The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 28, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    e Bend Bulletin
rtWUliKl kr Tli lUni IlolMIn (lncorprtni)
EiUMIitifd 1102 i
ROBERT W. 8AVv'Kiy Ungy
An Independent Nmp,Ti, landln for
tha iquari tlenl. clean bulnM. clean politic
nd lh beat InteroU ct' Dend and Central
Oreson ,
" Sabacrlptlon Rate
On Ycr ..
Six Month ..i........ if ......... W....M.0J
Three Montta i.. ............ $0.50
,- "Recently nn ' official lecturer for
tho Ku Klux' Klah told nn nudtenco
nt tlio gymnasium that tho Klan was
not, In politics. Yesterday a news
art fruai silrl ftl A I ai At. I B m Or) A In
3 u T , 7 , m praise, for their successes,
Washington by nn Imperial ofllcer of, ' ,ii.
council had given tho city faithful
and cfllclont service Tho biggest
achievement, secured with tho tumor
tant aid ofReeordor Rqss Farnhaiii,
linf he'W tjbo mntorlh.1 ro4uotI$u l
tho eity'ldebt. Old accounts liavff
been colloetod and current oxponscs
kept down. Tho rosult has boon n
material reduction In tho warrant
debt. Othc achievements havo been
the street work under tho direction
ot Mr. I nncs, tho development and
operation ot tho camp ground under
Mr. Levcrett, and tho conduct ot tho
pollco and flro department under Mr.
. The job Is ono which must bo done.
Those who nro willing to undertake
It usually get nothing but criticism
for their errors and nover a word ot
Wo think
Fifteen Years Ago'
(Erom th
', nfl I
thb. Klan In which he claimed for tho
organization tho credit for the defeat
ol'TArlous candidates In tho recent
l f'M. . .. ...
ciecjion. in roruana ino ivtan circu
lit'cU.' a ticket of BDnroved eandi
da'tfe it takes credit tor tho defeat
of'feo'vernor Okott; according to all
'' .. -.. ... .
reports u plans a uoitmie attempt tu
confrftl tho next Oreefln legislature
TJiiiyjooks very much like "being In
Apparently the statements and the
dotngs of the Klan officials do not
track? In the face of such definite
nndwell authenticated actions, It Is
fctoish for any member, lecturer or
otherwise, to assert that the Klan Is
not in. politics. It very clearly Is In,'
afld 'the interesting thing Is to know
jiisti.why ay contrary assertion
slioold be made. t '
))jOThapi the next lecturer will elu
cidate; yu-
The other evening a bunch ot ns
waTs seated in a hotel lobby, and
tnero'camo wandering into o'jir midst
a hklf-grown pup. bills' pedigree vas
as'.tnixed as a boarding house hash,
andan X-ray to determine his spinal
antbother vertebrae would'haVe been
si((J6yiner .oupcruuuus. ,
A- bellhop promptly escorted htm
tofand through the door. In a few
minutes he was back again, only to
repeat' the process.
"Shortly thereafter he came trot
ting1 iii through another door.' He
had a most Ingratiating manner and
heiwould stop before one or another
oft us with that look ot appealing
trustfulness that only children and
pup 'dogs' can put over. ..
S66'ri a hand was put out to give
hfrka'.frlcndly pat, and the waykthat
pup 'and. the fellows warmed up to
each other .was remarkable; even his
natural enemy; the bellhop, thawed
out and slipped, him a bunk of meat
he. had purloined from the kitchen.
That pup succeeded in being al
lowed to remain where It- was warm,
to ge&fo'm'ethlng to eat, and to make
frlelitUrbecause "he was a salesman.
trade was
far-from Al, but be knew the funda
mentals. He realized he had a, 'hard propo
sition to put, over and that he could
not sell unless he could get to the
buyers, so be was persistent.
Pitting him out onco or twico
meant nothing in bis young life, and
I reallythink that, ho bad a sense ot
the advertising value the attention
creating value his "puttings out"
and reappearance would create.
Even' in the moments ot stress dur
ing the putting-out processes he
never forgot to be a gentleman.
qlmnnsot, Tho tltillotlti
Tho body of Htilbhrt wad found
Saturday evening, floating 'In thu
tlumo of, tho Cllno Kalis Power Co
Ho had died ot heart fallurb,
It la stated on good authority that
deeds are -being' prepared nt PfliiO'
vlllo for ttio.nnlo ot the towntdto ot
Laldlaw to the "Mount Hood Rallrond
& Powor Co. ,rThls Is tho company
mat, u .nas uecn sum, wouiu mill'
un electric rond ncross Coutrul Oro
gon to connect with a lino In Nevada
Two days qt steady rain proceeded
Hundreds ot whlto swnn nro swim
mllig on Silver lako In tho early
mai mcso men nro entmeu 10 praise, n,0Inlngs, Hying out to tho murshos
and wo arc glad t3 bo hblo to say so. to tc0ll Ior Ul0 grintor ,mr, f lho
day and returning during tho ovo
Following tho general ejection, tho
papers had many columns ot news
concerning the efforts various tndl
vtdunls were making to secure their
choice as' presiding officers ot tho
house and tho senate. There was
much scurrying about. In tho con
"test for tho presidency ot the senate,
especially, partisans ot ono candidate
or another were making hurried trips
to interview sonatpts-electit telephon
ing at all nours 10 reporttno prog'
A tow gray swan
Frod Wallace ot Laldlaw was In
Ttimnlo yesterday after u load ot hay
for Jack Wcnnndy of-Uoiid
William UOegll, proprletorf of th
Covo fruit farm, was In town yester
day. Mr. llocgll 'has hud an nxcop-
tlonally succcssul season this year
tho ylold ot all kinds ot frults grown
at tho Covo having been unpreco
E. A. Smith has returned to Uond
ress ot the campaign and to secure , v- " . ,
. . , ... , .. . .from several months' work on tele
It was said that one man would be
Hij4i8d nothing to sell but :
an his visible stock In tra
supported becauso he would help in
the passage ,ot legislation desired by
certain Interests, or that another was
favored because he was pledged to
certain other measures.
All this was quite proper and le
gitimate. No ono cap properly voice
the slightest objection. We do think,
however, that' tho people ot'thd state
Would appreciate signs ot equal ac
tivity in preparation for legislation
of general) Interest and Importance.
All they havo seen so far has been
the fight to control the house and
the senate organization on behalf of
special Interests.
A senator or representative anxi
ous to dp what he could to perfect
the laws' ot the state could find scores
ot opportunities. Our statute hooks
are now filled with a mass ot Ill
considered nnd undigested legisla
tion. It would put the state many
dollars ahead It (his could be worked
over and put In shape. For this sort
of thing, however, there Is no scram
ble. There Is no .particular Interest
on anyone's part to see the right
phone lino construction for tho Plo
nccr Telegraph & Telophono' Com
Tho engineers ot the Deschutes Ir
rlgatlon & Power Co. are busy theso
days getting, maps, flold notes and
reports ready to bo (lied at the land
office at Tho Dalles, and with tho
state engineer.
Mrs. W. P. Myers was a visitor In
Bend from Laldlaw Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wllcoxon wero
in Bend Wednesday night to. attend
tho dancp.
John Stcldl left tor Portland last
Sunday morning, expecting to bo
gono for about two weeks, ,?n
the Country.;,
SISTERS. Dec. 28. A shortOichool
A Tt IJ m I I 1' V tH WilO tlU4 iUV ililkVliWV"
imn8 uoue. wumu oo, re.reauiuu dInt0 and Drrm,ry Erdcs. A larito
io qeq as.mucn aciiviiy on oenaii oi i crowd attondedi a
all of us as for the .tew who want Perit Huntington. Earl Robblns
and Vcrn Skelton hauled timber from
the J. P. Duckett sawmill to the
school house for tho new barn to bo
something .for themselves.
New Southern Pacific advertising bulU vcdneidar
says "You never nsK, si. mo iran win
run today for you have learned to
depend on it." Maybe you do not;
but here in Send you ask twice a
day what time the train will get -In,
Irel Harrington, spent Monday with
uecilo Jtonoins.
lien 'Tone, was a business visitor In
Clorerdale Tuesday morning
Miss Floronco Itoyal went to lied
mond Saturday to spend Christmas
at nor homo there,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Edglngton. spent
unristmas with Mrs. KUgington s sis
ter. MrB. Smith. In Plalnvlow. I
Howard Jaequot is spending' the
weeir witu pis cousin in uond.
Amnnp tll'nnn f rnm-PlnvanlnlA 'whn
Trvrwf rxr tf ivw e-rtrrmmviil .. . -
""iliu .'irt.i mniwuwi i nitenaqu mo program at the church
Bend. Ore.. Dec. 27. 1922. Saturday cjenlng were Mr. and Mrs
rr. , 1 .11 1 . f IDiin 14I4UIU II II II UUUKiJlVI. iiUUIBC,
An article appeared In last night's jilsses Aleatha and Juanlta Hodson.
issue of The Bulletin, nuroortlnc to I and Thomas Harrison.
be an Interview with Chief of Pollco 'Ed Spoo, Vern Skellpn and Alfred
Hoy fie was a wise dog; he de
parted e'ach time quietly and philo
sophically, and reappeared the same
wayj'with bis tall wsggjng In gentle
friendliness and his brown eyes
searching into the faces of the hu-
mans-jaooui mm, not Dnmiy, noi
crlngbgly, but with quiet, assured
ness tuu commanaea attention-s-ana
so beput bis proposition across.
InaVew days the council which
has administered the affairs of the
city o'Bend for tho paBt two years
will go 'iul of office to be succeeded
by a, neV set ot men chosen at the
Novem')- election. Tho Bulletin
wishes' bow to take the opportunity
of thanlclng and congratulating the
tho SerVI
the outgoing council for
ces which they have ren
dered the city.
Infsaylbg that the council Is to be
congta'lujuted on the quality of serv
ice whltjii it has given, we are not
urimlQtfrni of the fact that on two
major Usues which arose soon after
.it took 'charge of the city government
wo beicved it made serious mistakes.
Wo refer to the Gilson water fran
chise' 'and to the women's protective
division. , On these we vigorously op
posed. tho council. That pur opposi
tion vfi'l right was Indicated by the
nctlonjof the people In voting down
the franchise and in forcing the adop
tion bftho protective division ordi
nance We think that the council, in
Its later, pctlon in respect to the. pro
tectlvo5' division, has signally failed to
obscrve"'lfs Intent nnd to secure .the
best results' possible undjr It. When
we havo ,sld this, the sum ot our
criticism Is complete.
On the, ptherhand, and jexcept tor .
Sorenson spent tho week- cud at the
Spoo homestead on the lower, desert.
A large number attended tho tur
key shoot at the Frank Arnold ranch
In Cloverdale. "
The Ulsters Try Sowing club had
Its achievement party Thursday aft
ernoon. Miss Velma Graham received
first prize In first division, and Miss
ry . . a . i , ii
lease from the owner. D. A. Boyd of A'?,,"u
Wlllard Houston, regarding the al
leged misconduct of 'the Wright hotel
In this city, and to that article I de
sire to make an open reply so that
the good people of Bend may know
the true situation.
I am operating this hotel under a
Seattle, Washington, which has very
near a year to run, and have been so
operating, personally, since on or
about the 13th day of August, 1922
From that date down, to, and In'
cludlngthe present t'me I have en'
deavored to conduct a clean and re
spectable house, and I honestly be
lieve that I -have done this with a
large degree of success. It may be
true that some few violators, or
would-be violators, of the liquor law
have taken rboms Jn the hotel, as
they do 'In all hotels, not only In
Bend, but elsewhere, but all 6f tho
peace officers of this city, including
Wlllard Houston, have had my re
peated assurances that If they ever
knew that a law was being, or had
been, violated in the Wright hotel,
that they had free access, as far as
I was concerned, at all times without
a search or other warrant, and that
I would aid them in every way I
could to help them In the enforce'
ment of the laws.
Many employes of tho mills mako
their homo and headquarters at the
hotel and I" feel that In Justico to
them, as well as myself, the public
should know that Mr. Houston has
made statements regarding tho hotel,
and its management, that are not
warranted by the facts.
Yours truly,
, "( i, A.SELLIOTT.
-.. at
An Ewrllih 'writer claims to have
discovered the "ldenreJeglae." It runs:
Mrs. Lucy Winkle and Mrs.
Hartley wore the Judges.
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Allen spent
Christmas day with their son. Harold
Allen, and wife, 'In Redmond.
Mrs. J. P. Duckett and Mrs. Joe
Bolin and children were shopping In
Sisters Saturday afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs. George Golden ot
Redmond spent Christmas with Mrs,
Oolden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
A dance was given by tho Haean
boys at the Allen dance hall Friday
Mrs. Carl -woods and son, Claude,
spent Saturday at Bead and. Red
inund. '
Mrs. Lea Scartli and Mrs. Mcars
were callers at the home of Mrs. M
Miss Alico Taylor of Redmond
spent sovoral days at hor homo 'here
during Christmas vacation, She re
turned to Redmond Monday.
Miss Georgia Woods 'spout Christ
mas at her homo here.
A. Osier and Mr, Grny of Rend
were callers at tho C. N. Robblns
home Monday ovening. ''
Mr, liaison mado u business trip
to Redmond Tuesday morning.
Holland and Cleon Clark tjpent
Christmas at their homo In Tutnalo.
Rev. and Mrs. Sclumble and chil
dren attended tho Christmas pro
gram nt tho church Saturday leve
lling. ;'
' R. J. Skelton worked on tho Clo
verdale ditch Tuosday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Winkle and Chil
dren spent one day last week In Uond,
Mr., Harrison moved his oattlc
hack t'o Cloverdale after having them
at thei Woods "ranch for tho nasi three
Five Ships, Reported Lost on
the Atlantic
IlttrcK Signals Picked Out of Air,
Hut I-Nsw lit Laboring VckhoIn
Able to Give Aid Crew of
Schooner Itcxriiril
(Pr Unltxl f-rfM to Th lUml llullttln.)
LONDON, Dec. 27. Twonty-olght
lives and five ships havo boon lost lu
lho torrlllc gales and hurricanes rag
Ing on tho Atlantic and along tho
English coast, according to reports
recoived horo tpday. It Is expected
that lator reports will ralso this toll
Tho disturbances extended far Into
the ocean, battering oven tho biggest
liners. All vcssols aro from on to
three days late.
Ships limping Into port today re
port that distress signals wero picked
from tho air, but that tho raging sous
hlndcrod ttiolr search for tho vessels
In trouble.
Tho crow of tho disabled schooner
Gordon Fudge ot London was rescued
at sen by tho American1' freighter
Menomlnoo, dcsplto moutitalnou
wavos which ripped ncrdsa the-ttoom-
er's decks.
Ho was In his ilrst week at college.
aud when ho went to the stationer's to
buy n fountain pen ho felt desirous
that the youm; womnn who wnltNl on
him should know that In spite ot his
youth he wits no high-school' hoy.
When she handed him n sheet of
paper ho wrote on It. with many (lour.
Ishes, In a large, hold .hand, "Alinn
Mater, Alinn Mater," eight or nine
Tho clerk watched him with R sim
per, and at last she sjloka,
"Why don't you let her try It her
self," sho suggested, "nnd then If it
doesn't suit, of courne, we'll change It."
Milwaukee Sentinel,
Swsllow Covsr World.
Swallow, it has been established by
experiment, migrate from England to
South, Africa, .1,000 miles. A man In
Berkshire, In 102J, fastened a mark.
on a swallow and turned It loose. The
bird wns reported ns having been
caught five months later at Jnnnen-
llle. South Africa. Other marked
swallows, liberated In England, have
been reported frnhi Natal, Orange Free
State, Cape Province nnd the Trans
Her Revlied drammar.
Teacher was endeavoring to make
clear to the youngsters the grnmtnst
icnl tenses. "'My father had monoy,'
she pointed out, "Is In tho pnkt tenxc.
Now, Grace,, what tense would you be
employing If you should sny, 'My fa
titer has raoney'T'
That would be ' firetehse," said
Grace, very soberly. Exchange.
Tribe of Indians Marquette Met.
Tho first reference to the Mlsnourl
tribe of Indians made by'n European
was by Marquette in n letter1 written
in 1070 to La Mercler, his father su
perior, as Indians "who use canoes of
wooU" On Mnrquette's mnp appears
the name und location of the "Ou Mes-
"JnitC' Doe". Claims to Hnve
Been on Houseboat
CrtHlene I'lnred In Letter Received
by Portland Police Chief (!lrl
Invited to Appear and
Toll Htory
(Ily Unltnl TroM to Tin lUml Ilullrtln.)
PORTLAND. Doe. 30. J- A girl
signing horsolf "Juno Doo'' wrote
letter to Clilof ot Pollco Jenkins to
day, declaring horsult tn ho tho girl
Involved In tho alleged orgy aboard
Cash Weir's houseboat on tho night
ot Septombor 23. The letter assured
Chief Jenkins that shu Is still alivo,
accused Mrs. Holeli Lonry ot mis
treating her, nnd nbsolvod Cash Wolr
and his son, Earl Weir, ot complicity
In her supposed death.
Mrs. Lcary had accused tho two
Weirs of killing tho girl nnd throw
ing hor body tn tho Wlllnmotto river,
Tho pollco placo credence in tho
lottcr nnd -havo Invited tho girl to
como to pollco headquarters and tell
tho wholo story.
Proipecter Refused $100,000 for Mine,
but Sold for 110,000 Actual
Gold Money.
Money's an odd sort of commodity
and some persons know very little of
actum rash from Intimate acquaint'
a nee.
Harry Venosi tells of nn old sour
dough nt the Klondike, who had
vnluablo claim after several years of
dangers and hnrdhlpti In tho North.
Ho came to Seattle and operator
who realized the value of his holdings
hnd tried to buy him out for $100,000,
but It was no ue, the prospector held
on. Then came the wine miin who
made the deal, and for one-tenth of
that sum. Tho stnge-niannged propo
xltlnn wan worked like this:
The operators cornered their man
on the main street and Induced him
to accompany them to a dark little
office off Marion street .There they
talked Alaska and mining until they
thought they had their miin In the
proper frame of mind. They opened
up the subject of a deal and ho ad
mitted he hnd been offered $100,000.
And you'll never sell for thntT"
one said, anil when tho miner snld
W the would-be purehnser went to
a tahlq near by that was covered with
cloth nnd snatched the covering
nwny. There, stacked In nent but
carelts appearing pile, wns $10,000
In bright, new shiny $20 gold pieces.
"There's what we'll givo you."
shouted one of the operator ns he
saw the miner's eyes gleam. "Vou
Just sign tlio deed, and take the
Aim, tha miner, unused to money,
cnrrled awny by the sight of real coin,
signed. Portland Oregonlnn.
Reformer Arrested in Ni'hl
Rider Investigation
Dr. II. .Mi MrKolii, Held In Murder
Probe, Fight Kilmdltlmi nntl
Invoke Unbent Corpus III
In Kffort - .
(Ilr Unit! l't to The llJ Ilull.tln.)
ME It ROUGE, Doc. 27, Suspicion
of dual Identity brought tho arrest
of Dr. II. M, McKolii, formur r- H
form mayor .of Mor Rouge,, In Unlit-
more yesterday, Federal authorities
claim to havo mndo n discovery thut
while McKoln posed ns u reformer.
and performed urrnndtt of murcy by
dny and night ns n physician, In an
other personality ho led a baud of
hooded nlghtrltlers on deed of terrorism.
Ho Is being brought hero for ques.
tinning by order of (lovernor Pnrkerf .
Other evidence Is bolng accumulated
In tha vicinity of Lqku La Kaiirche.
'Dr. McKoln will right extradition
to Loiilslann, tt wns lenrnod her
today, and tins rotnlnrd counsel to
effect his rolonso ou n writ ot habeas
corpus. McKoln Is pleading Inno
como of all connection with the mur
ders of Watt Daniels and Tliomns
Richards, duclnrliig that ho left Mou
Rouga before the murders warn com
mlttcd, and with all ovidonco In hie
possession given tu ;h3 grand Jury
for Its Investigation ot nlloged tor-
Moral Sentiment First.
Sclencq .. . . necessitates a fulth
commensurate with the grander orbits
and universal Inws which It discloses.
Yet it does not surprise tho moral sen
timent. That was older, and awaited
expectant these larger Insights. Emerson.
Woman Now Says She Help
ed Kill Girl Sanity
(Ilr- Unltl !'r4U1h Ikt.l null.tln.)
PORTLAND, Doc. 27. Mrs. Helen
Lcary told tho pollco it third story
today. Sho said she holped kill tlio
girl named Dotty, aged 33, In Cnshr
Wolr's houseboat on tha night or
Soptombor 23, She said sho, tho girl.
and Cash scuffled and then Cash
struck tho girl with n ploco ot Iron
plpo, killing her.
Mrs. Loary was In a pollco launch
today, seeking tho placo whero sho
says tho body was burled In tho river.
weighted with rocks.
Mrs. Leary at first had accused
Wolr of abusing tho girl and causing
hor death.
District Attornoy Myers this after
noon annouucod that ha would havn
an alienist test Mrs. Leary's sanity.
Looking Death In the Face.
Death does not fright en mo now. I
think It Is like taking chloroform:
don't Htruggle against It. hold the hand
of a friend, and If Is not hnlf bad with
Its promise of rest for inn nnd heaven
for you. From "Words In Pnln," let
ter written by u dying Englishwoman
to her dnelor.
May the New Year bring you happiness,
365 days of health and prosperity.
May it bring you new friends
and pleasure.
is is our
Happy New Year" t
. . .
to you.
Acts With Irresistible Power, i
jvo reccptncio hus ever been tubde
"Here lies a man who would have with sufficient strength to resist V ho
'iKWtf '"..rend, h.qvv be. .was . Cp., bursting power. of-froiem.watMv
"...' ,
v. ' . , ' -I
i ' ,! " ; ',' , 1 ' . "" 'j.
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