ni:.M) nuifl.Knrfr.nfsyi?, onifflOfrfi;ni;iwnAV, inyKMiiKR gi. inaa PAGE IJ i iff iminanuninmnraiiiniiuuiiniminmiuniniiiiiuiiniiimiiiOTinitmtiiitHiniiminiiiniuinimnmiiinnm 4 BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY' winumHUiiMMimwMtwmmwmnmmmtutminmnmmmimimimmmimra or Wednesday Mr. mill Mrs. Truman Style luivu loft for their homo at Ilnncock, Win. - connlu, nflor four wiir1(n spent In lliiiid with MrH, Myli'it' ulster, Mm, Kuto McLaughlin mill Mis Rose 'l'lnnkiitt. O. F. WnllonhurK of Torrobonno In I'm Ilond Imliiy on business. Put Murphy Id surlously III with pnuumonlti. J.mmitil Molltor Iiiin returned to IiIh homu liiini (if tor spending xomn Hum In I'urllnml, where ho will re turn In it fuw day. Mr. nml Mm. Frank Porclvnlt of Mllllcun urn visitors In Ilund todny. H. W, Morrill of Jlrothor I spend Ink tha duy In Dunil. Mr. ftiiil Mm. Hardy Allen of Sin lorn ii ru In llcnil toJuy. - J. II. llontug In In llunil today from hlii homo Mt Prlnovlllo. J. T. Hardy, traveling freight anil passenger dKont for tho Oregon Trunk, arrived In Iluinl thin morning on one of hi rt-gular visits. C N; Ghrlstopherion, representa tive of tha Ureal Northurn railway, wnrt'ln Jloml today on business. " II, L. Tono, forest rangir at La I'lno, and Mm. Tone, arc spending tho day In Hond. " Mr, and Mm. J. I., Henderson, for- umrly of Ilend, aro visiting hero from tholr'homo at (latewuy. , Tuesday L. Cheney of Lakovluw arrived lu Ilcnd yesterday, . . . Jack Noreno of Redmond ipcnt Monday In Hand. C. I.. Gist of Sisters, wan In Ilcnd Monday on business, A. J. ftanford, ciport beckcopcr of ltodmand, U In llend toduy. Floyd W. flcott and furnlly, of Tuinalo, weru In Ilcnd yesterday. Miss Anita (Illlllanil wont In Port land last nlKht to villi for it wnok. Mr. and Mm. Howard Ilnrtly of Slater wereivMllon In Rend on Mon. day. John W. Dennis wn In Ilcnd on Monday from .hi sawmill near Sis ters. ' ' , 1 Mini Melon Cashmnn of Chicago U visiting with her brother, M. I'. Cash virion, ' M, C. CorilonT county commission er, I In Ilcnd today from hl homo .at Redmond, C. I.. Htnnton hai reopened hi paint shop on Wall stroot near tho corner of (Irconwood. I'earl Lynes, superintendent of tho Tumnlo stuto fish hatchery, In In Ilcnd today an nuslnoM, I,. Mctko and hi noti Donald left Huiidny evening for Seattle, to attend tho funeral of Metke'ii brother. Charlo (1. Wilson will lenvo to night for Portland, to upend tho hull dnyi nt his jutronts' homo thore. Deputy tj. 8. Mnrnhnl I.eo A. More lock retiirnod lust night to I'ortland lino nnd Ilmmolt, lior brother and nldtnr, wont In Ilond on Monday, Mm. J. I, l'utnnm nnd two dill tlroii, Form nnd Doris, who hnvo been visiting Mm. Putnam's paronlH lit Htaiilleld, roturneil to their homo In Ilniid fliinday mornlntc. Mm. I'ut nam nliio vlslleii a few dnya at Pasco, Washington, with friend nnd rein IIviih, anil was nccompniilcd homo by nor sister lu law, Mm, V. B, l'utimin, of Puscu, , Monday Mm. W. (1, lleudrlck la confined to her homo by IUiicm. w. v. Alcorn loft last night for Corvallls, to vlalt over tho holiday. Loland l)avl returned last night after a visit with relatives nt Prlnc- vlllo. I.eo A. Morolock, United Male deputy mamhal, In In Ilcnd today from I'ortland, Clement flloau went to Portland lout nlKht. plaimlitc to visit thcro until after Chrlntinua. J. It. Carlxan left lint nlKht for Portland, whero ho will visit for a month with hi mother. I.uwli Kcnvla, Wallace Afmock nnd Haympnd Jone1 of Prlnevllla were In Ilcnd Bnturday evening Ilil Dolores Callow returned Ruu day from Portland, whero alio visited for aoverul dnya last week. Leroy and Vance Coynor are homo for tha holidays from O. A. C, whifro they nre student this your. Miss tilennlo Mcllaln returned to her homo at Culver last night nflor apendltiR (ho week end In Ilcnd. Mlssc Holcn and Florence Down Inc rotumei! Hundny from Corvallls, whero they hnvo been attending O. A. C. Harry Iluydcn ha .returned from 0. A. C, whero ho Is n student, to spend tho holldnya with hla parent hero. I.oatcr Bainlcm, who Is a freshman nt O. A. C, returned Saturday eve ning from CorvnHlli to spend the holl dny hero. C. II. Hcrg tins roturncd to his homo after spending two weeks In tho Lumberman's hospital, following on operation. . Eugene Kulton returned Sunday from Cor van In, whore he I n student at O, A, C, to sjiend the holidays with hi parents hero, Mr. and Mm, Floyd Iteynotd have returned to their homo here for tho holidays from Wlllamctto university, whoro both aro students. Dolmnr IlfcdeV nnd Miss Iluth (lortoit of Sliver Lako wore In Ilcnd Sunday on their way homo from Cor vallls, whero they nro students nt O. A. 0. J. A. Knslos roturncd last night from a htislncss trip to Spokane. Ho snya Hint people who think It's cold sftnr apondliiK'tho duy hero on husl- "'lu' ouiu visu caatern wnsn. iiitiiun lur ii low uujd, 'lies, ' Mr, J. W. Lowell of Ilrothem was )n Ilrnd toduy. Sho report tho road ' In bud condition on account vt tho snow, ; Mr. nnd Mm. Alfred I.nno of 1021 .Columbia street aro parents of an r. eight pound girl baby, born early this '''morning. ,. L.-O. Itoborts, In Ilond todny from jtho Arnold district, roporta that roads Klh thut vicinity aro bad slnco tho ' thaw began. Mlsa I.oulso Wocrnor of Ilrooklyn, N, Y nrrlvod In Ilcnd Sunduy to ' mnko her homo with hor cousin, Dr. Paul Woerner. Francis npddeld has returned from Corvallls, whoro ha Is a studont nt 0. A, C.j'to hpend tho Chrlstmus va cation nt his homo' hero, , Mis C, laru .Alkmnn loft last night 'for. Portland, whero sho pxpocts to mnko1 hor homo. Sho ha been In Ilond for sovorul months.' i Oeorgu W. Hobson, u dlructor of tho Doschtitcs County Munlrlpitl Im iirnvoiiiont dlntrlct, Is In jloud today from his ranch nt Tiimnjn. ' " MIhh Connlo"lnlckorbocltor has re turnod from Cprvnllls, whero she Is ' a studont nt O. A. 0., und In upending tho ClirlHtmiiB vacation ut hor homo nt Slstors. Sho nnd hor puronts, Mr. ' und Mrs. Mi W. KnlckorhocUor, nnd i Open Safety Pin Taken From Infunt's Throat? Anaesthetic Not Used KxtrnctlnK an opon Bnfoty pin i 'from tho throat of thb' 8 months old dmiKhtor of Mr. nnd Mrst ' Hmiry Klttleaon yyas tho dinicult task which u'tbcnl piiyslclan was , called upon to perform Sunday. Tho pin hud ftlmosl dlsnppearod lu tho child's throutr und tho point was up,' bit with tho 'Wo of lnstrumonta and a string It wnB raraovod without on anaos thotlo. , , jljl i r1 the Saturday ' II. J.' Ovc'rturf returne'd'- on niornlng Irnln from Portlahd. H. n, llodgdil of Culvor Is a visitor In Ilond todny. v . ' , Hubert Kfiyes wetit to Portland Friday to spend two days. ' ; County Agriculturist W.'T;'Mc Donald woh In Uond todny from his hoadquarlcm nt Ilcdniond. Miss Holon Tlltol, who lias beon a patient at n local hospital, has re turned to hor homo. Arnold ltongstnd loft Thursday night for Portland, called by the ser ious Illness of his father. MIbh Dolores Callow went to Port land lam night, to visit tor several days. ' Mrs. C. S, Hudson and daughter left last night for n short visit In Portland. J, C. Wright, local station agent, loft lust night for Portland for a short visit. ArroBtod last night by OITlcor Julian, Kd Johnson was flnod,$20 In city court this inornlng for druuken dors, MUs Hosslo Cleveland arrived In Send last night and will ba omployod nt tha homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. John Demon. Miss Klelo Wilson of Itoscburg, who has beon visiting In Ilond, wont to Ilodmpnd Inst night to visit for a short tlmo. Mrs. It. P. Robinson and children woro oxpoctcd to return toduy from Tho Dulles, whore thoy hnvo been Visiting with Mrs. Itobluson'a par ents, Miss Jennlo Noreno- returned lust night from Corvallls, whoro sho Is n student ut 0, A. C to spond tho Christmas vacation At hor homp, lioro. J, ; .A ' A. IV Abbott and Chestor Blprelld of tho local Standard Oil. Co. plant have gono to Hood River to hour a locturo on oils by a spoclallst era A i .4 for Men from the Mens Store These are the kind of 'things men buy for them selves the whole year . round, except that some are a bit finer than most men will buy, much as they would like to have them. So notw is the -chance for wives and daughters. Knit Ties Those stylish narrow ties that men .like" so well. They're ofi silk in black, navy, brown, and brown and greens 50c, 75c, 95c, $1.50 Leather Gloves $3.00 Pair Men's soft leather dress gloves in the popular Cordovan shade. Lined with silk ah exceptional value Gift Shirts Men's Madras Shirts in an assortment of good patterns and colorings sizes 14 ta 17,. The kind regularly $3.00 to ; $3.50; for. ' . . $2.50 Gift Slippers .'Leather Slippers in a variety of, styles, black or brown kid, at ,' . $2.95, $3.50, $3.75 Felt Slippers, ,;v $L35 to $1.95 1 t. Smoking Accessories .. - . .-. Smoking. Stands at , $3.00 to $6.50 r- Ash Trays at -50c to $3.50 Bathrobes i Men's Bathrobes made of heavy Beacon Blanket mate riaHn an assortment , of pat terns. , $5.95 to' $6.75 " . Gift Hosej Interwwcn Silk Hose Pure thread silk hose in black, white and all the wanted col ors special values at 75c, $1.25, $2.25 pr; Interwoven Wool Hose at 75c Interwoven Silk and Wopl $1 Pajamas Men's Pajamas of Soisette in plain blue, pink or cream. Just the thing for gifts. Atti'act ively prjeed, too, at . ' $3.50 Others at $2.00 up ; , Gift Belts Good quality Leather Belts with plain buckle specially priced at ' ' 60c Genuine Leather Belts with Sterling Silver Front Buckles complete $1.50 Mufflers Men's Knitted Mufflers in grey, brown, blue, .white and green mixtures, silk fringed ends at . , $1.69 Kerchiefs , Ihitialed'-Kerchiefs, large sized .of fine cambric and colored cloths at 50c Men's True Linen Kerchiefs with 'narrow hemstitched hemi-. 30c, 35c, 50c ; r MJINNHETMEB'S . mm Ut HP W',..4f'W. . T-CT r- n THE PUALITY ImI STORE of BEND w Friday D. O. Drown Is 111 In the Lumber man's hospital. . i Dr, H. C Dodds wont to The Dalles last night on a short business trip, Q. M. Olllllnnd arrived In Bend last -night to visit wltjt Mrs. I,.' V. ailllland. W. C. Holllnshoad of La Pino was In Bond Thursday ovonlng on his way to I'ortland. ' Mrs. Von S. Wnlto arrived lu Bond this morning for a vlBlt with hor mother, Mrs. L. h. Fox. T; H, Folby, mnngor of the Bond Water, Light & Power Co., wont to Portland last night on business.' , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iiovo .ot Port land, who have boon In Demi uovoral days, left last night for tholr home. Mrs, JonivUos8on und daughter ro. turned this monsing from Portland, whoro they hnvo boon for a shprt (time, , , Chnrles D, Jfrnlori Pprtland lnsur- n,ce mnn, lnt.hJ toJt", t0 his home after spending several days in Bond, H. B. Gould, city engineer,, .rcn I'iatttbfl'HhU'jnornlnB from Portland; .Lit V v - ? whero ho attended the state- highway commission meeting. L. A. Brandenburg returned to his home in-Deecbutes last night after visiting yesterday with his wife, who Is confined to a hospital hero. A marriage license was Issued from the offlco of tho county clerk yester day to Nicholas J, Ztesor nnd Miss Ethel Mnrkham, both of Bend. Mr. and; Mrs, Archie Estos loft Inst night for Seattle, planning to spend the Holidays there and in Belllngham und 'other towns In Washington, Thursday Donald M. Graham of Prnevllle Is visiting In Bond today, Attorney W. P. Myers wont to Mad ras last night to appear in n circuit court trial there. Miss Corlnuo Whistler Is III with scarlet fever'at tho homo ot Mriaud Mrs, Odorge J, Chtlds, Mrs. II. 0, hodds returned last night from M(uiiDsota, whero sho hag boon visiting. v . , J. J.lPiwera-wllI?'leav'e,tonlght ofjr Los Angeles to lelC with friends; for. several; weeks,., i D. 0, McPherson returned this rooming from a short business trip to Portland. ... t L. M. Foss returned this morning from Portland, where' ho spent yes terday on, business. Qlenn Wbtttaker left last night (or lly has not left Plalnview and bavo no Intention of leaving, according to tho latest reports. Harrison has been working in Bend for several weeks. Another turkey shoot will bo held Sunday morning, December 24.. at tho Frank Arnold place in Clover- Aberdeen called by the illness of -1 "SSS KVVSir. sister. He expects to return to Bend and Mrs. Alex Loveren,- Charles Mlt nfter tho holidays. , chell and party, P. A. and H A. A. J. Dermody, .special agent for ?IC0BS'"' V,e L',v0say8 ind Mr. and tho S, P, & S., returned to Vnncouvert last night after spending the day in Bond. Ralph Lucas returned this morn ing from Kelso, Wash., whore be has been employed. He ta using crutcljes as a rosult ot an Injury to his ankle, caused whon ho fell from a truck and a wheel run across his foot.. PLAINVIEW WITHOUT MAIL OVER A WEEK PLAINVIEW, Doc. 21, People in the Plalnview community aro begin ning to wonder if tho mall service has been permanently discontinued, aa, there hus been no mail delivered or picked up by tho carrier since1 11 weok ,agp, last Friday, There' was a mlstako In last week's Items that we takd tnlsjopportunity to try to correct. The Harrison tarn- Mrs. Harrison. Clydo Wondell was Irt Tumalo Sat urday. Tho Llvesny brolheis hnvo ordered n now electric light plant to be do llvered Christmas wook. . ' V. F. Llvesoy has beonchoson ta be agent in Deschutes county for farm lighting and water -power sys tem. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Henrtt wero callers in Plalnview last Sunday. Roy Armstrong of Bend ..has brought n bunch of beer cattln tu PIalnvew to feed, having purchased some 01 tno nay 011 the Colfelt place, CHARGE OF SELLING LIQUOR NOT PROVEN ' (3. Tried In city court Monday after noon on a chargo ot- Belling intoxi cants, Oebrge Hewitt, was found not guilty by the Jury. Tho defendant 'was represented by iff. V, Mers,