CALL 382-1811 CALL 382-1811 Turn Storage Goods Into Cash With Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin, Tuesday, May 14-Moving. Trkng. Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 17-Help Wanted NATIONAL Real Estate Co. needs salesman, experience unnecessary, we will train. Ooenincs In Central and East ern Oregon. Si Sorenson, Dis trict Sales Manager, United Farm Agency, P.O. Box 224, Hood River, Oregon, BOOKKEEPER - Secretary for one employe office. Able to meet public and make govern ment ana company reports. Must be over 25 years old and experienced. Mrs. Fergusen, 888 Hill Street. EARN EXTRA cash and family clothes, in spare time, selling Beeune Fashions on party plan. Car necessary. Write Wilma Robertson, 3120 Stark Street, Eugene, Ore. 19-Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED NURSES a i d needed at Sunset Home. Call 382-5531 or 382-6261. HOUSEKEEPER for summer homo near Sisters, Oregon, through October. All modern housekeeping and cooking equipment. No children. Write Box 2111, Portland or 549-2522 Sisters or Box 12, Sisters, Ore WOMAN FOR general house work, half days, 5 days a week. Must nave iransporwuon. Phone 382-3206. 20-Service Directory PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates.' Anderson 382-2043. vTAWi.r.V HOME PRODUCTS Marilyn Bull EV 2-0268 imictrt.v. Rp-wpavmff. Burns, tears and moth holes disap pear when they are rewoven. All fabrics and upholstery. Fair prices, prompt service. Bever tv rnnlc 675 Innes Lane. 382- 1948. APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS. DRYERS. FREEZ ERS, REFERS. WATER HEATERS. FURNACES. All MIKES' ELECTRIC 382-5312 PAINTING KITCHEN S45. Liv. ins Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting Alort rftmmpppial. Warner 382-4692 WHERE YOU can buy mattress nf whole&ale Diices. Daven. port Mattress & Upholstery Co.. 1164 Harriman. isi-mv Just back of courthouse. FURNITURE REFINISHING Work guaranteed. 548-2511, ALTERATIONS. Sewing, fab- t.fic nntinnc 0 a.m. to 6 P.m, Closed Wednesday. Edna"s Sew Shop. 431 S. 3rd, 382-3592. PAINTING Pickups $35.00 m . ,.n 4nh F.namel inn Hevburn 382-4692 HAND SAW and skill saw til ing, 382-2816. CPHAVING Weed and grass control, censed. Ch?ney, JSmj WHEN SPRING has sprung and grass has riz. this is where your painter is. Crozier. Bend. EV 2-6199. EXPERT TV & Radio Repair Service tau omy Jim's TV Service 382-3027 Lawnmower Sharpening Eeel or rotary. New latest mo del precision grinder. Call 38 3170 for free pickup and de livery within 5 miles of Bend. W A. Higgins. 1707 W. 1st. ' electric heating Complete electric heating serv ice Installation and repairs. Any make electric heater. BILL S CLCw l 942 Hill St. 382-2821 nAKtL-M-c! a Mn Men's altera- tions. tailoring. Reasonable fates. Rrenda Hall. EV Z-tttiw riiSTOM WOOD WORKING, pine, fir. birch kitchens, picture win dows, doors, built-ins. Call iU- 3168. ' CABINET WORK v.. . i..nintf crvire. Guaran tH utr.rk. fair prices. S l d Hendricks. 147 E. Revere. 38. 6770. IRONING DONE in my home, also babv sitting. Very reason able. 382-6747. 22-Building Sup.-Cont. NOW IN STOCK AT MILLER'S ... the seven most popu lar patterns in America's most popular counter top material! the plastic laminate you'll want for vour kitchen or bathroom counters! Choose any of our 7 most popular patterns. .Stan j i -Uftc Mnw onlv 7dc per so. ft. 80c for any patterns not In stock! MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard 1 Greenwood 382-43"! 26-Loans Don t Denv Yourself MODERN CONVENIENCES for lack of cash n-. ,.M friondlv. convenient loans to finance your purchase of household appliances. DIAL 382-2433 NORTHWEST FINANCE CO. 15 30-Miscellaneous for Sale TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck. tractor loader work, excava tions. 382-51ril. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. PORK LOWER again: Vi or whole. 33c lb. Cut to order free. We smoke your ham and ba con too. ft beet 41c tn 51c lb. Freezers, all sizes. 10 year warranty. Get the best for less. All locally financed. Midstate Meat Co., 382-3651. Reconditioned LAWNMOWERS 20" Reel Self-propelled 22.50 18" Rotary- 22.50 21" LawnBoy notary 34.50 Terms available KEN CALE HARDWARE Third and Greenwood RED CRUSHED cinders, top soil, fill dirt, bulldozing. 382 2499. BOYS 26-inch Schwinn bicycle, 3 speed, mid-weight. 382-4380. LADIES AND men's sport clothes. One Graflex camera. Two electric razors. 382-0832. WHAT EVER YOU NEED YOU'LL FIND IT FAST IN BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADS SAVE ON vour nlumbine and steel supplies at O'Day's Plumb ing & Steel Supply. 1307 E. 1st Closed Sunday and Monday. HEALTHWAY'S "Glowing Skin" Cocktail 1 heaping tablespoon of a high protein powder mix 2 tablespoons of Brewer's yeast 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil cup of fresh carrot juice k cup of milk Thoroughly mix to a smooth frothy drink. HEALTHWAY SPECIALTY SHOP 624 Franklin 382-6206 Vi Blk. from P.O. on Franklin HANNAH'S Husband Hector hates hard work so he cleans the rugs with Blue Lustre. Mas- terson - St. uiair now. TWENTY INCH rock saw. gas stove, refrigerator, camper for pickup. 382-3037. 31 -Appliances, 28, 1963 SINGER FLOOR MODEL DEMONSTRATOR SALE Beautiful STYLE-0-MATIC Automatic Reduced B $129.50 to Brand SPARTAN ZIG-ZAG Rugged, dependable machine by ?B. ,...,h .th Vassar Consoli givVs youconvenient storage and sewing area Beautifully styled ana nrasneu m $40 Many other floor models and demonstrators (some one of a kind) Save $ca up to JU SINGER 126 Minnesota Ave. 30-Miscellaneous for Sale c 1 n.-vain fenter Closing out all their own owned new and usea mercnanui ' nimmace sale prices. 730 Glen wood Drive. 382-1533. 3 0n0 GALLON metal water tank. Good condition. Also 30 frot tor Robert Zitek. Cres c.nt 433-9208. Garden Mark R0T0TILLER Husky 26 lnch-3 h.p. model in stock Immediate delivery Regular $144 50 '119.88 MONTGOMERY WARD -ji?.?irj ' 1032 Bond Street j6i - j 30-Miscellaneous for Sale PARTIALLY Silver - mounted form fitter saddle. Will trade for 16-inch men's saddle. 382 2778 after 6 p.m. TWO YEAR old Allen cash reg ister. Cost $750, sell for $475. 842 Wall. 31 -Appliances, Furniture STOP! LOOK! READ! The long waited for shipment of Nylon end Rayon Rugs hat arrived. There are sizes 12 X 13-6 to 12x21 at $68.88 each. Foam backs. We also received 5 only 12 x 1 3-6 long fibre nylon rugs, in colors that are gorgeous. All these at $88.00 each. Used G. E. Electric Ironer in perfect condition $29.95 Our new shipment of redwood chaise lounges with pads has arrived $34.95 each HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE "Home of Kelvinator Appliances" "Central Oregon's Only Self-Service Furniture Store Minnesota Ave. next to fire hall EASY TERMS 382-3324 SAVE ON CARPETING Call Keith Hodson, 228-8111, ex tension 435. collect. Lipman's Portland LATE MODEL 12 cu. ft chest type freezer. Excellent condi tion. Reconditioned and Kuar- antned Onlv $7.50 per month OAC. $129.50. Oreeon Equip ment Company, 165 E. Green wood BARGAIN TREE Everything New & Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Trade I J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. Just 3 blks. 382-2202 No. Pioneer Park COMBINATION TV, Hi-Fi and radio. This has been tnrougn our shop and completely re conditioned including a new nieture tube. Carries a new set warranty. No down pay ment OAC. $5.50 per montn, Ken Cale Hardware. ANTIQUE TYPE twin size bed, eomolote $90. Singer dressmak ing machine $55. Three piece reupholstered living room suite $150. DAVENPORT MAT TRESS & UPHOLSTERY tu., 1164 Harriman, 382-3320. Just back of courthouse. FOR SALE: double mattress and box spring $15. Formica top table and 4 chairs $25. 382 1083 or see at Bend Trader Park. Inquire at house. Furniture machine New CONSOLE singer, uo aecor-uv. w'h-' nut elast e in so it stays, me OFF SEWING CENTER 382-3882 32-Musical Instruments The Fuiest MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Manufactured are available for SUMMER SCHOOL COURSE BAND RENTAL "Olds-Conn-Selmer" Complete summer session rental on anv band lnsirumcni oniy $10. Includes music stand, reeds, oil. etc.. and beginner's fundamental private lesson. AMERICAN MUSIC Company 929 Wall St. 382-1393 WE HAVE special bargains every day Gulbransen ones! Hemmingon Piano & Organ Service. Museum Bldg , So. 97, Call 382-5177, - i 40-Farmer'g Column GOOD VAC Case tractor, cheap. Also two ABS springer Hoi- stein heifers. 382-1801. HAY: alfalfa. 175 acres sell standing, 382-0713. 41 -Livestock, Horses TWO YEAR beef heifer, calve in July. Trade lor 2-year Deel steer, asz-ibja. FOR SALE: Single horse trail er, 382-2915. ERSEY MILK cows, phone 382- 5752. 42-Poultry, Babbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry Killing. Poultry received Monday thru Friday. 740 E. First. 382-1042. 43-Dogs. Pets, Etc. TOWN AMD Country pet shop. Boarding kennel. 38J-1J54. OUR ADS are often copied but our aualitv is never equalled. ! r II.. rUiU..n huas, Pekes and Terriers. Stud service. Grooming and complete boarding service. Call 382-3634. Ranch Pet Kennel in Bend. TO GIVE away: Six weeks old pups, black Lab ana wetmaran er. Excellent hunting breed. See after 5:30 p.m. at 1527 Aw brey Road. OBEDIENCE train your dog HiVeiung classes staruiiK &wm, t or uitormauon cau joann us sery, 382-0464. 44-Boats & Motors BOAT, MOTOR 15 h.p. Johnson and trailer. 382-3682 after .m. TEN FOOT row boat, good con dition. $25. 382-5548. 45-Sportsmen's Column MAHOGANY Plywood boat liW. 3'4 h.p. Evinrude motor. 3 swivel seats. $75 total. 382- 6157 or 0703. 47-Wanted to Buy GUNS WANTED: Top prices paid for all types S: models, Call at Bend Surplus, 920 Bond WANT TO buy 30 foot trailer house. 382-2836 after e p.m. WANTED, used cement mixer. Call Hemlock 3-2490 or Box 107 Crescent, Oregon. WANTED TO buy 25 foot or over house trailer or trade lor a acre acreage. Call Stubblefield at Keystone Trailer Court. 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood, Oil DRY OR green slab wood. Dry or green jackpine. btoKer ana lump coal. Robert uavenport, 382-1599. DRY JACKPINE, and body wood, $12 cord. Dry Tamarack and red fir, $14 cord. Green jackpine, by order. 382-0635 or 382-1987. 56-Apartments for Rent "RIVER TERRACE" One & two bedroom very clean, spacious grounds. $52.50 to $65 mo. Call manager 382-4691. 57-Apartments Furnished LOW RENTALS, clean furnish ed 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments. Private yards. $40 and up. Hill's Apartments. Red mond, Ore. Phono 548-2661. ONE BEDROOM duplex, 1102 E. 2nd. gar- age. ONE AND two bedroom, $35 and $40, Utilities. 382-1949. NEWLY DECORATED 3 room, laundry, garage. Westonla, ibOl W. 3rd. THREE ROOMS, bath. Close in. No children. 382-4753. DUPLEX. 1 block from town. TV cable. Private automatic washer, garage, 1 - bedroom. Call 382-1587, afternoons and evenings. ONE Bedroom bachelor apart ment. All utilities paid except electricity. 382-1783. 58-Houses for Rent THREE BEDROOM, east side. first and last montn rent on j. year lease. $125 mo. 382-6076. TWO BEDROOM house, clean. Cumberland, contact ray- ron January, 39 McKay Street after 6 p.m. Gl-Business Space FOR LEASE, space in newly proposea oince Dunning u 1n.,.nt.urn RpnH 5 VPHT lease 25c sq. ft. includes alt utilities. Don Dieffenbacn, 302-2321. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall 382-3752 70-Business Opportunities DF.ALER WANTED NEW ELECTRONIC PRODUCT for Advertising Display ana Promotion. Leased to Commer cial Accounts, exclusive terri' tory. Investment $3500. . .se cured bv inventory. Write or phone: Mr. Bovd, 8730 S. E. Woodstock. Portland 66, Ore gon. Pr 4-8360 - Nite Pr 4-3078. 73-Real Estate Wanted WANTED ABOUT 5 acres in Sisters - Bend area. Must have good view of mountains. Water not necessary. State price. Harold Evans. 2939 Mulkey St., Corvallis, Oregon 77-Lots, Building Sites TEN ACRES and 6 acres wa- t.r a mi ps east 01 Bna. ew cistern and power in. Some out buildings. 382-ww. 78-Farms & Acreages FIVF. ACRES NEAR BEND Nice 2 bedroom house with sun porch and circulating fireplace, beautiful pine trees for shade, matching barn, good pasture, with 2!-7 acres of water, fir KniM nnd rows. Landscaped Terms. Everette Dennis Real tor Klamath Falls. Oregon Contact Rod McPheeters. Rt. 2 Box 222. Bend, phone 382 - 6M4. FOR SALE or trade 3 bedroom 2 acres, 1 acre COI. Total price J8.900. 382-19J0 or iia-zim. 80-Real Estate for Sale IF YOU'RE tired of high heat bills, see this 3 bedroom house with basement. Price 3,jju. 382-0501. 80-Real Estate for Sale GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. 382-3752 FIRST TIME ADVERTISED: Attractive 4 bedroom home on paved street, conveniently lo cated for school and shopping. Features oak floors, separate dining room, step-saving kit chen. 4 roomy bedrooms. Pri ced at $12,750 with $2,000 down, balance at $80.00 per month. N. E. Gilbert Realtor 300.00 Down $25.00 a month On this 5 acres with 3 acres of steel pipe deliver ed water. Beautiful build ing site with sweeping view of the Cascades to the west. 61 miles from Bend on paved road. Buy now and plan for the future. $3,000.00 40 ACRES Of privacy with 7 acres of CO I water is offered just 3 miles from Bend on Des chutes Road. All fenced. No improvements. Excep tional view of Cascades. Several outstanding build ing sites. $8,500.00. $1, 000.00 down. FIRST TIME OFFERED This well constructed 3 bedroom home in a se cluded neighborhood. Liv ing room 22 x 18 dining room 10 x 10. Fireplace, breakfast nook. Hardwood floors. Large utility room. Thermopana windows. 2 car garage plus shop. Double lot. 8 years old. $19,000.00 THE LAND MART 811 Wall St. 382-5121 Arleigh Black, Realtor Bob Lilienthal 382-6363 Jim Lance 382-5756 Joe Tilden 382-2766 Hap Taylor, Realtor 822 Wall St. 382-1761 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-Top west side location. Just $750. 00 down, $85. a month includ ing principal, interest and tax es. Large carpeted living room. Country kitchen. Part finished basement with nearly new oil furnace. Two car ga rage. Dog run. Two corner lots. Full price $11,000.00. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 2 bedroom furnished home. Part finished basement. Single ga rage. Full price $6,000. $800. down balance on contract at 6. ! BEDROOMS - Freshly redec orated interior. Large kitchen, plumbed for automatic washer, wired for dryer. Overhead in sulation. Wired for range. Gas heat. Full price $7,000. Will trade for smaller home. Evenlncs Harvey 382 4686 Jim 382-3594 Oren 382-2962 Han 382-1318 80-Real Estate for Sale Our North Pilot Butte HOME ON YOUR LOT NO DOWN PAYMENT NO CLOSING COSTS NO HIDDEN CHARGES Even If your lot has been turned down on financing before, don't hesitate to call us, because we now nave avauauie 111 ucHimt Orpunn new financing Droeram that has never before been offered. Through our volume building you may own your home at hundreds less than you would expect to pay We sell homes below Portland Prices and Building costs are 107o higher in Bend as acknowledged by r HA and inow Bend Redmond NO DOWN Principal & Interest mo. payments start as low as 68.96 (Taxes tc Insurance will vary in eich area) Builders D. E. ERWIN P.O. Box 300 80-Real Estate for Sale TWO BEDROOM bouse, close In, 382-6746. TWO BEDROOM, $8,000. FHA terms. 515 Federal. RANCH 80 ACRES, 57 A. W.. 24 A. al falfa. Close to airport, school bus by the door. Nice 2 br home. Place is completely equipped. Citv living In the country. Onlv $33,000. terms. ACREAGE: 75" x 400" on east 8th. City water plus 1 acre of Arnold water. Beautiful build ing site. $5,500. LISTINGS NEEDED Bend Realty & Ins. 620 Franklin Seaton H. Smith Ph. 382-3721 REALTOR Powell Butte 447-7213 Branch Office H. H. Musick RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin 382-6772 If you are looking for a good location for a combination business and home, this is a qood one. This property is located on South Third with 70 ft. of highway frontage and plenty of parking. The business building has approx imately 2300 square feet. The residence is located directly behind the business building. This is a wonderful family home with 2 bedrooms on the main floor and 3rd. bed room in the basement. This home has 2 fireplaces and a large family room. A real family kitchen with eating area. Large 29 x 18 living room. Large utility room Good sited bathroom with shower. basement. This home is heated with a gas fired baseboard hot water heater. A TERRIFIC BUY at $35,000. WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD RANCHES AND TRADES Evenings Herb 382-1864 Kieth Jr. 382-1658 Kicth Sr. 382-3105 One of a Kind Desirable location on thi cellent 5 bedroom family home. Older, well kept, lovely place. Tremendous living room with fireplace, separate dining room, breakfast nook. Two bedrooms one bath downstairs. Three bedrooms and bath up stairs. Recently remodeled kit chen and bath. Oil, forced air furnace. Double garage. Beau tiful shrubs and landscaping with patio and outside fire place. All the features you have been searching for and could not find. At a low price that will amaie you $ 1 6,000 Terms. Arnie Swarens Town & Country Realty 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Arnlo 382-4475 3R2-5243 382-4500 Jim Arnto! Rlrk HickabaiiRh Loan companies. miuaing in Prineville Madras Developers Inc. Dead 1S2-2033 80-Real Estate for Sale TEN ACRES, 6 acres Swalley water. All fenced, on Highway 97 north. Nearly new two bed room home. Fireplace, oak floors, electric heat. Two stor age buildings, Double Garage. 382-1635. Hap Taylor, Realtor BRANCH OFFICE 34S E. Third 382-6453 20 ACRES of peace and quiet. Beautiful big trees surrounding the 2 bedroom home. Pond full of fish. 18 acres of perm anent lush pasture for grating beef or horses. Perfect spot for retirement years or for small horse farm. Price $17, 000. Some terms possible. Larrv Keown-Asso. Broker Evenings 382-2395 THREE UNIT apartment and 3 bedroom home, separate loca tions. Consider small house in trade. 382-5647. Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave. 382-3031 ONCE IN A WHILE and only because the owners are leaving Bend are we for tunate enough to offer one of those fine older type homes that has kept pace with the times. This immaculately kept home has 2 large bedrooms, 25' living room that features large thermopane windows plus fireplace, separate din ing room, new kitchen with an over-abundance of match ed birch cabinets, large breakfast nook, part base ment,. automatic piped fur nace. Large garage and workshoo. beautifully land scaped yard with patio. All this for $10,600-100 G.I. or FHA terms. SUBURBAN COUNTRY STYLE in this one year old 3 bed room, nice living room with fireplace, electric baseboard heat. Lovely kitchen. Built-in range and oven, 'j acre, close to golf course. Owner leaving, will consider good trailer house in trade. Full price $13,500, existing mort gage approximately $11,000. Evenlnes Vern Larson Mabic Sullivan 382-5297 382-5324 Duke Warner Farris Spauldlng 382-1707 548-2543 Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave Harold Phillips. 382-1871 Realtor 2 bedroom home for lease, adulU only. Sec Phillips. Immediate possession. Almost now 3 bedroom plus family room home. Stainless steel kit chen. Large lot with trees. Will trade equity for late model car, pickup, camper or trailer. As sume state G.I. loan. Near the golf course. Very nice 2 vear old 2 bedroom home. 150' x 150' lot. Well water, rock fireplace, patio. Double car port. Low taxes. Best buy in town for $7,000. 2 bedroom, large living room, breakfast nook. Oil furnace in part basement. Beautiful yard. $1200 down and only $60 per month. Kvenincs Farley 382-SI30 Franclc 382-1273 90-Machinery for Sale LARGE AND small Allis-Chal-mpt- rphnilt rrawier tractors wnnn TRACTOR CO.. 5241 NE 82nd Ave., phone Alpine 2- 3441. Portland, ore. 91 -Farm Machinery FORD TRACTOR for salo or trade, 382-2884. 100-Autos for Sale QUALITY USED CARS in TTnrrt Fulcon 4 door. Stan dard transmission, bow mile age, excellent condition. 195!) Ford 2 door sedan. Radio, heater, standard transmission with overdrive. V8. Good shape. 1958 Mercury 2 door Monterey hardtop. Radio, healer, siraigni stick. Newly overhauled moior. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY It HOLT MOTORS E. Second tt Franklin Full factory equipped GMC 'z ton pickup inc. 5 wheels & tires 1995 delivered In Bend Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 E. Franklin 382-2222 1951 KAISER $150. Call 382-4752. CHEVROLET. 1955. 2-door dan V-. floor shift. Needs little metal work. See at A & Flying "A" Service, 382-5271 1961 VOLKSWAGEN $1,450. 1500 miles on new motor, small down payment. Will trade. 739 100-Autos for Sale 1959 VOLKSWAGEN $100 cash for equity, $43.40 monthly bank payments. 382-2616 after 5 p.m. Brand new 1962 GMC Pickup , 1 ton with duals ' Deluxe cab Power steering Power take off Oil Filter 11" Clutch Del-Air Flow Heater Air Foam Seat & all the extras lUcker price $3068 OUR PRICE '2495 serviced & delivered Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. 181 E. Franklin 382-222J AAA Wrecker Service MERCURYS 60 Monterey hardtop coupe. Full equipped. Radio, heater, power. 59 Mercurv Tarklane Hardtop coupe.. Radio, heater, power. Remember . . . NO SALESMAN'S COMMISSION . Deal direct and save! DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. 100 Gallons GAS FREE with the purchase of any . used car or truck of $500 10S8 Oldsmobile 88 2 door hard' -top. Radio, heater, automatic.'. transmission and ready to give you lots of trouble-free miles. Ben Jacques , , ru. ru.. Redmond 1.1 levy v-ii y - VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating car In the world. New sedans avail able in most colors. Delivered tn Bend as low as . 1809.60 INCLUDES leatherette upholstery, heater, windshield washers, turn sig nals, underseal, license & title and blackwall tires. The most dependable and eco nomical car on the road today, , with full parts and service available. Car Payments Too High? Trade that late model used car for a new or used Volkswagen or for a clean older American car. SEE MEL & BOB BEFORE YOU BUY! MID-OREGON MOTORS, Inc. EV 2-3563 Evenings Phone Mel Rogorson Bend 382-3864 Bob Hosteller Bend 382-6791 Your Dealer VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits Bond, Oregon "OK" USED CARS I960 CHEVROLET Impala Sport Coupe. Radio, heater, auto matic transmission, rower sie erlng and brakes. Roman red. Spotless. $1995 1958 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille ; Radio, heater and full power. Beautiful automobile in mint condition. $1995 1962 MONZA Coupe 102 h.p., 4 speed transmission. Low miles, white with black bucket scuts. $1995 BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E Greenwood 382.613! Arross from Wa-npr' se a B 817 S 3rd