fMGJC 4 nKNi nuu.KTiN, nwi), oiikoon, Thursday, HKiyminim as, maa- The Bend Bulletin WEEKLY EDITION Pibllihtil br Th llfnd nulMIn (IncorpoMtfd) KitablUhtd ltd ItOBKKT W. SAWYER. Mnaer An Independent Neniptper. ttunJInir for Iht quare (ten). clean business, clean polities and the brat InterwU o( Iknd and Central Orccen 8uWrlptlon Kalrs One Year ,00 BU Months tl.90 Three Months , ......,.,.10.(0 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2S. 1322 RISING TO INQUIRE A few weeks ago we reported the disquiet that was felt over the sug gestion that tho Portland fair crowd Intended to 'ask the legislature for an appropriation. Later the Ore gonlan, referring to the feeling about n state appropriation, said something to the effect that of conrso there must bo a state appropriation for n state exhibit, A few days later Mayor Baker, on the Eastern Oregon booster trip taken by many Portlauders, said that to vote the fair amendment would not result In a tax of Oregon outside of Portland. Tho Oregonlan says there must bo a state appropriation. Baker says there will bo no tax outside of Port land. There can be no state appro priation without a tax. Wo riso to inquire how this conflict of ideas is explained by those who advance them. Tho Oregonlan makes no attempt nt concealment. Is Mayor Baker try ing to cpneeal? When he says there will be no tax outside of Portland, does he mean no tax levied by a county, or docs he mean that when we pay our .taxes, no portion of the bill, whether 'on tho state or the county levy, will be for the fair? AVe are entitled to know. ' INNEJ3 OR LUTHEY The Bulletin is unable to see any sound reason 'calling for the Indepen dent candidacy of E. T. Luthey for the county commlssionership against Joe Innes. In the -first place we doubt if there is any considerable number of people w'ho desire that he ran. Those who dislike Mr. Innes probably welcome his advent into the race as they would welcome, the ad vent of any candidate, but they are not for him because of any feeling that his qualifications for tho office are markedly superior. They would simply like to Bee Innes beaten. Those who actually have reasons for favoring Mr. Lufhey are very few In number. In saying. this we have no intention of disparaging Mr. Luthey. The fact Is a fact simply hecjuse he is com paratively unknown Here. Leaving in 1916 to take, up the position of coun ty commissioner in Crook county, from which Deschutes had just been set off, he lived out of the county for four years.- His more recent resi dence in tho county has been at a point distant -from the chief centers of population, wIUi the result that he Is not widely, known. Even though he werp known, how ever, we believe that his candidacy should not be' favored. There is no need for 'an Independent candidate. There are 'hoi conditions calling for opposition to Innes. Innes went through the primary election with a large majority. He has been selected out of a field of four. He Is the regular republican nominee and ip a county as strongly republican as is Deschutes should have no difficulty In election. - Possibly voters will not decide be tween the two on the grounds of the party label. Those who look beyond it have' every reason for voting for Innes. He Is widely known. He has made a better record for street work as a member bt the city council than any man -who ever held the position of chairman of the roads committee He can be looked to for the same effi cient service, when on the county court. Ho should be elected. THEY BOOST (Medford Mall Tribune) Portland , papers quite frequently take editorial. shots at California for her "superb -Hilt satisfaction," "her Irrepressible, desire for the limelight," and "her cllnaajlc boasts." California transformed. a -sagebrush waste into an agricultural, empire, without the aid of a Joy. ride of businessman and politicians, bullded more than one city within her boundaries, and never left tho development of her natural resources, exclusively and forever, in the hands of tho Lord. Also Cali fornia does not becomo Insanely in fatuated' wltli every nutty notion that comes along. And the metropolitan centers pt California back their ora tions with their spondulicks. If the Wlliametto valley was n tho Golden state, pepple would travel from the farthest corners of, tho globe .to lie rained on, ovor'y autumn. After backing out of an election contest Which' he' found to be going against hi in, Charles Hall Is now withdrawing: ah an independent caiw dldato 'for governor lu a rac which would also have gone against Ti Int. To matfo' his 'popularity in Oregon certain, lib' might withdraw from the ptate. u v' . HALL'S MANTLE With Charles Hall definitely ro moved as a candldato for governor, It may bo expected that tho Immacu late nightie of Ku ,Klux Klan ap proval may drnpo thd form of Walter M. Pierce, democratic candidate. Walter has been after that nlghtto for some time, In fact he's after al most anything that may mean votes, and It may well ho expected that the Klan will giro htm tho endorsement ho craves. Party means nothing to tho Kluxers. First republican, then independent, another change of poll Ileal complexion would bo qulto on tho cards. As to Pierce himself, It would bo difficult to find comment more point ed than that mndo by tho Pendleton Tribune. In a rccont editorial, tho Tribune, nf(er disposing of Hall with a sentenco, says: "And then there's 'Weeping Walt er,' ho of the emotional school, who cries about everything and remedies nothing. Weeping Walter thinks tho people of Oregon can bo touched most easily by harping on taxation. There fore he orates mostly upon that sub ject and pictures the vast amount of money that is going to pay taxes. In advertently charging tho condition of affairs up to the present administra tion. "As a matter of fact, however, Friend Walter has been a member of flie stato legislature almost constant ly during the era which has witnessed tho greatest rise in taxation and he Is one of tho leading citizens who has helped vote tho taxed which ho now walls about. It was the legislature and the people who voted bonds and roads and other things which are costing so much money, not the gov ernor. "Characteristically. Mister Pierce seeks to dodge t,ho religious Issue and makes a bold yet laughable attempt to have both sides pour water upon his political wheel. In his statement Issued from La Grande he says in one breath that he did not bring religion Into the campaign and there fore he refuses to meet the question. He thereby seeks to curry favor with the small percentage of voters who hope the religious Issue will not become paramount this winter. 'In tho next he declares we are living In America, the home of fjic free, and admits that everyone can worship God as he chooses. But in the very next breath ho goes Into a rather laborious biography of his Protestant antecedents and his belief in Protestant schools and the com pulsory school bill, which is. so dear to the hearts of all Klansmen. So, Walter, now that you have cstab lished the fact that your folks havo been Protestants for over J00 years mat you Deiieve in religious ireeuom and that yqu believe that neither sub ject should bo considered when tho voters set out to choose you governor, isn't this a wonderful state, despite its confiscatory taxes? "And so Walter has made his statement in order that the people may know Just where ho stands on all questions, affecting state welfare. Isn't it appeasing to know that Walter has such a determined stand on these vital things? That is the very reason he made his statement; he says so himself." COLLEGE POPULARITY With the opening of the school year, high school graduates are reg tstering in ever Increasing numbers to the Institutions of higher learning. Bend has at least -12 young men and women In colleges and universities. and it is possible that this number may be added to. The condition is general throughout the country. American colleges are entering Into the biggest year in their history. In practically every state of the union enrollment figures show marked ad vances and smashing of previous reg istration records. This prosperity for colleges is due largely to the change in the viewpoint of our educational Institutions. Many cobwebs havo been swept away. Today the college means more than the accepted understanding of aca demic teaching. It means a broader vision of life anda greater under standing of the necessity for the thing worth while. Tho college man Joday Js to be found everywhere. He Is at the head of a great banking Inntltutlon, he is a chauffeur, lie drives an Ice wagon, ho tills tho soil, ho appears in litera ture and ornaments the plumbing establishment. Sometimes the unthinking crltlclzo the college because Its graduates may bo found driving a milk wagon and tho like. Tiio answer, of course, Ih that if all milk wagon drivers wco college men, milk would bo dollrorcd in a better way and ovon our baby hood would bo helped. The greatness of the college does not Ho In its being tho gangway down which ono may wulk to tho profes sions. Its worth is lir giving o tho country men who can thoroughly per form tho duty of tho hour. Tho collego )s not the -p:iiiitcoa for ompty skulls. Tho best it can do Is to equip tho man who has something un der his hat. POTATOES With tho growing season ended and tho harvest at Deschutes count y' potato crop already undor way in 8OH10 sections, it Is timet to consider plans for continuing tho movement started last year at tho suggestion of M. 0. Coo to mako tho Control Ore gon spud known to tho world. The start nindo last year was n most satis factory one, but tho opportunity this year Is even greater and should not bo for a moment lost sight of. A display of Deschutes grown po tntocs nt tho International show at Duluth Inst fall, although entered too lato to bo eligible for sweepstakes, received a special award, and Den chutes county potatoes camo back from tho Spokano show with some halt dozen ribbons pinned to them This yeur there will bo it number of now shows In tho mlddla west, and ns an acknowledgement of tho tarn porary suspension of tho quarantine against European tubers, tho lloyal Horticultural society of England, at Its show lu Loudon this winter, will permit tho display of tho potatoes which havo been rntcd highest In the leading American shows. Recognition gained for the Dos chutes county potato has already re acted In higher prices for Netted Gem seed from this part of the state, a most desirable result to the farmer, It can also bo expected to enhance the value of Central Oregon potato land. It will bo to the county's Interest to continue to "tell tho world" of the high grade product which can bt raised hero. Communications ROBERTS ON ItOO.I.'-i To tho Editor: A great, great deal has been said about the weather, but very little has ever been dono about it. Can tho good peoplo of Deschutes county say tho samo thing about pro hibition? Listen to this. A Newark, N. J , m nn up the second time for Illegal, possession of liquor, was fined five couts by a foderal district Judge, and, when unablo to produco tho amount, the Judge paid It himself. In Des Moines recently, a federal judgo Imposed a lino of $200 and a 60 day Jail term on one up thb sec ond time for tho same offense. The comparison will servo to point 'out what perhaps Is tho most Impor tant reason why the prohibition law is not better enforced. Can the good peoplo of Deschutes county say this of Its Judges? A fivo cent fine which the offender escapes paying can havo hut oiA result, and that js. It brings the law Into contempt. There- has been a great deal said about our Jurors. Most of them are not dry 8, but they are good Amer icans who want tho law enforced as long 03 it Is on tho statute books. Fortunately Deschutes county has had no jury trials for prohibition vlo- lntlm.u nl,l, ttmrn tinu ltnoti V ft stills taken since the first of the year, The Volstead act Is part of the fed eral law. It Is not 100 per cent ef fective, all must admit. Neither lu the law against burglary and other crimes. Tho federal government Is dealing with prohibition; therefore, it Js to enter a plea of guilty In our state court, or take chances with the federal government. The greatest obstacle In the way of a full enforcement of the Yolstuad act Is that It h'hs to do with a long established personal habit. No better temperance sermon could be given than to compel the drunkard to view1 this stuff as it comes from Its placo of inquisition. If ho can't bo cured from drinking when ho sees the filth, dirt, slime, slop and tobac co; stuff unmentionable, foulness In conceivable, stoppers of rags; bottles, tin cans, tubs, carboys, old barrels, and anything and everything that will hold liquor, regardless of Its In tended use or its condition; concoc tions that only a copper lined stomach can stand, Is manufactured and sold by men Ignorant of tho first elements of fermentation or cleanliness, then it's tho coroner, the doctor or the padded cell. S. E. ROBERTS, Sheriff of Deschutes County. SEEKS CONLON'S SEAT Hmo'i 'f. Liithev, lienil V"aY ost'i. man, v.lio iiiim n.'i liidopemi-m toy vujtyty eo;i)in!;ioiiOi-. GRID WORKOUTS RE SMilOS Busiest Pari of Training Season Begun Captain Clnypooi in Suit Tho 11 1st nppotiriiuca of Captain Uuy Clnypooi of the Bend high school football team on thu Hold Monday night was the signal fur tho opening of tho most strenuous period of tho training sonnou, which will Inst until a fow days beforo tho first game u tho your, October 13, nt Redmond With Clnypooi back nt his position nt end, tho team looks much stronger than It has nt any time yet his sen sou. Coach Leg Cossmnu has by till time acquired n. fairly good Idea of whom ho will havo to depend on In tho coming season, and It Is probable that nt somo time lust night thu team was lined up as It will bo for thu opening game; hut thero nro plenty of candidates for all positions, and not more than two or throe muii are sure of their places in tho lineup. Signal practice, has been going on for somo tlmo, but tho men nro not yet by any menus perfect lu team work, and it Is probable that signal drill will occupy a major portion of this week, with scrimmage work be ginning next week. .iRRRia:nan::in::!nainKa3wmKc::!:i::t:mami:ian!i! What's Doing in the Country. Lnnan:u:uKi:::r.j:yiaui:a:ua:ila:K:ta::aia:nm. NEWS NOTES ABOUT j PLAINVIEW PEOPLE PLAINVIEW. Sent. 27. t.Mr. Hols lug brought a big hunch of cattlu to pasturo nt thu Pino LaWn ranch the Inst of tho week. Edgar Hcartt returned Tuesday from a trip to rendinton, whero ho attended the roundup. Messrs. J. II. Elklns, J. F. Dawson, Giles Jnnunry mid Verne Llvesny ro turned Monday ovutiing from a hunt ing trip in tho Scott Lnku country. They got ono bear. Howard Hartley nf Sisters was u caller nt tho Harrison homo on Fri day afternoon. Glenn Van Tnssnl missed school Tuesday on account of Illness. J. A. W. Scoggln hns returned homo after spending tho summer lu tho Crescent country looking utter camo. Robert Edglngton of Sisters Is staying In Plnlnviaw and attending Sisters school with Mrs. KcockIii whllo his parents are across thu lava. Mr. and Urn. R. W. Hoartt spent Saturday in I'latnvicw. Otis itoby, at oresent located near Redmond, called on his niece, Helen, .Monday afternoon. Henry Powers was n caller ut tho Mown ranch Tuesday. 100 EXPECTED TO ATTEND CONGRESS Mnlcn Arrangements for" Entertain-im-nt of Crowd Hero in October (iooil Program Assured Arrangements for entertaining 100 delegates to the Oregon Irrigation congress here October C, G and 7 nro being mado by tho officers, who ex pect that many representatives of reclamation districts In Oregon to at tend, it was stated by Secretary L, Antics. Speakers who havo accoptcd the Invitation to bo heard at tho con gress nro: Frank Brown, Boise, Idaho, "Suc cessful Dairying." R., E, Shephord, Jerome, Idaho, "Management of Irrigation Projects." R, G, Rlsser, Los Angeles, "Pro ductlon and Marketing of Vcgotnblcs on Irrigation Projects." James T. Jnrdlno, O. A. C, "Crop Production In Oregon." Percy A. Cupper, stato englnoer, "State's Responsibility In Connection with Our Irrigation Development." E. C. Leedy, St. Paul, Minn., "Col- oulzatlon." W. L. Powers, O. A. C "Drain- ago." Ooorgd R. Hyslop, O. A. C "Im portance of Good Seed for Fixed Crops." C. S. Hudson, Bond, "Commercial Valuo of Irrigation Projects In tho Stato." E. F. Ilonson, St. Paul, Minn,, Land Sottlomoiit." O, W, Mnllko, Portland, "Program In Stnto Development."- W. D, B. Dodflon, Pprtland Cham ber of Commerce, "Oregon's Irriga tion it n a Sottlomoiit Problems." A number of other speaker) hiivo been Invited and nro expected to at tend. WiriSKllY PEPORTED FOUND IN BASEMENT Entering tho American Bakery buljdlrg on (he west sdlfifof thq rlvor Moiulny ovonlng. Chlof of Pollco Wll- lurd Hmndou found a half pint of vhlsliay Jn Iho basement, hu roporlod Tiio.wy morning, a complaint will , ha Mfcd, Giant Horse Once Lived in Oregon; U. S. Biological Survey Classifies Ancient Tooth Found at East Lake Lltflo Kolilpptm may Imvii boon thu forotntlior of tho general nut uf horses, hut Control Oregon claims ii prehistoric Bleed, whlrh would make, tho blKgent llolglau or l'or chiiroit of today it men) 'pigmy hy coiiipiirlnoti, Thu glnnt equine hns nut boon found, but his minor allied tooth Iiiim, mid If the situ of tho horso wan lu proportion to the dlmiiiiHloiiK of his molar, ha would have stood koiiio sixty hiuidtt high. Tho tootli on which these deduc tions nru bused Is u .little butter than four lucho lung, mid was found this summer near East lake by Poter Vulloy, Bond reililenl, who submitted his find to Dr. W. G. .Manning, lleud Uuiitlnt, Man ning declared that It wan by fur tho largest tooth ever brought Into 111 (itllco, and turned It over to Jack DRAGICH HUILDINC. MAY OPEN SATURDAY Intel lor I 'IiiMiIiii: Begun Cull) I'urt Iiiim-s Intel et In Simp to llo "lllok and Joo's" With thu plastering completed mid thu Interior finishing of thu now Draglch building Marled, Draglcli & Springer aro tmdeiivorliiK to have their equipment Installed so ns lu open thu rlgar store mid pool hall hy Saturday, Dick Cully has purchased a halt interest In tho barber shop operated formerly by Jo Stringer as the Club barber shop, and It will b opened this weok In tho new building wl'li three chairs, under thn name of ;Dlck and Jon's Barber Shop." WEATHER STATION IN BEND IS INSPECTED On a tour of tho ntute for tho pur pose of Inspecting thu various coop nrntlvo weather observatories, Ed ward I., wells, nicteorologlKt for the weather bureau office lu Portland, ar rived In Bend .Monday afternoon from Silver Lake, leaving next morning for Priniivllli:. He will reach Tho Dalles by Iho latter part of tho week. BIG FIRE REPORTED BURNING AT MADRAS Meager details of n fire which destroyed tho old .Madras Hotel building, anil a burn and a dwelling nt Madras, reached Bend lato Monday afternoon, Tho fire was reported to havo been controlled. Tho cniiso was not learned. The loss was given as nr., 000. Tiio tiro was discovered at 3:15 o'clock. Iho brick garngo ucnr tho bote! was saved. Put It In Tho Bulletin. Charter So. lti-Mi-rie Dlxtrlrt No, IlKI'OUT OF CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK nt Bend, In tin Hlntc of Oregon, nt RI-SOimCKH 1. Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts shown In Items 29 and 30, It any i-iSU.CJS.HS 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured 1G4.7-I 3. U. S. govcriimont securities owned, Including thosu shown In Items 30 and 30, if nny D8.500.00 4. Other bonds, warrants nnd securities, Including foreign government,, state, municipal, rornoratlon. etc.. In. eluding those shown In Items 30 und 3G, If any C, Banking houso, $ none; furniture and fixtures. ..$7,000 9. (ab) Cash on hand lu vault and duo from hunks, hankers and trust companies designated and approved rosorvo agents of this bunk 00,950,84 . ic; .Net amount one irom oiner uuiikh, bankers and trust companies 10, Exchanges for clearing hnuso and In tho samo city or town as roportlng liank 1,100.22 11. Checks on banks outsldo city or town of roportlng hnnlc and other cash Horns 1,001.87 Total cush and duo from banks, Items 8, 9, 10 und 11 $09,401,49 Total v $038,783.60 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In , $ 60, OOfi. 00 Surplus fund a 20,00f;oi (a) Undivided profits $17,031,34 10. 17. 18, tui j.osi current expenses, intorost and taxen . ' I'nl'l 6,840.02 11,782.32 21, Not amounts duo to other bnuks, hankers und trust compnnlon , 109 53 DEMAND DEPOSITS, othor than banks, subject to rosorvo: 23, Indlvlduiii doposlts subject to chock, Including deposits duo tho Stato of Oregon, county, cIIIuh or othur public fluids , 403,008.69 24, Demand certificates of deposit outctandlng ;i,oo 26, Cashlor's checks of this bank outiitandlug puyublo on do- 'nam! ,.,.......,. , 26,863.79 20. Certified chocks outstanding ;.i 400,90 Total of demand deposits, othor than linn It doposlts, mibjoct to rosorvo, ItuniH 23, 24, 2G, 20... .$429, 872. 28 TIME AND BAVIW1B DEPOSITS, subject to rosorvo und payable, 011 demand or subject to uotlco: 27, Tlmo certificates of doposlt outstanding 13 fjo'.ot; 28, Savings deposits, payublo subject to notlco ",. H3',470,37 Total of tlmo and suvlngs dopiwltii payable on domain! or subject to notlco, Items 27 and 28, $127,010,43 Total w Statu of Orogon, County, of DokcIiuIch. I, II. M. Htophonn, cnshlor or tho ubovo naniod Imnlt, do sohminly invonr that tho nbovo Htat'nment Is true to thu' host of my knowlodko iiiul bollnf, r CORHKCT-.Attn,!: W'" Wrt E. I', MAHAFFEV, V. L. O'DONNKLL, DlroclnrH, " ' Subscribed nnd sworn to boforo 1110 this 19th day of Soplomhor, 1922. . , ARVILLA MUllPIIV, Notary Publlo. My commlHiilon oxplrcs Novombor 10, 1026, lloilon. (nrrst uMimliiur, and sumo thlng nf an inpurt lu nut lira I bin lory. Hoi toil pioiimiod Ignorance mid sunt Iho tooth In Hulled (Stale,, biological hiii voy hi'iiduiiiii'tiirs In Wiiidiliigtou, I). 0., where It wits determined Unit (ho original owner of t lut tooth was a borne. Clitiislllcatloii was iiuido by J, V. (lldley, of tho division of paleontol ogy, and fiiiicniiifiig UiIm climsltlcji Hon, W. llenilerHon, acting chief of tho biological inirviiy, writes; "Tin. tooth In an upper miliar or rlieel; tootli of it horsu, probably nf the domestic fipeli'". Tho only doubt lies In tho fact that tho tooth U mnro curved tlmn Is usual In tlm living specie uf htirso. It tlii'ri' fore possibly, but not proliiibly, represents an oMluct npecloit or horse." WOiMAN'S DEATH LAID TO DRUCJS AND MOONSHINE (Continued from Piigu 1.) enough, describing her symptomi nnd ho prescribed, sending up thn uiodlclim as soon as thu ptencrlptlo i could be tilled. A few minute utt Hie tnuiiiongot readied the lioiiie, am! Ii'ifore any of the iilcdlrlnit could be;ii, Mrs. .Malioney was dnml. Rctt-rnge Varied Acutely nervous and nointiwlmt In toilcated ns well, according In Urn police, Malioney visited llm flrelioui later III tho afternoon, nuked for it drink to bruco him up, and was given medicine which hnd been left nt th station for a chronic alcoholic, now a prisoner In tho city Jail. Ilo wuh then entered as a patient nt Kt Charles hospllnl. Not only had whiskey been lined lit thu Mahonoy hoinn, however, but empty perfume nnd tlnvorltiK extract bottles llltered nonr Mrs. Miitiony's bed Indicated that her taitu wns a varied one. Tho snmll son of tho Malioney I at thn homo or Officer Cnrlon. Leaving his bed In St. Charles hos pital, where be has been a patient since hi wife's death Sunday after noon, W. J, Mnhoiiey attended thn funeral services which were conduct ed Tuemluy afternoon from Iho N'l wonger chupel by Rov. J. L. Webster nf the Presbyterian church. Mrs Malioney was a victim uf overindul gence In alcoholic stliiiutuiitN and 1 drugs, according to the verdict re turned by thu coroner's Jury Monday Following tho services, Malioney wns returned to tho hijipltiil, whero ho will probably remain for tho next two weeks lieforo his recovury from tho offocts of mnoiisbliKi and the ner vous aliock resulting from III wife's death, wilt ho complete. Mrs. Malioney was burled lit Pilot Ilntte cemetery. -lon of litiklnruN Keptemlier 1.1, IIKM!. 34.908. 48 7.000.0U 342.S0 Items on other Imnkx ss. .$038,783,60