V r OUT OUR WAY ALL RI&HT.MERV, WE'LL PLAY YSAH, I'LL, . -, I ARGUNPTHISMORMINOANP M BE NEEDtkKS L 'PR I ANOTHER 18 HOLES AFTfcKil VOL) ALt-DA1 J U 5HCFj-;:l;: I HERE.Boy, TAKE Wy ZZ' " " aSrafl ( BAG--ANP I'LL BE )al SSZtSS WHEMPLOVETO LIVE FOREVER ,;y?,T:S STEVE CANYON DICK TRACY "SHE I fffl Vwufdp nr)F YnvFp uedp. 1 I what did 7a crude 1 rTE "ws-ATLASTf kAMEVf. gVOU F.NOPJ SIGN. ii i i r i i s- r i j- i 1 a, s-.-rv. J r' .-js LI'L ABNER Who is the Worlds Best-loved Dentist? " Does anuona know?-Does anuone care? Dentists are' heroic, but nobodu ' -honors them. There are 3 Kids always say, Dad, 1 want to grow up to be a great Doctor, like Albert Schweitzer.' But do they ever say(Dad,Iwant to grow up to be a great Dentiist.liks Melvin Fromkin!? Something ought to bo done about it,by the .X).MH.('Dat)hters of Dentists of the American fhvoution). but, until fcheu do, let us pay homage to the Dentist of the Century', t,ho Beethoven of Cavity Drilling, Basil Ripbone 1 1 -r BEX MORGAN. M.D. 'JSSST' ONCe HE"5 RECOVERED aaaaSaiwx PROW THIS HEART DO YOU REALIZE THAT ( ATTACK, THERE'S THIS ILLNESS WILL RUIN WHY HE CAN'T CAPTAIN EASY MARY WORTH . KWi. WORTH HA ACEEP, fit. BOB'S CAREER, -.!& ACTIVE, FULL LIFE, OLS JORKW " J WELL, flE KMOWS BETTERNOWl DID VJ I YEAH. I WANTA T ROSEBUD ? VflJ FT 5.&j 8LA.t"S!5uo PROB'LV H0P6P W ( YOU SAV YOU PLAN TO BE M NEW J BE ON HAND WHEM SURE THAT'S THE 1 WHV? J OrTHK gJElSHJ ER USE OF A LIGHTER VpRLEANS IN ABOUT TEN DAYS? TH' ROEBUO DOCKS I NAME OF THAT B" LDJ.ImiL, ALLOY MI3HT WEAKEnY"--- y. uT. m 0UR CAeS0 jLSHIP' WASH 1 -( 1 f BJ,SvS ouRBiRp, '"'"," '"' " " y tfty ' ri muLH utoftlt, iu w.1 Ai rATO,CAPTAIN tiuu5t.-muiHiK oukinij MW.COLH I IVLt:.INIKOOUCt HIK TO THt'RE5T.0F THE,"KIDD5"! ALLEY OOP S.WHY? JUST BECAUSeI I ACTIVE PEOPLE V v I ...WHOEVER rrTS COP? AIL RIGHT, LETS GET GOX4', THI9ISrrf OUR FIELP MAN'S IN ALL KINPS f BUT, HEARP OF A SvJ5S.V.. MY GOSH ) OR HAVE WXl FORGOTTEN I THIS IS THR ( PUT ON RIASSES:' OF PURSUITS OSTAR.THIS BESPECTACLED ) CAVEMAN V ! 1 WAS SfHfcpUlEP FOR A Enp.i wf.ve J NONSENSE! ,- wear J is time- CivTMilll.ik LViTT p 10 aMX? ' H LTE T.V shows about Doctors, but not V TRUE, HE WILL HAVE CERTAIN WTifl IN OTHER WORDS, HE CAN'T CONTINUE TO YTl S LIMITATIONS.. .BUT THERE'S NO F DRIVE HIMSELF THE WAY HE HAS FOR THE B jPj ONV REASON WHY HE CAN'T 1 PAST FEW YEARS.' MORE IMPORTANT. 1 ( v. BE SUCCESSFUL 4fTB$VM YOU CAN'T CONTINUE . r-X I NO REASON LEAD AN YOU'iL FWb FOOD, READING ) N0W lp MATTER AND HI-FI RECORDS ivcmV MEFOR T1U'J 7? ,IA!T, AN0DAHING AWAY" Rt HAPPV TOMMY! OUR BOAHDING HOUSE k MASOB AMD A BI& fAT rilK6.'6UTUK'eX TOLD TH' BOSS, UNCLE SAM I HAIK WITH I IKOM IP I -IN AFTER I PAIO rc?K 3QHN SLENN'S FCIDBf, AS JAVD6E DYSK OETS NO AND EL. CHAEEIBO LOOK TWO one about a Dentist!! ' BQ5INE65 DATE! i1 vi MV"'rii? ? v ell 1JP L0W WM 17 . W with MAJOR HOOPLE SOU'RE- 6TAYIN -SXIDLE 60SS1F CHesLev.' Z TU' WAV 1 IlSKEAT t'APAKr AFTER A rLAl" 3 A.M. OU CHCK j MID-J 1-7 WAS "DUE iAT MID-NISKT- ANSWEE TO HIS CALUSTEVE AT SOUVEMIE OF VVOKLP WAR I THIS WAS THE 20lsf SQU. MEXICAN AIH FoeCE IN WHICH I FI6HT ALONG WITH 1CU IN PHILIPPINES! TOU RECALL STEvO f PRISON ENTRANCE? ARE WE NEAR A PRISON ENTPANCE?"ASKS TRACY. 7-AND NOW FOR MV NEXT CLIENT V THE DAUGHTER KHAN l CHANNING MODEL A6ENCY-I8 E.-414T Bit AND HURRY fTl-THEy a05E. IN 11 The Bulletin, Saturday, September 7, 1963 Highlights of ihe New Yorkers By William D. Laffltr UPI Stiff Wrlfar A picture of a boy about 10 years old with despair splashed all over his face looks at millions of New York subway riders and suburban commuters every day. At the top of the picture is this caption: "We regret to inform you that your school supplies are ready" at a certain department store. The department store is known for its gentle humor in advertising and ordinarily this particular bill board should win a smile from anyone remembering the pangs which come to every young child each September. But this week the smiles, If there are any, are grim. Naw York Schools Like the mothers and fathers in some cities in Alabama, parents of school-age children in New York face the prospect that schools will not open Monday as scheduled. . Unlike the situation in Alabama, where school openings have been delayed by an integration dispute, the New York problem is a result of teachers' demand for more pay. : The teachers have threatened to defy a court order forbidding a strike and face loss of their jobs if they violate a state law pro hibiting public servants from par ticipating in labor walkouts. Television in review Ethel Merman to star Sept. 23 in 'Vacation Playhouse show By Rick Du Brow UPI Staff Wrltar HOLLYWOOD (UPI I Notes to watch television by: Preview Dept.: Ethel Merman stars Sept. 23 in CBS-TV's "Va cation Playhouse" as the owner of a small night club in the South Pacific; it's a comedy with music. .Same network's "Calam ity Jane" special with Carol Bur nett airs for 90 minutes Nov. 12 ...Imogene Coca visits NBC-TV's "Today" show Monday, Sidney Poitier turns up Tuesday, Merle Oberon Wednesday, and Mickey SpiUane Friday. . .The Monday "Today" outing also marks the organization of NBC 37 years ago with a feature recalling highlights in the network's history. , .Caro lyn Jones and Fabian appear with Barbara Stanwyck in the Sept. 16 kickoff of ABC-TV's new 90-minute version of "Wagon Train." Add Pravlaws: Charles Dickens is the fictional center of an epi sode of NBC-TV's "Bonanza" Sept. 29: Jonathan Harris plays the author. . .CBS-TV is reported planning a one-hour program on the American system of funerals: one of the guests is expected to be Jessica Mitford, whose new book. "The American Way of Death," criticizes commercializa tion of the system. . .Oscar Le vant appears with NBC-TV's Jack Paar again' Sept. 27: a filmed sketch on the program also in cludes Dodie Goodman, the com edienne who once was Paar's chief foil on "Tonight" and then was let go by him. . .Barry Gold water and Nelson Rockefeller are interviewed on a half-hour show. "The Loyal Opposition," on same network Sept. IB. Secretary of State Dean Rusk will be Intenlewed by Howard K Smith on ABC-TV's "Issues and Answers" Sept. 15 instead of this Sunday as planned. Jack Laird. producer of ABC-TV's new drama series, Channing," which is set on a college campus, seems to know something about the real flavor of university life, on the basis of a by-lined press release Woter Works ACROSS 1 Body of waif r 6 Jason's water vehicle 9 Sei 12 Soviet witer course 13 Gaseous element 14 Nicerian town ISOffshooters 17 Waterv lowland 18 Puff up 19 Thickness gauges 21 Water bird 23 Be travels on water 24 Moccasin 27 Vnusual 29 River duck 32 Eluder 34 Mike ende&t 3 Forelpa 37 Incited 5 Blackbird 6 Gulf oyster 7 Pierce with horns t Beginning 9 Allusion 10 German water course 11 Low haunts 16 Narrow tape 20 Ancient lanpuage 22 Nostrils 24 Father (TrO 25 Asservata 26NediRe iacketa 28 Lamprey fisherman 30 Maple genus 38 Discord goddess o wrcus 41 Aga 42 Sepal rabj 44 Bravery 46 More sullen 49 Muse of poetry 63 Cloth measure M Squretings M Epoch 57 Italian dty M Oriental ctatOf 68 Nival alr statioa ttO 60 Legal term CI Airtcan stream DOWN 1 rd by fishermen on water 2 Asiatic inland water S Soviet water course it-few Week face prospect of A strike, if effective, would keep most of New York's more than one million youngsters away from school. Alabama Schools In Alabama, about 5,000 chil dren in three cities have been af fected by the actions of Gov. George Wallace, who has closed eight schools this week in an ef fort to prevent desegregation, and federal courts which have delayed hearings until the middle of next week. Schools did not open in Birm ingham, scene of rioting earlier in the week when a Negro law yer's home was bombed, in Hunls ville and Tuskegee. At Huntsville, when Wallace's troopers surround ed the schools, mothers of school children shouted to them: "Go back where you belong." Elsewhere in the South many schools were integrated either vol untarily or by court order. Around the world around the clock: Vit Nam The United States refused to turn over to the Viet namese government three Budd hist priests who had sought asy lum in the U. S. embassy at Saigon. The government of Ngo Dinh Diem sent a note to the State Department demanding re turn of the Buddhists but the United States replied it would not release the men unless their safe ty is guaranteed. distributed by the network; but even if the show can live up the release, it has rough sledding be cause its competition is Danny Kaye and "The Eleventh Hour" A while back, it was said that "Channing" was almost canceled except for the pressure of Ten nessee Ernie Ford, who owns a piece of it and also has a daily show on ABC-TV. Stage set for rail sessions WASHINGTON (UPI)-A seven member board, set up to arbitrate the two major issues in the four-year-old railroad work rules dis pute, will meet next week to de cide when and where to begin. Ralph T. Seward, who was named chairman of the panel by President Kennedy, met with La bor Secretary W. Willard Wirtz and rail union and management officials Friday to set tile stage for the new and unprecedented collective bargaining procedures. Union - management negotia tions on the secondary issues will be held concurrently during the board's hearings on the two key issues. Seward said Hie board would meet Wednesday to decide when to begin hearings in Wash ington. Wirtz is confident the bargain ing will succeed this time. The complete collapse of the ta!ks two weeks ago brought the nation to the verge of a nationwide rail strike, which was narrowly avert ed by emergency arbitration legislation. BAD BEER IMAGE MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) Beer has an "image" problem, Henry B. King, New York, presi dent of the U.S. Brewers Asso ciation, said Friday. "Panty raids and beach busts are associated with beer. We want people to think of beer as a healthful, family drink," he said. Answer to Previous Puzzle 31 W lie of Tyndareus 33 Medicated 35 Modifiea 40 Herons 43 Whistled 45 Kind of fund 46 Intend 47 Kcminine appellaUon 4ft Gaelic 50 Range 51 State Ob.) &2 Larissan motmtaia So Observe I IPjA g IP BP EU I TIE. AI S?llliS FLggfe sBIgtCg i InIs f E Najajy Eir T Mgi-loiT !RiTTiAlirs u PI 3 A L. EINUDi I IAiM'OiNiD wff ANjjsM I ImIS" "IeIAIu EN priAUCA rIYIm N 5 b Sl S w s' SCKP 1 li W ji 15 16 '7 IS I 19 110 111 , ii 13 H rj b I? B pjil So Si- 3" jn "a W " xT 3T" B i F"13T Sj a Kl it I so 161 is2 6t 57 ""3 8 GO si I I I 1 1 1 11 I 1.1 IT closed schools Sino-Soviet Red China accused Russia of trying to overthrow the local government in Sinkiang Pro vince and of kidnaping Chinese living near the border. The Chin ese said relations with Russia were on "the brink of a split." Cohn Roy Cohn, who repre sented Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the Army hearings a decade ago and has since become a prominent businessman, was indicted in New York on charges of perjury and conspiracy in a $3 million fraud case. Cohn, 36, said U. S. At torney Robert V. Morgenthau was "out to get me" in a personal vendetta growing from the Mc Carthy hearings. Morgenthau's on ly comment was that Cohn's guilt or innocence will be decided at the proper time by a jury." Treaty Sens. Richard Russell of Georgia and John Stennis of Mississippi, two of the most pow erful military authorities in Wash ington, said they would vote against the partial nuclear test ban treaty initialed by the United States, the Soviet Union and Britain. Sen. Barry Goldwater in dicated earlier he would vote against the treaty unless it was amended to guarantee the remov al of Russian troops and equip ment from Cuba. Popa Pope Paul VI told Italian priests attending a conference at his summer residence at Castel Gandolfo that communism is "a contagious and lethal malady" that Sie Roman Catholic Church must fight practically and meth odically. It was the Pope's first pronouncement on communism since his election last June. Reception set for Sisters teaching staff Spaclal to Tha Bulletin SISTERS A PTA reception for the teaching staff of the Sis ters schools will be held on Tues day evening, September 10 in the multi-purpose room at 8 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. Members of the executive committee will serve refreshments. The regular meeting of the school board will be held on Mon day evening at 8 p.m. at the high school. All interested persons are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shelby and family of Klamath Falls spent the weekend at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Demar is. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nesbitt returned home Wednesday from a five day trip to visit her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper and family in Sacramen to, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dowsett and son, Gordon of Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Marlatt of Eugene, and Mrs. Mary Arntsom of Portland were weekend guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Wake field on the Metolius River. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landis and son, Mike, returned home Sunday evening after spending several weeks visiting relatives in the val ley and a week vacationing on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson of San Jose, Calif., arrived Satur day for a two weeks visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. Tillie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wakefield and daughter, LeAnn of John Day spent the weekend visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wake field. Mr. and Mrs. Z. R. Potter and family of Wtllamina were over night guests Monday and Tues day nights at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smalley, and isit ed many friends in Sisters. While here, Potter did some repair work on their home. Members of the Student Coun cil at Sisters High School hive been invited to attend the United Fund kick-off breakfast which will be held on Tuesday morning at the Eagles Lodge in Bend. Men from the Central Oregon Christian Churches and Churches of Christ held work days on Sat urday and Labor Day at the Round Lake camp site. Seventeen men turned out for the work on Monday o( removing stumps and finishing the road into the camp. LOST? Classified Ad INDEX To Buy. .Sell. . .Trade Apartments Vor Kens Appl ImocM Fumrtur AnctJoo Sales A ran mtu Furnished Auto For Trad .... tui Fnr Sale IMhr Jitter KonU M.rtnn PutnrM itmrtimrUa Rnlldlns Ontmrtor Oird of Thankm Onfitrirtj Doct Pet tc Domestte Servlcea H Fwrmt. Aereare .. farmer. ttoHrmn H Farm Marhincrr Ftvd Seeilo Fuel. tol. Hood. OB Fnrl WaDld Funeral IWrertors rvneral 8nrtr M Funeral fintleea ... Help Hunted , HHp Hinted, romata HHp Wsnlod. Mala Hou4j TrJIri ( H i we keeping Rooms Houses For Hem 5- 49 . X MajHtlMWIII In Memortam . Lenl 'oticmB 1 Uetock 39 Lost & Found . 10 Lota Building- Sites 17 Livestock Wanted 39 Loans 6 Machinery For Sale HO Machinery Wanted 8V Matortlo Motlces 8 Miscellaneous For Kent 29 Miscellaneous For Sale 1KJ Money To Lnnn 37 Money Wanted 28 Motorcycles Fnr Sale 14 Mm leal Instruments 32 Nursing (.'are 1 Personals V Poultry. Knblilts 42 Heal Estate For Hale 80 Konm. li'inrd 53 Sales People. A cents 16 Service Directory 20 Situations Hunted 33 Situations Hunted. Female 25 Situations Wanted. Mule 34 Sportsman (Column .a... 43 iivap Column 46 Trailer Spare 60 I'rucks-Trallera ... US Wanted to Hurrnw ... 48 Hunted to liny 47 Wanted to Kent 51 Waoted. KiMiin-lino.nl , 52 PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month S1.50 Six Months S9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months S7.50 One Year $14.50 CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE 2 lines for 1 time only $1.25 2 lines for i times only S1.75 2 lines for 8 times onlv $3.00 4 lines for 1 time onlv S1.75 v 4 lines for 4 times only $2.75 4 lines for 8 times onlv $4.75 6 lines for 1 time only $2.25 6 lines for 4 times only $3.75 6 lines for 8 times only $6.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE In Bend, The Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Prineviile Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sundays and certain holidays by The Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St.. Bend. Oregon. 1-Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of WILLIAM A, BRIN- SON, Deceased In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes ' County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Edna E. Brinson, has been appointed as Administratrix of the estate of William A. Brinson, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the undersigned at the office of De Armond, Good rich, Gray & Fancher, P.O. Box 1151, 1044 Bond Street, Bend. Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this no tice in The Bulletin. Dated and first published Sep tember 7, 1963. EDNA E. BRINSON, Administratrix De Armond, Goodrich, Gray St Fancher, Attorneys for said estate. 232-238-244-250-C 3-Funeral Notices THORKILSON, Arthur C Serv ices Sunday - 1:00 P.M., Trinity Episcopal Church. Rev. John Bright officiating. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Directors Niswonger-Reynolds. 6-Masonic Notices BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF&AM 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8th. Bro. Frank E. Moore Service 8-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780. or Redmond 548-3306. WILL BUY real estate con tracts or mortgages. Write Mer, Camp Sherman, Oregon. 10-Lost & Found FOUND: Pipe depth finder, 382 9899. 12-Domestic Services IRONING DONE In my home. 1648 Awbrey.' 382-6715. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 18- Help Wanted Male OPENING FOR a Ford parts man. Must be capable of hand ling all phases of parts. Salary plus percentage. Write care The Bulletin Box 904A. CARPENTER Foreman, or man with equal experience. Steady employment, high pay. to right partv. Non-union. Write Bulletin Box 904B. 19- Help Wanted Female WANTED: Mothers of first, sec ond, third and fourth grade children to help organize tap classes Free lessons. Call Mrs. Weikel, 382-1556, Wallace Dance School. BABY SITTER wanted. 4 days or 4 evenings a week. No week ends. Bend Park Apts., 1130 S. Third, evenings. "AVON CALLING" TV and Na tional Magazine Advertising Support. Territories now avail able in Bend. Alfalfa and Pow ell Butte. CHRISTMAS CATA LOGS available Sept. 14th. Why not represent the World's Largest Cosmetic Company. For an interview write at once to Avon Cosmetics, Box 1187, Burns, Oregon. 20- Service Directory PAINTING KITCHEN $35. Liv ing Room $35. Bedroom $33. Bath $15. Exterior Painting. Also Commercial. Harper 382-4692 NOW SEE famous Olson rugs in vour home. Phone Richard Kolh, 382732, , 9i " .,