The Daily bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1916-1917, December 06, 1916, Page 1, Image 1

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nni mini n
The ruunly division rune lit
mi III ponding- botnro Circuit
Judge Duffy. Hiiefa ero f H"i
tin Tu'Hilii.v. and a iloiittlon l
lXll'IUll nl ll'i'"
TnkliiK Over Segregation
June Would He Minority
kirk Holder KxK'iwIiiu
Sought on U mill 111.
.perlnl to Tlu HulU'lln.)
.M. Or., Dec. R. Tho soli
citor which IIdi Oturul Orrgor
Ion company administers Us
itton oxplrok In June. 191'
illy. thereafter Ilia ktllr -
rtlrortHw-( ' the segregation
Is supposed to bfi lii'iied ou r
next Jone, If intrfters ktand
resent, accord hi r to nion hero I
t with (lie eoitplnx altiiutlnu.
tiers actually .will nut have
Ire Bay regarding: the admin
in of tho f,r'.Ktlnn tlinn they
jxlay. For y company will
( lo coniroi Iho nMoctatlnn.
It 'ki t Aold majority of
;ago IiitiII. nud reprosen
In thn tioverttliiK association
Unity kill lo apportioned on
net of ninnifM of August 11. mm.
it district may ' unauld ulul un
entered lands, ami Iho uaaeiiauiont an
made become n Hon Upon the Inntlk,
which mum l' ""ll tU ' '" I""--ehuner
or li"ln"l ''Hit. In
iilhor wonli. It would not In Ilia loam
hamper tli foruuitlon and operation
of nil Irrigation district to havo tho
utinnld nni unentered IuiiiIh. under
IIhi nix nml nineteen revert to tho
govornmoiil. nk they could bo lliolud
(! In dili'l'i anyway uml ronlil
Im levied UKaltikt anil iiltlmitti'ly sold
If tho levies '" unpaid. Thn text
of I "''I. which I lo" li'DKlhy for
publication hi. available to any
Interested person, ill Tim Ilulletln
oniec. '
MiMU-ii'r llvtiiei DMiirt I'liiii.
H.'pl ilits to mi lniiiiry relative to
thn or. i" irrlKitllon District luw
J. I.. MrAlllktnr, tiimliilniil socrotury
of the Desert 1 .11 ti il Mount, lust week
wruli- l A''11 Viiiimk. m'rri'liiry of
thi' ('. 0. 1. WntiT I'mmV Ankocliitliin.
Tin" Irtl'T. In purl, Im iih follown:
Whllii thn IrrlKntlon Hlktrlcl law
U nimpnrutlvcly mw In thU Hlut,
thfiv iipp'Mm to Im no oliji'i'tlonulili.
(iiturvK whlrll would hlncliT Ilk lip-pll.-.i'um
lo I Ih loiulllloiik iindir lh
ih.jii. prnji'i-t. A pluti wuk kiilimllti'il
lir .Mr. (). : Laui Kiittrd !ut I )i'lolnr ,
nlrh coiitixupluti'd liii'luillux In tli
,H epiWll (llntrl.t tn in ml or Hi'KIK
cutlon Hulk No. 6. I nnd '.'0. Thin
pliiii. I bi'llvi, Ik koiiii'WIiuI riiinpH
in tid nml would I'lilnll cxtiMtklvo ml
illllouul rouktrui linn hy tin IrrlKn
tlon tlUtrtct.
"t tirlli-rf k licllxr plnn would he J
to only Include III Urn dlktrlcl the
lunilk of kcitri'Kntlon IU'h 0 nml ID.!
Till would Incltidi' lioth kold nnd'
tini'iiKTi-d Ikiidn. I'mivIhIoii link ul-j
r.'iiily tieeii made by l onrrriik per-;
mltiliiK the li'yln of uhki'itkiuniitk
on iinenieri'd Kovernnii'Ol Inud lylux
within nny IrrlKitllon dlmrlrt now
ornntilr'il. or lo be orcunlii'il, Vou
will note Hint iiupnluti eulered
I'ihtIiiimm Hhvi' 110 Uliv III Willi ll
lo riiinpli'ii. ('(iniciiit, Afn-r
W illi h City W ill IW' In I'imU
lion lo ll") Terinlniili. .
World r of liirrj IIhj Amllnlilc
for llrinl IIi-iiiIith Kicry Kirnliiit
SH'i lul I'rnlurfN of'hI
iiIiic lire ArmiiKi'd.
1'itu i:h i'aiii i tit iu;m
hi lis.
. i
VRe bunlB.
. Ik Arue. tlik company could iu))J mny b() My lrv ,y
(a t nvxiiM ou mid keep In ;
iiwinil tktidk for defnillt III the pny-
renlly. Ih uly tn? lo k-
lii'h a kltuiHi x. It la pointed
fur the cttl T lo lrm kn
on dlotrl t In dlktrlcl,
llxtUiX lik, lull owner him
ll Im conlrolk. Bo uny kcltler
biaro kk much "nay" In the
, mutiMKi ruciii an woald the
(Oiillniatid. from flKiint nvnll-
the office of the Htitu en-
that Hie couipmiy would proh
fiitrol, on a votlnK Imalt, koine
ai-rck of the land whlcb would
ler the Jurlmllctlon of Hie wa
rk after next June, ak uKaliikt
18,000 .rek owned hy et
rilh roti.iK. power. ll keenik
iuMu that mica bitweru now
uun would very niiilnriully
i the ratio of control,
niny I'ontrol l'our lo One.
; riMordk ahow that the coni
rlll retain a votitiK Intercut In
Ster t'kem' corporntlok cover
fullowldK; t Land sold under old form
Iih which have n prrpftmil
iniince t'c nf 11.00 per acre
tar, 23, 000 acrna; (2 (ill iin
IuihIh. nufiroxliiiiiti'ly j fiO.OiiO
liardl laidk not yet paid for
ler. nmomt unknown,
irxlniiitelj Jfi.OOO araeli have
old under aottlers' tontrmMa
konyey u lutereat In tho Irrl-
nyklnm; If all worn paid up,
kllerk woild huvo admit one
p the conipuny'R four.
(he renuett of Die company.
hert hand llouril liolila a niect-
timnrrow (Wisduekduyl, nt
i' mi of llio" (I In trie t , wuinenlk;
tJiuC the ..KKke ijof ( iuxlijil.
In ".rnconn! a
. . . . & n mnnl ll 4
-1-.- " n" .'. " .
aa Jui'. -ty toc ollli,.(l,
in m -t r " wtti " - .".,, , .;, ..... ,-..
lieu in tliu ncnin and heforo an up-'
plh alien for tnlry will be received,'
thn portion of the akkeakmelilk Iheii
due roiikl be paid lo the dlklrlcl. i
. - - "Akoiner lenlure 10 lie ronaiuereti
e vo!o. Irre.pec.lvu 0f He ,., wllh . ,, ta
thn enmpnny, union k lenser
will preaent tho inntter off.,.,',
p-v ui t.oiiKi'Tim ;ALf;niiiiin iiinii
rrctjatlon likta hIx and iilm
Ihe fait that Hie period of ki'KrcKa-l
Hon will expire on mxrcKutlou lint
No. t on Kehruary 13. 19 1 8 and mi
lint 19 oil October 17. 1920. at which'
llm Hie uiikold lauda of tlieae Hutu
will In all probability revert to the
public domain and be liuitle aubjert ;
In entry under Hie hoiuckleuil or
dekerl rliilni lawk. I
"Khnuld It appear iiilvlnable at
III l I line to Include In the dlxtilrl i
only Ihnae lunilk now covered by "' t
Hei'k' contract, ll would he pimnlblo
iiinler Hie dlntrlcl law lo Include j
any other land which iiiIkIU be Irrl
Haled under the ayklem at a later
dale, upon iippllcntloti for an ndill-j
Hon to the dlktrlcl by fiilttre entry-
men. However. I believe Unit, In i
view of the recent tut hy cotigreim,
iihove mentioned, thin ml viinliixe j
Hhoiiltl he coiialilercd In your orniiiil-
zatlou mid Include all of the IiiikIh
mmcepllbln of Irrlxatlon under Hie
preaent coimtrucled k'H(em or tho
xt"iiHloii thereof. j
"T'm dlatrlct plnn will affortl il
.nntit ;en which nilKlit not be bad
undo nny olhor ayateni of cnnlrol
iy ni orKiinl.utlou of water imerk.
Vou ..111 note that In the organiza
tion, piu Ii land holder Im entitled lo
one ite. roKiirdlcim of the niuoiinl
of I ImlilliiKf,. - You may find It
I'urpoHo Ami. I'rlce Hale
Kehiinl .. li.fiOO 1U0 - MHHI
Bower 1.0,111)0 101 - 1912
Bchool ... LM.nnii lull- 1913
Bchool liMHiU 101! 1910
Biriihoru .10,1100 1U0 191(1
lleliit. an a city, link Kood credit.
Iloud hollkea think well of Ihe
HtnuilliiK of Hie city ami am wlllliiK
to tukn Ilk ohHiiittlonk at their face
Tli In wua khowu on Knturdny It Ik III
when the bond laniie of :ii.Utin, vot
ed In AiiKimt tor the purpuke of pur
iIiukIiik teriiilnnlk for (be Blrnhorn
rullrouda, wuk kold ut pur. The pur-clian.-ln
wnrn Ki'eler llrolhem. of
lienver. Colorado, repreai-iiied In t!'"
trniKu. lion by Kred W. tlleiiii. Ibelr
I'ortluud uiuiiBKer. Kpltter. Itorlck
it Co., of Toledo, Ohio, a Iho ll li
mit! "d n bid of pur by letter, but
Ibelr application wu faulty In ful in
and, on Unit account, not loimlil
end. Cnder Ihe leriuk i f the iiiulracl
made between Ihe rlly nnd Keer
lirolherk Kulurduy ulKht, ;to,diia are
allowed In which In complete Ihe
contract. In oilier uordk, kliorlly
after Ihe tlrat of January. 1917, Hood
will receive the pun lien. price of the
IioiiiU, leaa Keeler llrolliera' expena
ek and i-hiirKea. nnd will I Inn he
ready lo purchase the properly do.
l,.rl by Mr., Huallorii Tblk v'llt hi
done at once. Thou llend will have
compiled wllh "l' in In llob'K" re
iiilrenienlk, ao far aa lermluaU are
concerned, and If the ruhla of wuy
am alio) all In. It will bu In poalllou
to expect eoiiktructlon from Uilk end
when ll hoKtiik anywhere,
Tho properly lo bo uaed by Mr.
Blrnliorn for lermlunlk lien eaal of
the OreKon Trunk rlKht of way, ex
teuilltiK from Lytic Acre tract
anulh. ll wan optioned by a com
mittee from the Commercial club
laat winter, preceedlnii Iho bond elec
tion which turned mil to be Invalid,
and biia allien hi-i-u held by Ilk own
era for Ihe teriiilnula.
A Iiiiko portion of the terminal
property hai been offered uk a do
nation by V.'. ti. Cheney.
Illy I'nllnl I'rnu i, Tin. Ilnlly ll.ill.llnl
Kl, I'AHO, Tev Her. II. -Accord-In
k lo wortl received hy million men,
Villa, with an armv of r.(Mltl then,
Ik iniikltiK li iiid u ii rlv i h In the vicin
ity of HuuiiudreiiH, ll abort dlHltiuce
weal of (' li I li u it li uu. ll la t It on K It hy
Aiuerlciin ailthorltlea Villa will tem
porarily bold up hla it 1 1 ink upon Chi
huiihuu nnd will re-eittlp hla men lu
acattered hiintlk until fully piepared
lo take up tho next lalil.
proceed with Hie iii'Kiinlzii
t leant w ith the preliminary j
miner your preHonl orKiinl'.u-
nd after the dlrectora have
ourw Ibey will then
bu in horlzcd lo proceed wllh the
iioiniii. of thn oiKnumitlon In m
cnrdiin.-n with tho attito law."
lumably, this menna that tn
hy will neck to Kt tho boar
brovs kueh un oxteiinlon
N that If tho company la auii-
im securliiR auch npprovl,
hen go before thn IcKlalatulu
for ltd approval, baclfnd oy
oftrd'a action. Willi tliti In
Lit Ik preaumod thnt the com
ould then anek pinmaneof all
If coliBroak aetlliilly extnndlUK
ntriict time on tho HatB h quk-
inno mi HOKi-OBntion iikt HIx wooka mo ehn,i -m, i,..,i,i .
Kubruarv 13. 1818. ind lltlMni, .. ......
Illy IJnlle.1 IVm In Th llallr llullrlln)
WABillNOTON, I). C. Dec. .
The trial of ArniKniird Carl Ornvna,
for lilneknmll, (hak buon poatponed
until March 10.. Oraves, who Mtylea
hltiiHolf tho "mtiNtnr apy" nml hux
written and lectured of hla nxper
lencca In thn tiiirmnn mid KnullHh
Hucrnt korvlea, wua arrimtml a few
ll'.r llnlt.-.l Vr-u In Tho Dully llilllrllnl
TIIO.MI'.SON KAI.I.B, Mont., Dec.
(1. Kdllli Colby, a newkpnper writ
er here, ehiirKed with Hie murder
of A. ('. Thompnon, n polltlclmi hero
liikt Keptember, wan convicted of
murder in the aeroiul iteKreo by n
Jury hero today, nnd wim kenlenced
to nerve from 10 to 12 yetira. It la
iiuderalood that Immndliilo pinna
will bo made by MIhh Colliy'k couiihi'I
to lippeul her cnao.
Un nxnlrna October IV l!n
ilsftor, unlekH pxtniialon a Krant-
iojil innilH revort to th public
tllern' I'roleNla Kxpicfed.
k oxneelerl luiCA thii. aaltinr
roteat ntrotiKly nRulnatany mich
Ion and eapnclally aijIiiHt np-
Mof tho movo by rtio I, nnd
. 11 Ih believed Hi af ihe lionrd
lilply tnftn thn - refnont iindor
ni'iit and will reunn to Hike
yeBctlon until tKe WatT tjg-
nn(ji;iauoil IIIIH li;(i O)lon unity
kilnt Ha nj'le-o ihn caafl.
urthn.e'f i thnt iiikIit nn
Mncknuill of Cminteak von Don.ktoi'ff,
tho wiro of tho German Tunbu:ia(lor
to tho tJiilloil Btntek. Thn lioatpono
mont of tho trlul la cniiaod by tho
KoveriimenrH Inability to proaont t;tn
tOHtlmnny of I'rluco Hiitiifeldt, Hi i
nounaellor of tho German omhiiBay.
WIM, HI I'I'Oltr HTAM 1101,1)
"nth Crook county metnheiH of ,
Hln I. i. . . . . I
... M niiutiro, vernon A. KorhcB, of
Ilmid, and 'llcnton 0. llintllrk, of
llndinond, huvo imnounced Ihnlr dn
tormlnatlon to aitpport ltobert N.
Slnnflold for kpoakor of tho next
Iioiibo, A mnkRnKO to til' effect was
amit to Mr, Btnnflcld yOHllirtluy,
rood i,i:iisi,ATio nr.i,i n
Illy llnllnl Pre. In Tho Dully llallrtlnl
WABillNOTON, Dec. fl, Coiikich
h lo ll it 1 action linarliiK upon food price
leiUaltitloii will nwnlt thn recomtnnu
diitloil of rroaltleht Wllaon nml tho
cabinet. Tho rneoinniondiitlon wlinn
it la inn do, will lie baaed upon thn
rnpoi'lH of viii'Ioiih ilupni'timmlB which
hnvo linen coiiilucllng oxhnuHllvn In
vnallKtitlonB. Thn pluti la anld lo
hnvo thn Kiippot't of thn Democratic
lemlnra In thn IIoiiho mid Betintn.
( 'O.N'fJItKHH TO Mi;iOT II Kit M
The Central Oregon IitIkiiIIoii
coiiKrcan will meet in Iloud next
WoilnoKdtiy, with ileleKiilea reprn
HnntinK nil the commercial bod Ion of
Coutrnl OOroKOtl and dlHtrleln which
nro affected by ItTlRiitlon projocla.
Muttora of Importance to Control Ore
gon will thou bo diacuHaod, in thnt
nt the niinunl mooting nf thn Oregon
Irrigation cougroHn n well formulated
program will bo rendy- for prenonlu
M?.rij . ,-.u . i. ...
ComilieniillK today. The llulletlll
heeomei a dally uewapaper, and llend
ttcotilrck another adjunct of metro
polllau exlmeliee.
Tho I Hilly Ilulletln will bo IkHlled
every ufleiiiooii except Hiiuduy. Thn
weekly puper will bo coiillnued, pub
llnhecl on Weduekduya, ak heretofore.
The t tn 1 1 ' will he aerveil with the
Culled I Venn newk kervlce, recognized
uk offetiliK the flnenl itvullulile newk
pnper fin 1 1 It lik for iifleriioou pnperk.
A eoliipreheiialVk leleKrnphle aervlce
will be received durlnn the dnv and
up lo a lute hour In the afternoon,
embracing tho lltipoiliinl uewa of the
world and kperlullxliig III affnlra ot
Mule and local Intercut.
Ak the Klliopean day U etiilcd eight
honm uheiid of OreKiiu'a. and eiiklern
lime Ik three hoiiik In advunee of
lime here. Iho weateru ufleriniou pa
per huk available all the newa of Ihe
win Id for lhat day. For limtance, 4
o'clock In Ihe afternoon here la 7
o'clock III the evenliiK In New York,
and liildnlKllI III Loudon, an lhat
readerk of an afternoon newapuper
In llend will hnvo before them all Hie
Important lieoa of the day from the
uewa reuteik of Hie world.
The paper will be on the klreet
about foiir-thlrt v. and will be d lu
ll United both by currier and throiiKh
Hie mall" ll cull reach every offlre
unit lu town before rloaiiiK lime
mid every llend home for rending nl
the nuppcr hour or during Ihe even
ing. It w ill hi lug lu tenderk the
ume new it ak ihe roriland iifleruoon
ilblllrk, win. reach here the next
morn I iik.
Block Mntkel lteMirt.
Ill addition to Iho regular tele
graph aervlce, which will bo the name
aa received by in nut of the ufteruoon
dulllek of Oregon, The Dally llulle-
llll wilt get t-xleliklva apeciul mull
kervlcu and a cut aervlce of 1 11 tint ra -tloiia.
A feature which will receive
much attention will be a market re
port. Iteeelpln and plirek of llve
klork nt thn roriland yurda each
mornliig will appear In Ihn nflernoon
paper, nnd Important data will be
given regarding grain mid commodity
Bpeelal feature alotlek, Including
porting miitlera of local lutereat w'll
bo received from I'oiTluuil. (!. I
Putnam, owner of Thn Ilulletln. la
aecretnry lo tho Governor at the Cap
Itul. Buleni, uml atnte and political
newa of linporlutice will be covered
by, tt i in lu regular correkponileuce.
A eoinproheuklvn newa kervlcn of (he
coming leglaititurn will nlao ho pub-
Weekly Will He llcltcr.
Tho regular weekly edition of The
Ilulletln will bo continued, and lie
can tie of Ilk connection uilh tho Dally
il will bo poaalhle to make It fuller
than ever mid of nioro vulun lo Ita
lurgn ntiniber of nuliHcrllierB. lu tile
puat effort hna I i made to build
up n largo rural circulation for the
Weekly, un audi n circulation, reach
ing oilt-of-lojvn people who do Ihnlr
buying In llend, la of prime Import
unco to nil vert Ihith.
Mechnnlciilly, The MiiMelln plant In
well eiiulpped lo produce n dally
uewapaper. The recent ptirchiiHU of
n new .Model Four I eeii l.luulvpc
thn fliioHt type netting mncliinn In Iho
atuto makua available tho boat fa
iiiiiea oiiiainiuilo or getting up
OUiekly and ocoiiomlcully tho 1 body
typo of n uewapaper, aa wnll aa ad
veitlaliiK and Job work. Hereafter
thla tuiiehlne will bo operated two
BlilflB of night hoitra nnch. In tvpn
preaaeij and ahop niiulpmont, the
Plant la wnll supplied to turn out a
dully, and thoro In nmplo room to
hiintllo oiio iidvaiitiiRoounly.
II. W. Hawyur, Kononil tni.nugor of
Tho Hiillotln, will dlroct tho bunluonn
of Iho dully uml auporvlao lit) otlltor
litl udinlnlHtnitlon. Fiotl A. Wool
flim will bo In ootlvo chargo of Ita
newa ami, telegraph nnd local. Mr.
Wooirion, who liua bnou ou tho paper
for a your nnd a half, Is n griulunlo
of thn Iliilvorally of WnahliiKlon
Hchool of JoiiriinllBm, nnd Iiiib had
nctlvo expoflonco ou dully iiowbiui-pei-B
nt I.owlBtoii, Idaho, and elao
whnro. Ab nanoclntn ndltor' ot tho Dally
will bo Henry V. Fowler, who cornea
to tnlto tho poaltlon from Hnknr, Ore
gon, whoro ho hua boon oliy ndltor
of tho linker Horuld, nn aflnrnonn
dully. Hn la n grndiiuto of tho Unl
vorslty of Orcguti school of Journtil
lam, and IniH .linil cxporlonco on the
Morning ItnglBlnr, of ICiiKono, mid
Iho A!b,iny liuinncitit.
IIAIIII) 1)00 H7d(lfl
Helen IIiijck Hilton W'eiliiOHilny
Mglil l.efl for I'oi'llniiil Hiinilny
lo Tukn riiHtenr Trent ineiit.
For the flrnt time klnce thn rablck
epldetulo liecunin geiiurul two yearn
ugo, a renldenl of llend- wua bitten
by a rubltl dog, luat week und In
now In I'ortluud receiving thn I'lin
leur Iri-ulment, while the city oi'dl
uauce providing for niuxzllnx dogn
hua been hnallly rejuvenated und la
again lu full force.
Helen llayen, Hie 14 year old
duughter of Mra. Florence llayen,
who Uvea ou Wull alreet near tlio
laundry. vua returning from the
Thnnkkglvlug diincu ut Ihn Hippo
drome on Wedncadny night when
aim waa uttucked by a dog mid bit
ten. Al. Cumpbell, a friend of Urn
family, becoming worried Iho next
day lent the dog might hnvo been
rabid, looked up thn animal. Find
lug that H hud been killed, ho dug
up Iho bead, which Dr. Coo aent to
1'orlland for examination. On Bat
tirdtiy word wua received from Btnto
Health Officer Koberg lo the effeel
Ihul Iho dog waa plainly mnd and
lo aeitd Ita vlcliiii down for treat-
incut. Mlna llayen let I for I'orllund
Hominy night.
Thu dog la dearrlbed Ok of H dark
brown color with a while patch on
lla Ihront. It waa formerly Iho prop
erty of u family which riiovoM to
I'orllaitil a few weeka ago, leaving
It hern uncurnd for.
Aa aoon aa ll waa known tliut the
dog wuk rabid, ihe city authorltlea
dr. ulaied poaterk muting ihul all uu
lil li I, led dogs would be killed.
Teuloiin .MovIiik, It Ii-TIioukIiI, Willi
llilonaa ilk Their IiiuiI ICiiht'eru
l-'ronl Ik Hie Krone of lllg '
(Hy ('ml W. Ackrrninn.)
Wllh iho Gorman army at I'ltea-
clneyvlllo. Tho capluro of Huchureat
by the Invading Gerinaii forcea In
only n matter of a few daya, tho den
pciate reainlanco of thn Itoumanlniia
only delaying the Inevitable occiipu
According to n growing opinion
aiming obnorvera with the. Toulon
army, tho grout achievement of the
(lermann doea uol atop with lliiehar-
oat ua Ihe goal of tho offonnlve. The
object of the Invading forrea, nn it
ik now aeon, Ik lo dontroy Ihn Uou
inuuliiu in iny mid then inarch on Into
Itunnlu, with Odeum ua u ponallilu
Viml Mnvon I'laniicil
Ofllcera bellevo that In beginning
thla operatlonn Field Murahul lllnd
enhurg pinna to hiing tho grout war
to a deeinlou ou Iho eanlern. lunleud
of Hie weateru, front.
Tho awifl ndvuiico of Miirahula
Muckeuaeii mid Fulkutiheyu ban cut
lioumiinlii lulo three pniia. Today'a
opuriillonn nru expected lo aew up
Iho three holea mid forco tho Hon
mmiliiiia to defend Iluclturent f.iom
tho north, or evttcuiite.
Itiichni'onl In Toppling:
Illy Unllnl I'rnu to The Dally llullrtln)
1IKKI.IN, Dec. B. Olllclul atuie
menla lamted thla morning miuotinco
ftiiiher captures or priaoueiB mid
war material by Field Marshal Mno
kenaon, who la mlvmiclng with hla
victoiiotia army, mid throwing n ring
of ateol nioiiiid tho remaining do
fendeiH of Huchureat.
Thn German forces nro making
rapid progrcna ulong tho railroad
botwoon Uiicharoat and I'lonscik,
which- thoy nro aeeklng to cupttiro
to prevent further oacape of Ihe Hou
nimilnii forcen.
ltiiBBluu attucks along tho Dnntiho
In nn effort to lighten tho Rnumunlmi
primflitt'o, have boon ropulnod.
Iluvbl l,lo)il-(ii-orgo i:piHtrd lo Ac
rept Vui iinl l'o-.t A. Ilonur Law,
Itrlllnb I'onnrrviillvr lOiid
' rr DerllneK I'oallion.
(Ily tfnllal VrfM u, The I)llr Ilulletln)
LONDON, Dec. C Tho crisis In
Iho Hngllnh cabinet, which bus boon
working up for the pant few daya,
link come to a head, I'rlmo Mhilnter
II, II. Aagulth link realgnnd and tho
uniiouiiccment of tho acceptance of
the pokt by David Lloyd-George la
expected momentarily.
Following Mr. Anqtilth'a resigna
tion, King (JeorgM called A. Donar-l-aw,
Uin conncrvatlve leader, to
lluckinghum l'alaco und offered thn
vacant pont to him. Mr. Honur-ljiw,
however, declined the honor and
Lloyd George win aent for.
Lloyd-George IB tho .Milliliter of
Muiiltloiik In thn present cabinet, a
new poalllou created since tho begin
ning of the war. w hen it became ap
parent that Ilrltuln must organize her
Indiinlrles to supply tho enormoiui
luautltlek of muiilllonk re i hired to
wuge modern warfuro. Heforo tak
ing thla pont ho was Chancellor of
Iho F.xchcqucr.
OVlilt 100 VOTES.
Heniioll, Ilrontorboun and Kdttar&i
are Kleoloil to Cwut 1.1 OvcjtJW. .
Voir 'M Caldwell lte
voraoa LiihI Voar'a Vol.
Itnveraliig Ihn reault ot a year ago.
B. C. Culdwoll yeaterday defeated i.
A. F.aatck for mayor of Demi for thn
coming year. Ilia majority waa 111
volek. out nf a total of 726 raat. For
tho council, Louis Dennett. K. I.
Hronterhuiik and A. K. F.dwardk were
thn aureuaaful candidates over O. C
lleukle, L. C. P.udow and C. W.
Thornthwhnite. Mlaa Mary Coleman
tvna ro-eloctod treasurer without
Thu total volo cast In tho five pro
tiniia wua 730, indicating an unex
pected Interest In the election on b
half of Uin various candidates, es
pecially for mayor.
All flvo precincts voted In tho va
cant building on Minnesota street,
Ihe votes of Kenwood, Deschutes and
No. 6 precinct being received In ona
ballot box, and thone of llend 3 and
4 In another.
Hiinimarlznd, tho voto wns as tot
Iowa: ,
Kun.-Des.-No.S No, 3-4 TotT
(by llnllml Pr to Tho Dally llulli-tln)
l'AHIS, Dec. (1. Tho offlclul stuto
nient IhhiioiI hnre toduv niiimniuwi
tho capture by tho SorblmiB of strong.
poHiuoiiB nortn or orunltzB, With
this nilvmino,1 the Hulgaiinus nip re
treating northward. The Franco.
Sorb rnreoB In tho Biunn wnr theatre
havo mnda further ndvancoB. : North
of Moiiastlr violent 'artillery fire lu
progressing, . .
Illy United Prmw lo Tho Dnlly Ilulletln)
NICW YOHK, Dec. (I. Members nf
tho crow of the stiinmnr John Lam
bert reached horn today on tho liner
Knpngnn, said to hnvo been shelled
and stink by Gorman . sithmafliioB
with wiii'nliiK. November 22, off the
Islo of Wight."- " '
Culdwoll 190 250 ' 430
liiiBlos 100 ' 206 30
Coleman 232 S45 . 677
Heunolt 1.17 223 3K0
UniHtorhous 128 22t) 354
Kdwiirds 183 241 424
lleukle 141 204 84T
Hudow 100 167 2S7
Thorulhwuito ....121 17S 299
The Muyor-LliTt.
Mnyrjr-elecl Ca, dwell has been a
reaident of llend since 1903 and in
thai time has served severul tortus
on the council, being now a member,
t'ntll a tew mouths ago ho was en
gaged In tho mercantile buslnoaa
hero at Hint time selling out lo Floyd
Dement. Ily trade he Is a plumber
and. sheet iron workor and was thn
first to cngago lu this work lu Ilond.
Ho was bom in Gallia county,
Ohio,' nnd after uttenditig school
there travelled extonslve'ly over tho
western nnd southern states, i arrlv- 1
lug in Portland lu 1882. In tho 34
yeuiB thnt have .claimed slnco , that
timet 'ho litis lived lu Oregon except '
for n period of residence In Spoknuo. 1
Mr. Culdwoll Ib married and lias four
children. ,. . .
In an lutorvlow, glvou tho Hullo- a
tin following tho. nniiouncomont of
his uloctlon, Mr. Caldwell said that
a b yot ho. had no special plans tor hut :i
administration. Continuing, ho said:
' "I bollovo In ennui rights and Just
tronttiiciit of nil, und epoclnl priy- '
lieges to nono. I bolleve also In
fair nnd Just administration nf tho
city's affairs, so for as It Is In thn
mayor's' power to do these things.
I nni not yet rendy lo annoiineo tho
appointments to bn made by mu. ,
wiBhlng first to discuss those and .
othor matters of ndtulnistrallon with
i...' .n,...ii i4i - '