12 The Bulletin, Wednesday, May 29, 1963 t)-:.f.i;J -ii'irTiirni'r if ' 'Mmr i " HUP, TWO-OUCH It's ' . leng, fight-lippad march for " b'ron twirler Janat Barry in ' Monro, Wit. (Nota the bandaged knee.) Garden club installs officers Installation of new officer, rec ognition of officers who served in ' Die past year and a program on ,. petunias highlighted the meeting , of the Bend Garden Club, last Friday afternoon at the VFW Hall. The meeting and the pro ' gram followed a potluck luncheon. y The new officers are: Mrs. ' George McQuinn, president; Mrs. 'J Del Mattson, ice president; Mrs. S. V. Patterson, secretary. " and Mrs. Carl, Binder, treasurer. Mrs. Richard McKenzlc of Prinevllle, district president, was installing officer. She was ono of seven women present from Crook County. Others were Mrs. Charles Kelsoe, Mrs. Daisy Harlen, Mrs. Goldie Stover, Mrs. Ruby Clay- ; poolo and Mrs. Helen Peterson, all members of the Ochoco Gar den Club, and Mrs. Homer Mul king from the Crook County Gar den Club, of which Mrs. McKen- lie is a member. Twenty - four members of the Bend club were present. - Mrs. W. F. McFaddcn, past president, and Mrs. McQuinn, arc the official delegates, by virtue of their offices, to the state conven tion, to be held June 24-26 in Port land. Mrs. Marvin Eaton and Mrs. Rudy Rradcr were elected as al ternates. Mrs. Sam Thompson was nam ed to prepare a floral decoration to represent the district at the con vention. This responsibility alter nates among clubs of the district Mrs. McKaddcn presented gifts to Mrs. McQuinn, tlie r e t i r i n g vlea - president; Mrs. H. II. Hugh Itt, past treasurer; Mrs. Bca Wil cox, telephone chairman, and Mrs. Clara Peterson, publicity chairman. She gave all the mem bers automatic pencils. A gift from the club was presented to Mrs. Mo- ' Faddcn by Mrs. McQuinn. R. K. Thomas was the guest speaker. In k e e pi n g with the club's "petunia trail" project, he discussed types of plants suitable for use, suggesting that seedlings should be started In a greenhouse and transplanted when weather permits. Petunias should bo thor oughly watered before transplant ing, be said, to protect the fine roots, and frequent watering dur ing the growing season was rec ommended. Among varieties Tec- 1 ommendrd were the comet, glit ters, satellite, Comanche and bin- Peace rosebushes were present- . ad to Mrs. Nellie Hayman and - Mrs. Brader, who were hospital bed recently. .to please any cat all f una ' Ifver'nmeat chicken fish meaty mix kidney 'n meat Prineville area due for DDD Special The Bulletin PRINEVILLE Direct dis tance dialing will come to Prine ville and surrounding communi ties on June 2, at 12:01 a.m., ac cording to announcements mailed this week to telephone subscribers of the area. Specific communities to have the new telephone service are, be sides Prineville, Madras, Mitchell, Paulina and Spray. Small brochures mailed to sub scribers described in detail the technique for direct dialing. Some subscribers here said they plan to keep the directions by the tele phone until the system becomes familiar. SAFETY EXPERT FINED READING, England (UPI) -Traffic Policeman George O'Dell, who doubles as a lecturer in road safety, was fined $14 Tues day for careless driving in his police car. Municipal court cases reported A bail bond forfeiture of $152.50 collected from Dennis Eugene Harrington, 212 Irving, was the largest assessment received in municipal court Monday. He was charged with driving while his li cense was suspended. Othsrs forfeiting bail and not appearing in court were Jerry Darrell, Burns, $20 and court costs for a basic rule violation, and Donald Edward Wilson, Med ford, $10 and costs for disobeying a traffic signal. Two motorists appeared in c 0 ur t to pay traffic violation fines. They were John Timothy Schulke, 430 E. Tenth, $15 and costs for excessive vehicle noise, and Andrew F. Olsen, 237 Flor ida, ?5 and costs for a prohibited reverse turn. Four others paid fines for over time parking: Vera Kenneth Dick erson, Riverview Trailer Park, Bend, $10 and costs; and $2 plus costs each for James Self, 1355 Federal; Mary Luna, 745 Dela ware, and B. R. Kloepper, 1104 Portland Avenue. William Charles Eby, 344 Dell Lane, a minor, was sentenced to five hours labor in the municipal parks, plus court costs, for driv ing without an operator's license. Dismissed trom court was a charge of driving without an oper ator's license, against Dennis Eu gene Harrington, 212 Irving. Found not guilty of operating a motor vehicle while under the in fluence of intoxicating liquor was Allen Reid Bigler, Portland. PUPILS AID PEACE KANSAS CITY. Mo. (UPI) -Five hundred thousand elemen tary and high school students have become personal diplomats for their nations during the past school year, reports Peope-to-People. That's the number of youngsters in 47 states and 60 foreign coun tries who are participating in the organization's School and Class room Program which matches classrooms in the United States with counterparts aboard. The classes exchange letters, scrap books, tape recordings and school projects. Bend artist's work displayed Work of a Bend artist, Pat Win ters tC inilnrlul in tha nurront H. hibit by the Oregon Amateur Wa ter ulor Society, at tne uescnuies C.nuntv T.ihrarv Th lil In of her picture selected for the show is Elue Mountain Gold Dredge." Thirty-two watercolors are in tha rnllpfinn whirh uili hanfi until June 4. It was put in place Monday evening by members of the Sagebrushers Art Society. iwenty-two Oregon anisis are rttnrcGnntaA In iho chnwinp. Most of tha pictures have nature sub iecta. with landscarjes and sea scapes well represented. There are also several reprocucuuns ui interesting buildings and bridges. The exhibit came here from Burns, and will go from here to Florence, on the Oregon coast. EXPECT SIXTH CHILD HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Come dian Jerry Lewis and his wife, Patty, announced Tuesday uiey are expecting a baby in January. The Lewises have five other chil dren, all boys. New worthy matron, patron set by lodge Mrs. R. L. Martin and Clinton E. Haugcberg are the new worthy matron and worthy patron of the Bend chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Davis will be. associates. The election was held at the regular session Monday evening at the Masonic Temple. Other elective officers for the 1963-64 year are Mrs. Ralph Bailey, con ductress; Mrs. Earl Roarig, as sociate conductress; Mrs. Lottie Gates, secretary, and Mrs. Douglas Cook, treasurer. An addenda was given in honor of Mrs. Maurice Lyons, who will be a grand page at the grand ses sion June 3-6 in Portland. Others who will attend from the local chapter are Mrs. Mary Lou Mc Williams, retiring worthy ma tron; Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Stanley Chapman, Mrs. Ernest Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey . and Mr. and Mrs. Haugeberg. Installation of grand officers will be Thursday evening, June 6, at the Portland session. A char tered bus will leave from Bend that day, at 1 p.m., to return im mediately following the installa tion. The ceremony is open to the public. Members and friends who wish to make the bus trip are to make reservations with Mrs, Chapman, 382-5226, or Mrs. Mar tin, 382-2755. SUNRISE BAKERY Prices Effective Friday & Saturday at Retail Store In Band German Chocolate Small CAKE J Large 79 WEEKEND SPECIALS NOW AVAILABLE AT K and R MARKET, Madras -ERICKSON'S MARKET, Prineville.- CONGRESS THRIFTWAY moiialBai) Open Memoria Day o) 0) TENDER FRYERS "JUMBO SIZE" Fresh Frosted Cut-Up Pan Ready All Prices Good Through June 2 Van Camp PORK & BEANS No. 2 Can 1 00 Big 52-oi. Can 39c 2-lb. 5-oz. Average EACH Fresh Local A A LARGE EGGS w -STEAK SALE- Grade Choice "Bar-B-Q Specials" T-B0NES eiDinm Tin ROASTS JIIXLUIH I IT lb 98 OR STEAKS lb. u TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Boneless 3b 1.19 FULL CUT ROUND STEAK : . ib 69c SWIFT'S WIENERS Delicious Premium Skinless "Special Mail-In Offer On Free Fish Lures" Mb. Pkg. 49 MELLORINE ICE CREAM RIPE OLIVES 41.00 0) 0 1-lb. Deumak MARSHMALL0WS . 4l-i. Stelnf aid's Rap. or Kother DILL PICKLES , tVt Soflln White or Aut. ' PAPER NAPKINS . 325' 11-ot. Halnt Hot Dog, Swael 10 or HAMBURGER RELL 29c ll-oi. Open Pit BAR-B-Q SAUCE 49c 9 -or. French's Creamy SALAD MUSTARD 19c ill )(flj ; !i inSI ; i rujruj I 95c uzs & j vu vwvyi4i anasia v s U ij.,rt...-.-;-h.VK(Jfc,,.ivvi, tititMit.'?' DARIGOLD BUTTER J4 Potaito Chips S L FROZEN SPECIALS! Picnic Lemonade Shurfraih ORANGE JUICE Flav-R-Fac GRAPE JUICE 6-oi. Tin 10 2 6 01. ,-QC Tins J 7 61.00 dflmielnieeiiii meat""" Wlhinp Salad Dressing Quart Tastewtll Quart American Olive Pimento or Pimento 3 4 - f COFFEE MJ.B. Mb. Tin 59 2-lb. Tin-1.17 YUBAN 69c 2-lb. Tin -1.37 Mb. Tin INSTANT SANKA 29 8-oz. ' Jar 1 Cliffchar-Charceal BRIQUETS 10-lbs. 20-lbs. 69c 1.29 Gril-Llta Charcaal LIGHTER FLUID Qt. cqc Can37 Congress Thsriftvay Mkt J We reserve the right to limit quantities 210 Congress EV 24711 O Watch for Congress Thriftway FIRST-0F-THE WEEK bargains every MONDAY in the Bulletin! LETTUCE Firm, Crisp Heads ea. 10 C TOMATOES lb. Red Ripe 15" "5? -s; r. t KX flfl CUCUMBERS 2for15c STRAWBERRIES Ripe and Tasty NEW POTATOES White Shafters I039 CANTALOUPES Thick Meated ea. 19