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About The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1963)
QUEEN CANDIDATE S, mdi for ii one of five candidates Formal, this weekend at Southern Oregon College, Ashland. 'Bend Lion Roar' to be published after vacation Ending a staff vacation last ing 33 years, the "Bend Lion Roar" will be back In circula tion on Monday, December 9. It will be the official weekly publication of the Bend Lions' Club, with Ellery (Tiny) Hick man, long time member of the xt-.i . rll .1.11 who recently retired, as editor. The last issue of the "Roar" appeared in 1930, with Frank H. Loggan as editor. The first issue of the "Roar," Vol. 3, No. 1, will feature an Important Lions Club event set for Wednesday, December 11, at the Brand Cafe, at 8 p.m. The occasion will be a joint meeting of tho Redmond and Rend Lions Clubs, with , the Bend Lions as hosts. Featuring the program will be hl-jinks numbers and the showing of film strips taken at the Redmond - Bend football game, won by Redmond. A. A. Poust heads the committee In charge, with Frank Bockhold in charge of the program. On Tuesday, December 17, the Lions of Bend will sponsor their annual Christmas party for youngsters of the commun ity who generally are not visit ed by Santa. Carl Berntscn is in charge of arrangements, with Maurice Shelton as committee chairman. Lions will not meet on Tues day, December 24, but will meet on Tuesday, December 31, Glenn 0. Ratcliff, president, said. Extension unit votes slab fund Special to Th Bulletin LaPINE The LaPine Home Extension Unit, at its meeting Tuesday, voted to donate $25 to ward the fund for a concrete playground slnb at the LaPine School. The slab project is sponsored by the LaPine PTA. The extension unit meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mark Ferns, on Highway 31. Mrs. N, D. Jacobsen and Mrs. L. N. Anderson were leaders for tht. . study. .. subject, "Swe den." The noon luncheon fea tured foods prepared from Swe dish recipes. A Christmas party was held following tho prouram, with a gift exchange and the revealing j of secret pals. j Twenty six members were' present. Visitors were Mrs. Bill Kaseweter. Mrs. Howard Seed, Mrs. Edith Pealxnly, Mrs. Arthur Nesbeth and Mrs. Sam Engelhardt, all of LaPine. "1 CASCADE PRINTING INC. "Business Forms" PHONE 382-1963 Morehouse, from LaPine, left, queen of the Winter Forest Access road work planned Spaclal to The Bulletin WASHINGTON, D.C. - Con gressman Al Ullman and Sena tors Wayne Morse and Maurine Neubergcr announced today that the Bureau of Land Man agement Is going to clear ap proximately 1514 miles of tim ber access roads in the vicinity of LaPine, In Deschutes Coun ty. According to the congressional delegation, the contract will be awarded tomorrow, December 6 in the amount of $16,050 to Marvin A. Russell of LaPine. Work will begin December 30 and funds will be made avail able from the Accelerated Pub lic Works program. Deputy sheriff request tabled Spaclal to Tho Bulletin PRINEV1LLE A request for a part-time deputy sheriff to assist Sheriff Tex King was ta bled by the Crook County Court at its December meeting Wed nesday. Hiring of a deputy had been recommended by the Crook County grand jury. In making the request, jurors pointed out that King needs help, because of the rapidly growing popula tion In the Prlneville area. The court gave no indication of a time when the matter would be reconsidered. In other business, the court advertised several parcels of county land for public sale, passed on several tax adjust ments, and handled routine bus iness, including authorization for payment of bills. NOW Thru SUNDAY Continuous From 1:00 P.M. Saturday and Sunday A trio of unlikely companions face an unknown world of adventure with miles of Canadian wilderness between them and their loved ones! 200 ALSO A Deathless km ten U TJ Other members pf the court from left are: Karen Wood, Ash land; Terry Steinbach, Medford; Shirley Sowell, Williams; Shelly White, Medford. Queen will be named at dance. , ., . . .LTlcU iter til PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (UPI) -(USDA) Livestock: Cattle 50, calves none, no trade test. Hogs 50. Few 1-2 barrows and gilts 15.75; 290 lb sorted out at 14.50. - Sheep 100. 70 head choice prime wooled and fall shorn slaughter lambs 18. DAIRY MARKET , PORTLAND (UPI) . market: . Dairy " Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 49-52c; A A, large 47-50c; A large 45-47c; A A medium 40 45c; A small 25-31c; carton 1 cent higher. Butter To retailers: AA and A prints 67c; cartons 3c higher; B prints 66c. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers 46-49c; processed American 5-10 lb loaf, 43-48c. POTATO MARKET PORTLAND (UPI) - Potato market steady; 100 lb sks washed Russets U.S. No 1 un less otherwise stated: Oregon 2.50-3.00; 6-14 oz 2.75 - 3.00; sized 2 oz spread 3.75-4.00; U.S. bakers 3.00-3.40; No 2 1.75-2.00; U.S. No 2 bakers 2.15-2.40. NO SMOKING BERLIN (UPI) - The West Berlin city council said today it is considering a law to allow a certain percentage of taxi cabs to hang out "no smoking" signs and accept only non-puffing passengers. PRESSED DUCK . . with pea pod chow yuk, pineapple shrimp, fried rice, soup, tea and n CA fortune cookies. ' SKYLINE DRIVE-IN 1243 SouCh Thlnl . . . 3S2-6871 Own Nwn to 10 p.m. Gosed Monday ItiTliree against the wilderness! Walt Disney TheTnewdibh Tnnmmi& CtlCHNK:Ol( vC 6" Tal of Fear and Love . -f I XT 1! Hospital wing bid accepted Special to The Bulletin REDMOND - A bid submit ted by Mills Construction Com pany of Salem was accepted last night In the amount of $328,755 for construction of a new wing at the Central Ore gon District Hospital. The award was made in the city council chambers. The bid acceptance follows approval of a $375,000 bond is sue in September. The remain der of funds will be used for fur niture and equipment. Basic bid submitted was $331,348 but the total amount was decreased by acceptance of alternates in regard to types of doors, acoustical materials, ventilation system and plumb ing arrangements. Joseph Rudd, of the Martin & Rudd architectural firm of Portland, was on hand to assist with the bid opening. Construction is expected to begin as soon as routine pre liminary measures have been undertaken. In all, seven bids were submitted. KOIN TV TIIUKMMY 6: fW Newscena 6:15 8:8(1 Crtmklte Newt 7:00 Sod Hunt 7:30 Password Lawhreakpr Temple Houston 8.00 Rawhide 8:M 9.00 I'el-ry Mason 10:00 The Nursei 10 30 Suspense 11:00 N!htsoene 11:15 Cinema Six U:M " 12 .10 Tonight KATU-TV Channel t 6:00 Ann Sothorn 6:30 Leave It to Reaver T 00 Groucho Marx 7:30 nial Two for Adventure KO.M'-TV Channel 10 7:00 What's New 7:30 of the Artist Jt.lto Aweclatton of Literature 6 no 8:30 6:45 Community Classroom 7:00 Sunrise Semesler 7:30 VVenuier rurecast 7:45 Cartoon Time Today Today. Today 3.00 8: 15 3:30 Capt. KamianjQ Cartooner's Club 9:00 .S0 Mike Wallace, News Love nxcy Word for 10.00 The McCoys 10 SO Pete ft (Jladyi Concentration Mlwlnn Link 11.00 Lov of Ur U:M Search lor Tunwmm 11 45 Gul.Una Llsht Your First Impression Truth or Conieguertcea 1 00 1:30 KOIN Kitchen House Party Loretta Young You ln't Say To TU The Truth T.Ast ol Mftht MX) Secret St.trm 3:30 Pasnword 4 00 Cartoon Cirrus 415 The Early Show 4 50 Cartoon 5 tW 5 15 1:45 K ATf -TV Chann! 1 1 30 Niws. Almanac l.oo R.npT R.vm 1 TO Party Line 2:00 Our Miss Brooks 1:30 Pivorc Court KOP-TV Channel 10 J 45 Vna Avenlitm FrTvt 10 00 Eastern Wisdom and Modern Lift JO. TO 0v-it Hall 10-45 Partous Franca!! II 11:00 General Htoiogy 11.45 SJin Off 1 U lrl.iAi hVrw-U ft Personal use permits ready for yule trees Personal use permits for cut ting Christmas trees on the Deschutes National Forest are now available at all ranger dis trict offices, in Bend, Sisters and Crescent, Ashley A. Poust, supervisor, announced today. A charge of $1 per tree will be made for all conifers cut. "The increased demand by individuals, as well as commer cial cutters, for Christmas trees has made necessary controls on the use of this resource the supervisor said. The charge for Christmas trees is now general in all national forests, in Ore gon and Washington. By issuing permits, rangers can direct individuals to suit able cutting areas. This will present accidental cutting on private land, it was pointed out Poust said boughs for person al use may he obtained free on all cutting areas. However, it will be necessary to obtain an administrative free use permit from any district rangers of fice for these boughs. Tree and bough permits are available Monday through Friday be tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 noon, and 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at all ranger offices. - For the convenience of t h e public, permits will be issued between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekends at all dis trict offices except Crescent, where permits may be obtain ed at the residence of the dis trict ranger. Various special areas have been set aside for the cutting of Chriutmas trees. The location of the areas will be mapped for permit applicants. On the Bend district, areas have been set aside on Browns Mountain, Siah Butte and Tumalo Creek. On the Fort Rock district, there are special yule tree areas on West Paulina, Bonne ville powerline, Jones Well and Finley Butte. Gaines bound over to jury Special to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE - Charles Gaines, 27, charged with statu tory rape, was bound over to the grand jury, at a prelimi nary hearing Wednesday after noon before Si Taylor, justice of the peace. Gaines, a member of the Harlem Stars basketball team, was arrested last Wed nesday by city police. Police went to his lodging seeking a 14-year-old girl, who was said to have been seen with the team earlier in the evening. Her parents had reported to po lice that she might have run away. Gaines is held In lieu of $5, 000 bail. District Attorney Jim Min turn said that the grand jury hearing would be expedited, and possibly would be held next week. The girl is in custody of juve nile court. KGVV TV 12 KPTV Hunlley-Brinkley Report Donna Reed My Three Sons Jimmy Dean Show Theatre The Edle Adams Show Hl2h t Wild Martin. News Show I Wrllns Famous Plnyhouse 9:30 Bold Journey 10 00 News to . 30 Steve Allen 12:00 News Sign-off Amei-loan Koretsn Poucy rerformRnce Sign OU Almanac Dr. Zoom's Cartoons The King Odle Dr. Zoom's Cartoons Jftck La Lanne Show Way ot Ufe Word Life of Riley TV Finco The Price Is Right Seven Keys (.General Hospital Girl Talk Quoen For A LMy Whj Oo You Tnt Corral ici Mirkey Mouse Club Pooy Cartoons 3 30 Lone Ranter 4 '00 Cartovilvai 4 30 Superman 5 TO Supercar 5 30 News Special 1 30 fncle Wnndw 1 45 I'ra A ventura Espala J:00 Paint tr Through lh Afes 2 TO P-m-i i Fve 3 oo G rnl liioloy 3 45 FpanM Para MaestrJQr 4 .15 Sum Off The Bulletin, Thursday, December 5, 1963 News of Bend City Police Michael Roger Kelley, 16, of 424 Riverside, charged with ba sic rule violation, with bail fix ed at $50. William Franklin Crawford, 924 S. Third, charged with dis obeying a stop sign, with bail fixed at $10. Delbert Lawrence Mager, 17, Westonia Apartments, Bend, be ing held as a navy deserter to tie picKud up Dy naval auuior ities. Bend Municipal Court Paul Dean Tycer, Beaverton, basic rule violation, forfeited $22.50. Dale Keith Brown, 1356 E. 9th, failed to obey stop sign, forfeited $7.50, also violation of basic rule, forfeited $22.00. Darlene Trent Hiatt, 1135 Al bany, driving without head lights, forfeited $5. Hugh McNair, 1251 E. Eighth, overtime parking two counts, forfeited $4. Circuit Court, Prlneville The Bar T Cattle company is seeking the cancellation and re scinding of the contract on land in Crook County, in a contract made with the Jackson Ranch Companv. Also sought is return of payments of $187,356.79 and return on the place known as the Robert Valley ranch in ex change for cancellation of con- Pioneers plan Friday meeting Pioneers of the Deschutes country will hold their annual business meeting Friday night at 8 o'clock, with the district courtroom of the Deschutes County courthouse set as the meeting place. This is in the basement of the building. D. Ray Miller, president of the Deschutes Pioneers Associa tion, stressed that the meeting will be for all members of the group, not just officers or com mittee members. The officers named Friday night will be in stalled at the annual social meeting of the group on Sat urday, January 18. Tomorrow night's meeting will be devoted entirely to busi ness, with museum plans ex pected to be reviewed and oth er activities discussed. A secret committee of three is naming a queen who will reign over the Pioneers in 1964. Her identity will remain secret until the January 18 meeting,' when she will be crowned. Rose Gibson is the retiring queen. ADDRESS DUE SALEM (UPI) -Gov. Mark Hatfield will address a meeting of the Associated General Con tractors in Palm Springs, Calif., Saturday night. Hatfield is scheduled to leave the state Friday night, and re turn Sunday, press secretary Travis Cross said. TINY CHATTY BABY AND TINY CHATTY BROTHER Reg. retail $19.95 ONE DOLLAR DOWN hold any purchase till Christmas . . . en Ittm or many . . . her t Central Oregon's hug DISCOUNT CENTERI Lay-away now and 6AVEI Record tract with Jackson Brothers. The plaintiff claims that "Brown's Well" is not on lands deeded as represented in the sales agreement. The Jackson Ranch, Inc., vs Bar T Cattle company and Courtesy Credit Corp., from Deschutes county circuit court case, notes of Lis Pendens suit pending, seeking foreclosure on land sale contract on land in Crook county. ' Horhnrt A. Peterson seeks a ! judgment against Arrow Trans-1 portation uo., ana tsn' Transport Leasing Co., ana uu ver Lainbert, for $1000 and $350 attorney fees for d a m a g e s claimed in collision, Feb. 16, 1963. Collection suits filed by Prine ville Medical Clinic against Du ane and Maxine Reynvaan. $331 for services; Darrell and Mary Smith, $262.50. services. Collection suit filed by Chico Production Credit Assoc. vs. Robert and Mary Eslinger, $4,-1 890.80 claimed due on promis. sory note. Collection suit filed by Hau pert Tractor Co., vs. Robert Rosenbaum, for S2.742.09 claim ed due for material and labor. Marriage Licenses Floyd Bonney and LaDeana Thompson; Joseph Newbray and Leslie Boyd. Frinevllle Justice Court Kenneth Larsib, drunk on public highway, $20.50 and $4.50 costs. Failure to dun headlights, Glen Shears, $3 and costs; Roy Irwin, $3 and costs. Violation of the basic rule , Walter Williams, $10.50 and costs; Gail Thomas, $10.50 and costs. Ivan Wolverton, no red lights on overhanging load, $3 and costs. i Wendell Gross, failure to stop , at stop sign, $3 and costs. George Haralampus, truck speeding, $5.50 and costs. ! Prlneville City Court Jimmie Friermood, conduct-1 Ing speed contest, $25. I Robert Merle Fox, disorderly , conduct, forfeited $25 bail. Andrew Floyd, no operator's ; license, inadequate brakes, $10 : suspended on each offense. j Violation of the basic rule, Bonnie Craig, $15; Chlora Maye Collins, $15; Keith Smith, $15; Neiaa doling, sis; winara Schlichting, $30. Samuel Puckett, no operator's license on person, $5. Coos Bay man fo head study PORTLAND (UPI) - The American Medical Association's study on effects of smoking will be headed up by Dr. Raymond McKeown of Coos Bay. Dr. McKeown is president of the AMA's Education and Re search Foundation, which will carry out the large-scale smok ing study. The doctors' organization ap propirated $500,000 to Dr. Mc Keown's organization to initiate the research "designed to probe beyond statistical evidence." The project will be financed by AMA funds, and private con tributions "only if they are given without restrictions," AMA trustees said. Mattel's adorable 15-inch boy and girl talking baby dolls. Regular retail... $11.95 BARGAIN BARN DISCOUNT PRICE CHARMIN' 6" THE DOLL THAT PLAYS WITH YOU! Any child will have hours of fur playing and TALKING with Charmin' Chatty . . . she can say hundreds of things! Your Charmin' Chatty comes with five Chatty re cords . . . just change her record ... 10 sides of sayings and playing! CENT-WISE BARGAIN BARN 511 West Evergreen 5434222 : OPEN 9 TILL 9... REDMOND Conservation movies due Explorer post No. 25, sponsor ed by the First Presbyterian Church, will see conservation movies, at a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the meeting room of the church. Paul Bonn, district game biologist for the Oregon State Game Commission, will show the films and . discuss his work. ' " Don Wiley, elected president recently, will preside, according to Ed Park, post adviser, timer new officers are f aui f nu- hrnnk. vice - Dresident: Dave Horning,- secretary,- and Dale Scott, treasurer.,, .-. ... Boys of high school age who are interested in outdoor photo graphy and conservation are In vited to contact Philbrook,- con cerning membership. His tele phone number is 382-1252. Recent- activities at post meetings included talks ., on photography techniques, and a showing of Alaskan photographs by the post adviser. Topics cov ered in the discussions included methods of testing flash-equipment, development of black and white films, zone focusing and the use of filters for black and white and color photography. The new officers will serve for the next six-month period. 1110KC-V'' WS000 WH TONKiHTS fKOdllAftia 6 00 Sam Baiter Sporta. . . , .. , g 10Pam Harvey New 615 Jack Trunnion Show .s 6:2fr-Fialr Kcports 6:30 Coach's Corner 6 45-A Lex Dreler Newi 6:55 Network News T 00 K-Bend Musical Hatrul 8:30-Jack Thornton Show- 8:55 Network News 9:00 Dick Clark Reports 8:05 Jack Thornton Show , 9:55 Network News ' 10:00 Jack Thornton Show ' - - FHI1IAV 6 00 News Around thr World 6; 05 TNT 6:30 Local News 8:45 Fafm Reporter j;00 Frank Hemlnsway T: 15 Morning Melodies 7:25 Local News - " '." 7:30 Morning Roundup 8:00 Don Allen with th Newi'. 8:10 Northwest News ... . 8:15 Larry Wilson Snow 8:30 Memo trom Mary ' ' 8:35 Larry Wilson Show . . f 8:55 Network News 9 00 Bulletin Board . . ; ; 9:10 Larry Wilson Show 9:30 Golden Hits 9:45 Top Tunes 10:00 Mid-Morning News 10:05 Larry WUson Show..... T 10:25 Flair Reports . -t 10:30 News 10:35-Larry Wilson Show 10:55 Network News . 11:00 Larry Wilson Show Ll:55 Network-News :.- 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classifieds 12:15 Sporti Review 12: 20 Noontime Melodies 12: 30 News 12:45 Farmers Hour 1:00 Paul Harvey News 1:15 Flair Reports - - 1:20 Jack Thornlon Show 1; 55 Network News " 3:00 Five Golden Minutes ' . . - 2:05 Jack Thornton Show ---- 2:55 Network News ".' 3:00 Jack Thornton Show . s 65 Network News - 4:00 Larry Wilson Show- 4:25 Northwest & Local News 4:30 Community Report 4:35 Larry Wilson Show 4.40 Tom Harmon Sports 4:50 Stories ot Pacific Powerland 4:55 Larry Wilson Show 5: 00 Tune Vendors 5:15 Larry Wilson Show 5:25 News 5:30 Local 'Sports 5:35 Larry Wilson Show 5:55 Network News . CHATTY 88 II BARGAIN BARN DISCOUNT. PRICE 7 DAYS A WEEK! ncHwcoioar i r 0