OUT OUR WAY ! iJ; 7 now, H iM-r'tte. eiviw' Y vem, but the M i Tnt uiwi-vkimmt I ml PA" S lu) I THB OL' AAAM J TKOJBi-E VWTH . ' "VX WAS GIVEN f rHAvfi KNOWN J ALL TO- Vu I ALffl OC J' 4 WVWSTCERTA,MLV?JflTOeFO STHEVWER6 ' i Sf i?. I u ) Allien hb" mesio V fo0 6AY FeAR.MR.HP-.TIwJ and I 7 pHy f S'i JV(MMM"y I "I THINK Mfc' MATCH HStL I IS OINO HOW VOO CAMS HY Html A C00PLe. I. WHEN THEY ' Miryn V 7 STILLJ II V wwkhb 7 iocpn- hot 6wag,vu': Will iasje (rtwjucRAD? flambo , I V V,Oi4tY,'l) lll.t Wl Kit MMA Nytvt,r.S aJo- mm it ' L 1 JA.-..- . .J STEVE CANYON N.-t i A,..ii ii-'Vi.- jjl vSS AM.N'Ai .Tt N I fw if c-.fc'i; Jfc. rT&ClV ill i: i 1 H L 1 L t" DICK TRACY THANK GOODNESS WE HAD A HAND-AXE N THE REX MORGAN. M.D. CAPTAIN EASY r ifi .mm v,k m i UXABNER' U(3H.'-TWISISTHE RKSMTi! AND f -WHICH V00 MUST ) I HERE'S ftlX.5O,V0UR BW ) AH WJEW IT JL RKPUlSIVtU THERESA M1UIOM A SELL OR I'LL , FOR HELPING ME WlM VERETOO TOWS? VE EVER tf CF THEM WIN THE BET.r1 BULLMOOSE'S BILLIONS.T J GOOD TO pTT" I SEW J? rCv-Tl (&EING SHIPPED f VI I 1 AND VOU'RE THROUGH LASTS iELv A - u V aiovou tl IV A ii j:l&,-f L vl HI III VJ &i &i:iNE5HEUBIUiT r'-rp g gp ; r WAir. EAyi ALL T THAT SETTER, RITA! I II MR. VM.D6Z SENT Y AH, COME IW, CAPfAIN ...LETTERS FROM PIZMJRO'S 7 LET HEAR NIGHT I REC0N5IPER DR. LUNATI MAV KNOW I HI REGARDS FROM 1 EA1! EXCUSE TO V WEM TO FAWIL1E5 IN PAIM ITiSUH.l'M VOUR OFFER TO HELP WHERE THE WERE'. J v LIWAi PR. LUNATI J LITTER. I AW JUT I HERE'S ONE THAT MAY START FASCINATEP MEt NERBARBTH6 VrZ ... .i tV" Ff"fl oiV """I I TREASURE HUHTER5 PISSIN61 BySTORIE . ANCIENT WCA NAMES 11 ITl M II V V COPIE OP RECENTLY t A 0 BURIBP I MARY WORTH Q DAY.MURItL!..OUR;fRoM5EEMIN6 Vfl-' JUM Fl 3 3-- II I frJTrT 1 4 ALLEY OOP " 'li3l!OUR APPOINTMENT OM, SURE.' TELL I I HES6! PONT MALlET???mANX5 LfTTLC OKAV WMS ) VEH WHAT KITHE TO PLAYA HER I'LL ("E"1- FORmET WUR OH.IOU ( CHUM.' TAkE CARS CHARLtY, J J Hk5HNESS V V A FEW KAY, r. AX . BESEEIN lOU Nk GAMEM - ' V "' ( OUR BOARDING HOUSE ' C ... ... 1 tv; - Mr- '.-v. with MAJOR HOOPLE tw v rs.-H . ) t. --.- r.- 11 Disguised actors reveal identities at end of film By Gary P. Cittt UPI ftff Wrlttr NEW YORK (UPI) John Huston'! latest film, "The List of Ailrlnn Mwucnxor," might best h dosrrllxd lu a Imikkiuo ver sion of Hint liiltwlslnn Hiivssing game, "To Tell the Truth." At movie's end, Huston doesn't fvartly say. "Now will tha rtml siu-h-aml such plmw stnml up," Nrt that Is llio nioiuoitl of tnith xxlwn fi of HoH,vmHl' ttlcKcst stm rip otf llietr dlniulsos tun! rvxvat ih fan mataiiiw fares tn iht mtmifo or o that T.-wl this sJwk e4 roi;ni tlnft, Kill Wtifla, Ynk Suva ti. Tony irti(s t?-.m ljuvaMer ml RVrt V;t.-hfn 'ini lite nwviiycs of IV TVmitt ConfiiftiMl To wnivwwl the cnnfiisKW r vnhxyi Ir. tlih "wlw-w-ll," Husti tin? put topothor a piotm tti the fiiwX trwIltKHi ol the "wrwAwe il " Thus the movie mystery hss twti thlnps polag for him: Hr end ennoentratr on fueoinf: A pellier the jlpssw puttwits the plN and. as an exercise In d!Tr on, he ran stiwiy the rewi . elites lefldiDR to the ssunrvj Identities of TVniplns, Siitttr, Curtis. Lancsster and Mitphanv Most actors, especially th.tse xt-ho reach the hvsterical saras of stardom, rant seem to find enough wax's to expose their mues to a fickle and forgetful public. Taking established stars and hiding them behind a mess of putty and ox'er makemp disas ters is like featuring Brigitte Bar- dot in a 19th Century costume drama. A New Trend? And so, the question arises, is this a new trend toward self-ef facement? "I hope not," said Douglas the other day over lunch. "What would happen to our star sys tem?" It was Douglas' company, Bry- na Productions, which produced the picture, and so Kirk assigned himself to the task of asking the other guys if they wanted to get in on the act. Tongue Point proposal made WASHINGTON (UPI) Sen. Wayne Morse, D - Ore., proposed Tuesday night that the vacant Tongue Point naval facility at As toria, Ore., be used as a federal vocational training center for job-' less workers and school drop-outs. Morse told the Senate the White House had assured him it will try to find another federal use for the station, which the Navy has aban doned. The Oregon senator also said he is investigating the original cost of construction of the base. U.S. officials have estimated its cost at slightly more than $14 million, Morse said, but other sources in dicate it cost "at least $40 mil lion." Morse accused the General Services Administration of "prac tically giving away this property for a small fraction of its true value." GSA's sale price is $950, 000, he said. Morse said the White House had assured him the Tongue Point base would not be sold before next fall, if at all, and that every possible step would be taken to find another federal use for it. Morse said Astoria has suffered economically because of the clos ing of the base. It is the respon sibility of the teleral government to do something to correct a situ ation the federal government it self has caused, he said. Board voles racial study PORTLAND (UPI)- The Port land School Board voted Monday night to appoint a citizen com mittee to study the city's racially unbalanced public schools. The decision was a victory for Negro leaders and for Portland's Citizens' Committee on Racial Im balance, which asked the board last month to see if schools with an overwhelming Negro majority were hurting the educational op portunities of students. The committee will be charged with isolating the problem, dis covering its effect on educational opportunities and suggesting a solution. It li to report back by Jan. L Accord reached on cut in aid WASHINGTON (UPI) Key members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee have agreed on a Woo million cut in President Kennedy's $4.S billion foreign aid bill but will resist further slashes, ft was learned Tuesday. Informed sources said the White House has decided ft can live with the smaller program. clearing the way for the House group to approve the scaled-down figure in the next few weeks. Kennedy also was reported to have told the lawmakers, how- ex-er, that he will fight to keep the aid authorization at the new I H4 billies Java, 1 "They jumped at the chance, every one of them," said Doug las. "I called Frank first and be fore I even finished explaining the thing, he said, 'Count me in.' And the other boys said Just about the same thing. Something Different "And why not? Here was a chance to do something a little dllferent, to have some fun. If you want to put It thnt way, and ..till bo part of a first-class pic ture. "I'll toll you something about stars." he said. "AU this stuff xihi hear about them taring vain and temperamental and uncoopcr aiix is Just so much, well lot's say so much baloney. "I'm speaking as a producer 1 now as xxvll as an actor, and. Miexie roe, the hiSKer they are, the .4er it Is to got along with thorn, "That's xiiy xxxwit after the hijcpest rtanx in the business for tV tafixtuto parts in Adrian I Vossencw and 1 Axn't remember j xvHmi rvx? had as much fun mak j tns a movie." j IV$tas incKVotaH)- plaj-s Uie iiitor, but that's not gixing any ' thsn axray because the trick is trjini! to keep track of xxtio Doug , las is. THE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE 2 lines for 1 time only SI. 25 1 lines for 4 times only $1.75 2 lines for 8 times only $3.00 4 lines for 1 time only $1.75 4 lines for 4 times only S2.75 4 lines for 8 times only $4.75 6 lines for 1 time only S2.25 6 lines for 4 times only $3.75 6 lines for 8 times onlv S6.50 THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Ihree Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 Member, Audit Bureau ef Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-193L The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est 1916. Published Every Afternoon exceDt sunriavs and certain holidays by The tena Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St.. Bend. Oregon. 1 -Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of EimoRA p Ai.r.T. SON In the District Court of the State of . Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thf linriirsifnoW foil Tl Alliion, has been appointed as nuiiiuusiraior 01 me estate ol Eudora P. Allison, deceased, by tha alwira ati.ll r.. All persons having claims against ovakc aie uviKuy uuuuea ana required to present the same, duly verified, as by law requir. offices of McKay, Panner & uunnson, Attorneys, iua Bonn Street, Bend, Oregon, within six mnnthc frrtm tha fit-et m.Ulnn. tion of this notice in The Bulle tin. Datprt nnH first ntiWichAd Tuna 5, 1963. Date of last publication June 26, 1963. uecu u. Allison, Administrator of said es- tula McKayi Panner & Johnson, iito cona Estreet, Bend, Oregon, Attorneys lor said estate. 153-159-165-171-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 2518 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES CHUTES. In the Matter of the Estate of DONNIVAN STUART DEN NING, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed as Administrator of the Estate of Donnivan Stuart Denning, Deceased, by the Dis trict Court of the State of Ore gon for Deschutes County, and has qualified as such Adminis trator. All persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same, duly verified as by law requir ed, to the undersigned, at the law office of Schroedcr It Den ning. Vale, Oregon, within 6 months of the date hereof. Dated and first published June 12, 1963. Date of last publication, July 10, 1963. (s) D. S. DENNING. Jr. S Schroedcr & Denning Attorneys frr Estate P.O. Box 778 Vale. Oregon 159-165-171-177-182-C NOTICE OF ' FINAL ACCOUNT No. 2336 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES CHUTES In the Matter of the Estate of MYRTLE AUGUSTA FLVNI- GAN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as execu tor of the estate of MYRTLE AUGUSTA FINNIGAN, deceas ed, has filed his final account in the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County, Probate Department, and that Monday, the 15th day of July, 1963. at the hour of two o clock P.M. ot said day and the court room of said Court have been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections there to and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published, June 12, 1963. Cat ol iut publication, July 14 The Bulletin, "Well, you said find something to interest her and that stack of unpaid bills in your desk seems to be just the ticket!" 3, 1963. FREEMAN C. MURRAY, Executor FREEMAN C. MURRAY Attorney at Law 538 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon 158-165-171-177-C NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate of PATRICIA JUNE SKEEN In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes Lountv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the undersigned, Executor of the last will and testament of PATRICIA JUNE SKEEN deceased, has filed his final ac count in the above entitled court, and that July 8. 1963. at 2 o'clock p.m. in the Court Room oi tne a Dove enutiea court nas been aDoointed by the court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections tnereto, ii any, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 5, 1963. Date of last publication June zt, IWkI. Robert Skeen, Executor of said estata McKay, Panner & Johnson, 1026 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, Attorneys for said estate. 153-159-165-171-C NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate of HUGH WOOD In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the undersigned. Executrix of the last will and testament of Hugh Wood, deceased, has filed her final account in the above entitled court, and that July 12, 1963, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the court Koom or tne aDove en titled court has been aooointed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions thereto, if any, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 12, 1963. Date of last publication July 3, ltftvs. Reva J. Kambel, Executrix of said estate Louis L, Selken Attorney for said estate. - 159-165-171-177-C NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY No. 2513 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES CHUTES In the Matter of the Guard ianship of the Estate ot HOMER A.. ROBB, an incompetent per son. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to and by virtue of an order made and entered in the above entitled court and cause on the 17th day of June. 1963. signed by the Honorable josepn j. rnainoror. judge oi said court, the undersigned, as fuardian of the estate of HOM )R A ROBB, an incompetent person, will on and alter tne 19th day of July, 1963, at the hour of 2 o'clock n.m.. proceed to sell real property of said es tate at private sale for cash or for part cash and part credit as may to the guardian seem ad visable, subject to the confirma tion of the above entitled court, said real property being situat ed in Deschutes County, State of Oregon, and being more par ticularly descrmed as louows, to-wit: Lot 6 and the W& of Lot 7 in Block 10 of Grandview Addition to Bend. Bids will be received by the undersigned guardian at 1026 Bond Street. Bend, Oregon. Zelma Wallace Guardian of the estate of Homer A. Robb, an incom petent person McKay, Panner & Johnson, Attorneys at Law, 1026 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. Date of First Publication: June 19. 1963. Date of Last Publication: Ju ly 10, 1963. 165-171-177-182-C 3-FuneraI Notices RICE, Keith D.. Glenda R., Julia V. Graveside Services Friday, June 28. 1963, 2:00 p ic, Lebanon IO0F Cemetery, Lebanon, Ore gon. NEELY, William C Rosary Thursday, June 27, 1963, 8:00 p.m. Nlswonger & Reynolds Chapel. Requiem Mass, Friday, June 28. 1963. 10:00 a.m., St Francis Catholic Church. Father Stephen Murtagh officiating. In terment, Pilot Butte Cemetery. 6-Masonlc Notices BEND LODGE 139 A F.AM rhurs. 8 p m. June 27th Vi.M. Examinations. David 1. Wilson W.M. 8-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For Information call 382-4780, cc Badmood Wednesday, June 26, 1963 CARNIVAL 8-Special Notices LOOK! LOpK! LOOKI June 25, 26, 27 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. SALE Selected Used Cthing :.' VFW Hall, 1745 E. 1st Street ! 9-Personals WOULD ANYONE who knew James W. Nelson or Delores Nelson during the years 1930 to 1940, please contact Mrs. H. R. Harding, 9507A Montana, Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, Mich. 10-Lost & Found LOST: Seven foot light-weight Leonard bamboo Dy rod in Deschutes Steelhead F a 1 1 1 area. Reward. 382-3231. LOST PAIR of glasses at Juni per Park. Reward. 382-1054. LOST 1 black white face cow, weight 815 lbs., brand with a P and a C on top. One white face cow weight 830 lbs., brand is 7 L. Broke out of pasture, 6 miles S. of Redmond. Re ward 382-1885. 13-Baby Sitters LOVING CHILD care 35 cents hour or $2 daily. 382-6743. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM. Bend 382-2151- 17-Help Wanted WANTED AT ONCE Raw leigh dealer in Deschutes Co. New special offer selling meth od enables you to earn $100 weekly full time, $50 part time. No previous experience need ed, write Rawleigh, 306 Ade line, Oakland, Calif. 18-HeIp Wanted Male KRESSE MOTORS, Chevro let Pontdac-Buick in Prine ville, Oregon, has opening. 1 transmission mechanic and 1 tuneup man. Guarantee, fringe benefits, ideal working condi tions with new, fast growing dealer. See John Bushard, Ser vice Mgr. H17-5671. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Mutual Legal Reserve Com pany founded in 1890 has open ings for career representatives in Central and Eastern Ore gon. Manager's contract with guaranteed salary (not a draw) Group Insurance for family. Retirement Plan, Home Office Schooling, Field Training of fered qualified men. Aplicants must be (1) At least a High School graduate, (2) Over 24 (3) Married, (4 Good employ ment record, (5) Anxious to get ahead and willing to work. For interview write giving qualifications to Box 625A, The Bulletin. WANTED: FOR immediate em ployment in coast area; ag gressive young assistant man ager with meat cutting and grocery experience. Write P O. wi'. iw, V.UQ5 pay, uregon. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY lor automoDiie and truck salesman with Central Ore gon's most progressive auto mobile dealer. Excellent p a v schedule, large stock to work from. See Jim Newman at Kresse Motor Company, Prine ville. IMMEDIATE OPENING for rora pans man, must De cap able of handling all phases or dering, selling etc. write care of The Bulletin Box 626A, Bend Oregon. 19-Help Wanted Female $450 IN samples with no invest ment, women jo ana over need ed to sell beautiful fashions by party plan. Othela Young, 1700 SE 242nd Drive, Gresham, MO-5-7507. WANTED EXPERIENCED mecucai receptionist. W rl to care of The Bulletin. Box 625 B. 20-Service Directory MIKE'S ELECTRIC ...... . REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, reiers, water neaters, furn aces, ALL MAKES. EV 2-&312. CARPENTRY Cabinets and Finish Remodel or Construction Dan J. Kroker 382-3168 STANI.F.Y HfiMF. pnrvnnr-rs: Marilyn Bull 382-0268 PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Liv. ine Koom 545 Bedroom 35. Bath 20. Exterior Painting. Alcn Pnmmrlal Harper 382-4692 44c a day is all you pay for a clas sified ad that could make you extra cash for that vacation trip you plan this year. Try it! Dial 382-1811 and ask for da. ilitd,