The Bulletin, Friday, December 13, 1963 ; '-I ,Y v V; -j DANCING DODGERS A new song and dance team makes itt debut on a coast-to-coast television show. Wearing top hat and tails, the trio is easily recognized as the Los Angeles Dodgers' pitching aces Don Drysdale, left, and Sandy Kou fax, right, with batting champion Tommy Davis, center. Plans to close military bases brings barrage of protests Mercury skids in Plains By United Press International Temperatures skidded toward zero across the Northern Plains today and 45 mile an hour winds whipped snow into drifts in the Dakotas. Near-blizzard conditions were expected in parts of Minnesota and western Wisconsin but the weather bureau said the mas sive storm which churned down . from the Rockies last weekend was beginning to blow itself out. Blizzard warnings were with drawn for the North and Cen tral Plains and upper Midwest. The storm still sent heavy rains across the Southland. Tal lahassee, Fla., reported 1.26 inches during the night. Up to one inch fell In sections of Lou isiana, Mississippi and Ala bama. About an inch or two of fresh snow fell Thursday night in Kansas but the rest of the snowbelt showed only a trace of precipitation. The U.S. Army Engineers said today that Lake Michigan and Lake Huron had equalled all-time low levels for Decem ber set in 1933. The weather bu reau blamed the severe drought this fall for causing many riv ers in Missouri and Illinois to approach record low levels. At least 60 weather-connected deaths were counted by United Press International in the series of wintry onslaughts that reached from the northern Rockies to Texas and eastward to the Atlantic. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Defense Department order clos ing 33 military bases from New York to California brought a barrage of protests today from Congress, including charges of false economy. But Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara indicated Thurs day that the closing orders were part of a new economy cam paign that would gear savings to spending. Until now, that has not al ways been the case. In the past because of a steady buildup in Polaris submarines and other defense programs, the Defense Department had to explain with each cost reduction why spend ing was increasing. Nothing placated Congress, however. Sen. Kennedy B. Keat ing, R-N. Y., introduced a bill to block the base closings in economically depressed areas. Rep. Samuel S. Stratton, D-N.Y promised to turn the Pentagon upside down before accepting the cutbacks. New York stands to lose seven installations. Rep. Bob Wilson, R-Calif., said the decision to close the San Diego naval repair facility lacked logic in view of other "pump-priming" programs. Wil son said he has asked Assistant Navy Secretary Kenneth BeLieu to reconsider the closure on the basis of "economic horse sense." Under McNamara's order, a lotal of 33 bases would be shut down over a three and one-half year period. Twenty six of the hases were in the United States. The seven others were in three foreign countries, but were not identified until the governments concerned can be informed. In his news conference, Mc Namara said the closings will result in a "net loss" of 8,500 civilian jobs. It was evident, however, that many other civil ian workers at the bases will have to make long distance moves in order to keep their . ARS reports successful campaign against grain pesf government jobs. In these cases the government will pay for the moving expenses. McNamara talked of actual reductions which will bring de fense department civilian em ployment to the lowest level in 15 years. The increase in mili tary spending since McNamara took office has been from $43 billion proposed by President Eisenhower in the last budget he submitted to Congress, to an estimated $51 billion for the year ending next July 1. Charges faced by Eugene pair TWIN FALLS, Idaho (UPI) -Two Eugene, Ore., men faced armed robbery charges today in the holdup of a downtown Safe way store Thursday night. The suspects were taken into custody Vk hours after two young men, neatly dressed but unshaven and needing haircuts held up the store. They told the dozen clerks and shoppers to "freeze," then robbed the cash register and escaped through a back door to a waiting car. Store Manager J. Robert Loveland did not have an im mediate estimate of the full amount taken. About an hour later a cab driver who had heard of the robbery telephoned police and said he had delivered two "sus picious looking" men to a local supper club. "LAD" RETIRES MILTON, England (UPI)- Mrs. Mary Dobhie, 99, said to day she will close the black smith shop she owns because the "lad" she employes 80 year old Bill Foreman is retiring. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has announced that its long campaign against the khap ra beetle has resulted in eradi cation of the world's most de structive grain pest in the Unit ed States and Mexico. ARS said no established infes tations of khapra beetles have been found in the United States since July 11, 1962, nor in Mex ico since mid-1961. But even though no beetles now are known to exist in the two countries, limited local in festations may be found from time to time. ARS said that be cause of this possibility, control otlicials will continue surveil lance and surveys. During fis cal 1963, ARS surveyed 28,000 properties in 11 Western states and intercepted khapra beetles 225 times at U.S. borders. The beetles first were found in the United States in Califor nia in 1953. Later, infestations were discovered in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and also in Mexico. In 1955, ARS, the infected states, and Mexico began a cooperative campaign to eradicate the beetles by fu migating all discovered infesta tions with methyl bromide gas. Elevators and other stored product warehouses had to be wrapped in gas-tight tarpaulins before the gas could be re leased. ARS said a single large structure in California required 9 '-i; acres of tarpaulins and 16 tons of gas. In carrying out the eradica tion program, ARS discovered 677 infested properties in the four states. It fumigated more than 200 million cubic feet of I er rural subscribers 'as a result infested storage areas. In Mex ico, 92 properties involv ing about 26 million cubic feet were fumigated. ARS said the beetle is ex tremely hardy. Control workers have found infestations in ware houses 21 feet under solid mass es of grain. The beetles have been known to work their way through a two-foot warehouse wall. Khapra beetle larvae have been known to live three years without food, ARS said. Also, the beetles can produce 12 gen erations a year. They attack all grains and grain products. The Agriculture Department said improved telephone serv ice will be provided for many isolated farm families and oth- of advancements in the use of elec t r o n i c equipment with buried telephone cable. The department said electron ic equipment now is available for use with underground cable, free from threat of storm dam age. The agency said the equip ment was developed to meet standards set by the Rural Electrification Administration. IGNORES OWN WARNING SHERMAN, Tex. (UPI)-Jack McManus, a weather announc er, warned viewers Wednesday night to take precautions against a hard freeze, then went home to bed. When he got up the next morning he discovered several water pipes in his home had frozen and burst. f m :ff Make This A Christmas With RCA Color TV From Ken Cole! RCA VICTOR JSTewVTstd COLOR TV The BELLAMY 14G-65-M m Smart all-wood Contemporary consolette blends with many decors. 265 square-Inch glare-proof RCA High Fidelity Color Tube, New VI its Color Chassis, rich "Golden Throat" sound. In Autumn Mahogany, Danish Walnut or Rift Oak veneers and selected hardwoods. f Choose From The Finest Selection of Color TV Sets In Central Oregon! I , . mm .-v - gjniinmii i n i in n 1 $t ; 'Imp AMjA"''i"iii 7 iVf f''J : ft" I I tr I f f si m f f f J l seeiC I mm 1 n Tho UALMSTAD Murk 0 Series 14-G-73-M RCA VICTOR JSTcwUsta COLOR TV 265 square-inch glare-proof picture All-wood Danish Modern consolette 24,000-volt (factory adjusted) chassis Super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner wmm : k tSeeThan N 1 f L'J Miikiruu-avS'U 1 (feTH RCA VICTOR New Itsia COLOR TV 265 square-inch glare-proof picture All-wood Colonial compact consoletto 24,000-volt (factory adjusted) chassis Super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner Two keved color controls make tuning easy Extended-range 4" x 6" Duo-Cone speaker I si ft- f You, Can Enjoy RCA Color TV In Your Home For As liftle As 3.95 Per Week SAM urAVC Tn nu a urn f f I if IV :if ft1 SI Make This A I white! Christmas With Westinghouse Appliances Frsm Ken Cale! rrr- m ::' . ft ' f ':-..:, .." ;..' v'- '""" ' 1. ., u I ' J Heavy Duty Laundromat Washer LTF100 and Electric Dryer DTF100 Giant Capacity washes and dries 24 or more pounds of clothes at the same time. 5-Position Water Saver adjusts water input to size of load. Installs Anywhere using only 27 inches of floor space. Two Deep Rinses an exclusive Westinghousa feature. 4 Preset Washing Programs automatically ad just to type of fabric. 4 Automatic Drying Programs for every type of fabric. Heavy Duty Laundromat Washer LTF200 6 Preset Wash Programs for every type of fabric. Automatic Dispensers for bleach and fabric snfleners. Two Deep Rinses an exclusive Westinghouse feature. S-Position Water Saver adjusts water input to size of toad. Giant Capacity washes 121b. load or more. Automatic Lint Elector with no filters to clean. Heavy Duty Electric Dryer DTF200 6'Automatic Drying Programs for every type" of fabric. Automatic Dryness Sensor gives exact degree of dryness desired. done Interior Light purifies air in dryer. Large Capacity Lint Collector is easy to reach, easy to clean. Balanced Air Flow "Drying eliminates possibility of hot spots. Model RCC 14 COMBINATION ' . REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Frost-Free in the Refrigerator. Big 161 lb. Freeier. Cold Injector Cooling keeps food better ,. . longer. Plus Adjustable Shelving, Separate Cheese and Butter Compartment, Two Porcelain Crispers and Westinghouse Built-in Quality. White or Copper Tan Color Reg. 369.95 Christmas Special New Continental Double Oven. KEE3B. Roast Guard for perfect roasts, even if dinner is late. Miracle Sealed Ovens for any-rack baking. Two-Step Timer is easy to read, easy to use. Infinite Surface Heats let you dial exact heat desired. Rotisserie for new cooking versatility. Broil Selectors (both ovens) eliminate guesswork. Oven Guard holds complete meals at serving temperature. Split-Level Platform for most convenient cooking height. Plug-Out Surface and Oven Units for easy cleaning. Big Savings On Few Remaining '63 Appliances In Stock f f f EE3 ESn ESS EES &m 1'mjJ UvvmV (p.JJ (piiJ UtIm L;VuVy I No Payments Until March 1964 No Down Pavment I s BanK i erms rarmer flan Up to 36 Months to Pay . . . You tell us how you want to s pay and we will work out a plan to tit your budget. 253 L Greenwood V I V' a- t i sat Open Eveninfi & Sunday I I 9k 'yUrmri lpfwiT &rr Vr'wf ft APPLlAiCF Phone 382-5241 O 0 o