& o O HOWS THIS FEHA7IWE AM' OH,I WCLILPsyT MISS IT ! lllU LABOR SAVER? FOUR ROLLER FOR THE WORLD E&- V ,1 RIStSED UP WITH SOME OLD V PECIALLV THE PART ! PIECES OP PIPE, AW' PRESTO--X Jf WHERE VKXJ DIP THB I H ' OOTAWAVTODOTHECEIUN4 Ik ROLLER. IMTO THE J IN OSJS PCUKTH OP TH' TIME 'Jta PAIMT PAW i 1 . fmtKARoowpANDwwrcH y 'Ifr . ,.,,-r v p gSSKl WHY MOTHEgg 5ET aRAV ,.l.i.i.u.. STEVE CANYON REX MORGAN. M.D. : BOB WILEY'S ON THE PHONE.' V HECflLLED FROM THE HOSPITAL TO 5PEAK. WITH miDOE flNO I TOLD HIM YOU HAD STOPPED HERE TO.SFFHfP a " n i U n CAPTAIN EASY H JsVL TH6EB AZE Uo F WEU.,SSfioKA Pfc:,Y Pt-gASE THE MEXICAN E7aAI SARSENTO.VSOLPADO, WE Pol Lmife "Vf APPAKSNT SUR- I THE MIOS DOMYMEMItACE VIS 1 CAWO STATIONS Y HOW DO WE NOT SPEAK...WE liyMEXIfAN Aiel3 VIVORS...STANP INTERESTEO IN ... rlO.VlB.COI. HAVE HEARO I SPEAK OF THIS PUCE fT UPON THE lirffV EESCUE.THE BY TO -COPY.. 8W asfl CANYON J 6VERYTHIN0 I To THE PRESS I PESfc OF THE C0- 727 SEARCH TABaST if POSITION.... A THAT WAS SAID AND OTHER I AAANPANTE ANt SO ' '"'- ' miww DICK TRACY r""-"5pO MEN OFtPOWER, LOSS I X TO THEM, V ' CAN 1 Ifrlo ONE HAS EVER DONE tasRsnssa SE fefSS POWER COMES TO ME AND I I sYU W mdSal iVTsT MY PRICE? JHLUONS' SAVS.10L0A.7m OLA BUT I I I mlllt w POWEWf . t" TO GlVE U'LABNER NO,SALOMEV-NO.' fi I AuCKLE..r-TWILIGHT Q AhC ' Y . EF TO' MARRIES UP WlF 'G ( ZONASTRIPPED V JS? (S -! . SMEUVIM,YOLL BELONG MU v7 V TH'CpEAR3 IN WTfc-i. TO-(jSH.'-CARV GRUNT.'.' HER BROOW.'.' pOTr! .irWXW AWT kANLvoLLGITETsBpar-,, V SHE CAIN'T KETCH J POTT.'US 'L-1' U4et- s , r-LY TV VC (ME i V7 THET PORE. SOOPER- CTT jTN U W S I NATCHERALLI1.THING 1 . IfK&4l Cl VrK&Z T-S NEEDS MAHHELP.'r- K. ' iiri' jQsSr I jL r-vferC)) w MSaCt-T love,wap,an'sadie y lOl DIDN'T ELL HIM WHY fl I DIDYOUf -'I I It l' "J l L U CL00N6Y( WA C0iNRI(9HT RUOBJHftlfTis'a 1 TW0V'6BK VWJ TOOK tr LYiMS OCrtNl VWJ titrA SfT TS ?'ffJ $8 .'1, V ' r'H,M0tB W-JKT ,Mld r Thru atUieVer stood up wjc v wv lcot'ifWAwu'r trt3 ; MARY OTH '''" ' ' W"""1" V3'TT "' I I WHAT A IIINAIF'...! S ... I ITTwATTfXipTfiTTjrHmF 1 MHnMMUIiw- , , m nJ 5H0UL0 HMl RR0UClHT I kNIBbT OUTRIDE AND HEAR HOW VOU AHA'.-MISS DOCTOR LIVINfiSTONE,; NANCyl ' A MACHETE, INSTEAD OF J NANCY WHO FINISHED THAT SENTENCE, JANl-BUT V I BELIEVE? ynufinwN' CHICKEN SOUPiDON'T TELL k ut AR0I1T I COULDNT DELAY TELLING YOU SOME Ztff. Will yni I mp' ME DON TRADED HIS PLANE A THF ..... I NEWS!NOT EVEN FOR HALF ASECOND.'V V.-n f II -IT ONLY I TICKET FOR IES? WlTT-.Tr-r I iiililg Ewlym i ml m II V V VV AAtl ' I . T' WfcU.,CMON,filKI0l' W OH. I PUNNO. I I WHY t UADWT I Win I TVIFVJ Nf.1 'Zs:C.i . KViS-, 19 NUIHIN MOKt WB WHERE WHERE D YOU MhOOGHT OF CAM THINK ABOUT 'JoSfest? Riv'fi3iK.CN 00 HER6' y I AREWB WAJ4rAGO J I GOIKJO ANY- J IT ON TH WAY 7 -'5';3fiPaS BMfcw WAL ULAb i iff imt.O HIAA THAT SHE BEEN FEELING WELL.THAT SHE5 ALL RIOHT...DUT HtlN513iaON TALKING WITH YOU OUS BbARDI f OU3H) TRICKED M& INTO EMTKINS COOKING CONTEST.' It- L UON TH&Y'LL TAUNT Me UNUL tncirs ujeic? vrr't SUPPOSE T L-oi i r- WHIP UP AM EtfOTIC DISH BUT THE BILL. WaOUD STKAIM Duacc UA-A MAVBB X IcOULO SET CKEOIT TILL. TU& PR1ZE MONEY WAS Martha CAN MINDS HADN'T with MAJOR HOOPLE X MATE TO BREAKS UPVOUK , MEOITATIOM, v nr OATE5. BUT T. THAT l """J un 1E E63S AMD HAMBURGER FPlOfATHB siokc: AND DONT CHAKOE AMV 4IDE ORDEK-& TO M.Y ACCOUNT T. A CHECK an i BOB THIS 15 REX MORGAN 1 DONT, V"Sf: WANT YOU WORRYING ABOUT MIDGE W SHE'S PERFECTLY FINE j lC i M 14 The Bulletin, ThurSIa?, fytOSatS 21, 1963 Congo police grab 3rd Russian in retaliation for subversion LEOPOLDVTLLE (UPI) -Congo police seized a third Rus sian today in apparent retalia tion for suspected Soviet sup port of subversives seeking to overthrow the pro-Western gov ernment of Premier Cyruue Adoula. Police dragged a Russian journalist out of his bed and took him into custody. The ac tion followed the arrest Tues day of two Soviet diplomats who are still being held. The arrested diplomats also were manhandled by Congolese police when they refused to per mit security officers to search their briefcases.' The fate of the diplomats, Boris Voronin and Yuri Maiko- tnykn, remained unknown. Vor onin was described as an em bassy counselor and Maikot nykh as a press attache. There has been no official word on the incident involving the diplomats from the Congo lese government for more than 36 hours despite a stiff protest by the Soviet Union. The diplo mats were taken into custody by Congolese state police. Well Informed diplomatic sources in LeopoldvLHe said the Congolese government may soon declare most Russian and Czech diplomatic personnel in the capital "persona non grata." They said it was unlike ly the Congolese government would break off diplomatic re lations, but that it probably would permit the two Commu nist countries to leave a skele ton staff in Leopoldville to handle embassy affairs. The Soviet journalist detained today was identified as Benik Beknazar Yuzbashev, 35, who arrived in the Congo a month ago to open a bureau for the Communist news agency Novis- ti in Leopoldville. There was speculation the Russian journalist would be questioned about any possible Communist links to opposition Congolese elements. The Congolese government has hinted that Communist em bassies in Leopoldville have Church council names UO head new president EUGENE (UPI) -Dr. Arthur S. Hemming, president of the University of Oregon and a Methodist layman, Wednesday was elected president ot tne Oregon Council of Churches. He succeeds the Rev. A. Raymond Grant, resident bishop of the Alaska-Oregon Confer ence of Methodist Churches. Flemming was elected on the final day of the council's 29th annual general assembly here. He will take office Jan. 1. New vice presidents represent ing t h e council's various de nominations are: The Rev. George A. Ashwood, Jr., Eugene, Presbyterian; the Rt. Rev. Lane W. Barton, Bend, Episcopal; the Rev. Dwight S. Dodson, Portland, Baptist: Mrs. P.L. Herbig, Eugene, Episco pal: the Rev. A. J. Buttrey, Portland, United Church of Christ: the Rev. Dwight Russell. Lake Oswego. Presbyterian, and the Rev. Henry L. Searle. Port land, Disciples of Christ. The Rev. Charles H. Addle man of Woodburn was elected secretary and James L. Samp son. Portland, treasurer. New members of the board of trus tees are John W. Pugh and Mark A. Talney of Portland and James Whipple, Drain. Letter writer threatens Queen LONDON (UPI) London po lice today charged a man with writing a letter threatening to kill Queen Elizabeth. George William Mead, a 40- year-old clerk, appeared at the Mansion House Court today, and was ordered held in cus tody until Nov. 28. He was charged with utter ing a letter" threatening to kill the queen. Mead was picked up by de tectives after he had spoken with a clergyman at historic St. Paul's Cathedral. Informed police sources said I he had written the threatening letter and handed or tried to hand It to the clergyman. No further details were Im mediately available. FOUND GUILTY PORTLAND (LTD -Former Multnomah County Deputy Dist. Arty. James Collins was found guilty Wednesday of unlawfully entering a motor vehicle with intent to steal. A Circuit Court jury returned the verdict and Judge 'Herbert M. Schwab ordered a pre-sentence Investigation. Defense at torney eorge Haslett said the supported subversive activities aimed at overthrowing the pro Western government of Pre mier Cyrille Adoula. The government's Radio Con go reported Wednesday that documents of the utmost im portance" had been confiscated from foreign diplomats suspect ed of subversive activities against the Congo. But it did not name them or give their nationalities. THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month Jl-50 Six Months - iM One Year - $18.00 By Mail One Month $1-50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bulletin 382-1B11 In Redmond 5484261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius Mrs. Pearl Viegas-548-4121 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Aili received before 4:30 p.m. 1U appear in the following day's paper. The Bulletin ivlll not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect Insertion. Low. low rates tor monthly ads. 2 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 4 times only $2.00 2 lines for 8 times only $3.25 4 lines for 1 time only $2.00 4 lines for 4 times only $3.00 4 lines for 8 times only $5.00 6 lines for 1 time only $2.50 6 lines for 4 times only $4.00 6 lines for 8 times only $6.75 LOST? Classified Ad INDfalX To Buy. .Sell Trade Apartment eor Rem W appliances-Furniture 31 Auction Sales 33 Apartments Famished W Autos voi Trad W Autos For Sato 100 Batn, Sitters 13 Boats IB Motors Business OpportunlUes 7n Bulldlna Contractors S2 laird of Thanks 6 Onntrscts S3 Doss. Peta. etc 3 Domestic Servtcea 12 Farms. Acreaces , , TO Farmer Uolumn 40 Farm Machinery 91 Feeds as Seeds 38 Fuel. Coal. Wood, Oil AO Fuel Wanted 48 Funeral Director 2 Foneral services 4 Funeral Notice , a Helo Heated 17 Help Wanted. Female 19 Help Wanted. MaJ , 18 House Trailers 94 llnusekeepuut Itnoma ..,. 03 Houses For Itenl Be instruction-Schools ., U in Memnrlam ....,. a Leaal Notices , 1 Livestock S9 Lost A Fotmd 10 Lots at Bulldlna Sites Tl Livestock Wanted 39 Loans ,.,.. 28 Machinery For Sale 90 Machinery Wanted 89 Masonlo Notices ,. ..,. Mlscellaneoue For Rent , Miscellaneous For Sale Money To Loan Money Wanted .. ....a.,,.,,..,,.. Motorcycles For Sale Musical Instrumeole Nurslna Care Personals ..............,., Poultry. Habhlta Real Estate Fur Sale Room. Board ..........., Sales People, agent Service Directory Slruiillons Wanted Si -otuulloiis Wanted. Female ........ 2B Sltmtilon. Wanted. Male 24 sportsman, t'olumn ,. 43 Mviip Lolumn I'raller spare ....................... rrm-kv I'raiiera 05 Wanted to Htirnm 4S Wanted to Buy 47 Wanted to Rent limited. Itimni-Bonrd 1-Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids wiU be received by the Board of Directors. Cen tral Oregon Distriet Hospital, a Municipal Corporation of Red mond. Oregon at the Council L.iuimoers. Hectmonci city j-iau. i ui and evergreen btreet, tied niond. Oregon, until 8:00 D.ni.. Pacific Standard Time on De cember 4. IW3 for the construe' tion of additions and alterations to Centra! Oregon District Hos pital at Redmond, Oregon, all work under one general con tract. One set of drawings, spocifi caUons. and forms of contract documents may be obtained by general contractors only, from the office of Martin & Rtidd. Architects. 1801 N.E. Couch Street, Portland 32. Oregon up on deposit of $35.00. Additional sets may be obtained from the Architects for the cost of reoro durtien. Deposits will be refunded to bidders upon return of the doc uments, plans and specifications within two weeks after bid opening and will be refunded to non-bidders only if returned one week prior to bid opening. Drawings, specifications and forms of contract documents may be examined at the Build ers Exchange in Portland. Sa lem and Eugene, at the office of the Hospital Administrator and the office of the Architects. All bidders must be pre-mial-ified in accordance with Chap ter 279. Oregon Revised Sta tutes. All pre qualifications shall be filed by November 22. 19t3, with the undersigned. Forms are available at the of fice of the Architect No bid will be considered un less fully completed in the man ner provided in "Instructions to Bidders" and on the forms pro vided by the Architects, and ac companied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond executed in favor of Board of Directors. Central Oregon District Hospital, in an amount not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated j damages should the bidder re fuse or neglect to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the performance of the work in the event the contract is awarded to him. The Board of Directors, Cen tral Oregon District Hospital re serves the right to reject any or all bids and waive all infor malities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse or JU days from tne Did opening. Board ol Directors Central Oregon District Hospital by William R. Mayfield, Acting Secretary 284-296-C 3-Funeral Notices HARTWIG, Vina N., 115 Greeley Avenue. Services Friday, 2 p.m.. at the Tabor Funeral Home. Interment in Deschutes Memorial Gardens. WALTON, Charles W. Services Friday 3:00 p.m. Niswonger. Reynolds Chapel, Rev. Robert Becker officiating. Interment Deschutes Memorial Gardens. 5-Card of Thanks WE WISH to express our thanks to our many friends and neigh bors for their sympathy dunng the loss of our loved one. The many kindnesses and beautiful floral pieces were deeply ap preciated. Mr. & Mrs. Perit Huntington Sr. Mrs. Eva Huntington and son John Mrs. Loyd Hewitt and family Mrs. Richard Eastman and family Mrs. Cecil McKenzie and fam ily THANK YOU to our friends and neighbors for their help and kindness during our recent fire. Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Kurtz 3-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information caU 382-4780. or Redmond 548-3606. Oregon Memorial Association 382-1052 Barbara's Uniform Fashions Professional Uniforms Open 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday night to 9 p.m. 714 Franklin Ave. 9-Personals HAWAIIAN Holiday trip. Leav ing Fortlana uecemoer zt Dy jet and return January 10 by let. Call Cascades Travel Serv ice for further information. 382. 3772. 10-Lost & Found LOST 20 gauge shotgun between O'Neil and Prineville on Momiav. Reward. 382-0304 or 382-4751. 12-Domestic Services IRONING, VERY reasonable. 382-6747. WILL DO ironing in my home, 382-0714. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 17-HeIp Wanted RELIABLE COUPLE, man em ployed or semi-retired to man age local motor noiei. oepar. ate 2 bedroom living quarters, plus wages for room work if desired, will train. Keierences. Write Bulletin, Box No. 1119A. 20-Service Directory INVISIBLE REWEAV I N G Have those burnt holes and tears rewoven at Bev's Re- weaving, next to Tom Tom Motel. oBZ-lSHB. TV & RADIO KEPAIR Service Call Only $3.50 Jim's TV Service 382-3027 PAINTING: Kitchen $40. Living Room 540, Bedroom Bain $18. Exterior Painting. Also Comercial. HARPER 382-4692 APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL SMALL APPLIANCES Irons, mixers, toasters, coffee makers, waffle irons. Any make or model. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. 382-2821 22-Building Sup.-Cont. Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-finished PANELING Here is nature's own beauty marks that makes any room a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finished paneling available anywhere. 5 shades to choose from. WALNUT - OAK - BIRCH - PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A-GRADE Pre-finished Mahogany paneling 4x8 sheet . . . 6.88 Pre-finished Mahogany Rejects 4x8 sheet 3.25 Redecorate any room in your home with materials from Miller Lumber. Terms to suit your budget. All types of INSULATION to keep your home warmest ever this winter. Plastic storm windows, pipe-wrap insulation, weatherstripping, everything for your home. SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard SJ.-H Green Stamps on all cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 382-4301 20-Service Directory STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Marilvn Bull 382-02b8 , 1I,4L Danairtna r.XWl l au.n rt ,1 rw rvc IT us,rc ,,n. Next to Trailways Bus Depot. ORIGINALLY Designed, hand tailored clothing ana luxury gilts in fine fabrics and leath er. Jean Knudsen, 382-3396 eve nings. CARlNF.TS FINISH REMODEL Dan J. Kroker 382-3106 JANITOR SERVICE. Floors, walls, windows, and general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud's Cleaning Service, 382-2780 or 382-1920. r'UKNlTUKE REF1N1SHING Work guaranteed. 548-2511 MUSSON'S REFINISH1NG LOVELY NEW FASHIONS Your BEEL1NE Dealer 182-1478 Margie Johnson PAINTINt; DONE Reasonable rates Anderson 382-2043 LADIES Alterations and dress making. Experienced. Mrs. Shepardson, 382-4744. APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS. DRYERS. FREEZ ERS. REFERS. WATER HEATERS. FURNACES. A 1 1 makes. MIKES ELECTRIC 382-5312 22-Building Sup.-Cont. ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS Residential - Commercial Dean Construction tympany Free Estimates 382-6881 26-Loans NOW... for aU of Central Oregon, comes one of the Pacific Northwest's largest mortgage brokers . . . Commonwealth, Inc. Portland. Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all types of real estate financing, FHA, VA, Con ventional. Existing home refinancing, New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere in Cen tral Oregon Lowest possible financing rates See Us FIRST! Commonwealth, Inc. Bend 382-1232 29-Miscellaneous for Rent FOLDING CHAIRS to rent Cas cade Transport. 382-3852. LEASING-Auto-Truck "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, busi nessmen or professional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 30-Miscellcmeous for Sale TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, excava tions 382-5161 FOR RAWLEIGH Products call 382-1694. TWO Tool boxes for pickup, 382 6317. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn & Misc. TV CABLE for sale. $50. 382 3986 after 6 p.m. TAKE SOIL away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric sham, pooer $1. Western Auto Assoc. Store. 903 WaU. NORWESTER Thermostatically controlled stove, 24" firebox. 382-0354. PEARL'S Bargain Store on Highway 97, I4 mile north" of 3rd Street overpass. Clothing, furniture, toys and miscellane ous taken on consignment. For sale cotton and wool rags. BOOKS Fiction, non-fiction and technical. Call 382-0585. Brewer's YEAST A high protein food rich In the B-Complcx vitamins and pro teins. TRY SOME TODAY! 1 powder 98c HEALTHWAY SPECIALTY SHOP 624 Franklin 382-0564 h blk. from P.O. on Franklin SEE OUR fine line-up of bicy. cles: Schwinns, Monarchs, re builts. re-conditions. All sizes, all prices. Also a large varie ty of new, re-built and used tricycles. Re-built scooter, $3. 95. Carl Austin's, Bond and Greenwood. ONE TAIR walnut snow tires, 6:70x15. 382-2054. HUDSON SEAL black fur coat, long, size 14. excellent condi tion. $150. Box 537, Empire, Oregon. IV CABLE $40. 382.4368. This Christmas visit the FINEST T0YLAND in town at . . . WESTSIDE HARDWARE Here at Westside Hardware, we have the most complete T O Y L A N D you've ever seen. Toys to suit all ages, 6 to 60. Bikes, wagons, trains, games, dolls, the biggest selection anywhere. COME SEE IT! Visit Westside Hardware, your complete hardware store. WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston 382-4341 Open Daily from 8 to 7 Sundavs from 9 to 2 S&-H GREEN STAMPS 31-Appliances. Furniture TAKE OVER payments of $6 50 per month on nearly new Frig, ldaire "Custom Imperial" drv. er. Top of the line model. Guaranteed. Ken Cale Hard ware, Third It Greenwood. Uerdict would be appealed, o o o G