o The Bulletin, Friday, November 22, 1963 2 i ft - f -5 ' t " x- v i x : if X - 'Five Lava Bear gridders get special honor awards AWARD WINNERS Bob Thomas, left, and Jerry Wetle were two of the five Bend Lava Bear footballers who received special honors last night at the football awards dinner. Thomas, a junior who played the latter part of the season at tackle, was tabbed the most-improved lineman by the coaches. Wetle, Bend's offensive and defensive signal caller, received the inspirational player award. leiipm Alley Woman's Scratch Trio W L Healthway Shop 33 15 Jim's Electric 32 16 Burkhart's Chevron .. 24 24 The Palace 234 244 Bend Body Builders .. 22 26 Murray & Holt 19'4 28'4 Greenwood Bowl 19 29 N'ewlands 19 29 Team leaders: Bend Body Builders, 501 game and 1428 se ries. High scorer: Arline Matheny, 247 game and 622 series. Latecomers League W L Ken Shanks's Jewels 29 15 Bend Dairy 274 164 The Land Mart Ins. 22 22 Mastercraft Cleaners 214 224 Magill Drug 21 23 F & J Park Cafe 20 21 Bob's Westside Shell 20 24 Art Sholes Realty .... 15 29 Team leaders: Bend Dairy, 880 game and 2542 series. High scorers: Juanita Martin, 191 game and 474 series. Tea-Timers League W L .Dolly Madison Cakes 28 16 Bev's Reweaving 27 17 Jess Mobil 27 17 Ramsey's Market .... 24 20 Sander's Flowers 23 21 The Corral 22 22 Shoop & Schulze .... 194 244 Pascales Cafe 184 254 Pink Poodle 18 26 Superior Cafe 13 31 Team leaders: Dolly Madison Cakes, 543 game and 1531 se ries. High Scorers: Margaret Ram- ,sey, 201 game; Roberta Dyer, 502 series. Two-Man Masters League Points Peterson-Harrington 199.29 Tollen-Oar 194.01 Nelson-Cooper 192.67 Altier-Hoover 190.87 Newell-Blucher 187.60 Lowry-Miller 183.11 Mitchell-Bowles 179.88 Scott-Simpson 167.84 Team leaders: Lowry-Miller, 439 game; Altier-Hoover, 1486 series. High scorers: Bill Miller, 246 game and 768 series. Classic League W L Stover-LeBlanc 38 10 Prineville Lumber .. 29 19 Sherfy Candy 26 22 Wakefield's Trucking 24 24 Barn Motel 23 25 The Elks 204 274 Bend Storage 194 284 Bend Troy Laundry 12 36 Team leaders: Wakefield Trucking, 1021 game; Bend Storage, 2883 series. Bob LeBlanc, .235 game; Sam Blucher, 648 series. Eagles Mixed League W L Feathers 27 17 Talons 26 18 Ears 25 19 Claws 21 23 Eyes 21 23 Right Wing 20 24 Beak 20 24 Left Wing 16 28 Team leaders: Feathers, 778 ii't if iH" 1' 1 Family Room. The family room shown above is on wheels. It's also a nursery. Cord room. (Attention: Commuters.) Solarium. It's the Volkswagen Station Wagon. Furnished with seats for 8 adults. Or for lots of cowboys and wild Indians. Need a mobile nursery? Take the middle seat ojl through the wide side doors. And you've got rootf for an open playpen or a crib. With space left over for the older kids to kid around in. With children, it's a good idea to order the front seat w,?h a walk-thru aisle. S9.80 extra, it comes In handy when they get out of hand. Or o diaper needs changing. Want the wagon for a car pool? For com muters who enoy a game of cards? Out comes that middle seat. In goes a bridge toble. Plus 4 players ond kibitzer. With both seoH out, you can sunbathe on a couple of cots. This wogon's gst 23 windows. And sunroof. Come in ond choose your decori red ond white, grey and white, green and white. MID-OREGON MOTORS 1515 So. 3rd (South City Limits) 0Uk" Ph. 382-1711 Five Bend High School foot ball players received "extra" honors last night, when the par ents of the 1963 Lava Bear team members conducted an awards dinner In the basement of the Elks building. Special awards were bestow ed on Harvey Hillis, Clyde Smith, Bob Thomas, Mike Met ke and Jerry Wetle, at the same time the Bend High School coaching staff bestowed letter awards on both the var sity and the junior varsity play ers. Harvey Hillis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hillis, 480 State Street, a 188-pound senior tack le, was a double award winner. He received the Dr. Grahlman Award, a presentation made each year by the coaches for the best all - around football player both offensively and de fensively over the years he has played at Bend High School. Hillis also was given the out standing lineman award by the Bend Rotary Club. Rotarian Roger Skeen made the present ation. Smith, Too Clyde Smith, Bend's big 205- pound fullback and defensive end, who played his first year of high school football as a sen ior, received the Bend Lions Club's best defensive player award. Vern Prodehl presented the honor. It Is given every year for the all-around athlete footballer. He also must be a scholar. Jerry Wetle, both offensive and defensive signal caller for the 1963 Lava Bears, received the inspirational player award. The coaches presented the award tor wetle s "untiring ef forts and leadership." Bob Thomas, a 175-pound jun ior in. the Bruin forward wall, was named the most-improved lineman. Mike Metke, Bend's second string signal caller, was chosen as the most improved Bruin backfield man. Letter Awards Receiving varsity letters were Seniors: Mike Clark, Fred Hamm, Herb Hickman, Harvey Hillis, Bob Nosier, Pete Per rine, Clyde Smith, Jerry Wetle, Ron Wood and Jim Tye. Others were: John Alexander, Ron Barber, Mike Brandis, Bob Cannon, Glenn Cook, Ted Evans, Ray Fletcher, Rich Home, Greg Hunt, Stuart Karp stein, Bill Koho, Norm Matson, Bill Mayer, Mike Metke, T i m McClain, Neal McGinnis, J 1 m game; Beak, 2171 series. High scorers: Bill Hight, 207 game and 552 series; B y r 1 Brandsma, 196 game and 523 series. Newton, Jerry Rich, Steve Rozewski, Jim Schaedler, War ren Sholes, Bob Thomas, Kirk Ward, Ted Davisson, Rick Nich olson. Bill Olson, and John Ramsey. Managers: Ken Rcinhart, Keith Gelbrich, Mike Stevens, and Paul Gehrman. Junior varsity letters were bestowed on: Chester Adams, Dan Beougher, Doug Brettain, Rich Cundell, Dick Gasbar, Mike Gotchy, Mark Hall, Dun nle Hanks, Steve Karpstein, Jim Kent, Richard Leagjeld, Dan Links, Bruce May, Bill May, Dave Manwiller, Rod McMillan, Dave Perry, Bill Porter, Pat Schatz, John S c h r a g a , Jon Sholes, and Craig Zimmerman. NBA Standings National Basketball Association By United Press International Eastern Division W L Pet. Boston 12 1 .923 Cincinnati 10 8 .556 Philadelphia 6 8 .429 New York 6 12 .333 Western Division W L Pet. Los Angeles 10 7 .588 St. Louis 10 8 .556 San Francisco 8 7 .533 Detroit 5 9 .357 Baltimore 3 10 .231 Thursday's Results Los Angeles 111 St. Louis 99 (Only game scheduled) Friday's Games Boston at Philadelphia New York at Baltimore Los Angeles at San Francisco TO MISS GAME MONTREAL (UPI) Right winger Bill Hicke of the Mont real Canadiens will miss Sun day's National Hockey League game in Chicago because of a badly twisted knee. Hicke flew home to Toronto Thursday for treatment. ffGOING ;f SOMEWHERE? Why Nor Charter A Plane? Call Us For Rotes GIBSON AIR SERVICE Bend Municipal Airport Ph. 382-2801 FREE TURKEY SHOOT RCA -V", SHARPSHOOTER vin a plump 12-lb. turkey for your family! Wo age groups one for youngsters up to 12, another for those from 13 thru 16. Each contestant gets 5 shots with a Cross- 1 man air rifle in our indoor firing range. Top shot in each group wins the prize! IMPORTANT: you mutt be accompanied by your parents to enter. VALUABLE ,DOOR PRIZES, TOO! SATURDAY Nov. 23, 1 till 9 p.m. MOMS AND DADS are invited to test their skill with our Crossman air rifles, just for fun. SPECIAL 10 DISCOUNT on all Crossman air rifles and pistols . . . now through November 30th! KUR TZ FLY OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE TSiTVl' 1 1 VJWH,TT'!ir ubrs cow unci Butay toAoeo xWO '57 W ViVl II i I Vit Y H rm oceries a wallet on a StRiNaJ mclVamos featf&fbl S3g?.' irTaJiJL it.' 3list the owe day t put a Wa. f I awrjl MAD ' SllltSSW SS.fcV- ft !-n- -KTtw APPL6 irJIKFRLMT BOWL WHILE H& VZ-CLr-f i-Jl V-ylf il 7 "S'iSS WAS READING AMD HE TOOK THREE ) ' lW4!V T ' I WITH IT. , SWALLOWS BEFORE HE S WS -TrtT $aJ Vkewitwasafake.' Lfr 111 B i j. - i ' i.i..i.uK,. r-j I. ' " STEVE CANYON ... at the capital aibwct a ceowp of nswsasm is alkeacv 6athecin3 to m6bt toeie aibplanb ... BL CHARZIW BEADf THE NEWt HCAPLINS AMP ROAES ACROSS MEXICO CITV TBWAEP CHEETAHS APARTMENT. -WHESa THI CAOIO tVLL BUTTIM OUT THE )UM RE PORT... BUT rr isTALKiNa TO ITJSLP. DICK TRACY s? T i a Lo9 E7 !i PIPE BAtt TO XSSiFSStS Y PO Wl! BELIEVE NO 0N ...ANp HB unrTlin IT I )' miibimi. ' Tlwi3Htl i-jj-' aiexico cny SSS?wi f TustTORV ofaw TNEvusND upon j jzsifPBZM I 111 i MrtTTfly 1 FOR. STEVE ANP ISST-CijtlijS J . THE CHINESE EXCEPT r A Mi BIOS WT X7ZvStJyWM 111! JrJrtfl. I OJUlB nada pvsk "t" ErrT ! iix . . - v . .PJ 5?0 MV POLITICAL AND t EVENTUALLV T ARE VOU 1 I WHY? ) WHOS GOING TO jmm ,nmi,)mtm,MtHnti SOCIAL IDOLS I CAN l HAVE ) nGtSOR kZl. DO A HEART T CAN RESHAPE THE WHOLE? OIVB PERPETUAL fcjV KIND OF 51? TRANSPLANT WORLD.' I CAN KEEP YOUTH W , STATION! 1 ZmrIE!!U WVfm, WRIGGLE. OUT OF I ?IQfS) 7 ' p LI'L ABNER REX MORGAN. M.D. MIDGE SEEHtD PERFECTLY" FINE WHEN SHE VISITED ME AT THE HOSPITAL THIS -AFTERNOON, '. '.MRfiAN WHAT'S HAJ'Pl NtD TO HER? flTS NOTHINGjp (jHEM LET ME SPEAK WITH HER. DOCTOR IoB.?UI f I fl BJ-Vv SHE'S RE5TIN0 Jr fw-juu 1 1 1 1 I 111 I . nw"l H . Wl 1 im i l IU 1 M UAlfC UCD Trt IV I n FEEL BETTER ABOUT IT IF , I COULD TALK TO H NOW DR. MORGAN CAPTAIN EASY W SOCIAL. ftfcuRiry. wb I THAT lVWAf "iWvlf IHJMA A LtMTi.V.6 rCX-i 10 ttcp WCHBR.WiaB W CRAI'E By IN CUK OLO ASH! 1 w CUR old Asnirrflsy UUPSSPAiDl t WA TOO A840R6EP W MV WORK TO nfUV ff W Wftj IC V!?U HAv 1 A UtSl 1f laT Ulnar AUflttl nil AlH1 A MAY,liJ!t tkl Ui. inflttl AfltvP. AlKl V W ilWI SVfti i' VTA HAv WfrCASBI J A UPB OfVWrAlL.A fW.fl M8CH AfOUT rftr, DlfrVIO TAKtftiLlKS WCASilitlU nr EAJi ON TKB RIVURA! f WTfHOTlP'ySJ tt MARY WORTH t rrrrZT-. n . '.VU Tuftr Hfiir) rf A FLOURISH Of TKIJMPFT4 WITH THK ANNOUNCEMENT, nui...Rirr t'ii TPVTrtRrrtiM -tTW . L1. ... I JUiT TALKED WITH I Tnul...T...T THL PEC1ALTJ ! IT n -i ant ,y. THEIR UNANIMOUS OPINION ANVTHINfi! THAI"' AF.tK ABOUT AIWNIK OF TREATMENTS ""MU5 JANNI5 M'BETH WILL IE As GOOD HEWI WHKH K tiriTiirn AVI T UltTLI UAJIP IHtuncPs uvi jlj tt ' i n iwur. ROOMMATE 5TANDINO BYiAND 1 NANCl.. w "r ti t " WILL H n.wrTiit Akinruic AkiuniiurFUFMr I w. II I N1Wt7HLL P1lwilluH"lW''ilwi.i, rUU II M l U.-J7 105(7 st n n i m r n 11 b.x i u ALLEY OOP MY flOO'NPS9, NCHJ CIVILIZED ) OH, WEVE SOT Xi J I FELLAS CERTAINLY PO . 7 THINGS PRETTY ft.' j.. HAVE MASTERFUL WAYS WELL W3RXEP lmffii&Vr V SJ I'M BEGINNING TO GET TIRED... I HOPH IT'S NOT MUCH farther; TOUR CM ! I NOT SO., CAVWfniOUl' - ' A i a r COMPANY 732 S. 3rd 382-5741 Everything fr bi Sf.rfc.man GOLD B0ND6TAMPS 0 to o