o o o o o o Tbfe. BtaUfeJfN fctfardafy, Caember 14, 1963 ftif Mights ct the Weel LBJ shoots with both barrels By Cfwt Dt Mauro UPI Staff Wrltar The Johnson administration went out stalking for economy In government this week, shoot ing from both barrels. President Johnson called egain for new cuts in federal spending. He set up guidelines which he called "budgetary stringency" and then issued or ders to his cabinet and depart ment heads that there will be no fiscal straying. Acting almost on cue although the announcement has been long expected, Defense Sec retary Roberts. McNamara announced the closing of 33 military Installations in 14 states. Three unnamed foreign bases also went by the board's. Johnson's order to cut ex penses in the new budget means a reduction of programs that don't have top priority, holding the line on new personnel and the pink slip to those considered desdwood. 'McNamara's order, to take effect over the next 3'4 years, means a net cut of 7,800 in jobs and an estimated saving of $106 million a year. McNamara promised further military cut backs including some in the nation's 11 naval shipyards. The . defense secretary stemmed some criticism by n CASCADE PRINTING INC. "Letterheads, ' - Envelopes" PHONE 382-1963 M M ATTEND m CHURCH OF CHRIST " SERVICES 554 Newport Bend, Oregon "Speaking as the oraclei of God" Blbls Clasias 9:45 a.m. Morning Worthlp 10:55 a.m. t Evtnlng Worihlp 7:30 p.m. Ladlas Blbl Class Tuasdays 1:30 p.m. Wdndiy 7:30 p.m. a '33 "WELCOME" !j!j.5m,l"3 Be Sure ... Be Positive if in doubt Try Before You Buy! ' ON OUR CONVENIENT RENTAL PLAN Wf owr H.rln AM to SO rf.yi . , . ftt. am.unl y.0 pay hi rani will ka takan atf th. panhaw prlta. MR. KEENEY will be in your town to demonstrate the remarkable MAICO HEARING AIDS, following this Maico-Bennett Hearing Service schedule: BEND M0nday Dec. 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Owl Pharmacy, 858 Wall. Also available for appoit ments until 9 p.m. Call 382-2841 or 382-2871. PRINEViLLE noon at Bank MADRAS Thrifty Rexall adding that all those civilians who lose their jobs will be of fered new ones and retraining. But the howl from the Hill from congressmen worrying about the effects "back home" was loud and clear over the dollar-saving plans: They didn't like it and they let the White House know about it. One senator. New York Re publican Kenneth B. Keating Introduced a bill to forestall action on any military shutdown in a distressed area. His home state was one of the hardest Sewing club contributes Members of the B r o t h e r s Road Runners' Sewing Club have contributed $50 to the Cen tral Oregon College Avon May field scholarship, it was an nounced today by Charles Wacker, registrar. This Is the second $50 contribution to ihe fund made by the Road Run ners. Mrs. Rodney Rosebrook heads the Brothers club. The Avon Mayfleld fund, es tablished in the memory of the late Avon Mayfield, long with the Oregon State Police as an officer in charge of game law enforcement, is used in provid ing COC tuitions for qualified students enrolled in tne techni cal program. Students assisted by the fund this year are Wil llam Drazil, Madras, and Floyd Collins, also from Madras. Clin ton Perry, Fort Rock, who completed his COC work last year, was an earlier honoree. Contributions to the fund come from many sources. The scholarship Is now In Its second year. Two awards are made each year. THE Tuesday, Dec. 17, 10:00 a.m. to 12 Drug, 247 N. Main. Call 447-4345. Tuesday, Dec. 17, 3:00 to Drug. Call 475-2142. MAICO-BENNETT .HEARING AID SERVICE 190 Liberty NE, Salem, Oregon in economy bid hit by McNamara's order. Around the world around the clock: .Los Angtltt The FBI picked t:p three men and charged them with the kidnaping of Frank Sinatra Jr. He was following a singing career modeled after his famous fathers when he was kidnaped from a Lake Ta- hoe night spot, transported 500 miles by car to Los Angeles and then released unharmed after his dad paid a $240,000 ransom. The FBI said It re covered most of the money. Washington The Warren Commission investigating the assassination of President Ken- nedy received the FBI's report of the slaying which reportedly established that Lee Harvey Os- wald acted alone In the sniper plot that took Kennedy s life, L Pat, Bolivia Rebellious tin miners, continued to hold 4 Americans and 17 other hos tages, to support Vice President Juan Lechin s demands for the release of three Communist mine-union leaders arrested on charges of killing a third union official. Paris Western foreign min isters launched six days of talks that will set the tone for the Atlantic Alliance in the immediate post-Kennedy era. Madrid Argentina started legal maneuvers to extradite ex-dictator Juan D. Peron to stand trial on a charge of statutory rape. Borlin American author John Steinbeck looked at the Berlin Wall and said the Soviet sector is a concentration camp. ' Stuttgart, Germany West Germany's first post-war pres ident, Theodor Heuss, died at the age of 79. Librarian back . from workshop Ipotlal to Tho lullatln PRINEVILLE Mrs. Bessie Gittlnes, medical records librar ian at Pioneer Memorial Hos pital, returned recently from a two-day workshop in her field, according to . Harry Bongers, hospital administrator. Mrs. Gittings attended the workshop for medical record librarians of Oregon and Idaho, held at the Holy Rosary Hos pital, Ontario. FIRE RUN MADE 7 ' Bend firemen were called Friday evening to the 355 E. Quimby home of Mrs. Clarence Phelps, where a trash burner overheated. The crews waited until the burner cooled. n 4:00 p.m. at v: Restricted area set up around grounded vessel PORTLAND (UPI)-CoI. Ster ling K. Eisiminger, Portland U.S. Army District engineer, Friday eBtablished a restricted area of 100 feet around the grounded freighter C Trader near the mouth of the Columbia River. He said the restriction would be enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. The vessel ran aground last Saturday and was abandoned by her owners, W. R. Chamberlin and Co. of Portland, Thursday. However, Eisiminger said the Engineers have not accepted the vessel as abandoned and that it is still the property of the own' er. He added the Engineers will remove the C Trader later un der provision of the 1899 River and Harbor Act, which grants them authority in an emergency situation. Eisiminger said he hoped to have a contractor at work on ta project in early January. The freighter was carrying a cargo of 2.4 million board feet of lumber from Raymond, Wash., to Los Angeles, when she lost her steering and began shipping water shortly after leaving Willapa Bay. The vessel wis taken In tow for Astoria, but she ran aground just over the Columbia River bar. Most of the lumber above the waterline has been removed by scavenger boats, according to Eisiminger. Beachcombers have collected the lumber which washed ashore. Eisiminger said the entire stern section of the vessel was now under water. She Is listing 38 degrees to port but has not shifted location. urn BEND Patients admitted Friday to St. Charles Memorial Hospital were Lawrence J. 'Shike, son of Raymond Shike, Warm Springs; Mrs. Lonnie Wright, Sr., 620 Ogden; Otto J. Grover, Route 1, Bend. Patients discharged were Dwight McCoy, Mrs. Dallas Newberry, Larry Hall, Maurice Silvers, Mrs. Kenneth E. Speakman, Barney Kohler, Scott Nielsen, John crampton. PRINEVILLE PRINEVILLE - Crook county judge Ervin Grimes has been hospitalized In Pioneer Memo rial Hospital, with surgery sche duled for Monday. Other new patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial are Larry Hamden, Mrs. Lester Hollen beck, Kenneth Wadley, Nancy Smith, Mary Lambom, Mrs. Grover Gibson, Mrs. John Klein, Mrs. Minnie Duncan, Prineville; Mrs. Owen Smith, Madras; Mrs. John Sharo, Post. Released have been Mrs. Bil ly Williams and son Gary Leon, Mitchell ; Lawrence Randall, Verlin Dixon, Linda Carlson, Larry Hamden, Tony Padgett, Prineville; Robert Eidemiller, Madras. UNABLE TO PAY STOCKPORT, England (UPI) Sixteen-year-old Brian Jones, a printer's apprentice, has gone bankrupt. He told the bank ruptcy court Friday he was un able to pay 31,120 ( 400 pounds) in damages to a girl who was injured when he "buzzed" her with his bicycle three years ago. It ISLLI0I1GER& IIEYIIDLDS INC. (3weml2)iredors PAUL REYNOLDS DIRECTOR Familiar With All The entire funeral ceremony is centered on the special customs and requirements of the family's religion. This fact gives special importance to our knowledge, as funeral directors, of the doctrines of every church. Ittemiel mi onoti EOlOtll RULE HILL AT IRVING AVENUE Oregon soldier survives crash in S. Viet Nam WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Defense Department Friday re leased the names of one sur vivor and five victims of a heli copter crash in South Viet Nam Thursday. The survivor of the crash of an H-37 helicopter, shot down by Communist Viet Cone gun men, was identified as PFC Charles S. Albro, husband of Murlene J. Albro, Milton-Free-water. Ore. The Defense De partment said Albro was not seriously injured. Killed In the helicopter crash were PFC. Newman R. Ne- smith, Statesboro, Ga .; 1st Lt Ronny L. Woodmansee, Austin, Tex., and CWO William E. T. Flowers, Columbus, Ga. The names of one other man killed was not released pending notification of next of kin. News of Record Deschutes County District Court Melvin Robert Rosebrook. Sil ver Lake, basic rule violation, forfeited 25. Richard Grof t Raymond. Burns, truck overload, fined S24. Robert Loren George, Bend, no PUC permit, fined S15, S10 suspended. John Fredrick Bohklen. Leb anon, Improper muffler, fined defective stop light, forfeited iu. Earl Jefferson Humbvrd. Sun- nyside, Wash., obscured rear Bend Municipal Court Alvln G. Jarvis. Route 1. Box 151-C, overtime parking, forfeit ed 2. Dale E. Dobbs, 1320 Newport, overtime parking, forfeited $2. Bend City Police Clauds Ernest Wilkes. 49. Wilkes, Ala., charged with in- with bail fixed at $27.50. Donald Ray Manwiller, 18, Parrell Road, charged with dis obeying a stop sign. Rail shipment report issued Sp.clal ta The Bull. tin PRINEVILLE - Shipments over the City of Prineville rail way totaled 588 cars, according to figures issued by the railroad office for the month of Novem ber. ' -Lumber and lumber by-pro ducts accounted for 510 cars. Potatoes filled 34 cars, and cold weather increased incoming petroleum products to 31 cars. Feed and miscellaneous ship ments accounted for the balance of rail traffic. Cascade Camera Club gets chief Pete Martin was elected president of the Cascade Cam era Club, at a meeting Wednes day night. LaVerne Hanshew was named secretary - treasur er, and Leon Stumpff was re elected vice-president. Bob Herwick, retiring presi dent, and Theo Herwick, outgo ing secretary - treasurer, were given a round of applause for their leadership in the past year. A showing of unusual color slides, by Boyd and Gladys Wolf, highlighted the meeting. The pictures, of the recent eclipse ot tne sun, were taken far to the North, in the North west Territories of Canada, in the direct path of the total eclipse. n BEND, OREGON Man freed after 41 years behind Oregon bars SALEM (UPI) -Robert Hick- son, 70, the second oldest in mate of the Oregon State Peni tentiary, has been released after serving 41 years behind bars. Hickson was convicted in 1922 of slaying his wife. Hickson, then 37, tried to take his own life after shooting his wife with a revolver. . His original life sentence was commuted by former Gov. Charles A. Sprague in 1940 to 55 years. The Oregon Board of Parole and Probation said Friday Hick son was released Oct. 1 and is now living In an out-of-state nursing home. Hickson was paroled ta July, 1940, but four months later was back behind bars because of drinking. Remodeling set for hospital Sp.clal to Th. Bulletin PRINEVILLE Bids have been invited by the Pioneer Memorial Hospital association for a complete remodeling of the hospital's east wing, accord ing to Harry Bongers, nospiiai administrator. The hospital was built some 14 years ago with funds raised In the community, planned to be community-owned and seu supportine. The east wing of the hospital was designed as an eight-bed overflow room. Though frequently used, Its sue has proved Inefficient, Bon gers stated. New plans call for division of the small wing into two three-bed rooms, with the addition of a solarium. Use of the rooms is to be primarily by convalescent patients need ing progressive care. . Plans for the remodeled unit have been approved by the State Board of Health, Bongers stated. Q THE BIBLE Q SPEAKS TO YOU KBND RADIO EVERY SUNDAY 9:30 AM. 1110 KC . TVSIUUI a riwuwji.-'ia 6:0OK-Hend MiulcaJ Patrol 7:30 Speaking of Sport 7:35 Sam Bass Show T: 55 Network New 1:00 Sam Bass Show 8: S3 Network News 9:00 Sam Bass Show IV to .Network News 10:00 Sam Bass Show SUNDAV 7:00 Tim. News. Temp,. Music 7: IS Flair Reports 7:SO-MU Bachelor &M Show T:35 Mt. Baclwlor Stt Report T: 40 TNT 7:NNeiwork News 8: 25 Sunday Serenad I: bS Network News 9:00 Vole of Prophecy V: 30 The Bible Speaks To Yott 9 45 Sunday Serenad 9:55 News :0O-Speakln of Sport 10 05 Sunday Serenad 10; 35 Flair Reports 30: SO Sunday Serenad 10:56 Network News 11:00 First Baptist ChurcJl 12.00 Sunday Serenada 12:35 Flair Reports 12:30 Local News 13:45 Sunday Serenad 12:55 Network News 1:00 Hour ol Decision 1:35 Sunday Serenadt 1:55 Network News 2:CW-Votce ol Prophetic News 2:30 Sunday Sereruula 2:55 Network News S: 10 Sunday Serenade S: 30 News Flashes 3:35 Sunday Serenad 3:55 Network News 4:00 Christians Hour 4:15 Sunday Serenade 4:25 Tom Harmon Sport 4:30 Chapel by th aide of the road 5:00 News 1:05 Sunday Serenade 8:35 Flair Reports 8:30 Sunday Serenad 5:55 Network News -6:00 Sunday Serenad 25 Speakin of Sport 1:30 Sunday Serenad 6:55 News 7:00 Sunday Serenad 7:25 Weekend Sports 7:J0 Rep. Al Vllman T: 55 Network News 8 CO Sunday Srenad 30 The Back to God Hour 1:00 Sunday Serenad 9-15 Netuvrk News V: 20 Sunday Serenad 1: 30 Revival Time MONDAY 6 00 News Around the World t.Oa-T N T 6 30-News 6:45 Farm Reporter 7. OO-Frank Heminjway 7:15 Momln Melodies T-35 11 News 1:30 Momln Ruundup 8:00 ri Alien With th New f irVVfHu.-' X ITS IS Larry Wilson Show 30 Memo from Mary 6: 34 Larry Wilson Show 8-55 Network News 9 00 Bulletin Board 6:10 Larry Wilson Show 9:30 Golden Hit 45 Too Tunes 10:00 Mid Momln New 10 05 irry Wilson Show 10.35 Flair Report 10.30 Loral News 10.35 Larry Wilson Show 10.55 Netwurk News U: on Larry Wilson Show 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classltleda 12: 15 Sports Review 12 20 Noonttmt Metodfc tf: JO Nr 12 45 Farmers Hour 1 ftWPaul Harvey News 1.13 Flair Retorts 1 . 20-Jick TTwrnwi Show 1: 53 Network News 3:00 Jack Thommn Show 3 -55 Network News 3 m- ark Thornton Show 3. 55 Network News 4 Waok Thornton Show 4 35 NurthweM News 4 30 Community Report 4.35 Sam fUss Shnw 4:40 Tom Harmon UvurU 4 30-S:unes ot Pacific Pvwvrfew I no Tune Vent .15am Bas Snow 3 25 LrJ News 3 30 Lflral Sport 3 35 Sam Ba5 Show 8 33 New Pr'm&riHe tchool) planning annual yuletide programs Special to Th Bullttln PRINEVILLE - Holiday ex citement, with lots of Christmas greenery and lights, fills the atmosphere in Prineville schools as all grades prepare for their annual - yuletide music pro grams. First on the calendar are the youngsters of the Ochoco prima ry department. Theme for the Ochoco primary program Is "Signs and Sounds of Christ mas". Time is 1:15 p.m., De cember 16 in the school gym nasium. The Crooked River primary students will present their "Merry Christmas" program of songs and stories at 1:15 p.m., December 17, with the junior high music department holding a Christmas concert that even ing at 8 p.m. The junior high school concert is under the direc tion of Gene Southwell for the various band groups and Gary Gadwood for the choral selec tions. Ochoco Intermediate grades will assemble for their Christ mas program December 18. A highlight of the program will be the presentation by Mrs. Hazel Foster of her visit to the Holy Land. She will show slides of her trip. Also scheduled are choral and band numbers. At the Lone Pine rural school, the community Christmas pro gram, given by the students, will be at 7:30 p.m., December 17. The Crooked River intermed iate grades will bring the theme "Lights of Christmas" in their program at 1:15 p.m. in the CREST CONSTRUCTION Central Construction Ph. 382-0685 N Job Too Larte mr TM Small KOIN TV O 6.00 M Souad The Detectives " 3:30 Hlway Patrol Saturday News Beat Amateur Boxing T;00 Battle Lin The Rebel " 7:30 Jackie Gleason Th Lieutenant Hoolenanny 8:00 M " 3:30 The Defender Joey Bishop Show Lawrence Welk 9:00 Sat Nit at Movies " B:M Phil Silvers Show Jerry Lewis Show 10:00 Cunsmok " 10:30 " " " 11:00 Saturday Reporter The Saint . ' - ' - . 11:30 Showtime " y ;Moj. 11:15 12:00 S.F. Wrestling 1:30 Sign Off KATU TV Channel 3 9:30 Altrk 6:00 Surfsld Six 13:00 K-3 Newer! T:00 The New Breed 11:30 Meditation 8:00 Nightmare SUNDAY 7:13 Prayer A Hymn -J 7:30 . Town at Country 8:00 Lamp Unto My Feet Wunda Wunda ' 8:30 Look t'p A Live " . Herald. Pt Troth 9:00 Camera Three Changing Face of Math Oral Robert - - - 9:30 Face the Nation Europe: 2nd Renaissance Gospel Favorite - - 10:00 This Is Th LU Give Thee Peac 10:18 Think Orefron 10:30 Th Christopher Eternal Light TV Blbl Clast 10:43 Bobt'y Grayson M " 11:00 NFL Football To Your HealUj TV Show ol Home 11:15 M " " . 11:30 " What's New at School 11:45 " 12:00 " TeleVtnture Air Power 12:30 World ot Youth - ...... 12:45 " " . .- 1:00 " Fellow Otiien Stars of Tomorrow 1:15 1:30 " Perspective AFL Football 1:45 Red Dunning " 2:00 Faith for Today World Report J:15 " " 3:30 Armchair Theatr Viewpoint ' ' . 3;00 " Children' Thoatre (c) ' " ; ' 8:30 " Dfscorery 4:00 Christmas Special Hall ot Fame ic) Stars of Tomorrow 4:15 ' " - - 4:30 Let's Face It " Tues & Answers - 8:00 Sports Spectacular Wild Kingdom Checkmate 9:30 Amateur Hour GE College Bowl ' 6:00 ?0th Century Meet the Press You Asked For It 1:30 Mr. Ed Across the Seven Seas Hennesey T:O0 Lassie Bill Dana Show Pickens -Fensler 7:30 My Favorite Martian Walt Disney Jamie MoPheeler 8:00 Kd Sullivan ' " " 8:30 Grindl Arrest A Trial 9:00 Judy Garland Bonanza " 10:00 Candid Camera Making of a Pro Double Featur Theatr ' 10:30 What's My Lin " 11:00 Kuralt News Channel 8 Playhouse " 11:15 Restless Oun " KATU-TV Chnnnei 8 2:15 Medltauons 2:30 Nevvsreel 3:00 Altars of Faith 8:30 Project F. duration 4:00 College Opinion 4:30 Bom ha. Th Jungle Boy 5:30 Challenge 00 15 Prayer A H-mn :30 Community Classroom 45 M 7:00 Sunrise Semester Today - Breadbasket CA T:3Q Cartuun rime ' Three Stooges 8:00 Captain Kangaroo C&rtoonert Cub ic) Dr. Zum's Cartoon " H '' " Th Kin A Oile TeleScope fc Dr. Zoom's Carttxn 9:00 Mik Wallace, hew Jack UUnn Show " t:3fl I Love Lucy Word for Word fc) wy nf Life 10:00 Tne McUyi OncentraUon Ufe of Rtlev 10:90 Pete h Gladys Missing Links fe t B:na 11:00 Love o( Life First Impression (c) price Is RJghi U:S0 Search For Tbawrrow Truth-Conaequence c Seven Keys 11:45 Guiding Light ' .? 12 HI Neighbor People Will Talk lc Eml Ford 12:30 A The World Turns The LVcio-s Father Know Bctt 1.00 KOIN Kitchen Lorett Young General HosDltal 1:30 Hous Party You rvi't Sa- fc Girt Talk J. 00 To TeU The Trutb The Match Game Peier Gunn 2:30 Edc of Night Mak Rm for DUfr Day In Court " .riJiPnn Th UUne C-Jeen For A Day 1:30 Passwort . .-ho Do You Trust 4.00 Cartoon Circus Trait mtiw ' 415 Th Eart Show - Tnu. master :5fl Or non Corral fe " :JJ Z Z Mickey Moum Cua . ? J 5 " Oulfk Draw McGraw " Popey U:30 New 12:45 A!manae 1:00 Rvnpr Room 1:30 Party tin 2 00 Our Mlu KOAP-TV OHrmet 1 9: L n- Wwvler 45 Vna Aventun tspawta 10.00 Teleoours. Philosophy 10: U Let's Be Artists 11:00 Telecours. Biology U:tf Sign oft cmssot o gmraaie ta Tb school gym, December 19. Crook county high school' will present its annual Christmas concert at 8 p.m. in the high school gym December .19, with both choir and band numbers, according to Gary Stephenson, county music director. . .: In the other rural schools of the county, the Christmas pro gram at the Powell Butte school is at 8 p.m., December 20, the Howard School pupils will give their program at the. Lookout Mountain grange hall at" 7:30 p.m. that evening, and the Paulina school program will also be at 8 p.m., December 20, at the school. Now Thru Sunday I: Continuous From 1:00 PM. Sunday jnnmriavKJ FAB-U-LEWIS " . fun festival VO for the whole fir f rrbCA- J TKIHflCfllOR" jfrjl ifiiiiMitarltt'yr'k' KGW 12 KPTV TV 6 00 Expedition :30 Maverick 7:30 Major Studio Preview 9:30 City Hall Report 10-00 3 for the Show 11:30 Newsreel 11:45 Sign Off 2 30 Divorce Court s so Lone Hare TO Caruvmlval 4 SO Superman 5 00 Supercar 5 30 News 1:15 Arts ot Lann Amenr 1:90 Western Sketchbook 1:45 Vna ATtitura sptnota 2 00 Telecourse. Psychoiogy 2 45 Images of Art 3 00 Telecuurse. Biology 9 45 Parl-is Francais 4:13 SlgrPoff Bulletin.