D ; j 80,323.90 , 235.63 1,949.39 $ 80,328.92 314.89 1,104.42 4,321.39 489.21 3,582.66 i ; 4,108.62 f 203.1S 4,232.40 376.26 3,475.33 3,736.32 9 340.08 4,173.64 , 4,210.79 9 99,359.20 9 98,119.39 f 28,128.77 9 26,224.90 ' 1,533.74 1,646.20 2,843.89 358.70 702.85 r '., 2,077.00 ' 1,802.44 74.31 f 40,094.94 9 8,480.00 192.85 106.90 30.00 f 4,778.15 9 22,111.90 5,000.00 17,792.80 959.16 480.00 1,174.29 490.00 3,302.02 20,760.53 8,000.00 1,200.00 936.61 9 74,313.91 9 13,765.00 8,873.57 5 15781 874 36 838.94 180.75 427.85 1,204.58 2,048.08 898.88 1,296.13 62.62 376.23 352.38 I $ 3,233.72 $ 4,300.20 1,660.07 147.98 9 39,546.72 9 8,489.00 177.91 129.50 330.00 2,612.70 9 9,739.11 9 17,918.10 4,000.00 17,673.79 530.04 480.00 674.77 ' 450.00 3,225.35 20,285.39 1,000.00 8,229.16 9 74,464.60 9 15,977.85 1,940.61 , 1,380.22 1,855.20 821 90 64935 813.82 506.77 9 91,600.98 ( 7,200.00) (63,504.00) (16,920.00) ( 3,976.98) 300.00 1,347.90 (600.00) (373.00) (219.00) (197.90) 5,083.20 (1,292.00) (2,100.00) (1,191.20) ( 500.00) 500.00 3,652.00 (2,500.00) ( 130.00) ( 922.00) ( 100.00) 4,096.71 ( 427.69) ( 190.46) ( 629.00) (1,987.36) (1,266.24) 500.00 (150.00) (200.00) ( 50.00) (100.00) 4,450.00 (3,000.00) 75.00) 175.00) 350.00) 750.00) 100.00) 9 24,269.00 9 2X005.11 9111,530.79 9 28,164.00 (10,032.00) ( 7,200.00) ( 3,900.00) ( 3,960.00) ( 3,072.00) 1,935.00 (800.00) (325.00) (250.00) (225.00) (335.00) 8,118.15 ( 30.00) ( 472.30) (7,102.40) ( 245.75) ( 265.90) 525.00 (200.00) (325.00) 2,500.00 ( 300.00) ( 300.00) ( 100.00) ( 100.00) (1,700.00) 2,100.00 (1,030.00) ( 750.00) ( 300.00) 1,350.00 800.00 656.75 (300.00) (356.75) 9 4,400.00 (4,200.00) ( 100.00) ( 100.00) 1,840.00 (1,000.00) ( 840.00) 140.00 (100.00) ( 40.00) 9 52,226.90 9 6,840.00 (5,220.00) (1,620.00) 200.00 130.00 330.00 (300.00) ( 30.00) 9 7,500.00 9 15,961.80 4,000.00 22,900.00 650.00 (400.00) ( 25.00) (125.00) (100.00) 480.00 1,235.52 ( 835.52) ( 400.00) 450.00 3,600.00 22,545.63 (12.707.38) ( 9.838.25) 3,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 200.00 6.608.64 (6.608 64) 9 15,131.59 9 18,801.22 (6,000.00) (4,909.21) (7,892.01) 1,590.00 (500.00) (600.00) (490.00) 3,340.00 (1,200 00) ( 500.00) ( 400.00) ( 200.00) ( 800.00) ( 240.00) 900 00 800.00 965.00 (900 00) ( 63.00) 625.00 25 00 9 26746.22 Fine DEPARTMENT Personal Service! a. Chief (1) b. Engineer! (12) c. Captains (3) d. Vacation Relief Material! & Supplies Capital Outlay a. Hose b. Small Tools c. Radios d. Miniphone e. Compressor It Cascade System t. Hose Reel Rewinds g. Fire Alarm System lit year h. Lot 14, Block 16, Bend Addition Equipment Operation It Repair a. Gas, Lube, Oil , b. Repair & Parts c. Radio Expense d. Maintenance of Alarm Buildings Maintenance It Repair House Services a. Utilities b. Janitor Supplies c. Heating , d. Furniture Maint. & Replacement Insurance a. Building . b. Equipment c. Liability d. Industrial e. Additional Units Retirement Fire Prevention It Education , a. Schools Tuition & Expenses b. Conventions It Dues c. All Other Pamphlets, Subscrip tions and film Rental d. Fire Prevention School Programs Volunteers a. Allowance b. Clothing Damage c. Merit Award d. Turnouts , e. Water Bills f. Emergency Fire Expense 992,015.00 ( 7,200.00) (63,504.00) (16,920.00) ( 4,391.00) 348.00 10,464.00 ( 611.00) ( 376.00) (1,000.00) ( 243.00) (4,650.00) (3,584.00) 5,087.00 (1,296.00) (2,100.00) (1,191.00) ( 500.00) 1,170.00 3,628.00 (2,594.00) ( 134.00) ( 800.00) ( 100.00) 4,066.00 ( 425.00) ( 100.00) ( 725.00) (1,550.00) (1,266.00) 9 500.00 (150.00) (200.00) (50.00) (100.00) 4,538.00 (3,000.00) 75.00) ( 175.00) ( 350.00) ( 838.00) ( 100.00) Total; 9121,816.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services 929,244.00 a. Manager (11,004.00) b. Recorder-Treasurer ( 7,200.00) c. Secretary ( 3,900.00) d. Bookkeeper ( 3,960.00) e. Clerk ( 3,180.00) Materials & Supplies 1,574.00 a. Forms (105.00) b. Stationery & Paper (325.00) c. Postage (350.00) d. Other Office Supplies (500.00) e. Multigraph Supplies (294.00) Capital Outlay 775.00 a. Transfer Files b. Dictating Equipment c. Accounting Machine d. Binder e. Adding Machine (165.00) f. Two 4 drawer Legal File Cabinets (180.00) g. Two Desks (430.00) Equipment Operation & Repair 625.00 a. Manager's Car (200.00) b. Office Machines (425.00) Buildings Maintenance & Repair 1,650.00 a. Clean It Redecorate (700.00) b. Furnace (400.00) c. Floors ( 50.00) d. Cleaning Walls e. Building Repair (500.00) House Services - 3,127.00 a. Utilities (1,041.00) b. Janitor It Supplies (1,286.00) c. Heat ( 800.00) Insurance 1,200.00 Lot Purchase for Resale . 500.00 Miscellaneous Expense 1.000.00 a. Meetings & Schools (300.00) b. Dues & Publications (350.00) c. City Manager Expenses (350.00) City Commission 9 4,700.00 a. Aiontmy tees (4,200.00) b. Special Requests ( 100.00) c. Commission Expense Lunches ( 300.00) Other ( 100.00) Election Budget & Audit 1,340.00 a. Elections (500.00) b. Auditor (840.00) Administrative Legal Costs 140.00 a. Advertising (100.00) b. Recording Fees ( 40.00) Totals LEGAL It JUDICAL Personal Services a. City Attorney b. Municipal Judge Materials It Supplies Legal Publications It Dues Codification of Ordinances Court Expense a. General b. Municipal Third Street Court Case a. Fees b. Liens 945,875.00 9 5,620.00 (4,000.00) (1,620.00) 200.00 130.00 2,500.00 475.00 (300.00) (175.00) 7,048.83 (1,250.00) (5,798.83) 915,973.83 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Library (18.7 of $48,778) 9 9,122.00 City Building Plans 800.00 Gilchrist Foot Bridge 1,000.00 Fire Hydrants 4,000.00 Street Lights ; 23,900.00 Civic Items 650.00 a. Swans, Ducks (400.00) b. Christmas J (25.00) c. Drinking Fountains (125.00) d. Flowers, Other Labor (100.00) fuDiic itest Rooms Conventions & Dues ' 1,252.00 a. League Dues ( 852.00) b. League & Other Conventions ( 400.00) Advertising 9 1,000.00 a. Deschutes County Advertising Com. ( 500.00) b. Chamber of Commerce Advertlsine ( 500.00) Switchboard Retirement Expense a. Retirement b. Social Security Emergency Band Civilian Defense Tri-County Department of Health Planning Commission Traffic Safety Employee Benefits a. Group Insurance Total! PARK DEPARTMENT Personal Services a. Superintendent , b. Assistant c. Part-Time Help Materials It Supplies a. Transportation b. Fertilizer c. Replacement Supplies Capital Outlay a. Drake It Pioneer Parks b. Sprinklers Piping c. Tool House Pioneer Park d. Fertiliser Spreader e. Airifier d. Concrete Bases e. Tables f. Columbia Psrk Lien Equipment Operation A Repair Buildings Maintenance Repair Services a. Utilities b. Janitor Supplies Insurance Incidental Tark Expense Total! 1,920.00 21,523.00 (11,000.00) (10,523.00) 3,500.00 3.000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 100.00 8.938.00 (8.538.00) 913,605.00 918,800.00 (6,000.00) (3,112.72) (7,887.28) 1.780.00 (600.00) (680.00) (500.00) 3.339.14 (1,300.00) ( 500.00) ( 200.00) ( 140 00) (1,199 14) 900 00 600.00 965 00 (900.00) ( 85.00) 625.00 25 00 234.54 9 89,081.79 9 234.54 9 69,807.12 5,003.38 4,228.12 4,544.40 1,662.10 914,934.14 6,249.22 314.57 2,408.77 9 2,539.04 444.53 9 90,585.68 9 15,558.05 2,494.00 794.70 307.79 1,446.82 648.40 1,093.25 213.52 11,139.48 4,108.05 138.48 9 37,942.54 9 2,104.57 5,490.70 4,547.41 9 12,142.68 9 6,258.40 800.03 819.54 913.01 104.00 800.00 9 9,692.91 9 22,557.17 334.00 1,358.80 711.81 9 258 68 3,272.44 5,715.79 257.12 2,438.02 9 2,537.56 $ 28,492.90 331.44 9 86,977.27 9 17,056.29 3,118.09 909.75 520.45 763.21 604.74 1,036.31 235.84 10,602.44 5,354.11 186.26 9 40,385.49 9 2,076.62 7,715.32 6,030.08 9 15,822.02 9 4,580.98 725.79 900.36 354.07 9 6,161.18 9 22,821.98 631.84 1,200.11 611.83 9 307.99 2,866.70 9 21,440.45 180.00 (180.00) 200.00 500.00 (250.00) (250.00) 125.00 50.00 45.00 9 1,100.00 9 78,110.60 ( 7,200.00) (32,824.80) (17,040.00) ( 5,833.80) ( 1,260.00) (11,052.00) ( 2,400.00) ( 500.00) 4,901.63 ( 800.00) ( 229.06) (1,283.50) ( 159.30) ( 880.00) ( 405.02) ( 420.75) ( 724.00) 4,240.93 ( 17.00) ( 138.73) (3,650.00) ( 29.20) ( 36.00) ( 195.00) ( 175.00) 5,159.01 (3,159.01) (2,000.00) 260.00 (260.00) 2,467.33 (1,230.63) ( 420.00) ( 315.00) ( 501.70) 9 2,578.72 (925.00) (900.00) (390.00) (363.72) 355.00 ( 65.00) (250.00) ( 40.00) 9 98,073.22 9 18,086.00 (6,600.00) (3,000.00) (3,336.00) (2,300.00) (2.850.00) 2,669.00 ( 525.00) ( 400.00) (1,744.00) 3,325.00 (1,625.00) (1,700.00) 650.00 650.00 (500.00) (150.00) 650.00 (450.00) (125.00) ( 75.00) 1,140.00 (250.00) (470.00) ( 20.00) (400.00) 400.00 12,093.06 (6,726.06) (1,000.00) (1,267.00) ( 400.00) (2,700.00) 3,720.00 (500.00) (1,400.00) (1,820.00) 200.00 9 43,583.06 9 2,000.00 6,000.00 9 8,000.00 9 5,460.00 (4,410.00) (1,050.00) 600.00 700.00 (300.00) (400.00) 590.00 (140.00) (150.00) (300.00) 150.00 9 7,500.00 9 20.107.20 (5.292.00) (5.292.00) (9,523.20) 679.00 ( 20.00) ( 659 00) 1,705.00 (1,025.00) ( 680.00) 1,111.80 (100.00) (350.00) (212.40) (449 40) 667.00 (320.00) (182.00) (165.00) 9 2.480.00 2,750.00 (1,700.00) ( 800.00) ( 250 00) 9 29,500.00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Personal Services 9 300.00 a. Secretary (300.00) Materials & Supplies 200.00 Planning Studies 3,000.00 a. Streets It Thoroughfares b. Annexation Studies Subscriptions at Dues 125.00 Publications 50.00 Travel & Meeting Expense 150.00 Total: 9 3,125.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Personal Services 9 83,286.00 a. Chief ( 7,200.00) b. Officers - 7 at $5,292.00; 1 at $5,304.00; (See Parking Meter Personal Services Item "c") (35,412.00) c. Sergeants -1 at $5,700.00 & 1 at $5,676.00 it 1 at $5,670.00 (17,046.00) d. Lieutenant ( 5,844.00) e. Dog Warden ( 1,260.00) f. Secretaries 1 at $3,780.00 It 2 at $3,636.00 (11,961.00) g. Reserves ( 3,524.00) h. Vacation ( 1,039.00) Materials It Supplies 6.046.00 a. Prisoners' Board It Expense ( 810.00) b. Jail Expense ( 276.00) c. Uniforms, Personal Equipment . (2,209.00) d. Photos, Fingerprints ( 167.00) e. Office Supplies ( 927.00) f. Pound Expense ( 439.00) g. Officers' Supplies ( 437.00) h. Radio ( 781.00) Capital Outlay 4,587.00 a. Badges b. Bicycle Expense ( 136.00) c. Police Cars (3,500.00) d. Flags, Rope , ( 30.00) e. Spotlight ( 45.00) f. Typewriter e, Verifax Copy Machine h. Scuba Diving Gear ( 876.00) Equipment - Operation It Repair 5,812.00 a. Gas, Oil, Lube (3,308.00) b. Repair It Parts (2,904.00) Buildings Maintenance & Repair 120.00 a. Maintenance (120.00) House Services 1,102.00 a. Utilities (602.00) b. Janitor & Supplies c. Heat d. Teletype (500.00) Insurance $ 2,984.00 a. Industrial Accident ( 925.00) b. Liability (1,000.00) c. Auto It Others ( 400.00) d. Retirement Units ( 659.00) Miscellaneous Expense 1,893.00 a. Conventions ( 78.00) b. Schools (1,785.00) c. Interviews ( 30.00) Total: $105,830.00 PUBLIC RECREATION DEPARTMENT Personal Services a. Director b. Assistants c. Secretary (34 of $3,636.) (Vt . Police) d. Supervisors e. Ball Field, Playgrounds Materials It Supplies a. Transportation b. Office c. Activities Capital Outlay a. Bag Check Swimming Pool b. Pickup Truck c. Icemaking Equipment ( d. Experimental Correctional Program ( Equipment - Operation It Repair Buildings - Maintenance & Repair a. Playgrounds b. Storage Shed c. Multi-Purpose Area - Utilites House Services a. Utilities - Phone b. Janitor & Supplies c. Heat Insurance 1.460.00 a. Industrial Accident (250.00) b. Liability (790.00) c. Equipment (20.00) d. Buildings (400.00) Conferences It School Expense 400.00 Swimming Pool 12,270.00 a. Salaries (6,870.00) b. Materials It Supplies (1,000.00) c Heat (1,300.00) d. Utilities ( 400.00) e. Maintenance (2,700.00) Baseball Parks 3,720.00 a. Materials It Supplies ( 500.00) b. Utilities (1,400.00) c. Maintenance It Repair (1,820.00) Sled Hills 100.OO $18,449.00 (6,600.00) (2,727.00) (6,272.00) (2,850.00) 2,769.00 ( 525.00) ( 400.00) (1,844.00) 2,325.00 (1,625.00) 200.00) 500.00) 650.00 920.00 (500.00) (150.00) (270.00) 528.00 (528.00) Totals: REFUNDS It CREDITS Gasoline Offset By Like Revenues Rural Fire District TOTALS: $43,591.00 $ 2,000.00 9,000.00 STREET DEPARTMENT Personal Services a. Labor - Dump b. Other Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay a. Resurfacing Bond Street b. Assistance in CA Projects c. Right-of-way Acquisition Equipment Operation It Repair a. Operation b. Repair Insurance a. Industrial Accident b. Liability c. Auto, Equipment, Buildings Vacation Expense Sewer Cleaning Equipment Telephone at Dump Totals: PARKING METER DEPARTMENT Personal Services a. Meter Man b. Traffic Officer (Motorcycle) c. Traffic Officers (See Police Department Personal Services Item b. Officers') Materials Ic Supplier a. Meter Supplies b. Enforcement Forms Capital Outlay a. Coin Sorter It Counter b. Cushman 3 wheel Cycle Equipment Operation & Repair a. Gas It Oil b. Maintenance It Repair e. Radio Service d. Meter Parts, Repair Insurance a. Industrial Accident b. Liability c. Equipment Meter Contracts Payable Traffic Improvement a. Painting Streets b. Street Signs c. Parking Lots $11,000.00 $ 5,450.00 (4,400.00) (1,050.00) 600.00 31.367.00 ( 5.000.00) (23,367.00) ( 3,000.00) 700.00 (300.00) (400.00) 590.00 (140.00) (150.00) (300.00) 150.00 143.00 $39,000.00 $17.205 00 (4.977.00) (5,292.00) (6,936.00) 755.00 055.00) 883.00 (100.00) (375.00) (41000) 625.00 (300.00) (160.00) (165 00) 9 3.480.00 3.050.00 (2,000.00) ( 600.00) ( 450 00) 10 The Bulletin, Wednesday, June M, 19d3. $100-afkket premiere due for 'Cleopafra' tonight NEW YORK UPI)-"Cleopa- 1" ih must costlv movie ever made, will barge onto Broadway tonight for a S100-a-ucKei wuim ,- that is pvnerted to at tract a New Year's Eve size mob to Times Square. Two tickets to 20th Century Fox's $37 million epic were being held for Elizabeth (Cleo) Taylor and Richard (Mark Anthony) Bur ton, romantic stars of the film, on screen and off. But latest re ports said they will remain togeth er in London where Burton is making a new movie. "That's good," said a police spokesman. "We'd have to de clare martial law if those two showed up." Neither Miss Taylor nor Burton has seen the completed master print of "Cleopatra," whose final editing was completed only last week nearly three years after filming began. Only writer director Joseph L. Mankiewicz and a half-dozen others have viewed the final version in its TOTALS: $26,000.00 (Continued on Page 11) Water softening device makers eye controversy By Jesse Bogu UPI Staff Writer NEW YORK (UPD Among the businessmen keeping close watch on the current hubbub over the effect of detergent use on the na tion's water, supply are the mak ers of water softening devices or water conditioners. Congressmen from some areas, particularly closely settled metro politan or suburban regions, have become vocal about the "sudsy" appearance of water in the home, from the necessary re-use of water supplies heavily laden with deter gent elements which do not de compose naturally. Bills have been introduced In the Congress to ban the sale of nondecomposable detergents. The present manufacturers of these are working to reduce the prob lem. Also, during the past week end, separate announcements were made by two groups of the development of "digestible" deter gent chemicals, which will break down through natural action. Continental Oil of Houston, working with Union Carbide, and Esso Research and Engineering Company, both told of progress In this field. Home water conditioning de vices do not take care of the re moval of detergent substances from water; they are designed for the treatment of mineral content, and about 42 states have a hard water supply. But their manufacturers feel that the debate over water sup plies now increasing in many parts of the nation will draw at tention to water as something not to be taken for granted; that housewives paying more attention to it will feel that they want a softer water, one with less min eral content than they may now be getting. Agencies seek hand grenades ASTORIA (UPD Law enforce ment agencies Tuesday sought 49 hand grenades, 24 of which were described as very dangerous, that were taken from nearby Camp Rilea. The theft was discovered during a routine inspection last weekend. The grenades and 420 rounds of 50-caliber machine gun ammuni tion were taken from an ammuni tion bunker at the National Guard camp. The .50-cahber ammunition was discovered in some brush not far away. Sheriff Carl Bondietti said 24 of the cannister-tvpe grenades were phosphorous grenades which he said would cause total casualty within a radius of about 50 feet and do severe damage for twice that distance. The other 25 gre nades were of the tear gas type. The grenades are about as big as a pint-sized can. The phosphor ous grenades have yellow bands around them and the others have red bands. The grenades are ig nited by pulling a string. Shirley slugs Mike Connolly HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Actress Shirley MacLaine said this week she "saw fit to express" herself, so she slugged columnist Mike Connolly. According to one report the ac tress walked into the offices of a movie trade magazine and spoke with Connolly, who invited her into his office. She refused and swung at him. Connolly ducked and Miss MacLaine swung again. The second try struck him on the shoulder and the third on the face. "He has repeatedly been inac curate In reporting my personal life and career," the 29-year-old star said later. "As a result, I saw fit to express myself." Connolly, who also was hit by Lana Turner's ex-husband. Fred May. three years ago, described the blow as "Just a love tap." four-hour. 11-minute entirety, a half hour longer than "Gone With The Wind." Record Crowd Expected Even though Rex (Caesar) Har rison will be the only star in at tendance, a record Broadway opening crowd was expected and a record police detail was as signed to the Times Square area. There will be 105 mounted and foot police, plus plainclothesmen and private detectives. More than 1,900 film Industry bigwigs, stage and screen stars, and celebrities from many walks of life have paid $25 to $100 apiece to charity to be the first to see the ambitious account of ancient history's immortal love triangle. The Will Rogers Memorial Hospi tal at Saranac Lake, N.Y., will get about half the $150,000 open ing box office. Gets TV-Radio Coverage The three major television net works will provide live and filmed coverage of the klieg-lighted scene outside the theater for millions of home viewers, and three radio networks will carry the event. Ad ditional millions abroad will share the razzle-dazzle via the Voice of America and the armed forces radio network. The film is expected to make or break 20th Century-Fox, which went $39.7 million in the red last year, and to affect the future of the entire television-beset movie industry. Every theatre marquee in Times Square will blink its lights for a minute at the 8 p.m., opening hour as a salute to Holly wood's most daring venture since "Ben Hur." Board moves to soothe hard feelings CORVALLIS (UPI) The State Board of Higher Education moved Tuesday to soothe fears and hard feelings touched off when the leg islature authorized the transfer of patients from the University of Oregon Tuberculosis Hospital at Portland to the State Tuberculosis Hospital at Salem. Chancellor Roy E. Lieuallen promised the physical transfer of the patients would come on a timetable based on their health and welfare. He promised "noth ing less than the best that can be provided." The board gave the Medical School responsibility for the move and indicated that a physician would be named administrator of the Salem hospital. That hospital fell under the board's control in a last-day compromise at the leg islature. Presidents of four schools pre dicted differing effects from the raising of tuition fees for out-of-state students. Administrator Winston Purvine of Oregon Technical Institute said he expected a substantial de crease in the number of out-of-state students. President Branford Millar of Portland State said the increase probably would have little effect on his enrollment, while Presidents Arthur S. Flem ming of Oregon and James Jen sen of Oregon State said it was too early to tell how it would af fect their schools. Lieuallen announced the stale system and its schools received $29,504,876 in gifts and grants in the 1961-63 biennium. Board members were told that the member schools were eliml nating many smaller classes to save money. Lieuallen reported a 14 per cent reduction in the num ber of classes having less than 10 students last year. The board also approved action taken a day earlier by its building committee. Quake rocks San Diego SAN DIEGO (UPI)-A strong earthquake, believed centered in Baja California, rocked the San Diego metropolitan area for seven minutes Tuesday. Seismologist Fred Robinson said the quake began at 8:24 a.m. PDT and built up to an intensity of 4-pIus within 15 seconds. He described the quake as "the strongest felt here in eignt years." Hundreds ot San Diego resiaenis felt the quake and flooded switch boards at newspapers, radio sta tions and police and sheriff! of fices with telephone calls. No ma jor damage was reported, but one grocery store reported canned goods were knocked off shelves. The temblor also was felt by residents throughout Imperial Val ley. Robinson said the quake ap parently was centered about 70 miles south of here "in the Baja California mountains or the ocean off the Baja California coast" FESTIVAL SET TILLAMOOK (UPI) The Tilla mook County June Dairy Month Festival will be held here June 21-23.