Qymnastics the best sport for top physical fitness .-J J Avr...,- s.tft54iJ,4JIW ef ' ; 3 I'f.n'Miirw'mit!! Jeff Hiait on the horizontal bar Text by sports editor Web Ruble . . . It's the daring young man on the flying trapeze . . . and it's happening over at Sisters High 'School. A small Class B school in athletic circles, Sisters has added a new competitive program in which only the state's very largest dwell GYMNASTICS. A recent blurb in one of the Salem papers has an nounced the addition of the sport at South Salem High School. North Eugene and South Eugene have dominated the not-so-old gymnastics competition in its short existence in Oregon. ... a good achievement, this addition, for South Salem, but even a more amazing effort at little Sisters. Compete? Yes, compete they will. Sisters Coach Roy Runco wishes to include Sisters in the full scale of things state-wise. The Outlaw tumble and gym-men are working hard. This will be Sisters' first year of actual, formal competition after two years of dabbling with a tumbling and gym- WiPJwn nasties club. Runco, basketball coach, has inaugurated the program and works with his gymnasts when he isn't coaching his hoop team. The strange thing about it is . . . three or four of his gym-men are on the basketball team. Still rings Jim Demaris, 14, displays poise ... , , .i; t v ii i l Pictures by photog Nathan Bull, wor d UDSide down Tom Rice on parellel bars 1 r 3 s-- fit V AW 1 ' Bottom's up Nick Hiatt, 14, on still rings ,.Brtww,p?. r-, , .u- w Symbolic of sport's fatuie, Tom Rite right cw?cf, Pennis, Barclay awgit season G GD O O Dennis Barclay takes a whirl on parallel bars o "