Don't Be The Bulletin, Friday, November 22, 1963 80-ReaI Estate for Sale KERR REALTY, INC. 728 E. Greenwood 382-2521 Immaculate 2 bedroom home on easfside with fire place, oil furnace, garage 4 nice siie lot. Reasonably priced. Here is income property. 9 furnished apartments in a convenient downtown lo cation. Sm down & terms arranged en balance. I'l acres with I acre water, 11,000 gal cistern, deluxe 10 x 55' trailer house. Terms available. We will be happy to show you these and others at your convenience. Dick Kerr, Broker Walt Kittredge 382-4492 Jack Ziegler 382-2636 MODERN HOME 4 bedroom, excellent condi tion. Built-in oven & range. Drapes incl. Attached gar age. 3 lots. Very reason ably priced at $13,850.00. FHA terms. 2 BEDROOM HOME Living room, dining room. Electric baseboard heat. Wall to wall rugs. Garage. $10,500 with $1,000 down. EAST SIDE LOCATION 3 bedrooms. Choice location. Built-in oven & range. 2 complete baths. Fireplace. Oil furnace. Attached 2 car garage. $18,000 with $1,200 down. FHA terms. The Land Mart 811 Wall St Bend 382-5121 Branch Offices Redmond, The Dalles Evenings Joe Tilden 382-2768 Jim Lance 382-5756 Bob Lilienthal 382-6363 Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 Harold Phillips, Realtor FOR GOOD STOCK RANCHES SEE BILL FRANCK. EASTSIDE Excellent home, good location, 3 bedrooms, nice dining area, fireplace, 2 baths, attached double garage, fenced back yard. Price $18,000. EASTSIDE - 3 bedroom with fireplace. This home is in ex cellent condition, close to store and schools. Price $15,200. EASTSIDE - For the couple that both work, fully furnished home, located at 516 East Franklin. Move in. $4500 total price. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 3 bedroom home, partly furnish ed. Paved street. Price $5250 $750 down. t BEDROOM home for rent, un furnished. Also nice one bed room apartment, unfurnished. Evenings Lloyd Farley 382-6130 Franck 382-1273 Phillips 382-0571 Hap Taylor, Realtor MAIN OFFICE 822 Wall St 382-1761 (6500.00 2 bedrooms, cast side, paved street. Immediate possession. $500 down, $60 per month. $6800.00 Large 2 bedroom home on 2 lots. 100' x 140'. $1500 down, $60 per month. $8,000.00 - 3 bedrooms, 2 lots. 100' x 140'. Paved street. Close to grade school. Will consider trade for good 2 bed room home. Evenings SupHp 382-2962 Harvey 382-4686 Hap 382-1318 80-Real Estate For Sale RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin 382-6772 THIS GOOD 2 bdrm home has just been listed with us and we think it is a good buy at ouu. wnn .. - nice bdrms with a Urge living room, wall to wall carpeting and a heatalator fireplace. Nica kitchen, utility and part basement. by a n.w natural gas furnaea, n.wly painted and in top shape. Driv. by and sea this at 214 Vine Lane. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD YOUR OWN HOME? We have 3 acres, 3 acres of water, plus CITY WATER. Clcs. in. Pric. $5,500.00. FOR RENT Lovely 2 bedroom apartment. $95.00 per month. Wa have reliable party wanting to lease good 3 bedroom home. v. V ra08 N D HMES AKufiS2-3105 Kietn Jr. 3m-i (q) A "LITTER SITTER" Sell Those "DON'T NEEDS" NOW JO-Beal Estate for Sale BY OWNER : Roomy 1 bedroom house, excellent construction, full light basement. Two blocks from library on paved street. wwncr win carry contract. Shown by appointment. W. C. mvner, wau street. Bend EAST SIDE View lot. 78'xl40'. 3 brs, fire place, 2 baths, elec. heat, built in oven and range. This prop erty has a panoramic view of ine mountains. Double garage. FHA terms. $18,750. WE NEED GOOD FARM LISTINGS Bend Realty & Ins. 620 Franklin Seaton H. Smith Ph. 382-3721 REALTOR Branch Office Powell Butte H. H. Musick 447-7213 Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave. 382-3031 COUNTRY LIVING and CITY CONVENIENCE Approximately I2 acre lo cated in Bend's finest sub burban area. New Ranch Style home with 1600 square feet of living area, 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, I ceramic tile stall shower, 33' living room with fire place, plus large family room, all birch kitchen, large utility, plumbed and wired for laundry. 12,000 gallon cistern. Unobstruct ed view of snow capped Cascades, paved mkt. road, school bus by door. Reduced price of $16,000, reasonable terms. Evenings Mable Sullivan 382-5324 382-1707 548-2543 Duke Warner Farris Spaulding Immediate possession Charming home with spectacu lar view of the city. 4 bed rooms, bath, kitchen, utility room, living room with attrac tive fireplace and paneling surrounding it. Thermopane and storm windows through out. Oil forced air heat. Priced at $13,500, with reasonable down payment. Available this weekend. Move right into "a lot of house for the money." Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Rick 382-4500 382-5243 382-4475 Jim Arntz Arnie HOME SITE AND INVESTMENT 10 A. with 5 A. COI water, on paved road & mountain view that is out of this world. $6,250. Some terms Very attractive one bedroom house furnished. Lot 120x120. Lawn 4 flower garden. Whole place is outstanding. $4,750. Terms or $4000. cash. Four A. with I A. COI water, 3'j mi. from Bend. $1500. Terms. Duplex with 2 cabins in rear. Income $120. per month. Close to town. $4,950. Terms. Eight room house, two baths, with little work would make 3 apts., partially furnished. Good investment for $4,950. JACK HALBROOK 545 Congress 382-0364 80-ReaI Estate for Sale NEAT TWO bedroom home Eastside. near shopping center ana scnoois. w.uou equity out 383-3592 NICE RANCH 160 acres deeded land. 60 acres water, 150 acres Taylor grax ing. Adjoins two paved roads. Close in. 4 bedroom older-type home, barn. 527,500, $4,000 down, easy terms on balance. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third Roy 382-481 B Ray 382-5656 382-2743 Jess 382-4317 Emily 382-1086 Hap Taylor, Realtor BRANCH OFFICE 1233 E. 3rd. 382-1799 (Next to Arctic Circle) "Where Parking Is A Pleasure" 1930 SQUARE FEET of the most comfortable, convenient living area you have ever seen. Mod ern split-level design. 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 fire places. Separate dining room for formal entertaining. Sepa rate family room. Compact kitchen with garbage disposal unit. Mountain view from the large picture windows. At tached garage and carport. Full price $18,850. Just $850 down plus closing to qualified FHA buyer. Immediate pos ession. Evenings LARRY KEOWN-Asso. Broker Res. Ph. 382-2395 .Tav Cpnd.C.loemqn WI-hQIA Tony Vogel-Salesman ' 382-2977 FOR SALE: 2 lots, good 3 room nouse, irauer nouse attacnea. Tack room and corrals, good well, water svstem. Price $2, 750. Call 382-6075. 93-Motorcycles for Sale li)59 BSA 650 CC motorcycle. A- one condition, cheap, will fi nance. 536-2263 or write P.O. box 21, LaPine. 94-Mobile Homes FOR SALE or trado 1052 Spart anette, 1 bedroom, large living room. Good condition. $1,950. LaPine Trailer Court. EIGHT x 45 foot house trailer. Moving, must sell. 447-5062, Prinevllle. THE FINEST USED TRAILERS come from KW Mobile Homes 1958 40'x8' Rex 2 bedroom 1956 45'x8' Terra Cruiser 2 bed room 1961 26' Roadliner Travel Trail er All of these used traiers are exceptionally CLEAN. Low down payments will handle any of these units. SEE THESE be fore you buy I KW MOBILE HOMES South Highway 97 1959 10x50 Universal trailer house, 2 bedrooms, air condi tioner, storm windows. Perfect condition. 382-5164. 95-Trucks. Trailers 1954 FGO0 Ford flat bed truck, 4 speed transmission, 2 speed axle, 15 foot bed. Carlson Sign CO., 38Z-Z18Z. DODGE 1957 four wheel drive i ton pickup, warn hubs. Good condition. 382-0851. WILL TRADE 1955 ton CMC pickup and fibre glass boat, motor and trailer for late mo del - ton pickup. 382-1316. 100-Autos tor Sale IWiO FORD STATION wagor 4 door. Radio, heater, power steering, new engine. $1095 Rertmnnri 54H-B47 19K) VOLKSWAGEN sedan, 382 3127. FULL PRICE 995 1959 Fiat Convertible. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats, ra dio and heater, wire wheels, like new top. A real sports car. DON'S USED CARS 1 b!k. so. of Greenwood on 3rd. ONE of the FINEST from DON ROGERS I960 FORD Falcon 4 door sta tion wagon. Standard trans mi.'sion, radio and heater. 33.000 actual miles. Chrome top carrier. Immaculate condition. All red with matching Interior. '1395 DON ROGERS AUTO SALES at the Y in REDMOND 548-3330 1 00-Autos for Sale VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating car In the world. Complete service & parts avail able. We invite your Inspec tion of our facilities. Ask our salesmen about the 100 guarantee on both used and new Volkswagens. SEE MEL t BOB BEFORE YOU BUY1 MID-OREGON MOTORS, Inc. Phone 382-1711 Evenings Phone Mel Rogerson 382-3864 Bob Hostetlar 382-6791 VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits Bend, Oregon 100-Autos for Sale TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 57 CHEV Sta. Wagon V8-auto.-R-H .... $47.58 mo. 57 CHEV Sta. Wagon 6 cyl., std. trans. R-H $49.23 mo. '58 CHEV 4 dr. V8-auto-R-H .... $47.58 mo. 58 CHEV 4 dr. 6 cyl., std. trans.. R-H $49.23 mo. '58 FORD 2 dr. V8, std. trans., R-H $42.30 mo. 59 FORD Galaxle 2 dr. HT-Auto-PS-PB-R-H . . $58.16 mo. HAL WILSON AUTO SALES 160 E. Greenwood 382-2448 ONE of the FINEST from DON ROGERS 1962 FORD 4 door Ranch Wagon. V8, automatic transmission, a real nice wagon-Black and white. '2195 DON ROGERS AUTO SALES at the Y in REDMOND 548-3330 NO DOWN PAYMENT on approved credit LOTS OF 55, 56, 57 & 58s Ask about our LIFETIME WARRANTY RED'S AUTO SALES 148 No. 6th 548-2323 REDMOND Open Sundays and Weekdays until 9 p.m. T-BIRDS 62 SPORT COUPE Sparkling clean - Metallic maroon - Full power - red vinyl interior - Low miles Swing-away steering wheel. $3395 61 SPORT COUPE Cream with black bucket seats. Power steering and brakes. They don't come any cleaner. 2695 BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac "OK" USED CAR LOT 235 E. Greenwood 382-6131 Across from Wagner's TOP of the LINE CARS 1962 MERCURY 4 door hird top. Power trinj and power brakes. Radio and heater. Automatic transmission and BRAND NEW RUBBER. 1961 FORD Fairlane 2 door sedan. V8 and standard trans mission. Real sharp. SEE THESE and the many other fine bargains at . . . DYER'S AUTO SERVICE 100-Autos for Sale i OR SALE or trade: 1955 Chev. rolct 4 door station wagon, good condition, reasonablv pric ed. Will consider an older car as partial payment. 548-2375, Redmond. 1959 CHEVROLET Bel-Air 4 door 6 cylinder, standard transmis sion. Green and yellow. A real nice car In good condition. OUR PRICE Ml 95 $100 discount no trade! MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 100-Autos "OK" USED CARS Plus - -A Few 1963 Model House Cars - '63 CHEVROLET IMP ALA $2995 Sport sedan-Ermine white With aqua interior. 250 h.p.-Powerglide-power steerlng-radio-whitewalls.EZl glass-wheel discs-etc. Like new-Cost new over 13600. 12 mo. new car warranty. '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA Sport coupe-Ermine white with blue Interior. Bucket seats and Super Sport equipment. 250 h.p.-powergllde-power steering-radio-EZI glass-white walls-special S.S. wheel discs plus full factory air conditioning. New car cost was $4,000. 12 mo, new car 100 warranty. '63 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR $2995 Station wagon-desert beige with red interior. 250 hp.-powor stccring-power brakes-powergUde-posltraotion 'rear- a x 1 e electric rear glass-whitewalls-radio-wheel discs; JNew car cost about $3800. New car. 100 warranty for 12 months. '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA $2395 Sport cedan-V8 engine-Corona cream with fawn interior-low mileage and fully equipped with radio-heater-overdrive-whitewalls-A marvelous buy! NEW '63 IMPALA "SPORT SEDAN" Beige with red lnterlor-250 h.p. V8-power steering-white walls-2 speed wiper washcr-outside rear view mirror.inside non-glare mirror-tinted wlndshiold-p added , dash-wheel covers. - , , . PLUS MANY MANY MORE-. ' CHEVY II 6-Nova Super Sport Coupo CHEVROLET V8-Bel-Air Wagon-Equipped CHEVROLET 6-Blscayne 2 dr. Std. trans. 63 '62 '62 62 61 61 60 '60 CHEVROLET VS-Bel-Air-Less tran 9.000 act. miles. CHEVROLET V8-Impala Sport Coupe-Equipped OLDSMOBILE 88 Sport Coupe-Full power-sharp PLYMOUTH V8 Sport Coupe-Full power-Clean FORD V8 Fairlane "500" sedan-Extra clean CHEVROLET 6-Biscayne 2 dr. Standard trans.- '59 '58 58 CHEVROLET V8-Impala Sport Coupe-A clean one OLDSMOBILE 88 Fiesta Station Wagon-Special CHEVROLET V8-210 station wagon-An "OK" Car FORD V8-County Sedan station wagon CHEVROLET VS-Bel-Air sedan-Original paint LOOK FOR PRICE LABEL ON THESE 8 NEW '64 Chevrolet PICK-UPS - Plus USED '57 57 '56 PICK-UPS 61 CHEVROLET "6" Long wide box , $1695 Heater-4 speed, 6 ply tires '61 WILLYS "170" C. 0. E. .......... . $1595 4 wheel drive-Priced under book '60 CHEVROLET "6" Long wide box . $1495 Heater, 3 speed trans., top condition '58 CHEVROLET "6" Short box ...... v. $ -.? - - Heater, deluxe cab, 6 ply tircs-3 speed trans., 9.SC6 ACTVL MILES. '57 CHEVROLET "6" Short Box $995 Radio, heater, S speed trans. '57 FORD V8 $895 Heater, 2 speed-wide box '51 CHEVROLET "6" ton . . . . ; ,. $395 Heater, 4 speed trans., H.D. wheels BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac "OK" -.Py; USED CAR tOT 235 E. Greenwood Pend 382-6131 Across from Wagner's . 100-Autos for Sale CHKVROLKT V-8. 1956, staaon wagon. A-l shape, new brakes. good tires (7 of them). One owner car. $650. 382-0719. 1959 STUDEBAKER Lark Station Wagon l door, 6 cylinder, standard transmission with overdrive. Radio and heater. Good condi tion throughout. OUR PRICE '895 $100 discount no trade! MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 For Sal $2995 $2995 100-Autos -BUSINESS IS GREAT- .. See the reason why in these '. ;v "OK" ' USED CARS with 25 month guarantee 1962 CORVAIR 700 Coupe slon-radio-heater-18,000 miles. Bright red $1565 1961 CORVAIR "Monza" heater-padded dash-red 1960 RAMBLER American 2 door station wagon - o'drive - radio - 1960 FORD Fairlane matic transmissionradio-heater-SPECIAL $ 895 . 1959 FORD Galaxie 4 door er-p added dash-WSWs-low mileage-one owner. Steai this for only . $1195 1959 STUDEBAKER Lark o arive-b cylinder-radio-heater-a real clean wagon-only ... ... , $ 695 1958 FORD 2 door-Automatic transmission- radio-heater-power NEW 1958 MERCURY Monterey WSWs-stlck shift 1957 FORD 4 door-A u t o WSWs-Exeellent condition. A real FAMILY CAR $ 793 1956 OLDSMOBILE 88 Coupe-Automatic trans- mlssion-radio-heater-WSWs, PERFECT 1956 WILLYS 4 wheel drive station wagon- Radlo-heater-SHARP , $ 895 1956 CHEVROLET 4 door-V8-stlck-radio-heat- er-NEW TIRES 1955 FORD 4 door - radio - transmission. This is 1955 PONTIAC 4 dr. Automatic transmisslon- radio-heater-WSWs. NEW 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door sion-radio-heater 1961 FORD VB ton pickup transmission-Deluxe equipment. Power takeoff-wlnch-free-runntng hubs. EXCEL LENT CONDITION $1395 , 1956 DODGE ton pickup. Automatic trans- mission- heater. ........... $ 449 1956 INTERNATIONAL S-180 Cab A chassis 5 speed transmlsslon-2 speed axle-Recent motor overhaul. Ready to go to work .. $1195 BANK or G.M.A.C. Financing , , ' BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th & Giveaway in REDMOND OFF on tha following USED CARS at R0BBERS0N FORD 1959 BUICK LeSabre 4 door sedan-Was $1599 Less 20 $1281 1962 CHEVROLET 4 door station wagon-Was $2399 Less 20 '1821 50 OFF on the following USED CARS 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Van-Was $899 . :; Less 50 '449.50. 1956 PONTIAC 2 door-Was $699 Less 50 '349.50 : HURRY TO ; , ROBBERSON FORD 382-1811' for Sale - Standard transmis- Coupe - 4 speed-radio- vinyl interior $1645 heater - real economy $ 965 500 4 door sedan-Auto - Crulse - O - Matic - heftt - Station wagon- steering - Thls is LIKE $ 893 2 door-radio-heater- $ 795 m a t i c-radio-heater- this car is $ 595 $ 595 . heater - a u t o m a 1 1 c a real CLEAN CAR. $ 395 One - owner. LIKE $ 495- - Automatic transmis- $ 295 - 4 wheel drive-4 speed v Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood Bend 382-4521 424 Eft Third