O 0 7f Trade Siebern for Gentile, $25,000 Doris The Bulletin, Thursday, November 28, 1963 Reservoir to open Game Commission sets 1964 fishing regulations PORTLAND -- Only t w o Special to The Bulletin changes to the tentative angl ing rules as proposed two weeks ago were made last Fri day at a public meeting here when the Oregon (Jarne Com mission set the final regulations for the 1964 season. Changes to the tentative rules Included lifting the shad posses sion limit and eliminating the proposed salmon closure on the Rogue and substituting a single hook rule for the areas of the Rogue above Pierce Riffle. AA other tentative rules were passed as final by the commis sion. Oregon's general trout season will run from April 25 through October 31 in all zones except streams in zones 1, 3 and 4. Only minor date changes were made for zones 3 and 4, the Rogue and Umpqua areas. Salman Relief Chinook salmon In the Mc Kenzie River obtained relief when the commission adopted the rule closing the area be tween Trail Bridge and the Geological Survey cable cross ing to all angling, and the Walterville Poworhuube Tailrace to salmon angling. In the Santiam area, the river from the falls above Mill Cily downstream to the railroad bridge was closed to all angiing to protect spring chinook in the resting holes in this area. Following is a list of changes for the 1964 season in zone a River fishing on the Deschutes will be closed from wane Prairie dam down to the water maslpr cable crossine in Sheep Bridge Forest Camp, a distance of about two miles. Closure Extension Thpro is an excention to this, however, f rom bepiemner o w October 31, the closure will ex tend to a point 'A mite below the Sheep Bridge watermaster cable crossing. Fall River will be closed to annlinir in anv manner other other than with an artificial fly. Helton Reservoir iftimiusius; will be open for angling from April 25 to October 31. Round Butte Reservoir will open to fishermen on April 25, and will also continue until October 31. Bob Pettit fakes over top scoring honors in NBA NEW YORK (UPI) - Bob Pettit, the last man to win the NBA scoring championship since Wilt Chamberlain entered the league, is back on top in the point department. Weekly statistics released by the league today show Petit leading wtth 554 ponts in 20 games and has scored 534 points for a 26.7 average. Jerry West of the Los Angeles Lakers is third with 491 points in 17 games, an average of 28.9 per game. Next comes Chamberlain, who has led the league ever since Ms rooMe year In 1959-60. He lias only played 15 games and lias scored 489 points for a 32.8 average. His average, however, Is the best in the league. That's 12 points below his fi nal mark of 44.8 last season, but the San Francisco Warriors aren't complaining because Wilt is doing more of everything this season to make up for the point deficit. He's the leader in field goal percentage with .517 and is sec ond in rebounding to Jerry Lu cas of Cincinnati (334-333). Lu cas has played in five more games than Chamberlain. Don Nelson of the Los Angeles Lakers is the leader in free throw percenage with 50 of 58 (.862). Robertson leads in as sists with 188 for a 9.4 average. J en pin Alley M(W.9 Koffee Kats League W L Coffee Pots 32V4 15Vi Alley Nuts 30 18 Alley Kats 27 21 Kottee Breakers : 25 22 Wild Kats 25 23 Black Kats 23 25 Bowl Kats 21 27 Sleepy Kals 20 28 New Kals 94 28M Channel Kats 18 30 Team leaders: Alley Nuls, 457 game and 1418 series. High scorers: Margaret Shores, 179 game and 464 se ries. Eight teams to play in tourney SALEM (UPI) -Four teams' each from the Northwest Con-j ference and (he Oregon Collegi-1 ate Conference will compete in 1 the fifth annual NAIA Tip-Off i basketball tournament Dec. 5-7. j First round pairings will match Linfield against Oregon j College of Education and East ern Oregon against Willamette at Salem and Portland State against Lewis and Clark and Oregon Tech against Pacific at : Forest Grove. i FURNACE TROUBLE? Call Bob Wood Day or Night 382-2844 AIREQUIPT AUTQSTACK 5G0 ZZ A new and totally uniqut 7-: system of slide handling ZZl Includes pecai Slide File to &to: r UDto650slide, - Slide Handier to deliver Slides from case to projector without fingerprints or spilling, ZZ and AutostacK 500, the only magazinetess slid rz projector that takes cardboard, glass, metal and plastic mounts in any sequence, up to 72 at one time. LOW BUD' ST THE OWL PHARMACY Wall at Minnesota 382-2861 HOUSE WARMER! -. 1 w r I f Enjoy more warmth AT LESS COSTI Mnliillirat 'contain RT. !S the most rtUvtive heat ing oil additive in use to day. It burns cleanlv to K 1 v you maximum warmth for . wy heating Mobil dollar. 1- , - i EYIobllheat AUTOMATIC PERSONAL CARS DON K. BAGLEY Distributor Office at 1036 Wall St. Ph. 382-3931 Kansas City cleans house KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPD The Kansas City Athletics had completed a general house cleaning today with the trade of Norm Siebern to the Balti more Orioles for Jim Gentile and $25,000. The exchange of first base men Tuesday marked Ihe de parture of the last of the old Athletics, those who were on the team's roster when Charles O. Finley purchased the club in January. 1961. Hiney has wielded a busy broom (roni the start in his ef forts to rebuild the Athletics. But he has swept at a spring cleaning pace during Die past eight days in a crash program to add power to the lineup. Last week, the Athletics sent second baseman Jerry Lumpe and pitching mainstays Dave Wickersham and Ed Rakow to the Detroit Tigers in exchange for slugger Rocky Colavito, a right-handed swinger. The Ti gers also sent along relief pitch er Bob Anderson and $50,000 with Colavito. That was the first step in Kansas City's program for power. The second step in the pro gram came Tuesday when they got Gentile, a left-handed slug ger. 'We feel that now we have the best one - two home run combination that Kansas City has ever had," said Athletics General Manager Pat Friday. Siebern, the last varsity hold over from the club Finley pur chased, was the only semba lance of power in the Kansas Cily lineup during the past three seasons. He batted clean up. His best year was 1962 when he hit 25 home runs, drove In 117 and batted .308. Last year he hit 16 homers, drove in 83 runs and batted .272. Gentile, who at 29 is one year younger than Siebern, had a poor year last season. He batted .248. hit 24 homers and drove in 72 runs. But Gentile has produced more for the Orioles in the past four seasons that Siebern has produced for the Athletics. Dur ing that period. Gentile hit 124 homers, drove in 398 runs and batted .272. Siebern hit 78 home runs, drove in 367 runs and bat ted .289. V .7 Jack Defoe Says: AVE BIG N TIRES & yj AiACumei at W LES SCHWAB'S H WINTER TIRES r l t fllSlS ARMSTRONG Premium Silent Storm King Compacts to Cadillacs SAVE AND MORE f AUTO & TRUCK BATTERIES Fully Guaranteed OFF CUSTOM Reg. 19.95 HUB CAPS - nil99 Only U L Deluxe FLOOR MATS Full Width 29 FRONT ONLY , BACK ONLY, 3 2" ALL TRUCK AND PASSENGER SHOCK ABSORBERS AT LOW SUPER MARKET PRICES AUTO WHEELS FROM J50 And Up Deluxe Auto TIRE CHAINS At Low SUPER MARKET PRICES YOUR ARMSTRONG TIRE STORE TIRE CE NTERS Jack Defoe Jack Rountree Bob Klawitter Leroy Jones The most elegant gift in luggage... 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