The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 28, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    imsi) nyuAmx, iiknd, ow:aor,TmmaAV, iikchmmku uh, ioi-j
pack n
Budget Work During Com
ing Legislature to Benefit
Veto M, Ciiii Wlclitiil lint Utile
Without llolnf; Itml Diiituigu
In Hindi liinllliilloiml
Need Art! Hi-i'ii
(R.l.l lu T1. llutl.tln.)
HAM3.M, Doc, 21. It Iiiih boon n
. long 1 1 mo hIiico Knstorii Oregon linn
5f"hnd a republican governor, no .long
In fact I hut some people havo gath
uroit tho lili'ii ttmt Hint miction of the
Htato. doesn't Imlil real republican gu
bornntorliil timber. Hut events mIkiuM
disabuse 1 ho mlndn of thono people,
for during tlio pant fuw wcokn tliuy
hnvo hiil mi opportunity of seylng
rent Kumtiru urognn ropuiiiiraii kov
iirnor In action, mid tlio coiireusun of
opinion among people who havo had
u clone up on hi action In ttmt ho
In a genuine Kovurnor
. Hoy It It nor of Pondloton, by vlrtuo
of lil oinco nn presldont of tlio inn
ate bocamo governor when Oovurnor
Olcott loft for' tlio governors' confer-
unco In tlio oust. When ho took hold
of tlio rolm, Ilia old horse of ntnto
know tlmt someone win pushing on
ttio Hues.
-' Itltnur linn had ii legislative oxporl
ctico which ban Hlood lllttl III Rood
ntnad In lilti comparatively lirlcf per
lod im governor. Ho Vnown noino
thing, considerable, In fact, nliout
ntnto n flairs and ntnto nerdn.
l.'xprrlciKiT Alii to Htnl"
It Just happened tlmt when .ho
Mopped Into tlio otllco, tlio now bud
get Inw win coming Into nctuul and
nctlvo operation for tlio flrnt tliuo
find tlili In tin Impnttnnt pliano of
executive work, ono of tlio moil Im
portant In fnct. It wnn doubly a
happy thine that Itltner happened to
hnvo ft crock at tlio budKot Just nt
thin tlmo, in It In IiIrIiI)' probublu
ho will ho n niombor of tlio sonnto
ways nnd means committed nnd hli
work with tho budRiit cominliilon
will link In admirably with what ho
)iai to do In that capacity.
Ho hopped Into tho budget work
IJlto nn old nlagor. MakliiK tho roiindi
WrTf tlio ituto Initltutlom, ho poked hln
tioio Into every crack and cranny,
went ovor n lino of iiucilloni Hint
licpt thn luporlntondontn nnd their
aldon hoppliiR, nnd applied tho acid
tent to every one of tho domandn
made upon tho tremury for Improve
ments and betterment!. Winer
known noniethliiR about Institutional
uevdn ut lint hiind, an tho Kimtcrn
Oregon hoipllal, ono of (ho fluent In
the nation, In located In hln back
yard, at It worn, nt Pendleton, and
, ho nl.vnyn han kept a weather eyu
out far that Initltutlon and Itn nt
falrn. Hcnnlblt) llmlKCt I'wivn
Tho upihot of Itltnor'n work liore,
along with Hint of Sam ICoicr'n, In
that the loRlilaturo In going to havo
laid on Itn colloctlvo desk ono of tho
tuoit carcftijly worked out flnunclnl
nnd budRotary proRrnms that aver
nldod a bunch of legislators. It will
lio innio nld, too, and It tho leglsln-
5onCV3 . I
Otctf, you're
wrong isin.
i it.isi and sHe's sittn1 IBHBTflTrrT'
flvo nnnomhly pny proper nttontlon
lo l(, It will bo n material aid In ptit
tllig tip nuiinlhlu program of luntl
liitlonnl mid depiirtuientiil upproprln
tlonn for tlio executive, to pan upon.
If tho legislature follown out tho
budget eominliiilnii'n program It In
going to bo ii hnrd thing for (Joyoriior
I'lorco to wield tho veto ax'o very
strongly without doing hoiiio ronl nnd
material diiintigo to tlio ntnto
Of course, the budget commlsAlon
In confronted with the fnct (lint tlwro
nro a InrKe niimhnr of appropriations
provided for by law, cannot
touch, and which It mint Include In
thu budRot whether It wnnln to or
not. If tho loKliliilurn ultown Iheno
appropriation! to ntund, thoy might
muko Juicy meat for tho executive
axe. Hut thoy cannot be churK"d up
iiRalnnt tho budget committee, an
they havo .nothing to do but to Hit
eludo them In thn budget under man
date of the law,
To IlKt-oinilzn NwiU
Ah far nn tho liiHttttitlohn nro con
cerned, and nn fur an thu care of
their wardn In concerned, the budget
commltlnn In going to nee that every
oHHontlnl In taken caro of. It In not
going to allow any holler to affect
the real needn of the ntate. Ho If tho
Incoming governor tacklon the limtl
tutlonal npproprlitllonn with the veto,
providing thono appropriation are
ulong the linen of the budget com
mission's rocnmiiiendatolnn, ho In go
ing to 'cauno Buffering and hardships
for tho holplcin and the 'aflllctod.
Anyone who roci ovor tho budget n
few moinont and In at all familiar
with the nlato'i uocdn can pot that
fact In ii moinont.
An a mutter of truth, nnyono who
known anything about ntnto affairs
whatever, known that tax savings
canno.t bo made to any material de
gree by Attacking Initltulomil and
departmental functions No doubt,
or beyond tlio question of a doubt,
iiomo money can be saved (n the de
partments of nlato. Iloyond a doubt,
In the mlndn of thono who know, no
money can be naved by hitting at tho
Institution. It In not connldored
truo economy In thn mlndn of those
who hate tho real Interests of tho
ntnto at heart, to lop off tho necessi
ties of Ufa from u holploin, Insuna
man or an Imbecile In tho feeble
minded Initltutlon. An well as our
luitltutloun are aporatlug. It Is up-
ntudle them for any length of tlmo
that they are not running well
enough, simply from tho fuct they
novor have hnd enough money. Thoro
nro hundreds of fecblo minded chil
dren about tho ntnto, hundreds of
feebto minded iidultn, who nro not
In thu state Initltutlon because thoro
In no room for them. The remit Is
that these types are procreating their
kind, rolling up mora potential crim
inals nnd Imbeciles for tho ntnto to
caro for In tho future, nnd whllo the
ntnto Is saving pennies In refusing to
place Us Institution on a basin of
adequato facilities, It I laying up
against coming generations a heavy
tux charge, and a scries of crimes,
Thin clnsn of people Is certain to pro
duco ii largo porcoutngo of criminals
and degenerates. As long an they
nro looso on society thoy will Indulge
In tholr practices and mora thuu ono
child now lying In its cradlo will bo
tho victim of such degeneracy- when
tho tlmo conies.
Cimuulmlmi CoiimtviiIIvo
It need not bo argued from theso
statomonts that tho budget commis
sion has Indulged lu any riot of ox
travnganco for the state Institutions.
Decauso It ban not. It has outlined
a sober, senslblo policy which pro
vides for n fair share of progress, at
OH - WHAT 5 tT ?
flU DADDY ? COre
Commander and Chaplain
Only Uncontested Hon
ors in Election
Klectlon of ofllcern for the coming
ycur, and prepuratloun for ChrlstmuH
In the way of assisting any ox-xorrico
men who might be found lo bo dent!
tulv, constituted tho chief business
to como before Percy A, Hlevenn Nont
No. 4, American I.eglon, at Itn meet
Ing at the gymnasium Inst week. All
olllcuu woro contested, with tho excep
Hon of commander, for which Dr.- L.
UV, Ontchell was the only nominee,
and chaplain, with Itev. II. Heard
an the only member quullflod to be a
H, It, Drown wan clfoseu vco com
mnndor, M, Connolly adjutant John
Ilungo llnance officer, and Hoy Van
VIeet, F, H. Heard, Jack Wright,
15. H. Kennedy and C'rnlg Coynnr
members of .thu oxccutlvo commit
Luncheon wan served following the
business session.
Mlsn Isabel Smith and Alfred
Huiinell, both or liend, were married
on Sunday evening at tho Methodist
parsonage by Her. F. 11. Slbloy. Thoy
will muko their homo In Ilond. Hun
ucll Is employed at the Ilend Rarago,
nnd Mrs, Huiinell ban been employed
nt Stockmon'a variety store.
the same tlmo guarding against any
unwarranted expenditures. If any
thing. It han cut off somo warranted
expenditures far tho sake of holding
down expense.
In addition to hln budget commla
nlou duties. Governor Itltuor han had
a busjr tavf weeks of It, tackling the
various probloms confronting him
with all of the ardor of nn Eastern
Oregon buckoroo. Tho few weeks
havo developed tho fact that ho Is a
man of executive ability and capa
city, with a aiilck thinking, analytical
mind, a mind which Is not pnrtlcu
larly swerved by what other pcoplo
are saying or thinking as long as ho
happens to think ho Is doing the
right thing, and when he decides to
do u thing ho docs It and that Is tho
end "of. He then hops along to the
next ono and does that.
Ho has used tho executive proroga
tlvo to pardon offenders In a number
of Instances. Each of these has been
upon tho recnmmondatlon of tho
Judgo and district attorney who tried
tho case, and In each Instance If you
ask the prison officials who havo bceu
in cioso ioucii wiui tno man par
doned, they will tell you ho did. a
good Job, And .theso self same prison
officials nro not a soft hearted set by
any maiinor of means. They are
nbnut ns hard boiled as they mako
'em when It comes to analyzing con
vlcts nnd their attributes.
All told. Eastern Oregon has dem
onstratcd quite forcibly and certain
ly, within a fow weeks' time, that It
has tho climate, tho soli nnd the pos
sibilities for producing good Rubor
notorial timber when called upon to
do so. And that Isn't said for tho
purpose of opening a Rltner Rubor
notorial boom. It Is Just a slmplo
CWB wb'll
P0CX6T cry
Recorder Scores Hung Jury;
Declares Results Of Cases
In Bend A
"Iteniilln nociired In crlmfnal cases
III Ilend have become a public ncau
dal," Itecordor Honn Karnhnm told
Hie Jury In the John Turner ease Fri
day night after tho nix men hearing
the evidence Had remained out for
flvo mid one-half bourn and then
come In lo report a three to three
disagreement." Tumor had been
charged with permitting minors, to
gamble In the back room of hln Wall
street establishment. j-
Karnlium recalled to the Jury that
In tho last four, cases tried In Bend
courts, disagreements or acquittals
hadi resulted, and allowed It to bo
plainly understood that he consid
ered the ovldonco against Turner suf
Ilcctit to warrant a conviction. .
Country Far Behind in Edu
cation, Declares Com
missioner (Br Unlud Trm to The U.rid BulUtln.)
WASHINGTON'. Dec, 22, This
country Is so far behind In providing
educational facilities for its children
that "it in letting the school that
was good enough for our fathers suf
flco for tho children of today," ac
cording to John J. Tlgert, United
States commissioner of education.
"The present school building short-
ago Is nothing short of'a disgrace to
tho nation," Tlgert said. j
Among 'the defects cited by tho
Save On Sulphur!
by booking your requirements before
January 1st. We will carry storage
Stock Now On Hand in Bend
. Prices in effect only to December 31st. Terms: Cash with order.
"Diamond S" Brand - - - - $52.30 per Ton
"Fruit" Brand ------- $44.00 per Ton
"Toro" Brand ------- $82.00 per Ton
Attention! Farm Bureau Members
.By special arrangements between the manufacturer and "the
.officers of the Farm Bureau, members will be'allowed a discount
of $1.00 per ton.
NOTE: After December 31st the above prices will apply to
pool car orders only. Minimum car, 20 tons. Warehouse stocks
will sell for $3.00 per ton higher.
"Diamond S" Brand is the sulphur that has given the results
in Deschutes County for the past eight years. This brand is 100
per cent pure and is made from highly refined, soft, sponge sub
limed sulphur. Over 60 per cent will pass a 200 mesh screen.
Its merit has been proven by years of real use.
"Toro" Compound is a specially prepared agricultural sulphur
that has given astonishing results in increasing crop yields; re
pelling wire worms; preventing potato scab; neutralizing alkali
'and softening hardpan. Send for literature.
"Fruit" brand is crude sulphur, pulverized to 60 per cent, pass
ing a 200 mesh screen. Each grain retains the dense sand like
structure of the crude sulphur from which it was ground.
If you must use a cheap, crude sulphur, be sure that it is finely
Coarse crude sulphur cannot be absorbed by the soil. .
Public Scandal
Turner, on the stand, admitted
that boys had played cards In tho
rear room of hln shop, tho wlnnern
securing chocolalo barn. Tho boys
were not gambling, however, ho con
tended. Ho Just didn't seem to bo
able to keep the boys away, from tho
place, ho declared, stating that at one
tlmo no less than 38 had been crowd
ed Into tho tiny back room.
Other testimony won to the offect
that gambling for money had gone
on, but that the players had been
cautioned against passing- currency
over the table.
Members of tho Jury were h, B.
Ualrd, W. IL Stoats, J. jf. Klein, 11,
H, McPanh, George Hoover rind V. B.
commissioner in'an appeal for better,
school buildings aro: Old, delapl-
dated structures, half of them dating
back more than 25 years; lack of
fire proof construction; serious con
gestion; lack of necessary, adjuncts
for a rpunded education, such as
gymnasiums, shops, science and cook
ing rooms.
"One school building of every four
now in use was built more than 34
yearn ago," Tlgert declared.
"Hundreds of thousands of chil
dren 'are housed in portable, rented
buildings, stores and lofts. Thou
sands more are sitting for four or
flvo hours a day In badly lighted, in
adequately ventilated basements,
three feet or more below street level.
"Only 5 per cent of all the school
bulKllngs are of Are proof- construc
tion. Every week In the year a school
building Is burned or partly 'de
stroyed. "Seventy-flve per cent of the cities
In 1920 reported congestions. Hun
dreds of thousands nro on half tlmo.
"These nro unpleasant facts. Hut
they are facts that need to be stated
because the crisis Is norloun." t
Turkish Envoy Would Has
ten Negotiations to
End War
(Ilr UnlUJ Prns to Tlx Iknd llullrtfn.)
LAUSANNE, Dec. 28.- When tho
peaco conference resumed Its delib
erations after tho Christmas recess,
Ismct Pasha sent a message to tho
Angora government asking for a
mandate, declaring unless he Is re
leased from flat orders not to glvo
ground on disputed points, peace Is
Impossible. ,
Settlement of some disputed points
Is expected before the new year, but
the conference despairs of signing
any document before mid January.
Btoltb "Howlirn."
Here are iome new "bowlers"
quoted In the Provincial, the maga
zine i,f the Edinburgh Provincial
Training rollege: "Sf.erates died of
an overdose of wedlock." "A mni
suplal Li an animal with pouch in
ItK stomach. Into which It retired when
bnrd pressed. "An epitaph U a short,
sarcastic poem." "Beckett taet Henry
oi the altnr steps and, said, "What ho,
WngP Nlrnry severely massacred
Some Fall to Recognize Truth.
Thou dost give audience everywhere,
O. Truth, to all wn- ask counsel of
thee, and at once answerest, though on
manifold matters tncy ask thy counsel.
Clearly dost thou answer, though all
do not bear. St. Augustine.