f The Bulletin, Monday, July 1, 1963 V lV & vC-A M r. - i.l 1 "1: W if r It ? j.!' i St. . MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL R. HARRINGTON Starr-Harrington marriage is solemnized at Redmond Special to The Bulletin , REDMOND Miss Margaret Starr, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. B. Vernon Starr, Redmond, be came the bride recently of Mich 'feel R. Harrington, son of Mr. and Airs. Ray M. Harrington of Tilla mook. The Rev. James Egly performed the ceremony in the Community Presbyterian Church. Soloist, A. B. King,' was accompanied at the organ by Mrs. John Eberhard. The bride's sister, Mrs. Tom Klingbeil, was matron of honor. Another sister, Mrs. Gordon Ha gen, and Miss Sandra Kraft were bridesmaids. Diana- Klingbeil was flower girl and Linda Johnson and Roberta Miller, candlclightcrs. Best man was Jerry Campbell and ushers, Robert Starr, the bride's brother, and Dennis Urell. A reception followed the cere mony. Those assisting were M r s. Frank Sells, Mrs. Don Urell, Mrs. Cal Urell, Mrs. Jerry Campbell and Mrs. Bonnie Vilhauer. Both the bride and bridegroom were graduated from Redmond Union High School. They will make their home in Redmond, where Mrs. Harrington is em ployed at Giles' Photographers and Harrington at Whittier Mould Coffen expected to narrate 'Hollywood and the Stars' By Rick Du Brew ' VPI Steff Writer , HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Notes to watch television by: ; Projects: Joseph Cottcn Is odds on to bo narrator of NBC-TV's new half-hour series, "Hollywood and the Stars," this fall. .."CBS Reports" may do an hour docu mentary on the television rating services in the coming season... ABC-TV's upcoming 90-minutc version of "Wagon Train" is be ing shot In color.. .Fan dancer Sally Rand is expected to star in an NBC-TV special about carni valsSame network's 1964-65 dra matic anthology based on Presi dent Kennedy's book, "Profiles in Courage," will be filmed in Hol lywood. , In The Rough: Kicking around are scries ideas based on the movies "Around The World In 80 Days," "The Magnificent Seven" and "Roys' Town," the latter the 1938 film which starred Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney in the story of the home founded near Omaha by Father FlanaganAn other project is based on the old "Lloyds of London" movie...Thcn IvanoY under 'house arresi LONDON (UPD-Russian naval Capt. Eugene Ivanov has been Under "house arrest" in Moscow since Juno 21 while Soviet author Hies conduct their own investiga tion of his role in the Profumo candal, diplomatic sources have reported. Reports from Moscow said the former London Naval attache is being held in a modern villa Used for the interrogation of im portant prisoners. It is regarded as a halfway house between free Corn and formal Imprisonment. Ivanov was suspended from the Communist party a week before he was taken to the villa, the re ports said, and given "leave" from the Navy Ministry, where be had been working since his return from London in December. The sources said Ivanov is be ing cited as a horrible example by "old school" Soviet diplomats, who maintain that a Soviet rep resentative abroad should have no contacts except official ones. Ivanov's questioning reportedly Centers on whether be made a complete report on all his con tacts, whether he told the truth m denying an affair with Chris tine Kceler, and whether he real ly posed as an intermediary dur ing the Cuban crisis, as claimed bv Dr. Stephen Ward. "Reports on the Profumo affair In the Soviet and satellite press nave thus far been brief and restrained. 1963 milk production may fall below figures for '62 By Caylord P. Godwin UPI Stiff Writer WASHINGTON UPI) The Agriculture Department said to ilav torn milk Droduction may not exceed, and may be below, the 12.9 billion pounds ot lsbz. Th affencv Indicated that in event milk production remains stable or falls below that of last year, government purchases of dairy products may be as much as one-fourth less than in 1962. Milk production during Janu .n.Mia urn sou million pounds lower than in the same period a year ago. The department saia the decline resulted chiefly from a decrease in cows and a lower-than-usual rate of gain in produc tion per cow, because of cool dry weather in many areas, .etarded pastures and cut hay supplies. Possibly another factor in cut tino milk Droduction is the fact that plans for a mandatory cut- Anoher year of deficit financing ahead WASHINGTON (UPI) The federal government headed today into its fourth consecutive year of deficit financing, and indica tions are the fiscal situation will get worse before it gets better. The 1963 fiscal year noeo last mirlnioht with the Bovernment in the red between $7 billion and $8 billion. The actual figure won t be available for about two weeks. Thn envernment is expected to go much deeper into the hole in the next 12 monuis. iresioem Kennedy's' $98.8 billion budget for fiscal 196V projects a $11.9 bil lion deficit, second highest in peacetime. Only ine iz. Diiuon Eisenhower deficit in 1959 would top it. Treasury Secretary uougias nillnn has nredicted that the 1964 deficit may be about $1 billion less than Kennedy esumaieu, however, because the government is taking in more revenue than expected. Government officials icei mai il.o tt n i t e H States must be prepared for at least three more deficit years before tnere is nope of a balanced budget. Safety warning there's another drawn from the famous "JVtin and Bill" ilm, which starred Wallace Beery and Marie Dressier with Angela Lansbury up for the Dressier role. Elaboration: The above- mentioned idea of turning the mo vie "The Magnificent Seven" into a scries is not a new one.. .At one time, it almost became televi sion's first 90-minute weekly show, slotted for the period that final ly went this season to The Vir ginian" which did become the first such program on video, on NBC-TV ...If sold, "The Mag nificent Seven" probably would air in the 1964-65 season. Ford's Future: Mrs. Rebcrt Mc Namara, mother of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Is guest with ABC-TV's Tennessee Ernie Ford July 10.. .From July 22-29, Ford goes on vacation and is replaced by Jimmy Dean, whose guests will include Lionel Hampton and Allan ("My Son, the Folk Singer") Sherman.. .Ford by the way, is a part owner of ABC TV's new fall scries, "Channing," which is set on a college campus. Hope Chest: Eugene Burdick, author of the best-selling books "The Ugly American" and "Fail Safe." has written an original telcplay that is scheduled for the weekly anthology show to be host ed by Bob Hope on NBC-TV be ginning in the falL.The play, The Candidate, is a political drama. ..Another contributor to the Hope series is A. E. Ilotchncr, the favorite adapter of the late Ernest Hemingway. Hotchner's story deals with an American set entist who becomes an ideologi cal "cause eclebre" after being captured in Cuba...The Hope show also has acquired rights to film a life story of the great fe male blues singer, Lee Wiley, with research by jaiz critic Leonard Feather. Decision: Herbert B. Leonard producer of CBS-TV's "Route 66," lost a court action in which he wanted to prevent ,the scries' for mer star, George Maharis, from performing elsewhere until he re turned to the weekly show...Ma- haris, for his own reasons, has refused to return to "Route 66"... Leonard sought a tcmiiorary, In junction to restrain the actor from other entertaining.. .A recent scheduled appearance bv Mohan is on the Ed Sullivan Show was cancelled ..Maharis is now slotted lo turn up this Tuesday for the annual summer return of CBS- TV's 'Talent Scouts." is sounded CHICAGO (UPI) Within four days the bloody slaughter of the Fourth of July weekend Degins and the National Safety Council estimates that 550 to 650 persons will be killed in traffic accidents. The 102-hour holiday weekend begins at 6 p.m. local time July 3 and ends at midnight July 7. With the Fourth of July his torically more dangerous," Saf ety Council President Howard Pyle said, "it calls tor extra cau tion by ail of us to hold the num ber of fatalities to the lower side of the estimate." He noted the Memorial Day weekend toll of 525 killed last month set a record for a 102 hour holiday period. The previous high for a loz- hour Independence Day holiday period was in 1961 when 509 per sons were killed in traffic and 415 lost their lives in other types of accidents. back of dairy output seems to have evaporated. A year ago, when legislative proposals for mandatory control of dairy pro duction were under consideration, producers stepped up milk output per cow in order to establish a big base on which to peg future supply. Government purchases of dairy products during the first five months of the year in terms of milk equivalent were about 72 per cent of purchases in the same period of 1962. The January-May purchases amounted to 4.7 billion pounds of milk equivalent, com pared to 6.5 billion pounds in the same period of 1962. The pur chases represented decreases of 18 per cent in non-fat dry milk, 17 per cent in butter, and 78 per cent in cheese. The Foreign Agricultural Serv ice estimates total feed grain ex ports for July-May, 1962-63, at 6 per cent higher than 12.S million tons in the same months of 1961- 62. -This would include a slight increase in the shipment abroad of corn more than a 100-per cent increase in oats exports, a slight decrease in barley shipments, and a 44 per cent hike in sorghum grain sales. The Crop Reporting Board said 1963 bushberry production will show increases over 1962 of 2 per cent in red raspberries, 4 per cent in black raspberries, 11 per cent in blueberries, and 3 per cent in currants. But there will be a drop of 2 per cent in boysen berries and youngberries and S per cent In loganberries. The bulk of the bushberry crop is grown in Washington and Ore gon. Soviets appear to have resumed nuclear tests. WASHINGTON (UPI) Russia appeared today to have resumed nuclear testing, but U.S. officials said this country planned to go ahead with test ban talks in Mos cow this month. American officials also said there was no evidence so far of Soviet tests In the atmosphere which would cause the United States to resume atmospheric tests. President Kennedy said on June 10 that the United States, which has been conducting under ground tests in Nevada, would not test in the atmosphere unless other countries did so first. The U.S. Atomic Energy Com mission reported Sunday it had evidence of "events" in the So viet Union in recent weeks which may have been nuclear testing. The last Soviet announced test was in December. Administration officials said the United States detected a disturb ance in the Soviet Union June 12, which appeared to be a blast un der one kiloton, or the equivalent of 1.000 tons of TNT. They said it was not certain whether it was underground or in the air. The AEC's announcement said the evidence was "inconclu sive" and that more evaluation would be needed. U.S. officials, however, said privately they assumed it was a nuclear test. FOUND DEAD GATES. Ore. (UPI) - Gates Postmaster Floyd F. Volkel, 62, was found dead by hiking com panions Sunday afternoon on Elk horn mountain. State police said death apparently was due to nat ural causes. 'Double takes' given stairs sans buildings By Jesse Bogue UPI Sta(f Writer NEW YORK (UPI) With all the high-rise construction that has been going on in this and other major cities, activity over head seldom earns an upward glance from the pedestrian today. But occasionally there is a spec tacle that will draw more than an idle glance, and one which New zip code plan in use WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Post Office Department put into effect today its program to give every mailing address a number. The new system is called "zip code" and is designed to help speed mail deliveries. The department planned to mail 72 million cards to every mailbox in the country. The card informs the addressee of his five digit "zip code" number and pro vides a brief explanation of the system. The Post-Office Department wants everyone to put the num ber after the name of his city and state when writing his re turn address. The number" also should be used in addressing mail to persons who have in cluded it in their return ad dresses. "Zip code." or zone improve ment program, has been invented for the day when all letters will be pre-sorted by machines. The Post Office Department said that it is easier to develop a machine which reads numbers because there are less variations of nu merals than there are of letters. gets more than its share of j "double takes.", that of stairs j climbing high above the ground , with no building around them. ' j Assembly-line stairways are not an entirely new idea, but their use has grown rapidly to accom pany the city building upsurge of recent years, industry sources say. It has reached the point where a builder can shop from a cat aloe for stairs made in floor-to- floor units, have them delivered I in full floor units ready to install by setting one full block of stairs upon another. A pioneer in the field, and own er of a patent in this type of con struction is the Pico Stairs Com pany, Hyattsvillo, Md. It was founded in 1919 by Harry Mulitz. who brought up sons Milton, Earl and Lewis to take over. Earl, an engineer, had an idea that steel stairways could be built complete in the factory; he designed, and patented, a self contained steel stairway unit with a supporting structure of steel angles. Each unit, with steps and landings, is topped by a steel structure upon which the next flight can be set and bolted. The stairs can be erected as much as five stories above the flooring level. They are transport ed to the site by special truck, and in some cases where a crane can not be used to lift the units into place, a helicopter can be employed to set one unit upon another. Makers of these stair units say that through their use, contract ors may be saved the expense of temporary wooden 'stairs or scaf fold to allow workers to get to higher floors. They also say that the use of steel stairs has helped steel re captiue some of the tonnage which was being eroded by the use of reinforced concrete in major buildings. CAUGHT ON FILM FALMOUTH, England (UPD Falmouth Boys Grammar School officials said today 15-year-old Douglas Kain would be chastised for spoiling a class photograph by blowing "the biggest bubble of my life" just as the camera clicked. PHIL PHILBROOK Your Local ELECTROLUX Dealer 382-1252 1304 E. 3rd . . . and you're in carpet heaven at CLAYP00L furniture co. 821 Wall 382-4291 Looking for a car? Check Clas lification No. 100 for best result Enoy Push-Button Weter Ins With Underground LAWN SPRINKLER SYS TEM. Moltt-O Metle the only truly autometlc lawn end aerden sprinkling eye tern. FREB ESTIMATES CONTACT Eastern Oregon Mills 10 E. Greenwood 3S24511 Our servicemen art trained to maintain all Hotpoint Quality Appliances. We give you prompt, depend able service economically. Protect your Investment ...Come In or phone today! I luLpginir Authorized Service REDMOND Redmond Hardware 640 W. Evergreen Phone 541-2213 BEND Bend Supply Co. 922 Bond Phone 383-1721 MADRAS H & S Furniture 379 5th Phone 475-3230 c People Like Black Label even more in the NEW TAB-OPEN CANS Now it's easier than ever to enjoy your Black Label Beer... especially for picnics and patio parties. No openers needed with the new TAB-OPEN cans. Just zip the tab to open. ..tip to pour ...then sip that cool, flavorful Black Label Beer. How about it? Enjoy the premium quality beer that you can buy at the popular local price. Try it in the newest, quick-chilling, zip-opening cans. Join the friendly call today for... "Mabel. Black Label!" ( CARLING - J Nit C.H,o, ire.iCo,l,ClUr.d.O.-Pilnt. .1 A,,.,, r.. 1" ' ' J J I ". I.: .kSf