1 208. Lyons Hiway Market 25-lb. Kitchen Queen Flour 209. Werreni Flying A Station J wo Gal. Prestono Anti-freeze 210. Aunc't Feed Store 50-lb. Sack Purina Dog Food 211. Kurti Fly Co. ' Two Mohawk Trolling Reds $7.95 212. Oregon Equipment Co. Automatic Toaster Mary Proctor Masterpiece . . . 213. Eastern Oregon Mills, Inc. Weaner. Pig 214. Ken Cale Hardware Co . , Navy Type Telescope 215. A&R Motor Supply Two Sportsman Flashlights 216. Three 1-Qt. Cans Rislone Motor Oil . . . . . . 217. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Two Foam Picnic Coolers $3 each .... 21 1. Central Oregon Welders Supply Safety Helmet 219. Alpine Gift House Original Ceramic Design Hereford Bull 220. Bailey's Gift Shop Myrtlewood Bowl 221. Cascade Glass Co. Mirror (Approx. 16"x24") 22Z Don Bagley Mobile Distributor Three Oil Drip Pans S3, each 223. Two Air Cooled Seat Ventilators $3.50 et. 224. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. One Case 24 16-oz. Bottles Pepsi Cola One Case 24 16-oz. Bottles Teem ... 225. Sherwin-Williams Co. Four 1-Gal. Cans Inside Latex Paint 226. Cascade Travel Service Five Airline Flight Bags SI. 50 each 227. Drosfs Plumbing Telescoping Towel Hanger 228. Chuck Donley, Jr. Oil Painting (Aftermath) 229. Haines Distributing Co. Stanley V" Electric Drill 230. KBND Radio Station Christmas Album 231. Hap Taylor Realty Corningwsre Coffee Pot 232. Lee's Custom Upholstery French Provincial Frultwood Stool 233. Tim's Enco Station Two Gallons Zerex Antifreeze 234. Owl Pharmacy 45 Piece Set Brookpark Dishes 235. Pacific Power & Light Co. Universal Auto. Electric Sandwich Grill and Waffle Maker . 236. Cascade Natural Gas Corp Universal Electric Frying Pan (Buffet Server Type) . 237. Northwest Finance Co. Sportsman Hip Rubber Boots 238. Gordon Randall Insurance Agency - Griploc Tackle or Tool Box 239. Fowler Printing Co. Twelve Birdie Fishing Lures on a Card .. 240. Tiny Babe Block & Tackle 2000-lb. 241. Hale's Insurance Co. Propane Torch Kit Inc. Accessories and 2 Cylinders 242. True Temper Cushion Grip Hammer 243. DID Club Gary-Lite Plastic Ice Chest 244. The Palace Propane Torch With Two Cylinders 245. Neel Distributing Co. 2000-lb. Tiny Babe Block & Tackle 246. Twelve Birdie Fishing Lures 247. Overhead Door Co. Propane Torch Kit Inc. 2 Fuel Cylinders end Accessories . 24$. True Temper Cushion Grip Hammer 249. Lumbermens Insurance Agency Carry-Lite Plastic Ice Chest 250. Midstate Realty Co. Propane Torch With Two Cylinders 251. Richard's Cashway Two Sheets Vt" Plywood 252. Desert Gardens Three Poinsettia Plants $4.00 each 253. Williams Tire Service One Recap for Passenger Tire 254. Central Oregon Pumice Co. Five Yards Crushed Cinders Delivered ... 255. Deschutes Concrete Sand & Gravel Three 7-Yard Loads Red Cinders 58.75 each ... 256. 257. 258. Helphrey Dairy Two Texas Gallons Ice Cream Bend Dairy Ten Dollars Worth of Merchandise 260. 261. 262. Midstate Meat & Locker Co. One Year's Locker Rent 259. Wolfe's Donut Den Three Dozen Donuts , Mel's Market Ten Pounds Boneless Ham Medo-Land Creamery Co. One Month Delivery Milk Maximum 2 gal. ween , , Wagner's Super Market Fifteen Dollar Order Groceries 263. Bend Oil Co. Three Lube Jobs $1.75 each 264. Marv Mix Richfield Rich Heat 75 Gallon Heating Oil 265. Cascade Upholstery Co. $10 Discount on Service or Merchandise 266. Skyline Drive Inn Four Chinese Dinners 267. Shakey's Pizza Parlor Two Giant Pizzas Eaten at Shakey's ... 268. Rainbow Motel Room for 2 one Night 269. Walter's Kitchen Chicken Dinner With Dessert for Two .... 270. Rustic Inn Four (2 Pair) Chuck Wagon Dinners (Sunday or Evenings) 271. Thunderbird Club Two Dinners 272. Thunderbird Motel ,. Deluxe Unit With Fireplace One Night .... 273. Capital Cleaners' Five Dollars Worth Cleaning 274. Oregon Trail Box Truckload Box Wood Delivered in Bend Ares 27$. Greenwood Bowling Alley Ten Lines Bowling 276. Russell's Realty - $5.00 Gift Certificate For Merchandise Any Bend Store 277. Bend Abstract Co. ji Aerial Photo of Your Home (framed) .... 271. Sander's Flow" - Three CyelioW Plants $4.00 each, One Auctioned each day 279. Bob Thomas Chevrolet-Cadillac Fifty Dollar Credit on Service and Parts .. 280. Suttle Lake Resort Boat and Motor For One Day 281. Oregon Trail Motel Unit for Two Before May 11 19M Zl? 5.72 S.7S 15.90 24.95 10.00 40.00 4.00 4.50 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 9.00 7.00 6.50 24.60 7.50 3.90 50.00 19.95 5.98 9.95 18.50 6.75 24.95 24.95 15.95 14.75 16.95 2.40 14.95 10.95 3.50 18.95 7.50 14.95 2.40 10.95 3.50 18.95 7.50 12.10 12.00 18.00 12.50 26.25 5.60 10.00 12.00 110 10.00 9.00 15.00 5.25 15.00 10.00 10.00 3.45 7.00 3.50 5.96 5.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 5.00 15.00 1100 50.00 8.00 7.00 foe Bulletin, Wednesday, December 4, 1963 7 fcjemw? jf .wrSH Jt -.&, -s1' st J4S',Kfi T 111 Cl!lj?s" it''vc "slj'iS" -im 'sbswt . iran ni r - .-. . js? -w seraa -x- eBsessriiwea. . Court marfial trial of Negro soldiers charged " with murder of white airman opens in France EVREUX, France (UPI) The defense planned to call its first witness today in the court martial of two Negro soldiers charged with murder in the death of a white U.S. airman. Th French press has por trayed the killing last Septem ber as a racial conflict. But American officials have maintained it stemmed from a drunken barracks brawl that had no racial overtones. Attorneys for two of the de fendants, PFC. Raymond C. Bost Jr. of Pittsburgh and PFC. Robert C. Burrell of Philadel phia, said they planned to call about 60 witnesses. Both Bost and Burrell were charged with unpremeditated murder. They and four of their bud dies, including one white serv iceman, face possible maximum sentences of life in prison if convicted in the death of Air man 1G Robert Padgett, 23, of Woodlawn, Va. Padgett died of a fractured skull Sept. 6 after being injured in the fight. " Four ' of Padgett's buddies were injured, hospitalized and then released. According to re ports, iron bars were used as weapons during the fight. Tuesday four of the soldiers charged with murder and as sault, including the white youth, won separate trials. They were PFC. Edward Spears of New York City; Pvt. uichard C. Parker of Eckman, W.Va.; PFC. Franklin D. Wad dell of Philadelphia; and PFC. Allen Bernard of New York City. Gernard is white. The defendants, all members of the 557th Quartermaster Company stationed at the U.S. air base at Evreux, smiled nervously when they appeared before the court martial. The oldest of the accused, Spears, is 25. Spears, Parker and Gernard won separate trials when they requested enlisted men on the court martial board. This one is made up of 11 white officers. Waddell was granted a sep arate trial and a new pre-trial investigation of his case after his attorney claimed that the original investigation report contained unproven statements prejudicial to him. The attorney also criticized newspaper re- The last two rickshas in Shanghai, China, were put into a museum in 1956. ports which he said convicted the defendants outright. Doctor claims flu vaccines are effective PORTLAND (UPI) -A doctoi Tuesday challenged reports thai flu vaccines were ineffective. Dr. Fred M. Davenport of th University of Michigan told the American Medical Association's clinical meeting here that in fluenza vaccines were 72 per cent effective. Their use should -be continued, he said. , Dr. Davenport said a report last month given at a public health meeting in Kansas City, Mo., by Dr. Alexander D. Lang muir of the Communicable Di sease Center, Atlanta, Ga., had created some confusion about flu vaccine. "I know of no reliable infor mation which challenges confi dence in the continued applica tion of knowledge acquired ovef the past two decades concern ing the proper use of Influenza virus vaccine," Dr. Davenport , said. Traditional for 128 Holiday Seasons SOMETHING'S FISHY A ton of Lake Erie perch was scattered over the highway at Routes 2 and 19 near Oalc Harbor, Ohio, when a fish truck and an empty auto carrier collided. Pilgrimage to Holy Land planned by Pope Paul VATICAN CITY (UPI)-Pope Paul VI closed the second ses sion of the Ecumenical Council today with an announcement that he will make a historic pil grimage to the Holy Land, the birthplace of Christianity. The visit, planned for next month, will be the first time a pontiff has set foot on Holy Land soil since St. Peter left Palestine and established the papacy in Rome. Peter, Christ's apostle and the first Pope, died a martyr's death in the eternal city in 64 A.D. It also will be the first time a Pope has left Italy since the time of Pius VII, who died in 1823. Pius VII was taken pris oner by Napoleon and carried to Fontainebleau, France. The surprise announcement was made by Pope Paul at the end of a half-hour speech clos ing the council's 1963 session. In the Latin-language discourse, he ordered a simplifying and shortening of proposed decrees in hopes of completing the gath ering next year. He said the "practical impli cations" of the council's work will be decided by commissions after the great Roman Catholic meeting has drawn to a close. Shortly before, Pope Paul had promulgated the first two final actions of the council a decree on the form of public worship and another on modem commu nications media. They were the sole final re sults of the first two sessions of the council which met 79 times. Fifteen other documents remain to be decided on, but three are near completion. A total of 69 faced the council fathers when they first met last year, but they were condensed I and combined into the 17. I Schedule Next Session The next session of the coun cil is scheduled to begin Sept. 14, 1964. It had been expected there would be at least one more session after that, and perhaps two. . . The pontiff's announcement that he would try to wind up tne council next lall tnus came as a surprise. Noting the "heavy, assiduous and protracted work" of the council, and that "other ques tions are still subject to further studies and discussions," the Pope said: "We hope that the third ses sion in the autumn of next year will bring them to completion. On questions already dealt with by the council, he said, "we will see to it that these questions be subjected to a thorough and deeper re-examination so as to be able to pre sent to the next session of the council schemata which are short and so worded that It will not be difficult to obtain judgment on certain fundamen tal propositions." Applauded Warmly The pontiff was warmly ap plauded by the more than 2,000 bishops and heads of religious orders assembled in St. Peter's Basilica for the council's clos ing. The ceremony began with a Mass and was followed by the papal promulgation of the two council documents. The document on the liturgy, or forms of public worship, is by far the more important. Among its points are approval for modern languages to be sub stituted for Latin in most of the mass and other sacraments. The U.S. Catholic heirarchy announced today it will meet next spring to authorize the use of English and to work out the forms for the new texts. No date has been set for the changeover. The aim of substituting every day languages for Latin is to bring church rites closer to the people, to restore Catholic wor ship to its original beauty and simplicity, or, in tne words ot the document Itself, "to empha size the essentials." OLD . A I CROW gglll 1 i i- m "V' Ht9 ' 'r! niR j' SOI ill '.TJTf 1 Give and servo versatile, delicious Old Crow to on cum Dimmit Nonunion, n.tumiwt mum tooinamism mhoof 282. Cascade Motor Lodge Deluxe Room For Two 12.00 283. Holiday Motel Earrings and Necklace 3.95 284. Lonnie's Service Station One Case X-100 Shell Lubricating Oil 8.50 285. Murray Brothers Construction 6V," Skil Saw 29.95 286. Vi" Square Drive Challenger Socket Tool Set 9.98 287. Brooks-Scanlon 32 Packages (1024 Bd. Ft.) 1x8 Pioneer Selected No. 3 Panelling 150.00 288. Town and Country Realty Arnie Swarens Proctor Toaster 19.95 289. Oregon Carburetor Co. Orion Sweater Shirt .95 290. Los Studio of Photography Washable Sport Shirt 8.95 291. Darrell Pipes Deschutes Beverege Vs" Porter Cable Drill 20.95 292. West Side Haidwaf e Howaid Parsyck Picnic Basket With Service for Four 12.95 293. Stacy Smith Distributors 22" Big Boy Braier With Hood, Spit and Motor 24.95 294. Sears Roebuck & Co. Kenmore 4-Sllce Automatic Electric Toaster 17.99 Can Bid On Individual Unit or Total Save This Advertisement For Your Complete List of Auction Items j r III conoven'ience ...another important reason to bank at First National! Webetar'i Dictionary eyi thai enrrwnfenoe la "freedom from difficulty, diacomfort or trouble." Mr. Webster was not one el oat depositors, but he could weU have had rot Nttional service in mind what he wrote his definition. Everything about First National hnnlimg haa been planned with your convenience in mind. Nearly 100 branchea throuthoot Oregon, rooet of them right where people live, work or sliop, mke it eaiy far yoo to get owh, make deposit, or arrange a loan. Kree parking at most locations, drive-to banking, complete banking surrice-ell Unee and easier-ureaa checking account statements, too-have been doigncd to make it easier br you to enjoy the protection and estiatortion of First NaUooal eervioe. 5)1 EOS FIRST NATIONAL BANEeaM 1 A