NOTICE OP 196344 BUDGET MEETING In accordance with the provisions of the "Local Budget Law" (ORS 294.30S to 294.415), notice is hereby given that the budget committee of Deschutes County, Ore gon, in compliance with said law, prepared and adopted on June 24, 1963, the budget estimates for Deschutes County, Oregon, for the ensuing fiscal year July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1964, as set forth in the accompanying schedules I, II, III and IV. All per sons are hereby notified that on Monday the 22nd day of July, 1963, at 8 p.m., in the - County Courtroom, Bend, Oregon, said budget estimates may be discussed with the Deschutes County Court, the levying board for Deschutes County, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies will be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. The outstanding indebtedness of Deschutes County, Oregon, at June 24, 1963, was as follows: NONE Signed: Priday B. Holmes (Chairman Budget Committee) R. D. Whittier ' (Secretary Budget Committee) D. L. Penhollow . (Member Budget Committee) Actual for Actual for Fiscal Year Fiscal Year July 1, 1960 July 1, 1961 Budget to to for F. C. Shepard (Member Budget Committee) G. F. Baker (Member Budget Committee) John W. Stenkamp (Member Budget Committee) June 30, 1961 June 30, 1962 Year Fund and Classification Schedule III Estimated for Fiscal Year July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1964 Approved by Budget Comm. 8,599.92 4,500.00 4,500.00 i. 3,600.00 ? 2,816.66 J 3,055.31 t 2,700.00 4,200.00 t 8,000.00 ' 384.20 . 4,139.57 ' 23.00 919.24 25.00 221.85 690.00 177.50 5,599.92 6,040.00 6,040.00 4,956.91 3,300.00 3,150.00 2,400.00 4,200.00 3,300.00 1,200.00 1,343.77 821.15 3,749.19 23.00 1,584.59 80.00 369.00 1,395.76 446.00 191.29 6,200.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,040.00 5,040.00 3,800.00 3,500.00 2,400.00 4,600.00 3,300.00 4,200.00 1,600.00 500.00 8,500.00 25.00 3,000.00 75.00 200.00 1,000.00 380.00 300.00 32,925.00 7,158.58 12,000.00 83,479.25 85,021.18 73,160.00 4,800.00 2,499.99 2,500.00 685.15 448.40 650.00 43.30 171.45 200.00 250.00 8.00 125.00 200.00 172.13 300.00 249.89 1,063.83 700.00 339.11 188.98 500.00 75.00 84.13 100.00 6,378.57 . 4,550.78 8,400.00 I 862.09 678.50 I 256.50 1,383.00 2,400.00 2,715.24 6,175.61 4,500.00 165.68 330.58 250.00 45.12 38.75 250.00 3,199.92 3,818.72 4,004.00 1,126.23 527.46 600.00 409.90 466.75 600.00 80.00 40.00 75.00 100.00 648.44 243.97 400.00 820.10 457.00 600.00 250.00 266.31 200.00 717.00 600.00 9,731.42 14,198.84 14,529.00 EXPENDITURES ASSESSOR Salary of Assessor . $ 6,390.00 Salary of Chief Appraisor 5,410.00 Salary of 1st Field Appraisor ...... 5,410.00 Salary of 2nd Field Appraisor .... 5,200.00 Salary of 3rd Field Appraisor 5,200.00 Salary of Machine Deputy 3,920.00 Salary of 2nd Machine Deputy 3,610.00 Salary of 3rd Machine Deputy ...... 2,480.00 Salary of Draftsman 5,040.00 Machine Operator 3,200.00 Salary of 1st Office Deputy 3,400.00 Salary of Personal Property Deputy . . 5,040.00 Salary of Clerk Typist Telephone & Telegraph . 500.00 Office Supplies 6,000.00 Bond Premium 25.00 Car Expense , 2,500.00 Association Dues 75.00 Staff School Assessor 200.00 Office Equipment 1,600.00 Ratio Study State Maintenance 280.00 Board of Equalization , 300.00 Reappraisal (new Car) ... . .. ..... 3,400.00 TOTALS .. $69,180.00 900.00 100.00 CIVIL DEFENSE Salary (Civil Defense Director) . Travel Office Supplies Office Equipment Telephone Radiological Equipment and Repair Radio Equipment and Repair Training Supplies Shelter Marking and Stocking Convention Expense TOTALS $ 1,000.00 CORONER Budget Allowance CIRCUIT COURT Bailiff Secretary Wages 2,480.00 Trial Jury Fees 4,500.00 Grand Jury Fees Witness Fees 300.00 250.00 Court Reporter Salary 4,104.00 1,000.00 500.00 75.00 100.00 800.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 600.00 Defendant's Attorney - Indigents Telephone & Telegraph . , Postage, Freight & Express . . . Miscellaneous Office Supplies & Equipment Books Court Reporter Transcripts Psychiatric Exams Post Conviction Procedures .. 8,599.92 5,599.92 6,200.00 4,399.92 4,699.92 4,900.00 3,600.00 3,900.00 4,100.00 1,800.00 1,900.00 1,700.45 31.00 500.00 , 221.15 222.50 250.00 ! 308.00 496.00 400.00 1,726.42 2,434.21 1,800.00 2,451.71 2,229.24 2,800.00 Z 45.00 45.00 65.00 11.50 15.00 50.00 39.54 31.56 50.00 91.67 91.67 105.00 - , TOTALS $15,709.00 COUNTY CLERK Salary . Clerk , . . 6,390.00 Salary . 1st Deputy Salary 2nd Deputy Salary Part-time Deputy 5,050.00 4.230.00 1,960.00 Extra Clerk Hire 1,100.00 Telephone and Telegraph 250.00 Postage, Freight and Express , 600.00 Materials and Supplies 2.000.00 Machine Supplies 3,300.00 Bond Premiums 65.00 Repairs to Office Furniture 50.00 Convention Expense 50.00 Errors and Ommlssion Insurance . . 105.00 20,195.28 21,596.02 23,120.00 3,199.92 1,350.00 5.48 893.82 490.33 87.72 3,199.92 1,339.50 250.07 690.60 620.08 65.00 89.50 304.30 4,000.00 1,450.00 400.00 500.00 620.00 350.00 150.00 200.00 TOTALS $25,150.00 COUNTY COURT Commissioners Salary (See Road Fund) 4,120.00 Vi Stenographers Salary 1,600.00 8,727.27 6,458.95 7,670.00 6,199.92 6,199.92 6,800.00 460.80 492.28 400.00 75.00 151.44 300.00 297.67 209.07 200.00 129.19 184.83 200.00 103.12 73.00 . 100.00 7,265.70 7,310.54 ' 8,000.00 Refunds and Adjustments Telephone County Association Dues . . Public Lands and Parks .. Convention Expense Travel 400.00 500.00 700.00 270.00 150.00 200.00 TOTALS 7,940.00 2,749.98 237.84 43.68 397.60 160 90 3,590.00 COUNTY JUDGE Salary 7,010.00 I clephone Postage, Freight & Express Materials and Supplies Travel Extra Help 400.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 2,933.37 2.600.04 3.300.00 3,316.40 4,324.09 3.750.00 3,581.20 2,903.90 2,000.00 14.98 200.00 200.00 2.00)100 9,845.93 10,088.03 11,250.00 1,999.98 2,100.00 2,250.00 311.85 304.50 350.00 175.18 201.15 300.00 103.51 154 90 150.00 307.08 243.77 300.00 200.00 732.67 84000 950.00 43.00 509.68 300.00 1,399.92 2,299.92 2,500.00 128.50 194.50 185.00 100 00 5,501.67 6,938 42 7,285.00 3,261.63 3.570.00 3,700.00 1,500.00 750.00 709.95 596.70 65000 242.25 193.20 250OO 582.88 857.27 8(10.00 350.00 4420 79.64 10O0O 31.00 20 50 25.00 751.10 341.90 520.50 139.20 100.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 47.97 58.31 50.00 277 50 250.00 7.831.50 7.02222 6.41500 TOTALS 8,210.00 COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Salary of Superintendent Transportation Work Conference and Convention Materials and Supplies Telephone TOTALS COURT HOUSE Salary (Janitor) 3 400 00 Fuel, Lights and Water 3500.00 Supplies and Expenses 2 000 00 Extra Help '20o!oo Repairs 2.700 00 TOTALS 11,800.00 2,580 00 185.00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Secretary (ij time) 2,320.00 Telephone & Telegraph 350.00 Materials and Supplies 300.00 Miseellaneous 150.00 Travel Expense .". 300.00 Deputy District Attorney Eitrt Help 1,000.00 Crime Investigation 300.00 I'isinci Attorney s Salary Typewriter, Books, etc Convention TOTALS DISTRICT COURT Salary of Clerk 3,820 00 Salary of Constable Materials ..nd Supplies Telephone Fees (Jury) WWW. Office Equipment Witness Fees Bond Premium (Clerk) ..!'.!'.'.'. Mileage (Constable) Law Books Clerk Hire WWW. Convention Expense Mental Examinations 650.00 250.00 800.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 150.00 140 00 100.00 300.00 TOTALS 6.435 00 6,588.00 3,429.50 8,052.00 672.00 153.00 660.00 3,840.00 4,164.00 . 3,220.00 4,200.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,056.00 4,356.00 4,356.00 1,491.20 1,795.75 1,165.00 500.00 4,639.92 4,879.92 4,880.00 637.12 586.16 . 1,000.00 2,700.00 3,180.00 3,300.00 3,480.00 3,480.00 1,223.10 1,380.00 1,380.00 3,182.35 3,779.60 36,529.69 3,600.00 35,683.93 3,888.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 218.00 2,500.00 40,211.00 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Physician I (Salary) . Public Health Physician I (Travel) Public Health Nurse IV (Salary) . . . Public Health Nurse Trainee (Salary) Public Health Nurse Trainee (Salary) Public Health Nurses (Travel) Sanitarian II Sanitarian II (Senior) Sanitarian (Travel) . Clerk Typist I Clerk Typist II 23 Time-bal. in Mental Health Clerk Typist I Part-time (Redmond Office) Clerk Typist I Part-time (Bend 3 days) Office Maintenance and Equipment S.I.A.C. Medical Investigation Public Health Nurse I 9 mos.: 30 Hr. Week TOTALS MENTAL HEALTH 8,78.00 760.00 3,403.80 ',800.00 4,656.00 1,565.00 540.00 5,120.00 1,000.00 2,490.00 1,500.00 1.980.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,600.00 45,198.80 3,600.00 3,888.00 3,888.00 Psychiatric Social Worker (Salary) . 4,140.00 840.00 Psychiatric Social Worker (Travel) 840.00 3,456.00 Psychiatrist 3,456.00 1,152.00 Psychologist 1,152.00 3,180.00 Clerk Typist I 3,480.00 Clerk Typist H 300.00 time bal. in H. D. Dept 1,290.00 . Mental Health Supplies -600.00 Rent 66000 12,816.00 TOTALS 15,618.00 1,699.92 41.87 10.00 1,699.92 135.01 10.00 2,000.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 1,751.79 1,844.93 2,275.00 JUSTICE COURT - LAPINE Salary Office Supplies and Telephone Jury Fees Bond Traffic Safety School TOTALS JUSTICE COURT 2,000.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 75.00 2,350.00 REDMOND 3,499.92 3,499.92 3,850.00 Salary 3,850.00 398.80 179.33 200.00 Supplies 200.00 85.00 90.00 200.00 Jury Fees 200.00 18.32 58.00 100.00 Witness Fees 100.00 159.69 158.83 175.00 Telephone 175.00 78.52 159.64 175.00 Bond, Convention, ORS 175.00 300.00 300.00 Clerk Hire 300.00 4,240.25 4,445.72 5,000.00 TOTALS 5,000.00 4,610.50 494.52 417.50 289.25 174.81 800.00 62.25 58.41 745.00 4,657.00 368.66 548.36 211.07 5.80 78.35 5,000.00 600.00 500.00 350.00 100.00 JUVENILE COURT Salary of Counselor 6,000.00 75.00 50.00 Travel County Court Committed Telephone Office Supplies , Automobile Juvenile Advisory Council & Dues Miscellaneous 600.00 500.00 300.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 7,652.24 5,869.24 6,675.00 3,634.71 348.50 791.45 2,786.63 4,979.43 1,601.46 2,835.46 4,200.00 300.00 800.00 2,600.00 780.00 Typewriter, Dictaphone, Office Equipment TOTALS 7,575.00 JAIL Board of Prisoners Equipment Jail Expense Matron & Jailer Extra Help 7,561.29 9,416.35 8,680.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,400.00 4,800.00 5,040.00 5,250.00 4.800.00 5,040.00 5,250.00 4,095.00 4,750.00 1,999.98 2,100.00 2,250.00 732.66 840.00 950.00 2,277.38 2,840.34 3,100.00 408.26 442.84 500.00 121.36 61.40 150.00 737.35 546.90 500.00 348.97 222.50 180.00 81.00 100.00 63.96 25.30 50.00 2.00 80.00 150.00 682.83 31.75 350.00 75.00 125.00 175.00 2,202.50 3,350.00 455.42 432.21 400.00 32.25 381.37 100.00 1.433.01 23.07 100.00 400.00 27,172.93 28,408.68 34,455.00 TOTALS .. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Salary Sheriff Salary Full Deputy Salary Full Deputy Salary Full Deputy Secretary Vi time Extra Stenographer Help Vi time Transportation & Travel Telephone & Telegraph Postage Supplies Bond & Insurance Premiums Office Equipment & Furniture Fingerprints & Identification Miscellaneous Radio Convention Expense New Cars Teletype Guard , Enforcing Boat Laws Uniforms 4,800.00 300.00 800.00 2,680.00 780.00 9,360.00 6,600.00 5,410.00 5,410.00 5,200.00 2,320.00 1,000.00 3,100.00 500.00 150.00 550.00 180.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 500.00 175.00 400.00 100.00 200.00 250.00 TOTALS 32,345.00 3,799.92 4,200.00 4,500.00 3.699.95 3,900.00 4,100.00 1,924.99 1,695.77 1,900.00 131.00 155.75 150.00 736.05 660.70 800.00 1,797.64 1,703.83 1,900.00 60.00 120.00 70.00 100.00 122.69 142.06 100.00 271.20 300.00 12,272.24 12,849.31 13,920.00 151.19 211.81 300.00 5.199.96 5,199.96 5,500.00 416.00 1,075.00 500.00 120.55 117.05 125.00 24.00 16.00 35.00 190.00 176.73 300.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 48.47 54.75 75.00 27.00 15.00 25.00 35.00 75.00 420 00 312.20 125.00 6,605.98 7,161.69 6,920.00 3,999.96 4,200.00 4.500 00 318.78 285.24 325 00 145.10 338.08 250 00 193.26 232.62 200.00 24.00 23.50 70.00 200 00 4.681.10 5,079.44 5,545.00 2.759.38 614.88 674.73 729 60 54.22 1395 58.37 896 94 272 61 729 60 83 61 90.30 87 55 5.27 457 14.59 48.67 392.73 29.18 68.10 686 584 1459 B2S 75 802 50 828 75 5,29858 2,347.23 2,560.33 2,100.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 5o(10.00 8,954 40 6,131.82 7,000.00 76.00 18582 100.00 3.338.00 3.475.00 3 575 00 698 50 80100 1,000.00 2.579.55 2.613.76 3.0O0.O0 10000 100.00 1.113 28 632.81 600.00 500.00 7.713 00 7.845.00 7 750 00 4.715 00 8.285 00 7 350 00 783 61 1.240 09 1,500.00 SHERIFF'S TAX DEPARTMENT Salary First Tax Deputy . . , Salary Second Tax Deputy . Salaries Extra Tax Deputies (part-time) Telephone Postage, Freight & Express . . , Materials and Supplies Bond Office Equipment & Furniture - Tax File (new) Miscellaneous , Machine Maintenance 4,640.00 4,230.00 1,900.00 150.00 1,300.00 2,290.00 120.00 1,500.00 100.00 500.00 TOTALS 16,730.00 SURVEYOR Budget Allowance -...... 300.00 TREASURER Salary 5.670.00 Wages for Extra Help 1,200.00 Telephone 140.00 Postage 30.00 Materials and Supplies 275.00 Fidelity Bonds & Premiums 150.00 Fidelity Bonds & Premiums for Extra Help 10.00 Convention Expense 75.00 Dues and Subscriptions 25.00 Miscellaneous & Equipment Repair 75.00 Equipment 125.00 VETERAN SERVICE OFFICER Salary Telephone & Postage Materials & Supplies Travel Convention Expense, Dues & Bonds Part-time Assistant 7,775.00 5,200.00 350.00 250.00 250.00 70.00 600.00 TOTALS ... . . 6,720.00 WATF.RMASTER Salary Mileage Subsistence Field & Office Assistant Telephone Postage & Express Office & Other Supplies Winter Assistant Repair of Record Clocks Squaw Creek Deputy 103.60 935 no TOTALS OTHER COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES Auditing Emergency Election Rodent Control Stock & Game Protection Bounty Publications & Notices of Proceedings Keep Oregon Green Tax Foreclosure Expense Weed Control County Agent 4-H Club Agent and Rental Home Demonstration Fire Control & Protection 1.033.60 2.250.00 15.000.00 7.500.00 250.00 3.665 00 1.000.00 3.000 00 100.00 500.00 900.00 7.750 00 7.350 00 1.500 00 207.00 243 5 200.00 4-H Exhibits 200.00 3,739.02 3,788.72 3,900.00 County Advertising 3.900.00 10,388.96 10,497.90 11,750.00 Public Employees Retirement 12.000.C0 2,000.00 Agriculture Experiments 2.000.00 326.56 21.10 2,500.00 County Planning 3,500.00 779.36 809.16 850.00 State Industrial Accident Insurance 1,000.00 ' Clerical Assistance 653.12 1,306.24 (Soil Conservation) 1.307.24 2,040.76 2.620.11 3.625.15 Insurance, Liabilities & Fire 4.954.34 3,000.00 3,000.00 Other County Buildings 6.000.00 Deschutes County Fair 3.000.00 Law Library 675.00 49,553.00 55,458.55 68,856.39 TOTALS 89,301.58 MISCELLANEOUS 318 50 193 50 300 00 Vital Statistics 325 00 297,792.46 306,721.81 365,342.72 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 392,545 98 GENERAL ROAD FUND 12,252.87 10,694.07 10,000.00 Public Employees Retirement 11,000.00 231,507.39 188,590.44 185,000.00 Salaries and Wages 202,000.00 26,555.58 24,179.56 24,250.00 Parts and Repairs 24,400.00 13,739.32 8,283.80 14,000.00 Tire Account 12.000.00 30,146.29 21,489.38 24,250.00 Motor Fuel 22,000.00 2,883.42 2,327.40 2,800.00 Motor Lubricants 2,200.00 18,241.72 8,825.17 20,000.00 Lumber Concrete (Culvert Pipe) 20,000.00 14,096.50 2,969.11 , 12,000.00 Hardware and Powder 8,280.00 3,827.55 2,809.18 5,800.00 ' General Expense 600.00 4,029.06 3,499.46 4,000.00 S.I.A.C 5,200.00 Fire, P.L. & P.D. & Collision 3,295.23 4,389.12 7,000.00 Insurance 9,300.00 County Commissioners 3,199.92 3,199.92 4,400.00 (See County Court) 4,120.00 750.48 922.70 1,000.00 Utilities 5,000.00 47,423.71 16,214.70 . 25,000.00 Equipment Purchase 35,000.00 100,739.61 51,876.96 130,000.00 Maint. Aggregate & Asphalt 130,000.00 19,154.87 11,235.94 14,500.00 Bridge Construction & Repair 13,000.00 1,519.32 4,186.95 8,000.00 Radio 7,000.00 1,856.05 1,643.85 8,000.00 Weed Control 8,000.00 Freight 600.00 Surveyors Office Expense 1,000.00 New Buildings 6,700.00 Office Expense 1.800.00 F.A.S. Matching Funds 15,800.00 3.660.21 Civil Defense Fund 1.500.00 535,191.89 370,997.92 500,000.00 TOTALS 546,500.00 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND Aid to Dependent Children 12,885.00 11,172.00 12,606.00 (Inc. Med.) 15,279.00 110.00 340.00 133.00 Aid to he Blind (Inc. Med.) 464.00 3,707.00 33,556.00 (3,510.00) Old Age Assistance (Inc. Med.) .... 25,387.00 1,631.00 9,704.00 4,130.00 Aid to the Disabled (Inc. Med.) 8,177.00 3,853.00 5,886.00 6,391.00 General Assistance 9,589.00 2,142.00 2,700.00 2,610.00 Foster Home Care 3,028.00 693.00 589.00 1,158.00 General Assistance Medical 2,872.00 35,735.00 38,000.00 OAA Medical Included in Above 2,041.00 2,191.00 ADC Medical Included in Above 38.00 36.00 AB Medical Included in Above 7,544.00 4,129.00 AD Medical Included in Above 648.89 461.13 700.00 Soldiers and Sailors ; 700.00 5.393.00 5.237.00 Medical Assistance for the Aged . 4.558.00 71,027.89 69,801.13 73,811.00 TOTALS 70,054.00 COUNTY LIBRARY 5,649.54 5,346.48 5,500.00 Books 5,500.00 397.30 604.53 600.00 Periodicals 600.00 171.08 160.77 250.00 Binding, Plasti-Kleers 250.00 25,935.19 26,615.65 27,080.00 Personal Services 28,818.00 1,943.68 1,975.46 2,000.00 Retirement, Social Security 2,200.00 4,226.97 5,862.60 4,995.00 Maintenance 5,365.00 4,109.00 3,934.00 4,534.00 Branches: Redmond 5,575.80 Sisters 600.00 162.01 200.00 Phonograph Records 200.00 137.70 Camp Sherman 137.70 738.00 738.00 756.00 Stations 756.00 3,477.24 2,463.28 2,355.00 Contingents 2,555.00 58.27 Miscellaneous 46,648.00 47,921.05 48,407.70 TOTALS 52,557.50 COUNTY SCHOOL 196,277.70 131,897.60 147,643.88 Apportionments to School Districts 157,845.58 ALL OTHER FUNDS NON-TAX 8,347.33 10,865.82 10,125.00 Civil Defense 1,700.00 851.39 718.09 950.00 Taylor Grazing Act 1,729.00 17,754.68 19,800.00 19,577.21 Fair Fund 20,753.00 1,000.50 656.50 1,310.00 Law Library 1,450.00 1,423.05 2,597.91 9,000.00 Building & Ground Improvement . . 4,100.00 271.63 596.35 1,080.00 County Rental Improvement 1,580.00 5,650.93 5.731.12 12,400.00 Sunset Home 11.000 00 5,424.36 6,299.77 6,000.00 Dog License 15,200.00 111.03 Liquor Control 1,869.00 Section 15 Lease 1.869.12 7,141.70 7,255.00 7,265.00 Central Oregon Regional Library .. 7.265.00 2.880.00 2.500.00 Bookmobile Sinking 5.580.00 47,976.60 57,400.56 72,076.21 TOTALS 72,226.12 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,194,914.54 984,740.07 1,207,281.51 ALL FUNDS 1,251,729.18 RESERVES 74,038.57 74,691.11 75,200.00 Cash Working Fund 76.300.00 Reserve for Courthouse Addition . . 53,138.23 Schedule IV RECEIPTS GENERAL FUND 29,334.23 40,629.77 32,405.60 Prior Years Tax Levies 33 977 62 (1,041.00) (1,197.75) (2,529.18) Interest and Discount (2 500 00) 22,779.94 21,658.95 19,000.00 License and Fees 22 000 00 32.698.10 14,730.22 10,000.00 Rental and Sale of Property 15000 00 25.994.63 29,290.85 23,000.00 Fines and Justice Court Fees 22 000 00 2,810.39 3,136.97 3,136.97 Tax on Electric Co-Operative 3 417 85 2.496.88 2.458.26 2.200.00 Fees Health Department 2 200 00 15,922.63 17,895.26 24,409.48 Health Department Support 29357 60 1,122.93 1.675.87 1,520.00 Veterans Service Officer 1750 00 2,850.17 1,531.54 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,000.00 Transfer from Liquor Law (61.03) Enforcement 11,079.20 6,500.00 Liquor Apportionment 13,300.00 18.18 Transfer from TB and Bangs Disease 553.94 Transfer from Dog License Transfer to Reserve for Courthouse (58,138 23) 1,659.00 4.110.00 3,382.00 Marine Board 2.484.00 5.854.45 Interest Received 1 000 00 23.307.35 37.209.26 35.323.50 Beginning Cash Balance! 160,446.34 190,062.85 160,348.37 TOTALS 167,758.45 ROAD FUND 363.809.46 157.127.52 202.000.00 Forest Sales and Rentals .. . 216 956 "5 177,571.54 183,531.86 186,000.00 State Motor Vehicle Apportionment 200 000 00 963.25 Fines 10.058.05 29.139.92 7.500.00 Miscellaneous Receipts ... 7 500 00 6,075.12 5,162.10 4,000.00 Gas Tax Refund 4,000.00 63.78 County Bonding 1,297.21 1.289.98 1,200.00 Sale of Public Lands 1.200 00 4.076.35 Interest on Investments ' 2 400 on 92.809 65 117.392.39 99.300 00 Beginning Cash Balance 114.443 75 652,584.28 497,783.90 500.000.00 TOTALS 546 500 00 COUNTY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 6.928.89 10.786.74 8.571.35 Prior Years Tax Collections 7715 39 (203.32) (103.24) (551.50) Interest and Discount on Taxes" " (Son 56 15,026.79 12.484.78 12.554.38 State Liquor Apportionment ' 13 257 04 928 39 940.25 962.46 Amusement Device License VWWW 1 05456 Refund from State Welfare 20.00 8.386.98 Commission 3 185 08 1.185.65 7.051 27 Beginning Cash Balance 5.875 04 25,795.83 33,681.16 28,587.96 TOTALS 27 40237 CASH WORKING FUND 652.54 652.54 80000 Interest on U.S. Ronds fi.i ,0 74.038.57 74.691.11 75.200 00 Beginning Cash Balance':;;::::'.." 75.7 74.691.11 75,343.65 76.000.00 TOTALS 76 300 00 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND 10.576 47 14,719.87 14.538.80 Prior Year Tax Levies ino-,-(281.39) (235.37) (765.20) Interest (Discount) on Taxes .wVim 121,26982 52,375.84 68.51250 Forest Sales and Rentals 936.38 48 94 936 38 U.S. Mineral Leases 318. j 3181 ss 1674 "5 00 Cash Balance z 135.683.13 68,583 64 84.897 48 TOTALS " 80. 817 53 . COUNTY LIBRARY 5.338.19 4.236 74 2.803 00 Prior Year Tax 1 evics (9861) (234 84) (250.00) Interest (Discount) on Taws W'? 7" 21.852 21 18.265 72 15.561 80 Citv of Bend ,320 p" 290287 263770 Other S.mrces. Fines Etc IW-i1 523 93 1.8K8 27 Bcg.nnmg Cash liabn WWW fl' 31.448 13 25.604 47 22.640 77 TOT VI ; -