. (SIKLSSOOP I GOT AMY- W'ELL. IF 1CU 1 TM TRTIN' CXXILDNT I TO SEE THAT THIS VV vKMJrrELLn.- LEss..;Tr . FEMAU? Js. I fV SITUATION- 1 Wil? mm a r AfeL v f V "DOG PATCH'S MOST UNIQUE. B-BUT HAIN'T rT Y" ( PRODUCT".' WAL.WE ALL I D-PANGEROUS J V-SHivER:-SnUDDSR:- SHAE: J T TRAVEL WIF Ifvirue uui rrrurr Sr a ci II i W 'V :'.w ( . T 7 T?n Ml 0R BOARDING U fcB;P OMLV SENSIBLE TMlKiG T'DO IS GIT A BABY ONE TO TH' FAIR, AN'SCOOT AWAY.' WHEN TH FAIR OPENS, IT'LL BE FULL-GROWED. SJjjL HfeWIN HELr Thfe. BxIWgfaL Werfieaday, December 1 8, 1 963 DENNIS, THE MENACE 1jLju i i ' . .-v That takes care op the chimney: Now lets so ccwn to THE ST0R6 AND A1EA5UKC SANW CWUS; Television in review Watching 'Fugitive' something like watching New York Mets By Rick Du Brow UPI Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-If this is the era of the loser, then its television mecca is ABC's new series, "The Fugitive," about a man on the run. Watching "The Fugitive" stirs the same sym pathy as watching the New York Mets play baseball: You know the individuals involved cannot be entirely guilty. Some where, somehow, society is to Red leaders face trouble over crops NEW YORK (UPI)-A student of agriculture behind the Iron Curtain reported today that Communist leaders face severe internal discontent unless they make a wholehearted effort to bolster crop production. Richard Judy, a member of the faculty of the Air Force In stitute of Technology who stud ied at Moscow University, says in a report published by the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) that agriculture in Rus sia and most oi her satellites and in Red China is in deep trouble. "A hungry population is a dis contented population, and such discontent may generate politi cal opposition and even counter revolution," Judy concludes. He said three alternatives all of them painful face the leadership of Communist na tions: They can require their pop ulations to tighten their belts and get along with less food. Russia's satellites are increas ingly reluctant to do this. They can import more food from abroad, becoming depend ent on the West and yielding a propaganda victory to capital ism. Or they can undertake "ra dical measures" to raise pro duction. Judy studied at the Russian Research Center of Harvard University and Moscow Univer sity's Faculty of Economics and traveled extensively through the Soviet Union and Eastern Eu rope. He taught at the Univer sity of Colorado and Antioch College In Ohio before joining the Air Force faculty as his tour of military duty. Filing seeks inferveniion SALEM (UPI! A motion to Intervene in the case of the De partment of Fish and Game of California versus the Federal Power Commission was filed in the ninth U.S. Court of Appeals, Atty. Gen Robert Y. Thornton said today. The case involves construction of a SI million fish hatchery on the Klamath River near the site of the Pacific Power and Light Company's new Iron Gate dam just south of the Oregon-California bonier. Thornton said the power com mission's decision requiring Cal ifornia to assume 20 per cent of the operation and maintenance cost of the fish facilities "creates a precedent which will have a serious impact upon projects in Oregon." SEASON BLOSSOMS SALEM (UPI) The Christ mas season blossomed in Sa lem Tuesday. A 30-foot decorated tree was erected in the Capitol Rotunda, a nativity scene was in place in the Capitol Mall, greenery decorated the front of the state house, and offices inside sprout ed seasonal decorations. 12-19 ' I blame. The Mets don't need writers, 'but unfortunately "The Fugi tive" does. This is not to de mean all its scripters, because often enough the possibiUties j of the stories are decent. Furth ' ermore, the title-role star of the series, David Janssen, is serviceable and able. The troub le is the format, which de mands that virtually every end ing be the same with the fugitive fleeing his immediate situation to avoid being re vealed. At the start of each of the Tuesday night dramas, we see the same scene in which the fugitive escapes from custody during a train wreck. We hear the same narrative about his really being innocent. Thus, knowing the beginning and the end of the central character in each hour, the dramas are necessarily diluted. If you are a loser by nature and the ratings Indicated there are quite a few such animals then pei haps you will enjoy the psychologically-interesting inability of the anti-hero to complete a relationship. If you enjoy frus tration, this is for you. "The Fugitive" will never have to worry about the zip code. Each week he moves from job to job. Tuesday night, as timekeeper on a construction project, he befriended a mentally-retarded young man who was being picked on by hard heads; the youth, by the way, was sympathetically portrayed by Buck Taylor. Each week, the fugitive suffers the same nerv ous reminders: Perhaps the sight of a cop, or an employer suspicious of his secrecy, or somebody asking what a college man is doing in such a menial job. It is a question that every college man has to face from time to time. The Channel Swim: George Burns visits CBS-TV's Jack Ben ny Jan. 7, and they show what killed Vaudeville. . .Gene Kelly will be a producer-director-actor at Universal Studios, and is planning a 90-minute special on the history of the American musical theatre. The National Football League championship game between the Chicago Bears and the New York Giants will be carried by NBC-TV Dec. 29. . .The network also scored a coup by landing the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) grid con tests next season. Case continued by prosecution KLAMATH FALLS (UPI) -The prosecution continued its case today in the first degree murder trial of Archie Foster, 26. Salem. Foster is charged with the fatal shooting of Mrs. Eunice Biss. 37, Beatty, at Beatty April 22. Her body was found in her car in front of her home about 11 p.m. on that date. The prosecution began Its case in Circuit Court here Tuesday by presenting five witnesses. Dr. George Nicholson of Kla math Falls, a pathologist, testi fied that Mrs. Biss died about 10 p.m. on the 22nd. Nicholson supported the de fense contention about the time of death. The prosecution aid that Mrs. Biss was killed be tween about 4 to 6 p.m. The defense contends that It can prove that Foster was in Mamath Falls at 10 p.m. Klamath County Sheriff Mur ray Britton testified that he was informed of the fatal shooting about 12:30 a.m. April 23 and arrived at Beatty at 2:40 a m. Circuit Judge Donald W. W. Piper is presiding. Glass-house dwellers should take it easy WASHINGTON (UPI) As far as Rep. John Dent, D-Pa., is concerned, glass house-dwellers should go easy on stone throwing. The dweller in this case is Ohio Republican Rep. William' n. Ayres. Dent was one of four Demo crats scheduled to go to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands for four days of House Education and Labor Committee work. Committee chairman Adam Clayton Powell, D-N.Y., an nounced plans for the trip Mon- i day, but later that same dayj announced it had been post-! poned because of the press of; pre-adjournment business. ! Dent read to the House Tues day a newspaper account of the postponement which quoted Ayres as saying the trip would have "hurt the image of the committee and the House." "This person," he said, "who is worried about the 'image of the House' still has the smell of leis around his neck that he got in Hawaii just two days ago as the representative of this same committee." Rep. Wayne Hays, D-Ohio, who came under heavy fire ear lier this year because he took the head waiter of the House restaurant along on a trip to the NATO meeting in Paris, asked Dent if he didn't realize that the trip to Hawaii was of ficial business. "Just what is the difference between an official business trip and a junket?" Hays asked in mock seriousness. Dent said one member's offi cial business trip sometimes is another's junket. PICK PICASSO LONDON (UPI) The Insti tute of Contemporay Art said today it will hold a charity art raffle, with the winner taking home a Picasso painting for only $56. As each of the 62 tickets to the raffle are pulled from a hat, the owner will try to identify the unmarked Picasso from among 61 other paintings on show. Each contestant will keep the painting he picks and the lucky one will get the Picas- CLASSIFIEDS THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month $1-50 Six Months - $9-00 One Year W8.00 By Mail One Month $1-50 rliree Months $4.00 Six Months $7-50 One Year $14-50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius Mrs. Pearl Viegas 548-4121 Member, Audit Bureau ot Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall SL, Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Art received before 4:30 p.m. appear In uie tolloln.B day's paper. The Bulletin will not be responsible lor more than one incorrect Insei-uon. Low. low rates ror monmiy ans. 2 lines for 1 time only $1.50 only $2.00 only S3.25 only $2.00 only $3.00 only $5.00 only $2.50 only $4.00 only $6.75 2 lines 2 lines 4 lines 4 lines 4 lines 6 lines 6 lines 6 lines for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times Classified Ad LNDliX To Buy. - .Sell. . .Trade Apartments rot Ken appllances-KnnUtur Auction Sales Apartments rumlshed - Anlos For Trade atltot For Saia ah Sitter noate Motors Huslness Opportunities ... Bnlldlns t'ontnirtore ... Cfcrd of Thank" ....... Contracts Doss. Pels, etc H Oomestto Services. ...... Karma. Acreases ..... Farmers fjnlumn Farm Machlnerr Feeds m Seeds Foel. tloal. Mvod. OD ... Fuel Wanted Funeral Directors ...... Funeral Serrtcee Funeral Notices HHP Wanted Help Wanted. Female ... Help Wanted. Male House Trailers Housekeeping Knoms ..... Houses For Hem ....... InslnH-tton-Scnoots ....... In Memortam ............ tCal Notices Urestork Lost At Found tots at Bulldlns Sites ... Livestock Wasted Loans Machinery For Sals Machinery Wanted Masonic Notices ...... Htsreilsjienas For Kent Mtteellsneous For Sauu Money To Loan Money Wanted Motorcycles For aMt ... Mostcal In .11 uiuejits HH Nsrsrna Crsrs Personals Poultry. Ka bOlta KeaJ Eatata For Sals ... Kooro. board Sales Psopks. Areata ... Serrtcs Directory Hrnsstrofss Wanted. Fsrnais ... smratlons Wanted. Mais sportsmana Usisjust ...... trap Cetunaa fraOse Rates .........." Wanted to Borrow Wanted to Buy T Wauled to Kent Warned. Kooin-Board as 1-Legal Notice CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CITY OF BEND NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Civil Service Examina tion for the position of Fire De partment Engineer wiU be held In the City of Bend on January 14. 1964, commencing at 9:00 o'clock a.m. on said date. The general scope of the aforesaid examination will be to test the applicant's general knowledge and adaptability for the position aforesaid. It will include a medical, an athletic, a written, and an oral examination. Appli cants must be between the ages of 21 and 31 inclusive, must have at least a high school edu cation. Application forms may be ob tained at the City Recorder's Office at the Citv Hall. Bend. Oregon, and must be filed not later than 5:C0 o'clock p.m., Januarv 10. 1964, accompanied bv a SI. 00 fee. Further information may be obtained bv contact with the Fire Chief of the City of Bend. Dated and first published this 18th day of December. 1963. Civil Service Commission City of Bend, Oregon 11-16-C 8-Special Notices "alcoholics anonymoTjs"" For information call 382-4780, or Redmond M8;3tt06 , 10-Lost & Found LOSTPTHREE year old male Beagle dog, black, brown and tan. Red collar. License No. 55. Reward. 382-2453 or City Police. 12-Domestic Services WILL DO ironing, reasonable, JKV4465. . 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVT50OR MORE Rent New Movine Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 la-aelp Wanted Male WANTED: MAN for 1500-family Rawleigh business in Des chutes County. Many dealers doing S100 to $300 or more weekly. Good opportunity for profitable business of your own. Write Rawleigh, 306 Ade line. Oakland. Calif.,94607J j-rielo Wanted Female RELfABLE- MATURE-woman to housekeep for 6 youngsters age 12 down, on rare occa sions when both parents are out of town. Up to two days at a time. Need now. Replay P.O. Box 7. Bend. Oregon. XU-Service Directory ElECTRIC HEATING Complete electric heating serv. ice. InstaUation and repairs. Any make electric heater. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 HiU St. 382-2821 STAN LEV HOME PRODUCE Marilvn BuU 382-02S8 HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or Small All work guaranteed. 636 W. Deschutes 548-3320 Redmond INVISIBLE REWEAV 1 N G . Have those burnt holes and tears rewoven at Bev's Re weaving, next to Tom Tom Motel. 382-1948. JANITOR SERVICE". Floors, waUs, windows, and general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud's Cleaning Service, 382-2780 or 382-1920. TV & RADIO REPAIR Service Call ODly $3.50 Jim's TV Jrice 382-302? GEORGE NETTA COMPANY Dry wall interiors, hanging anc fiiiinshing gvpsum wallboard. Phone 382-5279 - if no answei call jfter3:00 P.M. . PAl.NTl.NU DONE Reasonablt rates. Anderson 382-2043: MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. 382-5312. BULLDOZING 382-2149 b'URNITURE REFIN1SH1NL Work guaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REFINISH1NG LADIES Alterations and dress making. Experienced. M I s Shepardson. 382-4744 22-Buifdinq Sup.-Cont Redecorate any room In the house for Christmas . . . With Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-Finished PANELING Here Is nature's own beaut marks that makes any roorr a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finishec paneling available anywhere, i shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH - PECAN and SAMARA, We also have A-GRADE Pro-finished MAHOGANY PANELING 4x8 sheet $6.88 Gifts from Miller's TOOLS Miller's has everything for the do-it-yourselfer! Black anc Dicker Power Tools, hanc saws, hammers, screwdrivei sets, etc. PING PONG TABLE TOPS 5'x9 unfinished Also a wide variety of tablt legs for your coffee table, enc tables, etc. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard S&H Green Stamps on all cash and carrv purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 382-4301 25-Situations Wtd. Female HOL-SEKEEPEB, live) in. 382 i 69. 03