. .V'ft'!.?--. .-. jMmmU V ........ i -- terlwl PACK ON BACK Four Girl Scoufi are ready to hike down the Skyline Trail. From loft are, Judy Branttetter, Maria Freeburg, Bend, Diana Walei, Klamath Falls, and Mona Sue Hick man, Bend, The girls joinod 21 other Girl Scouts from Eugene on Sunday at Irish-Taylor Lakes to begin the 3 7'2 mile trek. Girl Scouts trek along Skyline frail With light hearts and heavy 20 pound pack sacks on llicir backs, 25 Girl Scouts left Sunday to hike 37i miles on the Skyline trail. Judy Branslcltcr, Mona Sue Hickman, Marie Freeburg, all of Bend and Diana Wales of Mam ath Falls, Joined 21 other girls for the trek. The other girls are all from Eugene. The Girl Scouts mot at Irish Taylor lakes, about 60 miles from Bend, where they picked up the Skyline trail. They will com plete the hike on July 28, after hiking from the Irish-Taylor Lake region to, White Fish Camp on Cresent Lake. Plans are to hike from three to seven miles a day depending on weather and trail conditions. Organization and execution of Die hike is being done under the senior opportunity program of the Girl Scouts. All girls are given a choice of three projects. A hike on the Skyline trail was one of the choices offered. The girls will have a Trail Blazing rank when Uiey return. Trip director is Mrs. Stanley Ilasck of Eugene. Co-director is Mrs. Clifford Sotlcrstroni, also of Eugene. Yoncalla youth dead in wreck COTTAGE GROVE (UPD- Tile body of Caleb McDaniel, 22, Yon calla. was found In his wrecked car off Interstate Highway 5 near Curlin, about 10 miles south of here Monday. An Oregon Highway Department crew found the car, which had gone off the highway over a 80 foot embankment. McDaniel, a student at North west Christian College in Eugene, left the school Saturday night to visit his parents in Yoncalla. Ends Tonighll "REPTILICUS" "MOTH R A" Starts Wednesdayl THE MIGHTIEST ADVENTURER OF THEM ALU XOLOR ""L l,CiNMASope iSv R0RY .CALHOUN Adventure Co-Hit PltRaSCtU-EMWJWM0 WHITESLAVEbHIP rninnCOPE it? rv I I ' VCH I I lift L9f Now open to serve Central Oregon BEND CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC DR. B G Spurlock, Chiropractic Physician Laboratory X Ray Physiotherapy 3:11 Greenwood Bend 382 5422 t t U I h ' 's The Bulletin, Tuesday, July 23, 1963 Outside groups to join Pageant pet parade on Saturday morning By Phil F, Brogan Bulletin Staff Writer Bend's 19(13 Pet Parade, a top feature of the Minor Pond Pag eant program, will include a doz en groups from outside points, in cluding Portland, Junction City and Eslacada, Vic Kaiser, chair man In charge of this event for the Jaycces, reported today. In the line of march will be rodeo and fair royalty from six different towns, when Uie parade Is held Saturday, July 27. It is the plan of the Jaycees to arrange the parade so the visit ing units will not be concentrated at one place in the line of march, but will fit into children sections, pet and group entries at inter vals. Kaiser reported today that Es lacada is sending its water fes tival court to take part in the pa rade, the colorful Vikings from Junction City will again be rep resented by their Norse ship and its hardy crew. Last year, the Vikings not only look part in the parade, hut along the line of march stopped occasionally to capture a maiden, or a civic loader. Rodeo Court Due Lakevtcw will be represented not only by two groups of its Struttors, but by its Lake County Hodeo court. Redmond's Potato Festival court will also be pres ent, as will the Jefferson County Rodeo court. The Shrine Band from Portland is to join in the parade, with the musicians appearing in llicir col orful costumes. Also in the line of march, from outside points, will he the Crook Couuly Rodeo court, the Redmond Fire Department, the Deschutes bounty Fair Court and the Cas-1 cado Boat Club. Bringing up the rear will be the Rim Rock Riders. Despite the mnny outside en tries this year, children and their pots will be in the spotlight Satur day at 11 a m. when the parade swings into formation and moves north on Bond, before coming back downtown over Wall and heading wost (or Drake Park. Hundreds of youngsters for weeks have been preparing for tile parade, grooming pels and preparing community floats. There will he carried pels, as well as walking pets, and there will he many decorated bicycles and tricycles. Up near the head of the parade will be the Bend Mirror Pageant court of 19B3, headed by a queen who will be named here lomorro .v night at the coronation ball. Many Groups Boy Scouts will Intermingle with Junior baseball groups. Competing for attention will be marching units from eastside and westside playgrounds in Bend. Soap box j cars will vie for all nil inn with ' , RUSSIANS IN CHURCH ! LONDON IUPI - The Rev. i Falkner Allison, bishop of Win chester arrived m London from i : Moscow Monday and said he was i amazed to see a "fair" number of young persons ui Russian i churches. old automobiles. The Bend Municipal Band, di rected by Norman Whitney, will have a part in the program, but will not parade. The band will play from in front of the Welle store, on Wall Street. Several hundred youngsters, in makeup that will range from witches aboard brooms to fairy godmothers, pioneer miners and spacemen, will be in the chil dren's divisions of the parade. Kaiser and his aides have stressed that all paraders and their entries must be ready to swing into motion Saturday promptly at U a.m. ' Clothesline art show planned by Sagebrushers Members of the Sagebrushers Art Society will assemble pictures for their clothesline show, at their meeting tonight at the gallery, 851 Roosevelt Avenue. . The show, to be held in con-' ncction with the Water Pag eant festivities, will be Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the 97 Motel on the highway south of Bend. At least 25 artists will exhibit paintings, priced for sale. Med iums represented will include wa tercolor, oil. charcoal, pastel, pen-and-ink and tempera.' ' ' Paintings will be exhibited out doors, suspended on clothes lines. Previous shows of this type, held by the Sagebrushers, were well attended. Everyone is invited to view the exhibit, it was stressed by Mrs. Elsie Moorman, chairman. Those who wish to acquire an original painting may choose from a wide variety of subjects and prices, she said. KBND jlllOKC MOOW.tfi V TitNinura PimttKAMS """ ' e CIO Sam tetter Spurt 6 10fNiul Hnrvfy Newt 6 Sum Bam Show $:'& KL.r Kfp.irU 30 fl Club Pmrm t 4.WAIPX Drier Nfwt 3;54Nl)rk New 7;OHS..m Ilnil Show 7: (KV Heavyweight Champ KigM 8:lWK-enrt Music Patrol 9;.V Sam (taut Show SS Network Utw 10. IW Pick Clark lUtxirt 10:05 Sam Ktaii Shmv. Ncwi 6 m-Newt Around Tha World 6 KT N T ,3t Ntwi t.AS Farm KMtHr IrOtu-Krank Hemingway 7 IS MomliU Meio-llM T:?! Nw 7 SO M"mtni H'Hindup K ft i.n Allen with the ntwt 8 10 North weit Ntwi S IV-l-airy Wilton Show 8 JO Me mo frm Mary Larry WHwmi Show S VV-Neiwirk New a 9 WV-Bullflln Hoard J:intarrv Wilton Show 9 St-C.l.len Hlti 9 (ST"U Tunea tn i.i.arry il.n Six 1:-K'afr Return 10 so-.url N in 5.V-Larry ilfl Shu It) Nttrtvrk Sa ll:1.V-LiMr.t ih.Hilil F lrrv Wilson irtow llV.Ntwrk ew i; i Noi-mim Mek-iiea 1? 10 TortaVi ClatittWdi Z IS Sivrti KtMew ir .n Ninuiea Maktdln " rv N.xm Nfvn t? 4 Karmera H -u IT V Ntw'lma Mrl.TdiM 1 Ori 9iis SNjw 1 rt'r Hft'rt 1 -Si Paul Hrv Sw 1 S Sam Hat i Show 1 V -Ntwirk Niks 3 mt yu-9 (1e- Mtmjta J o. 5 rn Hai Show 5 ,. Nm.rk ,f. I 'Xl OllaciiVi 0mf I ?5 Sam ltai Vw S V Network Nea 4 on .m lia Mvnj i Ntrthwt N- 4 Tit-vim Itiw w 4 4t-T-.m Harmon str 4 VIS'.sHm t4 PaHfic fuwertanO 4 a Aim fu ;h-s, ft ftri-Tme Ver.Vn 3 !S-Sm ia Sh.w 1 --v ft Larry HUm STvw ft Hood River man named to state welfare board SALEM (UPD - Temporary Gov. Ben Musa today named Ralph W. Perry Sr., 65, a semi retired Hood River orchardist, to the State Public Welfare Commis sion. It is the first time since Gov. Mark Hatfield has been in office that a substitute governor has made an appointment to a state board or commission. Musa, president of the Oregon Senate, has full powers when Hat , field is out of state. Tile senate nresiripnt xaid todav he recalled that a temporary gov ernor years ago had appointed a circuit judge. Sen. Walter J. Pearson pardoned a murderer wlio was serving time in the Ore- i gon penitentiary when he was temporary governor in I960. Hatfield Not Teld Hatfield, who is in Miami at tending the National Governor's Conference, was unaware of to day's appointment. Warne Nunn, Hatfield's admin istrative assistant said he "wouldn't recognize Perry if he walked in the door." "I think the governor will be real happy with this appointment," Musa said this morning. He explained the naming of the new commissioner wasn't aimed at embarrassing Hatfield. "I just wanted to add to the stature of that commission. I think I'll be complimented for do ing a good job," Musa declared. Musa Recommended Perry Musa said he had known Perry for many years and he had rec ommended Hatfield appoint h i m after Roy Webster, also of Hood River, resigned from the com mission last week. Webster and Perry are neigh' bors in Hood River, which is a part of the senate district Musa represents. Both men are or- chardists. Perry was a member of the Hood River County Welfare Com mission from 1936 until 1956. ex cept for one two-year interval. He picked wrong place for fuss Special to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE Marvin Puett, Prineville, selected the wrong lo cation for disorderly conduct ear ly Sunday morning. He walked into the city police station of his own volition and began a type of conduct described by police chief Mike Thompson as "obnoxious." A nearby cell soon received Puett. After spending Sunday in jail Puett was released on $50 bail. He appeared In city court Monday morning to pay a $20 fine for his mislocated conduct. Two motorists get citations Two motorists collected cita tions charging them with traffic violations'." Cited this morning was Donn Gregory Black, Auburn, Wash., on charges of making a reverse turn in the middle of the block, with $750 ball. Kenneth Lee Linville, 1002 Bal timore, was charged Sunday with a basic rule violation, with $25 bail Daily TV Logs : to,Va - KU1N o TV Tl ESDAV 6 00 New etitj News Beat Cartoon Cattle 8 U Waller Ciunktta Huntley-Br1nl.lt y " :30 Hum Hung Yiw Bear Cuchran Uia fjawa 2 !J ".,,, Wyatl Earn People Art Funny T:Mt Marshall Dlllnn Laramie Combat a. 00 Lluvd UHdnea " S:M Tah-nt Srwita Empire Hawaiian Rye 9 on " 9: SO Picture Thl Dirk Powell Show ij s. a Run. Trark 10:ti0 Keefe Brassellt Slrow " " ' W 30 Repent Frtm . " 1100 MUM scene HM Beat Martin With the Netse 11 IS Happy Time " KPTV Newt 11:30 Johnny Staccato Tonight Show Movie 12 HAIL-TV (tuiniwl 1 6; 00 High lltwri 6:30 Ann Srthem f:00 tJrourho Man ? SO 3 1-or The Show MMP-IV IhanntM 19 iJ What'i New 7:00 Sdw Hl-SIng Lo T:15 friendly Git.nl 7:30 The Summer Scene ( U 0 9 IS Prayer Hymn 7.00 TV1ay .ft) Weather forecast Tutay. Almanac Telecourse 1 IS Cart.m Time T1ay " iJ Cap'atn kangaroo Cartixter Club Or. Zom (.'artuunj 15 le King udi S 30 Telewpe tc Kemper Knm 9 lJ OlMlr Jack La linnet fejy 9 .O 1 Ue Lucy Plar Youf Muncft Miming M-. 111 Oil Mw Mil'.'). Pnva It Kigtil " 111 M Pete & .la1i U-n- elta:io) 1.1 ll Uv ol Uie YiHir rlrt lnnipre.t-n TV Bing. U M $vr tw lunKirtv Tnilh n Curueauencaa Sevtjn Kui 11 4S Gut ting Ltgt V2 W Hi Ni-rv. Peopi Will Talk Erne rord L: ati A the World ftirnj Tl1 1-vUtra father K-- best 1 iW kiMN k"i-fen UtlI Ut-jeri' HoapcaJ 1 W Hiwje Partv Y -g LVw t Sav Utrl raik 1M Tj Tell The TmUi Mates Oame t'ay In Cvurt : 1 Edit ol Night Make Room tor Laddy Jane Wynun 3 4S s IX) SecnM Si.-rm The Maunee Cueen tor A Lay ? Sft Mimonatre - Who Pu You Truil g 00 Caru. Cln-ui Amerlt.-aji BajxULand IS The Early how 1 W Cartiwn Ctrrti te Dtpovery fxi Cuich Taigu Three Sikea S IS ' Sgt. liliko i W Ppet Carroini ts Neivrf Neve Heat " aUt l itmnnH I 1 Aimatiar 2 V .V nnvt Matlree 4 tin Paul Human tft ha K HHMt mm fmm tnfnntiaKnn ftjinHh! tkr IeletaMsa UUa aal Ha ae mrary eanmtl t tMranij to lb Nend ftaltetia, y Committee named to study apartment building plans By Gerald Drapeau Bulletin Staff Wriiir i Bend city planners last nirlit appointed a three-man committee to find means by which the city can gain new apartment buildings without "chipping away" at resi dential areas. The committee, composed of R. G. McFarland and Drs. Edgar Timm and Bradford Pease, will institute two alternate studies: whether to provide a separate zone classification for multiple family dwellings, or appenu these dwellings to a list of allowable uses in the zoning ordinance. Zoning problems have multip lied considerably in recent months. Requests by apartment builders for zone changes to build in areas now designated as single or two-family zones, have brought ! cmjnuai denials by the city com mission. Most of the buuders con sider the current multiple-family zones unsuitable for their pur poses, because of distance from the business area. Still, the city needs new apartments, ' anH is seeking a lawful way to locate them. The committee was authorized to name a date for a public hear ing to accompany the studies. In other action, the board held a public hearing on a proposed zone change of a block lying be tween E. Fourth and Fifth Streets Markets PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (UPD (USDA) - Livestock: Cattle: 150. Slaughter steers, few standard and good 19-23. slaughter heifers, low good 21, Cows, cutter and utility dairy bred 12-14.23. Feeders, few high medium and good steers 20-21, one lot mixed common and medium Holstein heifers 17-18. Calves: 50. No early sales. Hogs: 230. Few 1-2 barrow and gilts 20-20.50. Sheep: 500. Few choice and prime spring slaughter lambs 19, few utility slaughter ewes 4.50, small lot mostly choice feeder lambs 14. DAIRY MARKET PORTLAND (UPD - Dairy market: Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 45-48c; AA large 42-46c; A large 41-45c: AA medium 35-38C A small 25-29c; cartons 1 - 3c higher. Butter To retailers: AA and A prints 66c; cartons 3c higher; B prints 65c. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: 46-48c; processed Amer lean S-I0 lb loaf, 43-48c. POTATO MARKET PORTLAND (UPD Potato market: Steady; Calif. Long Whites 3.75- 4.50; some best 4.75; sized 2 oz. spread 3-3.25: bakers 4.50-4.75: U.S. No- 2s 3-3.25; U.S. No 2s bakers 3.25-3.50: round reds 2.75- 3; Wash. Round Reds 2.75-3.00. TWO SHIPS COLLIDE MAYPORT, Fla. (UPD - A Navy tug, experiencing a failure in its electrical steering mechan ism, Monday collided with a de stroyer in the St. John's River. Nine crewmen were rescued by another tug minutes before the stricken vessel sank in 35 feet of water. No one was hurt. KUW TV 9:00 Doug Baker 9:30 Bold Journey in nn k-2 Newi 10:30 Stew Allen 18.(1) Beyvnd The Earth 8: SO Oregon Reports 9:00 Of Poel ai Poetry 9:30 On Hearing Music ln-on Fatem wisdom 4 Ktt'y Naili 5 ' S.ipermAi 9 30 Mickey M-axe OuA 10 KPTV and Alden and Burnside. The pro posed change is from an R-3 (two - family dwelling) to R-4 (multiple - family dwelling) zone. A thin strip of an abutting block, mistakenly advertised lor zone change, was excluded from the planners' favorable recommend ation. Don Fence, president of Cen tral Oregon College, appeared be fore the board with a request for annexation of the college site, some 145 acres in West Awbrey Butte. Because owners of proper ty located between the college and the city do not wish annexa tion, the college proposes a mile long neck of roadway, leading to COC, to be designated as city property. Work on road nearing' finish Another section of The Dalles California Highway, near its northern end, has been modern ized. A binder coat of oil, with level ing course of three-quarter inch stone, has been applied on nearly all of the 4.94 mile Eight Mile Creek-Dufur section of the route. Only a short unoiled strip remains at the extreme south end of the project This new unit links on Uie south with the modern highway that reaches into The Dalles. Grading is progressing on Uie Dufur Gap section, the next im provement to the south. Farther south, work is underway on a new route down the -Tygh Valley grade country. V 3? p9 July 24 - Wednesday Queen's Coronation Ball Elks Lodge, 8 P.M. Dancing, two orchestras one for modern dancing, one for the twisters. July 26 - Friday Art Exhibits 9 Gem and Mineral Exhibits ' 909 Wall St. MIRROR POND WATER PAGEANT 8 P.M., Drake Park. Pre-Pageant Entertainment, Band Municipal Band Pageant Begins at Dusk July 27 - Saturday Art Exhibits Gem and Mineral Exhibits 909 Wall St. Bend Jaycee Pet Parade Downtown Bend, 11 A.M. Bend Jaycee Pot Hound Preakness Bend Municipal Ball Park, 2 P.M. MIRROR POND WATER PAGEANT 8 P.M., Drake Park. Pre-Pagaant Entertainment, AI Kadar Shrin Band Pageant Entertainment, Square Dance Festival By Skyline Squares. 10 A.M. 1 P.M. at Juniper Park Recreation Site July 28 - Sunday Rim Rock Riders Buckaroo Breakfast 7:30 A.M. . 9:30 A.M. On old Redmond Road, North of Bend Central Oregon Saddle Club Play Day Rim Rock Riders Club House, following breakfast Central Oregon Fire Fighters Water Ball (Water Fight) 2 P.M., Bond and Louisiana downtown MIRROR POND WATER PAGEANT 8 P.M., Drake Park. Pre-Pageant Entertainment, Bend Municipal Band Pageant "Jegins at Dusk Added Attraction Junction City Vikings ' Will Bt Back To Entertain Everyonel Forest Recreation Slide Show Drake Park Each Afternoon & Evening This Year's Water Pageant Will Feature A Spectacular New Arch Beautifully Accentuated With Colored Lights. The Floats Will Be Of Legendary Themes Such As Alice In Wonderland, Paul Bunyan, Volcanos, etc. . , f IVblllblHWkl All D I, l - -. HII HVUUi tbUU IV IIIV..... New Deschutes span planned A new bridge is to be construct ed over the Deschutes River. This will be the Three Trap pers' span, and will cross the Des chutes up near .ts origin in the high Lava Lake country. Bids for the project, which calls for a bridge 51 feet in length, will be received at 3 p.m. on August 9. A copy of the bid and plans can be obtained from the Des chutes National Forest office in Bend. The project is located approxi mately 33 miles along the Cas cade Lakes Forest Highway. The project calls for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and materials to complete construc tion of Uie span. The project in cludes 14 pre-stressed slabs. The spau will be a half mile I NOW OPEN AGAIN FOR I YOUR DINING PLEASURE LpALL RIVER LODGE NEW MANAGEMENT NEW CHEF Serving breakfasts, lunches and dinners (Dinntrs by reservation only Call Mobile Operator YJ8-4444) Paving is now completad all th way up to the lodgel Schedule of Events July 24 - Tickets Are Available At The Chamber Office General Admission 1.00 each Reserve Saats 1.50 Additional X V X -i-i - J Ta Tin. District court bail forfeited A Bend man. Ralph William Boesc, forfeited $10 bail Monday in Deschutes county district court, for excessive engine noise. Delbert Samuel Anderson, Co hasset, Minn., was fined $7.50 for obscured rear vision. Both appeared before Judge Joe Thalhofer. FESTIVAL TO OPEN ASHLAND (UPD- The Oregon Shakespearean Festival opens Wednesday night with standing room only signs posted for the performance of "Merry Wives of Windsor." That play, along with "Romeo and Juliet," Love's Labour Lost" and "Henry V," will be staged in rotation for 46 consecutive nights. east of the Cascades Lakes route, between Deschutes Bridge and Cultus River. 26 - 27 - 28 i T f5t - x