1111-: iu:m ihixetix, iikm, ohk hatikdav, hh kmbkii hi. ioio PACK 3 1 Jl J ft BEND THEATRE The Worth While Play.House" SUNDAY AND MONDAY .PAULINE FREDERICK IS "The World's Great Snare" All InHMiKnly Interesting Htory, with superb juullti'M of pictorial uiiil dramatic strength. Coming Tuesday and Wednesday "The American Beauty" Featuring Myrtle Stedman Thin beauty will surprise you In thlM ery unusual Htory, wllh In multitude of original situations. Myrtlu Htudman In u reol Amer ican biiuuty. THK WKATIIKK Itiiln or annw tonlKlit. Warmer with mm 111 wind. oiti:t;o.s THI NK thain Arrives 7: a. Leaves P. ui. O..W. It. N. THAIN. Arrive 7:36 p. in, leaves 7:26 a. to. AITO HTA(iK LINK HOI III. Leaves 8:45 a. ui. Arrive & P- ' AITO I.INKH. Cum o Hums, Kort Klamath Kort Hock, Kllvor Li:ke and oilier points south and fdutti east. i-osT KKio: hoiks. General delivery open dully b::u a. in. to A l. "' No nmll distributed on Sunday. Night train mall closes a: 11 Day train mail closes 8:30 a. di. TKi:JitArn not us. Western Union dally 7 a. m. to 11 p. i. Hunduy and bolldrys 8-10. 4-0. TKMCI'HONK tlOllW. J'aelnc Tel. ft Tel. Co. !M Hour service. Including Sunday. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS f-., ; Bum, lout nliclit at tli Bend bos pit itl. to Mr. and Mra. It. A. Miller, a ulna pound boy. U, J. Ovcrturf returned thU ninriittrook., wvurnl-daya' bu Iiicmh trip to Portlitnd. The lloyal Arch Masons meet Monday evening and will hold n-g-ular eliM't Ion ot officer. ' Mis. Mapper W. Hkuse lift hint TOYS AND DOLLS at Warner's night for Purtlund. whnro alio will v (Hit with her relative fur a week William Brock, of Crescent, who Iium been In I'onland for several weeks, arrived In lli'nd thla morn- In k on liia way home. Krlc Belt, principal of tlin Bend hly.h school, li ft Iiihi nlKlit (or .Murshflcld to spend tlin Christmas holidays with relatives. Mix .Miirgurct Downs, of tlin Ili'lid public schools, loft today fur Boise to spend tin Christmas liol Idaya with ber purcula. Hurry A. South, forest ranger from Crescent, will bo In Ihu city tonlrht to do detail work In the lo cal forestry office fur tlin next few day. Mra. (ieorge Heels, who baa been at thi Bend SurKlcul hospital for several weeks, returned to hor home at Kort Ilock. Mra. Heels la a teach er at Kort Hock. -.Mra. It. M. Smith received tho news thin morning telling hnr of the death of tier mother, Mra. II. K. Kbumute, of Hoiky Kurd, Colorado. Mra. Smlib'a mother wua 89 yeara old. Korest Banger Kd Mann will ar rive in Bend tonlKht from I.a IMnv, where be baa been atatloncd in tho Davis lake raniter dialrlct. He will remain In tho city fur tlin next 10 day, working on fire equipment plana and doing general adinlnlslra llon work. i 1,. Fuhnrty, M. J. Meredith, M. P. Droiinuii and A. W. W'ulla, of I'ort lund, aro ruxlHtiifed at tlin I'ilot I'ortliiud, aro reglatored at the Wright. Jl. K. Koylaton, of Robert arrlv od In tho .city laal night. Ha la a gueat at tho Wright, T, II. Mitchell, of Klamuth Kalla, la apundlng tho duy in ilend on bua InoHa mattera. He-la regixlered at tho Wright. Thunkaglvlng dinner at tlin Al- tamunt hotel waa enjoyed by a great many people. Look for thu Chrlat iii u menu next week. , adv. 6-c MASONS HONOR CHILD Many of I-odge Attend Hervlcen fur (jcrtnidn GaJllier. 1 Rxtvtidlng aympathy to Mr. and Mra. J. L. Ualther, parenta of little Gertrude Ualther, who died Thurs day night In thla city, a number of (he mnmbera of tbe local Maiionic lodge, to whlib Mr. Galthcr be lunga, attended the funeral aervlcea held tbla afternoon from tho Nia wonger undertaking -parlor. Many other wero alio prcacnt. Kloral of fering were beautiful. Ituv. 11. C. Hartranft waa the of ficiating mliilnter, and following the chapel aervlec interment waa made In tho Ilend cemetery. Nellie Leslie, Mildred Duller, Mildred Kline and Ida NIwoiiger wero the pall bearera. FUNERAL NEAR BEND Large Number of Itrleml Allenil Hervlci-a for Mr. I.oiu. AT THK 1IOTKIJ4 II. K. Itlley. of l.n I'liie, la apend Ing the day In Ilend. Ho, In alopplug at the i'llut Hull" hotel. Alvln II. Hawk, of Fremont, Is reglatered at the I'llut Hulto. J, r . Dean, of Arrow, la a guet at the rilul Hullo hotel. ('. K. Keldmiiu, of Seutlle, arrived In lleml IiihI nlgllt, and la making . IiIk heudijuiirter lit the I'llut llultn II. W. Luveliuid, of I'urtliind, In I a biiHlni-K vlxltor In Heml, and I i mopping' at the I'ilot Unite. i ; J. II. Young, of Iteiiu, Nevudu, la , r'-glHlered at. the Wright. : llultu. Itufun MulkHon, of Itedniond, Is ( In the city, and la inuklug headquar ters at the Wright hotel. I Perry Black and C. II. I'rowltt, of Me in bom of tho Grange, and a number of ilend residents a well, paid their flnal reapecta to the mem ory of Mr. Charles Lowe this morn ing, when funeral services wore held from tho family borne seven miles from Ilend. More than 150 were present, and following tho aervlcea fully half the number Joined the cortege to tbe Bond cemetery, where Interment was made. Itev, II. C. Hartranft ofllciated at the aervlcea, both at tbe borne and at the graveside. Mrs. Lowe died Thursday night from heart trouble. At the Movies .KtM THKATHK Charlie Chaplin will be the mirth maker tonight at the Grand The atre, In "The Pawnshop," a role the likeness of which he ha not before shown up his versatile disposition. "The Pawnshop" has plenty of plot. There are a lot of real thrill mingling In with tho lauichs and Charlie gut away In great style with Home heroics well ilxud with fun. Kilna I'urvlance, the beautiful mem ber of Charlie' company, I seen in the role of the pawn keeper' daughter. Tomorrow and Monday night Jo- e Collins, well known comic opera ft 'J KIMBALL : YOUNG ' A Wfl ?UTU,t teggj River Terrace Bend's Handsomest Residence Site. Just across the river opposite the new Hotel, BUY A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS. Your Choice of any inside lot for only $:J00, Corners and river fronts a little higher. HARRISON LATHAM COMPANY. Sales Jlgenls tlon of new me.mhera will be held on the evening of December 29 under the direction of M. Eachern, of Port land, deputy head consul. It I ex pected that 75 sew and old mem ber will be received Into the lodge at it first meeting. A banquet will be beld following tbe initiation ceremonies. CIWK'KRT CLOSED CHRISTMAS Notice I given that F. Dement & Co' grocery store will be closed all day Christmas. adv. 10-1 8c DY.VA.MITKR, IS CO.VVICTKD Ihr United Prm to Th. fl.Uj Bulletin) LOS ANGELES, Doc. 16. Davldt Caplan was convicted yesterday of manslaughter In connection with, the Lo Angeles Times dynamiting; by tbe McNamara. PORTLAND WHEAT 1.40 I Br United Prn to Tht Daily Bulletin) PORTLAND, Dec. 16. Today's grain quotation give club at SI. 36; bluestem at S1.40; Red Russian at SI. 32. nd fortyfold at $1.36. Sash Factory Wood Bend White Pine Sash Co. Telephone 441 TODAY'S TK.MPERATIKK Maximum, 2 degree. 51 degrees; minimum, WOOL CLEANING IN ALEPPO. I Why Not Candies for Christmas? Fancy Boxes, Special Makes, Special Packs. Boxes Carefully Packed For Mailing. Send Your Order. , v Money to Loan in sums from $250 to $25,000, 3 to 10 years time. Reasonable rates, prompt service. J.Ryan & Co. Much Llka a Conjuring Trick I This Old East.rn Preeasa. Many of the old eastern processes tuny still be seen In tbe bazaars of Aleppo. A contributor to Blnckwood' In a recent article describes a man whom bo aaw at work cleaning wool In exactly tba same way as baa been tbe custom In Syria since Illbllcal days: "In tbe shelter of one of tbe arches lerbaps you come upou sonic curious process In full swing. It may be tbe denning of hair or wool or creu tbe mnklng of woolen felt. The denning of wool and luiir seems to have some thing of conjuring about It, so Imme diate aro tbe results uud so unexpect ed, compared with the ruje implement used. "A man seated cross legged on the paring Is the conjurer. Ills Instru ment Is a wooden bow, alraut four feet long, In abnpe like the bow- of a rloltn, but wllh the back two feet away from several stout catgut strings. On tbe floor be places a small heap of wool clotted with mud and dirt, and above It stand bis bow. Its back In the air. Its two projecting horns resting on Ihe floor and It string touching tbe wool. With a wooden mallet be strike tho string lightly and sets tbem twang lug harmoniously and then rocks the bow and lets its back strike tbe floor or wall. Iletween tbe top of tbe bow or floor or wall cornea a tap of the strings with the mallet, and what with tho time he keep and tbe twanging strings her is a semblance to the dis tant sound of a drum and harps. Hav ing got Into time with bow and tap ping, pcrbr.ps he begin to bum a sous. "It I all a matter of few seconds only before tbe wool begin to rise lu soft whlto clond around the bow. It goes on rising, and be slightly stir It, pulls the lower part more under the trlngs. changes the position of the bow little, but keep up tbe rocking and tap-tapping and never breaks tbe rbytbm with which be began. Under tbe Tlbratlng strings tbe wool grow Into a heap in size like a table, but still ha goes on, while a cloud of fine dust rises to tbe roof of tba vault When be atop be has produced a great mound of soft white, fleecy wool and beneath It la a heap of sand and dirt. 80 be goea on, In tbe cool shade of bl clois ter, twanging and tap-tapplug and Ring ing and half filling bis vault with clean wool as the result of a day'a work with this primitive Instrument. "One may see these wool cleaners often, for they nro In every town and bazaar. Out Just n often one stops be- sldo them to bear the sounding strings, tbe rhythmical tapping, . the monoto nous song and to see the magical re sults which follow. It all la a scene as eastern In spirit and a ancient as can be found." , . ' star, will appear in the pleasant drama "A Woman's Honor," as a beautiful Italian peasant girl whom three conspired to ruin. Clara Kim ball Young, In "Tho Rise of Sudan," appears In this beautiful story with out a blush Tuesday. IIEXD THEATRE. Paulino Frederick will be the Paramount star to aclntillate at the Ucml Theatre Sunday and Monday evenings In E. Phillips Oppenbeim's celebrated story "The World's Great Snare." MIbs Frederick ap peara In the role of Myra, and in this film is endowed -with numerous opportunities to display her charm and magnetism and emotional pow er. When The Pallas Pictures chose Myrtle Stedman to play the role ot the most beautiful of all women In the world, as shown in the "Amer ican Beauty" at the Bend Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, they chose a most suitable character. Real charm Is manifested In thiB cloture of Bohemlanfsni. aEOUOB S. YOUNQ Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer V. H. M literal Surveyor. Room 12, First National Bank Building WOOD.MKN TO 1XST1TITK DEC. 20 Institution of the Bend camp of Woodmen of the World and Initln- Practical Christmas Gifts Bend Hardware Co. THE BEND COMPANY Bend's Leading Real Estate Dealers D.E. HUNTER Manager THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage andForwarding'General Commission Merchants - We handle OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES. FRESH and SALT MEATS, HAMS, BACON and LARD! THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 241 A. M. PR1NCLE, Manager. BEND, OREGON CLEARING HOWE FOR, ALL WANTS FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable for bachelors' quar- ters; also two furnished rooms, suitable for bachelors; $-1 per month. Inquire The Bulletin. 3tfc TO TRADE, for city property, $750 Krell Player IMuno Call at Day's Music Store. ' 6-llp WANTED Furnished room with private family vith- out board, by young: man of good habits. Inquire The Bulletin. a, it FOR RENT Four room cottage, at $10 a month. Call at Martin and Cashman's store. 10c