o CLASSIFIED means RESULTS! Try it yourself and seel Call 382-1811 TheBuMetfw, Mtmfeay, DstKmber 2, 1963 20-Serviee Directory FURNITURE REFLN1SH1NO Work guaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REF1NISH1NO LOVELY NEW FASHIONS Your BEELINE Dealer 382-1478 Marge Johnson PAINTING DONE Reasonable rates Anderson 382-2043 LADIES Alterations and dress making. Experienced. Mrs. Shepardson. 382-4744. WORLD BOOK Child Craft A gift for the Family 382-5179 Evelyn Clark 22-Building Sup.-Cont Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-finished PANELING Here Is nature's own beauty , marks that makes any room a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finished paneling available anywhere. S shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH . PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A-GRADE Pre-finished Mahogany paneling 4x8 sheet ... 6.88 Pre-finished Mahogany Rejects 4x8 sheet 3.25 Redecorate any room in y our home with materials from Miller Lumber. Terms to suit your budget. - All types of INSULATION to keep your home warmest ever this winter. Plastic storm windows, pipe-wrap insulation, weatherstripping, everything for your home. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard S&H Oreen Stamps on all cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday A small space In the right placa can make a big sale. , . Use A Bulletin Classified Result Ad (or FAST RESULTS. Call 382-1811-TODAY I 26-Loans NOW... for all of Central Oregon, comes one of the Pacific Northwest s largest mortgage brokers Commonwealth, Inc. Portland, Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all types of real estate tinancing, HA, VA, con ventional. Existing home refinancing. New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere in Cen tral Oregon Lowest possible financing rates See Us FIRST! Commonwealth, Inc. Bend 382-1232 30-Miscellaneous for Sale 31 -Appliances, Furniture rx)P SOIL, fill dirt dump truck tractor loader work excava bons 382-S161 FOR RAWLE1GH Product call 382-1694. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 182-2425 Used Furn It Mist NOW IS the time to get tuat used jngerator or range irom Oregcn Equipment Co. We have quite a few of each in stock at reduced prices. Ranges from (39.50, refrigera tors from $49.50. All recondi tioned and guaranteed. Oregon tauiument company. 16s tast Greenwood. Used 250 amp AC WELDER Welds perfectly Complete with leads 90.00 cash CENTRAL OREGON WELDERS SUPPLY 101 East Greenwood 382-2362 21" CONSOLE TV. Good condi- uuii. run price no uuwii payment O.A.C. $642 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Third and Greenwood. SPOTS BEFORE your eyes on your new carpet remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer SI. Western Auto Assoc. store, sua wan at If You're Looking For A JOB Try BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS ANTIQUES: Writing desks commodes, clocks, lamps, dry sinks, rockers, cabinets, pew ter, punch bowls, brass, cop per. Kenwood Antique Shoppe, 605 Newport. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A JOB, TRY THE BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS. 29-Miscellaneoua for Rent 1 Greenwood 382-4301 - LEASING - Autos-Trucks "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, businessmen or profes sional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 East Franklin S82-2222 44c a day Is all you pay for a clas sified ad that could make you extra cash for that vacation trip you plan this year. Try itl Dial 382-1814 and ask for classified. THERE'S A GIGANTIC SALE GOING ON RIGHT NOW AT WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston 382-4341 Open Daily from 8 to 7 Sundays from 9 to 2 S&H GREEN STAMPS -"-it: 4i Bill H 70-Businesg Opportunities RICHFIELD OIL CORP, Has for lease high gallonage Service Station in Prineville. Paid dealer training. Group In surance plan. Financial assist ance. Phone Redmond 548-3319 or call Mr. Denman 382-1636. BARGAIN TREE Everything New fit Used ' imolete Home Furnishings Buv-Sell or IYade! J ill Furniture fHE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. 382-2202 ' I nlks No Pioneer Park 32-Musical Instruments SMALL BALDWIN Monarch up right piano. Call Madras 4i5-2611. New ELECTRIC GUITAR Plus amplifier with Tremolo. Both units n 39.95 AMERICAN MUSIC CO. MOTEL PARTNERSHIPS Rapidly developing motel chain offers rewarding investment opportunities where qualified husband & wife teams may work together as co-owners. Experience is not necessary as full training in all phases of motel operation is provided. Full 505o partnership requires a minimum $40,000 cash invest ment (total to be raised within 6 months). For this you will receive 50 of nrt profit plus 10 of gross income as man agement salary it a free furn ished deluxe apartment. Am bitious, qualified, financially responsible couples can loon forward to an excellent 5-figure annual income from an enjoy able occupation. Write or phone 213 HO 6-8237 RegaLodge Motels 1619 N. Cherokee Ave., Dept. BB Los Angeles 28, California Heal Estate toi Sale 73-Real Estate Wanted WE HAVE a cash buyer for a beer distributorship; contact Joe Tilden. Also a cash buyer for a gas and oil distributor ship: contact Arleigh Black. Realtor, at The Land Mart, 811 WaU Street, 382-5121. 78-Farms & Acreages 929 Wall St. 382-1393 THE VARIETY of brilliant tones makes practicing on a Gulbransen organ fun! Hem mingson Piano & Organ Sales, south on 7, cau 382-5177. 40-Farmer's Column BUY. SELL or trade all types norses wanted, cnicken feed, horses Madras 475-3439 or 475- 2148 For Best Results Advertise in The Bulletin Classifieds LOCKER MEAT now, Vi young beef sac lb. Vi young pork 3oc lb. Cut to order free. Midstate Meat 382-3651 FOR SALE: Barnyard fertili zer. 382-0524. Call between and 6 p.m. 41-Livestock, Horses WIT. I. TRAIN horses for rnninf cutting or pleasure. Also do horseshoeing or correctional horseshoeing. All types ol horses for sale. Also stud serv ice. Contact Jim Dobbs or Bill Hamilton. 447-7041 or 447-5615 n I i FORTY. GOOD biff Dreenancv tested white faced cows. Good ages. Redmond 548-4460. SOME REAL BUYS 6 small rentals. Priced at $15, 000. Income $200 per month. Owner has $7,460 equity. Would consider house or bldg. In LaPine on trade. 4 BK hse. on two lots. rise, in good condition. Will FHA. Price $9,350. That cute I BR hse. furnished Is still available. Lot I20'xl20' In grass and flowers. $4750. on terms. $4,000 cash. 10 A. with 5 A. C.O.I, water, on paved road. Wonderful view of the Cascades. $6250. Some terms. JACK HALBROOK Real Estate & Insurance 545 Congress 382-0364 Buy your new house through Bulletin classifieds. SO Real Estate tor Sale EAST SIDE 2 $6000. Terms 3592. bedroom home, arranged. 382- 100 Autos for Sale VERN LARSON Real Estate and Appraiser FHA-GI-Other Federal Agencies 1496 Quincv Ave. 382-5297 Bend AN IMMACULATE 2 BR home with 23 basement, gas furnace, oak floor, new linoleum, wwall closet, large garage. Close in, FHA or GI at $10,750. MOUNTAIN VIEW 21 acres, 15 bp. Tumalo water, easv to ir rigate. Only $6,400 with $3,500 . down, bal. 8 vears. I LUXURY HOME with view 4 1 BR solit-level. 2 fireplaces, bar-' becue. 2 family rooms. 710 acre, appraised $36,300 will sacrifice. I NEED Good clean late model useC cars. Cash or an older modeU for your equity. DON'S USED CARS 1 blk. so. of Greenwood on 3id Phone 382-2831 150 ACRES on paved highway, 70 acres in alfalfa, aluminum sprinklers. 70 acres ready lor planting. 10 acres beautiful trees. Tractor and other equip ment, large electric pump. 12" well, plenty water. Price $22, 500. $11,000 balance at $1,000 per year interest. See Keith, owner. Silver Lake. Friday November 29 and Saturday, 30th. care C & H Cafe. 1962 10x55' Alpine Chalet trail er. In Terrebonne, city water, lights and sewage. One acre of ground. 548-3657. 80-Real Estate tor Sale GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. 382-3752 RECIPROCITY: You worked hard for vour $S$S. make them work for you now. Debts end ill health force this property on the market for what it will brine. Listed price $5000.00, Make us a cash offer for this 2 bedrm home located 1 block to iirocerv. 2 blocks to school N. E. Gilbert REALTOR Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave.- 382-3031 HIGH ON A HILL with an unobstructed pan oramic view; see this im maculate 3 bedroom all carpeted), large carpeted living room with fireplace, well-appointed kitchen with built-in range and oven. l2 baths, oil forced air perlmiter heat. Covered patio and breeieway. Large 2 car garage. Very well landscaped 100' x 115' lot. Full price $18,900. F.H.A. terms. BUTLER MARKET ROAD 2 acres, completely re modeled very good 3 bed room modern home. Part basement, large 2 car garage, storage and shop. Full price $10,500, terms. 4 from this wonderful selection of Christmas Gifts . . . This easy-to-use guide will simplify your Christmas Shopping. Area merchants are offering a host of items, priced at various levels. All hand picked to fit your Christmas budget! 42-Poultry. Rabbits You Owe It To Yourself to drive one of the OUTSTANDING '64 Silent Super-Torque FORDS before you consider any carl R0BBERS0N FORD You Can Rent A Brand New Wurlitzer Piano for only 10 month AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 929 Wall 382-1393 FRIENDLY, L WARM, PERSONAL . . That's the kind of service you get all year 'round at . . . GIB'S SHOE REPAIR 120 Minnesota For The WHOLE FAMILY Here is the Finest Gift You Can Give! travel Trailer from Anderson's 24'x8' Streamline Travel Trailer Twin beds-self-contained 16' Aloha self-contained 15V4' Kenskill-Duplex Model come bee us: W. B. ANDERSON TRAILER SALES S. Highway 97 382-4661 The finest gift you could give . . . A NEW HOME in the beautiful NORTH PILOT BUTTE ESTATES Sp the beautv in a home when you call it your own 35 proud homeowners already have! CALL 382-2033 Give the finest-Give HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS from Eriksen's Overnight Personalized Service. n -.irt to see all the varied gifts you can give, from Erik' sen's, Bend's Complete Sta tionery Store.. o ERIKSEN'S STATIONERY s & Office Supply 1011 Brooks St. FOR THE KIDS... Wagons S3. 25 Others irom iu.au irirto PeHsil Car The "Tee Bird" $16.75 Tricycles from $13.75 Boy's 26" Bicycle $43.95 Pedal Tractor $25.50 Worlds of Toys at Masterson-St. Clair HARDWARE 856 Bond St. Bend 382-1031 The Ultimate Gift! Make Everybody Happy with a DATSUN for Christmas! Pickups and Cars 4 wh. dr. It Sports Cars! Fr.it'S star, at wwim Fully equipped FRANK'S MOTORS North Highway 87 FAMILY PRIDE . . . Yes, your whole family will be nrmid or a new Kiicnen assign ed especially for you. Choose from beautifully finished wood cabinets and sparkling counter- toos. Call for FREE estimates. MILLER LUMBER 1 Greenwood 382-4301 Fleece-Lined VESTS $m all-m edium-large $12.95 Quality Leather Gift Items- BEND SHOE CLINIC 136 Minnesota I A ft, i H i i For Your Son. . . Give Him A T0HATSU for Christmas from . . FRANK'S MOTORS North Highway 97 For That Favorite Picture PICTURE FRAMES Ready Made & Made to Order LOY'S Studio of Photography 166 E. Greenwood 382-1353 Nil POULTRY received after November 18th. until Decem ber 2. BEND EGG & POUL TRY, 740 E. First. 3B2-104Z. 13-Dogs, Pets. Etc VACATION BOARDING. DOGS AND CATS. Punpies. poodles, chihuahua, fox terriers and pekes. Also Siamese kittens Ranch Pot Kennels. 382-3634. TWO THOROUGHBRED Pe kingese puppies 2 months old. 382-3970. IF THE lady that wants Cher still wants him please cau again. 382-6388. 45-Sportmen's Column 30-30 WINCHESTER, lever ac tion, model 94. Like new. 1WJ pound bar bell set. 382-2209. 1958 SCOTT 40 horse outboard motor. All electric complete with controls and battery. No down payment O.A.C. $12.00 Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 Harold Phillips, Realtor SEE BILL FRANCK FOR GOOD RANCHES Need good 2 or 3 bedroom home on West Side, rnce range $6500-58,000 with $1,000 down. MT. VERNON - Fully equipped machine shop with 32 x 64 all metal building. Furnace room, also stock. The whole deal only $16,500, terms. Buy that good 3 bedroom home on f loriaa. Jusi ozou . iou down. EASTSIDE - Excellent 3 bed room home, fireplace, base board electric heat. 2 baths, at tached double garage, fenced back yard. 2 lots. Price $18,000. Evenings Bill Franck 382-1273 Farley 3BZ-613U r-npups jbi-udii '61 FO'n i Galrxie 2 door hardtop V8, automatic transirisrj power steering. Radio and he er. This is a real clean o sr'A'. $??" iViiAY & HO'T MOTORS. INC. 181 East Franklin RED'S AUTO SALES USED CARS-We specialize ii- 55-56-57 and 58s. No down pymt O.A-C. Ask about our lifetimi warranty. 148 N. 6th REDMOND 548-232! CASH for vour car or truck I! In excellent condition.' ' HAL WILSON Auto Sales -160 E Greenwood For FAS1 RESULTS Advertise in The Bulletin Classified Mable Sullivan 382-5324 Duke Warner Farrls SnouldinK 382-1707 548-2543 ART SH0US Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third 382-2743 er month. Ken Cale Hardware ird & Greenwood. tS 53-Room, Board LOCAL AUTHOR, Theodore Mathieson, wishes hoard, sup pers only, week nights only, with local family. References. 382-2701 evenings. 56-Aoartments for Rent VIRGINIA APARTMENTS Parrell Road 382-5255 New 2-b e d r o o m apartments available Decemrjer i. jpen for inspection. 57-Apartments Furnished MODERN HOME 4 bedroom, excellent condi tion. Built-in oven & range. Drapes incl. Attached gar age. 3 lots. Very reason, ably priced at $13,850.00. FHA terms. . 2 BEDROOM HOME Living room, dining room. Electric baseboard heat. Wall to wall rugs. Garage. $10,500 with $1,000 down. EAST SIDE LOCATION 3 bedrooms. Choice location. Built-in oven & range. 2 complete baths. Fireplace. Oil furnace. Attached 2 car garage. $18,000 with $1,200 down. FHA terms. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. Bend 382-5121 Branch Offices Redmond, The Dalles Evenings Joe Tilden 382-2766 Jim Lance 382-5756 Bob Lilienthal 382-6363 KERR P.EALTY, INC. 728 E. Greenwood 3B7-2B21 NO DOWN PAYMENT $1 10.00 per month PUTS YOU IN this Immac ulate 2 bedroom home on eastside. Wall to wall car peted living room with fire place, oil furnace, garage end very well-kept nice siied lot. See it todayl LOOK at this 3 bedroom plus game room. Kitchen has all Westinghouse built ins. Wall-wall carpet in liv ing room, dining, hall. Good location to schools & shopping area, will FHA, small down payment. GI financing available. 1 12 acres with I acre water, 1 1 ,000 gal cistern, deluxe 10 x 55" trailer house. Terms available. Dick Kerr, Broker Walt Kittredge 382-4492 Jack Ziegler 382-2636 382-222 '. RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin 382-6772 NEWLY REMODELED 3 bdrm home, located on 100 A. This it all seeded to permanent pasture & is ir riaated with 26 acres of COI water. This has a beautiful view of all the surrounding mts. and Is 10 minutes from downtown Bend, Nicely landscaped yard with lots of trees. Large pond, loading chute, holding corrals, excellent for feeder set up. This 1 an exceptionally good small ranch. Call us on this one, it won't last long. Price $26,500. Low down and easy terms. 80 ACRES, 4 miles from Bend. $75 per acre. Low down payment, easy terms to qualified buyer. 80 ACRES, 10 miles North west of Bend, all timbered. $60 per acre with low down payment. WE NEED LISTINGS ON GOOD HOMES AND FARMS 80-Real Estatp For Sale "OK" USED r. CARS Look for the PRICE LABEL - on every ' Car and Truck on the lot! . : ; BOB THOMAS i Chevrolet-Cadillac "OK" USED CAR LOT : 235 E. Greenwood 382-6131 Across from Wagner 8 1060 FORD STATION wagor 4- door. Radio, heatet. oowei steering, new engine. io9S RerlmonO 548-2541 VOLKSWAGEN ' The lowest depreciating ear In the world. Complete service 4 parts ave!. able. We invite your inspec tion of our facilities. Ask our salesmen about. th 100 guarantee on oth used and new Volkswagens. i SEE MEL & BOB BEFORE ' YOJ BUYI MID-OREGON MOTORS, Inc. Phone 382-1711 Kleth Jr. Kieth Sr. Evenings 382-1658 B82-3105 Mel Rogerson b Hostetler You Get QUALITY When You Buy An IMPERIAL FREEZER from Ken Cale Engineered and produced by the world's largest manufacturer of freezers, the Imperial is a top quality freezer, designed to give you a lifetime of satisfac tory service. Check these prices! 22 Upright-735 lbs $299.95 18' Upright-595 lbs S26S.95 16" Upright-529 lbs $249.95 10' Uoright-392 lbs $179.95 Prires hsL.:.-: d?,' "erv and in stallation. These are not strip down models but custom de luxe. KEN CALE Hardware and Appliance Third it Greenwood 382-5241 SELECT your GIFT (or gifts) from WESTSIDE GIFTS mJjS Galveston 382-4341 S&H Green Stamps LOW RENTALS, clean furnish ed 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments. Private yards. $40 and ud. Hill's Apartments, k e a mond, Ore. Phone 548-2661. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor Two offices to serve YOU better! WESTONIA. Modern, w 1 garage. 1601 W. 3rd. ONE BEDROOM 382-0833. upartment, SMALL APARTMENT complet ly furnished. Suitable for one. Close In. 1448 W. First. ONE BEDROOM $35. 382-2364, 164 E. Irving. 58-Houses for Rent Twn RKfiROOM. ff a r a g e washer, dryer hookup. $60. 382- 0691. RFNT OR sale 2 bedroom house. Inauire 11 Scott Street. 382- 5627. 59-Houses Furnished SMALL 1 bedroom house. Also small apartment. Mi-vnn ONE BEDROOM, clean, TV cable $55. 684 Roosevelt, in- quire at 78 Kearney 822 Wall St. Right Downtown Phone 382-1761 1233 E. 3rd. Bend "Where parking is a pleasure. 382-1799 THREE ROOM house, 419' Georgia, 3z-4zs, bath. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 WaU SSZ-3QZ 70-Business Opportunities CONFECTIONS DISTRIBUTOR PO Box 774.). portiana, ure GIVE YOURSELF A RAISE Shell station at Crescent Lake for sale or rent. Includes nice living quarters. Sales and pant profit records avauaDie. see or rail Georse Stokoe. Bend Shell Distributor Plant or call 382- 4751. OUR SALESMEN DON'T SELL THEY HELP YOU BUY! ' NO SHORTAGE ON LISTINGS ALL PRICE RANGES AVAILABLE tn uvinn . ? kwirnnmi T.nree kitchen. East side, close In. Paved itre'et $500.00 down, balance at $60.00 a month. Immediate possession. $6,800.00 - 2 large bedrooms. Kitchen, dining room and Hying room Freshly painted exterior. Needs redecorating. Z full lots, paved street. 51,000 down, balance at $60.00 per month. $8,500.00 - 4 bedrooms. 2'A baths. Convenient kitchen, separate dining room, living ruum ana .diru.y i-; -"'v. ' 140' coiner lot. 15 down, balance on terms. $8 000 00 - 3 bedrooms New counter tops and noor covering in the kitchen. Large living room. New septic tank and drill hole. 100'xl40" lot on paved street in good eastside location. New furnace. Tail finished bssrmont FHA terms to qualified buyer or trade for good 2 bedroom home. $10,500.00 - 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Large living room. Separate dining room. Family room with heatalnlor fireplace. Oil forced air furnace. Storm windows. 2 corner lots. $1,000.00 down on FHA terms to qualified buyer. $13,500.00 - 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Comfortable living room with wall to wall carpeting. Deam cr-nings aim corner iin--jjitn.u. nu electric heat. Very clean throughout. Immediate possession. Terms of course. 114.000.00 - 8 bedrooms. Large living room with fireplace. Built-in wpn and ranffp f'nmn ete v Kpalcd attached garage Dlus car port. Good eastside location near shopping center. Immediate possession. Financing available. $18,850 00 - Brand new 3 bedroom. 2 bath. Large utllltv room. Rnilt.in ranee and oven Cathedral ce ing. Large fireplace, Attached double garage. Immediate possession. Minimum down, r HA terms to quanneq puyer. Beautiful new family home A lovely new home in most desirable eastside locetion. 3 BEDROOMS, HA baths, huge living room with fireplace, All birch combination family room-kitchen with serving bar and sliding glass doers to patio. Built In oven and range. Utilitv closet plumbed for automatic laundry. All drap ery and curtains included. Double garage, split shake roof, landscaped, Oversized lot. Full price $19,800. Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty VOLKSWAGEN : So. City Limits Bend, Oregon 100-Autos tor saie FLYING "A" station for lease EauiDment furnished Outstand' Ing rental terms. Days, phone 382-1921, evenings. 382-o643. Evenings Hap Tavlor 382-1318 Harvey Olsen 382-4686 Swede Erickson 382-2962 Larrv Keown 382-2395 jay Scott 382-0834 Tony Vugei 382-2977 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Rick Jim Arntz Arnie 382-4500 382-5243 382-4475 13-Motorcyclet ior Sale 1062 CUSHMAN Sudot Eagle, loaded with extras. Best oner over $300. 317 Newport. Trucks. Trailers Evenings Phone 382-38M 382-6791 THE BEST STATION WAGONS from Dyer's 1959 CHEVROLET 4 door sU tion wagon. VB, auioms5 transmission, radio and, heater. Nice. 1963 RAMBLER 4 door station wagon. Radio, neater, stan dard transmission. Just like brand new. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood '59 FORD 4 door sedan Automatic transmission, steering. eal clean. power Re Good V8, tires. SPECIAL ??? MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382-2221 19Sfi CHEVROLET 3,i ton. speed, heavy duty. 1961 scout 4 wheel drive. Both excellent shape. Reasonable. 636-2147, LaPine. 100-Autos for Sale 1062 CORVAIR MONZA Spydcr. Bst offer. 382-4703. FOR SALE, 1942 4-whel drive military Jeep with a 1923 Ford roadster body complete with fenders and spare parts. 1953 Mercurv 2 door hardtop with automatic transmission, elE trie windows. 1560 Newport or call 382-29118. s o DEN JACQUES CHEVROLET DAILY SPECIAL 1962 CORVAIR 700 Coupo Standard transmission, radio, heater, 18,000 miles, urigni rea. OK warranted Only M565 BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY i 5th & Giveaway n ' REDMOND