The Bulletin, Thursday, Briefs Meetings tonight include the following: Edna Mae Sill group, family picnic at home of the Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Lundy, 673 E. Franklin Avenue, 6:30; Bend Youth Eascball board, Harmon Hobby House, 8 o'clock: Alcohol ics Anonymous, district court room, courthouse, 8:30. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gaines and children, Denise, Diana and Doreene, returned yesterday to their home at 2146 W. Sixth Street, after a nine-day vacation trip to California. They spent most of the time at the Shasta Reservoir resort area, where they enjoyed water skiing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard, J334 E. Eighth Street, have re turned from a week's vacation trip. They visited in Yakima, Wash., with relatives, and spent pcveral days in Portland. Bend Golf Club's junior golfers will have a putting lesson and contest Friday at the usual time. Aid voted out for Indonesia WASHINGTON (UPI) In a rare expression of disapproval of another government, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted today to end U.S. aid to Indo nesia unless President Kennedy makes a formal finding that it is vital to U.S. interests. Rep. William S. Broomfield, R Mich., author of the proposal, said the vote "wasn't even close." He said the action was "definite ly bipartisan" and emphasized congressional concern over the activities of President Sukarno's regime. . The committee's decision was a major about-face. The group turned down a similar move by Broomfield last week while meet ing behind closed doors on Presi dent Kennedy's foreign aid bill. Broomfield said in a statement today that "there should be no doubt in anyone's mind even that of our State Department t h a t President Sukarno is going all-out to- prevent the federation of Ma laysia, scheduled to take place Aug. 31." He said Sukarno has announced that a considerable portion of his large fleet, supplied by the Soviet Union, will begin maneuvers in tlte Malacca Straits and in the waters between Singapore and North Borneo. "This is roughly equivalent to the Russian fleet announcing it will hold naval maneuvers in Lake Erie or Chesapeake Bay," Broomfield said. Officers short on leads in Herald's death GOODING. Idaho UPI- Offi cers were short on leads here to day as they continued efforts to solve the shooting death of a Portland, Ore., salesman near Hagerman Monday night. -The victim was positively iden tified Wednesday as Richard A. Herald, 31, of Portland. The iden tification was made by Herald's ernployer, George Owen, Portland. Sheriff Keith Anderson said he i has no more leads in the case. '" "We're hoping for information from some motorist who may have been passing by when this oc curred," Anderson said. Welcome Take A Trip To Mt. Bachelor and Ride The Bachelor Chair Lift See Breath-Taking Views of Central Oregon from Scenic Mt. Bachelor. Operating Friday - Saturday - Sunday Noon to 5 P.M. -1.00 Per Person July 25, 1963 Here and Thrre Mrs. 0. R. Reiten, 515 Kansas Avenue, will leave Friday morn ing for Portland, to spend a week or 10 days visiting relatives. Touring Bend residents, the Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Beck er and family, returned Monday from a six-week vacation trip. The Beckers were accompanied by their children, Rachel, Ann and Becky, and Mrs. Becker's moth er, Mrs. John Forshey. They vis ited Mrs. Becker's former home in Ohio, and with relatives in Washington, D.C., and New Or leans, La. Bend Rebekah lodge will meet Friday, July 26, at 8 p.m. in the Odd Fellows Temple on Franklin Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma son will serve refreshments. At the last meeting, reports were given on the distr ct convention held recently in Culver. The con vention will be held in Madras next year, with Mrs. Jessie Dar rar as chairman. Shirley Anne Croker, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Croker, 1331 Quincy Avenue, underwent a tonsillec tomy Monday at St. Charles Me morial Hospital. An item in Tues day's hospital news, stating that Mrs. Croker had been released from the hospital, was in error. Mrs. Evelyn Edmonds and son, Neil, from Mt. Shasta, Calif., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Man ning and Mrs. Manning's son, Al an Damon, at 708 E. Fourth Street. Mrs. Edmonds is Dr. Man ning's daughter. American Legion Auxiliary will hold a potluck picnic for mem bers and their families Saturday at 6:30 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Coyner, 57 Pine crest Court. Mrs. George Benson, Winnetka, 111., has been visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Stover, Rocklyn Road. Mrs. Benson is Stover's niece. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thielman, 1532 Harmon Boulevard, have re turned from a three-week vaca tion trip. In Portland, Thielman completed arrangements for re tirement from the maintenance department of the Spokane, Port land and Seattle Railway Co. He has been a railroad employe 40 years with the SP&S. The couple also spent JO days in Medford vis iting relatives of Mrs. Thielman, including her mother, who recent ly suffered a hip fracture, Seed-spaifing mark tumbled RALEIGH, NC. (UPD-WaUy Ausley. a local boy, spat a wa termelon seed 35 feet and six inches Wednesday. The unheralded Ausley's re markable performance astounded the crowd, shamed his competi tors and broke the watermelon festival record. The old champion, John Alex ander, once spat a watermelon seed 34 feet. His best effort Wednesday was 29 feet, but it ap peared that would do. Then Ausley stepped to the foul line, bit off a hunk of watermel on and carefully selected a likely seed with his tongue. He held the seed between his teeth, wafting air around it to dry it off. Then he leaned his 200-pound frame forward, squinted and loosed a mighty spit that brought gasps of wonder from the crowd. "It's just a matter of condi tioning," said Ausley modestly. Water Pageant :" , ... ' ET:'ah';u- n i fir A "it'MiHMfri'Hfr lit f-i--uaa.m-JML. . MR. AND MRS. GERALD WARD JORDAN (Bruce Barnerr Photo) Jansen-Jordan vows exchanged at church here Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Miss Sharon Lee Jansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Jansen, 1635 W. Second Street, Bend, became the bride recently of Gerald Ward Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jor dan, Redmond. The candlelight double-ring ceremony was held in the Redmond Christian Church. The bridegroom's brother-in-law, the Rev. Robert Lane, Seat tle, officiated. A pink and white color theme was carried out in gladiolus, roses and carnations. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmid, Port land, sang two numbers, with Mrs. Schmid playing the piano accompaniment. Maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Eileen Jansen, Bend. The bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Robert Lane, Seattle, and Miss Cherie Jordan, Redmond, were bridesmaids. Ring bearer and flower girl were a nephew and niece of the bride, Mark and Kim Stapleton. The bridegroom's nephew and niece, Mike and Dena Jordan, were can dle lighters. The bridegroom's brother, Ray Jordan, Vancouver, Wash., was best man. Also attending the bridegroom were another brother, Laddie Jordan, and son, Bill, Red-1 mond. The bride's brother, Norm- j an Jansen, Bond, ushered. A reception followed the cere mony in the church parlors. Those assisting were Mrs. Hal Staple ton, Mrs. Harold Stapleton, Mrs. Ray Jordan, Mrs. Laddie Jordan and Mrs. Bob Baltimore. After a, wedding trip to the coast, the newlyweds left to make their home in Medford, where Jordan will be on the staff of First National Bank. He recently completed executive training at the bank's Bend branch, where his bride had been a bookecper. Use Classification your next car. 100 to find Visitors!! 't. V'"V- -.. ft " i. ' VV.V ,' I Travel editors due here tonight Western travel editors, nearing the end of a 14-day tour of Ore gon, will arrive in Bend this eve ning for a night stop, following a visit to the Lava River Cave State Park. In the group will be Mort Cath ro, travel editor qi the Oakland, Calif., Tribune; Marge Gilroy, travel editor of the Victoria, B.C., Times; William C. Ellis, editor of Motorland Magazine, San Francis co, and Richard Barrett, feature writer for the San Jose, Californ ia, News. The Bend Chamber of Com merce tourist committee, headed by Pat Williams, will be hosts to the group at a dinner tonight at the Copper Room.. Tomorrow morning, the editors will be taken on a drive to Bache lor Butte and a trip up the snowy slope of the old volcano on the chair lift for a view of the Three Sisters. ' SUMS 13.5 cu. ft. FROSTLESS REFRIGERATOR FREEZER No defrosting ... no mora frost problems. Cyel. Cold Cooling. 120-pound freezer section. 17.3 sq. ft. refrigerotor thelf space. Full Bonus Door Storage. Porcelained Interior; Pal. Yellow trim. Baked White or Coppertone enamel exterior. Don't miss the exciting front cover offer in our July Clearance Circular, . . so easy to afford ... so easy to buy. Just say "Charge it!" Price does not tndwde tromportalton tharg.. MONTGOMERY WARD 1032 BOND BEND 382-5521 Tri arid Ou t ; of hospitals lit Central Oregon BEND New patients at St. Charles Me morial Hospital are Michael Shook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mer rill C. Shook, Portland: Emil F. Hoff, Route 1, Bend; Mrs. Grant Smith, Warm Springs; Eric N. Anderson, 434 Federal, Walter L. Mault, Culver; Mrs. Archie Jones, Prineville; Mrs. Paula Grutze. 861 Wall; James Bafford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Bafford, Route 2, Bend; Sharon Cobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cobb, 355 Kearney; Denise and Richard Daust, children of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daust, 419 Georgia; Barbara and Joseph Wayman, children of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wayman, Route 1, Bend: Rhonda Rogerson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rog erson, 1334 E. Fifth: Charles D. Sholes, 841 Portland Avenue; Mrs. Sigurd Haugen, Tacoma, Wash.: Earl E. Carter, Ashwood. Patients dismissed were Fred I Brewer, sirs, uuncan mcivay, Mrs. Thomas Gronnel, Guy Bal- lour, itnonaa nogerson, usear Bruckert, Joseph and Barbara v Wayman, Mrs. Albert Pinney, Mrs. Raymond Morris, Richard ' and Denise Daust. PRINEVILLE PRINEVILLE New patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital are Calvin Prise, Sandy; Mrs. Jack Franks, Richard Da venport. Mrs. Sidney Harper, John Bensel, Archie Lydall, Mrs. Donald Johnson, Prineville; Mar tha Heath, Warm Springs. Released have been Mrs. Don ald Martin and her new daugh ter, Mrs. Paul Lollar and her new daughter, Mrs. Harry Voss, Al bert Hughes, Mrs. Albert Hughes, Mrs. William Murden, Owen Fischer. Richard Davenport, Mrs. Tom Sikes, Prineville: Guadalupe Tenorio, Phil Guerin, Deberah Whitefoot, Warm Springs; Anna Tucker, Madras. Blazes keep firemen busy Three fires in two hours' lime kept Bend fire crews hopping Wednesday afternoon. The first, at 2:34 p.m., spread over more than an acre of brush, grass and trees north of the Tum alo community. Two engines re sponded and nearly four hours were consumed in fighting the fire. A boy's firecracker was blamed. Damage to the landscape was heavy. A grass fire in town, reported at 3:22 p.m., caused no damage on private property at the 1400 block on West First. Hot ashes were blamed. At 4:35 p.m. crews drove a rig to the 700 block on E. Third to douse a fire that started in the rubbish in Chotard's garbage truck. Catalog Store NO FROST . TO DEFROST I ; i CAB requested to review order SALEM (UPI) - Two state agencies have asked the Civil Aeronautics Board to review its order which would have elimi nated West Coast Airlines service in Salem, Lakeview and Burns. The petition to the CAB was sent by Public Utility Commis sioner Jonel C. Hill and the State Board of Aeronautics. The CAB order on West Coast's operations was scheduled to go into effect next week, but the pe titions from the state agencies and several Oregon cities will de lay its implementation. The petition filed by the state agencies argues that the airline has never instituted a usable com muter service between Ontario, Baker, Pendleton and Portland. It points out the order doesn't direct the airline to institute serv ice between Boise, Idaho, and Portland with Burns, Bend and Salem as intermediate points. It also questions the CAB's pol icy and discretion in recommend ing the deletion of Lakeview as a service point in light of inferior MAGILL DRUG Life Lotion Hair Treatment 88' Reg. 1.25 MONEY ORDERS VUM1W IrV. Sell Personal Money Orders Only 20c For Any Amount to S100.00. VO-5 HAIR SPRAY For Reg. or Hard To Hold Hair rrempt treatment wrm CUTTER TrisulfanoP HUM 1IOUCI SHRINKAOI IOSSIS PINK-EYE , TRISUIFANOL '1 t. ImWim IH Irrltat) ey t. femtMlf InftfHtM with IhrM ShHm I. Afa4lM Mtlly with mw ffry-fcTtl fJMSUlMNOl h Mini for Ireariiiff tn wawmVil $2.49 & $4.39 PENTU-CKEME... The only toothpaste powerful enough for dentures! llDcntjiCrr-iriGfl iic Reg. 53c Hl mmiL mm "Bend's Professional Prescription Headquarters" Dior skirfs jusf barely cover knees PARIS (UPD-The House of Christian Dior today launched a collection emphasizing belt ed waists, wide shoulders and keeping skirts just barely cover ing the knees. The fall-winter collection, de signed by Marc Bohan, included suits with short, semi-skirted jack ets and straight skirts. Dior also showed a "morning suit" a longer, fitted jacket but toned high to the neck and worn over a belted jumper. For street wear he showed a two-piece dress that bloused at the hip. Many of his skirts were cinched around the waist with leather belts. Sleeves were long and cuffed. Coats had large collars. Some that were belted had wide arm holes and accentuated shoulders. The big color in the Dior collec tion was "Christmas tree green." Lakeview - Portland service that has been offered and lack of serv ice to Reno, Nev. FEATURES THE CHRISTMAS IN JULY Sparkling green-cool Cologne $2.50 and $1.50 Outwit warm weather with the "merry coolness" fragrance that lifts your spirits holiday-high! Bath Powder 3.00 X.50 Cologne Sprfiy Mist 3.00 A Monico fragrance. ,'-- WHEEL CHAIR RENTAL OFF Insect Repellent Reg. cqc Trushay Hand Lotion Reg. mac 59c " Mermen's DEODORANT Push Button Spray Reg. 70c 1.00 ' 0 Pamper SHAMPOO By Toni mac Reg. 60c " Colgate Fluoride TOOTHPASTE Reg. QC 69c 7 (Q) Month ALBERTO : The House of Dior presented its shoe collection Wednesday. In line with the fashion for knee high boots, several varieties were ' shown: in black leather, laced up the front, in a flat black pony , fur and and chartreuse silk sprin kled with jet beads for evening. The tall boots showed up again Wednesday in the collection of Michel Goma, the first he has made for the House of Jean Pa tou. The model wore them with an unusual camel's hair coat with panels slit to the waist that swished when she walked. GOING SOMEWHERE? Why Not Charter A Plane? Call Us For Rates GIBSON AIR SERVICE Bend Municipal Airport Ph. 382-2801 WE I IT TRUSSES, TOO., not as many by prescript tion, of course, because surgery is now THE recog nized treatment for hernia . . . but we know that for so many of you, your own porsonnl. individual solu tioneither temporarily or throughout the foreseeable future is a comfortable, well fitting, sure holding TRUSS. We know that, and we're equipped to take i care of your need skill fully, expertly. Let one of our trained technicians select and fit an OTC PROFESSIONAL TRUSS that will hold your hernia surely, safely, comfortably. For a Compfefe PWFWOW So Fin So Famous So Sure To Pitas ' New Packages! New Amortmentil ' pi I f J 117 Oregon Ave. Ph. 382-5361 rf-rv-'-'T' i "' ""ft-' -I