O O 14 . Tfae BMOfrM.t 13, 1963 Florentine Fernandez rates 8-5 favorite over Rivera NEW YORK UPI) Cuban Florentino Fernandez is fa vored at 8-5 to turn the tables tonight on Argentina's Juan (Rocky) Rivero in their second nationally televLed battle of middleweight knockout special ists. This return 10-rounder at Madison Square Garden will be televised by ABC at 10 p.m. (EST). Their first collision in the same Garden ring on Nov. 1 was straight from Crushers ville. Black-haired Rivero, a stocky 26-year-old with glittery eyes, tried to pulverize the taller, black-haired and mustachioed Florentino at close quarters. And Florentino, 27, concentrat ed on trying to blast Rivera's head at longer range with booming left hooks. The fight was a real thriller. Rivero, an underdog at 3V4 to 1, wound up with a unanimous WHL Standings By United Pr International W L T Pt GF OA Denver 16 8 2 34 106 68 Los Angls 13 9 3 29 79 81 Seattle 13 10 3 29 87 73 Portland 10 13 4 24 79 89 San Fran 11 16 2 24 84 110 Vancouver 8 IS 2 18 78 92 Thursday's Result! No games scheduled Friday's Schedule Vancouver at Los Angeles Portland at Seattle UP AND IN Not all ttrugglei end adversely for the Panthers. Here'i Redmond'i Gary Wing, 25, moves past Madras' Jim VVyatt for a cripple and fwo points in the Central Oregon tourney. Friday and Saturday will see the Cats at Forest Grove for another weekend tournament. BASKETBALL Tonight 8:15 BEND LAVA BEARS and KLAMATH PELICANS DIAL 1110 FOR NEWS SPORTS O MUSIC ABC 4H1IHJ 1110 5000 LIVELY WATTS but disputed decision, aided by a controversial knockdown in the eighth round, when Fernan dez apparently slipped. Fernandez is ranked seventh among 160-pound contenders by the World Boxing Association WBA). Rivero still is not rated among the top 10, despite his November upset victory. How ever, another win tonight by Rocky might boost him into contention for Joey uiardeiio s crown. Boston Bruins laugh at Hawks By United Preu International Who's afraid of the big, bad Black Hawks? Not the Boston Bruins, that's for sure. The pace-setting Black Hawks have lost only four of 27 games in the National Hockey League this season and two of those de feats have come at the hands of the Bruins. A second period goal by de- fenseman Tom Johnson, his first of the season, earned the Bruins a 2-1 victory over Chi cago Thursday night and ena bled them to vacate the NHL cellar. pi I n ii ! rau DryanT s trial Feb. 10 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. UPI) A federal district judge Thurs day set Feb. 10 as the begin ning of trial in Alabama Coach Paul (Bear) Bryant's $10.5 mil lion libel suits against Curtis Publishing Co. Court officials said Bryant's two suits concerning separate Saturday Evening Port articles would be heard during the trial. Bryant sought $10 million on the basis of a story last spring, "Story of a College Football Fix," which said he and for- - Att,lnti nii-anti, Iliei VJCUlgia nuirew. . 1ir11.. A-ArtA 4t rn iha 1QfV) waiiy tmita UICU W I 1 UK WU Alabama-Georgia game. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month - $1-50 Six Months S9-00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius Mrs. Pearl Viegas 548-4121 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation rhe Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The. Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 738-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Aila received before 4:80 p.m. will appear In the following dsy'i paper. Tha Bulletin will not be responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion. Low. low rates tor mommy ans. 2 lines 2 lines for 1 time only $1.50 only $2.00 for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times 2 lines 4 lines 4 lines 4 lines 6 lines 6 lines 6 lines only $3.25 only $2.00 only $3.00 only $5.00 only $2.50 only $4.00 only $6.75 LObT? Classified Ad INDEX To Buy. .Sell. . .Trade Apartment Kor Rem 4ppllancs-Knrnlrara ' aurtliin Hales Apartments rornlshed Autos For Trade Anlos For Sale ....... flab Kltters RnnU Motors ftnslness Oppommlttea aulldlnl Cnntrartora .............. fkird of Thanks H .......,. Contracts n..HH. Does. rets. ate. .- nomestlo Services rarms. Aereaxes ... Fanners llumu ................ Farm Marltlnerv ..... Feeds A Seeds ..HMa.HnH Fuel, tlnal. Wood, Oil Fuel Wanted Funeral IHrectors .............. Funeral Servtcea Funeral Moticea ....... Help Wanted Help Wanted, remala -. Help Wanted, stale House Trailers ....w....hhh.... HiHisekeeplrut Koomj . Mouses For Hent ......... ....... Instrurtlnn-Schools In Memortam .... I.esal Nnttoss . Livestock ... Lost A Found .....,.. Lots Jb Uulldlnl Silas ............. Livestock Wanted ....... Loans ... Machinery For Sale Machinery Wanted ...., Masonic Notices Mlscellsneous For Rem Mlvcellsneuus Fat Sato . Money to Loan ........ Money Wanted Motorcycles For Sale Musical Instmmeota Nurslut (are rersnoals .............. t Pnnllry. Kahhlts Keal Estate For Sal Huom. Hoard nH.. Salea People. Areola .. Service Directory ...... Situations Wanted situations Wsnled. Female . Iltuolions Wanted. Mala timrtsmans Itolumn ... wmp Column ....M..M....H.I rrnller Mtaos rrucks.Trallera ............... at) Wanted to Hnrrow H.. Wanted to Buy .. Wanted to Henl ........ Wnnted. Knooi-Hoard ... 1 -Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of ARTHUR M. P.ROWN, also known as A. M. BROWN In the District Court of the Stale of Oregon for Deschutes Cotintv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Ivy Ma whinney. has been appointed as Administrator of the estate of Arthur M. Brown, aka A. M. Brown, deceased, bv the above entitled Court. All persons hav ing claims against estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the un-rler-signed at 1026 Eor.d Street. Rend. Oregon, within six months from the first publica tion of this notice in The Bulle tin. Dated and first published No vember 29, 13. Date of last publication De cember 20. una. Ivy Mawhinney, Administrator of said es tate McKAY. FANNER & JOHNSON 1026 Bond Street Bend. Oregon Attorneys lor said estate 303-1-7.13-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS t-t.ite of MORRIS HENRY ROTHKOW In the District Court of the Slate oi Oregon for Deschutes Countv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Bortha K. Rothkow. has been appointed as Exocurnx of the estate of MORRIS HENRY ROTHKOW. deceased, by the above entitled Court, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the tune, duly ver fled, as by law required, to the joU.:;isaei at the office of De Armond. Goodrich, Gray & Fancher, 1044 Bond St., Bend, Oregon, within six months from the firstpublication of this no tice in The Bulletin. Dated and first published No vember 22. 1963. (s) Bertha K. Rothkow, Executrix DeArmond, Goodrich, Gray & Fancher Attorneys for said estate. 297-303-1-7-C NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Estate of DANIEL O. STAN TON No. 2515 In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Execu trix Jennie Osborn of the estate of Daniel O. Stanton, deceased, nas inea ner tinai account in the above entitled court, and that Monday, December 23, 1963, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the Court Room of the above en titled court has been apointed by the court as the time and oiace for the hearine of obiec- tion thereto, if any, and the settlement tnereoi. Dated and first published No vember 22, 1963. JENNIE OSBORN. Executrix of said estate DeArmond, Goodrich, Gray & Fancher, Attorneys for said estate. 297-303-1-7-C NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Estate of WALTER H. MAY No. 2506 In the District Court of t h e State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Adminis trator with the Will Annexed of tne estate of Walter H. Mav, de ceased, has filed its fina"l ac count in the above entitled court, and that Friday, January 10th, 1964, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Court Room of the above entitled court has been appoint ed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions thereto, if any, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published De cember 13, 1963. Date of last publication Janu ary a. istw. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, Administrator witn tne wui Annexed De Armond. Goodrich, Gray, Fancher & Holmes, Attorneys for said estate 7-13-I8-23-C 6-Masonic Notices BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF&AM Thurs., Dec. 12, 8 p.m. Election of officers Honoring Past Masters Fri., Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m. EA Deg. D. Y. Wilson, W.M. 8-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780. or Redmond 548-3606. HAVE Santa Claus visit your home, 382-5603. I WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Leonard J. Brown. 1 WILL not be responsible for bills other than my own. Mrs. Ida L. Hoover. BEND GARDEN CLUB Food Sale. Holiday gifts, wreaths, all makes. Home made bread. At American Music Co., 929 Wall Street, December 13 and December 14. 10-Lost & Found LOST AT Tower Theatre child's blue coat. 382-1937. LOST: Whiteface calf in vicin ity of Trap Club. Reward. 382. 4694. LOST: ParaV.eet, chartreuse & yellow. Reward. 382-3647. In vicinity of 1117 Milwaukee. STRAYED OR stolen, red heif er, weight about 475 pounds. from farm 4'fc miles northwest of Tumalo. Reward. 382-6460. 12-Domestic Services WILL DO ironing, reasonable, 382-4465. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage a- SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 19-Help Wanted Female WE WILL NEED A CAPABLE office secretary January 1st. Maturity, short hand, some knowledge of book keeping and office manage ment required. Prefer local married woman. Call W. B. Shellev 382-078;! for appoint ment. WE SELL THE EARTH. 20-Service Directory STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Marilyn Bull 382-0268 HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or Small All work guaranteed. 636 W. Deschutes 548-3320 Redmond INVISIBLE REWEAVING. Have those burnt holes and tears rewoven at Bev's Re weaving, next to Tom Tom Motel. 3S2-1948. ORIGINALLY Designed, hand tailored clothing and luxury gifts m fine fabrics and leath er. Jtan Knudsen, 382-3396 eve nings. JANITOR SERVICE. Floors, walls, windows snd general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud's Cleaning Service, 382-2730 or 382-1920. PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates. Anderson 382-2043. BULLDOZING 382-2149 MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. 382-5312. r'L'K.MTURE REFIN1SH1NG Work guaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REF1N1SH1NG LADIES Alterations and dress making Experienced. Mrs. Shepardson. 382-4744 NEED REPAIRS DONE? Large appliances, small appli ances, electric heating, electric lighung. Prompt effecient set vice. CALL TODAY. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. 382-2821 Wallboard isheetrocki finishing Hanging and finishing of gypsum and wallboard GEORGE NETTA-BEND Phone 382-5279-if no answer call iter 3:00 p.m. 20-Santfoft Director? FROZEN PIPES? Call Flaherty 382-1262 TV & RADIO riEPAIH . Service Call Only $3.50 Jim's TV Service 382-3021 22-Building Sup.-Cont, Building Specials Loose insulation $1.20 bag Blanket insulation 40 up Plasterbd $1.45, 1.70, 2.05 25 lb. joint cement $2.95 34" Fireplace Unit $52.95 37" Fireplace Unit $60.95 Garage Door whrdwre $49.50 Asbestos Siding $16.95 sq. 1 00, alum wind, wscreens Patio Drs wscreen $69.50 I Floor Tile 7l2c each 200 amp meter bases $8.95 200 amp Range Panel $20 up All sizes elec wire CHEAP Basebd Heaters 3' to 12' $14.95 to $34.95 Wall Heaters $15.40, $26.95 235 lb comp roof $8.35 Roll Roof $2.65 to $3.95 Galv Corrug $8.20, $8.45 US Stormseal $10.75 sq 4-V Crimp 3'-30' $9.75 sq Corrug Fiberglass 2M2C ft. Septic tanks $44.50, $59.50 4" orengeburg pipe 28c, 32c Dble Kit. sink complete $39.95 Quality toilet wseat $26.95 20x18 basin wtrim $19.50 5' tub wtrim $54.95 Folding Stairways $29.50 Galv pipe l2"x2l' 30c ft Field Fence $11.95. $12.95 Barb Wire 80 rd. $5.25, 6.95 Steel Posts 69c up Fresh Cement per sack $1.45 Concrete Mesh 7'x200" $26.95 Reinforce Rod 60c, 1.08 20" Polyfilm 4' to 40" left Genuine FORMICA 59c sq ft Galv Gutter . 1 3c ft All kinds Paneling CHEAP Ceil. Tile 12c iq ft Tappan elec. oven & ranges C. G. Long & Son Salem, Oregon I M. North of Keizer Phone 364-0161 Redecorate any room In the house for Christmas . . . With VVeldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-Finished PANELING Here Is nature's own beauty marks that makes any room a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finished paneling available anywhere. 5 shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH . PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A -GRADE Pre-finished MAHOGANY PANELING 4x8 sheet 6.88 Gifts from Mille. .. TOOLS Miller's has everything for the do-it-yourselfer! Black and Decker Power Tools, hand saws, hammers, screwdriver sets, etc. PING PONG TABLE TOPS 5'x9 unfinished Also a wide variety of table legs for your coffee table, end tables, etc. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard SiH Green Stamps on all cash and carrv purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 382-4301 29-MisceIlaneous for Rent - LEASING - Autos-Trucks "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, businessmen or profes sional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murrav fe Holt Motors. Inc. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 26-Loans NOW... for all of Central Oregon, comes or.e pf the Pacific Northwest's largest mortgage brokers . . . Commonwealth, Inc. Portland, Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all types of real estate financing, FHA. VA. Con ventional. Existing home refinancing. New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere in Cen tral Oregon Lowest possible financing rates See Us FIRST! Commonwealth, Inc. Bend 382-1232 30-Miscellaneous lor Sale FOR RAWLTu Products call 3S2-1694. IXip SOIL, fill dirt, dumo truck tractor loader work, ezcavt bou. gSsVULU. 30-MSsceHoweous for Sale CHRISTMAS TREES: Silver Tip, White Fir, Jackpine. Also flocking and painting trees. On Butler Market Road, first house past Deschutes Market Road, 382-2494, Phil Wren. AGATE JEWELRY, rockhound supplies, agate tables, book ends, paper weights. Now on the market, locally made. Our much wanted BEAR HUG Ca bochon clamps. A tool every gem cutter needs. A set of 4 post-paid for $1.59. ROCK-N-WOOD SHOP Open evenings till 9 p.m. 382-2375 Bend, Ore. LOST BRIGHT carpet colors . . .restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampoo er $1. Western Auto Assoc. Store, 903 Wall. Bend. CHRISTMAS TREES. Douglas, white fir. 1037 Baltimore. CHRISTMAS GIFTS are our specialty here at . . . WESTSIDE HARDWARE Gifts, gifts and more gifts . . . we have the largest selection of gifts available anywhere . , . For The Home For The Family For The Children For Almost Anyone And visit the most complete T0YLAND in town here at Westside SEE US FIRST! WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston 382-4341 Open Daily from 8 to 7 Sundays from 9 to 2 S&H GREEN STAMPS HALF PRICE, 1 week, 150 dia mond and wedding rings. Al pine Gift House. ARE YOUR pipes frozen? Buy a Lincoln AC welder to weld and thaw. 180 amp, $113. 225 amp, $128. Central Oregon Welders Supply, 101 E. Green wood, 382-2362. 44c a day Is all you pay for a clas sified ad that could make you extra cash for that vacation trip you plan this year. Try it! Dial 382-1811 and ask for classified. from this wonderful selection of Christmas Gifts ... This easy-to-use guide will simplify your Christmas Shopping. Area merchants are offering a host of items, priced at various levels. All hand picked to fit your Christmas budget! You Can Rent A Brand New Wurlitzer Piano for only $10 month AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 929 Wall 382-1393 FRIENDLY, WARM, PERSONAL . . That's the kind of service you get all year 'round at . . . GIB'S SHOE REPAIR 120 Minnesota The finest gift you could give . . . A NEW HOME in the beautiful NORTH PILOT BUTTE ESTATES See the beauty in a home when you call it your own 35 proud homeowners alreadv have! CALL 382-2033 Give the finest-Give HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS from Eriksen's Overnight Personalized Service. Be sure to see all the varied gifts 5'ou can give, from Erik sen's, Bend's Complete Sta tionery Store. ERIKSEN'S STATIONERY & Office Supply 1011 Brooks St. DEAR SANTA: I am thinking of buying a new car for Christmas. There are so many makes and models to see and drive. I don't know where to start. What shall I do? "Confused" DEAR CONFUSED: You owe it to yourself to drive the outstanding new '64 Super Torque FORD at Robberson Ford before you consider any car. Ask now for test-dnve proof of 1964 FORD quahty-in the cax-on the road. "Saota" 30-ftseafttWitttf EIGHT MM. movie cimra, $30. Vise. $10. Welsh baby stroller, $10. Kitchen table, S8. Bend Trailer Park, Space 36. Inquire at office. KODAK ZOOM camera, Wohl ensak projector. Also Editor, all like new. 382-1540. BOY'S SCHWINN bike, 24 inch, $20. Boy's bike, 20 inch, $12.50. 382-6957. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 1R2-2425 Used Furn Sr Misc TWO USED bikes, large boy's and small girl's. 382-5160. SALE GOES ON Country Bow Peanut Butter, while it lasts. Our own make. Nothing removed, nothing added and nothing BETTER. 2 2 or. size, Only 92c Pitted Dates, Only 32c lb. BUY NOW You will pay more, when we close our door. Organic Health Foods Old Bend-Redmond Hi way Redmond, Oregon 31-AppIiances, Furniture GOOD LATE model small re frigerator. No down payment OAC. $5 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Third and Green wood. SewHandy Sewing Machines for children . . . Hand-operated Beg. $14.95 $10.95 SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minn. 382-3882 Open Friday evening "til 9 until Christmas BARGAIN TREE Everything New & Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Trade I J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. 382-2202 i 3 hlks No. Pioneer Park GOOD USED Kenmore gas range, 30-inch with built-in grid dle. 382-5174 or 382-5191. DINING ROOM table and chairs. Dinette set. Three way floor lamp. 835 E. Eleventh. FOR SALE: Two couches, 1951 Nash 2-door car, reasonable. 382-3471 or see at 316 Broad way. KELV1NATOR Electric range, clean. Small Sparks oil heat er 382-1365 For The WHOLE FAMILY . . . Here is the Finest Gift You Can Give! TRAVEL TRAILER from Anderson's 24'x8" Streamline Travel Trailer Twin beds-self-contained 16' Aloha self-contained 15V4' Kenskill-Duplex Model Come See Us! W. B. ANDERSON TRAILER SALES S. Highway 97 382-4G61 CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE HOME! Single control Electric blanket .. $12.97 2 year guarantee Portable Electric Mixer $ 9.97 2 slice automatic Toaster $ 8.77 Electric Can Opener 5 8.77 Automatic Steam 'n Dry Iron . $ 8.77 Masterson-St. Clair HARDWARE 856 Bond St. Bend 382-1031 For Your Son. . . Give Him A T0HATSU for Christmas from . . . FRANK'S MOTORS North Highway 97 FAMILY PRIDE . . . Yes, your whole family will be proud of a new kitchen design ed especially for vou. Choose from beautifully finished wood cabinets and sparkling counter tops. Call for FREE estimates. MILLER LUMBER 1 Greenwood 382-4301 Christmas Special Fleece-lined VESTS $12.95 Small-medium-Iarge BEND SHOE CLINIC 136 Minnesota 9t ftwW9s. Purnlture RECONDITIONED and guaran teed ranges ana reingeraiuis. Ranges from $39.50. Refrigera. tors from $49.50. Oregon Equipment Company, 16o East Greenwood. PHILCO ELECTRIC range. Kenmore suds-saver washing machine, good condition. Price $75 each. 382-6772 days, 3105 evenings. . ONE SQUARE solid oak table, 9 leaves. 392-0777. Discount Prices New Furniture Davenports, Davenos, Occasion al Chairs. Bunlt Beds, Dining Room Sets, Coffee Tables, End and Lamp Tables. New Mattresses and Box Springs Full Size - $39-00 Twin Size $79.00 Re-upholstered Furniture New & Used Furniture All upholstery work guaranteed CASCADE MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY 1173 Wall 382-2942 32-Musical Instruments FOR SALE: All transistor elec tric organ, priced to sell. Call after 6 p.m. 382-4297. WURLITZER SPINET mahog any piano, perfect condition, 382-6641. WURLITZER ORGAN, spinet combination, maple finish. Clausen's Auto Center, 382 2372. AMERICAN MUSIC CO. Home of Hammond Organs "Music's Most Glorious Voice" WANT Professional used drum, set. Call evenings 382-0404. LOW OVERHEAD, direct fac tory franchise, and high qual ity, fast moving merchandise make buying an organ at our place cheaper. Come in and see. Hemmingson Piano & Or- fan Sales, South on 97, call 82-5177. 34-Fruits & Vegetables FOR SALE potatoes and apples call 382-5224. 40-Farmer's Column HAY FOR SALE. 500 gallon tank, hose, gauge, nozzle and stand. Nine foot Case rake. John Deere number 5 mower. Dump rake. Commercial spreader. Case barnvard spreader on rubber. AC model B tractor with hydraulic front loader. 2-16 inch bottom plows and cultivator. Spring tooth. Spike tooth. One hundred pounds of vernil alfalfa seed, discount. Two ton of land plaster, discount. 382-5752- The Ultimate Gift! Make Everybody Happy with a DATSUN for Christmas! Pickups and Cars 4 wh. dr. & Sports Cars! Prices start at $1650.00 Fully equipped FRANK'S MOTORS North Highway 97 For That Favorite Picture PICTURE FRAMES Ready Made & Made to Order LOY'S Studio of Photography 166 E. Greenwood 382-1353 Motorola Portable STEREO 4 speed record changer Reg. $99.95 Christmas Special $69.95 No down payment O A C. 1-only Westinghouse Portable 19" TV UHF-VHF-complete wstand . ..M 79.95 $9.00 per month KEN CALE Hardware and Appliance Third & Greenwood S&H Green Stamps SELECT your GIFT (or gifts) from WESTSIDE GIFTS 1005 Galveston 382-4341 t&B GreecCUnp ft '