The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 28, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Mr. uml Mm, J) ml Icy Hhuw spout
fliiniliiy ut Sparks Inko.
Mliw Dorothy Doililn will luuvu to
morrow fur lOiiKoiif, to unlur V, ut 0,
II H II fl'CBlllllUII.
A hiiclnl li i not I li tt of Uiu I.udli's' Alii
iuw.titv ut Mm MiiMiiiitlut phlll'nli will
liu hull! at S d'cloclc loniorrow ut tint
cliurcri parlors.
Mm. I V, Hinltli of Hllvur l.iiku
, wan lii Iluiiil IiihI nlKlit on Imr wny
In I'orlliuul for triiuliiiiiiit for blood
poisoning In liar IiiiiiiI.
Mm. K. 8. IIiiiiiII wont lo lleilmoiul
Inst njitlil to mnku her homo, her hits-
i llUtlll having IIIOVL'll Ills llUlltlll Ulltllp-
k mmit thorn, to mil up mi olllcu,
H. W, IIiiIiIiIh, local Hiirvlcu million
proprietor, uml ('.'Hull, iiiiiiiugur of
tliu I'nloii Oil plant, Irt loiliiy on ii
duck It it it 1 1 ti k trip to Hllvor liikn.
Minn 1 luzt'I Kukes, who litis been
visiting with Mm. Ilitttlo Muyno and
family for sovonil weeks, rutiirnoil
hint night to her homo In Portland.
K. It. Ityiiii, who tin Ix-i'ii spending
mi in i) tlmo ut lilt homo here, left Inst
night for McClnuil, whnrn ho In ii -ployed
In Urn olllcu of tliu McCloud
Hlvnr l.ninliiir Co.
Mm. H. P. Dicks of Lnkovlnw wns
In limit! Inst nlKlit, ro mini: thlit far
with hnr dnnghliir, Minx Mnlii'l Dicks,
who wns on her way to u hcIiooI In
thu Wlllumotto vnlloy.
Misses Mnrgnret nnd I,oiiIii limb
f nit will loiivo tomorrow for Kuitonu,
wher tlmy will nltoiid U. of (). this
yi-ur. Murgiirel will ho n sophomore,
uml l.oiilsn will enter ns a frushtmw.
' Mint Nuttln McCtilloiigh of 1'rlnu-
vllle, who bus been visiting hvr "In
ter, Mrs. Utiillfy Hhuw, fur sitverul
wiuikii. Iihk returned lo I'rlnuvlllo.
Hlm uipiicts lo lenvo noon for Port
land, whom she will spend thu win
tor. Waller A. Dulton, gnulng iixiim
Mnnr on thu Minimi national forest,
wim In llend yosterilny conferring
with Jiick Ilortoti, examiner on thu
Deschutes forest, on rungo appraisal
Mrs. M. K, Houghton, district man
ager of tlm Fraternal Brotherhood,
arrived In llutiil lanl ulr.tit to begin
thu work of orKuutzliiK lodgn hero.
Hhi In vlslllng;wltli her daughter.
Mr. A. II. l.nrrubt'.
Thu lltibiiknh Indgn will aiiturtnln
tlm (Mil Follows ut ii social meeting
t'nt Hnthcr's hull on Friday evening,
fallowing th" Itchuliiih business mi'iit
Inc. Tim (Mil Follow urn nskod lo
coiihi lit 'J o'clock. Hi!frliinniUM
will Itu sdrved.
Mr. H. II. Llnllo of Eugene wnn
In llond lint night on her wny homo
trom llurn. whom hIiu Iiuk boon vis
Itlm:. Sha wns uccompiinlcd by
Misses Juno Dttlton uml Gwendolen
I.nmpshlru, who woio on tholr way
to Eugene to outer V. of O.
Thu clock presented by thu class of
1821 to thu llenil high school I ho-
lug moved from thu hull to thu audi
torium. Thu relief, "Spirit of 1917."
pronenlvd by thu 1922 cloud, will bo
plucml on thu wall In tho hnllwny
noon, unnoiiiicu Trlnclpul Arthur 8.
Mr. nnd Mr. M. II. l.lnilley arn
pnrmitn of n nix pound buby Klrl, horn
Monday morning.
Mr. und Mr. Frank H.'tfcott uro
pnrunt of u ovnii pound Klrl, born
Hatiirday atternooii.
W. (1. Iliiuhner of Kukuiiu arrived
In iluml yiiHterdiiy to tuko a portion
a printer with Thu llullotln.
Lloyd ICulloy ban nccoptod n posi
tion In thu bookkeopliiK dopurtmont
of u locnl bank.
UeorRo Hobert of tho Arnold dis
trict was In llond Monday' on btml
lionn. Mr. and Mra. P. II., CoHiior of Dub
chute aru parent of an 1 1 M pound
baby boy, born Hundny evening It
la thulr twelfth child,
Mian Oracu Andoreon, who litis
boon vIhIIIiir with her couslna, MIhscb
Martha and Kleanor Ilechon, left Uiut
ulRht for lior homo at Hoattlo.
0. W. Whltaett, who lm Hpont tliu
aummor with hla aon. II. L. WhltHott,
left laat nli;ht for Kuroho. whuio ho
will iipond thu winter.
11, F. UiiHHOll and futnlly, wlio,hnvo
boon on n llahlim trip nt (Iroiiuont
Inloi, wero In Ilmirt on tholr way hoiAu
to l'orthinil lt nlRht.
,Mr. uml Mrs, ltitlph Haynlu Imvo
moved to llenil Iiom I'uiulloton and
nro omployod at tlm J,. 0. I'tinney
atoro, , i
. 'Arohlo McDniiald, who haa apont
tlm Bummiir on thu MeKniizto river,
hiia rotiirnua to lidnil to upuud tho
J, I;, Van Huffol of tho Central
OruBon Motor Co. luturui'il this
mornliii; from I'urtliind, whore ho at
tomlcd muutliiK of OrpKon RnriiRO
men with tho Ford tvaetor raiaviiu
which arrived thoro this woolt.
M. J, IUrrIiih left hut nlKlit for hi
former huiiiu In WiimIiIurIoii, tnkliiR
hi it t ii tt 1 1 iliiiiRhler thuro, Tho family
ciiiiio hero fur Mm. IHkkIiis' hcnlth.
Hlie la In u local liOMpltal.
Mr. and Mr. IMwnri ICanliiinn of
Gntowiiy Htoppeil In llond today (o
vIhII with Mr, and Mr. M. I'. Cimh
iiiiiii, on their way to Antihunt,
W'airun ToppliiK, son of (ilicrlff
TopplliK of Jufromou county, In revov
erliiR aftor u critical opurntlon for
iipliuiidlcltlH, purrurmud In lleiid
Mr. and Mr, 1. V. Iluyman of New
OrleniiH itru vIhKIiir with Mr, anil
Mr. Clarence Mnnuhutmor. Mr,
llcymun ami Mm. Mnunhuliiivr uro
Dr. K. H. Iliimll, who linn bonu
pructlclnR ilentliitry In thu iilllcr of
thu Hum) Dental Co., I moving hln
''lulpmcnt to Itcdmoiul, whero Iio
will locate.
Ml Frunce Heyhurn left last
nlKlit for Ki'iittlu, to rf'HUinu her work
at the UnlverHlly of WiuhlnKton,
where ilia will bu a Hophumoru till
Mil Kslhor Ilochuu left last night
for lllllshoro to with tier parent
before returning to her homo In Cali
fornia.' Hho lins'buuii visiting with
her alstcr, MIsku Kleanor and Mar
tha llochou,
Mr. ami Mr. John A, Dron uru In
lleud from I'rluuvlllu today. TJiey
expect to return to Ijend to make
their homu within two week. Dron,
formerly an engineer for thu llond
Wuler, Light & I'ower Co., ha been
connected with tho forest huivIcu at
rrlncvllle thl vummer.
K. Ilullah of Deschutes is In Itend
today. -
J. L, I'nr berry uf Clovordalo Is In
lleud today.
K. II, Tome of I.n I'lnu I In lleud
today on httHlnes,
William llomell uf Alfalfa I a vl
Itor In llctid today.
II. K. llrook left last nlglit on n
biiHliiuK.i trip to Portland,
H. It. l'urccll left Inst ulRht on a
business trip to Portland.
Pearl Lynvs of tho Tuinulo fish
hatchery U In lleud tuday.
Mr. and Mr. J..W. Iterdertjf Silver
Laku were in llond on Hundny.
Mr. W. L. O'Dounoll left lust night
fur Hun Diego, to bo gone six week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. l'lckett of Ter
rebouno aru ' spenillnK tho day In
Mr. nnd Mr. J. II. Sparks linvo re
turned from I'omlletoii, whero they
attended thu roundup.
Lou! llonnett returned ycotordny
from n hunting trip In tho Silver Inkn
nnd Summer laku district.
Dr (Irani Skinner and Dr. W. (1.
Manning have, returnoil from Pendle
ton, whero 'they attended thu round
up. Mr. V. 0. Fordham, wlfo of tho
puktmnntcr,ut I.u Pino who ha been
kuriously 111, Is reported to bu Improv
ing. II. II. Do Armond loft yesterday for
Portland, planning to go to Salem
luter In thu week betoro returning to
Mis (leno SchwnrU ot IluniB was
In IJoml yesterday on her wny to
Scuttle, whoru hu will attend U.
or V.
A social mrotlng of the KnlglitB of
Pythias nnd Pythliiu Sister lodges
will bu hold on Wednesday uvonliiR
at Slither' hall.
A number of candidates will bo
Initiated Into tho Modem Woodmen
of America lodge nt tho meeting
Tuesduy night ut Suthnr'a hall.
Douglas Johnson, publisher of tho
Ln Pino Inlcrmoiintnln, nnd hla fam
ily spoilt tho week end In Hond, re
turning today to tholr homo nt Ln
IIiiiiB Zimmerman of Croscont, who
I In llond today on liualiioss, roporta
that work an tho Croscont lako ilum
la being rushed In anticipation of
winter wuathor,
Mra. J. II. Corbott, who lma'deon
vlattliiR with relatives liuro, returned
last nlnht to hor homo nt Vnncouvor,
WiihIi. Mra. Corbott wob formorly a
student nt tho llond high school,
Mm. Mabel IC. Stringer nnd her
daughter loft this morning to drlva to
Yakima. WiihIi.. whoro thoy Intend to
mnko tliolr homu, Mrs, Stringer has
lived in llond for 10 yonrs. Hor hua
bund, who was a locomotive eiiRlnour,
died throa yrnra uro.
Cilenn II, Slack of tho Arnold ills
Irlct Is In llond today.
Donald Stuart has Rono to hi
ranch on C!roo!;u rhor.
Julm Tuolc, Hodmond grudo school
piiuclpal, Is In Hond today.
Mra, J, HeUert wont to Mudriw last
nlKlit to visit for n abort time.
Mra. 0. A, Warner wont to Port
land Inst night to visit for sovornl
Matt 1lodlcliw;rjiit to PorJInnd lanl
nlglt i lii lilting to bo gono ulo'ut, n
month. v, ' ' '
Miss Krmol HcoU left Inst night for
Monmouth to cntor thu Oregon Nor
mal nclinol,
Mls.i lino ICnlcliorbncker and her
brother, Kmmott, of SlHtor, nro In
llend today,
Mra. Max Ilodn or Itcdmond I In
lleud today, visiting with her (laugh
ter, Mis Muiba liodu,
Mr. C. L. Schwab ban gono to
Portland, planning tutor to go to
Malum for tho state fair.
Mrs. J, Audrain, who ha been
numlng In llend, returned last night
to her homo ut Kedmotid.
Mis Mildred Dodds left lust night
for Albany, to resume her work u u
teacher In tho high school thoro.
Paul U. King, local attorney, loll
hist night for Portland? Ho will re
turn about Wednesday of next week,
Mrs. M, Jones I now tho solo pro
prietor of tho llend cafo, having pur
chased tho Interest or Mrs. If. Onsbar.
' Mis Mnrgaret McCarrou returned
Friday morning from an extended
visit at Minneapolis and In northern
F, L. Darker of Spoknno, manager
or mi Investigating bureau In connec
tion with Insurunco companies la In
llond on business,
Mr, M. i:, Pearl, who ha been vis
iting with her daughter, Mr, John
A. Iluiige, and family, left last night
for her homo ut Seattle.
Mr. M. Tozzlotl or Tho Dalle re
turned to her homo there lust night
after visiting with her daughter, Mr.
K. K. Ilalfpatr, hero (or a Hhort time.
Mr. and Mr, (leno Comxtock nro
Hie parent of n nlno pound baby girl,
born early thl morning. Tho young
lady ha been named Kathleen Ceno.
Mr. Jind Mrs. Arthur Tuck or Ited
moud nro parent or a seven and one-
half pound girl. Tho father I n for
mer U. of O. athlete, and competed In
tho Inst Olympic games.
County Superintendent J. Alton
Thompson (eft this morning to drlva
to Momn uth, accompanied by hi
daughters, Mlssc Frances and Mary
Thompson who will er.ler tho Ore
gon Normal school there.
John C. Hill, shipping clerk for
Tho Shovllu-lllxou Company, will
leavo tomorrow with Mr. Hill to
drlva to Kmmott, Idaho, for a two
wukn' vacation. George Pauly will
llll Hill's position during hi absence.
Mr. (Icorgu H. Prlnco of St. Paul,
Minn., Is In llend for a Ibreo wcks'
visit with her son, Frank It. Prince.
Hho Is accompunlcd by her sister,
Mrs. Charles S. Lincoln. They came
hero from Portland, whero they ut
I Star Values ! I
Prices that interest your Pocketbook on things ji
you need now. i
COTTON BLANKETS Double bed size, 5j
WOOLNAP BLANKETS Fancy plaids and B
i : CI S3i
lillgu aic, puir
jAr uiwrn iignc
CHALLIES For comforter covers, yard :
wide 19c
PERCALES A bic: line ; a yard 19c U
OUTING FLANNEL Yard wide, fancy p
stripes; heavy weight; yard 25c
ROMPER CLOTH 32-in. fast colors; yd. 25c j
WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Winter weight, 1
cotton; all styles; all sizes; garment....... 98c p
MEN'S UNIONS Heavy ribbed cotton ; a, star g
value; garment H.-. $1.49
liriVfi IfNER PANTS Anrifripv sinv vnlnnr n&
BOYS' SHOES Black or brown calf; all solid B
leather and big values ."..,.....;:;.. $2.98
UiKLS SUllUULi StlUHifi I' 01' Dig ttU'lS, Sizes Gfc
up to 7 ; brown or black calf ;. special; pr. $3.95 L
J HT 11.
lour money s yoriii
tended thu Knlscopul convention,
Mm, Prlnco wan elected to represent
I'rovlnco No, C, Minnesota, on tho
oxacullvu bonrd or the woman' auxil
iary or thu church.
Hoy L. Newoll or Priiievlllo wn n
visitor In llend today. ,
C, I;. Johnson or Alfalfa Is In Hond
today on business,
Clyde M, McKay has returned from
u short business trip to Portland.
W. C. Holllnahcnd of La Pino wna
In llend today on hunlnckx.
Hugh Thompson returned yester
day from a business trip to Portland.
MIhs AIIu Knton or Lu Pino rns in
Iluml litct night on her wny to Port
laud. Francis K. Leo and Valley Dykstra
or Mllllcun wero lu llend on business
J, II. McKnnzIo nnd family have
como to llend Trom Portland to make
thulr home,'
Mr. and Mrs, J. II. Spark left this
forenoon to drlvo to Pendleton,
whero they will attend tho roundup.
Mr. and Mr J. L. Campbell of St.
Helen' place uro the parent of a
six and one-half pound baby girl,
born yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mr. John H. Frceland
and Mr, and Mrs. Dan Dovnnl or Long
Donch, Cnl nro visiting with Ij. It.
Shanno for a fow days.
T. C. Merchant, who has n ranch
In (ho Arnold district, lutt today for
Fort Hock, where ,he will bo em
ployed at tho ranger station.
II. L. Illedcl, formerly In the Insur
ance business here, Is now associated
with K. L. Vlnul In tho omctf or thu
llend Investment Co.
Superintendent O. W. Ager or the
llend schools left this morning for
Portland. Ager's two sons will go
rrom here to Eugene, to cuter U. or O.
Mrs. F. II. Clark, who has been
visiting with her daughter, Mr. C.
A. Johnson on n ranch near llend,
returned lust night to her home in
Miss Myrtlo Itlce left yesterday
morning for Portland, later to go to
Kugcno to resume her studies ut V.
ot 0., where (sho will be u sophomore
this year.
Mrs. T. C. Church left last night
for Portland to visit with friends.
With her went Miss Herniece Haines,
who will visit with her mother, Mrs.
Charles Hnlnes, who ha Just left a
hospital there after u protracted Ill
ness. Vnlborg Orlbskov IcU lost night
ror Alsea,- whero she will teach do
mestic science In tho high school.
She has boon associated with her
the bin values at 53.4b
colors, opeciai ya yc g?.
- inch: yard .... 19c U
y ;-t ' - y""' jjr
TT! r 1- hi'
on rivery rurcuasn .
Dresses Arrived If
" Today I
Greatest Offer of the Season
Poiret, Canton Crepe
and Satin Faced
Canton Dresses
$18. 75
A very' speciay purchase that enables '
us to offer thee Fine Dresses at
$18.75; a price that enables you to re
fresh your fall wardrobe economically
right at the beginning of the new sea
We regret very much that these
dresses did not arrive Saturday as we
expected. They are here nqw and are
all most beautiful garments.
Come early to get best choice, as
)nly 25 dresses are included in this lot
Always Pays lo
thFpuauty jl STorecf kkQ
The Store of
sister, Miss Maren Grlbskov, and Miss
Martha Bechcn, In the O. I. C. cafe
teria stneo finishing her work at 0.
A. C. last spring.
Mrs. S. H. Stockmon And her,
daughter Alice lett yesterday ror
Portland, where they will spend a
week before going to Eugene, where
Miss Stockmon will enter U. of 0. as
a freshman. Mrs. Stockmon will re
turn to Bend In two weeks.
C. W. Shriuer or Portland is in
llend looking after his business inter
ests here. Mrs. Shriller, who has been
seriously ill, is Improving, Shriuer
reports. They were rormerly resi
dents or Ucnd, having been the first
proprietors or tho American bakery.
Slirlner also built the Hippodrome.
Clyde M. McKay went to Portland
last night to spend several days.
Mrs. It. M7 Doran was operated on
at a local hospital this morning.
A. C. Klrtsls or Tumnlo is in Bend
today on business.
George W. Duke or Crescent was in
Bond this morning on business,
Barney Madsen wu in Bend today
rrom his ranch on the Metollus.
J. J. Wilt or Sisters was a visitor
In Bend today.
Charles H. Oraffenberger or M.H11-
can was ln Bend today on business.
The ladles or tho St. Francis
church will hold a rood sale Saturday
at tho O'Donnell market.
Miss Melba Bode went to Redmond
last night ror a visit or several days
with her mother.
Gordon Summons, Madras attor
ney, loft last night ror his homo after
ponding two days here on business.
II. A. Miller, manager or tho Miller
Lumber Co., wont to Portland last
night on business.
Walter Coombs, manager; or the
Bend Garage, went to Portland last
night on business.
Tom Murphy returned to Bond this
morning aftor a trip to mlddlo west
orn points.
F. K. Hunter was Initiated Into tho
rauk or rago by the Knights or
Pythias lodgo at Inst night's meeting.
Elmer Ryan, rormerly auditor in
tho Shovlin-Hlxon ofllco horo, Is In
Bond for n row dnya rrom his homo
In McCloud, California.
S. A." Blnkley, logging suporlntoiv
dont Tor tho Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Co., left Inst ny;lit ror Portland on a
short business trip.
To moot with tho Ladles' Aid so-
cloty or tho Redmond Baptist church,
SO members of the Bond Aid society
loft for Redmond on tho morning
train, planning to return this ovo-
Slop and Shop at
s y
Superior Serclce
George P. Gove, superintendent ot
the Brooks-Scanlon iuHl, went' to
Portland last night ror a short busi
ness trip.
Harry G,cdney was expected to ar
rive in Bend today to visit with his
mother. Mrs. Charles La liocque. Ho
has been living at Red Wing, Minn.
Mrs. F. W. Palmerton left this
week for a visit nt Chicago, Phila
delphia and Boston, planning to re
turn in six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Daughenbaugh
lor Mllllcan have gone lu California
ror a month's visit with Mrs. Oaugh
enbaugb's parents.
Miss Eva WhittingtoB, .daughter ot
Mr. and .Mrs. 0. M. Wnlttlngton of
this city, lett yesterday for New York,
where she will enter a school in mil
linery and designing.
Joe H, Miller, construction fore-,
man for tho Larkin & Cre'cn Lumber
Co. near Astoria. left last night for
his home after spending several days
In Bend.
Alice Riggs, two year eld daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. Alvl'n, Rlggs .of
Powell Butte, was opoata..oz.liiit
night at the St. Charfes hospital for
Oscar F. Sella and Mlai Linnto May
Butlcr, both ot Bend, are the princi
pals named in a marriage Ikenscils--sued
from the office ot the Deschutes
county clerk this- morning.
Pilgrim. Commandery, KnlgAts
Templar, will hold Its first meeting
following the summer recess, tonight
at the Masonic hall. In drder. to al
low tho Eastoru Star lodge to moot
with tho grand worthy matron, tho
commandery meeting will ho brief.
W. A. Mllllcan of Wdltervllle. on
the McKentlo highway, was in Bend
today on business. He In a sou ot
Georgo Mllllcan, a pioneer settlor of
Central Oregon, who brought tho,
first band of cattle to th'ls pari ot tho.
state In 18G8.
Ducks are plentiful at all of tho
lakes ln Harney and Malheur coun
ties which wore visited by R..S. Ham
ilton, L. Antles and J. O. Felker, they
roportod on tholr roturn last night
atter a trip ot sovoral, days. William
Hanley or Burns accompanied thorn
on the first two days ot their trip.
Thorson Bonuott, who has boen
visiting with his aiintOlrs. Pan'
Woornor, ror alx weeks; left last
night ror Forest Crovo, where ho wl'l
attend Pacific university, whero h"
has beau awarded u scholarship. !'
will bo on, tho university footh "
squad (his fall. He was gradua'
last spring from tho high schooU
Milton. His mother. Mrs Homer t
not, la also visiting with her sis'
Mrs. Woernor.