The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 28, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    HiTiflpAflB S
r r VVxHlncsdny'
4 ; i )U:H. Townu
of I.owor Mr,
i toJuV. . -t
nr;tiKj if ft
i vUltnr In llond
Mr. niul Mm, Ooorgo llobort loft
limt night for I'ortlnnil.
in ' 0. V. (Hut and fninlly, of Sister,'
art) upending iin dupr.ln llond,
10, J. Flnnlgau rotur oil thin morn
Ihk from a ntiorl vlilLta J'irtluiid,
' ' Minn Mnrjorlif Mnnrty'rottirmid tliln
iiioriiliiK from a visit lu I'ort liuul.
' Mm. M. Ii. Clnrlt of I.ii IMno wn
operated on at local hospital to
dny. Mr. mid Mm. I'M Hwnlloy aro In
. llond today from tliulr homo ut Den
Clinton. Minn Mnrgnrct O'Shou relumed to
llond today nftor potidlng Christina
In I'ortlnnd.
11. I. t ttr r,,.. I it. A
V.I11UI a, Y. (jIMIIJUU til uiu
'' De'scuntos niitloiiiil forl'Bt .ufflco Is on
'' ' tin'riuni lenvo.
Frnnic Own ii linn returned from
' I'ortland, whoro lio pont Christum
with hi parents,'
The Ilroak-HcniiJon Lumber Co,
ha purchased a now (1, M, 0. truck
i rum mo iiuiiu gnrugo.
0. T. Torrll rotumrd this morning
i ' from Portland, whoro ho visited with
' mothor oror ChrUtinitn.
tu'k u ' joo Loohr, who wa oporatod on
"'recently at tho St. Chnrle hospltul,
''' roturnod to hi liomu today,
" ' 'Mlna Juno Konefick ha roturnod
" to llond after spending Christmas
"""with hnr parent In I'ortlnnd.
" Frank Eltolgcargo, who won In
'' Jurod In n runaway yoitordny morn
Ins, I reported to be Improving.
Minn Dnrlo Ilurton roturnod Inst
nigiii io nor namo in raruanii anor
vlaKtrtR with Ml (Iweu Krwlu horu
for loveral (lay.
Mm. Ken M. Wnlto loft last night
for liar homo In i'ortland, nftor vis
IIIiik lu llond for somo tlmo with her
mother, Mrt.L, L. Kyx. ft 4
Ohurle Hotttellerr formprly of
llond, U' now- tho ndltor hud pub
Usher of tho llnrhor City Hun, of
Hj ;, Harbor City.. California.
, CountyBuptirltitondnt of School
'J, 'Alton Thompson wont to I'ortlnnd
last night to nttund the mooting of
tint ktnta educational association.
Mr. and Mrj Clarunc lloyd and
Niniill ion Calvin aro fjidtlug with
lloyd' father, Cbarle lloyd, and
Mm. Iloyd'i pnrelita, Mr. and Mm.
K. T. Clorrlnh,
Horace Itlchnrd, luporlntondont
of the shipping department of the
Drooki-Bcanloii Lumber Co., wua
presented with n gold watch a n
Christina Rift by the men of tho
plnnlnR mill.
Prank McKay nutnlnod the ton
of n finger yestordny when hi hand
wa ciiURbt undor tho wolKht of a
londltiK machine which hn wn help
Iiir to moro at Shavlln-Hlxon Camp
No. 2. Ho I at tho LumbormanV
V. C. Hollfniihond of Ln I'lno I -i
visitor In llond today.
C. A, Boss, I'rlnevlllo RnraRo mrn,
I n visitor In llond today.
Emit Hot went to Portland Init
nlRht to spend sovorul diiy.
Mr. nnd Mr.' Frank I'crclTnll of
Mllllcnn wore In Dend' todny.
Charlc 'Oiasdr spent Sunday and
Chrllmus dny'tn I'ortlnnd, returning
, to Demi todny ,,
Jnmos Clifford, formorly employod
-in tho Shovlln-Hlxon otllco, I In llond
for tho holiday.
"Henry J. PrJtchnrd, who lm ii
ranch oast of llond, (pent Christmas
duy visiting friend In llond,
Mrs. J. II. McCluro nnd dnURhtor
wont to Vancouver on Sundny ovo
nlng, to visit for sovornl day.
Kenneth Minor. Is spending tho
holiday with IiIr wlfo, who la In'
Portland doing special nuruliiK.
Forest Bangor Don Smith Is upend
b Iiir hi nnnunl loavo of abnonco ut
Tygh Valloy, loavltiR llond. laHt night;
Mtb. V. V. Pulmcrton, who linn
boon In Doton for the lunt threo
month, roturnod to llond till Inorn
lllR. Miss aindys Snther I iipondlnR tho
holiday with hor paronts, Mr. nnd
: Mm. H. A. Snther. Sho I n utudont
' ut u; ot o.
Mr' nnd Mrs". Hoy Mltcholl, uftor
apondltiK ChrlstmuH n tho RUosts of
Mr. nnd Mra.-Jnck Horton In llond,
roturnod tp, their homo lu I.u I'lijo
this mornlnB. '
' O. I). Lowls, who formorly owned
' n nilich nt Ilonchute, ho started hi
work In connection with tho United
Stntca Indian norvlco nt Crown Point,
Now Moxlco, according to word re-
) colved by friend here,
Mis Mnry Ariiob Sheridan,' who Is
n studont at tho University ot Wash;
' Ington, returned to lior hoipo, hero
J Sunday morning .'for tho ChrlstmnB
5 vacation, Sho wttB.Beqoinimnlod from
Portland by her 'nclo, J, II. Motstor,
MIrh Margnrot' nnd Mis I.ouIbo In
! nbnlt arrived In Dond on Christmas
mornlnB from Eugene, whoro they
are student at U. of 0 t6 vttlt or
)liDihulJdnyit wth tholr pnrontR, Mr.
nhVl Mm, l-rtrik,Jmib'iilt.
' "KdWnr.d' 'Dr.ostofhoiiR, who I nt
tending U, of 0., returned on Sunday
to him) n d tlin ChrltttnuN vacation with
hi , faintly lioro: IlrostorhouR won
hi cltn numeral by playing on tho
froshman football team during tho
puit ROiiNon,
,(lnnt ii McCnmmon nro moving
tholr carpenter shop and equipment
to tho hulldliiR now occupied by the
Dorrowinan electric, "hop at 120
(Ireouwood, Dorrowinan will move
shortly to tho new Illloy building on
the south side of Greenwood!
M.'H. Iluchnnan of I.ako 1 a visitor
In Jlend today.
A, W. Cillp of Mndms In visiting
In llond today.
Sam I.oclirle of Drothor Is spend
ing tho dny In Dend.
C, Hall went to Portland Inst night
to visit until 'nftor Now' Year.
Deputy Stiorlff C. T. Torrll wont to
Portland lail night to spend Christ
ma. Mis Avi Flshor loft last nlRht for
hor homo In Spokano to spend tho
Mrn. 11. H. Shafford loft last night
for Dutto, Mont,, to visit over the
It, !). Gould, city, engineer, re
turned to Dond from I'ortland thin
..II, M. Stephen left last nlcht for
Ilosoburg to vpond tho holiday with
' Mr. and Mr. Alfred I.ana aro par
ent of an eight pound girl baby,
born till woek.
II. M. Dank received tho phono
graph given away nt tho llooton storo
Friday ovonlng. (
Mrs, K. L. Co.ok left for Albany
this morning, called by thu, serious
Mines of hor mothor.
Miss Nellie Tlfft, prlnclpnl of tho
Held school, wont to I'ortland last
night to spend tho holiday.
Paul Heynold I homo for tho
holiday from Wbltmnn college,
whoro ho 1 a freshman this year.
Frank Owon will loavo' thlJ eve
ning for Ills homo in I'ortland, to
visit with his parent over the holi
day. ,
Mf Jasslo Ownboy, teacher at tho
Itnld'nchool, loft Inst night for Seat
tlo, whero (ho will spend tho holi
day. Miss Vera Hughe, Junior high
school teacher, tin gono to her homo
nt Fossil to spend tho Christmas va
cation. Mis Holon Johns, county librar
ian, itartcd thl morning for Pendle
ton, to spend tho holiday with rein-
tlvo there.
I.ostor Smith roturnod this morn
ing from II. of' 0., to ipond tho holi
day with hi parent, Mr. nnd Mrs.
N. P. Smith.
Mis Darlo Ilurton, formerly of
Dond, arrived hero thl morning from
Portland to visit for several day with
Mis Owen Krwln.
Mis Dcrtha Hucbnor nnd Mis
Edith yVostloy, Held Bchool teachers,
loft last night for their homes nt
Dolllnghnm, Wash,
Mis I.ols Davis of tho high Bchool
faculty loft last night for her homo
In Myrtlo Crook, whero fclio will spend
tho ChrlstmuH vacation, 4
Charles dltdorslovo, who Is em
ployed In tho otllco ot tho United Con
tracting Co., loft last night for his
homo ut Toledo, to f spend tho holi
days. Franklin Forrester and Chostor
Kllnk, high Bchool Instructors, wont
to Portland last night to spend tho
Christina vacation at their homes
thoro. . t
Mis Ermol Scott, who Is attending
tho normal school at Monmouth thl
year, Is home for tho holidays. Her
slHtor, MIrb Erta Scott, l also hero
from Portland.
Thomas Going wont to I'ortlnnd
InHt night, to visit with his son,
TliomoB Going, Jr., who Is 111 In a
hospital thoro. Ho has shown boiiio
Improvement lately.
Ml 88 Allco Stockmon roturnod this
morning from Eugouo, whoro sho Is
a trcHhmnu at U, ot O., to visit Avlth
hor paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. II. Stock
mon, over tho holidays.
John' Logan urrlvod in Dond this
morning from Portland, whoro ho Is
a studoiit nt Columbia university, to
flpond tho holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Logan,
Miss FrnncoB Louise, Hoybnrn ro
tunfed this morning from Eugcno,
whoro bIio Is a student nt U. of O.,
to visit with hor parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J, IU Hoyburn, ovor tho holl
dnys, Miss Mildred Dodda arrlvod In
Dond this noming . from Albany,
whoro sho Is teaching in tlio high
school, to spend tho holldnys with
hor paronts, DV. and Mrs. II. C,
Mlaa Vivian Hnrpor nnd Miss
Thoroso Iloblnetto of Lako county
passed IKtougli DendrtpdSy b'jielK
at tho Hoo'ch iott IiSt nlgl
for hor homo hl,ifotall:J Jlor ls
(or, Mr. H, L.' DouthltJ Svlll Icayo
for Motalla Hundny oyenlng. Hlio
wlH n,H0 v'l"'t with' a sMJor In I'ort
land. ''v
Mrs. J. II. llnnor returned thl
morning from South Carolina, whoro
hq litis hcon visiting with relative
since lhs March. Hlio was accouii
milled from Portland by hor son,
Frank nnd Italplt Haner, who came
homo for the holidays frtim Colum
bia university, whoro they aro stu
dent. , .
Tom Nownnn, wont to Portland last
night to spend' the holidays.
Paul Drooklng Is in Dend today
from his homo at Lowor Drldgo...
Patrick O'Donnoll toft lust nlgljt
for Dclllngham, to visit with hi sis
tor. Mr. Carrie D. Manny will leave
tonight for I'ortland to spend tho
Mr. nnd Mr. Day Madlll left lat,t
night for Monroe, Wash., to visit
during tho holiday.
Ml draco MacDowcll went to
Yakima, Wah last night to visit
ovor tho holidays with Bisters living
Miss Eleanor Dcchon nnd John
Dcchen loft last night for their par
outs' homo noar Hlllsboro, whero tlrey
will spend tho holidays.
A. L. Goodrich of Bistort wa In
Dend, today, advertising a turkey
shoot which will be bold at tho Plain
view rlllo ran'go on Sunday.
Oscar Fomman, who has been em
ployed by Jnrnc Whltlock nt hi tlo
camp near Dend, loft for Kelso last
night, to visit for n short time.
Mlssc Myrtlo Rico and Dorothy
Dodds arrived In Dend thl morning
na tho first ot tho local student to
return from U. of O. for tho holiday.
Mr. J. W. Allen left last night
to return to her homo at Oak Illdgo,
after xl'UIng for a month with her
brother, Eugcno Comstock, and fam
ily. Emmott Molltor returned last
night to Portland after pendlng sev
eral day hero. Ho has been engaged
to piny piano with an orchestra In
that city.
Miss Juanlta Gllmour arrived In
Dend last night from Portland,
where sho Is a student, to visit with'
her sister, Mr. Margarot Dozorth,
over tho holldnys.
To becomo an Instructor In n busi
ness college In Honolulu, Miss Audr
rey McCuno will Icavo tonight for
San Francisco, from whero ho will
sail for HawnlLnext Wednesday. Mis
McCuno has been employed In a local
bank for some tlmo.
William E. Williams has returned
from Corvnllls, whoro ho Is a student
at O. A. C, to spend tho holidays at
his homo hero. Ho arrived later than
tho othor O. A. C. students because
of a trip which he was taking with
tbo Mask nnd Dagger club, which
bavo the play "Adam' and Eva" In a
number of Wlllamotfo valloy towns.
it. D. Gould went to Portland last
night for a short business trip.
Fred N. JVallaco of T.umslo Is re
ported to bo seriously 111 In Portland.
It. L. Verback nnd daughter went
to Portland last night o spend a tew
Earl Weymouth let last night to
spend tho holidays at Portland nnd
J, C. Wright, local Btatlon agent,
lm 'returned' from a short visit. to
Portland. .
Myrl Hoovor, fire department engi
neer, drovo to Sisters on business 'on
The W. C. T. U. chapter will meet
at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at
Epworth hall.
Mis Viola .Dolyea 1 lenvlng tomor
row night to visit her mothor nt Now
Westminster, D. C. i '
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Parborr ot
Sisters aro In Dond today doing their
Christmas shopping.
Mr. nnd Mr. Orlca O. King of
Drothers aro In Bend today, shop
ping. Miss Grace MacDowell, county
nurso, will leave tonight for Ynklmn,
Wash,, to siend Christmas.
-.Chnrles.G. Wilson hns gono to
I'ortlnnd to Bpend tho holiday sen-
ion with Ills parents.
Mrs: Irono Motherspaugh of lown
Is "visiting with hor mothor, Mrs. J.
FIndloy, nt hor homo 'In Dond.
Sanford M. Floo of tho Deschutes
national forest otllco force will leave
tonight to spond tho ChrlsUnns holi
days In nnndall, Washington. ,
Will Ellis, suporlntondont for the
United Contracting Co., and, his fam
ily, loft last night tor Vancouvor, D.
q, Whoro thoy will Bpend Christmas.
Mtss'Mlldrod Hoovor roturnod this
morning from Salom, whero sho Is a
freshman at Willnmotto university,
to spend tho liolldays with hor par
ents hero, ,
Dev. J. L, Wobster of tho Presby
torlan church, addressed the high
Ufi'mpJ SdqnaBonibly Jhls morn
ing- - . , i
Neiv Year's Greetings--
, i .i ' l " '
3 .
-i v,:
W. F. Ewlng, who has been em
ployed as lookout at Emigrant creek
In the Ochoco national forest, re
turned to Dend today. He he a
homestead near Divers.
Misses Kathereno Wilson and Mar
lon" Dunsmore of Tumalo were In
Dend last night, leaving on tho' eve
ning train for Portland, where they
will spend the holidays. ,
Miss Dorothea Sibley arrived In
Dend today to spend tbo holidays
with hor parents, Dev. and Mrs. F
D. Sibley. Miss Sibley Is a freshman
'at Willamette unlvprsity, 'This I her
ifrst-vlsit to Dend.
Miss Mary .and Miss Frances
Thompson, 'daughters ot Mr. and .Mrs.
J, Alton Thompson of this city, will
return to Bend Saturday from, Mon
irfoutn. whero they baVo been attend
$t tho stato normal sehool.
All employes of the Standard Oil
Co. In Dend, Redmond, Prlnevillo
djd Madras 'met at, Madras 'on .Tues
day night for lilscusion. pt sales nnd
servlco methods. The Bend delega
tion reports that the road was good,
considering recent weather.
Blueberry RaplQre.
ltoth these splendid varieties of ber
ries (high and low growing), which
are probubly tho best berry growing on
bushes lu the world, aro a free gift
of God to tho people of New England.
Beautiful In Its white or slightly rose
nto flower, beautiful lu leaf and habit,
tho iuh Is,, of course, most lovely
when laden down with Its cerulean ber
rieslarge, round and plump, dusted
bveHvlth a line soft' fuzz or bloom,
and packed full almost to the , point
of bursting lth u Juice which Is more
delicious than any" known nectur. The
ripe, rich, woodsy flavor vof the perfect
Now Knglaud blueberry is indescrib
able. In It are' the perfume ot the
wild rose and of the clover; In mat
ters ot the palate tho savor of the
blueberry Is precisely wliat he, belt
like npte of the woodtl'irush Is In the
domain of sound. Esthetlcully, ns
well ns In habitat, the two are closely
associated. Buth sensations aro Inef
fable, and qulto without parallel In
nature. "Nomud" In Boston Tran
script. Vtrltty of Materials for Books.
In 'tue British museum are books
vrltten on oyster shells, bricks, bones,
vory, lead, Iron, copper, sbeep-skln,
vood, and palm leaves.
Tree Avenue of Fifty Miles.
Japan hns nil avenue of trees fifty
miles In length, extending from the
town nf Nlkkn to Nnuniitn.
We extend to all our customers hearty
wishe8'f$r"al frahquil. and prosperous New
Ypar. 1
s Thisis;. tl6, time; of year When one looks
two ways in," retrospect and in prospect
Looking backward, we congratulate our
selves on the warm and loyal support ex
tended fto us by old patrons, and for the
large number of new friends we have made.
Looking ahead, we see a long program of
activities in behalf of Service.
" We are ever searching for the best and
finest . in, merchandise, and our ideal of
quality beckons to ever greater achieve-
ment. "
We are setting a new standard for serv
ice in merchandise and in performance for
the year 1923.
Christmas Carols Heard
in Bend; Brass Quartet
and Choir Awaken Many
Christmas day -was ushered In
with the' usual early morning
carols, there being at least two
parties of musicians abroad. in
Bend; a quartet composed of" Dr.
It. D. Ketchum, playing a trom
. bone, and William Dunstan, W.
M. Dlckerson and Ashley For
rest, cornetlsts, and the junior
choir of the Methodist Episcopal
Tbo quartet played In 16 dif
ferent parts ot the city; while
tho singers visited members of
the Methodist church who are
quarantined or otherwise con
fined to their homes, making
seven stops before singing at the
Altamont hotel, where tbey were
Invited In and served -with cook- ,
les and hot drink by 'Miss Alice
Spalding, proprietor.
First Exclusive Transportation of the
Malts, In 1875, Was Watched'
With Intense Interest.
The first exclusive mail train 'wa
placed ,tn. service Sept., 18, lSVs. Leav
ing 'New "York, It arrived on schedule
time In Chicago the following day.
.after a Journey ,,of twenty-six hours,
tireat interest was taken at that time
In this nil-postal train, which carried
the western mall from New Xork to
Chicago at a greater speed than any
passenger train could command, and,
furthermore delivered that mall at Chi
cago distributed and arranged for Im
mediate dispatch to other lines, or
for delivery by carrier In Chicago.
With the beginning of the year 1S03
the mall between New York and San
Francisco was also carried on fast
trains, consuming less time than the
fastest passenger train. Fast trains
between Chicago and Omaha ran the
more than 500 miles In less than ten
hours. An Important feature of the
new service was that by which mall
bags were caught without stopping the
trains, and which brought even small
towns the benefit of speedy service,
tho Detroit News states.
Give It Great Value.
A boarding schoolyonngstet being
asked by his teacher, "What makes o
dollar bill valuable?" replied. "Hiving"
.spent nil the nt of vour qllmvnnre."
appreciation and very
wishes for a Happy
New Year
I i t . i.l t
Poison Cake Still Mystery
After 2 Months Clues
to Source Lacking
(Br United Press to TIk Htnd BoIIttln.)
Sterrett poison cake mystery has
gone down on the crime annals-of
Pennsylvania as "unsolved."
Two months ago today Mr. and
llrs. W. W. Sterrett of Devon, near
here, received a neatly wrapped par
cel post package that contained two
largp slices .of jweddlng cake.
Shortly after eating tho- cake, Mr.
and Mrs. Sterrett became ill and.'
were rushed to Bryn Mawr hospital.
Sterrett died from poison that was
secreted In the "devil's food."- Mrs.
Sterrett recovered after a long Ill
ness. Investigators and postal inspectors
began a nation wide search for the
sender ot tho "death package."- The
parcel bore no Identification marks
and the address was typewritten,
baffling authorities.
Sterrett was a public accountant,
and search was instituted for a man
who would have had a motive In tak
ing the accountant's life, because he
had found discrepancies In accounts,
but without avail.
Clues first pointed to an insane
man who was once employed by Ster
rett, and later to women, one In
Youn'gstown, Ohio, and another In
Typewriters, hundreds of them,
were examined to Ond the machine
that addressed the parcel, but with
out success.
The Investigation had Included
hdndreds of drug stores where tho
arsenic that was blended with the
sweet white Icing on the cako was
purchased, but without result.
Even a coroner's Inquest Into Ster
rett's death has not been held, be
cause of tbo lack Of one single thing
upon which a Jury might hang a
Mrs. Sterrett has closed up her
house at Devon, sold her furniture
and returned to tho homo ot her
mother at Clarendon, Pa.