s 1 ine ouiletin, ihurQiay, November 28, 19631 Proper skin care should be started early in life NEW YORK (UPI) -Proper skin care must begin early in life, if the potential wrinkles of the future are to be avoided. It is easier to prevent than to iron out, says Dr. Irwin I, Lubowe, a practicing dermatol ogist in New York, known in medical circles for his research in the care and treatment of the skin and hair. The woman in her late 40's or 50's who arrives at the doc tor's office with the announce ment, "I'm beginning to wrinkle and I think it's time to do some thing about it" is wrong on two counts, says the physician. One, she isn't just beginning to wrinkle. The process has been going on for 20 years or more. Two, the best time to do something about it has already passed. "Care of skin throughout ear lier life would have been far more satisfactory than anything I can do to help her now," says the dermatologist. But don't despair, ladies. The physician adds there are aids for the aging skin and he dis cusses them at length in a book just published, called "N e w Hope For Your Skin" (Dutton). He mentions gentle massage, diet, cosmetics which disguise and various types of surgery including plastic. Of hormone creams, the phy sician says, "...effective hor mone creams are potent and should be used only under the supervision of a physician if continued for a long time. Cer tain hormone creams are avail able at cosmetic counters with out prescription, but these con ; tain hormones in such small quantities that they can't do . any harm when used improper ly. By the same token, the hor mones aren't present in suffi cient quantity in these creams to produce any unusually good results." Lubowe mentions that many skin specialists hold that the sun, the action of its ultraviolet rays on the skin over the years is a major factor, perhaps the only factor, in the aging proc- But he adds, "others, myself included, feel that aging is an irreversible process basic to the entire body and that the skin merely shares in the reduced function incident to aging of hormone secreting glands, the circulatory system, the fatty fibers In the subdermis and other body tissues known to be important to the welfare of the skin. Sunlight, he calls, "merely one of the many damaging factors. Lubowe is associate dermat ologist, Flower and Fifth Ave nue Hospital, both in New York. Dr. Lubowe stresses that care of skin throughout life will do a great deal toward keeping it young and supple so that one day you too may hear "seventy six? Why you don t look a day over forty five. Wholesale value of the 1962 U. S. king crab pack (canned, fro zen and fresh) exceeded $13 million. The Truth About NERVE DEAFNESS Free Book Tells All Now for the first time ANY WHERE Get the facts about the Nation s No. 1 cause of hearing distress NERVE DEAFNESS! Until today little has been told about this painless Invis ible disease that isolates millions. New Booklet explains what Nerve Deafness Is. How It inter feres with hearing and what symptoms to look out for. Find out why you can't understand. Will an operation help? Will a hearing aid help? Will treat ment help? Whom shall you turn to? Who can you believe? This wonderful new FREE Booklet tells what you can do yourself to end this embarrass ing ordeal, Nerve Deafness. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY FOR YOUR 1 FREE COPY Nervt Dtafnest 1311 G Sfriwt N. W. Washington, D. C. Nam Address City-State 00 3'o a o 0"o o '-3 CHOOSE from the many papular palttml of AIL UATHIIt SNO-BOOTS It Cu o. mam a. aim V; AND INJOY All THEIR "BUILT-IN" EXTRAS are five iSB!5w of lh many R5l V "fj Stml Bend Bootery "Your Family Shoe Store" 937 Wall Ph. 382-1137 DON'T MISS THIS SALE! BIG SALE DAYS... FRI., NOV. 29 thru. WED., DEC. 4 WFCTCinr UA&nWARF AND SPORTING GOODS 1005 Galveston Phone 382-4341 TOMORROW MORNING at 8 the doors open on one of the largest sales in our history! We've ruthlessly ham mered down prices on hundreds and hundreds of items in every department ... to bring you some of the best buys in all Central Oregon! SAVE ON CHRISTMAS GIFTS for everyone on your list! But hurry these val ues won't last long! Sale prices good through Wednesday, December 4 only! Hi!Vyii;; , ' trfi 7H Ar 1 1 NitJW TipWwit f 1 LJ 'niiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ii rfni . . . t cr . JgjmmwssM. ' fulfil fill 15) : ELECTRIC GRINDER with 4-in. wheels 11 495 regularly $19.95 WELLS SABRE SAW 16,95 -A: Black & Decker Win. DRILL KIT (with sanding disc, A polishing bonnet, drill-bits, grind wheel). Reg. $24.95 k Black & Decker li-in. SCREW DRILL with speed control for driving wood or metal screws. Reg. $49.95 Black & Decker U-in. POWER DRIVE DRILL a power house tool at real savings! Reg. $32.95 CAMP AXES Reg. $4.50 19.95 39.95 26.95 Reg. $6.25 PLUMB Reg. $5.65 MARION Reg. $2.95 GREAT NECK Reg. $4.50 .... 3.45 4.95 4.45 2.25 3.45 SAVE UP TO 50 ON OUR PAINT -Ar Discontinued colors in both enamel and latex . . . interior and exterior quality. Buy now! HAMMERS16 3.95 -"Ii ne Bulletin, I hursday, November 28, 163 9 J Low-cost methods of wafer harvesting seen. in future V .Qn $14 DC :SALE PRICE Hamilton Beach ELECTRIC MIXERS 1298 Electric BAR-B-Q's with Spit SAVE NOW for lummer funl Reg. $39.95 98 Reg. $24.95 195 ri JA mmmmmmmmml nD S yo 1095 Dolly Madison POP-UP TOASTERS 998 Jf Reg. $12.95 BATH SCALES Ideal Christmas gift idea! u 398 H Weigh the value1 of this West Side Buy! 1 WEST SIDE 1SALE PRICE Rival Electric CAN OPENER (3)88 U Reg. $10.95'; (i CLOTHES HAMPERS Made from tough, easy-to-clean plastic Reg. 4.95 Value 98 2) Model 50 Winchester automatic 12 ga Model 70 Winchester 257 Roberts Model 48 Remington 12-ga Model 148 H&R 410-ga., 12-ga., 20-ga. single shot shotguns Model 37R Ithica solid rib 16-ga Model 37 Deluxe Ithica Featherweight 12-ga. Model 722A Remington 300 Savage Model 740 Remington 280 automatic Woodmaster Model 740 Remington 308 Automatic Woodmaster Model 51 1 Remington .22 bolt action Import .177 Pellet Rifle 15 to 20 OFF MOST SHOTGUN SHELLS 12-gauge (2-in. and 3-in.), 16-gauge and 20-gauge 49.95 34.95 Regular SALE Price PRICE $134.45 M 04.95 139.00 104.95 129.95 104.95 30.50 24.95 115.95 96.75 101.95 79.95 92.45 72.95 138.50 114.95 138.50 114.95 34.95 29.95 14.95 11.95 Presto COFFEE MAKERS 5H98 Reg. 24.95 WEST SIDE SALE PRICE I r 4 4Mb. HUNTING BOW (only one) reg. $65 50-lb. HUNTING BOW (only one) reg. $50 30 OFF ALL HALLITE double-wall ALUMINUM C00KWARE Save on all our famous Raini&r models SLEEPING BAGS "mo?. OFF jLJ U AT WEST SIDE HDWH. $3.00 POCKET KNIVES $3.49 1-gal. PLASTIC PICNIC JUGS 1 $3.23 BIFLE CLEANING KITS . . $12.75 12-piece aluminum CAMP KITS $5.95 Plastic RAIN COVERALLS with zipper closure TACKLE BOXES Reg. S4.98 Rtg. $10.95 398 g98 Save At Weit Side Hdwe. 1 Come get better acquainted with our huge T0YLAND! you'll find thousands of toys for all ages in one of Central Oregon's largest toy depart ments ... 2nd floor. '-iftUA. BUDDY-L all-metal ROAD CONSTRUCTION SETS Reg. M6.95 .. 55.95 Cosco DOLLS PLAY PEN 1295 3.95 BUDDY-L all-metal FIRE DEPARTMENT KITCHEN UTENSILS by Ekes $14.95 Set $16.95 Set 98 g98 22" Silex electric ICE CREAM FREEZERS Enjoy your own rich home-made ice creaml 18 98 1.78 2.98 2.78 9.98 3.95 $3.19 20-cup PERCOLATOR 2.18 $27.95 Waring Hair Dryers 22.98 $15.95 Colonial Lamps .... 13.98 $7.00 Lazy Susans 5.98 $7.98 Cake Server with cover 5.98 $1.79 Cereal Sets 98c -J Four-quart size Reg. $24.95 C 2V2-qr. file Reg. $22.95 i i Regular 44.95 Value ARVIN PHONOGRAPH 29" GIFT ITEMS Special table with savings as much as J HAYALYN flower Arrangement 1 porcelain "j SAVE . . . DECORATOR ALARM CLOCKS A AO now XII O reduced 50 HOMER LAUGHLIN CHINA ftp plain & J 0 oil floral $1.29 Plastic REFRIGERATOR SETS $3.98 Fancy Indoor THERMOMETERS WEST SIDE SALE PRICE $2.50 2-ft. wooden STEP STOOLS SPECIAL SELECTION IMPERIAL GLASSWARE (reg. $1.45) 98c 2.98 1.98 98c REPLICAS of Frontier and Wells Fargo .44 and .45 pistols In picture frames. IDEAL FOR YOUR DENI Reg. $19.95 .... 14.95 3C SETS Reg. M3.95 $29.95 "Airport Jet Service" TRICYCLE , 1095 2295 mjs - V. . . iiS-.JlSi J J aswievHiiB -':"-J-"-bJuktiAMl Child's modern-design SWIVEL CHAIR with black metal legs and Vinyl up holsetry. Reg. 58.95 (o) ic TOY POOL TABLES Reg. 9.95 BLACKBOARDS with easels. Reg. $6.9S . . MAGNETIC BOARDS Reg. M.98 848 1 48 m&ni ri j i Dozens and dozens of dolls to please every little girl on your list! ma SPECIAL GROUP 0 ncc WALKING DOLLS Regularly XX ow I 510.95 j i Ainnv a sir nAiir rttra Regularly Qoo X - X mT v - - &r " zi n ii n nir r i . f- Regularly $1.98 it: ART GALLERY SETS Rpnularlv 98 $4.98 CHILD'S PUSH-TYPE DAISY AIR RIFLES With scopes! Regularly $12.95 3' 998 One only . . . Reg. $12.95 GO CART g88 METAL CARS "flywheel drive . . . reg. 49c TOY PUDDING SETS Regularly f OO $2.98 ic Mirro Toy Cfiokware Regularly l 0 $1.98 it FIELDER'S GLOVES Regularly A Q& $7.95 H7 one group TEMPE, Ariz. (NEA) -Western ranchers particularly hard-hit by this year's severe drought conditions may be able to harvest runoff water for their livestock at a cost of no more than 36 cents per thou sand gallons within the next few years. Several low-cost methods of water harvesting collecting water from soil specially treat ed to increase rainfall runoff have been developed by agricul tural engineers at the U.S. Wa ter Conservation Laboratory here at Tempe, outside of Phoe nix, Ariz. Currently, farmers and ranch ers in 29 states are receiving emergency assistance from the Agriculture Department as streams, wells and reservoirs dry up. New Mexico, Texas, Oklaho ma, Colorado, Nevada, Wyo ming and Montana, the coun try's primary cattle ranching states, are among the worst hit. Many of the grazing lands in these states are located in low rainfall areas where there is no dependable water supply. Water harvesting methods, which are still being tested at Tempe, would be extremely valuable here. On his recent western tour, President Kennedy attempted to when you can have a wonderful SELECTION of htovtnly carpets by LEES T9fTl brought right to IrSf 1 your door by JnjjMn representative from CLAYP00L furniture co. Call 382-4291 place new emphasis on water conservation. The President dedicated new dams at Utah's Flaming Gorge and Arkansas' Greers' Ferry, inspected exist ing reservoirs at Whiskey town, Calif., Lake Mead, Nev., and Snake River, Wyo. Overlooked in the dazzling display of hydroelectric power and flood control benefits of the huge dams was the basic prin ciple of water conservation: sa vaging rain water before it evaporates or seeps into the ground where it can't be col lected. Promising methods of water harvesting, which are still be ing tested, include chemical, plastic and rubber ground cov ers to collect rainfall and stor age equipment to eliminate evaporation and seepage of the collected water. One of the prohibitive factors in water harvesting develop ment has been the cost. A con siderable amount of hand labor is required to construct catch ment areas on hillsides far from highways. Initial cost of the treatments under test, including site prep aration, materials and installa tion, has ranged from 45 to 10 cents per square yard. Annual costs, including repair and re placement, run slightly less than 5 cents per square yard. Lloyd E. Myers, director of the Water Conservation Labor atory, predicts that in several years these treatments will be perfected to the point where they can be installed and main tained for a cost of just 2 cents per square yard. In an area where the annual rainfall aver ages 10 inches, 1,000 gallons of water would cost 36 cents. In a 20-inch precipitation zone, the cost would drop to 18 cents. Water harvesting is nothing new. The British obtain most of their water on Gibraltar by col lecting runoff from the rocky slopes in corrugated iron ap rons. In the U.S., state game departments have constructed small catchment structures to store rainfall for wildlife. The tremendous Dotential of I collecting rainfall has never Deen tapped. The average streamflow in the United States is about 1,200 billion gallons per day. The average national pre cipitation is three and a naif times larger than this. Two years ago, engineers tested a 2,500 square-foot sheet ot rubber as a rain collector. Today, despite buffetings by winds and storms, and exposure . u trost, ine treated area is suu capturing 100 per cent of the I runoff. CAP GUNS AND HOLSTERS 25 OFF BIG NEWS SOON FROM CLAYP00L FURNITURE 821 Wall wnli lull !i .. ,!i k i 3C o O (Q o O r