12 Foes of power appear set for WASHINGTON (UPI House "opnents of a Senate bill giving the Pacific Northwest preference of power produced from Columbia Stiver dams appeared set today to employ delaying tactics in an ef fort to kill the measure. Rep. Craig Hosmer, R-Calif.. for example, succeeded Wednesday in .delaying completion by the House Reclamation subcommittee on the administration bill which would pave the way for construction of transmission lines to carry power from the Pacific Northwest to Los Angles. Ho failed, however, in an effort to turn the hearing into a wide range probe of Interior Secretary " Stewart L. Udall's power policies. An effort by Hosmer to ques tion Udall on nuclear power plants was thwarted by objections from " liep. Jack Westland, R-Wash., one tof the sponsors of the bill to guar antee the Pacific Northwest first call on power generated at fed " eral dams in the area. Hosmer, who questioned Udall for about an hour, succeeded in prolonging the hearing beyond the time the committee could sit. Committee Chairman Walter Parts of Texas under water after storms By United Pratt International Heavy thunderstorms, high winds and tornadoes left parts of Texas torn and under water today. Rainstorms drubbed the wheat belt and fog shrouded highways across Pennsylvania and western New York. More than one inch of rain soaked the Oklahoma Panhandle and central South Dakota in six hours during the night. An estimated 10 inches of rain fell near Wellman, Tex., Thurs day night. U.S. 62 was under four feet of water between Wellman and Seagraves. Police helped some residents of Brownfield, Tex., from their homes when the deluge backed up .drains and flooded streets. Tlie Weather Bureau reported 7 "Inches of rainfall south of Abilene, Tex., and amounts ranging from 4'4 to 5 inches In Abilene itself. A tornado and 100 mile per hour winds hit the town of Balmorhea " - - in tar southwestern Texas inurs- any nigni. ine siorm upruuieu nearly all inimy poles, iwisien trees from the ground and left water standing 4 feet deep in some parts of the downtown area. A homo was unroofed and a drive- in movie screen was toppled, Showers also fell through the Pacific Northwest and In Florida Nearly one Inch of rain was re ported fn east central Florida. Fog extended from northeastern Ohio through Pennsylvania and Into western New York. Motorists travelling along tile shore of Lake Ontario in New York were warned of the treacherous fog after eight of the state's holiday highway fa talities occurred along a 70-mile stretch of U.S. 104. THUMB REPLACES CAR JOPLIN. Mo. (UPI) Robert E. Taylor, IS, and Dennis Raum, 17, of Gladbrook, Iowa, were col lared by police Wednesday for driving an unlicensed car officers considered unsafe because It had been rut off from the windows up, hnd no muffler, was in bad mechanical condition and the front door lay in the back seat. The boys said they had paid $23 for the car during an unsuc cessful job hunting trip. Police agreed to release them if they gold the car. The youths were paid an undis closed sum by a junk dealer and headed home hitchhiking. tc e ., 'srv A' , v& iwiau" " i ' ' '- ' . i i, . . -.-..-... MEG IN PENSIVE MOOD Britain's usually miling Princess hAtrqarei Is captured in a more serious, mature mood during a visit to the Air Force Station at Colfishall, in Norfolk. The Bulletin, Friday, May 31, 19631 preference plan delaying facfics Rogers, D-Tex., said he would seek unanimous consent for the committee to sit while the House was in session, but Hosmer and Rep. John P. Saylor, R-Pa., indi cated they would object. Hosmer repeated charges that Udall v. as seeking to gain control of the entire national power net work. After Hosmer had questioned Udall for about an hour, Rep. Har old T. Johnson, D-Calif., asked unanimous consent that each member be limited to 15 minutes. Hosmer demanded a vote, con tending that he should be allowed to continue because it dealt with "the future of American power and who's going to control it." After losing on a 74 vote, Hos mer protested that a quorum was not present. Rogers, who had not voted, rejected the protest be cause the required 12 mcmlwrs were present. Rep James A. Haley, D-Fla., at one point threatened to turn the hearing into a table-pounding shouting match when he demand ed that Udall tell how much a federal intcrtie would cost. "You don't seem to have any regard for coming here to tell the truth," he shouted when Udall re plied that he would testify on the cost figures before the Appropri ations Committee. Udall insisted repeatedly that the Interior Department already had authority under existing law to build the l,0fl0-milc intcrtie. But he said the bill before the com mittee was intended to meet "legitimate objections" in the Pa- cific Northwest by giving the area i iirsi can on eiw.-un.-iiy sw at federal dams in the area. tu-ii i.. i-u a .i, firj I of several proposed interconnec-1 tions should be built by the fed-! eral government, hut insisted that a $24 million budget request also would make it possible to negoti ate with private power companies for construction of other interties. Johnson urges racial accord GETTYSBURG, Pa. (UPI) Vice President Lyndon B. John son believes whites and Negroes mast work togethor to solve ra- cim leiiMuns ueciiuhe u is nui ollr rcsp(,ctive races which arc at stake it is our nation.' In a major address on race re- j latiora, Johnson Thursday urged! bolh races to resolvo their prcih- j loins within the law and "lead tho way through this moment of challenge and decision." ; ins memorial uny spoecn re- fleeted tlie administration s grow ing concern over racial conflicts. Johnson said there is ho other way out of the present crisis than for both sides to work together. One hundred years ago, the j slave was freed," he said. "One hundred years later, the Negro remains in bondage to the color of his skin. 'Tlie Negro today asks justice. We do not answer him we do not answer those who lie beneath this soil when we reply to the Negro by asking, "patience." It is empty to plead Uiat the solution to tlie dilemmas of the present rests on the hands of the clock. The solution is in our hands. Unless we arc willing to yield up our destiny of greatness among the civilizations of hist 017, Americans whit and Negro together must be alxtut the busi ness of resolving the challenge which confronts us now," Johnson said. Our nation found its soul in honor on these fields of Gettys burg one hundred years ago. We must not lose that soid in dis honor now on tlie fields of hate." 4 . a tA." 1 r I . Jf- . -- 1 I p . .- -i a.. -.J.lJ CHARLES D. HALL Hall stationed I in Nevada Special to Tha Bulletin FORT ROCK Charles D. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hall, Christmas Valley, has com pleted three months of basic training at Lackland, Texas and is now stationed with the U.S. Air Force at Nallis Base, Nevada. An Airman 3C he is assigned to the field of missile research. He is the first youth to enter the serv ice from the new Christmas Val ley community. Jimmy's wife got carried away on plans By Vernon Scotf UPI Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD (UPD- When Jimmy Durante returned from a hc pulled up jn fronl of his home an() discovcre( a catastrastroke. ... , , , j , j u His old homestead had been to ,,he, ,Srounf . , , " " ? " mg was the chimney and the swim min' pool," the Schnozz cried out, obviously still in shock. "You coulda knocked me over with a ton of feathers." Sure enough, Jimmy's home for more than 30 years in Bever ly Hills, had been demolished as thoroughly as Jimmy destroys pianos. "The first thing I do is looK up my wife Marge, and I say to her, 'Marge, what's going on here? 1 turn my back and look what happens! No house! And Marge tells me she can explain. But 1 still don't understand tlie explanation." Nose Knows Durante stroked his nose, more I from affection than out of con- temptation. It seemed to give him strength to continue his sloi y. "Before I left town Marge says wo ncef another bedroom in the ,u.s0 fr our baby, Cecelia Ali- cja wno ,s now two years old. I says okay. Knock down a couple walls and odd a bedroom.' "But she got carried away. With tlie help of some bulldozers ! my little Marge knocked down every w;,n jn ,)C j,,rt, she tells me it was impossible to extend to the back door without knock ing down the back of the house, "So I says, 'why didn't you extend to the front?' And she says, '"we couldn't extend to the front without knocking down the whole front of the house.' "It looks like they compromis ed and pulled down everything just to be sure there was enough space to add another room." Too Small Anyhow Jimmy buried his nose in a hot cup of tea, muttering something about Inkas and Dinks and Dos. His swing around the country in cluded an appearance on tlie Terry Como television show, prob ably h! the very moment his own video antenna was being dis mantled. "Maybe It's a good thing they tore down the house," Durante sighed. "After nil it was only a threc hedroom place. For a home in Beverly Hills that looks very had. To tell the truth, I used to hear my neighbors grumble about I having a house like that in such a nico community. FOG DELAYS FLIGHTS NEW YOKK (ITU Fog de layed at least 70 flights ill and out of Idlewild and ljiCuanlia airports Wednesday. The delays were expected to continue through out tho dav. THE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE 2 lines for 1 time only $125 2 lines for 4 times only SI 75 2 lines tor 8 times onlv $3.00 4 lines for 1 time onlv SI .75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.75 4 lines for 8 times onlv J4 75 6 lines for 1 time onlv $2.25 6 lines for 4 tinc only $3.75 8 lines for 8 times onlv Sti.50 THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month Six Mouths One Ye.ir . By Mail One Month Fhroe Months . $1 SO . $'.i 00 $18 U0 . $1 50 . -M.P0 s; .so S?x Moulin .. Jne Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens 447-7730 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sundays and certain holidays by The Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St.. Bend. Oregon. LOST? Classified Ad INDEX To Buy. .Sell. . .Trade ApfirtnwnU For Rent .... tltlluiiCfft-riiraiture ..... Auction Sales Aimrtmfnls Inmbhcd .... Autos For Tmde Autos For Kale Unity Sitters , S9 1IHI tl & .Motor Kusliiput Opportunities ... BuiUlint Onlrmlor ( 11 rd nf Tiiiink Ouilrut't a. IhiKS, I'ft. Ml Ifcimrslic STii-l Fn i inert Column Farms, Arrt?iii Fur in Mac hi in ry Frists A: JseriU Hid, l iml. Wood, Oil .... Fuel U Hilled Ftincr.il Directors Fitiifntl Nut !'$ Fiiiipml Service; Help U tinted. Femnle .... W 7H ..... Ill Ileln lmited Help Uiitih-d, Mule Illume Fur Kent Hmitekpetiinc Kuums Mi'iitp Tmllrr Inslrtictlnn-'-M-hools In Metnnriiim . IeiiI Notices ............. I'stock ....... Isttt & Frmnd Utts & HulMlnr Sites .... 1,1 vpfttuck tt a tiled ... a hlHIH Much hie ry For Sals Miirlilitery Hunted MitMinie. Notice MiseellimeuiiH Fur Rent a MNcelliineiMit For bale .. Money In jnn Money U anted a Motorcycle For Stile .... Musical Instruments Nnrtinr Cure ......... ... II ... a- Pergonals Poultry. HaW'tH lent Ettnle Fur Snle .... Kooni. Itotird Sii len reoplp, A sent . . Service Ul rectory Dilation tVnnted Situation, Hunted. Female mtion. Wanted, Mule .. sport tnnn Column ...... 43 4K , 60 sunp Column Trailer Space. ... ......... Trucks-Trailers ........ Hunted to Bnrrot? ........ Hauled to Ruy a H anle in Kent Hanted. Room -Bonn! 1-Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING . ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned executor of the estate of Louis Carmich ael, deceased, has filed his final account, and that the 24th da v of June, 1963, at the hour of 10 A.M. o clock in the District Courtroom of the County Court- nouse at ricna, JJescnutes Coun ty, Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing of objections, and all persons in terested in said estate are here by notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved and the estate settled and closed. Charlos Holey, Executor of the Estate of Louis Car- iiucnHel Charles E. Bnardman, Attorney for Executor 144-149-155-161-C INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of School District No. 1, Deschutes County, Ore- Bon, at the District Business Of fice, 221 Kansas. Bend. Oregon lor ine iouowuik: WATERPROOFING POR TION OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TUCK POINTING AND WA TERPROOFING PORTION OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM REROOFING THE AUDI TORIUM SECTION OF THOMPSON SCHOOL Bids will be received on or before 4:00 o'clock P.M. June 10. 1963. Bids will be ouencd at 8:00 o'clock P.M. and will be publicly read aloud. Specifications may be obtain ed from thp office of the Super intendent. 547 Wall Street. Hend. Oregon. bach bid shall be sealed and addressed to the Clerk of the School District and plainly marked. The District reserves the Hunt to accept or reject any or all bids and waive any informal ities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for opening thereof unless award ing ot the bids Is delayed ex ceeding thirty (301 days. Mrs. Irene Cothrcll, District Clerk School District No. 1, Bend, Oregon 144-149-C INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by tlie Clerk of School District No. 1. Deschutes County, Ore gon, at tlie District Business Of fice, 221 Kansas, Bend, Oregon lor 1 USED TRANSIT TYPE SCHOOL bi;s Bids will be received on or before 4:00 oclock P.M. June 10. 11163. Bids will be oH-ned at 8:00 oclock P.M. and wiU be puhliclv read aloud. Specifications may bo obtain ed from the office of tlie Super intendent, 547 Wall Street, Bend, Oreeon Each bid shall be sealed and addressed to the Clerk of the School District and plainly marked. Tlie District reserves the right to accent or reject any or all bids and waive any informali ties. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for opening thereof unless award ing of the bids is delayed ex ceeding thirty (30 days. Mrs. Irene Cothrcll, District Clerk School District No. 1. Bend. Oregon 144-14D-C SALE OF TIMBER WAUM SPRINGS INDIAN RESERVATION Scaled bids, in duplicate, on forms provided therefor, mark ed outside Bid for Timber, Boulder Creek Lor irinff Unit." addressed to the Superintendent ... in .-..M inss Indian Agencv, I Warm Springs. Orr-on, will be received unul 2:00 P M.. Pacific I nayhght Time. June 11, 11H13. for the purchase of timber on a tract within the Warm Springs Indian Reservation known as the Boulder Creek Logguis I mL The unit Includes approximate ly a.JJO acres, of which approxi mately 6,230 acres supporting merchantable timber stands are to be logged. The area to be log ged has a total estimated stand to be cut. which estimate is not guaranteed, of approximately 76,090.000 board feet of all species. The total volume to be cut consists of approximately 43,770,000 board feet of green ponderosa pine, 370,000 board feet of merchantable dead pon derosa pine, 24,160,000 board feet of green Douglas-fir, 190,- 000 board feet of merchantable dead Douglas-fir, 7,600,000 board feet of white fir and other species. Each bidder must state the price per thousand feet Scribner Decimal C log scale that will be paid for timber cut and scaled. No bid will be con sidered for less than $18.65 per thousand board feet for g r e e n ponderosa pine, $15.85 per thou sand Doard leel lor green Doug- las-fir, and $6.05 per thousand board feet for white fir and oth er species. The stumpage price for merchantable d-ad ponder osa pine and Douglas-fir shall always be 15 of the rate of the green stumpage. A deposit of forty thousand dollars ($40,000. 00) in the form of a certified cheek, cashier's check, bank draft, or postal money order drawn payable to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or in cash, must accompany each sealed bid. The deposit of the apparent high bidder, and of others who sub mit written requests to have their bids considered for accept ance will be retained pending acceptance or rejection of the bids. AU other deposits will be returned promptly following the opening and posting of bids. The deposit of the successful bidder will be applied as part of the purchase price of timber on this unit only, or retained as liqui dated damages il the bidder fails to execute the contract and furnish satisfactory bond for eighty thousand dollars ($80,- 000.00) within 60 days of the ac ceptance of his bid by the Com missioner, Bureau of Indian Af fairs. The right to waive techni cal defects and reject any and all bids is reserved. The con tract will specify that all desig nated timber shall be cut and paid for on or before December 31, 1968; construction of approx imately 8.2 miles of Class I road and reconstruction to Class II standards of approximately 1.9 miles of road be completed on or before December 31, 1964. The contract will also specify that at least 6.000,000 board feet shall be cut and paid for by December 31, 1963, and not less than 14,000,000 board feet each subsequent calendar year through 1968 and all other con tract obligations shall be met on or before December 31, 1969. Be fore bids are submitted, full in formation concerning the tim ber, the conditions of the sale and the submission of bids, should be obtained from the Superintendent, Warm Springs Indian Agency, Warm Springs, Oregon, or the Area Director, Bureau or Indirn Affairs, 1002 N.E. Holliday Street, Portland 8. Oregon: or the Commissioner. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Wash ington 25, D.C. Dated this 29th day of March. 1963. at Washing ton. 25, D.C., John O. Crow, Dep uty commissioner ot Indian Af fairs. 114-126-138-149-C 8-SpeclaI Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780, or Redmond 548-3606. 10-Lost & Found LOST BILLFOLD Paulina lake. Reward. 382-4536. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 17-Help Wanted EARN EXTRA cash and family clothes, in spare time, selling BeeUne Fashions on party plan. Car necessary. Write Wiima Robertson, 3120 Stark Street, Eugene, Ore. IF YOU have never sold you are missing good earnings and good education. Have fast mov ing product. No comoetition. top sales training in U.S. (not door to door). Try it full or part time. Also need manager for Central Oregon. J. L. Hen derson, 1310 Shady Lane, Al bany, Oregon. PART-TIME delivery help to assist Fuller Brush Dealer. Own car, free to work Thurs day and Fndav p.m. and Sat. urdays. Call 382-3610. 18-Help Wanted Male MAN TO pickup and deliver or. ders. Must be neat appearing, have dependable ear. $100 week to start, if qualified. Write Box 5.UA, The .Bulletin for inter view. 19-Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED NURSES aid needed at Sunset Home. Call 382-5531 or 382-6261. NEAT MATURE woman to live in. for light housework, some telephone answering for real estate office. Full charge of home. Wages open to right partv. Fairfax 7-2253 or write Box 105, Jefferson, Oregon. 20-Service Directory PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates. Anderson 382-2043. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Marilyn Bull EV 2-0268 INVISIBLE Re-weaving. Burns tears and moth holes disap pear when they are rewoven. All fabrics and upholstery. Fair firices. prompt service. Bever y Cook. 675 Innes Lane. 382- 1948. LANDSCAPING Lawns, flower beds, retaining walls, garden pools, carports. patios, lences. ir-ze worK. cas cade Landscaping, EV 2-3493 WHERE YOU can buy mattress es at wholesale prices. Daven--ort Mattress $c Upholstery Co.. 1164 Harriman, 382-3320. Just back of courthouse. ELECTRIC HEATING Complete electric heating serv ice. Installation and repairs. Anv mike electnc heater. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. 382-2821 LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 'Tlnn to Finished Product" Hish Mt. Workshop EV 2-63S1 20-Service Directory PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Liv. Ing Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting. Also Commercial. Harper 382-4692 FURNITURE REFINISHING Work guaranteed. 548-2511. ALTERATIONS, Sewing, fab- brics, notions. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wednesday. Edna's Sew Shop, 431 S. 3rd. 382-3592. MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. EV 2-5312. PAINTING Pickups $35.00 Clean ud iob Enamel 438 Heyburn 382-4692 SPRAYING Weed and grass control. Li censed. Cheney, 382-0277. WHEN SPRING has sprung and grass has riz. this is where your painter is. Crozier. Bend. EV 2-6199. EXPERT TV & Radio Repair Service Call only $3.50 Jim's TV Service 382-3027 Lawnmower Sharpening Reel or rotary. New latest mo del precision grinder. Call 382 3170 for free pickup and de livery within 5 miles of Bend. W. A. Higgins. 1707 W. 1st WOMEN'S AND Men's altera tions, tailoring. Reasonable rates. Brenda Hall. EV 2-6887. CUSTOM WOOD WORKING, pine, fir, birch kitchens, picture win dows, doors, buiit-ins. Call 382 3166. CABINET WORK Free planning service. Guaran teed work, fair prices. S i d Hendricks, 147 E. Revere, 382 6770. IRONING DONE in my home, also baby sitting. Very reason able. 382-6747. 22-Building Sup.-Cont. Long's Bargains 215 lb comp. roof. $7.60 235 lb comp. roof. $8.60 Painted shakes wu $11.45 Redwd siding $148, $16?. Asbestos siding $16.95 sq. Plywd siding 4x8, 4x9, 4x10, Salv roofing $8.50, $8.95 US Stormseal roof. $11.00 4-V Roofing any length Nails per keg $9.50 up Septic tanks $44.50, $59.50 4 orangeburg 28c, 3Zc tt. 5" bathtubs wtrim $54.95 Quality toilets wseat $26.95 20x18 basins wtrim $19.50 Dbla kit. sinks $39.95 Water heaters $36.95 up Pipe-galv, plastic, copper 4" cast soil pipe 74c ft. I00,s alum windows in stock Patio drs wscreen $69.50 Birch, mahog., glass doors Quality garage drs $49.50 All elee panels, bases, etc. Basebd heaters $16.50 to $31. Elee wall heaters $15.40. $26.95 Paints $1.95 to $4.95 gal. 34" fireplace HEATFORM $65.50 Vinyl Asbestos fir tile 10c Corrug fiberglass panel 25c Genuine FORMICA 59c sq ft Fresh cement per sack $1.45 Reinforce rod 20' 60c, $1.08 Concrete mesh 7'x200' $26.75 Poly vapor film 4" to 40' le Ceiling tile plain, acoustical Chapwd $1.49, $1.80, $2.50 Plasterbd $1.45, $1.70, $2.05 4x8 prefinish paneling $3.45 3 4x8 "A" 2 side birch 38e Insulation, loose and blanket Plywd sheathing all kinds Cheap Orchard, step, exten. ladders Cedar shingles & roof shakes C. G. Long & Son Salem, Oregon I M. North of Keiier Phone 364-0161 NOW IN STOCK AT MILLER'S , . the seven most popu lar patterns in America's most popular counter top material! Here now for you to see and select from is FORMICA . . . the plastic laminate you'll want for your kitchen or bathroom counters! Choose any of our 7 most popular patterns. Stan dard sizes. Now only 75c per sq. ft. 80c for any patterns not in stock! MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard 1 Greenwood 382-4301 26-Loans TRADING CARS For friendly, personal financing see us for a convenient , AUTO LOAN Just Dial .3S2-2433 NORTHWEST FINANCE CO. 817 So. 3rd. 382-2433 30-Miscellaneous for Sale WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. PARTIALLY Silver - mounted form fitter seddle. Will trade for 16-inch men's saddle. 382 2778 after 6 p.m. CARPETS A fright? Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. It's marvelous. Mas terson St. Clair Hdw. 30-Miscellaneous for Sale TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, excava tions. 382-5161. PORK LOWER aeain: Vz or whole, 33c lb. Cut to order free. We smoke your ham and ba con too. 14 beef 41c to 51c lb. Freezers, all sizes. 10 year warranty. Get the best for less. All locally financed. Uidstate Meat Co., 382-3651. TWO YEAR old Allen cash reg ister. Cost $750, sell for $475. 842 Wall. RED CRUSHED cinders, top sou, tiu oirt, bulldozing. 382 2499. 3.000 GALLON metal water tank. Good condition. Also 30 foot tower. Robert Zitek, Cres cent. 433-9208. OR TRADE. 36-inch band saw with 6 saws. D. L. Stevenson, Box 902. Bend. Garden Mark LAWNM0WERS Now in stock 2H h p. Briggs & Stratton engine This work-saving 20-in. rotary has many extra features, in cluding built-in safety features, and is self-propelled. 69.88 Immediate delivery MONTGOMERY WARD 1032 Bond Street 382-5521 30 Miscellaneous for Sale SAVE MORE MONEY on your grocery bill at BEND SALVAGE Kerr Canning Jars-all with lids wholesale Regular Pint Jars $1 30 Wide Mouth Pint Jars SI 49 Regular Quarts $1.54 Vz gallon jars $1.99 CnsS?i Un s8-29 cs $8.20 per case No. 1 Potatoes-10 lbs Hills-Dalo Ppai-hc91i .. Blue Lake Green Beans'tin'""!.'.'.'";;;.."::".:":"" 4$L00 uiuc uac -ui uieen oeans-jiM un 329c Blue Lake French Style or Whole Green Beans '. 225c Campbell's Vegetable Beef & Chicken Noodle Soup-26 or ... 35c Campbell's Vegetable Soup-26 oz 30c Flav-R-Pac Apple Sauce-303 tin s3Se Mazola Oil-1 qt. bottle eoc Armstrong One-Step Floor Care-22 oz 7ic Aer-O-Wax Self-polishing Floor Wax-1 gal .'."""$1 99 White King Liquid Detergent-Giant Size 790 Bisquick-60 oz ; . ' 57e Betty Crocker Pancake Mix-10 98c Hood River Combo Fruit Drink-46 oz " 259o White Latex $3,50 gai. Many many more items at Similar Reductions BEND SALVAGE COMPANY Open 9 to 9 6 days a week-Closed Sundays ' Located across from Bend Drive-In Theater Sign 31-Appliances, Furniture FOR SALE: Norge electric range, $25. Phone 382-5126. LATE MODEL 12 cu. ft. chest type freezer. Excellent condi tion. Reconditioned and guar anteed Only $7.50 per month OAC. $129.50. Oregon Equip ment Company, 165 E. Green wood BARGAIN TREE Everything New k Osed Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Tradel J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st Just 3 blks. 382-2202 No. Pioneer Park 31-Appliances, Furniture SINGER FLOOR MODEL' DEMONSTRATOR SALE Beautiful STYLE-0-MATIC Automatic machine TX $129.50 Brand New SPARTAN ZIG-ZAG CONSOLE Rugged, dependable machine by Singer. Do decorative applique and tucks, sew a sturdy patch, put clastic in so it stays. The Vassar Console gives you convenient storage and sewing area. Beautifully styled and finished in blonde or walnut. $40 Many other floor models and demonstrators (some one bave up to OTVTrTCD SEWING 12G Minnesota Ave. 32-Musical Instruments The Finest MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Manufactured are available for SUMMER SCHOOL COURSE BAND RENTAL "Olds-Conn-Selmer" Complete summer session rent.il on anv band instrument only $10. Includes music stand, reeds, oil, etc., and becinner's fundamental private lesson. AMERICAN MUSIC Company 929 Wall St. 382-1393 30-Miscellaneous for Sale TWENTY INCH rock saw, gas stove, refrigerator, camper for pickup. 382-3037. LAWNMOWER SALE CONTINUES with PRICES CUT EVEN FURTHER Jacobsen-Homko-Sunbeam Rotary-Reel-Electric from . . , 59.95 R0T0TILLER Reg. $144.50 Now Only 1 10.00 Shop Westside Hardware, th place to buy all your lawn and garden supplies, with a com plete Scotts Lawn Care Center. Free expert advice too ... . WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston 382-4341 Open Dally 8 to 8 Sundays from 9 to 2 S&H Green Stamps Always Our Pric $1.20 doz. $1.35 doz. $1.40 doz. $1.50 doz. 69c ea. 35a 4$1.00 31-Appliances, Furniture FOR SALE: double mattress and box spring $15. Formica top table and 4 chairs $25. 382 1083 or see at Bend Trailer Park. Inquire at house. ANTIQUE TYPE twin size bed. complete $90. Singer dressmak ing machine $55. Three piece reupholstered living room suite $150. DAVENPORT MAT TRESS & UPHOLSTERY CO., 1164 Harriman, 382-3320. Just back of courthouse. COMBINATION Electric range and trash burner. Full price $39.95, terms. Ken Cale Hard ware. STILL SOME good buys in re conditioned TV sets. Take vour choice at $49.95, terms. Sen Cale Hardware. OFF of a kind) 1 kind) 50 $1 CENTER 3S2-38S2 1 32-Musical Instilments UPRIGHT PIANO, good condi tion. $125. 382-6889. CULBRANSEN Organs are the most for the least! Hem mingson Piano It Organ Serv ice, Museum Bldg., So. 97, call 382-5177. 40-Farmer's Column GOOD VAC Case tractor, cheap. Also two (ABSi springer Hoi. stein heifers 382-1801. HAY: alfalfa. 175 standing. 382-0713. acres sell SADDLES New, lightweight EV 2-0646 IRRIGATED Pasture tnr rent. Almost new saddle for sale. 382-5474 alter 5:30 p.m.