The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 28, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAUK 2
POWELL BUTTE, Doc. 27. Har
ry Read has been 111 (or two weeks
and lias finally developed ft well de
fined case of smallpox. Head went
to Southern Oregon recently on a
business trip and It Is suppose! he
contracted the disease "while away.
The county health officer, Dr. J.
II. Rosenberg, has taken every pre
caution to prevent the spread of tho
disease. Plana were already niado
for a Christmas treo at Community
liall. and that was given up and th
treat of candy, nuts and fruit was
distributed to the homes. The re
vival meeting was postponed until
later date, and all other public path
erlngs were called off.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. p. O'Callahan ar
going to Portland soon to placo
their small son under the care of
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hall and sou
Ernest, arc spending the holiday;
with relatives In Portland. They
win bo away about two weeks.
Mrs. Roy- Roberts and daughter
Ina, arc among the Powell Ilutte
people who went to Portland, an
Gresham to visit homo folks over
the holidays. Mrs. Roberts will at
tend a reunion of her parents' fam
Hy while away.
Miss Fay Bussett came In on Sat
urday morning's train to visit he
parents orer Christmas.
Mrs. Peter Pauls has been Quite
ill for a few days.
Mrs. Ila M. Foster, trained nurse
from Portland, is visiting her ynr
cnts Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Charlton
and her small son Oran Charlton
Foster, who lives with his grand
Mrs. Will Peterson and Edgar and
tlma came out from Redmond Sat'
urday to gather up a few articles
that had been left.
Vera Sears came out from Prlne-
ville Sunday to spend the day with
his mother. Grandma Sears, at the
home of his sister Mrs. D. A. Gates.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Pauls. Mrs. Pauls Is a granddaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wurzwelled
and daughter Maxlne, were guests
on Christmas day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Crist of Red
-. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thomas are
in Portland to spend-the holidays
with Mrs. Thomas' mother and sis
Mrs. J. A. Rlggs. and two children
are spending the holidays with rein
tives in Brownsville. While away
they will consult a Portland special
ist for their little., daughter Alys,
wno was In a Bend hospital for a
while following an operation for op
pendicllis. v"--- t
- Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bussett ave
a, dinner Sunday last in "honor' -of
their daughter Fay, who is a guest
at home for a short time. Tho.e
present were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rey
nolds and Mr. Lee, Park Doak, Joe
. Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland
Brown and infant daughter Barbara
. Jean. Miss Lottie Mead of Red-
. mond, Floyd Bussett, Fay Bussett
and Mr. and Mrs. E. A iiussett.
Tho superintendent of the ditch.
Joe Shearer, states that water wjll
be turned into the canal Tuesday to
take care of domestic needs.
A .Christmas tree and a good pro
gram was badjn each of tho Powell
Butte schools. Rev. Johnson and
Mrs. Angle Smith of Prlnevllle were
visitors at Wilson school Thursday
afternoon at tho exercises,
, Mr. and Mrs. , George C Trues
dale had for tbelr Christmas day
dinner guests Mr. and Mrs, John
Skene and Mr. Frank Dunlavy, all of
them old friends, and they enoyeu
llie day to the utmost.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kissler and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiss
ler and family went to Redmond
Christmas day, where they were the
guests at the home of their sister
Mrs. Anna Curtis of that place.
Father and Mother Kissler were also
present, making it a family reunion
of the Klsslers In the west.
lit the Hanson home near Deschutes
on Christmas eve.-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swaliey enter
tained their relatives and a few
friends at a dinner at their lion to
Christmas day.
Mrs. L. A. Brandenburg, who Is In
the hospital at Bend, Is Improving
so that she will bo able to come homo
lit a few days.
Antone, Ahlstrom, accompanied by
Miss Hllma Nelson and Mrs. Alfred'
Pederson. was in Bend on Wodnes-
Oust Nelson made a business trip
to Redmond Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gray and
small daughters,
two small daughters, of Shnvlln
Hlxoti camp No. 2, spent Christmas liny and Buckley & Doty have It nil
guests M, tho W. .F, Fry rear homo
ClirlstmuH eve. A pretty Christmas
tree was liKMteirin tho evening ami
picnsniii remembrances were ex
changed among tho guests.
A smaller crowd (ban that which
attended the Thanksgiving turkey
shoot was present Sunday on th
.Slstcrs-Ulovcrdulo rltlo range at
Frank Arnold's to try their luck fur
a ChHslmas turkey. Tho heavy thtiw
miuio the ronds diincuit to travel will!
uutos, but eignt turkeys wore dts
posed or,
Mrs. Leslie Wills nnd little dnugh
tor, who. have been out at Mitchell
where Air, Wills 1ms been employed
this .full, came In on tho stage Inst
week and arc staying nt-tho J. Wills
home. " h
.Alis. U..C. Klliio spent an afternoon
with .Mrs. R. O. A minis. .
Charles Roluis uf Crooked river
was a business visitor at G. Purlin's
last weak. Helms Is wintering sotuu
cattlo there.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Rs J. Skolton went
to rriiinviua last wook and visited
reluttvrs n few days.
G. F. Cyrus has finished baling
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Gray. .'
W. B. Hutchlns wus a Redmond
visitor on Saturday,
Mrs. O. E. Anderson and Alfred
hauled to Redmond.
Mrs. Vermillion spent n day with
.Mrs. Harrison last week.
M. Bailey of Sisters has n bunch
of I, tint) head of sheep ou tho 11. C.
Mlkkclsen were In Bend on Saturday Kline ranch, feeding hay. He pur
to do some trading. chased, them same tlino ago. draco
Mrs. W. H. Gray has been ill for Bulrd' Is living tltero and looking
several days. after' the sheep.
BUI Jensen cut wood for Rasmus Mrs, Corns lit recovering from
Peterson the last of the week. painfully bruised foot which mado It
Harold Cooke went to Redmond on difficult for her to get around.
Sunday night to spend Christmas at Among the Christmas shoppers' In
wio nome oi isev. and Mrs. J. W. iienu irom nero Saturday were u. c,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Peterson nnd
children. Willie Peterson. Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Pederson and son. Os
wald, and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ander
son attended the Christmas exercises
at the school houso ut Deschutes on
Saturday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns enter-
ICIIne nnd wife. W. T. Harrison and
son, Thomas. R. O. Andrus, Misses
Louise and Paulino Audrus and 0.
it. Audrus.
W. F. Arnold nnd wife were In
Ueud one' day last week.
A. Von Laeck Is at the Van Lnn-
duyt home for the holidays.
Teams from l'lalnvlew have been
tallied .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rlcbhoff hauling hny the pust.week from tho
nnd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Church- Noonchester place, which was put up
in oi their homo on Christmas day. oy uoiiis swingle and Harper last
Mrs. u. k. Anderson nccomnan ed summer.
Antone Ahlstrom to Redmond on Harrison A Black moved their
stock cattle to Carl Wood a ranch
Monday afternoon to do some shoo
Dr. A. M. Petty of Portland snent
several days here this week, looking
auer nis properly.
.Mrs. H. T. MIkkelsen and son. Al
near Sisters last week and arc haul
ing hay there to feed tlfom.
Mrs. Harrison and Thomas were
Redmond visitors one day last week.
ii. II. Kiigore and family wore
fred, called at the Hanson home near Christmas shoppers In Redmond Sat-
ucschutes on Thursday. urday,
Rusmus Peterson and Mrs. Cath-
Johnnsen were In Redmond on c4tim,,m Vlderly People
IIIIIISUU). I r . ,1 ,,,! ,,.
r In tl.l. n.lohWh 1 iruumeu Willi cullHlipilllllll.
T-....i.. " . r" Tried all winds of physics but untli
Larger Receipts Estimated
State nnd County
Taxes Less
Tho total tax levy of $239,320.10
ns sot by tho, .county court for De
cuuius county following tho nil
nbunccmoiit of thu county's share of
tho Muttv lux, Is In round numbers
$13,000 less than thu levy In effect
tho prcaout year. Tho levy for coun
ty purposes Ik smaller than this yonr
iniulo possible by tho fact that esll
mated receipts are much larger than
for .1922. Tho chief reduction Is In
the state Inx.
A comparison of the various Item
pi tho ontlro levy, given respectively
for 1922 and 1923, Is as fellows
Slate. $102,1 1G.7C JD5.a07.13: coun
ty, $72,ldS.C2, $00, 709. S3; special
county road, $9,1G8.'5, $0,362.29
county school, $27,200.01, $27,300;
high school t ii I t.I o n, $2,602.40
$3,000; county library, $3,571.80
$5,000; market roads, $16,477,79
$16,180.29; bonds mid Interest, $9,-
891.13, $12,600; school library,
$27'.75, $280.
The total levy for tho present yeur
was $242,302.31.
L. l'rtixt (Set 91(H) I'lno nml DO
IIh)n for Having Venl-on Oth
er WiirntntN I'repnml
Foley Cathartic Tablets
nli. n-..nB.1n.. T I i .. t . .
. uuuj. c reillL-u III! in. l.olnn.1 Fnlnv fnll
n ace to Mr. Honevwpll uhn U ,nv. nR helped. Foley Latl
, is tno only thing that cava mo ro
' " r w, . UULV I.... rr.i . , . , . , , ,
nei. i niy wiirn wuuuui griping aim
tone un Ihn Hi-stem." II. II llnl.
Winter Gatherings Snreacl DIm-iim; land. Ovando. .Montnim. A chiIe-
bneeimc and coughing at indoor some nhvsle. Adv
Kuiueriugs spreau disease, ine lirsi
symptoms of, or
coughs, colds, croup,
and bronchial trouble arc quickly
relieved with Foley's Honey and
Tar. Contains no opiates Ingredi
ents printed on the wrapper. Adv.
Merry Christmas Provided for
Families in" County by North
Clllllll OffllllllH .
Seventeen families in Deschute
county had a happy Christmas till
year, which might have, had none
excupt for' the thoughtfulness of offl
cials of the North Canal Co. Las
week a check for $100 was received
by Mrs.'V. A. Forbes from Secretary
Oswald West of the company, to bo
used In purchasing presents for needy
Cut Thl.i Out It Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with Cc
to Foley & Co., 2836 Sheffield Ave..
Chicago, III., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup, Foley
Kidney pills and Foley Cathartic
Tablets. Adv.
The Pleasant Ridge school held Its
exercises and ChrlstmaB tree at the
community hall on Saturday night.
After the program the remainder of
the evening was spent In dancing,
.Coulee and cake was served by the
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Teater oi Bend
spent Christmas at the homo of their
son. A, R. Teater.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chase 'had as
their guests on Sunday t"elr ann and
daughter with their families, Mr, and
Airs, wayne Chase and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Joo McEIfresh and
1 . 1. . i Tl 1 1
uuuy,- ui iieumuiiu.
Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. 'Cathe
rlne Johansen were entertained' at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. A, R
Teater on Sunday.
.A few of his neighbors gave a sur
prise party on w. J. Shannon at his
homo on Friday evening. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. MIkkel
sen, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson,
Mr. arid Mrs. -W. H. Gray and Roy
Miller. The evening was spent In
playing cards, after which a lunch
prepared by the, ladles was served.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. MIkkelsen and
son, Alfred, Rasmus Peterson and
Mrs. Catherine Johansen were guests
TERREBONNE. Dec. 27. Robert
Wyman and Ted Oarlock returned
from Portland Sunday after a visit
of two weeks.
Mrs. Lyle McFadden came from
her home. In La Grande Sunday night;
The balers were at the Wallenburg
ranch lust week.
O. F. Wallenburg was a Madrim
business visitor last week.
S. P. Snapn and O. F. Wnllenburel i.
, , , " I iiiiiivb IIKl u.
ffuin tucjr uuivu nay iu me cars lust i ... . . .....
wcik I ah or trie famines chosen were
Services for the last Itov Water- outside of Bend, so as not to conflict
nouse, who died at hla Redmond -with tho Elks' work here.
nume j nursuay afternoon, were IirIiI
anno uapiisi ciiurcn, wlille the bur- -.v,i,.11l H...I r.,..i.
11:30 o'clock. Wflterhniisi. fnr- "My grandchild could get no re-
mcrly lived at Terrebonne. 'ler whatever from a very bad
.Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pic
their Christmas .at Hp ml
Mr-find Mrs. Jim Tirniun nmi !? J-oIey'mHoney and .Tar. Coughs,
Brown and family snent Christmas colds, croup, throat, chest and bron
at Vlck Butler's. Ichlal irritations quickly relieved
Mr. Rash lost a-very valuable cow with Foley's Honoy and Tar. Adv,
last week. I
b.-SL,a,2:n!:ifeas: lsdefense brief in
while cutting wood last Sunday.
Indoor sedentary life In winter
nas a direct bearing on the preva
lence of coughs and colds. Keep the
uoweis active ami overcome cnnnil.
patlon with Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Cold's coughs, croup, throat, chest
anu oroncniai irounie quickly re
lleved with Foley's Honey and Tar.
Copies of Lengthy I)m-umcnr Receiv
ed by Htuto AltornejH In Second
Appeal on Krug Murder
State attorneys In the case of A. J
re- Weston, now serving a life term In
the Salem penitentiary for the sec
ond degree murder of- RoberL H.
Krug In the spring of 1919, have re
celved copies of the defendant's brief
on appeal, filed with the supreme
eril rt Thn lirlltf AAnlnltia m f- n -
CLOVERDALE. Dec. 27. The K'v"
warm showers of the nasi few inv w"iien pages.
wore hailed with delleht bv manv. Weston has been twice convicted
as the snow melted rapidly and ca- of the crime, and In each case has
mfrVa weJe pened up for taken an appeal, the first, resulting
terns'a'mlr" ,0 empty the case being remanded to the
W. F, Arnold nnd family, Louise, c'rcult court for retrial.
i-umiiie anu uaymond Andrus
Thomas Harrison and Aleatha and Troubled With Weak Kidneys
",'a ,,ou'',0" nuenaeu tne Christ- "Have been troubled with weak
r b. I,roBIram Blven ln sis- kidneys since childhood," writes
n i bH, , I u ' . . , . O. "ydo, Benzonla, Michigan.
inV. ai.;:. e-...J:i... ' .?"'c" Y,- ."Now past forty nnd have had terrl
it, ' ii,C:. . "T"" ""e"loun' , ble backache and that tired out
j: 7:: ro'tl M '.,were feeling, hardly able to do my work,
By Using Foley Kidney Pills acco'm
panled with Foley Cathartic Tablots
I soon felt liko a now person.'
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Vermillion
were business visitors In Bend and
Redmond last week.
G. F. Cyrus, wife and daughter,
Esther, were In nedmond Saturday.
Mrs. R. O. Andrus has been con
Ilned to her bed the nast two wnk
with ncuto muscular rheumatism.
wrs. j.jva nodson came out from
Bend Irst week to snend a tnvi H nvR
at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Arnold, whllo recuperating
from a recent sickness.
Mrs. .Nona Lewis nt
Chrl VmflsbUvnr frAi,.lr on "tale highway contracts In Des.
Mel Harrlneton nf, ' chutes county, broke camp last week
ing wood for R. O. Andrus thlH week, with the completion of their work
nr. and Mrs. Edgar Heartt, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Heartt. W. v ArnnM
and family. Aleatha nnri .Tnnnlla
son and Mrs. Fryrear of Sisters werer17 tbem
After working steadily through thp
snow storms of tho early part of the
month and below zero weather of
last week, Bowers & March, Bnokuno
Redmond contractors who have been graveling
Use Bulletin Want Ada for results.
C. L, Frost, rancher living east of
Bend, was convicted In Justice court
hero on a charge of having In
his possession venison not lawfully
tagged, was lined $100 and sentenced
90 days In jail by Judge E. I).
Gllson today. Execution of scntenco
was stayed until after Christmas.
Frost claimed to know nothing of a
quarter of frostily killed venison
which District Gamo Wiirdon Clar
ence. Adams found In his smoke
house. In connection with tho case, war
rants are now being Issued for others
believed o Do moro directly Impli
cated thnn Frost, according to
Condition Is .Voted for I'ltt Time In1
Months ns Result of Halting of
Irrigation Work
For the llrst tlino In'months there
are moro men seeking jobs In Bond
than thcro aro Jobs looking for men,
It was learned last Wednesday when
work was started on tho new logging
road of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Co. Twenty-llvo inon were noeded In
addition to tho regular trock laying
craw, and moro than CO asked for
Tho surplus of labor Is considered
to be largely duo to the cessation of
work on irrigation construction pro
ccts, the result of last week's cold
Only nf short week hoforn Chrlt
ina8,!Jpe was making faces ut n small
boy friend, ono of those friend one
lights with. In tho course of his
facial contortions, Joo stuck out his
That was Ion much for tho small
friend, A short, swift iippcrcui'i'iid
cd that grimace and Joo run scream
ing for home. Tlui blow landed
"right on tho button," and Joo near
ly. hit off nil Inch of his toiiKiiu. Tho
doctor sawed thu dangling piece back
onto (he jnaln part of Joe's tongue.
remarking laconically that It ought
to heal,
If Joo wero a girl, IiIn dnd says,
tho strain Joo Is now under might
be serious.
CoiiCii'sn lli'lng I'rgi'il o ,ppi'oii'U
at qmo,iO(,00 fur t'oiiMtiiniloii
- of .Vv Naval Huso
SAN blKao, Dee 20,West Vir
ginia bent, tloimigu college of Spo
kane here yesterday by a scoro of 'SI
to 13. Bpeclntors wero eiitliiisluNtlc
over Gonittgii's showing.
Yakima Indians' Ujtnd.
On n high point of Mount Adam
In Wnshlnirton nro 1,10 human foot
prints, In mud long since turned to
stone. Indian tradition Is Hint there
the great canoe" landed after the
flood, the prints iiinJu by llune step
pine ashore.
(It Unllnl I'rni tuTIi llvml llulUlln.)
liny cities mo iniiklng lunowinl rf(irln
to Iniliico tho Kovurniiinnl to innko
Han Krniiclsco buy tho lioiidiiunrtoiM
for (ho I'aclflo float. In tho atlfliupt
to put tho , iiiatlor buforu congros
nml tho navy dopnrtinont In tho best
posslblu way, Hid )hy cities naval
nffiilrti coinmltleo'has iippolntt'd Cup
tain F. II. Alnswurlli, U, h. N., re
tired, as pununiieilt roptononlallvn
of tho eoiitnilttfii at Wnslilnglon.
It Is ostlmntKil Hint' n haso such ns
would bo needed would cost In ttm
lielKhborhnod of $60,000,000, which'4'
(hit coiiiiulttoo Is asking congress to
lJliUS KUU.l'J CAK(i()
That Roy Hhavor of Bond had been
arrested In Madras with an auto loud
of liquor wus tho word received Tues
day morning at the office of Hlierirr
H. E, Huberts from Hhnrlff II, 0. Top.
ping of Jefferson county, Topping
expected to refer tho cusu In tint fed
eral court. .
Selling by Proved
Throughout the United States and Canada,
newspaper and magazine circulation is looked
upon as a commodity to be dealt in honestly by
having the quantity and quality proved.
A great international agency is maintained, to
make the tests of newspaper and magazine circu
lationas a bank examiner makes the tests of
bank finances. The name of this organization is
The Audit Bureau of
Practically every advertiser and advertising
Detour .NYtsrssnry Tiifwlny I'nulm
Trouble Delays Passenger Klght
Hours on Ktimluy
Slides which prevented Ilia uso of
tho Oregon Trunk track at Frieda,
making a detour over the O.-W. track
necessary, were responsible for tho
train Tuesday morning bolng over
three hours late. The train was held
for a time In the hope that 'the way
would bo cleared.
Sunday's S. P. & S. train was eight
hours late because of engine trouble,
while the passenger on, Monday, wus
five hours late on account of slides.
agency in me country, anu practically every
newspaper and magazine in the country which is
willinir io have tho facts about its phvMilntinn
(11 Unltt-l I'ltn to Th DulMln.)
DUBLIN, Dec. 20. A mooting of
Sinn Fein clubs hero today passed a
resolution urging a convocation of
the national Sinn Fein congress to
arrango peaco with the Irish Free'
ad Loses Power of Speech When
Ho Sticks Out Tongue ut Fight
ing Friend
, (Ilr,UnltfJ Press to Th B.nd Bulletin.)
ARCATA, Cal Dec, 20. Joo
Houza spent a .qnlet ChrlstmaB, Iu
fact, Joe, evon though he Is lrrepross-:
ibly 10 years old, had nothing to say.'
It wasn't that Joo was doing no
thinking, His tongue Just wouldn't
known holds membership in the organization.
Twice a year the newspaper and magazine
members' make required reports to life" Bureau as
to their circulation, at least once a year the ex
pert auditors of the Bureau visit each publication
office and make their own test of what the circu
lation is.
9 The annual audit of The Bulletin circulation, by
the Bureau experts, was made this month. Dur
ing the time the auditor is here he has access to
every fact and record in the operation of the of
fice during, the year, to prove what the circulation
really is.
v '
An auditor would no more accept the press run,
or the mailing lists, as the proof of what the cir
culation is and has been than a bank examiner
would look at a pile of greenbacks and regard
that as proof of what the bank's firinnnml rondi.
tion is.
Every fact about newsnaoer pirmilntmn mnof
,be known to the Bureau of Circulations' auditor,
and every fact must agree with every other fact
before the proof is accepted.
When the proof is made, a classified report is
made to all members showing exactly what 'the
circulation is, where it is distributed, how it was
4 Ti!e i;eports h.ich the Published himself makes
to the Bureau twice a year can then be compared
y.with'the' proofs which the Bureau audit'discloses
. at least once a year.
The audited proofs of The Bend Bulletin circu
lation, in all particulars, are on tile, with -every
advertiser and advertising agdncy . member
throughout the country, and are kept tor pur of
fice for the examination of any patron.
. It is regarded' as good business practice to have
no mysteries about the change which the cashier
gives you, or about the yards of goods or the
pounds of provisions you buy. It is regarded as
good business practice to have these proved to
you.. You expect to have the proof, and the other ,
party expects to give you the proof.