CLASSIFIED The Bulletin, Tuesday, Kennedy never used "hot line MOSCOW (UPI) - United Press International learned on the best authority Monday that President Kennedy never used the "hot line" to Premier Nikita Khrushchev. There had been speculation It might have been used between Moscow and Washington during tne worst moments ot the Auto bahn crisis in Germany in Octo ber and early November. It was not. Nor was the emergency com' munication circuit between the White House and the Kremlin activated when the Russians ar rested Prof. Frederick C. Barg' hoorn on espionage charges. Barghoom was released after American protests through nor mal channels and President Kennedy's strong demand at a press conference for the pro fessor s freedom. The "hot line" is designed for brink-of-war situations to cut through everything and get to the top on both sides to avoid any misunderstandings that could bring on a nuclear holo caust. Candlelight parade los angeles (upi) - a group of about 100 teen-agers from Hollywood High School marched down Wilshire Boule vard to the city hall Monday night in a candlelight proces sion as a tribute to President Kennedy. THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Months $9 00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond-548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius Mrs. Pearl Viegas 548-4121 Member, Audit Bureau of . Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall SL, Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Ads received befort 4:80 p.m. will appear In the following day's paper. The Bulletin will not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect Insertion. ljw. low rates tor monthly ana. 2 lines 2 lines 2 tines 4 lines 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 only $2.00 only $3.25 only $2.00 only $3.00 only $5.00 only $2.50 only $4.00 only $6.75 for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times for 1 time for 4 times for 8 times 4 lines 6 lines 6 lines 6 lines LOST? Classified Ad INDhlX To Buy. .Sell. . .Trade apartments For Hem Appllanoes-rtiraltuns Aortloo Sales Apnrtnnu Furnished Antits For Trad Aotoa For Sal Bah Sitters Boats a Motors llnstimis uppoilimMea Biilldlns Ointractors Ifcrd of Thanhs Inn tracts Doss. Pets, ete OomrsUo tiervtcea Farm AerealM Farmers CJolumo .... Farm Hachlnerr Feeds a Seeds Fet, SW. Of! Fuel ftanted efftrral Directors - ... Aneral Services .... runeral Notices .... Help ttanted Help ttanted. Fentala Help Manted. alal Hue Trailers HianefcecPilM KoMM . Houses For Kent .... Instrortton-SrhooU In Slemorbtm .... . Utcal Notices Livestock .... Lost a Found Lots a Balldlne Shea Livestock V anted .... Loans Mactrifssrv For aslo Machinery Wanted Masonic Notices .... Mlseellalteoos For Kent Miscellaneous For Hale Money To Loan ...... Mmey Hantrd Motorcycles For Sal Musical Instruments NnntTut Cam Personals ...... Poultry. KabMts Heal Estate For BaM Koum. Btard Bah People. AasnMa Scrvtca Directory . . Situations Wanted .... ... .. to ... n Situations Wanted. Situations Wanted. Mat Sportsman Column swap Lolumo real let spaca , rrocks.Trallem .. tensed as Bnrrost .... Wanted to Boy ... Wanted to Kesri Wanted. Ronm-Board 1 -Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of RAY F. ALLEN aka R. F. ALLEN In the District .fourt of the State of Oregon Tor Deschutes Countv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thr.t the undersigned, Wayne Edward Alien, has been ap pointed as Administrator of the November 26, 1963 11 estate of RAY F. ALLEN, aka R. F. ALLEN deceased, by the ahnvei ontitlcut Cr.,, All . - . . . vwuh in per sons having claims against said .it ucicuv uuuiiea ana required to present the same. dlllv voriFio1 on V... tn... . :- ea, to the undersigned at De- & FANCHER, 1044 Bond Street, Box 1151. Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publi cation of this notice in The Dated and first published No vember 12, 1963. Date of last publication De cember 3, 1963. Wayne Edward Allen, Administrator De ARMOND. GOODRICH. GRAY & FANCHER. Attorneys for said estate 288-294-30O-306-C 8-Speciol Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For Information call 382-4780 or Redmond 548-3606. 9-Personals I AM not responsible for any debts other than my own. bwight H. Hill 12-Domestic Services IRONING. 382-6747. VERY reasonable. WILL DO ironing in my home, 382-0714. 14-Moving. Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TR UCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 18-Help Wanted Male COMBINATION Moulder Feed er' - Set Up Man must be experienced. Write to P O. Box 9l8. Eugene, Oregon or call Eugene person to person 345 1730, Merle Fischer, Saturday or Sunday and after 6 p.m. weekdays. 20-Service Directory INVISIBLE REWEAV I N G . Have those burnt holes and tears rewoven at Bev's Re weaving, next to Tom Tom Motel. 382-1948. Electrical Contracting Commercial and Domestic Installation and Repairs . . anything Electrical BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. 382-2821 PAINTING: Kitchen $40, Living Hoom 4U, Bedroom 535, Bam $18. Exterior Painting. Also Comercial. HARPER 382-4692 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Marilyn BuU 382-0268 Expert Watch Repairing HAROLD'S 17 years exp. Next to Trailways Bus Depot. ORIGINALLY Designed, hand tailored clothing and luxury gifts in fine fabrics and leath er. Jean Knudsen, 382-3396 eve nings. TV tt RADIO riEPAIR Service Call OnJy $3.50. Jim's TV Service 382-3027 CABINETS FINISH REMODEL Dan J. Kroker 382-3166 JANITOR SERVICE. Floors, walls, windows, and general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud's Cleaning Service, 382-2780 or 382-1920. FURNITURE REFINISH1NG Work guaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REFINISH1NG APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS. DRYERS. FREEZ ERS, REFERS. WATER HEATERS. FURNACES. A I I makes. MIKES ELECTRIC 382-5312 LOVELY NEW FASHIONS Your BEELINE Dealer 382-1478 Margie Johnson PAINTING DONE Reasonable rates. Anderson i&i-Wk& LADIES Alterations and dress- maKlng. t-xperiemeu. mis, Sheparason. 3bz-i 22-Building Sup.-Cont. Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-finished PANELING Here is nature's own beauty marKS ulai maKes any iwui a rich rustic setting. This Is the finest pre-finished paneling avanaDie anywnere. a shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH - PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A-GRADE Pre-finished Mahogany paneling 4x8 sheet . . . $6.88 Pre-finished Mahogany Rejects 4x8 sheet J3.25 Redecorate any room in vour home with materials from Miller Lumber. Terms to suit your budget. All types of INSULATION to kaep your borne warmest ever this winter. Plastic storm windows, pipe-wrap insulation, weatherstripping, everything for your home. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thrlftway Store & Yard S&H Green Stamps on all cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 382-4301 means 22-Building Sup.-Cont. ADDITIONS & ALTERA I IONS Residential Commercial Dean Construction Comt anv Free Estimates 382-6881 26-Loans NOW... for all of Central Oregon, comes one of the Pacific Northwest's largest mortgage brokers . . . Commonwealth, Inc. Portland, Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all types of real estate financing, FHA, VA. Con ventional. Existing home refinancing. New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere In Cen tral Oregon Lowest possible financing rates See Us FIRST! Commonwealth, Inc. Bend 382-1232 29-Miscellaneous for Rent FOLDING CHAIRS to rent. Cas cade Transrjort. 382-3852. - LEASING - Autos-Trucks "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, businessmen or profes sional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 30-Miscellcrneous for Sale r0P SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, excava tions 382-4161. FOR RAWLEIGH Products call 382-1694. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382.2425 Used Furn it Mise. MEN'S SKI boots, 4 pair Ice skates. 382-1097. EIRCH FIXTURES, consisting oi wan sneivmg, tables, gon dolas and card racks. Inquire 139 Oregon Avenue, 382-3785. CHEVROLET, 1941. y, ton pickup, $85 cash. Two console TV sets. CBS and RCA 21-inch, $25 each. 382-5767. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A JOB, TRY THE BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS. This Christmas visit the FINEST T0YLAND in town at . . . WESTSIDE HARDWARE Here at Westsidc Hardware, we have the most complete T O Y L A N D you've ever seen. Toys to suit all ages, 6 to 60. Bikes, wagons, trains, games, dolls, the biggest selection anywhere. COME SEE IT! Visit Westside Hardware, your complete hardware store, WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston 382-4341 Open Daily from 8 to 7 Sundays from 9 to 2 S&H GREEN STAMPS TRAtiH BURNER, three 4:75x19 tires, tubes, wheels. Electric roaster. Hobart portable weld er. 270 bolt action gun. 30-30 rifle. 382-1802. FOR SALE: Red cedar posts, 7'i feet long, 6 inch posts. Write Climbing Arrow Ranch, Fairview Route, Box 4100, Co quille, Oregon, care of V. K. Wilson. HUDSON SEAL black fur coat, long, size 14, excellent condi tion. $150. B-ix 537, Empire, Oregon. CERT'S A gay girl ready for a whirl after cleaning carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooar $1. Western Auto Assoc. Store. 903 Wall. 31 -Appliances, Furniture NOW JS the time to get tnat used rfr'werntnr or ran? from Oregon Equipment Co. We have quite a few of each in stock at reduced prices. Ranges from $39.50, refrigera tors from $49.50. All recondi tioned and guaranteed. Oregon Equipment Company, 165 East Greenwood. 30" LATE MODEL Frigidaire range. Reconditioned and guar anteed. No down payment OAC $8 25 per month. Ken C a 1 e Hardware, Third & Greenwood. BARGAIN TREE Everything New & Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Trade I J 4 M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. 382-2202 hint 3 blks No Pioneer Park LATE MODEL deluxe Whirlpool dryer. Take over payments $8. 25 per month OAC. Ken Cale Hardware. Third St Greenwood. 21" PACKARD - BELL Console TV. UHF-VHF. No dow. pay ment. $8 25 rr month OAC. Ken Cale Hardware, Third 4 Greenwood. A small space In the right place can make a big sale. . . Use A Bulletin Classified Result Ad for FAST RESULTS. -Call 382-1811-TODAYI RESULTS! Try it yourself and seel Call 382-1811 31 -Appliances, Furniture Used Electric Dryers $20 Up Lsea Electric wasners up Used Elec. Refrigerator $39 Up Used Automatic Washer $20 Up Itiayiag nputiance oure 722 Franklin SL, Bend 32-Musical Instruments IN BEND we have a profes sional organ instructor who uses the Gulbransen. Hem- mingson Piano & Organ Sales, South on 97, caU 382-5177. Hammond's FULL SPINET ORGAN With 13 pedals and Hammond's famous reverberation. $995 6 free lessons by Mr. Rav Clemens Internationally famous organist. AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 929 Wall St. 382-1393 Id-Farmer's Column BUY, SELL or trade all types horses. Wanted, chicken feed, horses. Madras 475-3439 or 475 2148 LOCKER MEAT now, V, young beef 39c lb. Vi young pork 35c id. Lut to order tree. Midstate Meat 382-3651 FOR SALE, baled allalfa, 382 1340. 41-Livestock, Horses WILL TRAIN horses for roping, cutting or pleasure. Also do horseshoeing or correctional horseshoeing. All types of horses for sale. Also stud serv ice. Contact Jim Dobbs or Bill HamUton. 447-7041 or 447-5615 HE REFORD COWS with calves S225 pair. 382-1477. REGISTERED Hereford BuUs. Lar?e bone. Donald Breeding. C. CockerUI, 548-2201, Red mond. FOlt SALE: 150 1st calf choice quality Hereford heifers, bred to black bulls, to start calving Feb. 1st. These are growthy wide back heifers that will weigh 900 lbs. and better at calvuw time. Uniform in size. quality and fleshing. For fur ther information call 567-6655 days, 567-3111 evenings, U Si 1 Livestock uo., Mermiston, ore. 42-Poultry. Rabbits Nil POULTRY received after November 18th, until Decem ber 2. BEND EGG & POULr TRY. 740 E. First, 382-1042. 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. VACATION BOARDING, DOGS AMn fATXS n . 1 1 - chihuahua, fox terriers and pekes. Also Siamese kittens. Ranch Pet Kennels. 382-3634. FREE Toy Collie pups, cute kittens. 382-1477. also PUREBRED Siamese kittens. 3. umy i leu. mu-aii. 45-Sportmen's Column REPOSSESSED 25 horse out board complete with controls. Take over payments $10 per month OAC. Ken Calc Hard ware. Third St Greenwood. 50-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil DRY PINE limbs, tamarack nnd cedar wood. George C. Carrol, 549-2563 afternoons, Sis ters. 54-Rooms for Rent ROOMS. Steam heat, private lobby, free TV. By week or month. 78 Kearney. 56-Apartments for Rent VIRGINIA APARTMENTS Parrel! Road 382-5255 Two new 2-bedroom apartments available December 1st. Open for Inspection. 57-Apartments Furnished LOW RENTALS, clean furnish ed 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments. Private yards. $40 and up. Hill's Apartments, Red mond, Ore. Phone 548-2661. THREE ROOMS, close in, adults only, 382-5647. SMALL APARTMENT. close in. Completely furnished. 1448 West 1st. 58-Houses for Rent ONE BEDROOM. Clean, roomy, call 382-3458. THREE BEDROOM trailer house, 382-4847 after 3:30 p.m. SMALL Unfurnished house. 382-3527. 62-Issuraaca GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall 382-3752 70-Businesi Opportunities FLYING "A" station for lease. Lqulpment furnished. Outstand ing rental terms. Days, phone 382-1921. evenings. 382-5643. CONFECTIONS DISTRIBUTOR PO Box 7743. Portland. Ore. 80-Real Estate for Sale TWO BEDROOM modern bouse, paved street. 10Z3 Federal. '$150 down, $50 month. Full price $4,500. 382-1699. GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall EL 382-3752 CAN'T FIND A RENTAL? $50 a month after low down Day. mnt will solve your housing problem, and you lmmedltly start building an equity, whlcp is the easiest wv to save money. This home hat t living room, dining room, step- saving kitcnen. 2 bedrooms bath, utility plumbed and wired plus part basement. This home is on a well-improved fenced lot with shrubs, flowers and gar den, conveniently located near grocery and within walking dis tance of downtown area. Total price S5.0W). For further Infor mation conuct Gilbert's Real Estate and Insurance. N. E. Gilbert Realtor 30-ReaI Estate for Sale BY OWNER: Roomy 1 bedroom house, excellent construction, full light basement. Two blocks from library on paved street. Owner will carry contract. Shown bv appointment. W. C. Coyner, 830 Wall Street, Bend. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third 382-2743 Hap Taylor Realtor MAIN OFFICE 822 Wall Street 382-1761 4 BEDROOMS EAST SIDE . Near high school. 75' x 100' lot. Big in every way except the price. Large, wall to well carpeted living room with fireplace. 2 full baths. Separate utility room. All electric heat, Part base ment. Single garage. Corner lot. Full price $16,950.00. FHA terms to qualified buyer. 30 days possession. Evenings Hap 382-1318 Harvey 382-4686 Swede 382-2962 Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 Harold Phillips, Realtor FOR GOOD STOCK RANCHES SEE BILL FRANCK. EASTSIDE Excellent home, good location, 3 bedrooms, nice dining area, fireplace, 2 baths, attached double garage, fenced back yard. Price $18,000. EASTSIDE - t bedroom with fireplace. This home is in ex cellent condition, close to store and schools. Price $15,200. EASTSIDE - For the couple that both work, fully furnished home, located at 516 East Franklin. Move In. $4500 total price. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 3 bedroom home, partly furnish ed. Paved street. Price $5250 $750 down. 2 BEDROOM home for rent. un. furnished. Also nice one bed room apartment, unfurnished Evenings Lloyd Farley 382-6130 Franck 382-1273 Phillips 382-0571 Hap Taylor Realtor BRANCH OFFICE 1233 E. 3rd. 382-1799 (Next to Arctic Circle) Where Parking Is A Pleasure" WANTED: Income Property, Prefer Commercial. Trade for 4 Acres near Eugene in fast developing residential area, lo cated on new highway con necting Eugene and Spring field. Very liveable older farm home located in large grove of beautiful oak trees. Con sider property to $40,000. value. Evenings LARRY KEOWN-Asso. Broker Res. Ph. 382-2395 Tony Vogel-Salesman . 382-2977 Jay Scott-salesman . 382-0834 80-Real Estate For Sale The new 4 bedroom homes in North Pilot Butte Estates are of the finest caliber. Each detail is checked and re-checked so that you know, when you buy a home in North Pilot Butte Estates, the byword is QUALITY and QUALITY is what you get! Features in clude 4 nice-sized bedrooms, 2 strategically located baths, large living room, with fireplace optional at extra cost, a big kitchen, with lots of cabinet space, plus room for the whole family to sit around the table, which MEANS you won't have to scrimp for space. Single attached garage has storage and washer and dryer hookup. We think it would be well worth your time to drive out and see the VALUE built into these homes. This weekend, why not drive out and see the progress that is being mde and how you can benefit from owning one of these beautiful 4 bedroom homes In the NORTH PILOT BUTTE ESTATES Western Realty & Development Co. Builders Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty, ExclusiJ' Agent 601 Greenwood Ave, 30-Real Estate for Sale VERN LARSON Real Estate and Appraiser FHA-GI-Other Federal Agencies 1496 Quincy Ave. 382-5297 Bend AN IMMACULATE 2 BR home with 23 basement, gas furn-ce, oak floor, new linoleum, wwall closet, large garage. Close in, FHA or Gl at $10,750. MOUNTAIN VIEW 21 acres, 15 ac. Tumalo water, easv to ir rigate. Only $6,400 with $3,500 down, bal. 8 years. LUXURY HOME with view 4 BR split-level. 2 fireplaces, bar becue, 2 family rooms. 710 acre, appraised $36,300 will sacrifice. Room for all your furniture 4 BEDROOMS . a lot of house for the money in this one. Elbow room inside end out. Living room PLUS a family room, separata dining room, kitchen end bath. Drapes in living room end dining room included. Double carport. Lawn in. Cash for equity or refinance. Total selling price $16,500. Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty SOI E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Rick 382-4500 382-5243 382-4475 Jim Arntz Arnie RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin 382-6772 INCVVLT KtMUUCLCU i Ddrm home, located on 100 A, This is ell seeded to permanent pasture & is Irrigated with 26 acres of COI weter. This has beautiful view of ell the sur rounding mts. and is 10 min utes from downtown Bend Nicely landscaped yard with lots of trees. Large pond, loading chute, holding corrals, excellent for feeder set up. This is en exceptionally good small ranch. Call us on this one, it won't last long. Price $26, 500. Low down and easy terms. FREE RENT for you if you buy this income property; Three completely furnished apart ments; 1-3 bedroom end 2-1 bedrooms. Close to shopping, paved street. $160 gross in come. $1500 down, total price $10,750. Approximately $100 per month. WE HAVE an excellent busi ness opportunity for the right party. Close to downtown. On main thoroughfare. See us for explicit details. WE NEED LISTINGS ON GOOD HOMES AND FARMS Evenings Klcth Jr. 382-1658 382-3105 Klcth Sr. Bend 3fM33 80-Real Estate for Sale NEAT TWO bedroom home. Eastside. near shopping center and schools. $6,000 equitv out 382-3592 MODERN HOME 4 bedroom, excellent condi tion. Built-in oven St range. Drapes incl. Attached gar age. 3 lots. Very reason ably priced at $13,850.00. FHA terms. 2 BEDROOM HOME Living room, dining room. Electric baseboard heat. Wall to wall rugs. Garage. $10,500 with $1,000 down. EAST SIDE LOCATION 3 bedrooms. Choice location. Built-in oven St range. 2 complete baths. Fireplace. Oil furnace. Attached 2 car garage. $18,000 with $1,200 down. FHA terms. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. Bend 382-5121 Branch Offices Redmond, The Dalles Evenings Joe Tiiden 382-2766 Jim Lance 382-5756 Bob Lilitmthal 382-6363 KERR REALTY, INC. 728 E. Greenwood 382-2521 Immaculate 2 bedroom home on eastside with fire place, oil furnace, garage & nice siie lot. Reasonably priced. Here is income property. 9 furnished apartments in a convenient downtown lo cation. Sm down & terms arranged on balance. 1 1; acres with I acre water, 1 1 ,000 gal cistern, deluxe 10 x 55' trailer house. Terms available. We will be happy to show you these and others at your convenience. Dick Kerr, Broker Walt Kittredge 382-4492 Jack Ziegler 382-2636 Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave. 382-3031 GRAND SPACIOUS OLDER-TYPE HOME that has tept pace with the timet, 4 large bed rooms, with walk-in closets, plus nursery. 2 full baths, 26 ft. living room with fireplace, separate formal dining room, large kitchen with breakfast nook, nearly new built-in. Half base ment, oil forced a i r fur nace, oversized single garage. Located In on of Bend's f i n s t residential district. 1 1, wall land scaped lots. Full price $16, 000, FHA or G.I. terms. EAST SIDE BUNGALOW with Juniper Park in your backyard. 2 nice bedrooms, carpeted living room, bright and cheery kitchen with lots of built-ins. Auto matic oil furnace. Large one-car garage with insu lated fruit room. Fenced back yard, well landscaped. Full price $9850. FHA terms or assume existing loan at 5l4 of $7400. Mahle Sullivan 382-5324 Duke Warner Farrls SDauldlne 382-1707 548-2S43 93-Motorcycles for Sale 159 BSA 650 CC motorcycle. A- one conaition, cheap, wiu fi nance. 536-2263 or write P.O. box 21, LaPine. 94-Mobile Homes THE FINEST USED TRAILERS come from KW Mobile Homes 19.'.8 4fl'x8' Rex 2 bedroom 1958 45'x8' Terra Cruiser 2 bed room 1861 26' Roadliner Travel Trail er All ot these used tralers are exceptionally CLEAN. Low down payments will handle any of these units. SEE THESE be fore you buy! KW MOBILE HOMES South Highway 97 1953 10x50 Universal trailer house, 2 bedrooms, air condi tioner, storm windows. Perfect condition. 382-5164. 95-Trucks, Trailers WILL TRADE 1955 V, ton OMC pickup and fibre glass txwtf, motor and trailer for late ns. del V; bin pickup. 382-1316. 100-utos for Sag 1219 OLDSMOB1LE, good con- Sfiitlon. Will trade for vill tra 382-1856 garden traclir- after 5 p.m. 100-Autos for Sale CASH for vour car or truck if In excellent condition. HAL WILSON Auto Sales 160 E. Greenwood 196(1 FOHU STATION wagor 4 door Radio, heater, power steering, new engine. $1095. Redmond 548-2547 1960 P0NTIAC Bonneville 2 door hardtop Power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission. Radio and heater. Premium tires. Low miles. REAL CLEAN OUR PRICE 2095 $150 discount no trade! MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 I NEED Good clean late model used cars. I will live cash or an older car for your equity. DON'S USED CARS Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. Phone 382-2831 RED'S AUTO SALES USED CARS-Wc specialize in 55-56-57 and 58s. No down pymt. O.A.C. Ask about our lifetime warranty. 148 N. 6th REDMOND 382-2323 ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY It HOLT MOTORS B. Second St Franklin 1950 CHEVROLET coupe. $100. 382-3304. BEN JACQUES CHEVROLET DAILY SPECIAL 1959 FORD Galaxie 4 door Crutse-O-Mntic - radio - heater- padded dash-WSWs. Low mile age, one-owner. Steal this one for only ni95 BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th & Giveaway in ' REDMOND TOP of the LINE CARS 1962 MERCURY A door hard top. Power steering and power brakes. Radio and heater. Automatic transmission and BRAND NEW RUBBER. 1981 FORD Fairlane 2 door sedan. V8 and standard trans mission. Real sharp. SEE THESE and the many other line bargains at DYER'S AUTO SERVICE N(xt Ore. Equip, on Greenwood T-BIRDS '62 SPORT COUPE Sparkling clean - Metallic maroon - Full power - red vinyl interior - Low miles -Swing-away steering wheeL $3395 61 SPORT COUPE Cream with black bucket seats. Power steering and brakes. They don't come any cleaner. 2695 BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac "OK" USED CAR LOT 235 E. Greenwood 3824131 Across from Wagner's VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating car In the world. Complete service & parts avail able. We invite your inspec tion of our facilities. Ask our salesmen about the 100 guarantee on both Used end tit' Vol'.A-agens. SEE MEL & BOB BEFORE YOU BUYI MID-OREGON MOTORS, Inc. Phone 382.171 1 Evenings Phone Mai Rogerson Bob Hostetler 382-3864 382-6791 VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits Bend, Oregon 1957 0LDSM0BILE Super SS 2 door hardtop Radio, heater, automatic trans Mission. All whltei Real trice. 795 MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382.2221 9