Start building The Bulletin, Monday, Couple's third child, killed PLATTESVILLE, Wis. UPI- Marilyn Butson, 20, this weekend became the third child of Mr. and Mrs. Purl Butson to die ac cidentally within 18 months. She died 'of head injuries suf fered Thursday when the horse she was riding bolted and crashed into a car. Her sister, Diaiv 8. was killed June 11 in a fall from a hayloft and a broth er, Melvin, died in a traffic ac cident in December, 1961, PRESENT FOR DAD LOUGHBOROUGH, E n gland (UPI) Michael Brooks, 12, said today he would give the barrel of beer he won at a church car nival to his father. THE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE 2 lines for 1 time only $1.25 2 lines for 4 times only $1.75 2 lines for 8 times only $3.00 4 lines for 1 time only $1.75 - 4 lines for 4 times only $2.75 4 lines for 8 times only $4.75 8 lines for 1 time only $2.25 6 lines for 4 times only $3.75 6 lines for 8 times only $6.50 THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier' One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 , One Year $18.00 By Mail -, One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Sue Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin . 382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Prinevilie Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est; 1916. .. Published Every Afternoon except Sundays and . certain . holidays by The Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St.. Bend. Oregon. 1-Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing on the Final Ac count of Clarence Elder, Ad ministrator of tHestate of Ber nice H. Elder, sometimes known as Berenice H. Elder, deceased, will be held in the District Courtroom in the Courthouse at Bend, Deschutes County, Ore Son, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p.m. on Friday the 19th day of July, 1963 and all persons in terested in said sale are noti fied to appear at said time and place: and show cause, if any they have, why said Final Ac count should not be- approved, the estate settled and closed, the Administrator discharged and his- bondsman released. DATED and first published this 17th dav of June. 1963. CLARENCE ELDER, Administrator DeArmond, Goodrich, Gray and Fancher, Attorneys for Administrator. - . 163-169-175-180-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROBATE DEPARTMENT Probate No. 2527 In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. . In the Matter of the Estate of PETER KLOBAS. Deceased. : The undersigned having been appointed by the above entitled Court of the State of Oregon, for the County aforesaid. Execu trix of the Estate of Peter Klo bas, deceased, and having quali fied, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all per sons having claims against said 'deceased, to present them, veri fied as required by law. within 'six months after the first publi cation of this notice to said Ex ecutrix at the office of her at torney, Hprrv A. English. 653 TC. First Street (P.O. Box 1053), Bend. Oregon. ANNA KLOBAS Executrix of the Estate of Peter Klobas. deceased. Dated and first published this 24th day" of June. 19R3. 169-175-180-186-C 8-Special Notices . ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780, or Redmond 548-3606. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! June 25, 26, 27 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. SALE Selected Used Clothing VFW HaU, 1745 E. 1st Street 10-Lost & Found LOST: Seven foot light-weight Leonard bamboo fly rod in Deschutes Steelhead Falls 1 area Reward. 382-3231. ; LOST ARGUS C3 Camera Sat urday oh Century DHve. Re r ward. -382-0375. " 14-Moving. Trkng. Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Kent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver , AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM i Bend 382-21ol 17-Help Wanted WANTED COUPLE to operate small candy store, near school, and occupy apartment, write rare The Bulletin Box 621B, Bend, Oregon. 18-Help Wanted Male K R E S S E MOTORS. Chevro let Pontiac-Buick in Prine vilie. "Oregon, has opening. 1 ' transmission mechanic and 1 - tuneup man. Guarantee, fringe benefits, ideal working condi tion with new, fast growing dealer Se John Bushard, Ser vice Mgr. HI7-5671. June 24, 1963 18-Help Wanted Male CAREER POSITION Excellent future for man with background of management and sales. Substantial progressive income. Must be 28-35, married, college educated and vitally interested in success. A letter setting forth your complete qualilications, history and earn, ings record will be held confi dential and facilitate in ar ranging interview to complete additional qualifications. Write Box 621A 'rThe Bulletin. WANTED: FOR immediate em ployment in coast area; ag. si ive young assistant man ager with meat cutting and Kiocery experience. Write P.O, our, up, ioos May, Oregon. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for automobile and truck salesman with Central Ore gon s most progressive auto- moone dealer. Excellent Day schedule, large stock to work irom. see Jim Newman at iresse Motor Company, Pruie- vuie. 19-Help Wanted Female $450 IN samples with no invpst. ment. Women 35 and over need ed to seu oeautiful fashions by party plan. Othela Young, 1700 at, z4jno Drive, Gresham, MO- ixuauu, WUMAN for room work, possible management, U1U1AJ1- lUqge, dO-dlOL. 20-Service Directory PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates. Anderson 382-2043. SHARPENING AND RetooUiing miuusaws ana circular saws. Guaranteed work. Prompt service. 831 S. Third. COMPLETE LAWN and flower garden care. Call us for free estimates, anytime. 382-3582, extension 2. CARPENTRY Cabinets and Finish Remodel nr rVmcfrnMinri Dan J. Kroker . 382-3166 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Marilyn Bull ... 382-0268 LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 'Plan to Finishprf PrnHiiM' High Mt. Workshoo EV 2-6381 MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, reiers, water neaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. EV 2-5312. PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Liv. lng Room 545. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting. Also Commercial. Harper . 382-4692 CAT LOADER and Road Building. Top soil, fill, cinders. L. C. Moe. 382.1254. BRICK . BLOCK laying. All kinds. Work guaranteed. R. Karel, 136 Florida after 7 p.m. ALTERATIONS, Sewing, fab- Drics. notions. a.m. to B D.m. Closed Wednesday. Edna's Sew Shop, 431 S. 3rd. 382-3592. BEVS REWEAVING. now next to Tom Tom Drive Inn. Free estimates. 382-1948. SCREENS, AWNINGS screen doors, siding, combina tion windows and doors. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CONTRACTORS Rt. 1. Box 356 Bend 382-1614 PAINTING Pickups $35.00 Clean uo iob Enamel 438 Heyburn 382-4692 IRONING DONE in my home, also baby sitting, very reason able. 382-6747. $3.50 SERVICE CALL Expert TV & Radio Repair . Satisfaction Guaranteed 13 years experience EV 2-3027 JIM'S TV & RADIO SERVICE WOMEN'S AND Men's altera tions, tailoring. Reasonable rates. Brenda Hall. 382-6887. CHENEY ENTERPRISES Tree and shrub spraying. In sect, weed and grass control program. Reasonable, depend able, licensed and insured; 382 0277. FURNITURE REFINISH1NG Work guaranteed. 548-2511. 22-BuiIding Sup.-Cont. It's So EASY TO USE! BERMUDA ROCK from Miller Lumber Simply cover the area you want accented with a layer of 4 mil polyethelene plastic, cut holes for plants, and cover with white BERMUDA ROCK, (no dust, no sharp edges to cut your fingers on.) Try it! $ 1.75 50 2 bag MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard 1 Greenwood 382-4301 24-Situations Wtd. Male TWO BOYS 15 and 17 years of age, want ranch work for sum mer. Call collect WH 2-2201. or write P. A. Dickerson. B B Route, Box 280, Cottage Grove, Ore gon . 26-Loans RESIDENTIAL LOANS Now available from Pacific First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Low Cost Convention ALL-PURPOSE Home Loans to purchase, to build, or to consolidate obligations. Reas onable interest rates and up to 25 year repayment terms. Contact Gene Gross, repre sentative for Pacific First Federal, with offices at 115 N. Minnesota Avenue. Phone EV 2-2868. your vacation fund today the classified way 30-Miscellaneous for Sale UVfciKHEAD GARAGE door, a., tine new, S7u. 382-1948. FOR SALE: Five room air con ditioner, nearly new, will trade for rifle or best offer. 382-5390. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck tractor loader work, excava tions. 382-5 liU. MAN'S SUMMER suit, size 42 long. $25. New Sunbeam sha ver, 515. Full length white sa. tin wedding gown with train size 11, $30. Full length satin iormai, size 11, 515. 382-3069. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382.2425 Used Furn. & Misc. THE PROVEN carpet clean er oiue uisire is easy on tne ouagei. nesiores iorgotten col ors. Masterson St. Clair Hdw. NOW V4 Beef 45c lb., cut to order FREE. Freezers all sizes, 10 year warantee. It pays to shop here for com plete freezer food supplies. All locally financed. Midstate Meat Co., 382-3S51. CAR TOP luggage carrier with canvas top, $15. 382-3577. Pre-4th Holiday TIRE SALE Don't take a chance on getting a few more miles from those worn tires that need to be re placed. Order now! Get the tops in tires . . . Riverside . . . while prices are lowest, dur ing our Pre-4th Sale . . . Stop now . . . ior saier driving. RIVERSIDE Air Cushion Nylon 6:70:15 $7 QQ Black . - ' Tube-type ea. plus tax MONTGOMERY WARD 1032 Bond Street 382-5521 31 -Appliances. Furniture BARGAIN TREE Everything New & Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Tradel J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. 382-2202 Just 3 blks. No. Pioneer Park SEVEN USED TV sets. Zenith portables, $50 each. S & C Mo- lei, 134U S. 3rd, 382-9992. RECONDITIONED And guaran- tciru auiuiiiauu wasner and matcning dryer. Take over payments of $8.50 per month OAC. Ken Cale Hardware, 11111a cc ureenwooa. mM-UNDinuNKD and guar anteed used refrigerators. rrojn Also we have on ly one-chest freezer, 12 01. ft. Now only $99.50. Oregon Equip ment Company, 155 East Irreenwood, SALE on 1963 Norge Appliances Automatic washer $185.95 up Dryers , S139.85 up Ranges . $139.95 up Refrigerators -. $182.95 up f reezers .. 5139.93 plus freight BILL'S ELECTRIC ' 942 Hill St. 382-2821 BLOND DESK, night stand, cocktail and step tables, Hol lywood bed and mattress set. 382-1325. 32-Musical Instruments ANY TIME, any place, we'll demonstrate the wonderful new transistor Organ. Hemmingson Piano & Organ Service, 382 5177. 40-Farmer's Column TWENTY-FIVE acres of pas. ture near Young School. 382 3473 or 382-1379. SADDLES MADE and repair ed. Reed's Saddle Shop, 1142 Galveston. 42-Poultry. Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, lurkevs. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday thru Friday. 740 E. First. 382-1042. 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. TOWN & Country Pet Shop. Boarding kennel. 382-1254. VACATION BOARDING. DOGS AND CATS. Puppies, poodles, chihuahua, fox terriers and pekes. Also Siamese kittens. Ranch Pet Kennels. 382-3634. REGISTERED GERMAN short hair pup, 382-1343. 44-Boats & Motors SiXTEEN FOOT Bryant 35 h.p. tvinruoe electric continental frailer with 6:00x13 tires, 2 tanks. 2 batteries. Excellent condition. $885. Phone 382-5255 after 4 p.m. or see at corner Hamilton and Parrell Road. 14 ft. Aluminum BOAT with steering $8.50 per month ttojjualified buyers) Total price M69.99 KEN CALE HARDWARE Third it Greenwood 47-Wanted to Buy MACHINERY Logging winches, diesel engines, fork lifts, pumps, pipe, gener ators. Will pay cash for bar gains. Our representative will be in Bend soon. Marine Surplus Co. P.O. Box 2424 Santa Ana. California WANTED GOOD 1 ton truck Phone Ernie, Sisters, 549-3531. 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood. Oil um j Av.M'iiNfi, ana body wood, $12 cord. Dry Tamarack and red fir, $14 cord. Green jackpine, by order. 382-1987. DRY OR green slab wood. Dry or green jackpine. Stoker and lump coal. Robert Davenport, 51-Wanted to Rent WANTED CLEAN 1 or 2 bed room furnished apartment, du plex or house. Write P.O. Box in, uena. 56-Apartments ior Rent "RIVER TERRACE" One & two bedroom very clean spacious grounds. $52.50 to $65 mo. call manager 382-4691. 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM, close in, TV cable. 382-9971. LOW RENTALS, clean furnish ed 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments. Private yards. $40 and up. Hill s Apartments, Red mond. Ore. Phone 548-2661. 58-Houses for Rent CLEAN TWO bedroom, couple preierrea, no pets. 382-4431. ONE BEDROOM, at 35 Hood Place. Adults. 475-2867, Ma dras. 59-Houses Furnished MODERN 3 room. Suitable for couple, 300 Broadway. ONE BEDROOM house, clean. $50 month. 382-4439. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall 382-3752 70-Business Opportunities FLYING "A" SERVICE STATION for lease, equipment furnished. Phone 382-1921 days or 382-5643 evenings. FORTUNE HERE 35-bnit Motor Lodge, top down town location, good business, l.etiring owner take small down or good house In trade. 382-2781. 73-Real Estate Wanted TO BUY 2 or 3 bedroom home on lot or small acreage in $8,000 to $13,000 price range. 382-1792. 76-Real Estate Exchanges TRADE ONE 4-bedroom home with 2 rentals in Lebanon, Ore gon for business property or home in Bend. 382-6788 or 382 6498. TEN ACRES and 6 acres wa ter, 2 miles east of Bend. New cistern, power in. Some out buildings. 382-6749. FORTY WITH house, on canal, 24 water, all or parcels, terms. 382-2416. wired for range, dryer and washer. 2 acres. 1 water. Barn. 2 cisterns. Close in. Mountain view. 382-1920 or 382-2780. $8,- 900 with $1,000 down. 80-Real Estate tor Sale THREE BEDROOM home, fire place, large living room, beau tiful view, 5 acres with 5 acres of water. One mile east of city limits. 382-6225 after 5:30 p.m. TWO BEDROOM, $8,000. terms. 515 Federal. FHA Midstate Realty Harold Phillips. Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 CLOSE TO BEND: 16 acres with 12 acres of Swallcy water. 3 bedroom home can have 4th. Basement, oil furnace, fire place, all in pasture, lots of trees. Truly a fine location. Only $19,500. 20 acres with 10 acres Swalley water. Large 1 bedroom home. Only $8,500. Choice 80 acres with 75 acres C.O.I, water, complete cattle feeding setup - 3 bedroom home and other buildings. Practically all in alfalfa and pasture. Price $30,000. We have a good 2 bedroom home, fireplace, full basement, garage 30 X 32'. Just $10,500. Move in, 2 bedroom, close in, a good home. $500 down. Evenings Franck 382-1273 Farley 382-6130 Phillips 382-0571 Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave. 382-3031 EAST SIDE 1 bedroom, large living room, large kitchen, 2 full baths, fire place, oil forced air furnace. 2 car garage. 100' x 110' well landscaped lots. Under market value at $15,900. FHA or 6.1. terms. WEST SIDE Older type 3 bedroom home in good condition. Basement, finished in pine paneling. Oil forced air furnace, garage, fenced in yard. Full price $7850 . 100 G.I. available to qualified veteran. ACREAGES 912 ACRES, 4 acres Swalley water. 4 bedroom home, good condition. 2 barns, chicken house, canal through full length of property. Full price $ 1 3,500, terms. BARE ACREAGE: 23'2 acres, 4 acres Swalley water. Close in. Full price $6,500, terms. 10 ACRES: I acre water-located on paved road. $5,000 $750 down. Evenings Vern Larson Mable Sullivan 382-5297 382-5324 Duke Warner Farris Spauldlng 382-1707 548-2543 80-Real Estate for Sale BY OWNER: Small 2 bedroom rurnisnea nouse. 382-3320. 'g cat 0777. Una Lake, 382-0! SMALL EQUITY In new 3 bed room in North Pilot Butte Es tates. Built in range and oven. Large corner lot. Lawn and snrubs. Assume FHA. 382-0592 Features to suit you in a family home Well kept, 5 bedroom family home in desirable location. Tre mendous living room with fire place, separate dining room, breakfast nook. Two bedrooms and bath downstairs. Thres bedrooms and bath upstairs. recently remodeled kitchen and bath. Oil, forced air fur nace. Double garage. Beautiful landscaping with patio and outside fireplace. All the fea tures you have been searching for in a home at a low price that will amaze you $16,000. Terms. Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Arnie 382-4475 382-5243 382-4500 Jim Arntz Rick Rickabaugh GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. 382-3752 LITTLE BUCKAROO need more room? 2 lots with 9 more avail able plus 3 bedroom home featuring large living rm., sep arate dining rm., handy kit chen, plumbed utility, 1V4 baths, plus extra large rm. ready for Interior finishing. Double garage wired, insulated and sealed in mahogany. This rustic home, garage and two lots, $21,000, terms. N. E. Gilbert Realtor Hap Taylor, Realtor BRANCH OFFICE E. 3rd 382-6453 345 20 ACRES of peace and quiet. Beautiful big trees surrounding the 2 bedroom home. Pond full of fish. 18 acres of perm anent lush pasture for graung beef or horses. Perfect spot for retirement years or for small horse farm. Price $17, 000. Some terms possible. Larry Keown-Asso. Broker ' Evenings 882-2395 WILL TRADE This neat 2 bedroom home with fireplace in Sisters for a home in Bend. Range and refrigerator included. Insu lated. I car garage. Fenced yard. Taxes $100.00. Own er hat equity of $2,200. Payments are $50 month at 4. $7,000 ' INCOME can be yours from this 14 unit apartment house just minutes from downtown Bend. Steady occupancy. . All apartments furnished. Utility room. Books show better than a I re turn a month. Books open to qualified buyer. No trades. $40,000 29 down 1,000 DOWN will buy this 40 acres just 3 miles from Bend on paved road. 7 acres C.O.I, water. Bordered by 2 paved roads. Beautiful view of the Cascades. $8,500. Easy Terms CHARM of an older home with the solid construction of at older home can be yours on Trenton Avenue. 3 bed rooms, large utility room. Oil furnace, fireplace. Thermopane view windows. Outstanding view of Bend. Full financing available. $15,000 THE LAND MART 811 Wall St. 382-5121 Arleigh Black, Realtor Bob Lilienthal 382-6363 Jim Lance 382-5756 Joe Tilden 382-2766 80-Real Estate for Sale THREE BEDROOM. H4 baths, dishwasher, range. Insulated, double pane glass, patio. On large east side lot, FHA. $16, 725. 660 Innes Lane, 382-4624. 523 EAST SIXTH STREET Spacious 3 bedroom home near high school and shopping cen ter. Natural gas heat, large living room and dining room combination, utility room. Im mediate possession. Out of town owner says get offer at once. So call today. Easy terms avail able to G.I. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third 382-2743 Jess 382-4317 Emily 382-1086 Roy 382-4816 Ray 382-5656 RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin 382-6772 AO acres timbered, located only 9 miles northwest of Bend. $50.00 per acre. Easy terms. WILL TRADE equity of $3,500. in a 2 bedroom house on 9th St. for small acreage without buildings S.E. of Bend. JUST FINISHED, 4 bedroom home in real nice location. Wall to wall carpet through out. This is a real beauty. See it today. WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD RANCHES & TRADES Evenings Herb Kieth Jr. 382-1864 382-1658 Kieth Sr. 382-3105 Hap Taylor, Realtor 822 Wall St, 382-1761 GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY in this 3 bedroom, east tide home. Located on a corner lot near grade school. Full basement. Big bedrooms. At tached garage. Plus a big shop with water, heater, and lights. Fine repair inside and out. Just $14,500. First time advertised, see it today! $500 DOWN . $45.00 a month plus immediate possession East 6th location, I bedroom doll house, freshly redecorated. Ideal for a starter home, easily added to. Full price $6,000. $800 down $60.00 per month. Large 2 bedroom home on corner lot across from Ken wood school. Completely re decorated. Very clean. Good roof and foundation. Full price $8,500. Evenings Hap 382-1318 Orcn 382-2962 Jim 382-3594 Harvey 382-4686 91 Farm Machinery JOHN DEERE Model A tractor with starter and power trol, A-l condition, 5650. Phone 981 1397, A. Lewis Steffen, Box 302B, Route 2, Woodburn, Ore. A CASE baler in very good condition. $275 cash. $300 terms. 382-4543. 94-Moblle Homes Pre 4th of July SALE on Camp and Travel TRAILERS 13 to 30' Deal now while the selection is best We carry a complete selection of trailer parts and accessories. W. B. ANDERSON TRAILERS SALES So. 97 Hiway 382-4661 NEW "IMPERIAL 500" -Mobile Home, Bend Built July 1st, Soon. Pioneer Trailer Pit & Sales 2280 N. Old Hwy. ONE USED 15 ft. trailer house. Used insulated sleeper. 1961 Cave Man Camper, 8 ft. Used heavy boat trailer. Used boat, trailer and motor. Cave Man Camper. Reed Lane, 382-6299. FOR SALE: Almost new Alpine 33 toot aeiuxe mooue nome. un location with 3 months rent. electricity and water paid. To tal price $5000. Can be readily unancea. sbz-isw). 95-Trucks, Trailers FOR SALE: One wheel trailer, custom canopy, $40. 382-0667. FOR SALE: 1961 GMC truck. tna. series 4000. Perfect condi tion. Saddle tanks. 14 ft. plat form, 5th wheel, vacuum brake pack, heater, radio, low mile age. Will trade. See at Antique Auto Museum. South 97, Bend, telephone 382-5177 evenings. 1956 GMC 1 ton. Stock ricks. Good condition. $1045. 536-2291 after 6:30 p.m. 1952 CHEVROLET V, ton pi up, 3 speed. $.195. See at Clau sen s Auto Center. 96-Auto Parts, Services COHVET ENGINE. 283. cam lifters, heads reworked. Re cently rebuilt. Best offer makes the rod. 382-4609. 100-Autoi for Sale 1958 CHEVROLET, '61 Pontiac engine. Trl-power floor shift. A-l condition. Best offer. 427 Portland Avenue. 1951 NASH Statesman, 4 door. Best offer. 612 E. 11th. 382-2308, after S p.m. 1 TON TRUCKS '61 DODGE 4 speed transmission, dual rear wheels, good rubber. Motor ust completely over hauled. '59 FORD i speed transmission. New rubber, dual rear wheels, custom maae stocK rack. '53 INTERNTL. 4 speed transmission, dual rear wheels. Equipped with stock rack. All PRICED TO SELL Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 E. Franklin 382-2222 AAA Wrecker Service Use Classification 100 to find your next car. SHOP EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Bob Thomas Invites you to shop tne uiv uoi evenings ana Sundays ... or at your own convenience, to look at the car you've .wanted. There are no salesmen on duty, no one to bother you . . . and you can look for the PRICE LABEL for all the Information on the particular car you want. The Price Label carries all the eaulDment. the total nrlce and the down payment and month-1 ly payments. So why don't you do your shop- U1IIK W 1111 IW n LUIlvllliCllli 1U1 you . . . ai ino - urw un on Greenwood. Over 50 USED CARS & TRUCKS BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E. Greenwood 382-6131 Across from Wagner's SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 1952 PLYMOUTH 2 door Subur ban station wagon. Radio, heat er, standard transmission. Runs real well. Only M95 DON'S USED CARS Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. 1963 TEMPEST Cpe. 1995 Heater & Defroster delivered in Bend Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 E. Franklin 382-2222 100-Autos BUSINESS i IS GOOD ROBBERSON FORD And this is only one example why! 1963 MERCURY Monterey- -2 door sedan Radio, heater, tinted windshield, 390 cu. in. Maurauder V8 engine, plus all the factory standard equipment. This unit Is a beautiful Cascade Blue. Government sticker price $3363.00 Robberson "Good Business Remember . $1 99.00 DOWN Bal. on easy 37Vi month plan ROBBERSON FORD SALES 424 E. Third St. 100-Autoi for Sale Repossession 1963 C0RVAN Panel Delivery -7,001 miles New truck warranty Pay 2 delinquent pay." ments and assume present 1 contract BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E. Greenwood 382-8131 Across from Wagner's Full factory equipped GMC V4 ton pickup Inc. S wheels & Urea - ' M995 ' delivered In Bend b Murray & Holt ;r; Motors, Inc. 181 E. Franklin 382-2221 VACATION SPECIALS 1959 Chev. pickup 11195. iaja wiuys sta. Wfn. .. SS95. 1950 Willys Sta. With. .. $250. 1955 Chev. Sta. Wan. .. S495. 1953 Plymouth Sta. Wfn. 1195. 1956 Pontiac 1495. 1951 Chev. 1 dr. H.T. . . $150. 1955 Plymouth 1 dr. H.T. S3B5. 1954 Dodge sedan 295. 1949 Ford sedan 150. 1952 Chrysler sedan 99.50 Green stamps, small deposit will noia. no money down en ap proved credit. See the New Ranchero-type Pickup at ... . FRANKS MOTORS -No. Highway 97 . .' FOR YOUR. . FAMILY 1959 International TravelAlI. 2 wheel drive with a 3 speed, this is an economy rig with not too many miles andready for you. .": ( WE HAVE a good selection of used Fords on hand right now if you are in the market for a. new Ford. From '5-'5. Coma seel DYER'S AUTO SERVICE 1, Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood VOLKSWAGEN' The lowest depractatinf cat (ft he warld. New letlant avail able In mast colon. . . Delivered in Band as low as IUU7.UU INCLUDES leatherette upholstery, heater, windshield washer, fum iia and blaclwall tires. " 7 The most dapandabfa and eeo- nomical ear on the road today, with full pwtt and . servica :I.LI- ..... Car Payment To HfgnT'.". i Trade that lata mede) used ear ; tor a new or used yelktwefen or for a clean elder American". car. , see mel a boi before : '-'f youiuyi MID-OREGON MOTORS, Ine EV2-3H3 Evenings Phone Mel Rogerson Bend 3I2-3I4 Bob Hostotler lend 31247V I ; Your Dealer VOLKSWAGEN . So. City Limit Bond, Oregon'' For Salt ic,$2997 382-4321