13 Young laundry worker receives hero award No doubt anymore about Yiciousness of bomber at large in Birmingham, Alabama PITSBURGH (UPI) A 21- blast last March 29 which killed bronze medal to Ethel C. Rob- year-old laundry worker from seven persons. He returned inside and reached two more women, leading one and carrying the other to safety. Urquidez then carried Carmen Ramos and Olivia Aros to safety and mado one more trip inside to remove another woman just before the walls of the one-story structure collapsed. The commission also awarded inson, aunt of Booker C. Olden, who died in an attempt to save two children from burning to death In Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1962. Six sticks of dynamite exploded prematurely Aug. 14, 1962 at a copper mine in Oracle, Ariz., in juring Wilbur D. Nelson, 48, and Tucson, Ariz., was awarded a silver medal and $1,000 from the Carnegie Hero Commission today for rescuing seven women during an explosion and fire at a laun dry and dry cleaning plant. By Al Kutttntr UPI Stiff Wrlttr Any lingering doubts that a truly vicious and malicious bomb . er is at large in Birmingham, Ala., disappeared Wednesday with a sober announcement from the police department. The latest outrage in the steel city's grim racial conflict in volved the detonation of two ex plosive charges 13 minutes apart. The police said the first was an apparent decoy, set off to draw a crowd. The second ap parently was a homemade booby trap which utilized a tool box filled with dynamite overlaid with staples, other pieces of metal and rocks. The contents were meant to Later information proved that ings with white and Negro lead-1 troops. "It's clear that law and order have broken down; they are throwing dynamite everywhere and anywhere," Shuttlesworth said. Shuttlesworth, himself, is one of the major points of controversy in the stormy racial situation. Most Birmingham white leaders refuse to deal with him on grounds he is "one of the out siders." His present church is in Cincinnati. The wiry little racial leader holds a strong influence, however, among the approximately 5.000 Negroes who have been most ac tive in demonstrations. spray people who came to the scene. A tragedy was averted be cause the crowd that usually ma terializes at a bombing scene stayed in fright behind their doors. Birmingham now has experi enced 23 racial bombings in the past five years. Until the 16th St. Baptist Church was hit Sept. 15, taking the lives of four Sunday School girls, there was no appar ent design to kill. The church bomb was placed beneath the steps and timed for a delayed blowup. Wednesday's bombing appeared at first to be mere harassment loud noises in the night to dis turb the uneasily sleeping citv. theory to be all wrong. ers over the race crisis. Ntd For Caution Disclosure of the new tactics used by the bomber means that police will have to investigate fu ture explosions with extreme cau tion. It will have to be somewhat like a military team going into a mined town. "This one could have been planted to kill officers," Police Inspector J.W. Haley said. "It definitely was a booby trap, meant to kill." The new brand of violence came as two presidential media tors former Army Secretary Kenneth Royall and former West Point coach Earl (Red) Blaik After sessions with each race the two had nothing to report They said earlier their mission would take a long time during which they planned no press briefings. Several Birmingham Negro leaders complained that their in tegration movement was having difficulty finding the mediators, but they managed to get together late Wednesday. Demands Federal Troops Controversy over the committee operations, plus the booby trap incident, brought renewed de mands from the Rev. F.L. Shut tlesworth, a leader in the Bir mingham movement, for federal Ventura Urquides Jr., disre garding choking smoke and scorching flames, led Mrs. Lucy G. Villa and Mrs. Rossie L. Ches ser to safety shortly after the a 1 Merely C. Fairless, 40. were scheduling closed-door meet' The Bulletin, Thursday, September 26, 1963 I death benefits of $600 and ... with fall fashions in mind A6ug ULTEASON See What's New at Wetle's Matemaster Suits In Menswear Flannel -Hi In in. ini-' - .i.aim: ft . , yv,-nni-,i' ii-t-TTi -:ir.-.Wfrii.mftWft rttv -,& mm, ti. 4 Fur Trimmed Coots ' (M Star-attraction in your winter ward- mm IrNiLJyfoaff' i'&M I S ' lj . robe, the A-line coat that's pure al- 1 'fptf.' JSZJKS 1 r IC: ,1 K lure from the lavish helping of ii'tlffc .,.')ITaJw I Pi; Mink to the contour seams shaping 1 1, i ! B I V l-: irsjifj 's : j K; the silhouette. Newsy deep-set '.'!. I Vv . 1, I j F Hp' sleeves, concealed pockets, are easy m ; J f i'-si' I"5 I Ei to wear features. 100 wool Gros- j m , 1 $t 1 M point. Sizes 6-18. t r If V , P1! ' J ; 139 I j I 17, I P mji " Fur Trimmed Suits j f fmf This little Mink goes to great heights in fashion i '" 'WT buttoned-on the gentle-lady suit for import- vj !' I in ant moments ... and worn as a versatile boa V AU ! I with other wardrobe items. And the young, slen- 1 der suit poses prettily when showing its self- -" j , ISvl fabric collar, set-in sleeves and trim but easy fL.., ' 1 . lacket on its own. Precisely detailed in 1007. LiL,A r wool Carmina. Sizes 5-15. I Lovely New 11 Fall Dresses J ""v Turtle Top. 1 27ZABLAZE WITH FALL FASHION Assorted color. Country Clothes by FLANNEL STRETCH PANT by White Slag leaves nothing t chance when it comes to fitting you perfectly in these beautiful ly tailored stretch pants of shape-retaining 55 wool, 45 , nylon , . . now they're propor tioned in two lengths, too! Side zipper, self fabric foot strap, slack bottom finish. With them, why not wear another all-Unit favorite? It'l the classic Turtle Top of soft, 100 combed cot ton lisle. Color-mated, of course! Flannel Stretch Pant, Red, grey or blue 13.00 8-1 The stocking that ',' j i makes YOU feel SPECIAL. : ij ueautiru nyion stocKintrs r rKf a trt V with the luxurious soft J-, ' .'I j Ultra sheerness that wears j 1 UT1 M and war, a beauty treatment AxjH1 im rsT U Aftftlr i by Ultrasonic sound wave CTaI V law U v qVv Vv ' ' m,K NoMend ultrason nylons k f w ' YtVy "I a deHghtful txptrlence in ' X I y& '1 stocking satisfaction. l 1 r Wfwl ' il " 1rt' mediUm' l0Pg ' Seamless Dress Sheer Evening Shesr j I Enjoy Barbecued 1 ' jl TOV' I": T h Chicken Dinner For I I tmW - Nil Only 49c At Bend's ' ll . : C J ' Fall Opening Friday n I W 1 M : Hi1' $35. j ! ; $50 tj il' THE LADYLIKE PUMP V $OC ' I ' hi' 25 p it y SO COMPLIMENTARY r JfL' ; ,uavV top m.t.t- thai Foot j I t . n ; r:: V Flairs fwlct at t'egant. 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