nRNniiuiXETiN. iiKNn, onKflO.N, Thursday, December as, 1022 PAGE 7 MPHERSON TO BE PRESIDENT OF CIVIC BODY Merchant Is Choice of Club Director MILLER IS TREASURER J. I. Ilennc.y. Khclril Villi Prrftl ili'iil Cluli'x (.'unillllim lin'll gitleil Id' llrleiiiiliiii in (o Mnllili'iiincn fur Win l),t(l. McPherson wiim olectod iiri'n lilunt of tho llmiil Commercial club 11I Thursday's meeting of tlm cluli di rectors, llm llrjt of tho now club year, following tlm reelection of nil (if tho directors who would otherwise Imvo retired. .J. V. IloniiiiMiiy wuh elected vlco president slid II. A. Mllliir trena il re r. A committed wus appointed for tho purpono of Investigating tint financial conilltlon of -.tho Comiiiiircliil club, mid to determine whether It will he posslblo to maintain It for another yenr, and whnt w)ll Im neccssury to tnnliitaln II. Member of tin; coin mlltoo uro It. H. Ilutiilllon, II. E. Al len, K. Dement uml II. A. Miller I. lulu of paid up member and of delinquent member aro being pro pared, uIoiik with n llnanrlul state ment, for thin coniinllleo's inc. Tho question of maintenance of tho Oregon ToUrlut & Information bureau, of tin? slate exhibit, utid of tho Pacific Northwest Tourist bu reau wi'ro referred to a cotnmltteu rorixlstlng of It. H. Hamilton, Prosl; dont McPhersun and Sccrotury L, Antlei. DRIVER OF RUNAWAY HORSES IS INJURED I'Viink Kltelgeorgt) llm led From Wagon W'lirn Telephone Poll1 Nrnr (titer l Klrutk Thrown from liU wngon when tin) vehlclu, druwu by it runaway team, struck n telephone polo, Frank Eltol george. Miller Lumber Co. teamiiter, Himtulued 11 badly wrenched buck Tuesday mornlui; and In now confined to hla home. Tho team marled to run while crossing thn Tumnlo avenue bridge. Hltelgoorgi) wan unahlo to hold Hid slippery linen, und Hie team bended around tho corner to the left after crossing to the went Mil" of Hid river. Tho borei depurated us they neared the polo. Tholr hurnes broke a thn wiiKon encouniitied tho obntuclo, and a tow tnlti iitvn later they wero'enught and returned to llielr stublo. TAYLORKNOCKS OUT OPPONENT Martin Rests Knorr, Rut Loses on Foul Mont-Komery-Manfredi Draw It took Allli) Taylor only three roundu to domonitrnto that the clover punches which ho seems uhlo to de liver from nl moii t any position, und ulwnys without any warning, nUo hiivu In thorn tho knockout poslbll tleH. After driving Jerry Terry, bin opponent In tho main went on tho Chrlstnins curd, around the ring from tho oponlnK of the match, and out polntltiK him In ovory skirmish, Tay lor hiimmorc'd tho New Orleans scrap por ngnliiHt tho ropos In tho third round until he dropped to tho floor helpless, DIowb to tho hoad put him out. Terry domoiiHtrnted that ho Ih u clever boxer und wIUIiik to mix, hut tho combination ot Taylor's clover neHH und 11 weight hundlcup of olght potindH mndo him no mutch for tho local bantam.' Ouy Martin fouled Duffy Knorr In tho third round of their mutch, hit tlni! lowi but Martin had tho oiIro up to that time and wns evidently In much hotter condition than tho Hod monil lighter, Tho fuim agreed that tho foul wuh unintentional, und gnvo the Contrulla war veteran un ovation u (i ho left tho ring. Not much can bo snld, however, for Johnny Manfre'dl, tho othor vIh Itor from Cuntrnllu. Mntchnd agulniit Johnny' Montgomery, who was Devon pounds lighter nnd much loss oxporl enccd, Munfrodl was unable to got moro than ti draw. Mnnfrodl used vomo ot tho fastest footworK ovor noon In tho ring hero, but most ot It was wnutod, Ho toll to tho floor con tinuously In ducking attor his rushos, tho only system, of covering up ho Boomed to Imvo, Had Montgomery used uppercuts and douo moro dam- 11K0 III tho clinches, III which (ho VI Itor left Mln kldiiuy mi ansy turgct, Montgomery probably would hrivo Won, Nu iIiiiiiiik') wuh iloni) except In tlm flf til round, whuii tlo Itiillini did land several uppiirculs ut close riuigo. In tho lliml round Maufredl wiih evi dently In distress, whllo Montgomery did not Imvo enough utrenKth loft to finish I1I111. Itny OrosHwIillo'iind Art Andrews, who unit In tho flrt preliminary, proved to hi) willing fighters, and each carried u punch. After they hud smeared each othor for nearly four round, Andrew struck Crosswhlto low, uccordlng to Hoferoo Fred (111 bert, Crosswhlto wuh half through Hid rope und lying 011 Hi em wfien tho foul wan comulltted, Tlrtn deci sion, iin woll im tho others that Gil bert iiiudo, hud tho appiovnl of tho fiuiH, and thn arbiter also gulncd popularity from tlm manner In which hit conducted tho uvents. The American Legion iiudltnrluni wot woll filled with spiictntors fur tho smoker. Thn flKht iiinuaKuiiient came In for concerted criticism when It win atiuouiiced that tho Knorr-.Martln houl would bo tor only four rounds, after thn Munfredl-Montgomory event line been reduced from eight to nix rounds, . THINK VESSELS LOST IN STORM Rattcred Ships Report At lantic's Worst Gale in 20 Years ( lljf Unl(4 I'ini In Tlm IW Ilullrtln.) Ql'KKNKTOWN, Irclond, Dec. 20. Three vchhoIh nro believed to hnve been lout In a hurrlcuno which Is sweeping tho North Atlantic, accord ing to tho cupluln of thu Now Colum bia, which was driven Into this port by toduy's storm. Tho Celtic and tho Carmanla, with decks and lifeboats smashed, put Into port, reporting thu most terrific gulo In 20 years. Tho Now Columbia's captain re ported receiving dlntrex signals from three versels Just before tho storm reached Its height, mid that after wards ho wus unable to touch them by radio. FEW OF TEACHERS ARE TAKING EXAMS Imw nMiilrliiK Normnl Training Held CniiM Tun of l-'hi I'rom Oiilhlde the County Teachers' nxamlnatlons In Des chutes county this term drew fewer Instructors to Ilcnd than ever be fore, stutcN County School Superin tendent J, Alton Thompson. Ho con siders Hint the luw requiring normal school training Is responsible tor this. Of flvii who took tho tests Inst week under Thompupn'H supervision this week, two are from out ot the county, Mrs. llhiiicho K. Itohlusnn-Albrlglit of Wukco county, and Miss Verne A. C'ockerhum of Prlnevlllo. Tho others nro MIsh Kmniii retersou of Hamp ton, Mrs, Kditu Jaeger of Tumnlo, and Miss IMiia I.lndberg of I.u Pino Pythian Rank Conferred to Class by High Officials of Order, Using Famous Bible Over 200 members of the Knights of l'ythlus order, Including largo dolcButlons from Redmond, Prlno vlllu and Mudrus, wltuosscd the con ferring of tho first rank on a class ot 13 candidates Thursday night by Grand Chancellor W. F. Hurdesly, after thn class had ucou given their Initial obllgutlon ovor tho Ruthbouo Bible, usod by tho founder or thu ordor In Initiating tho llrst mombors In 18C4. Harry M, Love, supromo koopor of records und bciiI, and tho first supromo o Ulcer ot tho order to mako an oftlclnl visit to tho Ilend lodge, delivered tho obli gation and told tho history ot the Ratlibouu Bible, tho most cherished possession of tho ordor. Walter Q. (llonson, grund keeper of rocordH and seal for Oregon, 'also hud u part in tho coromony. In an addross following tho ban quot at Epworth hull, Lovo, whoso homo was in Colfax, Washington, un til ho wuh elevated to tils proaont po sition, told tho Control Oregon Pyth ImiH that community sorvlco la tho boat muaiiH ot Incrouslng tho member ship and lulluauco 'of the ordor, (tho teachings ot which nro much needod now, when district und strlfa uro bo common. Assistance In tho building of tho Pythlun homo at Vnncouvor, Wash., Is one 'service which mombors in this itato can glvo now, ha statod. Ho gave instances ot sorvlco performed Over 2,000 Rubbils Are Killed Before Wcathet Halts Poison Cnmpaitfn lie t ween 2,000 ntid 0,000 rub blth met mi untimely deuth In the vicinity of Druthers 1int week before tho rapid thuw halted tho work of Jtoy Kugnto und A. W, Monro, operatives of tho U, H. biological survey, who worn conducting n poisoning cauipnlgn there, rugate reported whllo In He ml Tuesdny on his wuy to Itcdinorid to report to County Agilcullurlst W. T, Mc Donald, Over 100 ileuil rabbits were counted within a radius of CO yards at 'lino placo, Kuguto stated. PERJURY CHARGED AGAINST WITNESS I. II. (loritoii Defendant im Ki'ipiel lo Hewitt ('uf ilvlni l,l(iior lo Minor Alleged As a sequel to the circuit court trial of Mrs. IJemlcco Hewitt, acquit ted on u charge of Immoral conduct nt tho Wright hotel, I. II. Oordon, complaining witness, was arrested lust week by Deputy Sheriff (Jeorga Stokoo on a chnrge of perjury. Tho complaint spccldcully alleges that whereas Cordon stated that ho vis ited tho hotel seven weeks before December IC, the night clerk, Frank Hertford, denies tho truth of this or of occurrences connected with tho visit to which Cordon had testified. Complaints were filed against two other witnesses, T. 11. Anderson and C. It. lineman, churning them with giving liquor to a minor. Anderson wus arrested. Tht Living Proof. Nobody believes more tlnnly In the wisdom of tho plain people than a candidate ho tins Jutt been elected to olllce. Illrmliiulium, Ago-lleruld. GLARING LIGHT CAUSES SMASH Machine Goes Off Grade and Upsets Five Occu pants Escape Injury Ilecntmo nn unknown driver failed to dim tho headlights on his car, five occupants of a Ford car driven by J. II. Owens were bruised and scratched, narrowly escaping serious Injury, nnd the top and windshield of the car were broken when It went off the grade and upset Just north ot tho I'loasant Illdge community hall on Monday evening about C o'clock. Thoso In tho car were Mr, and Mrs. Owens, their two duughters, ano aged 19 nnd the other 10, and Mlko Jacoby, The big car which was responsible for tho accident continued on Its way toward ltcdmond, Owens reported. Three men ,who came along In an other machine shortly afterward helped to turn Owens' car right side up, following which Owens drove It to Ilcnd on Its own power. by lodges In Washington, and their resultant growth; and suggested that tho adoption of a Boy Scout troop would be a worth while undertaking. Grand Chuncellor Hardesty urged that groat cara bo taken In choosing candidates who would be creditable members, even -nt the risk ot falling to Increase tho membership. Fra ternal lovo wus never needed moro than nt present, ho declared. A campaign for building th first unit ot tho Pythlun home will bring sonio of tho grand ofilcors to Bond ngnln this winter, Walter G. Glon'son said. A fund ot $02,500 Is to bo rnlsed In Oregon by March 1. Or phans und widows ot Pythlans, nnd mombors who hnve become depend ent, uro to be yikon care of ut this homo. Appreciation of tho visit of the supromo and grund ofilcors was ex pressed by Jay Upton of tho Prlno vlllo lodge, T. J. Qulgloy ot Red mond, H. C. Topping ot Madras and II, II, Do Armond, tonstmnstor, for tho Bond lodgo. The banquet, Borved by the Pythian SlBtors lodge ot Bend, was highly prnlsod by the visitors. Mombors ot tho class Initiated wore W. M. Alma'ck, E. II. Mllllom nnd F. C. Sottlomoyer of Prlnovlllo, and Peter Holniborg, Hugo H. Nast, Alfred N. Johnson, George W. Roe, H, Bort White, Cecil Sprlngate, Hiram FUihugh, A. D. Oster and John Rlkkenberg ot Bend. RADIO f MESSAGES HEARD FROM PARIS (union Hall, Itrcjilin All I.ocnl Itec- iit-iN fur Irfiiif; Dkfiiiice , ItccclvltiK Itadlo press reports sent out from I'arls, Frnnco, were heard' In Ilcnd by Cordon Hall, he states, The mes sagos wero In French, Tills Is tho farthest point from which messages huvo bum licuril hero. I'. 1j, Williams, (mother local ntnu tour operator, has heard music from 17 stales und from five Canadian sta tions. UNEMPLOYMENT NOT DESTITUTION CAUSE Illness and tho combination of low income and large families uro respon sible for such destitution as exists In Ilcnd, reports Captain L. S. Ilroad bent of tho Salvation Army, after a survey of conditions since his arrival hero. In no case Is It duo to lack of employment, ho states. In several cuses where the head of tho family hus been III or disabled for some time, and In others where the income Is not sufficient to sup port the number In the family, Ilroad bent has found tho children under nourished and Insufficiently clad; and donations of food and clothing are much desired to relievo this condi tion. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOIl I'UWJCATIO.Y Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, November 10, 1022. Notice Is hereby given that Ed ward D. I.nlonde, of Ilcnd, Oregon, who, on October 8, 1018, mado homestead entry No. 0201 0C, for HWU. Section 34, Township 18, S., Itango 13 K., Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco ot Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before H. C. Kills, United States Commissioner, at l)8nd, Oregon, on tho 20th duy of December. 1022. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis C. Heiiklo, Charles II. Haines, Willis V. Dorn, Alfred Incognltlo, all of Ilend. Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, ItcgUtor. 33-42p .NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT In tho County Court for tho State of. Oregon for tho County of Deschutes. In tho Matter ot the Estate ot An drew J. Hoblnson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Theo- doro Aune', nn administrator of the Announces- That during the coming week a carload of Jewetts will arrive in Bend. Talk to us about placing your order. We take this opportunity to wish you A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Paige Sales & Service Garage Lust Will and Testnment of Andrew J. Hoblnson, deceaced, has filed his final report and account in the County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, und that said, Court has des ignated the 30th day of December, lli22, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p, m. on said day, as tho time, and tho Comity Court Itoonl of said Dos- chulcH County, Oregon, as tho placo for tho hearing of nny and all ob Joctlons to such final account and to tho settlement of said estate and the final dlschnrgo of said administrator, together with the release ot his bondsmen. Dated at Ilcnd, Oregon, this 27th day of November, 1022. THEODOHE AUNE. Administrator of tho Estate of Andrew J, Hoblnson, Deceased. Dato of first publication, Novem ber 30, 1922. Date of last publication, Decem ber 28, 1922. NOTICE FOIt ITIH.ICATIO.V Department of tho Interior, V. 8. I -and Office ntTho Dalles, Ore gon, November 27, 1922. Notice Is hereby given that Joseph McArdle, of Ilend, Oregon, who, on September 24, 1917. made home stead entry. No, 019199, for SW'J NW'l. NW4 SW4, Section 17, 8E4 NEU. NE HE'A, Section 18, Township 18 South, Hange 13 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on the 11th day of January, 1923. Claimant names ns witnesses: Ell A. Drandon, Harry lirandon, George Hhafler and Floyd Brandon, all of Ucnd, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, 0-4 4 p Heglster. NOTICE TO CItKDITOItS Notlco Is hereby given that the County Court of Deschutes County, State of Oregon, has appointed me, the undersigned,' administrator of tho estate of August Ekholm. de ceased; and all persons having claims against tho said estate are hereby required to present tho same to mo at my place of residence in Bend, Oregon, duly verified, and with the proper vouchers therefor wthln six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. This notlco is published once a week tor rour successive weeks In the Dend Bulletin. Dated and first published this 14th day of December, 1922. AUGUST A. ANDERSON. Administrator of the Estate of Au gust Ekholm, deceased. 42-45C . NOTICE In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County of Des chutes. In the matter ot the estate of Ar thur L. Henkle, deceased: Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has filed in the above f 'ffiirifii? Six built by My 3gjJg J Hl entitled Court and causa her final account In tho above entitled mat ter, and tlio Court tins matla and en tered an ' order npprovfng snld ac count 'and tins sot Hnturday, tho 15tli day ot January, 1923, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock In tho nftoniooil of unlit day,, .at tho Court House In Ilend, Oregon, as tho rtuto for Mio final hearing of said final account, nml all persons Interested In .in Id estnto J nro notified to appoar at said tlmo ii im juncu uii'i present uuy oujoc Hons they might havn ngnlnst salil final account and tho closing and settling of said estnto, CHAHLOTTE IIK'NKLE, Administratrix-. 12-1 So NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Tho Dalles, Oregon, December G, 1922. Notice Is hereby given that Alfred Ingonlto, of Hot 390, Band, Ore., who, on Sopt. 24. 1917, mndo Homestead Entry No. 019288, for NE. U, Section 23, Township 18 South, Hango 13 East, Willamette Meridian, hag filed notlco of inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before H. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner, at Bend, Ore gon, on tho 17th day ot January, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Jaime Grlno, Charles II. Haines. Otis C. Henklo, Ernest Davis, all ot Bend, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, Boglster. 42-46p NOTICE TO CItKDITOItS Notice Is hereby given that tho County Court of Deschutes County, Stato of Oregon, has appointed me, the undersigned, administratrix of tho estate of Fabian Begin, deceased, and all persons having claims against said es tate are notified and' required to present the samo to me, duly veri fied and with the proper vouchers, at the, office ot Tho Shevlln-HIxon Company, In Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published tbU 21st day of December. 1922. MVKTLE NEUMANN BEGIN, j Administratrix. 43-47C NOTICE TO CltKDITOUS Notice Is hereby given that" tho County Court of Deschutes County, State ot Oregon, has appointed me, the undersigned, administra trix of the ot Red mond M. Joyce, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are notified and required to present tho same to me, duly veri fied and with the proper vouchers, at the office ot Tho Shevlln-HIxon Company, In Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of tho first publication ot this notice. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1922. AVON MURIEL JOYCE. Administratrix. 43-47C Paige