The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 28, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    What's Doing
POWELL Ill'TTK. Sept. 27. J. J
Chnpmnn lins raised unusually Alio
strawberries tills year. From about
700 plants the Chapnians have picked
136 gnllohs. Out of that they have
told SS7.70 worth ami have used mm
given away the balance. Tliu vines
are still bearing and will do so mini
there Is a frost.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams have
had slmllnr success with their small
patch. Ranchers hero declare that
this section of Crook county Is ono
of the best for strawberries and
many more plants will bo put out
next year.
The attendance at Wilson school Is
so large that an additional teacher
has been employed. Miss West of
Prlnovlllc has taken the tlrst, second,
third and fourth grades, and Mrs.
Dorothy Johnson the llfth, sixth,
seventh and eighth. Another room
is being built and when completed
there will be plenty of room for the
two teachers and their pupils.
Powell Dutte Sorosis meet this
week with Miss Minnie Allen us
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo C. Truesdalo
were Priuevllle visitors one day this
E. C. Charlton visited his parents
Monday of this week. Charlton lias
been employed on the Mills ranch at
Mrs. Robert White of Brownsville
arrived last week to ba at the bedside
nt her small granddaughter Alys
Elof Johnson Is in Portland this
week. Miss Leta Shobert is taking
caro of the store wlillo he is tuvay,
Mrs. George Kissler and Mrs. Hans
Jacobson wont to Prlnevllle Wednes
day of last week on school business.
They are both members of the iccal
school board.
Fruit grown In the local orchards
this year Is also excellent. Very line
npples were produced at the orchards
of George C. Truesdale and J. A.
A. W. Bayn will remodel hi resi
dence this fall. He expects to put
in a water system, and improvements
on the house will make It modern in
every respect.
Mrs. Hans Jacobson Is seriously
ill. She is suffering with a heart
George Whitsett has sold his crop
to Lee Hobbs. and has taken two
teams and gone to work beyond Turn
alo. Mrs. Whitsett and the children
are at Cottage Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving and daughter
visited at the E. A. Bussett home
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sears have re
turned to their home In The Dalles
after an extended visit with their
daughter. Mrs. Otto Pauls.
Mrs. C. E. Knowles of Waldport.
Ore., is visiting with her son. Boy
Roberts, and family. Mrs. Knowles
arrived about tho middle of this
month and Intends to make an ex
tended stay.
Harold M. Charlton left Saturday
night for Los Angeles to take a posi
tion under tho federal prohibition di
rector at that city. Charlton's terri
tory will be in California, Nevada and
the Hawaiian Islands. Charlton is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Charl
ton of this place and has been visit
ing with his parents for a feu
months. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Bunn arc
parents of a baby daughter, born
Thursday, Soptcmber 21, at the Port
land Maternity hospital. She weighed
7U pounds and has been named Bar
bara Jean.
.Mention was made last week of the
illness of Alys, tho 22 months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Uiggs.
The baby grew -worse and was finally
taken to a Bend hospital, where she
was operated on Wednesday night for
appendicitis. For a while her life
hung as if by a thread, but she now
seems to be better, and hopes are
held that she will recover.
SISTEBS, Sept. 27. The first
bands of sheep to leave the moun
tains for their winter range passed
through Sisters last Saturday,
Ed Spoo Is hauling hay from Mell
Harrington's to tho ro3d camp at the
Warren Farthing spent Sunday at
his home In Sisters from the road
The Sisters sewing class met at
the school house with their leader
last Friday evening. They will meet
again this coming Thursday evening.
Fred Harrington was absent last
Monday from school on account of
P. Huntington was homo from the
sawmill last week to take care of his
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were vis
itors in Sisters last Sunday morning.
Mr. and .Mrs. Brewer and daughter.
Miss Helen Browor, of Colorado, aro
visiting tlieir daughter, Mrs. Ed Lett
hauser. Mrs. Bailey of Clovordale was
shopping In Sisters last Friday.
Mies Clarice McKlnney was absent
from school several days last week.
Walter Fullerton was in town last
Saturday with a load of crab apples,
grown on his ranch on lower Suuaw
Newell Ban Tassel of I'lalnview
was helping J, Dennis last week with
his hay,
Mr, and Mrs. J, j. wilt and Mrs.
J. Dennis were shopping In Bend ono
day last week.
Mrs. P. Van Tassel of Plainview
spent last Thursday with Mrs. Lucy
Wlnltlo hero. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hartley and
little daughter, nuth, spent last
Tuesday afternoon at Uio Knicker
bocker homo.
Richard Orognn and Dewey Grogan
spent Friday In Sifters.
P. Van Tnfsol was a business vis
itor In Sisters Monday jnorilng.
Miss A'ldu Traunor spent Monday
.picking "lorries nt Plulnvlew.
Mrs. Ed Lehhauser and Mrs. Drew-
In The Country
or and Miss Helen Brewer spent Wed
nesdny at tho home of Mrs. Moso Mo
Mr. and Mrs, P. MncGlnnls and
Marshall MncGlnnls ami Francis Vlcls
spent several days visiting hero while
Mr. McGinuls was looking after his
ranch here.
J. P. Duckott and Joe Bowlln spent
Saturday afternoon at tho lakes.
Frank May, bridge contractor, has
comploted his work hero and moved
his family to their homo in Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tcmpleton
ami Mrs. Hazel Spoo spent Sunday at
tho George Cyrus homo In Cloverdalo.
Mrs. Joe Bowlln and children spent
Friday afternoon at thu home of Mrs.
Mell Harrington.
Mrs. Arthur Temploton spent Tues
days at the home of Airs. Ed Spoo.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Van Tassel spent
Saturday afternoon in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Edgiugton and
Mell Harrington have moved up to
tho lava, where Harrington and
Ington have a contract on tho road
work. Little Bobby Edgiugton will
stay nt the home of Mrs. Scoggln and
attend school.
Allen Harrington returned homo
from the road camp last Saturday.
is. Klmpsey was a business visitor
In Sisters last Tuesday.
Thomas Harrison and Aleatha and
Juaultn Hodson are attending the
Sisters high school. They started last
Monday morning.
Mrs. J. P. Duckctt and Mrs. Joe
Bowlln and children were shopping
in Sisters Monday.
The social reception held nt tho
church last Thursday evening wns
well attended. A short program was
given and supper was served. Thoso
from Cloverdalo nttendlng tho social
were Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Skclton,
Mrs, Amlrus and Mrs. Harrison.
Mr. Ladd was in town Monday with
a load of melons.
TERRE BONNE, Sopt. 27. Some
of the men of this community have
been working on the grade for the
last week. It Is n great improve
ment to this community mid Is highly
O. F. Wallenburg, who returned
from Grizzly Saturday, was a Bend
visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Churchman and
family, of Terrebonne, were Sunday
guests at the Jackson home at Red
mond. Robert Knorr and wife, who have
been working near Madras, returned
Monday evening to their ranch.
The threshing machine which is
run by John Ruble arrived at Barney
Rodeside's ranch Monday morning to
begin work. They wilt continue to
thresh in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and fam
ily, of Jap Creek, have moved onto
the Mead place near Smith Rock.
Mr. and .Mrs. Hay Kingsbury are
the proud parents of an eight and
one-half pound baby girl, born Satur
day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kings
bury are staying at the home of .Mrs.
Kingsbury's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
N. H. Elliot.
Leonn Cox and Leo Lantz. both of
Terrebonne, were married Saturday
at Bend. They wore charlvarled at
tho home of Leo Lantz. Mrs. Lantz
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ell
Cox of Terrebonne, and Mr. Lantz Is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Vestal
of Terrebonne.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gerard returned
from n hunting trip Sunday.
He Witt Williams, who Is teaching
nt Grandview this year, visited with
his family at Terrebonne over the
week end.
.Mr. Mead of near Smith Rock was
u business visitor nt Bend Saturday.
Winifred Osborne is now driving
the truck for the Dlatomlte company.
Mrs. Coffee and granddaughter
were Sunday guests at the Hillls
home. They returned to Bend Sun
day night.
GRANGE HALL, Sept. 27. While
nt work in the field one day this
week, Fred Hettman's mules ran
away with the mowing machine,
which was badly damaged us a re
sult. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were
Bend shoppers Monday.
Rasmus Pcdorsen and Fred Hett
mau went to Redmond to get a new
mower tongue this week.
Mrs. George Barclay called on Mrs.
I'd Carrol last week.
Several Grange Hall people attend
ed the surprise dance on Mr. Selde
Saturday. All reported a good time.
George Splnder helped O. Davis
last week cut wood for the school.
George Erlcksen has lost one of his
best cows from bloat.
Fred Hettman helped Joe Peschka
put up hay Monday.
Rasmus Pedersen and family at
tended church In Bend Sunday.
Dorothy Young will not attend
high school this week on account of
a very soro foot.
Rev. S. A. Stonsoth, Miss Reed
and Mrs, Hettman and Violet visited
the Pedersen Immc Monday evening.
Tho evening was spent In singing.
Georgo Erlcksrm mid family called
nt the Alec Walters home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. EHcksoii gave a fare
well party In honor of Miss Ruth
Sontruni. All had a delightful evo
itlng. Frank La May lias wild his lione
In town and is moving buck to he
Grange Hall diMrtr-t.
Mr. and Mis. Olbcnmlty nioto-ed
to town lust weok,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Erickcen mid
daughter, Esther, called on Mrs. A:
Moon Uuuday cvenUi.T.
Goorno Sender is stayirs at tlir
II. Hulgesou home,
M. Carter Is helping Mr, Grimes
harvest his hey crop,
Georra Vnlluce his moved' to
Herd, v ere ho will live.
Mil. ttmh SaiiUim left Saturday
for Portland.
Tragedy nt- '"' Covo Brings Report
of Death f Wisconsin Man of
the Same. Name
Because Don C. Hall. Terrebonne
farmer, and Mrs. Hull, were crushed
to death this summer when their car
went over tho grade at tho Covo In
Jefferson county. Don C. Hull of
North Milwaukee, Wis,, has been
generally reported as dead. The Mil
wtuikco Hall's premature end Is made
known In n letter to Tho Bulletin by
Hall himself, lie asks for tuformii
tlon which may aid In establish')!!
the fact of an error having been
The report which has gained wide
circulation In Wisconsin, according to
Hall's letter, Is that "Don C. Hull nf
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and his
wife, were instantly killed at Bend
Oregon, some lime ago when Mr, Hall
drove his car too near the edge of a
cliff with the result that thuy were
precipitated over tho cliff, a illstnnco
of 1000 feet to the bottom."
This statement, writes Hall, Is fol
lowed in Wisconsin papers by n de
scription of the victim, with nicutloii
of his occupation us an actor and dra
matic writer, leaving no question as
to identity.
harvest ball was given nt the com
munity hull on Saturday night which
was uttended by a largu crowd from
the surrounding towns. Music wus
furnlshedUiy Wilson George's orches
tra and a delightful supper was
served by the Indies.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson and
children of Deschutes wero callers
at the Mikkelseu home on Sunday
Georgo Holton, Juck llruln mid
J. F. Stone of Deschutes called at
tho Anderson ranch on Tuesday.
A. P. Scott of Deschutes came
over Friday afternoon after snmo
pigs ho had purchased from O. E.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brandenburg
are spending u few days In Red
mond where Mr, Brandenburg has a
contract to move a building.
Alfred Mikkelseu who Is attend
ing high school in Redmond, spent
Saturday and .Sunday at his home
ntono Ahlstrom and Miss 1 1 lima
Nelson were in Bend Saturday to do
some trading.
Harold Cooke has been In Red
mond for school days, helping I.. A.
Brandenburg move a building.
W. J. Shannon made u business
trip to Redmond on Friday.
The threshing machine has been
In this neighborhood doing souk
threshing for Rasmus Peterson and
A. R. Teater.
Mrs. O. E. Anderson .made a busi
ness trip to Redmond on Tuesday
Mrs. A. M. Petty left for Portland
on Monday night to spend the win
ter. Antono Ahlstrom went to Red
mond Wednesday to have some den
ial work done,
Miss Rachel Cabeen Is nttendlng
high school In Redmond.
W. C. Van Clove has been helping
Ed Swalfey cut his hay.
Glen Lewis of Deschutes was a
caller In this neighborhood Sutur
Mrs. J, E .Teater of Bend, spent
tho week end at tho home of her
son A. R. Teater.
Fifteen Years Ago
(From the columns of The Bulletin
of September 27, 1907)
A large piece of development work
that will be undertaken by tho D. I.
& P. Co. within the next few months
Is the construction of another main
canal to water about 85,000 acres of
land lying on tho nortli of tho com
pany's segregation. Tho point of di
version will be ubout a mile north of
Bend, and thu canal, when completed,
will be 28 miles In length.
Lumber for tho stave fitimo that
wi'l carry water across tho old river
bed in the Powell Butte section Is be
ing hauled as rapidly as teams can bo
On October 1, tho Bond, Madras
and Shanlko Stage Co. will coaoo to
run Its stages, and the business will
bo taken over by J. H. Wonnndy,
Mrs. W. II. Slants this week re
ceived a fine now piano from Port
land, Carlyle Trlplott, wifo mid family
returned from the valley tho first of
tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Llnslor liavo
roturned from a trip to tho valley,
wherohey went after fruit, i
Henry 0. Fuller, 'formerly of tho
Bureau of Chemistry, Washington,
now In churgo of Food and Drug De
partment of the liii.Utu.ri nt J,'t)iih
tvlu! Rosnarch, Wiislilngton; author
of "Tho Story of Drugs," published
by tlni Certury Company ii, ,',( ai
los of Contury Books of I s lul .scien
ces, recommends Foley's Honoy and
Tar, In "Tho Story of Drugs," tin a
sood cough syrup,
We have not tho honor of knowing
Mr, Fuller end the recommendation
was entirely vnluntnr: ,
Foley'o Hciioy cert 'for (-nnj
JishPd In l7Cj coiHnu.s no hi'blt
foimlng diiliri, I. .i"'d o)in urc
printr J on the wappar
I'd Adv, FUW & CO,
Stale Veterinarian Diagnoses Ot-cilsp
Which Kills 17 Animals, Tho-o
Exposed Vaccinated
PIUNEVILLE. Sept. 2fi. -What Is
tiolloved to be tho first outbreak of
hog cholera In Crook county was re-
- .. 1. ...
pnncii nisi ween hi iiiuiiiy .ihiiuwi
tuVai Agent W. B, Tucker by Joe
Gernrdo, who lost about 1 I hogs and
Iiiih had tihout Id more exposed. l)r,
Osborne, deputy of Dr. W. li. Lytlo,
statu veterinarian, who lias been In
rhiirgo of eradicating sheep scab Id
thlH territory) Inspected and voiilled
the cases nt the Gernrdo farm as be
ing cholera, Thursday. On Friday
evening thu remainder of tho hogs at
the farm wero vaccinated.
An outbreak of thu dlsoaso oc
curred about tho same tlmu that It
was discovered on the (Jerardn farm,
among tho hogs of J. It, Gray of this
city. Three Hue 1'olaml China hogs
which Gray was planning to exhibit
ut the lutorstnto fair died Inst, wed:,
mid the others which were sxposjil
have been vaccinated.
To call to the attention of District
Forester George II. Cecil and C. H.
Purcell, of the bureau of public
roads, thu necessity of early comple
tion of The Dnlles-Callforula high
way, a committee from the Bend
Commercial club will meet with them
this weok. Members of the commit
tee appointed at the meeting of tho
club directors wero D. G. McPherson,
R. B. Gould and L. Andes.
II. J. Overturf will give the ad
dress of welcome to tho teachers of
Bond's public schools ut (he teachers'
reception Friday evening at Ep-
worth hall, planned by tho Woman's
Civic league,' it was announced today
by the committee In charge. Superin
tendent G. W. Ager will respond.
Thero will also bo several musical
DESCHUTES. Sept. 27. An Ice
cream social was given by the Ladles'
Aid society, honoring Rev, J. L. Web
ster of Bend. Tho social was well
.Mrs. W. V. Cooloy of Deschutes,
was a business caller In Bend Sutur
Mrs. Grant and son, Elmer, went
to Tiimulo Saturday.
F. S. Stanley of Deschutes made a
business trip to Bend on Saturday.
W. F. Fryrear of Sisters passed
through this neighborhood Saturday.
Walter Lowo of Dosclttucs was n
business caller in Bend on Saturday,
Harry Hiitchliis of Redmond was a
dinner guest nt the F. R. Bcnhiim
ranch on Wednosday.
Mrs. C. W. Nelson of Doschutes
wus u business caller in Bend Wed
nesday. G. W. Bales of Tomato was a busi
ness caller In Bend Thursday.
Mrs. R. Ii. Thurston of Deschutes
wns a business culler in Tumulo on
Mrs. Carey visited the Tiimnlo
school on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Deblng and son
woro business callers in Bend Friday.
Edith and Lois Swullcy spent Fri
day night with Graco Ralduf of
Mrs, R. I.. Thurston of Deschutes,
who has been suffering with a severe
cold, Is Improving nicely.
Port Scott and Mr. Mcllonoy of
Deschutes wero Bend callers Tuesday.
Waller Lowo of Deschutes is work
ing for Ed Swulley.
Mrs, W. Lowe and children spent
Tuesday visiting Mrs, E. M, Swulley.
Sirs. W, F. Cooley of Han Fran
cisco Is visiting her son, W, C. Coo
ley. of Deschutes.
D. O. Stanton is helping A. W. Nel
son put up his hay,
Boyd Berry of Deschutes has been
helping .1. Bcnham put up his hay.
Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Nelson nnd
children and Mr. mid Mrs. W. Lowo
and children, of Deschutes, wero vis
itors at tho E, M. Swalley homo Sun
day, Miss Mary Burton of Bond visited
Marguerlto Deblng of Deschutes Sun
day. Mfss Marguerite Deblng of Des
chutes Is attending school at Red
mond. J, C, Barnes of Mlckels Iiiih taken
n two year contract hauling lumber
from Mickelu mill to Deschutes.
"For two years," writes Mrs. Sarah
E. Bonuatt, Anderson, Indiana, "I
tried most everything for my kldnoy
trouble, but had no success until I
got Foley Kidney Pills," Foley Kld-
jiey Pills uulckly relievo backache.
r h o u m n 1 1 c pains, dizziness nnd
blurred vision, kldnoy nnd bladder
trouble. Sold everywhere, Adr,
la croitly rollover by constitutional treat
lj a conwUtutlotml remedy. Catarrhal
Rourne Is cauaurl by an inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of tho JiiMta
chlan Tubo.. When this tube is Inflamed
you li-vo a rumbling sound or Imperfect
hearing, am when It Is entirely closed,
m.ifnr-ss la tho result. Unless tho In
flammation can bo reduced, your lumrln-f
loav bn destroyed forever. IIALIVS
CATARRH M;DICINK nets through tho
blood on the mucous surfaces of tho sys
tem, thus reducing tho Inflammation mi l
anlsllnj Nature In rontorlnrr normal con
dition.). Circulars free. All Drmrglets.
'J. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio,
And Spend The
Is not a mere jingle of words. It carries with it a
deep significance that lias a most practical side
to it.
Glance At These
This is the Ford Way-
Ni'i'NniNG Tin: iiiiTi:iii:.N'i:
Foul Sedan . . S7lU.HO
GiiMillne, one )iir IP'J.tMl
Lubricating Oil, one jear ttO,M en-c, out' jmr SJ-.tMl
Kxtru Tiro ami Tube I LOO
Four New Tires (nt end of eiu).... .VUM
For Mrs. Veri Wise-r-
One Tiilloml Suit (f.ltl.110
One Dn-Hi llfl.lMI
Tho Pair .SIhm." -
One Hat - !.
One PaniM.l IM
Two Pair Glou ".
Hit Pull lln-e . U.OO
For Mr. Veri Wise--
One IIiisIiu'kh Suit . ...
One Travel I nt; Suit- ...
Two Pair Shoe
Three Klilrts
Ono lint
Two Knits I'mlcrwciir
Sl Pair Sox
For Their Home-
One Electric Itiitigo .UI75.0t
Thach one Ji'jir, mil eMail! nnd per
sonal proiMTty ...tM'11.70
First Cost Only
Koine other
Closed Cars
Sold to
Mr. & Mrs. E.Z Lead
So you see there is a practical side to the phrase
"Buy a Ford and Spend the Difference," and
a'flcr all, it really is not spending the difference,
except in a very sensible way, for the homely re
quirements of every day life.
Central Oregon Motor Co.
Ford Sales BEND, Ore. J. L. Van Huff el
and Service A. G. Clark.
.. n.l.lKI
.. l-.'HI
. 7.m
.. 10.00