OUT OUR WAY ')J LIS,TEkl,VVART, YOU'VE WORK KWEit'W2EtiJH NS' 'J FOE WHAT VOU 5ET, WOT TRUST TO J JJT , V M LUCK' I SPEUTMYTIME ihSJ K THESE WILD FLOWERS, AM-VOO 1 VDU CCTHOSa -V WASTEP VOOK TIME LOOKlUa FOR L fZZfuJS I FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS IVE SOT " WILL BE IN NOT H OMETHIMSTOSHOWISlMyEFFORT3l (W3 gWE Jf ALU , V ANP ICUVE COT ALMOST klOTHIW, L THE TROUBLE OF r " rs, WHERE3 r v. pickiwakw y THE WOKE WART tl.v. STEVE CANYON DICK TRACY BEX MORGAN. M.D. MARY WORTH T rlizt Botbwr, that, at T (hahnl ) advane4 YOUTH 1 beauty... and to aa old drakB1 ven an DOLX D0CKUM3 sea adorable! ALLEY OOP , DROP THE BACTEEIA Fl-I SUPPOSE IN iJ KoPPO6.' X I EXPKTEP THATjl HAVE NO aWLAW" I fy" . I BOMB AND 4T0P ALL WE 4H0ULP VOTE FAVOR LOOKS AS ALL Of YOU MALE4 ABOUT PESTEOVINS -yWELL.VM HEABON THE NONSENSE.' T-- ON THIS... A1AJ0EITy SHOW IF YO) ARE 1 ONCE REAP BOYS' ANYTHING WHICH IS ' Ts'fiiy 1AC' wuv PgtTTiaX VI . V - COUNT MEANS WE I HANPS! OUTVOTED, I BOOKS ON WEST POINT WHAT I WOULD CO TO I fit) ABOUT TOP-LEVEL I fe 3ERM BOMB CX-As, rf -7MA'AM ! ANt ANNAPOUS-WITM ALL Of YOU, IP THIS 1 fjr II nKV-f- ( 00 TO vouR VOU NAUOHTV PEOPLE ) f TAKE ME T EASY, MISS." -n-" SjrtlNHAHD V LOOKOUT L WHO ARE VOU? J BACK TO MV I VOU'RE IN P LI'LABNER VOU WANT THE MOST f STAND BACKi' 1 MTtM-IESSOrASn. J- r8&&i?Z:t VOTMLESSTilNJ 7V HE'S GONNA -X I VO'CAINfTSEEEM.'.'-BUT t ' IN THE WORLD? BPLAIKI A J V TH'AIR'S FULL OPEM.7-SO EFT ClPp I UA.LT-.muKON.' uco I IONS l sit. I I tU-LApcTHf ' - 15 THAT ItUZHBfcTHo Y WIFE I V HONESTLY Xl h-v m-i rTTTTV ; l-i CAPTAIN EASY Km! -H TO THEM, dOLO WAS TEAKS WEPT BY THE I 1 RUWOR OP THI5 LED PIIARKO TOVj I l-OT77w ON TIPTOE HB T .77TUN,BAY. THEIR TEttPLSWAU WERE SHEET- LOOT CUZCO W I5JJ. HE CAPTURE V fTT?NW MACH WMB FEET1 La.TM itJ?Jfl&lK$'? "S f.ulJl1V the kins atahuaipa. who promub pWr-Jl wter the rawm HtSIMNJ?010 WEg W Tg'jap-llTl A ROOWj PULL OP GOLD . tf-i -kVjLl WA PAID, ATAH1JALFA WHAT ARE SURELY YOU KTT HAVE WEUJTS I fwToHLiME NONV .YOUR -JUSTW"! VOU DOING 1 TO AfiK THAT.' VOU MU6T T..NOTHINa PRETTY I POS J HI6HNE6S, I'M NOT U WR0M3 ONE OF IS IS I HERE?U KNOW I'D HAFT A SEEK PFRSOIAL, PERSONAL V SUCH A PAD FELLCW-.) V PRESENTLY WEARIN8 J TRAITOR? L YDU OUT, ONE PLACE I VAX) UNPtR- ) TO ME.. V R61- I'M THAT CROWN dLyAlL RK5HT JACK- N I ARE YOU LEGALLY J'l Thy aay lora effcan tart with 1 an urge to protect.. I don't know, J m;-" -V " 1 ietanM to OUR BOARDING HOUSE e3Ao,NUFpy;ME6T My coosin MICWA6L.PR0M CAP&TOWN, 50UTH APRICA WE TUE 60M OF MY LATE WEALTHY ON CLE 3ULID(?JTHI6 OUL. OF WHOM OLW& OFTEN WEARD M PEAK VOL TWO fellow -Townsmen -should KNOW EACH OTHER -"MAY HAP SOU HAVE MUTUAL, 3 .T , WHAT KIND OP MEANWHILE. unco nun LS THAT TWAT'-l FINP MR5.PLUTARIfN0W THAT ELIZABETHS WITH iuU, I LL DC TO5tfcHfcKIN draws as together, we eat talking twr for hour. . about A thousand USI I..TO J e.. thing. with MAJOR HOOPLE X STUMBLED WTO TH' PAY AH DIET IK! AOiTU AFRICA u N&AH C ONCE' -SAY IS-SUfc FINNS 6RO& 6H0P COM 6TILL. DISHINf EM ACROSS TH-gAR, T50WM OH KlVfiK MAJOR, WE'D STREET? AN' I'LL BETTER 6ETTHA Sou KtfoW, 6B . AW OLD PAL..-&IK CUCKlrt ra HU6ERT BUCKLER. THfe LOkD MAYOk Keep GUARD MIKE" AND, BY TH E WAYi I JUST HAD A CALL FROM LOLA LAR0C7 SHtt DEaDED 5HED , HOIffi lltlUHflVtTHE SVEV-FIVE ' OVER AVEKY THOUSAND TODAVf HAVE YOU BEEN ABIE I yt wi motioh Tilt TtLP i until IT Any move by Congress to override religious decision seems doomed By Charlotte C. Moultoo UPI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (UPD Any ef forts in Congress to override the Supreme Court ban on religious exercises in public schools ap peared doomed today despite sharp criticism of the ruling by some lawmakers. Congress and the state legisla tures could overrule the high court by enacting a constitutional amendment, but no one really expects they will do so. The Supreme Court, in a long awaited decision, ruled 8 to 1 Monday that use of the Lords Prayer or Bible reading in public schools for devotional purposes violated the First Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits governmental "establishment of religion." Justice Tom C. Clark wrote In the majority opinion that the government must maintain strict "neutrality" between man and the worship of God. He held that lau in Marvland and Pennsyl vania, which were challenged by parents of school children, violat-1 tiussia s vaieniuia lenaimuva, ed the neutrality doctrine. j the first female in space. Justice Stewart Dissented I Queen Elizabeth of Britain sent Justice Potter Stewart dissente-,' ' messaf to President Lee ed. as he did last year when the ; 'd Brezhnev conveying her very court ruled unconstitutional a 1 '" congratulations to the pio-state-written prayer in New York I neer cosmonette. schools. Stewart accused the ma- j In Amsterdam, Fanny Blakers- jority in Monday's decision of trampling on the constitutional guarantee that there shall be no governmental prohibition on the free exercise of religion. The new court decision brought angry reaction from some mem- bers of Congress and immediate moves to try to overturn it. Sev - eral such amendments were of - fered last year after the New York prayer ruling, but nothing came of them. If last year's reaction is a guide, it seems likely that mem bers of the House and Senate will fume publicly about the decision for several weeks, introduce pro posed constitutional amendments and then forget about it. To overturn the Supreme Court ruling, the First Amendment would have to be revised. This would require two-thirds approval of both the House and Senate and then ratification by three-fourths, or 38, of the 50 states. In addition, rewriting the First Amendment which provides for basic freedoms of speech, press, peaceful assembly and petition as well as religion, could be a most difficult task. Even if a serious effort were made to overrule the court's decision, this problem could derail it. . Church Reaction Split Church leaders were split In their reaction to the ruling. Sev eral hailed it as a step that might encourage more meaningful re ligious practice by individuals both at home and in then churches. But others criticized the decision. The Rev. Silas G. Kessler, mod erator, and the Rev. Eugene Car son Blake, stated clerk, of the Presbyterian church, said in a joint statement that "responsible Americans will abide by its deci sion in good grace." n rrr rro1oc"Uon I . . .1 1 1 . drive one picture is worth 1000 words Confucious said it . . . and we approve! This shot tells the big story here at Eddie's, where you get Chrysler Corporation's remarkable 5-year 50,000-mile Warranty on every brand new Dodge, Chrysler and Imperial! Own the car you know will stand up backed by the strongest, longest warranty ever offered! See Eddie now! EDDIE Wall a! Greenwood But Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, president of the World Methodist Council, said in Philadelphia that the ruling would "penalize the relieious people who are very definitely in the majority in the United States." In. Congress Sen. George D. Aiken, R-Vt., questioned whether the opening of the Senate and House sessions with a prayer would be legal. Rep. Richard L. Roudebush, R-Ind., said he would introduce a constitutional amend ment to circumvent the ruling. Women around world salute new champion LONDON (UPD Women around the world led the salutes j Monday to their new champion- j Koen, tne gom meaai - winning "flying housewife" of the 1948 , Olympics, said: j "Women can do great things just i as weU as men. That is nothing ! new. Of course, space was a man's i domain up to now and therefore n seems wonaenui ... i aamire ! that Russian girl. I think she i- : great. In Frankfurt, Germany, seam stress Emma Groth, 62, said "val entina has shown that women can do anything a man can do. She has proven that we women also I have the stuff of courage." In Copenhagen, television weath er girl Anne Jerichou said she wel comed the cosmonette's feat after the London scandal over Christine Keeler. "It looks as if Valentina is go ing to be the woman face-saver after the recent adventures of a more down-to-earth female," she said. Newspapers throughout Europe hailed the Soviet feat of placing a woman in orbit along with male cosmonaut Lt. Col. Valery F. By kovsky, 28. To the millions of underpriv ileged women of the world, she is a soaring symbol of feminine emancipation," said London Daily Express writer Chapman Pincher. HIT AND GALLOP NEW BERLIN, Wis. (UPD-Po-lice today were on the lookout for a "hit and run horse." Arthur Lambrecht, 58, told po lice he stopped his car when con fronted by two horses. He said one of the horses jumped on the hood of his auto and butted his head into the windshield, breaking it and showering Lambrecht and his wife with glass. The horse then climbed off the car and strolled off with its friend. t t SALES 4 SERVICE Bend -k 382-3561 .'value.. v fa fV .when you l, 1$$ 1H1 MO. to. TM. fc V Wrf . I'm convinced your Johnnv has fired paper wads while Jan Ward gets contract for laboratory work Jan Ward of Bend has been awarded the U.S. Forest Service contract for supplemental work at the new silviculture laboratory on Awbrey Heights. The principal contract item pro vides for the construction of a li brary - conference structure of ap proximately 1000 square feet. The architecture will be the same as for the main structure, work on which is well underway. The library - conference unit will be connected to the main lab oratory by a covered walk. Other contract items include paving of the access road and parking area, and construction of a controlled environment green house. Ward's bid for the work was $39,857. Other bidders included Leagjeld Construction Company, Bend, $45,516, and E. J. Cole Con struction Co., Portland, $46,57L The appropriation for the work was authorized under the Acceler ated Public Works Program. Work on the new project will start immediately, and is expect ed to be completed by the end of the year. Currently, the staff of the silviculture laboratory, headed by Carl Berntsen and with head quarters, hopes to occupy the new building sometime this fall. OFFICERS NAMED GRANTS PASS (UPI) Carl Devin of Nyssa has been elected president of the Oregon Teachers of Vocational Agriculture at a meeting here. Also elected were Max Smith, Harrisburg, vice president; Earl McCullom, Dallas, secretary; Kembel Tellefson, Hermiston, treasurer, and Marvin Robertson, Moro, editor. The Bulletin, Tuesday, Juna 18, 1963 CARNIVAL needs classes. Tuica hai I was FACING th class!! SEARCH GOES ON JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (UPD Rescue workers, guided by feeble cries for help dug today toward what may be the only survivor of a gold mine disaster near here. . . At least 13 bodies, including I those of two white men, have, been recovered from, the frqak ! rockfall at the 4,000-foot level of the Grootvlei Mine. At least seven other men were believed killed. One African had been heard crying for help, but rescuers said his cries were growing weaker by the hour. THE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .. RATE SCHEDULE 2 lines for 1 time only S1.2S ' 2 lines for 4 times only $1.75 : 2 lines for 8 times only $3.00 4 lines for 1 time only $1.75 . 4 lines for 4 times only $2.75 . 4 lines for 8 times only $4.75 6 lines for 1 time only $2.25 -6 lines for 4 times only $3.75 6 lines for 8 times onlv $6.50 THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month 1.59 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month 41 59 Three Months $4.00 Six Months S7.50 One Year S14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond 5484261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7739 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1003-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sundays and certain holidays by The Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. . LOST? Classified Ad INDEX To Buy. .Sell. .Trad Apartments Fnr Bant ... M AppllMncM-Fomtttire 31 Auction Sales hmhhim 33 Apartments Famished 6? Autos For Trade M Auto For Sale lW Baby Sitters Boats At Motors 41 Business Opportunities .. IB Bulldlnr Contractors 33 Card of Tbanka ....... B Contracts Don. Pets. ate. 43 Domestio Service . 13 Farmers Column ........... 41 Farms. Acres res . 78 Farm Machinery . M. Feeds Seeds 3ft Fuel, Coal. Hood. Oil e. e... ftfl Fuel Wanted 40 Funeral Directors 3 Funeral Notices .3 Funeral Services .. 4 Help Wanted. Female M lt Help Uanted n...H....e... If Help Wanted. Mala ee... IK Home For Rent e...nn...eM.. M Hnusekeeplnr Rooms .. AS Hou Trailers ..... M Instrurtlnn-Srhools U In Memorlam 4 Lecal Notices 1 Livestock .. 39 Lost A Foond MH.. ..... ltl Lots Build Lni? Sites ... TT Livestock Wanted 39 Loans 3A Machinery For Sals M Machinery Wanted 8B Masonic Notices ft Miscellaneous For Rtt 39 Miscellaneous For Sala . 3ft Money To Lnaa 3T Money Wanted 2 Mntorcycles For ! HiiH 14 Musical Instrument HH..e. 33 Nurslnjr Car H. 1 Pergonals 9 Poultry. Rabbits 43 Real Estate For Sala W Room Board H A3 Sales People. Areata in Serv1c Directory ,, H 3ft Situation Manted 33 Situation! Wanted, Femala H. 2A Situations Wanted. Mala HM 34 Spnrtsmans Column 43 wap Column 4 Trailer spaos ...,H Ml Tntrk-T ration M Wanted to Borrow . 4 nanb-d to Brty 41 Wntd to Rent HH SI Wanted, Room-Board 63 8-Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4785, or Redmond 548-3606. 10-Lost & Found WHITE GOLD solitaire diamond, ring, lost while shopping. Be ward. 3S2-4515. LOST BLACK Labrador piro. months, vicinitv of Butler Mar ket Road. 3S2-6944. FEMALE COLLIE, brown, white and black. Reward. 382- 6522. 12-Domestic Services WILL DO housework, ao babv. sitting evenings. 3S2-1706, 3S2-2806. tmrm