The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, July 03, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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Lease for Boardman space
age park signed by Boeing
SALEM (UPI) The 100,000
acre Boardman Space Age Indus
. trial Park was leased to Boeing
Co. at a 10-minute special State
I Land Board meeting today.
"The agreement culminated a
". three-year drive to open the north-
central Oregon area for industrial
. expansion.
" The lease was approved by Sec-
retary of State Howell Appling Jr.
; and State Treasurer Howard Bel-
ton. then taken to the home of
" Gov. Mark Hatfield, who is ill
with the flu, for the governor's
The $4.6 million lease covers a
" 77-year period.
Today's approval followed settle
" mcnt of a technical question
which arose when the land board
j New extortion
plot uncovered
. OLYMPIA (UPI)-A second ex-
tortion plot involving a state liq
! uor license this one aimed at a
motel in Pasco was revealed
Tuesday by the State Liquor Con-
; trol Board.
Chairman Garland Sponburgh
' said a man who identified him-
self as "John Robinson" tele
" phoned the owner of the Sahara
Motel and offered to provide a
cocktail ' lounge license in ex
change for $5,000.
The case was remarkably sim
ilar to the shakedown attempt
. which the board revealed Monday
- in which a man who called him
' self Frank Smythe told the oper
ators of the Islander Motel in
Westport that he could supply a
license for the same fee, $5,000.
Sponburgh said the Pasco inci
dent occurred May 1 but the in
formation was withheld until
, Tuesday because "we didn't want
to give anything away."
He said the case was announced
. after the Westport incident came
to light even though the board
' still has not' made any arrests as
"a result of the Pasco incident.
1 Edward F. Schaller, a board in
spector, said that the owner of
the Pasco motel, Jess Wynia, re
ported the telephone call from the
man who called himself Robinson,
Schaller Bald the man "stated
that he knew that Jess had been
turned down on his application for
'. a Class H cocktail lounge liquor
licease for the third time, but if
he wanted it bad enough it could
bo arranged immediately."
Schaller said Wynia told him
that the caller asked for $2,000
', immediately and $3,000 on deliv
- ery. of lie license. -
.The man who called the Island
' er asked for $3,000 and four bot-
ties of whisky immediately and
'. $2,000 later plus $500 interest.
Meanwhile, board investigators
continued to question Jack Work-
man of Olympia and Portland
; wgy arrested Friday after he
picked up a suitcase containing
money from the Islander.
. Workman, who is being held in
I Grays Harbor County jail on a
. charge of "grafting" claimed that
" he was asked to pick up tlie suit-
case by the man who called him
J self . Smythe, Workman sold he
; did not'know what the case con-
Mrs. Kennedy,
fwo children
j begin vacation
Mrs. Jacquelino Kennedy and
; her two children began their
summer vacation at a rented
. hhmo on Squaw Island today.
" Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline, 5, and
.' Julia -Jr.,2, flew from Newport,
R.I., to Otis Air Force Base
Tuesday aboard the family piano,
j "The Caroline." They drove the
: 18, miles to Squaw Island, a pe
ninsula off this Cape Cod resort
community where several mem
bers of the Kennedy family main-
lain dimmer homes.
President Kennedy was ex-
' pected to join his family this!
weekend at the houso they have
; rented from industrialist Louis
Thun of Heading, Pa.
Mrs. Kennedy and her children
Sent several days at Hammer
smith ' Farm In Newport, the
home of Mrs. Kennedy's stepta- j
ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
HiiRh D. Auchlncloss. j
This will be the second sum
mer that the President has
rented a home instead of occupy-;
ing the grey-shingled house he
owns in the "Kennedy com-:
The rented homes were chosen
to provide mora space and
privacy. j
' Temperatures j
Temperatures during the 24
.'tours ending at 4 a.m. PUT to-
K. Kails
N. Bond
v Portland
The Bulletin, Wednesday, July 3, 1963
met Monday to sign the lease.
Test Area Planned
Robert H. Jewett, vice president
and assistant general manager of
Boeing's Aero-Space division, said
the company will use the Board-
tion with its research and devel
opment activities.
"With the signing of the lease
we will be able to include the site
in our test, planning," Jewett said.
"While current work is being done
elsewhere, the addition of Board
man will enhance our test capa
bilities." The lease also was signed by
William M. Allen, Boeing presi
dent. The lease, to become effective
!)c annn no Wrutntt iKtaine nnccae. !
sion, gives the Seattle firm use
of the site for industrial research 1
and developmental purposes until'
2020. !
It provides for annual rental
payments by Boeing of $60,000 per
year, in quarterly installments.
Half of ary sub-rental fees will
go to the state.
The state has 90 days to give
Boeing possession.
Formalities Left
This requires only the comple
tion of formalities under an agree
ment between the state and Army
Engineers covering waterfront
area of the site. Under the agree
ment, the state will acquire some
8.2 miles of waterfront, and the
corps will reserve about three
miles of waterfront at the John
Day Dam for public recreation
The company first signed a
lease for the properly with the
state in 1961, but this lease never
went into effect because the
state's title to the land was
The Navy had balked at moving
its practice bombing range. The
problem with the Navy has since
been settled.
The lease gives Boeing the right
to go on the land immediately,
and it was announced Boeing
would begin planning work imme
diately. Sisters blaze
probe underway
Spaclal to The Bulletin
SISTERS A state fire marsh
al arrived in Sisters Monday to
investigate the cause of the fire
in a local building early Sunday
morning that resulted in the death
of Lewis E. Johnson, 69. Mr. John
sun's body was found in a small
room in the upper floor of the
two-story building that housed a
sports goods store, near the west
end of town.
It has been determined that the
fire started in a downstairs hall
way, in the rear of the store. The
cause of the blaze has not been
Cause of death was asphyxia
tion. Funeral services will bo Fri
day morning at 10 o'clock, at
graveside at tlie Redmond Ceme
tery. Three visitors
booked by police
Three out-of-town visitors were
booked by city police Tuesday on
dnmk charges.
Cited for being intoxicated in a
public place wore Walter Herbert
Connaughton, 32, Newcastle, Pa.;
George Alvin Orcutt, 31, Hood
River, and Forest Jacob Orcutt,
29, Burlcy, Idaho.
Bail on each was fixed at $27.50.
Prices Effective Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Ideal For Your Bar-B-Q
Good Steer Beef
Oregon Chief
933 Wall
i:m - r f i. v i .. ' ....... IfrJ
- ; ,
. " f
t i it w a s-s- aj 'a t -is . i put
I -c Hl
ASTRONAUT'S CAPSULE? This object lhat looks very much like aeronaut's capsule ii Cen
tral Oregon's first bulk liquid oxygen container, installed on St. Charles Hospital grounds In
Bend Tuesday. Obtained from Industrial Air Products, Portland, . through Harvey Watt of
Central Oregon Welders' Supply, big capsule holds 24,000 gaseous cubic feet. It will supple
ment hospital's present oxygen equipment, Dave Willis, left, and Roy Schwindt are pictured
installing tank. ' ' "
Warren Brown,
pioneer, dies
Sptclal to The Bulletin
PR1NEVILLE Word was re
ceived this week of the death of
Warren Brown, pioneer Central
Oregon resident. He was bom at
Oskaloosa, Kansas, May 14, 1874,
and died June 28 in a hospital in
Walla Walla, Washington.
Mr. Brown came to Central Ore
gon at tlie age of two, and lived
here until he was 88. He married
Nona Richardson September 2,
1922. He served as Crook county
clerk for three terms, resigning
in his last term with Asa Battles
taking over. He then worked in
a land office, a bank, and was
manager of the Ochoco Inn.
Survivors include one son, War
ren R. of Orofino, Idaho; a daugh
ter, Mrs. J. T( (Mollie) Monalian
of Milton-Freewater; a brother,
Roy of Prineville and three sis
ters, Mrs. Lulu Lithgow and Mrs.
Maud Cram, Redmond and Mrs.
Ella Bolter of Gateway.
Funeral services were held in
Milton-Freewater July 1 at tlie
Munscll Funeral Chapel, with
burial in the Milton-Freewater
Two citations
James Jackson Hass, 138 Gree
ley, collected a traffic citation
from city police Thursday on
charges of driving 40 miles per
hour in a 25-mile limit zone. Bail
is $25.
Cited for disobeying a stop
sign early tills morning was John
Amos Shoulders, Days Creek,
Ore. Bail is $12.50.
I Fl.EE-drlh inns?
Dept. B 3
P.O. Box 2589, Portland 3, Ore.
C lb. $o29
J TCnv L
Ph. 382-1301
Pope may visit
United States
can sources said today that Pope
Paul VI may become the first
pontiff in history to visit the
United States.
The sources, commenting on
the Pope s meeting with Presi
dent Kennedy Tuesday, said he
probably would take an oppor
tune occasion to go to the United
States after completion of the
Ecumenical Council.
The council opens its second
session Sept. 29. No closing date
has been set.
Although the sources did not
say so, one of the obstacles to
such a visit in l'XA would be the
presidential elections and the fact
that President Kennedy is a Ro
man Catholic. An invitation for
that year would be unlikely. The
sources believed 1965 is the ear
liest possible date.
Another obstacle might be the
fact that at present the United
States is the only major Western
t-J TRU -
mi i ii ii ii 1 1 ii 1 1 n ni ii mi n i1 1 m.iiji.n .
''. 1 ' j'""1 -ririMirr
1 no MONEY vr; itg . i .;
12.6 cu. ft.
FREEZER Big 105-lb. Zero Zone Freezer
Automatic Defrost Refrigerator hat 16V4-sq. ft.
storage area, full-width crisper, Cold Control.
"Bonus" door storage In both doors: freeier
door has shelf for frozen food packages; re
frigerator door has egg racks, plus shelves
for tall bottles and h-gallon milk cartons.
Now's the time to buy that new refrigerator
freezer combination you've been needing . . . now,
during Wards Summer Sale, when you get really
big savings on this fine Tru-Cold. Order today.
rVk dot not tnclvd rraniportotlon thorgtt.
1032 BOND (temporary location) 382-5521
-iMiiiif- r ' J- Ja
Anglers draw .
La Pine fines
LaPINE Angling by prohib
ited methods cost five fishermen
fines ranging from $29.50 to $50
on recent appearances in the court
of Justice of the Peace Barney
Martin of LaPine. Arrests were
made by Oregon State Police.
Fred A. Roles, Cottage Grove,
paid a fine of $29.50, and Richard
A. Barrett, Portland was assessed
$35, on a charge of using two
poles. Crystal R. Mowery, San
Francisco, Calif, and Gale W.
Evans, LaPine, each paid $29.50.
Herbert H. Heltzel, Portland, was
fined $50.
Hal L. Roberts, Portland, was
found not guilty in a trial in Judge
Martin s court. He had been ac
cused of exceeding the bag limit.
nation without diplomatic rela
tions with the Vatican.
It was not known whether Ken
nedy and Pope Paul touched on
the question of diplomatic rela
tions in their private talk Tues
day. But since they spent only 12
minutes alone, it was not be
lieved the subject was covered.
.'-.Markets "..'
Cattle 25, calves none, sheep
none, no trade test.
Hogs 75 j mixed 1 and 2 barrows
and gilts 20; some 2 grade with
few S at 235 lb 19.25.
Eggs To retailers: AA extra
large 38-42c; AA large 37-40c; A
large 36-39c; AA medium 30-34c;'
A small 23 29c; cartons 1 3c
Butter To retailers: AA and
A prints 66c; cartons 3c higher;
B prints 65c,
Cheese (medium cured) To
retailers: 46-48c: processed Amer
ican 5-10 lb loaf, 43-48C.
Steady; Calif. Long Whites 3.25
3.75, some best 4.00-4.25, sized 2
oz spread 4.50-4.75; bakers &50
3.75; U.S. No 2s 2.75-3.00; U.S. No
2s Bakers 2.90-3.15; Round Reds
3.25-3.50; size B 3.25-3.50.
Paving underway
in Bend again
The initial work of the first
street paving project in nearly
two years in Bend is under way
by county , workmen now at W.
11th Street ' S" .
The county is currently grading
the roadway from Newport to
Quincy Avenue, City Manager Hal
Puddy said today. '
Other street improvement proj
ects, scheduled this year are: E.
Seward Avenue from E. Sixth to
Eighth Street; E. Kearney Ave
nue from E. Fifth to Sixth Street
and E. Lafayette Avenue from E.
Seventh to Tenth Street.
Slated for curb and sidewalk
construction this year are the
Portland Avenue Bridge ap
proaches, from Steldl Road to Hill
6:00 Sam Baiter Sports
6:lfr-Paul Harvey -Newg
6: 1& Ralph Curtti Show
6:25 Flair Iteport
6.30 Central Oregon Collen
6:4&Alex Dreler Wtwi
7:00 K-Bend Mujtcal Patrol
8:30 Sen. Neuberger
8:3r-Ralph Curtis Show
8:5i Network Kewi
9:00 Ralph Curtis Show
9:SS Netwurk News
10:00 Dick Clark Report!
10.05 Ralph Curtis Show, Newt
6:00 Newg Around Ult World
6:05 TNT
6:30 Local New
6:45 Farm Reporter
7:00 Frank Hemlnnwajr
7:15 Morning MelocUea
7:25 News
7:30 Morning Roundup
8:00 Don Allen with tha news
8:10 Northwest News
8:15 Larry Wilson Show
B: 30 Memo from Mary
8:35 Larry Wilson Show
8:55 Network News
9.00 Bulletin Board
9:10 Larry Wilson Show
9:30 Goiaen Hill
9:45 Top Tunes
10:00 Larry Wilson Show
10:25 Flair RepmU
10:3O Local News
10:35 Larry Wilson Show
10:55 Network News
11:00 Larry Wilson Show
11:15 Jack Ltnkletter Show
11: SO Larry Wilson Show
11:55 Network Newt
12:00 Noontime Melodies
12:10 Today's Classifieds
12:15 Sports Review
12-20 Noontime Melodies
12:30 Noon News
12:4Karmers H-iur
1:00 Sam Bass Show
1:25 Flair Reports
1: SO Paul Harvey News
1:45 sum Bass Show
1:55 Network News
2:00 Five Golden Minutes
2:05 Sam Bass Show
2:55 Network News
5:00 Collector's Comer
3:5 Sam Bass Show
5:55 Network News
4:00 Sam Bass Show
4:25 Northwest News
4:30 Sam Bass Show
;-inTim Harmon Sport
4;50-Snm Bass Show
4:55 Network News
5.00 Snm Cass Show
5:25 Loral Newt
5:30 Ralph Curtis Shnw
6:00 Sam Baiter Sports
6-10 Paul Harvey New
6:15 Ralph Curtis Show
6:25 Flair Reports
6:30 Sam Bass Show
6:45 Alex Dreler News
6:55 Network News
7:0O K-Bend Musical Patrol
8: 30 Ralph Curtis Show
8:55 Network News
9 00 Ralph Curtis Show
9-Hi Network News
1000 Dick Clark Reports
10;05 Ralph Curtfs Show. News
6 00 News Around ths World
6-05 TNT
6:30 Local News
6 45 Farm Reporter
7 00 Frank Hemlnaway
7: 15 Morning Melodies
7:25 Local News
7:30 Morning Roundup
8:00 Don Allen with the News
8-10 Northwest News
8:15 lArry Wilson Show
8:30 Memo from Mary
8:35 Larry Wilson Show
8.55 Network News
9 00 Bulletin Hoard
9:10 Larry Wilson Show
9:30 C-lden Hits
9:45 Top Tunes
in;oo Mrry Wilson Show
It): :"5 Flair Report
10 35 Larry Wilson Show
10 55 Network News
11 no Larry Wilson Snow
U: 15 Jack LtTikietter Snow
11 30 Larry W'tls-wi Show
11.55 Network News
I2-(W Nown'ime Mel-wiles
12:10 T "lay's Cassiflfd
l;: 15 Spjtrts Review
12 30-NonMims Melodies
12-SO News
12 45 Farmers R Tr
Mw-Raiph Curtis Show
1-25 Ha! r Reports
1- $t Piul Harvey News
1 45 Ralph Curtis Show
1 trw.irk Npw
2- oa Five GMen Mtmrfes
2 0.-- Ralph Cu-ti Show
S ftt vnectnrB Corner
S :V-R.slph Cl-'l Show
I s Ne"wrk News
4 tX Larry Wilrn SNw
4 25 S Vhwest A lral Rrwt
4 so Urry tttlson Show
4 Tvn Harm n Sports
4 sA-strttrtes, of piffle Powtrland
4 55 Larry Wilson Show
5 00 Tune VeMtW
5 istj,rry Wi;.w Show
5 r News
P FuNnr Sh
5. i5 Larry Wilm Sh-.w
iiokc ' woo wtt
Jefferson school
head selected
Sptclal to The Bullttln
MADRAS Robert C. Johnson of
Curry County has been named
Jefferson County Superintendent
of Schools and is now on duty.
A graduate from the University
of Oregon, where he obtained his
BA degree, Johnson succeeds
John Crowley, who has accepted
a position as Brookings superin
tendent of schools.
A navy veteran of World War
II, Johnson has 14 years' teach
ing experience, and specializes in
tlie field of remedial education.
He was a child service consultant
in Curry County, in the county
school system. . "
Range fires set
by lightning
By United Press International
Two lightning - caused range
fires which covered an estimated
total of 5,000 acres in the Vale
area of Eastern Oregon were un
der control today, tlie Bureau of
Land Management reported.
One of the blazes was about
four miles north of Vale and the
other about four miles south, the
BLM said. They burned over sage
brush and grassland and no tim
ber was involved.
MOVING??? PHONE 382-5641
Agent For Insured Storage
Office & Warehouse Located at 539 E. 1st
Next to Les Schwab Tire Center
! " Daily
6:00 Newicene Newt Beat Cartoon C&JU
6:15 Crunklte Newt Huntley-Urlnktey
6:30 Caln'l Hundred Outdoor Sport (e Cochran A tht Newi
7:00 " Across The Sea (c) Hennesey
7:30 CBS Reports The Virginian Wnnun Train
8:00 " " 1
8:30 Poble GIIIH " Golnn My Way
6:00 Beverly Hillbillies Kraft Mystery Theatre "
9:30 Dick Van Dyke Show " Our Man Hlg-fllhB
10:00 Circle Theatre Eleventh Hour Naked City
10:80 " "
11.00 Nlghtscene Nlsht Beat News Final "
11:30 All Star Wrestling- Tonight Show Movie 12
KATU-TV Clinnnel S
6:00 Maverick
7:00 Groucho Marx
7:30 Two for the Show
KOAP TV Channel 10
6:30 What's News
7:00 Pets for Kids
7:15 Friendly tllant
7:30 Refresher Matn
6:30 Prayer Hymn
7:00 Today " '
7:30 Weather Forecast Today. Almanac Paul'i Affrticope
7:45 Cartoon Time Today "
8 00 Captain Kangaroo Cartooner's Club Dr. Zoom's Cartoons
S:J2 - . " The K," 'M
8:30 Telesc-TPe Komper Koom
9:00 Calendar Jack La U ruie Show '
:0 I Love Lucy Play Your Hunch Momlng Movie
10:00 The McCoys Price U Klght
10:30 Pet Ik Gladys Concentration "
11:00 Love ol Lite Your First Impression Bums & Allen
11:30 Search for Tomorrow Truth or Consequence Seven Keys
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 HI Neighbor People Will Talk Ernie Ford
12:30 As The World Tum The Doctors Father Knows Best
1:00 KOIN Kitchen Loretla Young Show General Hospital
1:30 House Parly You Don't Say Girl Talk
I fr. Te".Ti:f 1."" Ma,ch ume Ly In Court
2:30 fcdge of Night Make Room For Daddy Jane Wyman
SS ThC.reMlrnTlre TtetlM. Ig
" Cnrtwtn Corral fc) Dlsrovery
I - SBlS Three SUge.
Ii" Newscen. New, Beat Popey. Cartoon.
6:00 Newscene News Beat Cartoon CaiUe
6:15 Cronklie Newg Huntleyurtnkley -on uuu.
6 30 Sea Hunt Huckleberry Hound News
7:00 Dragnet Rebel " Navy Log
7:311 Fair Exchange- The City and the World tele & Harriet
8:00 Terry Mason Ina Reed
B:A Dr. Klldare Leave It To Beaver
9.00 Twilight Zona " ! My x,lrt, sons
9:30 Harel McHale't Navy
10 30 The..'Nur,e Jimmy DooUttla Alcoa Premlera
11.00 Nighlscene Night Beat Martin. News
11:15 Cinema SIX Tonight Show (c) Northwest Wrestling
hATU TV Channel 1
1:30 Almanac
2 30 Northwest Matlne
KATU-TV Channel I
6:00 Maverick
7:00 Groucho Mane
?:30 2 For The Show
KOtr-rv Channel 10
6.30 What's New -7
110 Sing Hl-Sing Low
7:15 Friendly Giant
8:00 Camp Sighting
6 00 '
8:45 Prayer Hymn
7 ' 1 Today
7:30 Weather Forecast Today. Almanao - Breadbasket Oregon
7:45 Cartoon Time Today "
8:00 CapL Kangaroo Cartooner's Club Dr. Zoom's Cartoons
!:2 " " The King O Odlt
8 30 Telescope Homper Kuum
! S f.""'1 " Jack La Lanne Show '
9 30 I Love Lucy Play Your Hunch Momlng Movie
10 00 The McCuys Price Is Right "
10 30 Pete t;iadys Concentration
U.00 Love of Ule Your First Impression Bums A Allen '
11:30 Search ror Tomorrow Truth or Consequences Seven Keys
U 45 Gulling Light - "
L! ,10 HL Neighbor reopie will TaJt Emle Ford
13 30 As the World Tumi me lyors Father Knows Best
l.iXJ KOIN Kitchen L.retta Young General HosMtal
130 H,H Party You I.n'l Say Gm Talk
2 HI T.. Tell The Truih Toe Match Game Day In O.irt
2 so Etge of Night Vst-e P,-m f-r Daddy jTn, Wyman
Z TTv Th..Matin (C fcoeen For A Day '
3 30 T-,. M'.j.-alr - Who Do Ym Tnut
I? ThT'LaVly'SL'w I American Bastnd
4 CNn Cnrrsl tpy Prvery
1.5 mg
jg Newc-e vew, B,., PoPey. Cartoon. '
1 30 A!mrnr
5 w NinJnet MJi'.lret
3 30
ctncy cauaoi be cuarmmeod br lb .Vend
Union members
urged against
petition action
officers of the Oregon AFL-CIO
are urging union members not to
sign petitions to refer the 1963
legislature's $60 million tax Li
crease measure.
State AFL-CIO President J. D.
McDonald and Executive Secre
tary James T. Marr said today
that while the new law "violates
in some measure the historic ap
proach of progressive taxation in
Oregon, it has a number of basic
advantages." ,
They said they liked the tax
credit which replaces the former
personal dependency deductions,
and favor the narrow range of
progress in the rate structure as
a step forward.
Both said they felt the new law
was "far more advantageous to
families" than either a sales tax
or a gross income tax.
A petition to refer tlie tax bill
has been filed, and a specinl elec
tion will be held if 23,185 persons
sign the petitions.
Code Septic, Oil & Water
All Sizes Call 382-5601
303 Scott St. Bend
Packing & Crating
Heated Warehouse
Bonded Drivers
Certified Service
TV -Logs t
9:30 Bold Journey
10:00 News
10:30 Steve Allen
8:00 The Finder
8:30 What In the World
9:00 Escape From the Can
9:30 Writers of Today
10:00 Playwrleht at Work
4:00 Paul Bunyan Show
4:30 Rusty Nails
5:00 Superman
5 30 Mickey Mouse Club
I 9.30 Bold Journey
10:00 Newi
' 10:30 Steve Alien
8:30 Laughter Is a Funny Business
9:00 Cpissroads of the World
9:30 Critics Corner
10:00 Eastern Wisdom
4 m psut Bunyan Show
s r ftus'y Null
5 V) Mi--kv M-TKf CtyO
Buliia. ym