o NEED EXTRA CASH? Sell "Don't Needs" with a Classified Ad! Call 382-1811 The Bulletin, Wednesday, 22-Building Sup.-Cont Redecorate any room In the bouse for Christmas . . . With Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-Finished PANELING Here Is nature's own beauty marks that makes any room a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finished paneling available anywhere. S shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH . PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A-GRADE Pre-finished MAHOGANY PANELING 4x8 sheet 6.88 Gifts from Miller's TOOLS Miller's has everything for the do-it-yourselfer! Black and Decker Power Tools, hand saws, hammers, screwdriver sets, etc. PING PONG TABLE TOPS 5'x9 unfinished Also a wide variety of table legs for your coffee table, end tables, etc. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard S&H Green Stamps on all cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 382-4301 29-Miscellaneous for Rent -LEASING- Autos-Trucks "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, businessmen or profes sional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 from this wonderful selection of Christmas Gifts . . . This easy-to-use guide will simplify your Christmas Shopping. Area merchants are offering a host of items, priced at various levels. All hand picked to fit your Christmas budget! You Owe It To Yourself to drive one of the OUTSTANDING '64 Silent Super-Torque FORDS before you consider any carl R0BBERS0N FORD You Can Rent A Brand New Wurlitzer Piano for only 10 month AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 129 Wall 382-1393 FRIENDLY, WARM, PERSONAL . . That's the kind of service you get all year 'round at . . . GIB'S SHOE REPAIR 120 Minnesota The finest gift you could give . . , A NEW HOME in the beautiful NORTH PILOT BUTTE ESTATES See the beauty in a home when vou call it your own 35 proud Homeowners already have! CALL 382-2033 Give the finest-Give HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS from Eriksen's Overnight Personalized Service. Be sure to see all the varied gifts you can give, from Erik' sen's. Bend's Complete Sta tionery Store. ERIKSEN'S STATIONERY & Office Supply 1011 Brooks st December 11, 1963 13 26-Loans NOW... for all of Central Oregon, comes one of the Pacific Northwest's largest mortgage brokers . , , Commonwealth, Inc. Portland, Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all tvpes of real estate financing, FHA. VA. Con ventional. Existing home refinancing. New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere In Cen tral Oregon L o w e s t possible financing rates See Us FIRST! Commonwealth, Inc. Bend 382-1232 30-Miscellaneous for Sale FOR RAWLEIUH Products call 382-1694. CHRISTMAS TREES: Silver Tip. White Fir, Jackpine. Also flocking and painting trees. On Butler Market Road, first house past Deschutes Market Koaa, 3S2-2494, pnu wren. CHRISTMAS GIFTS will cost you LESS at THE GIFT BOX Everything in the store 1 PRICE Next to The Pine Tavern WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn & Misc. AGATE JEWELRY, rockhound supplies, agate tables, book ends. DaDer weights. Now nn the market, locally made. Our much wanted BEAR HUG Ca bochon clamps. A tool every gem culler needs. A set 01 4 post-paid for SI .59. ROCK-N-WOOD SHOP Open evenings till 9 p.m. 382-2375 Bend, Ore. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, excava tions 382-51A1. LOST BRIGHT carpet colors . . .restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampoo er $1. Western Auto Assoc. Store, 903 Wall, Bend. CHRISTMAS TREES. Douglas, white fir. 1037 Baltimore. For Best Results Advertise in The Bulletin Classifieds For The WHOLE FAMILY . . . Here is the Finest Gift You Can Give! TRAVEL "TRAILER from Anderson's 24'x8' Streamline Travel Trailer Twin beds-self-contained 16' Aloha self-contained 15W KenskiU-Duplex Model Come See Us! W. B. ANDERSON TRAILER SALES S. Highway 97 382-4601 FOR THE KIDS... Wagons $3.25 otners from jiu.su Kids Pedal Car The "Tee Bird" $16.75 Tricycles from $13.75 Boy's 26" Bicycle $43.95 Pedal Tractor $25.50 Worlds of Toys at Masterson-St. Clair HARDWARE 858 Bond St Bend 382-1031 The Ultimate Gift! Make Everybody Happy with a DATSUN for Christmas! Pickups and Cars 4 wh. dr. & Sports Cars! Prices start at jitsso.uu Fully equipped FRANK'S MOTORS North Highway 97 FAMILY PRIDE . . . Yes, your whole family will be proud of a new kitchen design ed especially fir vou. Choose from beautifully finished wood cabinets and sparkling counter- tops. Call for t litis estimates. MILLER LUMBER 1 Greenwood 382-4301 Fleece-Lined VESTS Small-medium-large $12.95 Quality Leather Gift Items BEND SHOE CLINIC 136 Minnesota, 30-Miscellaneous for Sale HALF PRICE, 1 week, 150 dia mond and wedding rings. Al pine Gift House. EIGHT M.M. movie camera, $30. Vise, $10. Welsh baby stroller, $10. Kitchen table, S8. Bend Trailer Park, Space 36. Inquire at office. KODAK ZOOM camera, Wohl- ensak projector. Also JMHior, all like new. 382-1540. BOY'S SCHW1NN bike. 24 inch, $20. Boy's bike, 20 inch, 512.50. 382-6957. CHRISTMAS GIFTS are our specialty here at . . . WESTSIDE HARDWARE Gifts, gifts and more gifts . . . we have the largest selection of gifts available anywhere . . . For The Home For The Family For The Children For Almost Anyone And visit the most complete T0YLAND in town here at Westside SEE US FIRST! WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston 382-4341 Open Daily from 8 to 7 Sundays from 9 to 2 S&H GREEN STAMPS Discount Prices New Furniture Davenports, Davenos, Occasion al Chairs. Bunk Beds, Dining Room Sets, Coffee Tables, End and Lamp Tables, New Mattresses and Box Springs Full Size $89.00 Twin Size $79.00 Re-upholstered Furniture New & Used Furniture All upholstery work guaranteed CASCADE MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY 1 173 Wall 382-2942 For Your Son. . . Give Him A T0HATSU for Christmas from . . . FRANK'S MOTORS North Highway 97 For That Favorite Picture PICTURE FRAMES Ready Made & Made to Order LOY'S Studio of Photography- lee E. Greenwood 382-1353 You Get QUALITY When You Buy An IMPERIAL FREEZER from Ken Cale Engineered and produced by the world's largest manufacturer of freezers, the Imperial is a top quality freezer, designed to give you a lifetime of satisfac tory service. Check there prices! 22' Upright-735 lbs $299.95 18' UpriRht-595 lbs S269.95 16' Upright-529 lbs $249.95 10' Upright-392 lbs $179.95 Prices include delivery and in stallation. These are not strip down models but custom de luxe. KEN CALE Hardware and Appliance Third & Greenwood 382-5241 SELECT your GIFT (or gifts) from WESTSIDE GIFTS 1005 Galveston mm S&H 30-Miscellaneous for Sale SAVE NOW! THERE'S A HUGE SALE GOING ON AT CASCADE JEWELRY 849 Wall St. Ph. 382-1314 31 -Appliances, Furniture RECONDITIONED and guaran teed ranges and refrigerators. Ranges from $39.50. Refrigera. tors from $49.50. Oregon Equipment Company, 165 East ureenwooa. PHILCO ELECTRIC range. Kc-nmore suds-saver washing machine, good condition. Price $75 each. 382-6772 days, 3105 evenings. FOR SALE: Two couches, 1951 Nash 2-door car, reasonable. 382-3471 or see at 316 Broad way. KELV1NATOR Electric range, clean. Small Sparks oil heat er. 382-1365. ONE SQUARE solid oak table, a leaves, MZ-vtu. BARGAIN TREE Everything New & Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Trade I J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st 382-2202 l"t 3 blks. No. Pioneer Park GOOD LATE model small re frigerator. No down payment OAC. $5 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, inira ana ureen wood. KELVINATOR push button 30-inch range, 3732, after 5 Like new 382- p.m. SewHandy Sewing Machines for children . . . Hand-operated Beg. $14.95 $10.95 Electric Model Reg. $24.95 $19.95 SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minn. 382-3882 Open Friday evening 'til 9 until Christmas 32-Musical Instruments FOR SALE: All transistor elec tric organ, priced to sell. Call after 6 p.m. 382-4297. WURLITZER SPINET mahog any piano, periect condition, 382-6641. WURLITZER ORGAN, spinet combination, maple finish. Clausen's Auto Center, 382 2372. AMERICAN MUSIC CO. Home of Hammond Organs "Music's Most Glorious Voice" WANT Professional used drum set. Call evenings 382-0404. YOU DON'T have to be an en gineer to play a Gulbransen Organ. Hemmingson Piano & Organ Sales, South on 97, call 382-5177. 34-Fruits & Vegetables FOR SALE potatoes and apples call 382-5224. 40-Farmer's Column BUY, SELL or trade all types horses. Wanted, chicken feed, horses. Madras 475-3439 or 475 2148 LOCKER MEAT now, Vi young beef 39c lb. Vi young pork 35c id. iui to oroer iree. Midstate Meat 382-3651 REGISTERED Hereford Bulls, heavy boned. Cockerill, 548 2201. 41 -Livestock, Horses IF YOU want some big young Montana cows, pregnancy test ed, Angus or Hereford, call Bill Johnson, 548-3362, Red mond. GUERNSEY HEIFER. Just freshened. Good rniuter. no 1394. BURRO. $20. Baby beef. 17 to iDc to.; live weight. Abt-Lo&j. CHILDREN'S 4-H horses. Reg istered quarter horses. Horse Shoe Ranch 382-3163 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG Ic POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry kill ing. No poultry received after December 16, 1963. 740 E. First. 382-1042. 43-Dogs. Pets. Etc. PUPPIES FOR Christmas: Poo dles, Terriers, Chihuahuas and Pekes. Boarding, electric heat. Ranch Pet Kennels, 382-3634 AKC REGISTERED male Pek ingese. 382-1054. MALE AND female Pekingese, z months old. 64 Franklin, asz 3970. TO GIVE away small puppies, 382-3238. 44-Boats & Motors FOR boat. SALE: 19 foot Cniiser Call evenings 382-0404. 4J Sperttwon's Column 5 IS WITH binders, poles and ski boots size 9Vi, good condi tion. 39.0. White floor length vlanaflA Aress and veil, size letott $t.'W. $55. 382-5510. 45-Sportmen's Column RUGER CONVERTIBLE single 6. 22 long rifle and 22 mag num, excellent condition, with holster. 9 m.m. Browning auto matic pistol, new condition. Al so duck decoys. 382-3973. WANTED 382-5161. 30-06 hunting rifle. GO-CART and Tote-Gote. Rea sonable. 382-3111. . 47-Wanted to Buy GUNS WANTED, all types and models. Top prices paid. Bend Surplus Sales, 92 Brnd Stroet. MONEY AVAILABLE Want to purchase first mort gages and sales contracts at a discount Write The Bulletin Box 201-A, Bend. Ore. 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood, Oil WOOD. Green and dry mixed, fireplace or heater. Any length. Christmas trees also. Free delivery. 382-6184. 51 -Wanted to Rent WANTED 3 bedroom unfurnish ed house. Call 382-1811. TWO BEDROOM house. Would consider doing some repairs. write box iziua, care rue Bulletin. 53-Room, Board FAMILY STYLE meals. Clean, warm rooms. Reasonable rates. Pensioners and retired people welcome at Fossil Board and Rooming House, (formerly known as Fossil Ho tel) Fossil, Oregon. Now under new management. Phone 763 4882, Fossil, Oregon. 56-Apartments for Rent TWO BRAND new apartments one furnished, one uniurnisn. ed. Two bedrooms, large liv ing room with wall to wall caroet. ivorv brick fireulace. colored fixtures. Ready on the 10th of December. 475-2430 Ma dras. 57-Apartments Furnished THRE'.E ROOM furnished apart- nient. No children or pets, close in. 382-5394 after 7 p.m TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment, washing facilities garage, heat. 69 Portland Ave ONE BEDROOM house, close in, 382-0805. TWO ROOM apartment furnish ed, utilities paid, Mi-ttM . THREE ROOMS, clean, in, adults, 382-5647. close APARTMENTS, 2 bedroom or bachelor, furnished, 382-4803. fiNF. kkdhoom view noart ment. Heat, water garbage, TV cable furnished. 163 vicKsourg, 382-1068 or 382-5165. 58-Houses for Rent ONE BEDROOM, partly fur. nished. at 346 Hunter, 382-2257. FOUR BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished. 382-3732, after 5 SMALL HOUSE furnished unfurnished, 382-6891. 59-Houses Furnished SMALL FURNISHED house, Rivei front afternoons. 216 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall 382-3752 70. Business Opportunities CONFECTIONS DISTRIBUTOR PO Box 7743, Portland, Ore. FLYING "A" station for lease. Equipment furnished Outstand ing rental terms. Days, phone 382-1921. evenings, 382-5643. MAJOR OIL CO. Service Station for immediate lease in Prineville, Ore. Ex cellent highway business and residential location. Partial fi nancing available for qualified party. Call 382-3624, or write P.O. Box 711. Bend, Oregon. 78-Farms & Acreages THIRTY ACRE ranch. Split level home, not finished. Three bedrooms and sewing room. $25,000 value. Irrigation, two wells and house well. Adjoins Willamette River. Three acres strawberries, beared one year. SI .200 ner acre urofit. Will trade for five acres or larger in Central Oregon area. Large home preferred but not neces sary. Write Robert Howey, Route 3, Box 673, Junction City or call between 10 a m in) S n m.. Philomath 629- 6355. May also call Harold Leighton. Redmond 548-3801 EIGHTY - THREE acre farm with 504 acres of COI water. Good barn, corrals, loading chute and out-buildings. rul line of machinery. Nice 2 bed room home has 11,000 gallon cistern. Only 5 miles south of Redmond on oaved highway. $15,000 down. $34,000 total. Call 548-2449 Redmond. yu-Real Estate lor Sale TWO BEDROOM house. Inquire at 350 Division. cash. MUST SELL. 2 bedroom in Bend. $500 our equity, assume GI loan. $40 ner month eludes taxes and interest. Call 548-3173, Redmond EAST SIDE 2 bedroom home. $6000. Terms arranged. 382- 3592 BY OWNER: Choice east side 4 bedroom home, 2'4 baths, nlnvrtmm. built-in aoollances 2200 plus square feet, land scaped yard, covered patio. 382-5697. GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St 382-3752 4 ACRES, with new 3 bed room home, extra large living rm. with heatalator fireplace, red birch paneling in living rm, dining rm, and birch built ins in kitchen. This very attrac tive home with mountain view. Is located on 4 acres with 4 shares water within approxi mately mile from Bend City limits. Total price $19,500. Gen erous financing available. Own. er would consider accepting, as part payment, a borne in the $8,500 bracket N. E. Gilbert Realtor 30-Real Estate for Sale Comfortable Homestead 160 acres. 7 miles from Bend. Huge cistern, 20 acres C.O.I, water. More acres could be irrigated with additional water. 3 bedroom solid, comfortable home with heatalator fireplace. $24,000. $9,500 down. ART SH0LES Real Eslale & Insurance 444 So. Third . 382-2743 Emily 382-1086 Ray 382-5656 Jess 3824317 Roy 382-4816 Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 Harold Phillips, Realtor NEW Eastside home, 3 bed rooms, beautiful fireplace, I baths, electric baseboard heat, spare room over garage. Price $19,800. 2 bedroom home, close to new college. Price $6500. Completely furnished small home at 516 East Franklin. Only $4500. Near the new college, 2 bed room, aluminum siding, storm doors, wall to wall carpeting in living room, $6500. Evenings Farley 382-6130 Franck 382-1273 Phillips 382-0571 Location is an extra I BEDROOM home !n nice Eastside neighborhood on I1 landscaped lots. Big rooms throughout. Living room with fireplace, wall to wall carpet ing and drapes. Separate din ing room, attractive kitchen, utility room. Oil perimiter heat, insulated, storm windows. Full price $16,800. Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Rick Rlckabaugh Jim Arntz Arnle 382-4500 382-5243 382-44(5 VERN LARSON Real Estate and Appraiser FHA-GI-OUier Federal Agencies 1496 Quincy Ave. 382-5297 Bend AN IMMACULATE 3 BR on E. side, wwall carpet, fireplace, dishwasher, large bedrooms. close to pool and school. Only $15,200 with low FHA down payment. i A CUTE 2 BR with basement, large garage, neat as a pin. $10,500 with low FHA down payment. Will GI too. VIEW PROPERTY, 3 BR, wwall carpet, fireplace. One of Bend's better homes, $19,500. ALL 3 available for Christmas. RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin 382-6772 WE HAVE just obtained some exceptionally good ranches in Central and Eastern Oregon. I 43, 000 acres with 2 good homes. Lots of springs. Ex ceptional fences. 270 acres farm land. Located on state highway. Present owner running in excess of 200 adult cattle. Priced at only $132,000. $25,000 down, balance on 14 to 20 year contract. WE ALSO HAVE a good selection of unimproved land. Located close to Bend. Priced at $50 to $100 per acre. GOOD. NEARLY NEW well located 3 bedroom home. Fireplace, built in kitchen appliances includ ing dishwasher, wall to wall carpeting in living room. Good 80' x 100 fenced lot. Priced at $15,000. Small down payment will handle. Evenings Kieth Jr. Kieth Sr. 382-1R58 382-3105 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor MAIN OFFICE 822 Wall St. 382-1701 THE LOCATION SECURES THE INVESTMENT $13,500.00 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Large kitchen with dish washer. Beam ceilings, corner firepla,ce in the wall to wall carpeted living room. 50 xI40 lot .located in one of Bend's fastest developing areas. Im mediate possession. F.venlnffS Hap 382-1318 Harvey 382-4686 Swede 382-2962 80-Real Estate for Sale The best place to find a home is right here, in the Classified section, where a ready-made market is at your disposal. Use it often. KERR REALTY, INC. 728 E. Greenwood 382-2521 DON'T READ THIS unless you're interested in an impressive home on the eastside. 4 bedrooms & lots of space for luxurious liv ing. THIS HOUSE WILL MAKE YOU RICH in satis faction that your family has the best. WE HAVE THE TIME IF YOU'LL GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU THIS AND MANY OTHERS. Dick Kerr, Broker JackZiegler . 382-2636 Walt Kittredge 382-4492 The Land Mart $25.00 A MONTH with $500.00 down buys you this outstanding 2 acres with I'j acres COI water. On paved road just 3 miles from Bend. Wide open view of the Cascades. Exceptional building site. $2,500.00 $750.00 DOWN buys you this comfortable 2 bedroom home on E. 9th St. Fenced in backyard. Plastered. Gas heat. Large front room. Ideal rental property. $7,850.00 OUITE - CONFIDENTIAL BUT EFFECTIVE PROMO TION, of your business or commercial real estate is available on our Electronic Relay Network. Over 200 commercial salesmen in the Pacific Northwest get in stant information on your property; yet, local com petitors aren't aware that your property is on the market. For the utmost in confidential merchandising of commercial real estate see ui today. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. Bend 382-5121 Blanch Offices Redmond, The Dalles Evenings Jim Lance 382-5756 Bob Lilienthal 382-6363 Joe Tilden 382-2766 Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave. 382-3031 START THE NEW YEAR WITH A NEW ADDRESS! Hang your stocking from the huge fireplace in this grand, spacious older-type home that has kept pace with the times. 4 large bed rooms, with walk-in closets, plus nursery. 2 full baths, 26 ft. living room, separate formal dining room, large kitchen with breakfast nook, nearly new built-ins. Half basement, oil forced air furnace, oversized single garage. Located in one of Bend's finest resi dential districts. I'j well landscaped lots. Full price $16,000, FHA or G.I. terms. Mable Sullivan 382-5324 Duke Warner Farris Spauldlng 382-1707 548-2543 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor BRANCH OFFICE 1233 E. 3rd. 382-1799 "Where Parking Is A Pleasure' 3 BEDROOMS - East side near Marshall school. New furnace new floor covering and coun ter tops. Total lot area lOOx 140. Paved street. Full price $8,000. Will consider trade for good 2 bedroom home. 2 BEDROOM HOME. River frontage. $5,000. $500 down to qualified buyer. $60.00 per month at 6l2 interest. Evenings LARRY KEOWN-Asso. Broker Res. Ph. 382-2395 Jay Scott-Salesman .. Tony Vogel-Salesman 382-0834 382-2977 93-MotoreYCles tor Sale 1963 CUSI1MAN scooter. Make ( oiler. Call 548-4189 Rcdmpna. 94-Mobile Homes FOR SALE or trade equity in trailer house. 382-0703. lOU-Autos for Sale THE PRICE IS RIGHT AT MURRAY AND HOLT... For DYNAMITE... See Page 14 ONE HOUSE $200 down, one Chevrolet truck. $100.. one Mc Culloch saw $150., 1963 Chevy II $200 down. 1248 Davenport 57 WILLYS 4x4 pickup. 50 gal lon gas tanK. wincn, aluminum canopy. 15 Greenwood. 1958 FC 150 Jeep 4 wheel drive. Four new tires, complete wiin canopy camper. 382-6937 after 6 p.m. Full Price $1795 1961 FORD 4 door Country sedan wagon. Power steering. Cruise-O-Matic transmission. Real clean. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. Phone 382-2831 '60 PLYMOUTH V8 Sport Coupe Radio, heater, automatic trans mission, power steering and power brakes. $1195 -Full Price- BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac "OK" USED CAR LOT 235 E. Greenwood 382-6131 Across from Wagner s i960 FORD STATION wagor door. Radio, heater, power steering, new engine, jhihs. Redmond 548-2547 RED'S AUTO SALES USED CARS-We specialize in 55-56-57 and 58s. No down pymt. O.A.C. Ask about our lifetime warranty. 148 N. fith REDMOND 548-2323 CASH for your car or truck If In excellent condition. HAL WII.SON Auto Sales 160 E. Greenwood Are you looking for a HEAVY TRUCK? Here it is! 1959 DODGE 2 ton truck. Long wheel base, flat bed with rack. Tag axle. S speed transmission with 2 speed rear axle. 1961 CHEVROLET Vi ton pickup. Wide box, canopy, neater. Low mileage. One-owner and in like new condition. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating car In the world. Complete service & parts avail able. We invite your inspec tion of our facilities. Ask our salesman about the 100 guarantee on oth used and new Volkswagens. SEE MEL & BOB BEFORE YOU BUY! MID-OREGON MOTORS, Inc. Phone 382-1711 Evenings Phone Mel Rogerson 382-3864 Bob Hostetler 382-6791 VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits Bend, Oregon BEN JACQUES CHEVROLET DAILY SPECIAL 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4 door hardtop Powerglide, power a t e e r 1 n g, WSW tires, 2 speed wipers and washers, tinted windshield. Demonstrator. New car war ranty, 2795 BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th & Giveaway REDMOND O