nn.Ni) nui.urriN, iik.vd, ohkoo.v, rnvtwrnv, hkitkmiikh oh, wjs PAGE C 4i TWO-THIRDS OF FOREIGN BORN NOW CITIZENS Naturalization Makes Good Showing in County SCHOOL AID KXTKNDKI) Ih'iirliiK Held In 1'liviilt Court To liny Ill-Mill In Third TuklliK Oalli or ,lleliim Three Cllll'K Continued Of tlio 1 ,0 2 r, foreign luirii wlillu tcalilnutx nf Doschiitcx county, 37G, nr itllghtly over tuie-thlrd, urn not naturalized, according to llgurnx kIv- I'll liy K, (J, Itowlny, examiner for tint department of labor, bureau of until r u I xii t In ii , while In llnnil Hnturilny. or theme not naturalized, 308 urn iihmi nnil 07 women, CiiiiiiiIIiiiih urn mnnt TittmoroiiH among the foreign born population, llliTii being 212 of tlmt nntloniillty, IX t Norwegians 139 4 Sweden, .11 Auxtrinnx, 2N Jugn-Hluvx nnil 29 1 1 ii I la tin , with smaller Ilium hers from other countries, lli'iid has 59 1, ii mujorlly of llin foreign lio r ii population, with 1 07 of tlm mini ami IS women unnatural Izod. Tho new rounty plan for education Hint A in orlca iilzu t Inn of ullonx Im now In 0iurntlou hero. How ley Muled. At -tlm time of application for declara- t Ion of Intention or for second pa pom, tho applicant lit mint to tlm county icliool superintendent, who In turn return ti I in to Homit rnmpelent tench r. , At tlm mime time the Seattle hwudqitnrterx of tho buieuii In not I -fled, nnil lioth the applicant nnil tin) teacher urn mint freu tent himkx am) other nccoiisary literature. If thu number of applicants Ix HiilUclent, u xpoclnl dans U organized for thuui, . Imt this hit not liven iloim here. 'Hint' Take Until After repented iitteiniiU, Antonio .omprulll, horn In Italy, nml DniKon Mlrlch, native of Auxtrlu, panned their citizenship ciamlniitlou Hntur ilny morning when naturalization pro reeding were held In Circuit Judgo Duffy'ii court.. With David Kelly. Cu nadlun, they took tho oath of allogl nncu to America. Absence nf Dan Augliitid, llotidrlck Craner nud John .McKunzln. unlives 4if Irelaml, (lermany and ('aindn, re spectively, canned their ennex to hu routliiucil. HEN I) SOLDIICIt DIES AT SAN iiEHNAKDINO On Hie Worley llniS lnn Struggle .gulut IIIii-h In (Intern- nielit llonltal Worjl of Ihii ntilclde Friday of Orvlllu Worley, for nearly two years a patient In government hospitals In California, wan recelveil hero by friends, The body In being taken to Cnnyonvllln from Han Iter iiarillno hy Worley'M sister. Mm. W. It. May, httrlul. Worley watt a mumhur of 1'nrcy A. Stevmia Post, No. 4, Amer ican I.oglon. A revolver thought to hnvo been given him by n friend, was used by Worley to end IiIh life. Worley wax born In Uosohiirg. Oro I gnnll April 10, 1893. Hy occupation ho wiih it mnchlnlxt nnd Hlntlonnry engineer when ho enlisted ut Port liuid In tlm first battalion, Oregon englneerx, In July, 1917. A month 4 , later ho wan dlHClutrKud on n mir lioon'H certificate of disability, nn In jury received previous to hlx unllst muni becoming aggravated, and later developing Into chronic rheumutlxm. Hardening of tho Julnttt dove'nped, nml Worley, who hnd boon making IiIh homo with IiIh slater, Mm. W. II. May, of UiIh city, wnx ndmltteJ In f December, 1920, to tho government hospital at I'alo Alto. From thoro ho wiih triinxfurred to Arrowhead hox pltnl at San llurmirdlnn. Since hla honpl t allzn t ion ho has been bedfast virtually nil thu time, A HlHtur, Mrn. 0. O. Alloy, Is u rosl dunt of I'ortlajiil, nnd It in believed that Worloy's mother, Mm. Irene l'outcli, Ih Htlll In Kosoburg, ' , ? GRADE STATE STREET FOR THREE BLOCKS Ilnpld union of renl nutate on tho flat below Congress Btroot Iuib cntis'od lha Ilond Company to hnvo State Htroot, one block west of Congress, grndod for tho three blocks from Tumalo to Kntisas. Mont ot tho lota Hold recontly have boon an IMvoruldo, i , purcluiBors bolng I'nul Ilosmer, II. N. ij- Fowlor, Tracy Fnlrchlld nnd John J. Uuiiuliighum, All aro phiiiiilni; to build us noon iih possible, nccordlm; to J, O, IthodoB of tho Ilend Company. Dttllotln "WANT AfiS" Urlng Ho Hiilts Try Thora. 'SQUAD SHOWS MUCH PROMISE! iMorc Tliun Two Full Teams at Work Despite Ab sence of Coach ICvun without tlm pri'Honru of Conch Leo ('OHMiuaii, who Iiiih linen III, iiHplriinla for ponllloiiH on tlm Ilend lilKh hcIiooI football team are koIiik at (ho early tralnliut with a wIIIIuk iidiiii which proinlMi'H much for the co rn I ii K hi'iiboii on tho Krlillron. Kev ural hoiirn.. of hIuiiiiI pracllco and work on fuiulaiimntalH nro takun HerloiiHly each evunliiKi wllh two full tcauiH on tho livid and miveral men bunliluN, CoKHiuan will lin back on the Held next week, Captain Ouy Clnypnol will be tho liiBl letter man to turn out, mnkliiK Itln flmt iippuaruuco In n Hiilt noxl Monday, A HerluiiH Iom to thu team will bo felt In the fill I lire of l.eo K'oli Kuld, center on liml year's team, to return to hcIiooI. Kolitleld wnn nn accurate iuibmit, utioni; on defonnu and a itood place kicker. IIIk place In IiuIuk llllvd for thu preNent In mil pracllco by iltunrt Itae, who iiliown roiulderaliln ithlllty, but Im one of thu ll(!litet nii'ii In the lineup. From prexeul Indication, the buck field will he miirli tlm mium as lant year, with I'hllbrook at iiuurter, lllrdHitll and Mr.N'iely playliu; tlm linlven, ami Norcott lit full. All four playud limt year, although lllrdaall wax iimible to play the entire oeuxou. Other backlleld men who are xIiowIiik up well are Moody, who Ik iiilllm; nlKiialfl for tlm xecond tunm, and l-p-porxun, halfback. Howell, Cluriio nnd Krlbx nru lln I ii K up at the endx of tlm line In pnio tlce, but Claypool In expected to re xuino tlm poxllluu which he Iiiih held fur three yenrx on the rlnlit extrem ity. Iloyil xeemx to be u fixture at tarkle, and llrlckxon, a xubxtltuti! laxt year, Ix xhowlui; promlxe lit the other tnckle poxltlou. Kxllck and Harry man, both wlMi experleiirn from laxl year, are the moxl likely candidate for Kuardx. On thu xecond xrjuad nro xoverat men who are too yoilitK and IIkIiI to innke the team thlx year, hut who hIiow ability which will win them let ters In future. Aiiioiir them nre Hu nan, MclCny and CottliiKliiim. Hall, who entered Ilond IiIrIi thlx year from Jerfurxoti IiIkIi of rorlland, Ix iilno ii promlxltiR candidate. FISH LADDER FOR NEW DAM IS ASKED State (Inini' Officlnli Hen- on Way to I limpet I Colidlllolli at Crane I'rnlilo To luvcxtlgate the poxxlblllty of In xtalllUK u llxh ladder at thu North Canal 1'oinp.iiiy'n xtorapo dam now being coiixtriicted at Crane I'rnlrlo. W. O, Dudley, In clinrgo of this do parlmenl or the Hlnte game commix xlou'x work, wax In Ilend Saturday from The Dalles. He wax accom panied 'by William Coleman or Med ford, who hax general xupervlxlon of tho (crooning or Irrigation and other ditches. After vlxltlug Crnuo 1'ialrle, they will go Into I.ako county. THIRD ANNUAL Deschutes County FAIR! Agricultural, Machinery and Industrial Exhibits Substantial Cash Premiums Riven in the follow ing classes: Horxex, Cuttle, Hwlno, Hlicorii KrultH anil Flowers, Poultry Department, latent Fashions, HcIiooI Display, I" '"l"K , ' ' euetaliles, Foods, Uiminii's Department, Art )t.,mrcineiit, Inventions, Furm I'rodiut.s, wild Horse, Itarcs, drains mill (Irnsses, Trap Shooting. Arrange to attend every day of this fair, as It will bo bigger anil belter than ever Ix-foro. l'luti to have miiiiu of your best stuff entered for some of the premliiin money, llrlng nil the family every day, REMEMBER THE DATEAND COME Redmond, Oct. 12, 13, 14 WM. WIIiHON, I'rex. K lilt SHOTGUN COSTS LAD LEFT HAND Piece, Ealliiiff From Auto, I) i 8 c Ii a r jf e d as Hoy Reaches for It (Kl.wlol f. Tlm llullrtln.) HKD.MOND. Sept. 2li. - CIhi kxton Duckley, lrl year old mod of Mr. and Mrx, W, J, Duckley of thlx city, blew hlx left hand off with a HhotKun yex (onlay while relurnliiK to Redmond In an auto from a duck hunt In thu vicinity of I'owoll Iliitte. The boy wux reported thlx mornliiK by Dr. J. F. IIoxcli, attendliii: phyxlclau, to bo dolliK iih well iih could ho expected. The cur In which youiiK Duckluy wax rldliiK wax tienrliiK Itedmond when n loaded xIioIkuii xlnrted to fall from the auto. Tho boy reached for the piece, and hlx hand wax juxt over tin muzzle when the nun wax dlx chnrKed. Tlm lad wax prominent In Rrade xchool track uthletlcx, liavlni; rnpre MDiiti'd tlm Dexchutex county xchoolx for xuvernl yearx in tlm midget unci icradu competition In h It'll uud broad J ii in p I UK and the polo vault. Tlm hoy'x father Ix one of Central Oitkoii'm ploueorx, havliiK been prexl dent of tho Central Oregon Tranxpor tatlon (Company, which operated a four horxu xtagn from Khanlko to Ilend for ninny yenrx before the com ing of thu rallroadx. I500ZE IS OFFERED TO CHIEF HOUSTON lloxpltnlilit Inciter I'orfeltM $lt5 Hail After Dame Hv-Hallor Ix (ilvcil I'llll) Although Wlllard Hnuxton wax In troduced by Olllccr Tom Carlon to Donald Smith, logger, nx chief of po lice, Smith Invited both oiriccra to hare ii bottlo with him, and excorted hlx new round rrlemlx to a room In the rear of the Hippodrome where the lliior wax cached nnd readily ad mitted ownership when nuked on thlx point. The arrest followed, nnd after reaching tho police xtntlon, Smith ho cured hlx freedom by furulxhlng $25 cnah hall. Ho failed to appear for trial In city court Monday mornliu; Stanley Mitchell, ex-xallor, was nlxo arrcxtcd at tlm Hippodrome dunce, and wax booked on a chnrgo of driinkcnupxx nnd disorderly con duct. Mitchell plendcd guilty In city court today nnd wax lined $20 or 10 dayx. Ho choao tho 10 duyx. SPRING LAMBS SENT TO CHICAGO MARKET Thu 11 rut apring lambs to bo xlilppcd from Central Oregon this season left Inst night In a train of 12 cars, consigned to tho Chicago mar ket by lien ft Fleming, It was an nounced today by J. T. Hardy, travel ing 'freight nnd paasongor agent for the Oregon Trunk rntlwny. CLT THIS OtrT IT LS WORTH MONKV Cut out thlx slip, cncloso with Cc to Foley Si Co., 2S3G Shoflleld Ave.. Chi cago, III., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will recolro In re turn a trial pnekngo containing Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid ney l'llls nnd Foley Cnthnrllc Tablets. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. W, K. VAN AMilJN, Sec. AHANDONMENT OF LINE RECOMMENDED I'nMIe Kertlie Comnilssloii I'lniN .Vo .liistlllnilliiii for Two Itomls I'p Desilmteii HAMCM, Hopt. 23.- Recommenda tion that tho application of tho Ore gon Trunk railway for porinlxxlon to abandon lis line between South Junc tion uud Mctollux, bo granted, lx Hindu to Mm Interstate commerco commlxxlon by tho Oregon public service commission In Itx report on Its findings based on hearings hold In Portland last July. In recommending thu abandonment of tho line In question tho Oregon commission declarux that "thoro does not seem to bo sulllclcnt present or ruiuro public necessity and conve nience to warrant tho maintenance) and operation of this very cxponslve property nt u great loss to Its own ers." In Its report to tho Interstate com merco commission tho Oregon com mission points out that In tho event FARM Hardy W. Campbell, Farm Adviser for the Southern Pacific Com pany, and or1" showing the efficacy of the principles of tillage he advocates. Above, at right, the four heads In the center were grown according to Campbell's plan; the other two by the ordinary method. . i Principles of Tillage to Increase Yields Explained by S. J. Farm Adviser. The samo principles of tlllngo. Campbell xaw here In connection In preparation of land for cropb and with his general observations subseijueut cultivation, which have shows that tho real advantage of proven so succcbsful In raising careful preparation of tho soil be- grriln crops on Western soml arld fore setting is sometimes, but not lauds without Irrigation, aro prov- generally fully considered and Ing successful ror crops raised un- appreciated. der Irrigation nnd ror orchards and "It Is .cry Important to first vlneynrds, according to Hardy W. prepare the surface by leveling," Campbell, Kami Adviser for tho says Campbell. "Then arrange for Southern Pacific Company. Otimp- Irrigating In such a manner that bell hax Inspected this season a water may not only bo evenly an- numbcr of now orchards and vino- plied over tho wholo surfaco but yards In California. Oregon, No- In as short a tlmo as possible. In vnila, Arizona, and Now Mexico. other words establish an even sur- Campbell Is tho man who evolved r80nabl; I?101.?- what Is low called tho "Campbell T "c5.wt!r '"f le s," bne3t,h Rv.iniM nf iirv j-'urmlnc" Camn- omo trees or too little for others Is bell however objec to tho word detrimental, usually. Again, the low- "drv" and twists that he . prlncl- er ,aces' especially in heavy soils, BlMUMd ln hl Kather more wa,er' keePnB th0 fA Iii binrf. nf 'SL wit! , or surfaco wet longer and frequently without I -Iratton a ?weU ns unde? dola-"K tlme'r cultivation, and not 3? ;r sS. anerwarus. governed by the amount of fertll- Campbell nrranged to nddrcss the ltjr rp8UmnB from soil condition in Nobraska Rankers Association at wbcn tho ,,eP cent ot molsturo and Omaha. Soptember 22 on the sub- gfr carrIed thoreln. especially dur- Joct of "Soli Fertility by Utility lng ,no wirmer weather. Is a big of Soil Wator." and to discuss tho faclort The abmty tt supply this samo subject boforo tho Minnesota desired molsturo In proper quanti- Rankers' Association nt Mlnnoapo- tcs tno entire season through each lis. On his return from theso con- year ia tne nrst con-uc aion. vontions ho will Btop at Yuma. -pho next question Is tho perfect Arizona, to Investlgato conditions mot bed. This should bo supplied ficro. liberally with avallablo plant food Interesting evidence ot tho direct ovenly distributed, so that when effoct of properly prepared lands tho trees or vines are sot, thoro Is was rocently received by Campboll a condition so favorable that not from a Metropolis, Novadn, grain- only tho '.veaker sots may quickly field prepared under his direction, tako root and grow vigorously. In- In tho form of three stools of wheat, stead ot withering and dying, but Ono stool had SI stalks, ono 103 and a healthy, uniform growth may be ono 120, each tho result of ono grain obtained the first year, which ot wheat drilled In woll prepared means much to ths early nnd an- hoII that was llborally supplied with nual fruitage of the trees or vines, fertility through well planned and "To nch'jve this result, after lev- timely work. This crop was raised ellng, the flehl should be cultivated without Irrigation, but was pnrcd for by sumraor tillage In 1921 and grown this year. Mora avldonco ot what cultlva ttnn nf n prnwlnp ernn mn.mn sent to Campbell by A. 11. Shield b' firm from the very start. Tho of Dolnno. Kern County, California, bJe 18 to continually carry the in four heads of wheat from a proper r.uint ty or both air and stool rrrown on Shield j ranch. This water through tho heated part ot stool had amnio space nnd was tho season. Under this condition, cultivated whtlo growing, no fertlt- with tho high iwconfage of moist- Uors or Irrlgntlon bolng used. Tho "r0 ho'J ttt the ton of tho Arm otl. stool contntnod forty-four heads H,rouLh carcf,,,, nnilt'rao'y cult va- averaging 78 grains each or slightly tlon, thoro will bo a liberal develop- ovor 3400 grains from ono stool. nca, nmI ,P?w,,n r lnat, .most ,l8 Such rosults, says Campbell, slra- 8,lrabl0, 80,1 uoct-J. This proce- ply mean that under cortaln phys- luro. Increases the much needed leal conditions brought about by Plant food more ovonly In all parts tho right kind ot tillage at the ot tno b.oforo setting, than proper tlmo. very much more grain, ca" V,088"! hB, ''sveloped after fruit or vegetables may bo grown S0ln,B Th,a , avantago por aero than Is commonly talncd. Tho usual query Ifl "Does It n,,m"Vi,iv ,n .r,L OI ...n5ali0 payf to which Campbell replies ?"a,1cuJ"jnU"" ' BltSL.f?t lnB.' ut Vflrv ntni.lintlpnllv In th. nfflrmn. " i o..uu,. uu iiuiau tlve. ivn Campboll recontly Inspected a number ot how orchards and vine yards In tho southern and central portions ot California to study meth ods and principles commonly prac tlcod In preparing tho bind mo aiior euro in irrigation umi as to uo or nine vaitio. cultivation, Ono of theso Inspuc- "Thoro aro cortaln conditions of tlona was ot a 4000 ucro peach molsturo in tho Roll following Irrl- orchard ol ono, two and throe-year- nation, tho snmo no fallowing a old trcoa belonging to tho Call- rain, when tho high valuo of unltl- tornla Packing Corporation and lo- vatlon to tho final crop is very cated oast of Merced, Callt. What much greater. Theso conditions Moonshine Plant Cleverly Hidden Near City; Officers Locate Still While Hunting Imported Whiskey Ho cleverly had moonshiners who had been distilling on tho very edgo of the city concealed their operations that tho sheriff's ofllco hud no hint of their nctlvl tlei until Sheriff S. i:. Ilohorts and Deputy Stokoe, while hunting for a cache of Scotch, stumbled on a 30 gallon plant Just north of tho dump ground. Tho officers were unable to locate the Imported whiskey. Tho still, states Ilobertx, wax complete In every detail, and was of tho abandonment of the 29 mlli of railroad between South Junction nnd Metollus there would be avail able for highway purposes nn excel lent grade which would greatly facili tate vehicular traffic between Mecca and South Junction, where two rail ADVISER AIDS GROWERS pro - practically nn entire season before setting to troos or vines, with only sufficient Irrigation to aaslst In cstnhllsWng the Idcrl root bed - was which shouU bo bath fine and fair ob - not othorwlso obtainable. .1 . v. i... i.i . . . . uot to over-Irrigate, for to obtain tho best results, the soil In nnd about tho root rono must ba moist but not wet. When the soli Is sat urated thoro Is practically no healthy growth. As rule cultiva tion la not only Insufficiently fro- and quont but ton otton Is ao untlmoly of an cntlroly now typo In this sec tion. Tho boiler was round, with a retort top, nnd had apparently been In uso not long before. No moonshine could bo found, and any mash that might havo beon used had been carefully disposed of. A live gallon keg and an abundance of bottles wcro found close to tho still. Tho entire ecjuLpmout was brought to Ilend nnd added to Sheriff Roberts' collection at the county Jail. road lines would be available for shipping. Territory now served by tho Ore gon Trunk line would In tho event ot tho abandonment ot tho lino be ade quately served by the Deschutes rail road, the report points out. K h nust be considered. Nothing can prove this more convincingly than the soil auger. "It Is very desirable, so far as possible, to not only carry the high percentage ot molsturo at tho top ot the firm soil. Immediately below the mulch, but also to Induce frei access ot air throughout the entire growing season. The Ideal condi tion to furnish this ..lr is to cover the firm soil with a granular mulch, noither too fine nor too coarse. To obtain this ideal mulch, tho culti vation must bo lone when the soil is moist not wet or dry. The loosened soil soon dries. leaving the firm soil moist to tho top. This Is usually easy to obtain In sandy soils', but to do this properly In heavy soils it is sometimes neces sary to go over tho field a second time, after first going over Just enough to loos.n the top when the surfaco Is simply dry enough not to stick. This prevents the crust ing or drying out. Then the second operation should come one to four days later, after the free water has gone down, leaving tho soil moist, when it more readily separates, and makes a finer and much mora effective mulch. This procedure means much to the tree, as a higher precentage ot moisture Is held In the root zone and a crust ing and cloddy mulch Is prevented. "Tho high valuo ot this plan ot preparation and one season's culti vation before tho setting of tha trees or vines, Is borne out by the .Interesting results obtained from careful summer tilling tor wheat, oats and barle), and the proclso iieas of tlmo in doing this work Is Just ns vital. Thoro aro numerous records ot large ylolds cf wheat us hlsh as 4" to CO bushols per acre, grown on correctly summer tilled land, where nearby fields, prepared cud sowed under tho mora com mon plan of 'any old way,' yloldod vory poorly or -uo thing at all." Tho Southern Taclllo Land De partment "Bulletin No. 10" deals quite explicitly with questions ot Increased fertility by tillage. Ilul latin No. 12 also explains la detail tho summer tilling quostlon as ap plied to the coast country, Ono or both may bo obtained without cost by letter, or personal applica tion to Hardy W. Campboll, 9SI Southorn Pacific Building, San Francisco. A Bulletin Is now un dor way dealing with tillage and irrlsatlon ot orchards and vino yards. Campbell's greatest plonsuro Is to visit a farm or ranch whero tho proprietor or manager feels he Is not ge'tlng satisfactory returns' and work out, as far na possible, a practical remedy. Tho Southorn Pacini- 'oiiowa tha theory that Its lutet 13 nro Mod up with tho terri tory i aerveB, nnd Campbell nnl tho V n.ny vt.ih to ba nolnf.il in lnore g agricultural prmluc-tivl' II