Tho Bulletin, Monday, July 1, 1963 Too muc power at top is seen in Soviet Russia WASHINGTON (UPI) - Tlie Soviet government is hampered in running Russia today because of a concentration of power at tlte top and a fear of delegating authority to subordinates. So says a Senate staff report on a tudy of the administrative workings of the Soviet govern ment. The report, released Sun day, concedes that Russian lead ers are a "shrewd, tough-minded bunch" with experience and ability.: But it said there is a serious problem because power is "constantly subject to challenge, requiring daily maintenance, and shared only at great risk." "Although Khrushchev uses the lalent and experience of his top lieutenants to a far greater de gree than Stalin did, it may be that it is not enough. Yet more effective use of these men would seem to require a delegation of power and authority that might ultimately endanger Khrushchev's own posture," the report states. The report was made public by a subcommittee on national secu .rity staffing headed by Sen. Henry . M. Jackson, D-Wash. It was prepared, according to an ac companying statement, "in coop eration ;. with the executive branch" presumably U.S. intelli gence organizations. ACTRESS MARRIES LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI)-Ac-tress. Jo Morrow, 23, and Jackie Harnett, 42, , a songwriter for Jimmy Durante, exchanged mari tal vows Sunday night in the Gold Room of the Flamingo Ho tel. . . The ceremony was performed by Cantor Joseph' Cohen of the Las Vegas Jewish Community Center. Durante' fas' best man and Marie Gomez, a friend of the bride, was maid of honor. CD council to share space SALEM (UPI) Oregon's new three-member civil defense coordi nating council will share its new 50 by-90 foot offices with the men tal health division of the Board of Control, it was announced to day. The dozen mental' health divi sion staffers will move in after work on the new $36,000 headquar ters offices is completed, Board of Control Secretary Nick Peet said. Meanwhile, Civil Defense Direc tor Robert Sandstrom and his two staffers today began unpacking and arranging their, new office space. The agency moved to its new offices Saturday. -, . The 1963 legislature slashed the state's 18-member civil defense agency to a 3-member coordinat ing staff attached to the gover nor's office. As a result of the cutback, federal matching' funds were withdrawn from the' state agency. Sandstrom said today "we moved furniture for 18 people over here, now we're trying to get things straightened out. "We'll use the south end of the room, and loan the extra furni ture to the other occupants." CITES WATER PROBLEM WASHINGTON (UPI) Inter ior Secretary Stewart L. Udall said Sunday that the nation's wa ter conservation problem is ber coming increasingly serious be cause rivers have been turned into sewers. Udall said on a radio-television program 'that increased indus trialization coupled with expand ing population had made water "one of the really serious natur al resource problems" of the United States. ' ' Race problems give Washington sense of crisis PORTLAND (UPD-Rep. Edith Green, D-Ore., said last week that race problems have given a "sense of crisis" to Washington. She predicted that strong civil rights legislation would be passed this session of Congress. Mrs. Green is spending a few days in Portland during the July 4. recess of Congress. Trouble. is brewing just beneath the surface in the nation's capital and "in cities like Chicago where unemployment among Negroes is high," she said. She said there was a probabili ty that no domestic legislation would be passed until the civil rights problem has been disposed of. : . The puhlic accommodation pro posals of .President Kennedy will be far reaching, she said, but added there would be no real im provement until employment, edu cation and housing for Negroes are improved. Outboard boat strikes rocks DEPOE BAY, Ore. (UPI) - A 17-foot outboard boat struck the rocks at the south entrance to Depoe Bay channel Sunday but three Salem residents escaped without injury. Aboard the craft were David Davanek, 26; his wife, Lettl, and Davanek's father, Joe Davanek, 52. The Coast Guard said a breaker hurled the boat against the rocks as it was on its way out of the harbor. The occupants remained aboard until a line was tossed to them. They were helped ashore after securing the vessel to the rocks. The boat' was described as a total loss. 1,107.28 1,051.15 718.00 255.89 232.00 ' 1,107.28." T 1,307.04 950.00 '' " 60.00 '; 61.03 UL03 . 17.789.88 '19,894.89 18,577.21 .. 1,47303 ' 1,508.21 1,000.00 19.262.89 21,403.10 19,577.21 734.80 999.85 1,203.00 ' 54923 (16.42) 107.00 984.08 . 983.43 1,310.00 2,427.60 .1,640.50 1,800.00 2,461 56 v ... 3,466.11 7.200.00 4,889.16 5,106.61 9,000.00 824.00 500.00 480.00 665.56 917.93 600.00 ; 1,189.56 1,417.93 1,080.00 - 4,457.43 5,212.17 4,200.00 9,34894 8.155.44 8.200.00 13,806.37 13,367.61 12,400.00 B.364.00 6,421.00 5,600.00 '"' - 21.79 (553 94) ' 4,496.50 3.903 99 400.00 9,328.35 10,324.99 6,000.00 . . 1,869.12 " 1.869.12 1.869.00 ' 1,869.12 . . 1,869.12 1,869.00 . ' ' 7,004.04 7,044.96 7,265.00 102 03 137.70 231 77 333.84 7,475.54 7,378.80 7,265.00 782.48 2,223.61 600.00 3.57351 4,355 99 . 1.900.00 ... ... . 4,355.99 6,579.60 2,500.00 7,067 84 9,369.68 8,175.00 1.905 97 1,331.34 1,950.00 316 23 - 942.70 9,290.03 11,643.72 10,125.00 ' ,i 1,154,318.22 972,531.62 944,550.79 TAYLOR GRAZING ACCOUNT Apportionment 895.24 Beginning Cash Balance 833.76 , TOTALS ....... .'V. 1,729.00 LIQUOR CONTROL '.'; Fines Transfer to General Fund Beginning Cash Balance I TOTALS FAIR FUND Fair Apportionments 20,500.00 Beginning Cash Balance........... 253 00 TOTALS f.: ' 20,753.00 LAW LIBRARY FUND Law Library Fees 1,300.00 Beginning Cash Balance , . '. , 150.00 TOTALS 1,450.00 BUILDING & GROUND IMPROVEMENT Court 'House Rental v.'-; . Beginning Cash Balance -' TOTALS 1,800.00 2,300.00 4,100.00 . COUNTY RENTAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Rentals 480.00 Beginning Cash Balance .......... 1.100.00 TOTALS ' . SUNSET HOME FUND . -Rentals, Etc. Beginning Cash Balance 1,580.00 4.200.00 6.800.00 TOTALS 11,000.00 DOG LICENSE FUND Dog License, etc Fines . ' Transfer to General Fund Beginning Cash Balance . 9,400.00 . . TOTALS 15,200.00 SECTION 15 LEASE Lease Collections Beginning Cash Balance 1.869.12 TOTALS 1,869.12 CENTRAL OREGON REGIONAL LIBRARY FUND Crook County 7,265.00 Received from Deschutes County Library Miscellaneous Beginning Cash Balance TOTALS 7,265.00 BOOKMOBILE SINKING FUND ' Set Aside for Bookmobile, Interest, etc 900.00 Beginning Cash Balance 4.680.00 TOTALS 5,580.00 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND State Civil Defense Agency Other Sources 500.00 Beginning Cash Balartca ....'. 1.200.00 TOTALS 1,700.00 RESERVE FOR COURTHOUSE EXPANSION FUND Transfer from General Fund 58,138 23 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1,056,166.05 Accidents Jake lives of four By Unitd Prais International A variety of accidents took the lives of three Oregon residents and a Camas, Wash., boy over the weekend. In addition, a Mon roe, Ore., woman died in an auto crackup early today; 1 . Louis Johnson, 69, Sisters, died I Sunday when fire burned through I an apartment above a sporting I goods store in that ' town. The blaze possibly ' started from a cigarette. Mrs. Barbara L. Osborne, 21, Monroe, was 'kiHcd early today when her car struck a tree about two miles south of Monroe. Mrs. Desdemona Watts, 63, of Myrtle Creek died iri a-Eugene hospital Saturday night from In juries suffered in an auto afcei dent earlier in the day. State Po lice said her car collided with one driven by James Alfred Herbert, 58, of Myrtle .Crc;k on Highway 99 about one mile south of that city. Herbert was not injured. A train struck and killed 13-year-old Ray Maddox of Spring field Saturday evening as he fished from a railroad bridge in northern Coos County. An ambu lance driver called to the scene said the boy and three other per sons were fishing from the bridge near Lakeside Junction when they heard the train. The others fled, but young Mad dox attempted to lie down be tween the sections of the bridge and allow the train to pass over head. Howard D; Shinn, Camas, Wash., died in a Portland hospi tal Sunday of injuries suffered in a bicycle accident. Police said Shinn attempted to ride down a flight of 140 steps on a Camas hillside. The bicycle slipped and the boy plunged to the bottom. Another name was added to Oregon's growing traffic - death toll when the Multnomah County coroner ruled the June 15 death' of Mrs. Katherine Henney, 72, was due to a traffic accident which occurred four days earlier. She suffered a hip injury when she was thrown from a car driven by her daughter, Mrs. Isabella Koch, Portland. No immediate need for more Dunes property WASHINGTON (UPI Sen. Maurine Neuberger said today an Interior Department report shows no immediate need for acquiring commercial property for the pro posed Oregon Dunes National Sea shore. The Oregon Democrat said the report, made by assistant interior Secretary John A. Carver, "should lay to rest some of the irresponsi ble rumors which have been cir culated by opponents of the Ore gon dunes bill." , She said the study indicated that many commercial enterprises in the area were offering services which would be sought by visitors. Mrs. Neuberger said her Ore gon dunes bill specifically . pro hibits condemnation of residential property. She described contrary contentions as legalistic hokum. "The record clearly shows In tent of this legislation Is to permit purchase by the federal govern ment only if the seller is willing, she said. Carver's report to the Senate Public Lands subcommittee said it was of ."utmost importance" that the department retain its au thority to take commercial and in-' dustrial property1 by 'condemnation when necessary. . He recommended, however, that the bill be amended to provide for a one-year suspension of the right of condemnation after enact ment of the legislation. Temperatures Temperatures during the 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. PDT to day. High Low Bend - 71 34 Asteria . ' 62 ' 45 Baker '" ' 75 42' K. Fall 71 42 Medford 75 46 N. Bend 63 51 Pendleton 7$ 51 Portland . 66 50 Redmond 73 ' 38 Salem ... M 43 The Dalles 74 51 if- :';(i) W fell hi r tll- ii W-rtfMJ Jtyi ..r-xj- sww It Q . kit )r , v: thrXMHl Am4h lit IlJt NEW OFFICERS Installed at new officers of Xi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi are from the left: Mrs. Bob Rea, president, Mrs. Ken Spence, vice-president; Mrs. Rex Purlcerson, treasurer; Miss Judith Buckingham, recording secretary; Miss Kay Asseln, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. William Hoffman, exten sion officer. New compact try planned ' PORTLAND (UPI)-Tlie Colum bia' Interstate Compact Commis sion is going to try again. The commission, at a meeting here Friday, decided to try to get legislative approval once more from Washington and Oregon for Northwest compact : on water and power development. Both states have withdrawn funds from the -commission, but plan 'to send observers to its meetings. The commission decided to op erate on a curtailed budget dur ing the next two years. Instead of about $20,000 it will operate on a budget of $14,500. Bepresentatives of six states- Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana, Wyoming and Nevada said that a better job of explain ing is needed to groups that have opposed the compact. Washington legislators said these groups in Oregon and Washington are pri marily public power . supporters-, particularly the Grange and PUD's. 'Enemies' noted by Venezuelan PORTLAND (LTD Dr. En rique Tejera Pans. Venezuelan ambassador to the United States, said here poverty and absentee landowners were democracy's two "very serious enemies" in Latin America. Poverty, lie said. Is exploited by Communists and "a relatively small number of absentee land owners have exploited our coun tries for centuries." Dr. Tejera. addressing the Port-! land City Club, said his counti-y i was a happy partner of tho United 1 States in the Alliance or Progress.! and had made rapid economic ! and social strides. ! Next to Japan, he said, Vene-1 zuela is the world's most rapidly industrializing nation. He said this progress!, plus' a rising literacy and a more realistic slum clear ance program, had been made de spite recessions and Communist uprisings. DOESN'T LIKE IT LEAMINGTON. Enclahd (UPD A judge' at a music festival . here last ' weekend ' gave each competitor a note with liis opin-1 ion of his singing at the end of 1 his performance. One singer gave it right back. j Bob Welford,' a 23-year-old ten- j or, took his ,note, scanned it, then 1 fare it to pieces, and threw it in the judge's face. Soap Box Derby winners named SALEM (UPD Darryl Bishop, 13,, Salem, won the 1963 Salem Soap Box Derby, race Sunday, arid will compete In the 20th run ning of the All Amerioan Soap Box Derby Race in Akron, Ohio, Aug. 3. PORTLAND (UPI)-Jim Scott, a veteran 11-year-old driver, won the Greater Portland Soap Box Derby Sunday and a trip to Akron, Ohio and the National Soap Box Derby. Scott edged Richard Holbrook. 11, of Portland. He also received a $500 savings bond. DEATH REPORTED . CORVALL1S (UPD- Mrs. Bar bara L. Osborne, 21, Monroe, was killed early today when her car plunged off highway 09-W about two miles south of Monroe and crashed into a tree. Mrs. Osborne was enroute from Junction City to Monroe shortly after 2 a m. when she lost control of her car after rounding a curve, police said. She died at the scene. It was Benton County's first traffic fatality of the year. Pickets posted at missile base VANDENBERG AFB, Calif. (UPI) Pickets were posted at all entrances to this Pacific Coast missile base this morning in a dispute between security guards and contractors. The American Federation of Guards, representing 130 civilian guards at the base, said they have no quarrel with the Air Force but that their strike is against "chisel ing contractors who refuse to pay the basic rate." Curtis Walker, secretary - trea surer and business manager of the union's Los Angeles office, said lie did not expect other Van denberg personnel to honor lh picket line. But he said he Wanted to impress on those crossing the line that the security' of contrac tors' operations was in danger. The union contends a new work contract offered by Halsil Con tractors Inc. of Middleborrough, Mass., new guard contractor re placing M 4 M Co. of Phila delphia, would mean a $40 a week decrease in pay per guard. Taking a Trip? If like millions of Americans you are going on vacation this month, may I urge you to drive carefully! And, to play safe, call me for complete vacation travel accident insurance-protection. EASTERN OREGON AGENCY 135 Oregon Ave. 362-3783 representing WDODMEN ACCIDENT and LIFE COMPANY 1 r 1 ii -d&.Lmm-J CHET MYERS Agency Mgr. Schedule I 1363 64 Total of TAX LEVY CALCULATION All Funds Total Estimated Expenditures (Schedule HI, Col. 8) . . $1,291,729.18 Reserve for Estimated Amounts Not to be Expended This Year 134,438 23 Total Estimated Expenditures. Reserves and Transfers 1,426,167.41 . Deduct Est. Receipts Other Than 1963-64-Taxes (Sen. IV! Col. 8) 1,056,166.05- Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget 370,001.36 Add: Est. Amt. of 1963-64 Taxes that will not he Rec'd. 6-30-64 "'?!??' Total' Levy Needed for 1963-64 IJHHIJ Tax Levies; Inside 6: Limitation 43J.871.41 Schedule II . ' 1962-63 tl of TX LEVY COMPUTATION All Funds Total Estimated Expenditures (Schedule HI, Col. 5) . . $1,207,281.51 Reserve for Estimaled Amounts - Not to be Expended This Year , 2? ? Total Estimated Expenditures. Reserves and Transfers 1,283,28151 i)t duct Est. Receipts Other Than - 1962 -63 Taxes (Sch. IV. Col. 8) W4 .550 .79 Amount Necessarv to Balance the Budget 338,730.72 Add: Est. Amt. of 1962-63 Tax-s that will not be Rec'd. 6-30-63 J.71?w? Total Lew Needed for 1962-63 "J' Tax Levies: Inside 6'.i Limitation 413,066.24 Summary of Estimated Expenditure!, Receipts and Tax Levitt Fiscal Yttr 1963-64 Reserve for General General Public County County Cash Courthouse Fund Road Fund Assistance Library School Working Expansion $392,545.98 $548,500.00 $70,054.00 $52,557.50 $157,845.58 392,545.98 546,500.00 70,054.00 52,557.50 ' 157,845.58 $76,300.00 76,300.00 $58,138.23 58,138.23 All Other Non-Tax Funds $72,226.12. 26.12 167.758 45 224,787.53 41.233 20 266.020.73 266,020.73 546,500.00 27,402.37 42,651.63 7,823.67 50,475.30 50,475.30 19,023.35 33,534.15 8,151.23 39.685.38 39,685.38 88.817 53 69,028.05 12,86195 81,690 00 81,690.00 . 76,300.00 58,138.23 ' 72,226.12 Summary ef Eitlmtttd Expenditure!, Rtceiptt and Tlx Levitt FiKtl Yttr 1762-6 General . Fund $365,342.72 General Road Fund $500,000,00 Public Assistance $73,811.00 County County Library School . $48,407.70 $147,843.88 Cash Working Courthouse Expansion All Other . Non-Tax $72,076.21 383,342.72 - 500,000.00 78,000 00 160.348.37 204,994.35 44.99876 249.99311 249,993.11 500,000.00 73,811.00 48,407.70 147.843.88 78,000 00 - . .72,078.21. 28.587.98 22.640 77 84.897.48 76,000.00 72,076.21 I 45.223.04 25,766.93 62,746.40 . 9.917.01 5.656 15 13.773.60. " ' - , j 55.150.05 31.423.08 76.520.00 , . .- I 55,150.05 31,423.08 . 76,520.00 1. 2. 3. Are You Using Classifieds for help on your VACATION BUDGET? If you haven't... Here's Why YOU SHOULD! Y6u can sell almost anything with a classified ad Everything sells through the classifieds. And sells at little cost too! Don't throw it away, but don't keep it around if you don't need it. You can sell it for VACATION CASH through The ' Bulletin Classifieds. You can place a classified ad easily Classified ads are easy to place. Write them out and mail them in, or dial 382-1811 and call them in, or better yet, drop in to The Bulletin office and let one of our competent staff here help you word your ad to obtain the best possible results. . Classified ads are' economical As little as 44 cents a day will place your ad in front of more than 23,000 potential readers, one of whom is sure to have what you want or want what you have. So whatever it is, you can use a classified ad, economically, easily and quickly. So ..... START BUILDING YOUR VACATION FUND TODAY.;: tho CLASSIFIED WAY The Bulletin Dial 382-181 1-osk lor classified 175-183C