PAttR 2 THK IIKND IU1.I.KTIX, 11KNO, OHKGON, TIIVRMIUY, JANl'AKY II, KMT The Daily Bulletin P.blUhrd Er.ry AfLrnoan Kircpt Bandar. UEND. OKKIiON. nEORHR PALMKK PUTNAM Pukli.hcr KOI1KKT W. SAWYKR Kditor-Manan-r KKEO A. WOKI.KI.KN Nwa Alitor HENRY N. rXIWI.KK Aamiata KJitor nhmuimiMlim of till! laBt aunrtor 0011 KALl'H SI'ENCKK Mechanical Swt. Pn '""nunon OI Will lKl qunrnr mi WOMKN TO THE FKONT. Nineteen women havo beeomo of flco holders In Oregon. No loimor Is It a "mnn'a world" In politics, Buy more than In other fields ot everyday endeavor. Indeed, the moat notable, social An Independent Newspaper, tandinir for the miMU'e deal, clean busineita. clean iolltic and the beat intertwla of Uend and Central Orctron. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Uj Mail. On Year Six Month Ihree Months Bj Carrier One Year Fix Month One Month tit) Bend in Brief DOINGS IN YOUR CITY. You'll .Find Them Here. All subscriptions nre due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and if renewal is not made, within reason able time the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to re ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checks and orders pay able to The llend Bulletin. THURSDAY. JANUARY 11, 1917 BAD NEWS FOR PAISLEY. What is probably the worst piece of news that the people of Paisley ever had is the report of the aband onment of the local irrigation project by the promoters. The act means the possible loss of their investment and the end of their expectation of making homes in a favored spot. It will come as a discouraging blow. To the town, also, the news must spell disaster, or at least suffering. Undoubtedly it has been living Iu the hope of seeing the project completed and the growth of a prosperous and contented population on the irrigat ed lands. Now that hope is blasted and the only growth to be expected will be such as may come from the development of the segregation as a dry farming area. One other project is also affected, the Oregon, California & Eastern railroad, now being promoted by Rob ert E. Strahorn. Oner a year ago, Mr. Strahorn said that his success would be In a large measure de- tury has been the advance of women to a world position incalculably more important than ever before occupied by them. And no doubt the present decade will witness an even brisker advance of feminine equality and, in- l -, ! deed, superiority In some Instances. $i.:.o I The war hits literally forced women fi no 'into new activities In the fields, fne- . . . torles and work places of Europe. From many of these new positions she will never retreat. She has coino to stay. In our own country. In no fiercer conflict than that of normal economic competition, women have strode for ward mightily. She is not only our best nurse, but a physiclun as well. She is active in science, in the arts and in business of all kinds. Sho Is eveu something of an adventure-seeker, and as recent records show, can fly through the air with tho best of s p. in. tliem. And here in Oregon women have the same political rights as men. and the same responsibilities. So it is to be expected that the number of women office holders is increasing. Each year it will become larger, for there is ample room for women in i our public life, and able women to fill the positions which will call them. It is an inevitable development, and a healthy ono. TODAY. THIKSIUV. Minstrel Slum, tirund Thoaliv, un der ntiNplces Parent-Teachers' Assoc iallou, 8: 1.1 p. m. A. T. A. !., Masonic Mull, 8:00 p. in. l.yoii Kcvivitl, Presbyterian clmrcli, 8 o'clock. llaskclliall turnout, lllpixiiltoinc, 8:00 p. in. I-KIDAY. V. O. W. Httniiiiet, Emblem club. ltcbckuli Lodge, Sadler's Hall, 8:00 p. III. I.yon Hevlval, Presbyterian clmrcli INAUGURATION. PLANS ! 1. ' (New York Sun.) An early forecast of Uncle Sum's spring presidential opening contains 8 p. in this paragraph: I "A new feature Is being planned in connection with the Inaugura tion that is expected to attract widespread interest. It is pro posed to have a mammoth exhibit portraying all phases of govern ment activity, and in the organiza tion of the spectacle the govern ment departments are co-operating." Now if "all phases of government SATIKDAY. High School Lyceum Number, .Mario the Gifiil, Iteml Theatre, 8:00 p. in. '. O. I. Water I'sem Association, Council room, l::tO p. ir. I.yon Iti'Vival, Presbytorliin church 8 p. in. Curd Party, given by Catholic La dies, Sadler's hall, 8:01) p. m. SUNDAY. Preaching Service, In all rlinrclie.x, morning and evening. I.) on Itevivul, Presbyterian t-liui-ch BIGGEST BARGAINS OF THE YEAR Great Half Price Sale NOW ON AT SMITH'S o. MONDAY. I P., Sadler's Hall, 8:00 YOUR GHOICEOF ANY LADIES COAT AT HALF PRICE $10.00 Coat Now $ 5.00 12.50 Coat Now.... 6.25 1 5.00 Coat Now 7.50 18.00 Coat Now : 9.00 20.00 Coat Now 10.00 Your Choice of Any Girls' Coat at Half Price I. o ni. I I.yon Itevlval, Pivsbyteiian church 8 p. pendent on the settlement of Central ! ,.,. " ... , . . .... . . L , . , , ... , ( ..they are, without any official varnish or whitewash, it would be a highly valuable sight. . Who is more govemmontally active than a congressman? . Let us have a procession of floats showing these tireless workers rolling logs, mend ing fences, raising pork and dictating immortal speeches for the Congres sional Record. Indeed the whole pro cess of compiling, expanding, editing, printing and mailing-the Record , to eager readers should be illustrated. It is said that many Washington lans are unhappy because the in augural ball has been abolished and Oregon irrigation difficulties, and the consequent development of the country. Undoubtedly his calcula tions have included a promise of ton nage from the Paisley project, which now must vanish, unless a way to save something from the wreck is found. Presumably the irrigation com pany's attorneys have good grounds (or their abandonment of the case and yet it would seem best not to give up at this stage. Many a case has been won on appeal. If the com pany, the settlers, the people of Pais ley, and possibly those interested in seeing Mr. Strahorn succeed, could Join in the expense of an appeal, Judge Daley might be reversed and the project saved. ; Indeed, since the company is a con tractor with the state, and the state is morally responsible to the settlers as well as to the United States, it might properly come in in. place of the company to take the appeal. The German heroes of the sack of Belgium got the iron cross. A wood en cross marks the dead. Belgium herself, feels her share was the double cross. There seems to be a difference of opinion as to whether or not that peace is to be "made in Germany." I I j MARLO. THE GREAT. The third number in the Lyceum Course will be given on Saturday because this year the military parade j night at the Iiend theatre, the pro will be curtailed. Surely an honest j gram being an entertainment by Mar- effort to carry out all the above sug gestions would satisfy the most querulous clamorer after a lively af fair in March. PETITION PRESENTED to, the mngician. Hypnotism, magic and illusions for the mystification of all are promised by the advance notices. Admission will be 50 and 75 cents. (Oregon Journal.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Mem bers of the Oregon delegation have received copies of a petition from the ...... ',,,, K. Teller Advises Early Opening na ecu tra n f tin a i'i ovlanrl nr tnv 1 A 'If OLD TIME SCHEDULES ARE STILL IN FAVOR years the Carey land segregations of the Central Oregon Irrigation .com pany, on the ground that large de velopment has been accomplished and conditions are now unfavorable to fast settlement of the lands. Why Pay $100 to $200 for a Lot away out in the Suburbs when you can get a CHOICE LOT ih RIVER TERRACE only 4 minutes walk, f'om Post Office, for only $300. Easy terms. HARRISON LATHAM COMPANY, Sales Jlgents Dates for Baseball to Secure fiood Weather. By II. ('. Hamilton, The King Bee Dentists Huve their laboratory fully equipped now with nil the very latest modern appliances, and our export mechanics rc ready and busy all tho time. Willi our ceiivenieiices we are now able to make anil fit in as muiiy as seven nets of teeth in a day. Ho come early and have your impressions taken for a new set of teeth if you need them, ami DO NOT PAY for them If they do not suit. No waits or delays. No misfits to grumble about, but natural looking, perfect fitting tcotli all Hie time. Examination and estlmute gladly made at any time, free of charge! We arc Here to Stay, and Give a Written Guarantee With All Work. Full Set Teeth $10.00 Gold Crowns $5.00 Enamel Filling $1.00 Lady Assistant Always in Attendance. King Bee Dentists Over Postofflce, Bend, Oregon, Dri A. C. Froom, Profciudonal Manager. HOIKS 8:80 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Bundays, 0:00 to 5:00. (United Prena Staff Corrnponilent.) NEW YOKK, Jan. 11. Thero is one mighty good reason why argu ments In favor of shortening Nation al league schedules or starting them later, never gets serious considera tion at meetings of the older major league. Gov. John K. Tencr is the reason and Ills explanations always put a quietus on talk of that sort. Tener figured it out last summer when the Boston Braves were having such a hard time with at-home dates. Early in the spring a year ago, the Braves had good weather at home and so did other National league clubs in the east. But later It be gan to rain, was cold, and every thing Beemed to conspir; aguinst baseball. The result was that ul- ' though the Braves were in the race right along, they hail one of the poor est years In their history. Governor Tencr observed that good I weather had favored this club curly and he began to go into records. lie : found that Just as often as not good weather was on tap for opening dates, ' ; and In fact for the first month of the 'bcuhoii. Then would come bud spells. .Sometimes they struck the eastern j half of the circuit and sometimes they didn't. He found, he declared, that more games had been lost in late season than in the early spring. With this to work on, it was easy i to discover that starting the season j later or cutting It short would act , ually work a hartlHlilp on the clubs instead of giving them a better whack at the stretches of gootl weather. John Heydler, secretary of the ' league, added a little Information j when ho said that for several years November weather has been better for baseball thun muny summer dates. It isn't always the case thut spring weather is most favorable. Some of the seasons past show bad days early and perfect ones in June, but recent years have been Just the reverse. Statistics of this kind effectually stopped the talk of rearranging the schedules. MEN, LOOK HERE, CHOICE of any OVER COAT, HALF PRICE $ 9.00 Overcoats Now...' $ 4.50 1 0.00 Overcoats Now 5.00 1 2.00 Overcoats Now. 6.00 I 5.00 Overcoats Now. 7.50 20.00 Overcoats Now 1 0.00 Men's Suits at $ 1 2 $15 $20 $25 The Biggest and Best Stock of Men's Dependable Shoes are Here at a Saving R. M. Smith Clothing Co. FASTEST CROWING STORE IN THE STATE HIKINKSS AND PKOI KSSIONAI, i r i r VEBNON A. FORiiES L A W V K It First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon H. H. De AltMOND LAWYER O'Kane Building, Bond, Oregon DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Offlco In Batbar Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writ.-m of rII kinl of InHumncr. Ol.l nt Irmtiranct Atcenry In Oiitrnl Orv uon. II. C. KltU. Kimt National Hunk UuiMitiK Ik-ml. Onion. OlCgOnlifC Insurance Company XCLU.IVILV ONUQN" HOMK OPPICK, COR.KTT BlO... PoftTLANO ASHLEY KOKKEST, District Manager. GEORGE 8. YOUNG Civil mid Irrigation Engineer C H. Mineral Surveyor. Room 12, Klrst National Hank Building Spring House Cleaning by Electricity Why not use an "ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER" We Have Them! Sold on Easy Terms? Bend Water Light & Power Co. Plione 551 Sash Factory Wood Bend White Pine Sash Co. Telephone 441 We invite you to call at our tore or phone and grl out pneei. Then you will be a Heady customer. H. P. Smith' O GROCERY Card Party SATURDAY EVEN1NQ January 13th, '17 Sathefs Hall 8 O'Clock , Given by Catholic Ladles THE BEND BRICK to LUMBER CO KENWOOD Kenwood Gardens and Terminal Additions Lots $10 Cash; $10 Monthly Houses for Sale lO'o Cash and Monthly Payments like rent J. RYAN & CO. Anr