OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE EfSW HOUSe THAXAIMTCOVER6P M I,:, J! j t i JU1 T 111 fel WITH OUSPfT AU' ROSS-JIS Pll1! ''"'Wlljl I JJi lllllllJdM SfTJMTER&.KKJOTSAN'CEMEMT tjtol'WilCTfe SJfnv)- TO WALK ON KUOWWHYTCUZ II ) W MmM rr'&oULV me that uses ny ,,mnm !'::"::'.'-n ''lirr IrSSaHll 'PUT VOUR SHOES ON AW' 6n" ' jglMfS I gn4 A CAW OF PEACHES--PUT - rfrff "lOUR SHOES ON AN' FIX RSftill J I I Nj8TWS TH' FURNACE -PUT YOUR I V lii'Wtt Ti &SiA SHOES OMAW DUMP ?'.,,. I , ESfc E S AD, IT WAS WITH THIS HOLD, IN PROMT OF WE MIKADO.THAT X DEFEATED TH6 6REAT 3APAI-I GRAPPLeR.YAKSUMA 03ACKI.'- IE WAS AVERY POWERFUL MArs -CCHJLO TAKfi A SPRUCE; LO& AND SQ0EEZ6TH6 RESlpJ OUT bp IT WITH HIS 5AM50N HUS.' BUT WHEM X GOT AW HAMDS OtA YAKSUMA.HB WAS 3U&TA TAFFY PULL ALL "O0 KC- DOING LOOKS LiKEA 16 SAFFIN&.' t COUPLE OF CMOM, bNE ME BLIfAPS Trt 6TEAM.' AMY S MOORED TO HOLD YOU WANT ONE MAST.' lOL) COOLON'TC'MOrHOvE PUT TH SW FREIGHT , SHOULDERS 1 ABOUND AlV 6NE US 60W6 ACTION ROOR.' IfcAVY LOADS', STEVE CANYON WHAT AN OPERATOR,' IN THEEE y6AE SHE HA4NT SAIO TEN W0EP5 TO M6... T&r OSB,POTEET, MP1 B-E--V BOYP K X 7 BUT NOW THAT THS Y ...I'M BEINa AIR R.O.TC. CROWD PRC9B0 fOR HAS ASKED MS To HIDDEN STREN4TH RUN FOR. SNOW i -AND WEAKNESS BALL QUEEN AGAINST B-E-E-WOC XI OEEPOTEETAoll'RfiT I SUES THAT'S A COAIPLI-I All KIND OF NON- MENTl I 6ET SOWS KICKS l FRACTIONS POLITICO OUT OF THE CLIMB UP, BUT I ? . ''ssfcsw-. .saflj-A HIJRElrAWC AT TWC Tnp J D---WOC.. HSSf I LrMt . iillll THF MnilWTAIN I DICK TRACY LESS WAITING FOR HELP CLOSED ROAD TO AVOID i3UT CUTTING ACROSS AT THE EXPRESSWAY IS NOT SO SIMPLE? CONSTRUCTION WORK IS IN PROGRESS. LI'L ABNER I I'll cut across at the Q l expressway. 11 7s "VV .oral .W C "Z '-AN' NOW THET AM AH PRONOUK1CES ( E,M.?? HAS-6W-1VE2E-JV VO' T S y.y" GONE THROUGH TME.V,. J L never y ) SUPREME AGONY I TrHUSH UP.-.O I ' 1 11 "V -n uin.i win u (ii vwi '-T bi II " a - i m wwn S ITS A MIRACLE r.'- AFTER MERELY Jl HOURS.HE ACTUALLY GOT A LON6-DISTAMCE NUMBER, OSIN' TH' NEW DIRECT DIALIN SYSTEM REX MORGAN. M.D, unnnissm; EXCUSE WE FOR TJ A WIMUTE.' I'LL 'III CHECK IN WITH MY AN5WERING SERVICE WW TELL YOUR PATIENTS Wi IS MR. NERO ROt:MDV '( I'LL SEE f- THERE'S AN OLD LrtDY AT & OKflY.".TELLV mJN THEY'LL HAVE TO -MU I'D LIKE TO SEE HIAH ; , - VhE S BU5Y.V TABLE TWELVE. ..WANTS TO H HER I'LL BE 1 1 if ARRANGE TO GET SICK T PERSONALLY -cr' ' TALK-TO YOU I DON'T OVER IN ft Mi W ANOTHER TIME IT'S MY 1 ir-. "ri- rV KNOW HER NAME o-irflS COUPLE "CJ p r n Y5r n tivt pnev As TOD 5AUWTERS OUT, V, J M Al All l AlLIEvy ""TjTlU NOLOMuER BITTER AT I I WHAT AK A?UR-Y IF YOU DO SEE VOUK. I rti'T DUH-H- PEVMIIST KE A L1)MP IU IMF MiaHT I J BEING LET OUT IN MV TRIWB. PLAN NOW...IM MISTAKE AUD WANT MB OS- CRIME SlUCB WE TOOK VIP DErECT-1 DRUM UP .-A L Cr CA.lun einAlJ TUB f ta Pr-U iiiiiT i..n,ni.ui Tk, Lj J lT , I KESr VOU SAID I DESERVE lY NT &JIW0 OUT ST TO KB LAY. U W'?" 414- M McKfE.EUSTEoj r-JtrhKf mnJ ' 1 Y V wAitwa ounsipe now! only J lscoMoim soon: MARY WORTH , I ir3i If I i'm only i pip A,. 1 Brrr"TtWEra"i t "mvH-Y-jH IC0K.KAR! htVt HADV4 WHEN vol I crTH aiT dowm out .;.N,J v Hue .7 I MV '-''HV AUL, MO'NGI-IT COULDN'T THINK Wl'Rl hJiWNG NU FOR. THIS iftW1 U F HK iUS J.Lfi,KH,RU'wfitiAi6 month, liili.'Ki.sv r7)V-rt u f 'rSrJFI;5 MOkt IN THE WINDOW HiKE VINCE' Pur t r t ,-tn' ' ? I bl 1 i ftl ""a .TjSPifl' ' vk vmy rnrxl LiA' 111-'- ALLEY OOP ' ITS NOT THAT I'M IN A HURRY, 6IKKY... BUT THIS IS TH' SHOKrEsr WAY I KNOW TGET YOU BACK . TO YOUR HOME IN LfcMI NAW... JUST A COUPLt BUT ISNTTHE MUP BARS TVKOSS WATER AWFULLY I AN WE'VE (SOT UtEP MhKhf y IT MAP6I "BUT ISNTTHi. I WA1ER AWFULLY ) AN' WE'VE (SOT fA VP6EP HEKfc JT '''APSI I M'j-'SW-j' ANYBOPY NO BUT I SAW y 4 HI9 C1PrHES..,AN' kTtwf I SEEN 5ME ct, ,frf THOSE SILLY - ii!lv,vAi NATIONAL J IN WITH SOME I 1 THINoS HE WORE ?rSrl7 h HERO Jf OFHSSTUFr.'V. J OVER HB EYES I KjooAYf " , prAp - 12 The Bulletin, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 Seasonal guessing game gets under way whaf is it and what is it supposed to do By Gay Pauley UPI Sta.f Writer NEW YORK (UPI) -Now starts the seasonal guessing game what is it and what is it supgxsed to do? ' For instance. There is some thing called the "something box" for Christmas. It is described by those who are selling it in this, the age of off-beat gifts for the person on your list who has everything else, as some thing that "works as well in darkness as in light." "While It blinks," the blurb continues, "you'll discover, if you are sleepy, it will keep you awake. If you're an insomniac, it will probably put you to sleep. . . "Try it on your desk. You'll find people thinking you've got a compact computer, a spy system, signals from your con flict of interests firms; maybe you're a scientist." The Board Meeting "Try it on the table at the board meeting and see what happens. . . "Let us warn you, that unless you use an axe you can't turn it off. "Jt will keep on winking its eight eyes in no recognizable pattern and for no apparent reason for nearly a year. Then it's dead as a mackerel and you can't get it fixed." A spokesman for the New York firm marketing t h e "something box" said the thing it is a rectangle weighing six pounds is one of its best-selling Christmas items. "Not only are we getting or ders by the thousands from the United States," said a spokes man, "but from all over the world." Asked if the box were supposed to do anything besides sit there and blink, he added, "absolutely nothing." The box arrives at your house already operating: the only way to get rid of it other than chopping it up with an axe is to "turn it against the wall in an unused closet." "Or," as the store suggested, "give it to some fellow who has no sense of humor." As usual, each Christmas shopping season produces an assortment of off-beat gifts. This year, the number seems greater than usual. There is the dilemma dis pensera transistorized, battery operated gadget to be turned on at will. "Dial your problem, throw away apprehension, watch the lights, and presto! Your decision is made for you,' said its marketers. . Party Fun For those who want to have some fun at parties or are just lonesome enough to want to hear themselves talk, there is the bird with all the colors of a parrot or macaw. The bird is stuffed with a tape recorder controlled by a couple of but tons. "Sav what you will," its pro motion reads, "this fellow will repeat after you and when it does, its glass eyes light up in a bloodshot malevolent gleam." Shopping the stores and tne S r I rsTkimii v rnure r jngp Ewnuini imuua ror ALL LP RECORDS IN STOCK (Including Christ mas Records) REDUCED! Reg. Q(jc 1.98 77 Reg. o mq 2.98 Reg. O OO 3.98 O.OO Reg. A 17 4.98 1 ' fS 4.99 COLUMBIA RECORD PLAYERS Masterwork Series .-jft-xfrwM mniTii' JLafeti&a f? Rea. 26.95 3 1099 4-Speed Manual Portable RECORD PLAYER 4 Speed Automatic Portable RECORD PLAYER Reg. JQ99 59.95 47 Portable 4-Speed Auto. Stereophonic RECORD PLAYER With Twin Movable Speaker Units. Reg. 109.95 88 99 Portable 4-Speed Auto Phonograph-Radio COMBINATION Reg. 69.95 59 99 Stereophonic High Fidelity PHONOGRAPH-RADIO COMBINATION With Matched Speakers Reg- 1 OQ99 199.95 107 gl J Lejj 1 e l 0 3 ECONOMY DRUGS 1 916 Wall Ph. 382-6162 i catalogs reveals that you can buy a kit for making your own "antiques"; one to build your own grandfather s clock. Toll Taken Horror Buy a fidget stone of jade to rub in moments of tension: a pistol that shoots coins into toll gate baskets; a pistol swizzle stick, batterv operated which goes into mixing action when the trigger is pulled; A kit of five tubes of tooth nastp non-alcoholic in content but flavored to taste like mar tini, brandy, orange curacao, rum or eggnog brandy; An niitnmnHp tip nresser! fur seal eyelashes; a stapler with its supply ot a.uuu siapies pacK aged in florentine silver-plated case; AnH mfm'c hanrfkprrhipfs ner manently imprinted with bright red iipsucK Kisses. Chemical test contract set PORTLAND (UPI)-A chemi cal said to have possibilities in the field of medicine will be tested under a contract an nounced Tuesday by the State Board of Higher Education ana Crown-Zellerbach Corp. The University of Oregon Medical School already has been testing the drug, which is called dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO. It is a solvent developed at Crown - Zellerbach s chemical laboratory at Camas, Wash., and is a by product of wood. The medical school, in a cau tous statement, said tests done with animals showed the chemi cal could possibly be used as an agent to transport medica tion in the human body. DMSO also shows promise, it was reported, of being usetul in preservation of blood,' bone mar row and eye corneas and in the field of transplanting human organs. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month Sl-50 Six Months $9 00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1-50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond-548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius Mrs. Pearl Viegas-548-4121 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Ads received before 4:30 p.m. will appear In tne following day's paper. The Bulletin w-lU not be responsihle tor more than one ineonvct Insertion. Low. low rates ror mommy ans 2 lines 2 lines 2 lines 4 lines 4 lines 4 lines 6 lines 6 lines 6 lines for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times only $1.50 only $2.00 only $3.25 only $2.00 only $3.00 only $5.00 only $2.50 only $4.00 only $6.75 LObT? Classified Ad LNDtiX To Buy. . .Sell. . .Trade Apartments Knr Rem ............ Appllanres-r-arolrure i Auction Sales ...... Apartments Furnished ............ Antos for Trade ntos For Sal BnhT Sitters Boats A Motors Business Opportunities .... Bolldtns Contractors (ton! ot Thanks H Contracts nogs. Pets. ete. .................. Domestic service. Knrnis. Acreaaes .... farmers ttolumn Farm Machlnerr ...... Feeds A Seeds .HH Fuel. (ml. Wood. Oil Fuel ttanted Funeral Directors ....,, Funeral Services ... Funeral Notices ........ .. ...... Help Usnled Help w anted, remal. Help Named, slals House Tmllerc Housekeeping (looms ............ Houses For Rent ................ InMrocttonSrhools . . ............ In Slemortara ............. Lecal .Notices Livestock Lost A Found , Lots A Building Site. Livestock named .,, (MM .. Machlnerr For Sal. Machlnerr ttanted Masonic Notices ............" Miscellaneous For B-irt ..H.""" Miscellaneous For Sss. ...... Mooc so I .nan ........n.. Moner tsantsd Motorcycles For Srt. Moaleal (ns. uiuotits Nursing tare Personals Pooltrr. Hshhlts , Heal Estate rot Sal Koom. Boar. Sales People. Areola Service Director, Slttnttoits Hante. "Itoalton name. Female Slmaltona Wanted Hal. sporssmans (ssliunn .... Jrasp lot am. Trailer Space (Tu. ks. t railers .... tsiintrd to Horrott . Hunted to Hur ft anted to Kent Hunted. Koom Hoard . m . 05 1-Legal Notice PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with the pro visions of Citv of Bend Ordi nance No. NS-546. the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bend, a public hearing will be held by the Bend City Planning Com. mission on the 30th day of De cember, 1963. at 7:30 p.m., in the City Commission Room ot the City Hall, in Bend, Oregon, for the purpose ot allowing per sons to be heard on the follow ing proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance: To change the present zone classifications of the following areas to R-4 Residential Dis tinct : Beginning at the intersection of the east bank of the Des chutes River with the south boundary of Block Sixteen (16, First Addition to Aubrey Heights; thence easterly along the south boundary of Blocks Sixteen 116), Nineteen U9 and Twenty (20) of the First Addition to Aubrey Heights extended to Hill Street; thence easterly along Quimby Avenue to Division Street; thence northerly along Divi. sion Street to an intersection with the alley in Block Ten (101, Lytle Addition; thence easterly along said alley to the intersection with the alley running northerly through Block Ten (10). Lytle Addi tion; thence northerly along said allev through Blocks Ten (10i, Eleven (ID, and Twelve (121 to Thurston Avenue; thence westerly along Thurs ton Avenue to Lakeside Place; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Block Fiftv-four (54), First Addition to Riverside to the east bank of the Deschutes River; thence sou'Westerly along said east ! k of the Des chutes Riwr to the point of beginning. JULIA S. JOHNSON, Recorder of the City of Bend 5-C G-Masonic Notices BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF5.-AM Thurs., Dec. 12, 8 p.m. Election of officers Honoring Past Masters Fri , Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m. EA Deg. D. Y. Wilson, W.M. d-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780, or Redmond 548-3606. O'DAY'S SCRAP YARD at 1307 E. Third wiU be closed until further notice. HAVE Santa Claus visit your home, 382-5603. I WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Leonard J. Brown. I WILL not be responsible for bills other than my own. Mrs. Ida L. Hoover. BEND GARDEN CLUB Food Sale. Holiday gifts, wreaths, all makes. Home made bread. At American Music Co., 929 Wall Street, December 13 and December 14. 10-Lost & Found LOST SET of keys on two key chain:, fastened together, Mon day, December 4 in Bend. If found take to Bend Police Department. LOST AT Tower Theatre, child's blue coat, 382-1937. LOST: Whitnface calf in vicin. ity of Trap Club. Reward. 382-4694. LOST: Parakeet, chartreuse & yellow. Reward. 382-3647. In vicinity of 1117 Milwaukee. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 I8-Help Wanted Male PLANERMAN APPRENTICE. Upper Willamette Valley mill seeking man to learn planer man's trade. Some planer ex perience renuircd. Wage de pendent upon l;-;nniiio pro gress. Write care The Bulletin Box I206B. 20-Service Directory ELECTRIC HEATING Complete electric heating serv ice. Installation and repairs. Any make electric heater. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. 382-2821 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Marilvn Bull 382-0268 BULLDOZING 382-2149 HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or Small All work guaranteed. 636 W. Deschutes 548-3320 Redmond INVISIBLE REWEAV I N G . Have those burnt holes and tears rvwoven at Bev's Re weaving. nevi to Tom Tom Motel. 382-11)18. PAINTING: Kitchen $40, Living Room S40. Bedroom $35, Bath $18. Exterior Painting. Also Comercial. HARPER 382-4692 ORIGINALLY Designed, hand tailored clothing and luxury gilts in fine fabrics and leath er. Jean Knudsen, 382-3396 eve. tunes. JANITOR SERVICE. Floors, wans, winnows, and general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud's Cleaning Service, 382-2780 or 382-1920. tURNITURE REFINISHING Work euaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REFINISHING MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, relers. water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. 382-5312. PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates Anderson 382-2043. LADIES Alterations and riress- "'oivniti. r.xppnencea. Mr I WORLD BOOK Child Craft gin lor the Fam v 382-5179 Evelyn Dark Wallboard heetrocki finishing Hanging and finishing of gvpsum and wallboard GEORGE NETTA-BEND Phone 382-5279-if no answer cal! after 3:00 p.m. TV & RADIO riEPAIR ' .SeS.",';' Cai' Oniy $3 50 Jim s TV ir "ce 382-3027 lo.c?0 ironing. reasonable, 362-4460, o